Going With The Winds Of Change, Positively (By Joshua Clayton )

Have faith and use cosmic habit force, Napoleon Hill once said: Well, I do, and I recommend it for you to if you genuinely want to get through it. But, the problem is, too many people get religion, not faith and cosmic habit force. Then, when the "mess hits the fan" or things go wrong, they do not know how to deal with it really except to come to a full stop instead of use God given rationality to deal with it.

If something goes wrong, keep going and simply correct yourself, even some of the worst airplane flights with all kinds of turbulence can do that. There are certain exceptions to the rule I just mentioned, but, I will put it this way: Disaster is simply a chance to learn. I know that sounds like a slap in the face of sorts, but, if you really want to achieve a goal, a disaster is simply a way not to do it that teaches you the genuine way to do it. That is all, and if it is looked at that way with faith and fully faithfully, you will recover genuinely. Sure, this sounds overly simple, but is it not that simple? After all take a look at how many times the initial novels of Stephen King were rejected starting with "Carrie" about the nightmare High School Prom or one of my personal favorite childhood books: "Gentle Ben" by Walt Morey or this one from the last century, "Callanetics" by Callan Pinckney who died in 2012 after hard won success with her books and exercise videos and last but not least, Nikola Tesla, the real life electrical genius intellectual super man that made Thomas Edison look like an amateur dabbler in comparison with his lasers, early robotics, neon signs, and patents on the alternating current we use today in electricity.

The point to all of the above is that we must go with the winds of change positively and with a definite purpose to our lives for them to mean anything. Sure, so many with "talent" can "make a lot of money", but a genuine and definite purpose is always better and more meaningful than the money. After all, easy money without a genuine and real purpose mostly leads to "pig like" and silly "luxury" that means nothing.

In the George Orwell/Eric Blair novel "Animal Farm" there was a pig named Napoleon, he "led" all of the animals to a "socialist promised land" that was not equal anyway, and killed many of the other "useless animals" including Old Major the horse and left Napoleon at "the top of the heap". Do we see a bunch of Napoleon the Pig types in real life who live "luxuriously" while the Old Major work horse types die or get killed for their "great service"? Life of this sort is going with the winds of change, negatively for all of those types: Both the Napoleons and Old Majors have it bad, really. Get my point?

We all must make ourselves winners through our intentions and our deeds whatever the situation, and if we have a disaster we must move on and go with the positive winds of change and look at things in a better way instead of withering up in fear or to put it another way, the disaster of today could be the greatness of tomorrow.

Before I go: I remember this 1983 movie called "Eddie and the Cruisers". The second album of that fictional 1960s group was a "disaster" and became a hit years later after their "one hit wonder" debut. That is how it works generally.

So, to end by quoting Marshall Field: "I will build and rebuild until it is never torn down again." (Referring to the Field Department Store in Chicago, Illinois where my Mother was born.) I will just end with "be definite and all else will be added".


Change the Way You Speak to Yourself and Increase Your Chances of Success

A lot of people I speak to really want to break away from the normal 9 to 5 and to be fair most of them take the first tentative steps towards making this life changing move, they may have thought of a great way to make money or brought a book on how to start your own business or attend a seminar by someone who has done just what they would like to do, they may have even paid for a course that takes them step by step through the process of setting up a great money making system.

I know when I decided that I wanted to break away from the rat race I did all of the above and much more, spending thousands of pounds in the process BUT like most people, I never really got beyond those first few steps, in fact it was over TEN YEARS before I actually did grab the bull by the horns and put something into action. The amazing thing was after all that time it was one of the first ways to make money I learned of that I acted on and I have never looked back since.

So why do we do this? Why don't we take action if we want something as bad as we say we do? Why do we sit and procrastinate instead of doing something about it?

Well we usually come up with a number of excuses:

I'm not intelligent enough.

I didn't have a good education/get good grades/go to college. etc.

I haven't got the time.

I can't afford to do it.

I am too old/young.

I've never done anything like this before.

Or we put things off...

I will start Friday/next weekend/next month/when I have that week off work. etc.

I also know from experience one of the main reasons is fear!

Fear of failure!

Fear of change!

Fear of the unknown!

Fear of what other people will think of us!

The list goes on but generally comes back to that one irrational emotion;

False Evidence Appearing Real

The good news is we CAN do something about it, The bad news is its going to take a little bit of effort to address the problem. But don't worry its nothing complicated and its something that everyone can do.

What we have to do is change our mindset and to do this the first thing we need to do is change the way we speak to ourselves and this is what I'm going to be concentrating on today.

From very early on in life we talk to ourselves and what we say and how we say it has a big influence on how we react to the situations we find ourselves in as an adult. Over time we ( or the people around us/society in general ) brainwash ourselves with all kinds of limiting thoughts and notions of what we should do and what should make us happy.

So after a while all this self talk and outside influence helps to program our subconscious mind into accepting that we should be happy with what we do and what we have. After all you have a job/food on the table/ a roof over your head/ a car etc. so you should be satisfied with your lot right?

But is this really YOUR definition of happiness? Are you really satisfied with your lot?

I'm guessing that as you are reading this the answer is a resounding NO!

Well then it's time to admit to yourself that you are unhappy with where you are at this moment and that you are no longer going to accept life as it is. It's time to make your life what it can be and more to the point what it should be.

According to psychologists how we view life and more importantly how we view ourselves is largely set in stone by the time we are six years old. Just think about that for a while, everything we do in life, every decision we make, how we talk to ourselves and what we expect to achieve for ourselves is largely influenced by what kind of life we lived and what kind of experiences we had in those first few years!

Kind of scary eh?

So what does this mean?

In short it means that most of us talk to ourselves in a negative and unhelpful manner and this in turn restricts what we do or achieve with our lives.

Throughout the day we are talking to ourselves constantly either out loud or in our heads. Some of this self-talk is good - your dreams, your wants, your desires, your family, your friends, the little things that make you smile to yourself.

BUT some of it is negative and this stems from those experiences we were talking of earlier, those limiting influences that have got you nowhere. This kind of self-talk is what holds you back, it restricts you, brings you down and stops you from doing the things in life that you dream about.

This kind of self-talk is destructive and needs to be avoided at ALL costs. You must be aware of everything you are saying to yourself, whether it be out loud or in your head and when you find you are speaking to yourself in a negative way STOP!

