Be Who You Were Destined to Be

Woman Closing Her Eyes While Holding Red Flower

Who are you? Who will you be? What will you do with your life?

All questions you are consistently asked throughout your life, and yet do you really know the answers to them? Will you ever truly know how to answer them in such a way that is true to your self and understood by others? I don't believe so. I think that each of us tries to figure out who we are through many channels of self expression. None of which somewhat define a little piece of who we are, but have no real value or meaning in our lives.

Some say by the time you graduate high school you will know who you are. Others say after you graduate college or university, then you'll know for sure. I think it is difficult to pinpoint a timeline for knowing who you are and who you will become, because as humans we are constantly growing and changing and learning new things. How can one judge their potential when they have yet to explore the world and know where they are?

Defining yourself: 
- Write a 30 second pitch, answering two questions: 
1. Who are you? 
2. Why should I care? 
- Are you a person or are you a job title. Never say you are Head of Company Y or the significant other of So&So. 
- Describe who you think you are in 5 words. Does it match who you show you are?

Being yourself: 
- Don't be who people tell you to be. 
- Do what you like doing and find those who enjoy the same things. 
- Be kind to strangers because they may show you a hidden piece of yourself. 
- Have a value system and stick to it. Don't compromise yourself.

Stand up for what you believe in: 
- What do you believe in? Write it out. 
- Join a protest for your favorite cause. 
- Join an organization or campus club that you can fully support. 
- Are you for or against organized religions? Join those who differ from your viewpoint.

Learn from those around you: 
- In your path to self discovery, open your eyes to the people you do not associate with. 
- Everyone you meet knows something you don't. So listen when they speak. 
- Have Humility. 
- Attitudes are everything! If someone has an attitude, good or bad, seek to understand it.

Be present: 
- Ground yourself in the present moment. 
- Be Mindful. 
- Focus on what is right in front of you. 
- Accept things you cannot change and move on from it.

What you do is not who you are, but merely a small part of the greatness that defines you. If you only address yourself as your job title or by your partner life is going to be dull and you will not have a sense of self or self worth. Believe in yourself. Set goals and achieve them. Don't just have a goal and not act on it. Action is key to anything you do. Be active in finding yourself and showing who you are to the world. If not for the world or anyone else, find yourself for you. Knowing who you are and what you stand for and what you believe in sets you a million miles apart from those who don't. It might be lonely being who you are and standing up for what you believe in, but if you don't no one else will. It is up to you to be the lead explorer in your life and take it for all it is worth. Find your passions. Please I urge you to find things you enjoy doing and never stop doing them. You are worth it. Society will beat you down to a pulp if you let it. And you can't let it. You have to fight the societal norms and break away from things you cannot change focusing on the things you can. And change them. Change yourself if you do not like who you are becoming. That is the part of exploring yourself no one talks about. You can change if you truly wish to.

The Lucky Person (In A Self Made Way)

Cards, Poker, Casino, Girl, Game, Play, Roulette, Money

Consistent winners, what are they? Indeed, that is a question worth asking. Thomas Jefferson once had a quote about creating luck through working hard. Sure, more than difficult work is required to create a winner, certainly. But, winning requires its share of work to be a consistent one. For one thing, to be able to repeatedly win, you must understand the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid through temporary failure before consistent winning. Some will fully understand my meaning and some will have to ultimately get it, but, a real loser depends on initial luck and quits if that initial effort ends up a failure. That is the wrong way to approach life and existence. Indeed, consistent loss is depending on initial luck fully, consistent winning is initial failure, understanding what you did wrong, and then getting it right next time.

With the above said, even Michael Jefferey Jordan, the great basketball player did not make his high school team on the first try, but he went on to become a basketball champion anyway with legendary status in the sport of basketball. Indeed, understanding failure and then correcting your efforts is the best way to go, not depending on initial good fortune to get you through without being able to repeat it genuinely.

Indeed, the biggest failure is failure to perceive what makes a genuine and repeatable winner more than the "good fortune" itself. This is even true in a wasted poker game, also. After all, some of the greatest poker champions lost a lot of tournaments before they developed their winning styles after all. So, the biggest loss in anything is the perception of the lesson or lack of perception of the lesson in the mind, between the ears, or whatever perceives the reality of the situation at the time the situation is happening. Sure, we can all take action, but the proper action is what helps us win, and the improper action is that which makes us genuinely fail. With that said, proper experience is always better than initial lucky success on the first try without experience, however "good" the success may initially feel or seem. So, "getting off easy at first" is almost always never a good thing when considering genuine and repeatable success. After all, where do you think the saying "He who really succeeds first understands it at last" or this one "We all love to win, but who loves to train?" That is my big point in this article, we make our own ultimate luck, luck is never really given, even when we seem to succeed "without effort". Ultimately to be repeatable, success must fully be understood.

So, I end with a quote about this phenomenon from the great singer Johnny Mathis:

"I'm really pretty much a regular person who just got very lucky. I got involve early on in my life with a lot of wonderful people who helped me and guided me. I found out what I really liked to do and that was sing. And I had a lot of help to accomplish most of my goals."
That quote seems like a minor quote, but it shows the reality of what I am writing about just fine, because real and sustained success comes through understanding, and absorbing lessons that work. Do not just believe me, understand me here.

Goal Settings: How To Set Goals You Can Achieve

Red 3 Dart Pin on Black Green and Yellow Dartboard

If you want to set goals you can achieve, do not focus on them. It seems that these words go against everything that is ever said about goals. A lot of people are talking about the power of setting goals but not many about how to achieve them. Yet, it is a fundamental key to an all lifelong success plan.
So how can you set goals? How can you achieve them? What can you do today, tomorrow or this week that will get you closer to your goals? And what is the power of goal setting?

The challenge, of course, is that we hear about setting goals so often that we tend to take it just a little bit for granted. When you get yourself to a point where you have heard it so many times, you act like you know all about it. But you need to be careful not to get caught in that trap called the law of familiarity. It is the place where you get so used to it.

The prevailing thought is to think about what you want to do. Then, you set goals, write them down, stay focused on them and go forward. You check your list over and over again, come back to it, adjust it, and that is how you achieve your goals. But I believe it is not the way goals should be attained.

Some people even do it once a year, when they make a New Year resolution. They set goals, and they do forget it until a year later. These people usually have no power. They take the power of goals too lightly which brings us to some basics.

You have to realize you have to practice the fundamentals daily. Think about the great coaches in sports history for example. They often teach the basics to people that are already the best at what they do. These top trainers make them go through the fundamentals over and over again, hundreds of time, day after day until they can do it at a crucial moment.

Back to Basics
Should I remind you about Mr. Miyagi in "Karate Kid" with his wax on wax off? When you set goals, you have to go back and go through the basics every day. So that when you do it again, you understand how to do it even more efficiently.

"Repetition is the mother of all skills" - Tony Robbins
If you want to reach your set goals, you have to master your skills. The reason being is that along with your journey, you make new distinctions, set new goals or even change them. So do not think for a second that you already know how to achieve them.

The bottom line often is that most people do not have a clearly defined set of objectives anyway. You need to go from the frame of mastering simple things over and over to achieve set goals. So, you have to break through the bonds of the past and look in a whole new way where you understand that you have to do whatever it takes and not be bored by basics.

Setting Goals is Powerful
Why do we need to set goals and use them? Are they important? The answer is that when you set objectives for yourself, you create the future in advance. You form your destiny and shape your life. Whether we know it or not, we all have goals.

As a result, know that your goals are affecting you. The problem is that some people have lousy goals. Those get you through the day, the week, the month or help you pay the bills but are not the kind of objectives that inspire you or make you jump out of bed in the morning. These goals do not create the drive you need to achieve something greater.

You must realize that very few people have a particular plan or even written goals. So, when you set goals, I mean real aims, you can create the power to grow, develop and expand your success. You must have something out there that is compelling enough to draw you forth and transform your life.

Reflection Time to Set Goals
Next, you have to know why you set goals, why you are doing it, and what you are moving towards. The reason being is that if you do not, you won't get the most out of yourself. You have to take time to reflect so that you can set goals. It does not matter if you reflect for days; what is important is that you do it.