Listen out for the positive things you say and concentrate on these instead, this is the kind of self-talk you have to nurture and as you do the negative self-talk will die back.

Once you allow the positive self-talk to flourish you will find great things start to happen with you as a person, to the way other people see and treat you and with your life in general.


Who Are "We"? Who Are "You"? Are "We" Completely Defined As Our Egos?

Who are "we"? Who are "you"?

Are "we" completely defined as our egos?

Are you completely defined as your hobbies, profession, ambitions, or your physical descriptions?

Where in your physical "you" is 'who' 'you' really are?

Are "you" in your heart? We do a lot thinking so are "we" in our brain?...

Or how about in our mind?...

but physically, where is our mind?

Our eyes do the looking... but 'who' is doing the seeing?

All of our senses do the sensing... but again, 'who' is doing the witnessing?

All of these senses are brought to our brain as electro-chemical impulses...

The brain interprets this data, and our conceptual mind analyzes, judges, compares, reasons... determines if we should fight or take flight.

If there is a perceived threat or if someone is possibly attempting to make fun of us, take advantage of us or challenge our fragile eggshell egos...

"We" become the illusion of our conceptualizing mind mistakenly centered around the complex psychological influences our egos superimposed on 'who' 'we' take 'ourselves' to be.

Egos are responsible for best friends to part, marriages to fail and wars to be fought for countless eons.

But yet, through it all...

"We" still tend to consider our egos to be our true selves...

Until 'we' die.

Knowing that a funeral Hearse don't have luggage racks, we get the notion that we can't take anything material with us... nor can we take our precious egos...

If one could imagine for a moment, that perhaps 'we' are not our egos...

Then what could possible define our individual 'self' to be?

Imagine that 'we' are among a collective consciousness that is kosmically interconnected...

A oneness of everything. Then 'we' are at one with it all...

the identification of an individual 'we' dissolves in this 'oneness'...

Then 'we' are born into this 'Life'...

We become like an ice-cube, afloat in an ocean of consciousness...

The frozen water is like our illusion that we are separate from the rest of the ocean of water...

But when the ice-cube that seems to be 'us', melts with death...

The illusion of being separate from the oneness... instantly melts.

Be Here Now!

This precious ever-present moment is the Grace of all that there is.

Be fully present, give unconditionally, love unconditionally, feel the Divine Bliss of Joy in every precious moment.

May your compassion for all others arise spontaneously and through all the dynamics of life may you maintain a balanced sense of equanimity.

Live your life with these morals and virtues with no regard about heaven, nirvana; nor waste your precious time contemplating even a 'favorable rebirth'...

"who" is it that would achieve heaven, nirvana, or this so-called favorable rebirth?

Certainly not the ego we currently take ourselves to be.


'we' wouldn't even recognize our new selves if was even possible to meet up in the 'after this life'...

All of these concepts are just the limited projections of our ego-centric, conceptualizing minds that grasp at imagining some sort of permanence in a reality that is obviously 'impermanent'.

The True Nature of 'our' Being is the primordial Oneness that never was born, nor will never die.


to be 'At One with it All'...

leaves no room for a 'me', an 'I', an individual 'self'.

To be 'At One With It All', is to be everything...


no 'one' at all.

This is a concept, that, like 'God'...

simply can't be understood by what 'we' take 'ourselves' to currently be...

So just Be Here Now...

Meditate on your inner stillness...

there is a sacredness there... abide in this refuge.

Allow this meditation of sacred stillness to open a door to a sacred silence...

Be with this inner silence and listen for the Divine whispering of Wisdom to float into your Being.

Abide in this refuge...

it is part of your True Nature of Being.

Allow this meditation of your inner silence to open the door of your Boundless Spaciousness.

The union of these three doors will present the True Nature of who 'you' really are.

Abide there as long as you can, and take this with you throughout your busy day and into your dreams...

then, allow the clarity of Awareness to Transcend into your dreamless sleep.

When you awake, start your new day with the realization that you are part of everything.

You are part of 'God', God is part of everything...

'You' dissolve into Being...

'At One With It All'.


17 Pretexts Why Most People Are Giving Up Way Too Easily

It appears that often, most of us are giving up way too easily when it comes to make a change or create something new in our lives. We begin by getting excited and captivated, but when we come across obstacles that are in our way, we decide to let our emotions get the best of us and give up.
Why does it happen? Why do people give up on things dear to their heart? Why have you given up on some of your dreams?

At the start, you get excessively happy to pursue a goal. You are even enthusiastic about it. You believe that it is something worth doing, something you want to master but after a while, when the euphoric emotions start to fade away, you often feel disappointed and walk away from the all thing.

This topic is a subject that takes me to heart! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure why most people call it quit way so easily. Typically, it is often because their goal gets too hard or it just takes too long. Unfortunately, people have all kinds of pretexts for giving in after a couple of failures.

But failure is a part of the process to success and is going to happen no matter what you do. You are always going to encounter walls, barriers, obstacles. It is normal in the beginning to be inexperienced or clueless about what you are doing.

"Every master was once a beginner, and every pro began as an amateur" - Robin Sharma

The Need to Face Your Difficulties
You should realize that obstacles in your way will not vanish, but you can get ready for them. You can prepare to overcome these walls, barriers, obstacles and even the doubts you have. As you progress, you get to learn more, practice more, and build more commitment towards your goal which in turn prepares you even better for difficulties that may arise.

Often, when you are facing problems, your emotions get in the way and try to take control. These feelings are not helping you to achieve the success you desire. During those times, you do not see the prospect of the long-term rewards because these protecting reactions only care about the present and not the future.

The primary cause people do not get what they desire is because they give up way too soon. Success may have been around the corner. Have you given up on things before? If you are anything that is human, you probably did.

At some point in life, we all packed it up and walked away. Do you remember the times where you have decided or tried something and then quit when it became too hard? How many times have you put off taking action until later, because you felt like it was not the right time?

The fact of the matter is that many of us give up far too rapidly! So, why do most people give up so easily? Here are my top 17 pretexts which people are using when giving up. I added a tip to each reason to get around it.

1. Lack of Determination
Understand that by having a lack of determination, all you worked so hard for will be gone the instant you choose to give up. You have control over this kind of decision. No one can do it for you or give you this willpower.

It is your duty to finish what you've started. If you can persist, be consistent, carry on with your efforts, and do not give up, you will inevitably arrive where you want.

2. Unbelief in Your Abilities
At one point in your life, someone close to you told you that you could not do it, and you did believe those words. Next time a person says such thing, begin to read biographies of people who have succeeded against all the odds knowing that such words have no power whatsoever.

The ultra-marathoner David Goggins has a video which is very inspirational. If you have never seen it, you should watch it. Do not worry; I will be here when you have finished.

3. Someone Else's Goal
If you ever work for someone else or had goals chosen by relatives for you, you know what I am talking about. These targets that are not yours! It is tough to keep being motivated if you feel that this is not your purpose in life.

You need to choose your own goals, take possession of them and act.


4. Life is Already Good
You should realize that the better your life, the more you feel tempted to let things the way they are. You might think that your life is good enough, so you settle, and give up on going further.

Let me tell you that no matter how good your life now is, it can always improve. Therefore, next time you feel like settling or stagnating, think about the facets of your life you dislike and focus on cultivating them.

5. Not Desire to Put Time in
Do not underestimate the time it takes to complete specific goals because you then get overwhelmed and have no desire to put the required time in.

You do not need more time; you just need to use it more efficiently. Focus on your priorities which are the most important things first. Use the Pareto Principle and spend 80% of your time on what will get you the most results, instead of just looking busy.

6. No Self-Confidence
When making changes or starting something new, you need self-belief, self-confidence. If there are any doubts about your abilities to succeed, you will have the desire to want to give up.

When I need a boost in my self-confidence, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and recall all of my skills, experiences, knowledge, as well as other assets I have.

7. Not Wanting to Do the Hard Work
The road to success is everything but an easy one. In adding to the issue of time, the difficulty comes into play. As soon as something is getting harder than you thought, it can be discouraging but know that the goals you should be most proud of are usually the most challenging.

If something is harder than you thought, it is time to work harder than you should. Strengthen and cultivate the abilities you need to progress so that over time, things will get easier.

8. Absence of Focus
What keep you from focusing nowadays are all the many distractions you have, which takes your time away from aiming at the important stuff! Social Media is an excellent example of that! The absence of focus leads to unproductive efforts which incline you to quit.

Create time by switching off or logging off social media sites and turn off your phone's notifications. This way, you will stay focused on the task at hand.

9. Interruptions
Interruptions and distractions might be coming by way of other people, television, phone or noise. You should know that it is impossible to jump from one goal to another, as you never feel or find that you are making any progress forward.

You should avoid any interruptions by finding a place where you will be in peace. Work on one thing at a time. Efficiency is the key here.

10. No Immediate Results
Today, everyone is a hurry to get instant gratification. But remember that anything worthwhile creating takes much time, and each flower needs time to blossom.

The more you work towards your goals; day in and day out, the earlier you will achieve them.

11. Very Little Reward
By working so hard and put in all that time, you thought you would have better outcomes. You get disappointed because your goal does not transform into the desired results. A lot of people give up easily when it feels like they are working hard for nothing.

You have to set mini milestones along your path and bit by bit you will see the rewards. Success will not come overnight to transform your life. As in any sport or as for any athlete, you need to train and practice to master.

12. No Enthusiasm or Inspiration
As you start making a change or creating something new, you feel full of enthusiasm and you are inspired and motivated. Then these feelings start to wear off, and you realize it is not that easy. Your inspiration fades away, and you just abandon.

Just think about your end goal, and remember why you are doing this. Remember what inspired you about your objective and put emphasis on those features.

13. Habits are Difficult to Change
Getting started is not always the hard part. The awkward phase is often getting rid of your habits or lifestyle, and to replace them. Changing a pattern is not an easy thing to do. There is also the fear of a new habit and the appeal of an old one.

You have to focus on your progress, not perfection. Realize that falling back sometime into old patterns is a normal reaction. Personal change is like taking two steps forward and one step back. What is crucial is to keep momentum to move forward.

14. Not Worth the Effort
Perhaps you had an idea but realized that it was just a short wish. You then understood that it was not worth the effort, the sacrifices or that you are going in the wrong direction.

Revisit and evaluate your goals, and if they are no longer what you want, then it is not giving up. Know that you were born a winner!

15. Scared of Leaving the Comfort Zone
Even if things in your life may not have been perfect before, you felt comfortable with them. It was a comfortable and easy routine. But in leaving your comfort zone to get into a world of doubt and struggles, you miss it.

You should only know that without leaving your comfort zone, there won't be any growth or progress and that once you have obtained what you want, you will be able to go even further.


16. A Ridiculous Idea
People think you are too old to begin all over and start something new. They believe that following your dream is not a realistic concept, or they believe it to be a childish fantasy.

Well, what people think is their problem. It is your life and your future. So choose wisely!

17. It Should Be Easy
You think it should be easy but when things are not running as they should, you quit, and so no more effort is required. You just give up, and the problems related to that go away. Easy does it!

The minute you start something, surround yourself with and talk to people who encourage you and are interested in your success.

A Final Word on Giving Up
The one important thing that sets successful people apart from the people who do not is their capacity to persist, keep going even after failure and never give up.

My final suggestion to you is that sometime, you may have to lock yourself in a room and scream at with all your strength. Do it until you get it out of your system. Then move on and get back to work.

Know also that your current circumstances are not the final outcomes.

A great thing about not giving up is that it a skill you can acquire. Be patient enough and do not be discouraged by the lack of instant results. A lot of people are using the above excuses and give up way too easily. Just decide that you're not going to quit. And instead be unstoppable!


Understand This Mindset: Spiritual Retreat

Life to a spiritual retreat, various people went to a holy place to fulfill the spiritual retreat. In the city of Cotabato in the Philippines, every year two radio stations do not broadcast their regular programs from Thursday to Saturday because staff members make a spiritual retreat. Many people who go to a spiritual retreat during the Week of Semana Santa. But judging the effects of these retreats in their lives, they show to be unaware of spiritual awakening during these retreats. They bring in the same way of living before and after their spiritual retreats. You can experience a range of spiritual or religious highs. But nothing has happened in their depths. This article narrates how to use the spiritual retreat to experience the spiritual awakening.