Then, take two or three days to design plans and how you can achieve them. You have to set goals that are well beyond your current ability or skill. It does not matter if you have yet no idea on how to make them happen. You simply have to operate from a principle that is talked about all over the world, regardless of what you believe.

Woman Jumping on Seashore and Holding Hat

It is a common law which is the power of absolute belief and faith. If you can get inspired enough and find a goal that is exciting enough, you can figure out a way to make it happen. Even if right now it seems impossible, you can pull it off.

Set Goals in Every Area of Life
You have to set goals for yourself in every area of your life. Set them personally, emotionally, socially, physically and financially. Create an ultimate aim and what you want right now. You need objectives on who you want to be, how much happiness or passion you desire, and how you want to live every single day.

No matter the pages it could take, you should describe everything in detail, even the person of your dreams. And yes, you might create a lot of limitations or absurd goals, but if after reviewing those, your goals still make sense to you, you should believe in their realization. You have to design your own road map necessary for success.

Now you have to implement them. Of course, some of your goals will not work out, but you can achieve most of your set goals. A massive change will occur as you follow through. Your level of confidence will boost, and your faith, as well as your abilities, will change radically.

Behaviors vs. Focus for Set Goals
You need to realize that when you set goals for yourself, they are outside of your control, so if you spend too much time focusing on your goals, you never achieve them. By contrast, if you focus on your behaviors rather than your goals, then you can achieve your objectives.

You alone can see to your behaviors. They are what you can control. So, you have to ignore the part of your goals that you cannot influence and focus on the part that is in your control which is behaviors. Once you focus on your actions, day after day, you begin to learn all the information you need to reach your set goals.

When you visualize your goal as already achieved, it puts you in a position where you can focus on a plan to make it. Behaviors are short term based when we set goals; it is usually seven days. So you have to think about what you can do today, tomorrow and this week, write them down and go for it.

The Define Precision of Goals
You should act with intelligence because what is real today is based on your past, on your previous experiences. So if you limit your future based on your past, you won't go anywhere. You need to set goals that are big enough to drive you. So do not stop and go "How do I do it?"

It is not the first step. The initial phase is getting it all written down, and if you do that, you can create and shape your own paradise, whatever you choose to create. It starts with a simple process of taking these generalized dream impulses and then to define them with more precision.

That is the power of goal setting. There is something beyond just what you understand of writing something down. Something happens! You become a creator when you set goals and put them down on paper. You get a clear vision while you can make them happen.

Therefore, you need to ensure that you not only set goals, but you get entirely clear why you want them. it is a fact that there is a fundamental core in goal-setting that can change your life and the answer is that purpose is stronger than the outcome.

The Motivation behind Set Goals
The meaning of it is that the purpose of goals is not so you get things but rather of what they will make of you as a person. I am in the phase of realizing that right now. Most people set goals blindly. They desire and focus on material things. And there is nothing wrong with that; I want you to have as many things as you want because that is part of life too.

It is part of the manifestation process of creating results when you set goals. But if all you do is to focus on getting things, it may cost you your integrity of who you want to be, of what you want to create in your life. So you got to be careful!

A Final Word when You Set Goals
In conclusion, make sure that when you set a goal, you know why you are doing it. Making money motivates only so much, but becoming a person who can manifest abundance financially and physically for themselves and the people around them is rather more fulfilling. Having the freedom that money can give or have the ability to give or help others by paying it forward usually motivates more than just anything else.

So when you set goals, do not take them for granted. Focus on what you can control and let the universe take care of the rest. Do act on your intentions seriously and consistently to achieve them. I know you can go well beyond what you can dream of, I believe in you!

Message From the Universe: Your Moment Is Near

"Just wanted to formally announce that the world is indeed ready for ALL of you.

Go on.

The Universe"

You've worked your butt off to get to where you want to be, you stayed positive all through the difficult challenges in life, you kept on moving forward despite the many hurdles you faced daily and regardless of the many frustrations you've endured, you are still here, waiting for that big moment. That moment has arrived, and it is ready to bless you with all its glory. You demonstrated to the Universe that you are determined to accomplish every single goals in your life and you've done it with flying colors. Now, the Universe is giving back. The time has come for you to shine. You have proven to yourself what you can do in life and the results are here. Congratulations. You made it.

The world is now changing around your accomplishment. With great powers come great responsibilities. Use that power to help others and make the world a better place to live. You can definitely take advantage of what you've accomplished to your benefits but there is more to your success than just that. You need to also work on guiding others to accomplish bigger and better things in life. It's OK, there is NO MORE competition. You've reached your destination, so it is time to help others do the same. The world appreciates you now, and I am sure it will show its appreciation in many different ways. So go out there and take what you want, the Universe is yours.

Practices of Living an Extraordinary Life

                    Man Sitting on Concrete Pavement Near Grassfield

Life is full of mysteries which include happiness and unfortunately hardships. Solving all the turmoil's that is associated with daily living is challenging yet can be rewarding as well. Attempting to keep pace with rigorous daily schedules in a world that continues to evolve with the introduction of new technology and the ever present danger of outside influences from other countries only increases the burden which dwells on the negatives instead of the positives which are ever present, however never recognized.

Life is more than financial freedom, although this appears to be the goal of the majority of individuals who seek such freedom. The steps to financial freedom are steep and narrow requiring dedication and sacrifices that are at times insurmountable and cumbersome. Focusing on obtaining what is often out of reach to many, detracts from the true rewards of life, simple yet inspiring daily surroundings that are taken for granted however remain clearly visible, ever present at the end of your nose.

In today's economy living life to the fullest is often associated with working 12-16 hours a day in order to pay for executive homes and expensive automobiles that are nothing more than a mere image of what truly lies beneath the surface. Climbing the corporate ladder often has rungs or steps missing which lead to additional downfalls which are rarely rectified. Seeking approval of others with promotions and corporate exposure from colleagues, co-workers and friends is undoubtedly the eventual beginning of a life filled with disappointments and many additional hurdles to jump over.

Surprisingly enough there are those individuals with firm beliefs that deem success is not measured by the size of bank accounts but by personal well-being and the inner spirit that takes the time to pay attention, to unplug from society for only a few parting moments. Success is becoming a whole person, a person that is aware of his or her surroundings, a person that is appreciative of sunsets, moonlit walks on the beach and a warm embrace from someone near and dear. Success is a simple wink, admiring landscapes of distant shores seen for the first time or merely taking the time to greet strangers with a friendly and warm smile.

It is a simple fact. There will always be someone that has more or less than you have, someone who is better than you in many different ways. Comparison is one of the biggest distractions throughout life, one that depletes the soul of feelings and emotions replaced by hatred and ambiguity towards others and oneself. Comparing yourself to another is an irreversible form of self-destruction that only breeds contempt fueled by misunderstandings and rumors which spread like wild fires through a dry and depleted forest, forever burning. Be happy who you are, what you have not what you want. Experience life to the fullest by reflecting on the present, your surroundings and everyday occurrences that may appear ordinary or commonplace but are in fact miracles brought forth for all to share.

The Big "What If"

Woman Holding Bonzai Tree

What you genuinely want does matter, not the silly "what if" questions you have about it, if the goal is right for you do not matter. Let me explain: Reality as we all can feel genetically from birth pretty much is a double-edged sword of sorts and there is a certain way we all must swim if we want to live off of the fat of the land and be genuinely rich in our hearts and souls. So, here is the measuring rod to whether your goal is right for you.