Do you own a specific goal for your spiritual retreat?

The first thing you need to do to experience spiritual excitement during a retreat is to own a specific goal if you enter this work. It does not matter if your supervisor or a Human Resources employee will lead you to a spiritual retreat. If you do it yourself, ready a specific goal to plan your spiritual retreat.

Their goal, how to change your life for the better. This is the overall aim. Have a better spiritual retreat experience, come in a specific goal. For example, you may want to set a goal to prepared to stop smoking. Or his goal is to read one gospel effective in the retirement age. Or this may be the case for personality improvement. Whatever in mind, make it specific.

Get the fraction for a moment to talk to your god. Second, it's time to talk to your God, whether he or whatever you think of it.

Overall, a retreat has a series of teacher lectures or movable movers and meditations for participants. Again, consider it during the lecture period of your retired professor of god. For example, if you are listening to conversations, you can say to your God, I will make this talk in action very much.

I said "your God," because each of us has a different theory of God, whether we are complete Christians or Muslims. Buddhists do likely God similar Christians and Muslims. Atheists or unbelievers own the true notion of God they denied. Deny nothing. There is a theory of God that you have denied. Talk to this god during the retreat.

Then, in contemplation, tell your God of everything that reaches into your spirit. In this way, you associate with the rules beyond yourself, if you are not yet, and the growth becomes an opportunity for spiritual awakening for you.

Write a record of your thoughts

Third, write a report on your reflections on a good notebook. I realize that many during the retreat, people do not write. They listen to the speaker and do the exercises they make, such as singing and posture exercises, but they do not write.

If you do not write in your mind, it means you have no record of it, and there is no easy way to remember the thoughts later. Meanwhile, if you write it down, you can read it later and see how your life has improved since the retreat. In that way, you will see how your life has grown since then. And if you do not see the improvement, you can make the necessary changes to continue the journey to eternity. In this way, you will know whether you are awake spiritually or not, or if your spiritual thoughts progress if you have experienced a spiritual awakening.

These are the means to effectively use retreats to inspire you spiritually: there is a purpose, talking with your god of retreat, write your thoughts. Best of luck in your spiritual retreat!


The Difference Between a Trait and a Habit

A "Habit" is a usual way of behaving. It is the starting point for all behaviors. All Traits, at conception, are habits. Habits are usually born out of necessity (we have to obtain a goal), or a desire (We wish to obtain a goal).

Most of the times, negative traits come as a result of necessity, not desire. Sometimes, however, using a negative trait when approaching a desire itself becomes a negative trait.

As we grow up, we encounter situations and circumstances that are new to us. Since we have no point of reference (information we gathered from past experience which helps us deal with these events), we are left with two basic choices.

Choice A- We seek advice. 
We turn to those around us for guidance. Preferably someone who encountered a similar situation and handled it before. Our goal at this point is to try to use their point of reference in order to handle our situation. When we decide to follow that advice, if successful, their point of reference becomes ours. After a while, a habit has been created. A way in which to handle future similar situations.

The one thing you have to keep in mind when using this option is the following quote...

"Insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 
Albert Einstein

When this option is chosen, remember that you are, in essence, creating a habit that will, in time, become a trait. Make sure that your definition and the other person's definition of "success "is the same one. Your goal is to solve the situation. Not avoid it.

Choice B- We use Trial and Error method. 
This method involves searching and using different ways in order to handle the situation. There is, however, correct way and an incorrect way of using this option. The correct way to remain goal oriented. In Transformational Support, this method is commonly referred to as the "Focus, Research and Action" method (FRA).

What this enables you to do is to remain encouraged, focused and determined until the situation is resolved. The goal is not only to obtain a useful point of reference but also to keep you from creating negative habits such as.. 
A- Covering up the issue 
B-Pretending the issue will go away by itself 
C-Running away from the issue 
D-A combination of two or more of these.

These habits have a great potential of becoming negative habits (a usual way of behaving that results in a negative outcome). Shortly after that, they can become negative traits (A quality that separates a person from another person and usually has a negative outcome).

The specific type of habit we create (negative or Positive), will mature into a Negative or Positive Trait. Once this happens, and a trait is created, the trait has to be broken down to a habit first before replacing it with a better habit.

That being said, I must tell you that changing habits is faster and simpler than changing traits. However, most people seem to be under the impression that changing a trait is much more difficult than it actually is. Changing a habit or a trait is not easy but it is not that difficult either.

Of course, depending on the nature of the habit or the trait, the amount of time it takes to change it may vary. But not the amount of effort. In other words, what changes is your consistency (the amount of time you stay dedicate to changing a trait or habit), not how hard you work at it.

All traits are Habits at birth. Learning how to change them depends on how much we know about them.


Do You Send Yourself to Timeout?

The notion of time out is generally seen as punishment for children who misbehave. In the context of this article, it has a much more profound meaning. In sports, teams call time out when they are running out of time, overwhelmed or need to thoroughly think through the next play. In life, regardless of how well you manage time, time eventually runs out. Some people are overwhelmed. Or the next move in a deal or your career may require adjustments to reach your desired goal. Therefore, you may need a time out or time to contemplate your next move.

In an age of information overwhelm, it is easy to be bombarded with crises, to-do lists and trivial sound bites that distract you from long-term objectives. You are told the importance of a social media presence as well as the value to know what is happening in the world around you in real time. While this information mayhem has some of you twirling in a frenzy, life goes on. It is as though your life is a train that has left the station. The question is: are you on that train? Or are multitasking with information, personal aspirations and professional ambitions that consume you and cause you to miss your own life. If you miss out on your life, that could lead you down a path of disappointment or depression. With the latest news of Anthony Bourdain, a successful career cannot give you immunity to depression.

With that said, no matter your age or profession, it is valuable to send yourself into timeout. Whether you meditate or sit in silence, a timeout is a personal moment to contemplate where you are in life and what your next move will be.