  1. Is it important to you?
  2. Does it feel good?
  3. Is it moral?
  4. Is it realistic?
I put "does it feel good?" before "is it moral?" for this reason to answer one of the deepest questions in life: This question appeals totally to your intuition and conscience exactly in that pecking order and nothing more. If you cannot answer question two successfully, you automatically cannot touch question three or four, even if question one is approved by others, supposedly. Let me put it another way even if that way is kind of controversial in some ways: So, let us say that you were Adolf Hitler with a choice to make about life at a time where it could go either way, and you had the power of those four questions to make the right choice quite clear in your mind. Would the same line of events have happened? Or would everything have happened differently? My point is that, even someone as evil as Adolf Hitler seemed with that choice would want to benefit themselves, really, and if they had the chance they would probably change fates or choices to accommodate that reality instead of going for that quick glory that ruins everything. That is the crux of my point, and that should show clearly the realistic import of an important, good feeling, moral and realistic goal that lines up with your intuition and conscience. But without that line up, you cannot benefit anyone or anything, especially yourself. Everything is and feels like just one big "No".
When everything lines up, everything is one big yes, even if you do fail at first, you know what is right and you stick to it until you genuinely do succeed. Is that simpler than the answer I gave above, or what? Then again, everything being what it is, we can try to lie to ourselves and never really succeed, just like Adolf Hitler if he followed the same life path with those honestly come by realities in his head right down to the cyanide bullets bitten. So, what you want genuinely does matter, when you do feel the answers accurately like Michael Jackson felt the song, music, moves and dance was right to make the money he made. I am also saying that if you go against the right feeling and attempt to lie to yourself, it will destroy you. Also, Michael Jackson knew the pain medication and artificial sleep drugs would destroy him, of course, indeed though at that level, he lied deeply to himself. After all, all of his genuine allies said he "had it together" on the stage very well, of course. It was off the stage in his "normal life" and reality, he was a "nutty mess". I also, mention this part as a warning, it is better to "have it together" in reality than to have a great show going on outside of reality if you get what I mean by now.

So, with all that said, what would you rather have? A great fantasy? Or a great reality where everything genuinely checks out successfully with that first question about "is it important?" answered well, and all the questions checking out right down to "is it realistic?" We all decide, and it is clear we do. The reality about human nature is:

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller
The key is there, open the door and go on through. I have the benefit of being honest with you about it all. If you want better, it has to be earned, not given. Thank you for reading.

7 Easy Steps to Think Positive and Change Your Life

Close-up Photo of Woman Leaning on Window

Positive thinking can add so much to your life - and now we know that positive thinking can add years to your life. When you think positive you get rid of stress and tend to live a healthier life and make better choices. If you're naturally a negative thinker, there are ways you can change that thinking and get on the path to a life-changing way of thinking.

If you really want to begin to think positively and change your life for the better, look at the following steps you can incorporate into your own lifestyle:

1. Be responsible for your thoughts. No one can tell you what to think or controls how you react to your thinking. When you begin to take responsibility for your thoughts, you'll face the reality of what they're doing to or for you and be more able to change those negative thoughts.

2. Plan to think positively. So many of our thoughts come from the subconscious mind. When you plan to think positively, you won't be as apt to take what you're thinking as reality. Instead, you have the time and opportunity to think it over and come to the conclusion that reflects the reality of the situation.

3. Avoid negative people. Negative people can ruin your best laid plans to think positively. They can feed the fire of self-doubt and anxiety. It can sometimes be classified as a crowd-mentality, so don't fall prey to it. Think for yourself.

4. Write down your thoughts. It's helpful if you can see at the end of the day what your thoughts have been. For awhile, take the time to write them down. You'll see what went wrong with your thoughts and be able to improve them.

5. Consider the repercussions. For example, if you have a deadline for an assignment and it becomes clear that you're not going to meet it, consider what might happen. If you finish it on time, it won't be as good as you wanted. If you take more time, it may cause other problems. Also, consider solutions. For example, you could ask for an extension to the deadline.

6. Minimise catastrophic thinking. Rather than thinking the worst about a situation, try to minimize it and lower your anxiety level by being practical about it. If you're susceptible to those thoughts, avoid situations (such as television news) that might cause of anxious thinking.

7. Live for the moment. When you spend too much time trying to guess or analyze the future, you'll convince yourself of failure - especially if you've failed in the past. If you think you'll fail, you probably will.

Accept the reality that you can control your thoughts. You'll become more empowered to face stressful situations in your life and to change the way you think. It will become easier to maintain a positive attitude the more you practice thinking positively.