Even CEOs face the need for contemplation. I have the privilege of spending time with a number of current and former CEOs of Fortune 500s. One of the questions the retired CEOs ask current CEOs is: how often do you take time to contemplate? The retired CEOs believe it is essential for any CEO to set aside time to think about the business of the business. That is a time to develop or enhance an understanding of the company and the people in it, products or services, clients and the career and decision making process the CEO has made up to now. It is also the time to think about the future of the industry and clients. Without time to clear your head, CEOs can find themselves working like a gerbil on a spinning wheel. To avoid that, they carve out time to do nothing. In older movies, you would see a CEO in his office hitting a golf ball into a cup. This scene made many believe the job of a CEO was easy. However, that CEO was working while hitting that golf ball. That was his time to contemplate.

If you think about it, everyone is the CEO of their own life. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that the life you live is aligned with the life you want. Similar questions that CEOs contemplate are relevant to everyone. As you contemplate your life, ask your self: what kind of life do I want to live? What do I stand for? What am I committed to accomplishing? Who are the people in my support system? How do I support, bring value, others? Are my actions a correlate of my stand and commitment? Or am I living for the moment?

Having all the answers in one sitting is not as valuable as asking the questions and aligning your actions. Sometimes the inquiry is more valuable than the answer. It's your life and your journey. Be creative and enjoy it.


Self-Test: Are You on the Right Track? How Do You Know You Are Thinking the Right Thoughts?

You are what you think. Every time you have a thought, your brain and your gut make a chemical (called neuropeptide). This chemical is released into the blood stream and makes you feel a certain way. If you have a happy thought, you make happy chemicals (such as endorphins). These happy chemicals go into your blood and you feel good. If you have an angry thought, you make an angry chemical, which, once in the blood stream, makes you feel angry. So your brain and your gut are like a pharmacy dispensing drugs according to your thoughts. These drugs not only determine how you are feeling emotionally but also how your body performs physiologically.

Thus, it's been scientifically proven that your immune system is much stronger after you have watched a comedy, and weakens significantly after you have seen the news. Similarly, a body that displays the so called multi-personality disorder (i.e. a single body that hosts many personalities) can have cancer or not depending on which personality takes over.

You are what you think! Think right and your body will be right. Think wrong and your body will suffer.

So how do you know whether your thinking is on the right track? That's easy! Check with how you are feeling. If you are feeling happy, then your thinking is on the right track. If you feel stressed, depressed, tired, wired, jealous, angry and hard-done by, then there is something wrong with your thinking and you would be wise to change it, asap.

For instance, someone "insulted" you. You may be thinking: "No one has the right to do that. It is not fair. I have every right to be angry because they are wrong and I am right." Think again! Do you want to be right or do you want to be smart? Check with your body. How are you feeling? Are you feeling happy? Or are feeling like a victim, angry, pushed, defeated, and offended? If you are less than happy, no offense but your thinking is wrong. You can't send everyone else to a psychiatrist so you can feel better. You have to change your own thinking if you want to change how you are feeling. There is no other road to health and happiness.

To change your thinking, whenever you catch yourself and become aware of your own unhappiness, assume straight away that your thinking is wrong. Don't spend even one miserable second justifying yourself or rationalizing how you are right and someone else is not. Assume exactly the opposite - you must be thinking wrong (for if you weren't, you would be feeling great!). You are wrong because you took something personal when it actually is not. Nothing is personal. So don't make anything personal. De-personalize the comment, the situation or whatever it is you are triggered by. Strip off any meaning that you put into it. Nothing means anything. Meanings don't exist and they are not inherent to people, things, situations, etc. Your unpleasant situation does not mean anything at all. And even if it did mean something, it wouldn't mean what you think it means. So don't bother attaching any meaning to it. Don't take it personal. Let it go standing in gratitude, love and forgiveness. By doing this, you are not doing a favor to the person that "offended" you. You are doing a favor to yourself. Forgiving means putting yourself first and loving yourself. Because when you forgive, you stop drinking the poison and start living a healthy and happy life.


Channeling Your Inner Meggin (By Gini Cunningham)

Photo of Laughing Woman in Black Dress Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench by a Lake

Everyone needs a mentor, someone who supports and guides to self-discovery and understanding. While family plays a valuable role in helping, a mentor offers gifts that come in no other way. A mentor is a coach, a counselor, a teacher, and an advisor who observes with fresh eyes and no preconceived notions or past history and no worry about being too honest. My mentor is Meggin.

Meggin was my instructor and advisor in my masters program at the university. An excellent teacher and presenter, she inspired me with her genuineness and enthusiasm, her honesty and openness. I worked to model my behaviors and attitudes to reflect the positivity she exemplified. She taught me much about reading instruction and literacy, but she taught me even more about myself. When I hesitate, she reinforces, when I stumble she provides a boost, when I meander off my designated, self-designed path she assists me with realignment. She never accomplishes this by being pushy or overbearing. Rather she asks the questions that lead me to my inner-most being. Everything Meggin does empowers the "me" held within my heart and soul.

In high school I had the confidence of the world and feared nothing and no one. During my years at the university, I slowly became lost in nervous anxiety. While I could fake it pretty well most of the time with outward bravado, inside I shivered when I met new people or encountered odd situations. I was fine on my own - I spent a year studying in Europe and primarily traveling alone, glad to be able to see and learn in my unique method. When I returned I became teacher. Although first day jitters often consumed me, once I got rolling, poise and self-reliance soared. In front of my eager students and at their side, I had unlimited sureness which stimulated more of the same for them.

By 30 I felt better about myself in most situations. My roles then included wife, mother, teacher, and coach. As I broadened my base I extended my talents and capabilities. Born with a love of learning every class encouraged more reflection and learning and so I added more teaching certifications to my repertoire and more thoughts and ideas to my brain. This permitted me to teach K-12 through college in a variety of subjects and in multiple schools. All of this enhanced my positive outlook and outward reach, but I still held some quivering within.

Recently a job opportunity came my direction. It was one for which I basically wrote the description and determined the salary. Writing the outline was fairly easy as it was for a mentoring position with teachers, something I enjoy and to which I am dedicated. In this case the project included new teachers as well as experienced teachers who needed assistance, a group of individuals for whom I hold great passion. As the requirements of the profession become ever greater it is essential to support and assist new teachers as they get their feet on the ground and navigate the ins and outs of the classroom. My salary request was another story.

I recognized that the district wanted me but I was nervous about asking for money. How do you apply for something you love, a job that you have been doing for free for eight years, and then ask for money? Hmmm. I wiggled the hours, the days, the amount of time each new hire might need. Then I fiddled and faddled and pulled a number out of the air. It seemed outrageous (again, I have been supplying expertise at no cost) and then I added some more. When I felt semi-confident, I emailed my proposal to Meggin. Immediately I had a response.

"You are not an hourly worker!" she exclaimed, "And while you are offering a tremendous service you are not requesting adequate funding. It's time to channel your Meggin."

Channeling my Meggin was a wonderful, passionate experience. I took Meggin at her word and jotted down all of the talents and abilities I possess, dug deep into my soul for how I could help every teacher reach excellence or at least an version of excellence, and I shook out my fear. Channeling Meggin entailed reigniting belief in myself and what I have to offer, applauding attitudes and qualities that I alone possess. After settling on these good feelings and aptitudes, I headed out the door for a jog to let all of this gloriousness settle.

Wow-ee-yay! My self-assurance buoyed and then elevated my spirit as I eyed the sky for inspiration and self-belief. I danced a jig and sang a happy song, then returned to my computer, revamped my proposal, and requested a competitive wage tied to my integrity and not an hour by hour grind. Everybody needs a Channeling Meggin. Do you have yours?


Keep on the Sunny Side

There are not many things of import in this world that you are able to directly control. Quite possibly the most important aspect of your life you will ever be able to control is the orientation of your mind and your thought process. I have learned that no matter how bad a situation is, it could always be much worse. During my time in the Navy I served on board a submarine. I don't want to bore you with the technical details, but suffice it to say it was not always a party underway. I learned during that time away from my family and civilization that it was a choice to be sad or upset about being out to sea. I thought that if I can't change being under water for months at a time, I can at least change my attitude about it.

Keep in mind that I was never overjoyed to be out to sea; however, I realized that moping around and being sad about my situation was not doing me any favors. I knew that I could be underway and miserable, or I could be underway with a good attitude. After I changed my mindset and refused to indulge in any self-pity my time on the sub became exponentially better.

I have since separated from the Navy, but still maintain the same thought process. I set a baseline for each day I have to face. That baseline is if I'm not on the boat then I'm having a good day. This is something that anybody can use to help themselves. When you wake up in the morning think to yourself of places you would never want to be, and then be comforted that you are not there. This approach to life is simple, and it will not always be easy. If you suffer the loss of someone close for instance. When faced with a situation like that understand that it is OK to be sad and miss that person. What is not OK is to stay in the pit of despair forever. I will not presume to tell anybody how long they should mourn for a loss, but I will say there comes a time when you have to pick yourself up and move forward with your life.

How do I stay positive when everything seems to be so negative? Simple, take a look at your environment and change whatever you can to better it. If the news makes you depressed, then watch less of the news. Or after you watch the news and become disheartened by what you see, find something that makes you laugh. If you're feeling blue one day, then look up pictures of puppies, kittens, ocean sunrises, etc. anything that you find happy and peaceful. Do not dwell on the things that you cannot change, but rather find the things you can and then change them. 
Having a positive attitude is a trait that will take a conscious effort. You will have to learn how to best process the information that can change your mood, and then teach yourself the best way to move forward with a smile. For me, I refuse to stay sad for long. I made a choice years ago that I refuse to be a product of my environment, but rather will make my environment a product of me. Just remember that you have a choice and you have the power within yourself to make every day a good day. Be excited each morning that you wake up and can face a new day and you are given challenges that you can overcome. No matter what happens, you can always find at least one positive thing.


Message From the Universe: The Miracle of Life

"The reason most people don't recognize the miracles that are performed on their behalf is because there's just so bloomin' many of them.

Like this very moment...

And this one...

And this one...

The Universe"

We all need to be self-aware of your direct surroundings and open your eyes to what is going on in your life. You might think nothing is moving in the right direction, probably thinking that you are running on a treadmill and headed nowhere. It may feel like you are pursuing a dream that seems out of reach, working day and night without seeing the horizon. You need to remember that as long as you are making that first step towards reaching your goal, you are already on the right track to accomplishing it. The line of success is never a straight one, and there will be turns, ups and downs, just like a roller coaster in an amusement park. Life behaves the same way, and it looks for the strong minded people to give them the opportunities of a lifetime. Do not allow some uncertainties derail you from your tracks. You need to visualize everyday how your life will be and how you will tackle the challenges that will be presented to you. No one likes disappointments, that's a given, but you also need to thrive during these difficult times and allow yourself to learn from your mistakes and move forward, no matter what.

Miracles happen everyday, whether you notice them or not. Look around you and be aware of the changes that are happening. Never dismiss anything as being coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and despite it being either good or bad for you, it has its reason to happen at a certain time in your life. The question you need to ask yourself: " How much do I want my life to change for the better? How hard am I willing to work to make all my dreams come true? How tough am I to keep on moving forward when all the signs seems to be against me?" If you ask yourself these questions, you need to look for the answers from within. You are the ONLY one able to answer them. Being self-aware of who you are is already a miracle in itself, as many humans have never really discovered who they really were throughout their lives on Earth. Try discovering yourself and your mission on this planet, and focus on how you can better yourself on a daily basis. You are not the same person today as you were 5 years ago and you will not be the same person 5 years from now. Embrace that new person from within and stay open minded to all the great things that will happen to you today and tomorrow.


What Does It Mean to Take Full Responsibility for Your Life?

When you said that you are taking full responsibility for your life, it must not be said only as lip service. Instead, it must come with a real change in mindset. A person who takes full responsibility for his life has a certain attitude towards living his life.

He understands that everything that he experiences is a result of his own thoughts and manifestations. He understands how his thoughts create his experiences. He also understands that how he experiences his life depends on his perspective, or how he sees things.

Thus, his own state of mind - whether happy or sad, good or bad - depends only on himself, on how he manages his mind. He sees the importance of having a greater degree of mastery over his mind. He sees the need to work with his mind.

He begins by discarding any old mental habits of criticizing and judging others, or even the tendency to do so. He then applies it on himself as well, meaning that he also stops criticizing and judging himself.

He realizes the importance of looking within to further understand himself better. Therefore, he learns to be mindful, to be more aware of his thoughts and feelings. He observes how his mind works, without judging it. He simply witnesses the unfolding of his thoughts and feelings as they occur, fully accepting them, embracing them. He drops all resistance, all fears through understanding and through confidence in the benevolence of the universe.