However, if you want a life without doubt and fear and where neither anxiety nor emotional imbalance is affecting your life's outcomes; where your life is giving you:-

  • Complete balance and harmony in your love life and your professional life.
  • Emotional Freedom to feel at peace, calm and in control embracing who you are.
  • Claiming and owning your personal power and;
  • Believing and trusting in a future where you feel unlimited in what you can achieve.

Message From the Universe: Living a Challenging Life and Loving Every Minute of It

Woman Standing on Sunflower Field

"You didn't choose this lifetime thinking it would be without challenges. You chose it, in large part, for the challenges you now have.

You've got it made,
The Universe"

No one can really choose their family, we are born in it. We see many kids growing up with abusive parents, dysfunctional families, and ending up with huge self-worth and self esteem issues. Some parents aren't set up to have kids on their own, especially when they can't even take care of themselves. They been raised with so much hatred and abuse and repeats the same to their own offspring. It is sad but you see it everyday. Don't people learn? Most things in life can be reversible if you make the necessary changes needed from the start. Never feel like it is too late. When you feel you are gaining lots of weight, don't feel like you are destined to be obese for the rest of your life. You can stop obesity in its track and start exercising and eating healthier. I did that myself and went into bodybuilding. I am not different than any other person out there, I just felt like I didn't want to be jailed by my own body and feel like I lost total control of my life. If I did it, everyone else can do it.

But without challenges, how will life be? Will it be fun, boring, anticipated, uneventful? Why is the line of success never a straight one? These challenges come in, distort the path you are in, to create a new venue for you to cross and offer better opportunities in your life. You should accept and embrace changes in your life, especially when you feel that these changes are going to present new exciting outcomes and allow you to become a better person throughout this process. You are in control of your own destiny, no one can come and intervene, and if so, just ignore the naysayers and move forward no matter what. Remember that those who are to afraid of your success are the one who will come up with negative responses to your actions. They are even afraid of their own shadow, and are stuck in their mundane life that they refuse to accept someone who has more guts than they do. So when you see people trying to put a stick in your wheels, just smile because you know that people fear your ambitions, your dedication and your drive to succeed.

Big Dreams Have Small Beginnings

Man Standing Beside His Wife Teaching Their Child How to Ride Bicycle

As it is always the case in life, you must get the fact that big dreams have small beginnings and start from an idea or vision. Great moments are born with great opportunities. But it is not your abilities that show who you are; it is your choices and belief. Even if you fail, what better way is there to live?
Do you have big dreams? Are you trying to accomplish or ignore them? Is fear or doubt get in your way? Are you taking the necessary steps each day and moving towards your goals?

When you have wild ideas and visions of what your dreams look like, you often forget that they most likely will not start out looking the way you think. Big dreams have and always start with small steps, in regular increments. As you begin, the things you are doing seem quite mediocre and unimpressive, but you have to start by creating a foundation. And then allow it to grow, develop and evolve.

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Big Dreams Are Realistic
You need to notice the thoughts, ideas, and dreams that you have which keep coming up again and again. Do not ignore them or crush them by believing that you are incapable. Big dreams are realistic enough to follow through with them. We all have the power within us to achieve tremendous things.

When you set and keep your sight on the prize, you get higher probabilities of getting there than not. And if you do not always reach the place you wanted, the ride along the journey there makes it worthwhile. Grandiose dreams and goals begin at all times with small thoughts, beliefs or visions.

You are the one concocting such ideas in your mind when you envision, dream and imagine what it would be like if you were to accomplish your goal. And do not get fooled by thinking that you can have the full travel plan figured out. It won't happen. Big dreams have to begin with a first stride which you have no other choice but to take.

Big Dreams Require Small Steps
So, you have to let yourself begin by getting a small step at first. That is how all successful people start out on the way to success. It is like a blueprint which essentially illustrates that little, tiny, cumulative steps towards a goal have far more power than anything else out there. And so, these small actions have a snowballing effect.

It transforms your big dreams into workable objectives which in turn bring happiness, even if you have to tiptoe some days. Therefore, it all comes down to a simple process that I use which is progress equals happiness. It is simple progress towards my end goals. But it is daily progress.