He understands that his present experience is the results of his past thoughts and mental habits. He realizes also that how he responds to his present reality becomes the seed for his future experiences. Thus, he consciously chooses his responses, thereby changing his present and future experiences.

This act of conscious choosing gives him a greater degree of mastery and control over the outcomes of his life. It is indeed empowering to know that one has the ability to determine one's own destiny.

This is in sharp contrast to one who is unaware of all this, and simply reacts to events through his conditioned mind, out of old mental habits. Life seems out of his personal control for one like this.

He who takes full responsibility for his life also knows that he is fully accountable for his decisions and choices, and he takes on that responsibility knowingly and willingly. This takes courage and honesty.

One who takes full responsibility for his life is one with such a mindset. With the absence of judging, with greater understanding and acceptance through mindfulness, he begins to experience a new and transformed life - one with greater peace of mind and contentment.


2 Simple Tips on How to Be Happy

Happiness is something that we all are after. Who doesn't want to be happy and at peace? What is this happiness? These are questions that one tends to answer at critical junctures in troublesome times of life.

Happiness is a feeling of fulfillment. When the mindset is positive, hopes and aspirations are achieved; a glowing inward feeling rises and makes you feel smoothing peace. You smile, pain is gone, and pleasure covers your soul. Happiness is a frequency of cool signals, transmitted from person to person. This frequency has amplitude of harmonious mind and heart.

The crest of pain is inverse, and trough of stress is on negative value. Are you confused by this scientific evaluation of "passion"? Science never believes in hypothetical things such as feelings, senses and artistically abstract themes. If someone is happy, we need to observe the state of happiness. Then write the observations onto paper and make a practical. The results of practical will thus be implied with the theory. The theory, practical and the hypothesis must all support each other. In a few years time, a law of happiness will be put forth. This is still not definite and chances of cancellation are there. Science is always strict with feelings, so let's skip it!

A simple study of happiness in terms of normal humans is sufficient enough to derive conclusions.

1. Optimism

Optimism or positive thinking is the most valid reason for happiness. The mind plays a vital role; one should train his or her mind to be positive all the time. If someone is hanging to a falling bridge, death is almost certain and he is thinking positively- this may help to bring some good out of the worst situation. If he is into negative frame of mind, he will die even before the bridge falls or will not be able to respond to any rescue efforts. The optimistic approach is always helpful. It is observed that in any problematic situation, negative thinking becomes bigger than the original problem. 
Be optimistic, have a constructive and positive attitude- you will never be depressed and will always enjoy true happiness.

2. Authentic happiness:

Simply follow your choice and be happy. If you are religious, find happiness in God. If you are liberal, find happiness in liberalism. If you are a poet, be happy by poetry. So, it all comes to a choice you make. The authenticity of pleasure is always in doing what you want to do, and refraining from things you hate. Simple and effective!

Happiness is all one should fight for. If you get it, you will be peaceful forever.

Why Things Happen?

Things do not happen. They are bound to happen. Expect problems along the way. Remember, opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. Do you remember at one point in your life that there were things that have happened to you, either healthy or unhealthy.It all happened for a few larger reasons - whether or not as a result of God's plan, or as a result of what happened was somehow your fate.

I do believe that everything happens for a reason. In fact, these circumstances shape our own individual path by the choices we make every day. At times, it should appear that these occurrences were destined to be in our lives. Everything that happens to an individual affects them and shapes their entire life. In other words, everything happens for us to learn from and mold us to become better individuals.

Unexpected events in our lives happens for a reason but it depends on how we see things clearly. Life is packed with positive things, however many of us perpetually see them as dangerous. Everything comes at the right time. There are days that could be a challenge to beat; however, we ought to see the great facet of things like gifts, lessons, or opportunities to own a more robust life. typically things happen to us which will appear ugly, painful, and unfair initially, however in reflection we discover that while not overcoming those obstacles we haven't accomplished our potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Nothing happens by smart luck. If somebody hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they helped you learn about what trust is about and the importance of being cautious to open your heart. Finally, if you like somebody tell them, you will never know what tomorrow may have in store.

When folks have to be compelled to deal with tough things in their lives, they often reassure themselves by communicating that everything happens for a reason. For some, thinking this fashion makes it easier to touch upon relationship issues, monetary crises, disease, death, and even natural disasters like earthquakes. It will be distressing to suppose that unhealthy things happen simply through probability or accident.

Even if events that have an effect on human lives don't happen by statistical probability. Several of them ought to be viewed as happening by chance, within the sense that they're the inconceivable results of the intersection of freelance causative chains. Psychological analysis has known many ways to make resilience in people and teams, like developing problem solving skills and powerful social networks. Life will be extremely significant notwithstanding some things that happen simply by accidents. Stuff happens!

I realized that this is true for any major stepping stone in my career. We've got to place within the time and work slowly to push that boulder up hill. Each very little success is a sort of ridge you'll build from, or another stone in crossing the stream of success.

If you are trying to force success you'll solely find yourself annoying folks and shutting doors that were open or opportunities that you just could've had. Life is a series of events which will either hinge upon each other or collapse ahead of you, counting on however you treat them. If you respect these events and use them fastidiously as stepping stones, then, there's no stopping you.

Just like sleep, life can return whether or not you are trying to force it. It's most likely best to not to worry yourself about it.

When unexpected events occur, we realize in an exceedingly moment of inarticulate horror that everything happens for a reason. In fact, there will always be a reason why we meet people. Either we need them to change our life or we're the one that will change theirs.


The Path Of The Soul

The completion of an isolated task assumes relative importance in my life if I do not insert that task in the broader context, but if it is, it immediately becomes more relevant, at least within that project, because it is an element of the puzzle that finds its place in the larger scheme. In the same way, every chapter of my life is part of what I am building and is therefore fundamental, because it brings me closer and closer to the realization of my goal, the goal of my soul. It is on this basis that I determine how vital my projects are because they are important only within the greater realization. If I have a clear idea of my goal and complete a project that can facilitate its achievement, the latter is doubly important and brings me a step forward towards the final realization.

When, on the other hand, I complete a project that is an end in itself and goes beyond a superior perspective, it is relatively essential, and its meaning is of equal value. Without a context, a separate program is relevant only to the emotional space-time of its attainment and is temporary fruition to be repeated or easily forgotten in the achievement of the following analogy. There is no need for a complicated aim to give a project a meaning. It can be something like increasing my overall happiness or even something fun to give me the drive to move forward or accelerate. All my behavior should be predominantly intentional, and I should tend to undertake projects only when there is a good reason for doing so. In any case, it is normal; usually, an adult person does not dig holes and then fill them, he or she needs a reason.

The difference, therefore, between the objective and the project is that the first is a final result, a point of arrival, a state of being, and the second is the channeling of actions that I feel obliged to take to help me reach a goal. So I start defining the purpose, I create a project to achieve it, and I carry out the tasks to complete it and thus reach the goal. My soul has a goal, also called The Path of the Soul, which manifests, develops, and materializes, with a concatenation of realized projects. Any finished project is part of the path of the soul; even those integrated into the context of basic survival needs, improvement of social status, and the need for security. The soul also needs this because it cooperates with the broader design, that of this life, but not only this. If I am content with little or rest on my laurels, I risk finding my soul hungry, and it is not the best situation considering that it has an infinite journey before it.

All of this quite clearly indicates to me that knowing my purpose or destiny or project of the soul in this incarnation is of fundamental importance. If I do not have an intention, I am stalled exclusively within the context of pure and simple survival necessity, which does not need me to carry it forward. Survival does not need to evolve into awareness, to open up and expand beyond the I AM, into the universal understanding and contact, into the consideration of the infinite other souls with their own countless goals and projects and paths to be traveled. Survival, by its very nature, is hard to master; it always needs something else that is usually placed in the future or hypothetical. But I do not need to master it to start pursuing my deeper or higher purpose. I have to learn to live with it and enjoy the present - already full of everything - as I explore the path to knowing the use of my life and the goal of my soul, which are usually very close, less than a span above my mind.


Embracing Positivity in Darker Days

The turmoil of each day is so overwhelming and hindering us to see the light at the end of tunnel. Imagine how hard it can be to smile when you see your toddler being admitted for a brain surgery operation. Perhaps, how it is so hard to find hope when a loved one lay on a hospital bed and losing hair to chemo. How can you find the reason to face another day when you find yourself in situation like that?

We might all wonder why life can be treating us like that. Sometimes, we just hit rock bottom and it feels like the boat is on its way to sinking. We find ourselves in terrible situations where we feel there is no way out. The question you might ask yourself in such hard times might be " How can I focus on the positives when all hell has broken loose?"

So I wonder how can we find and embrace the positives than focusing on the troubles the day brings. Perhaps, a next-door neighbour comes with a tray of baked flapjacks or cupcakes when you have just lost a loved one. It isn't the cupcakes which you appreciate but the thought of them thinking about you in such a tough time. Let's say your daughter makes you a cardboard card with drawings and stickers of flowers, babies and stars wishing you a speedy recovery as you lay restlessly on your hospital bed.

What am I trying to say?

Embrace the good and positive things that happen everyday. When you in the habit of noticing the small things like receiving a tray of cupcakes from a neighbour and being grateful, you will find yourself in a better state. Those positive things can take you by surprise and has power to wipe the not-so-nice things in your memory. Of course, it won't take away the cancer from your body but when we embrace positivity in the darker times of our life, we can pass through them with hope.

Life will always be filled with horrible things that when we focus on them in our minds, we become depressed. Situations, illnesses or horrific experiences can rob us our happiness. But we can choose to focus on the brighter side, we will find ourselves gaining hope that has been long-lost.

Remember, each day we have to make decisions on whether embrace the good things or focus on the negatives. When you choose to not let the circumstances dictate how you see life, you will find that you will adopt a positive attitude. There is always something to make you smile or make you feel that life is totally worth to live. Choose to embrace the good thing in your live. The gift of life each day can been something to focus on. The family or neighbours can be something you can be grateful of. Life is too short to focus on the negatives.

Hope will be the cornerstone of survival in your darker days. Never underestimate the power of positivity. Every situation has its positives.


Message From the Universe: Trusting Yourself Is Crucial

"Having a dream... Courage.

Visualizing your dream... Persistence.

Physically moving towards your dream... Guts.

Letting go of the "cursed hows"... Wisdom.

The look on your friends faces, when they see you on the red carpet... Priceless.

Yeah, that oughta light a fire -
The Universe"

Sounds like a familiar TV ads with MasterCard right? I guess everything you do or every step you take is getting you closer to reaching your ultimate dream. Having a dream is great, but not knowing how to visualize it can be detrimental to understanding what you are trying to gain with this dream. Let's say you mastered visualization with lots of meditation, it is important to take action and taking the necessary steps to actively reaching your goals. There is, like with anybody else on earth, a little voice inside wondering HOW the hell will this ever be done or achieved. You start questioning yourself, and putting lots of your energy on the negative thoughts instead of the positive ones. You forget that the how's aren't your problems since you've already delegated this task to the Universe. Yes, your read it clearly. The How's isn't your problem, just make sure you continue delegating this task to the force from above. The Universe will abide by your wishes as long as you continue walking on the path to success. Many will think it can't be that easy. Guess what? More you think of it not being easy, and less easy it will get. So why torture yourself this way? What is the point to all that?

WE all know that throughout your journey to success, you will come across family and friends who are very afraid of you succeeding. They will do everything in their power to warn you, to advise you, to share their concern about wasting your time and energy on things that will NEVER happen. They will come up with the worst scenarios as potential failure can happen and you may lose EVERYTHING. OK, let's analyze that one for a second. First, why did you allow them to know anything about what you do for them to give you any advice? Are you waiting for their approval for the things you want to do in your life? Do you need their authorization for creating your own future? So how do they know anything about your dreams or goals? No one should know anything except yourself or the people you know you can trust or mentors who are there not to judge you but to encourage you when wanting to reach your dreams. Stay away from the ones who are afraid of their own shadow. Stay far away from them if you can. They are afraid of doing anything positive in their lives but don't want to be left out when YOU succeed. So by the time you do walk the red carpet, look around and enjoy the success. Be ready to get calls from the so called friends who discouraged you to congratulates for an amazing job. The look in their eyes when they read about you on Fortune 500 magazine... PRICELESS!