I really believe in small actions, even if they are just baby steps. But do not be lead astray being so focused on little acts that you forget your big dreams. On the other hand, do not only focus on your grandiose visions that you forget making the small necessary steps. You continually need to have both: a huge dream and small realizable goals to move forward.

Big Dreams Have Small Beginnings
Therefore, I believe in big dreams. But too often, people compare themselves to successful individuals. They look at someone who is precisely doing what they dream of doing, and there is nothing wrong about that. But what is not right is that these same people want to get there right here and now. You have to realize that all successes had small beginnings.

It can be losing weight, starting a business, getting a healthy body, have more confidence or anything else for that matter. Visions that bring abundant rewards take time to build, create, develop, grow and there is a reason for it. Sometimes, it can be challenging to accept small beginnings or to start out from the bottom by learning new skills.

Just as I do, you must battle your inner demons as they can stop you from moving forward. They can destroy your big dreams which might bring you great happiness. Swallow your pride and do not be afraid to begin small. I realize it is somewhat embarrassing, but you must accept that uneasiness. It is merely an essential stage you have to go through so that you can build something that is yours only.

Big Dreams Need Belief
The first step before anybody else believes it is that you have to believe it. No matter how hard or buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you have to promise yourself to hold on to courage, confidence, and belief in your abilities. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what.

To exist is to do, to act regardless of what may happen. So take a stand and do not ever give up, because if you do not, the actions behind the words will bring the big dreams alive. And when you achieve your dreams, it is not so much what you get, but it is who you have become in accomplishing them.

Everybody gets the chance to do something great. But most people never take the opportunity. Either because they are too scared, or they do not recognize it when it spits on their shoes. So create your vision, grab your significant chance and do not let it go by.

The Universe Support Big Dreams
The big dreams and the thoughts you have, or the hope that one day you will be the boss of your successful venture begins with small beginnings. But you have to understand that the journey is long to climb up and arrive where you want to be.

One thing needs to be said though; if you want the power of the universe to support it, your dream, vision, and goal have to be of service to others. You have to solve things that are a benefit not only to you but other living beings as well. Each time I focused on money first, it never worked.

It is the primary key to it all. But it all starts in your mind at first. Big dreams have small beginnings. And it is the buildup of many small steps and actions which move things. It then manifests impressive results and great ideas into physical reality.

Big Dreams Call for Action
You have to take the time to reflect and look inside yourself at big dreams or desires you have pushed aside for so long. Realize that they are not silly and that you might even be great at it. You have to determine the first small beginning you can take to get started. Let go of your fearful thoughts and begin taking action.

So, create and put your big dreams on a vision board. Then ask yourself: what is the small step you need to take to get in the direction of your ideas? Instead of thinking about making 10,000 dollars a month, can you make 500 or 1000 more than you are now? And how can you do it?

The answer is that you have to clear five hundred or a thousand more. Then pass two or five thousand more to get on the way to ten thousand a month. As you can see, you must accomplish it in small steps.

The Last Word on Big Dreams
You have to remember that when you go down the path of your dreams, and somehow decide that it is not for you, you have the right to change the route. All that the universe is asking for is that you have at least tried. But if you decide to keep going, you may need to adjust your sails along the way.

Big dreams always have small beginnings. Therefore, do not let those beautiful ideas and thoughts escape your mind or being pushed aside. Take a good hold of them and bring them to fruition. Be confident and focus on your journey, through bits and pieces. And the process, slowly but surely, will unfold along the way.

So, all you have to do is give it a chance. You need to show the world that it is possible. Start just with one small beginning at a time. Dream big and keep having big dreams!

In The Final Analysis, All We Really Have Is Each Other

Group of People Sitting on White Mat on Grass Field

Stressed About Little Things That Really Don't Matter

It is not the size of our bank account, nor our status or achievements that matter in the end. What truly matters are our relationships and the lives we touch along the way. Material possessions are vehicles to help us fulfil our life's purpose, they should not become our life story, since we are likely to be disappointed if we lose them or cease to identify with them. When everything is stripped away, all that is left is our connections with each other. It is our relationships that define how well we have lived. How does this idea appeal to you? Do you value the relationships in your life or take them for granted? We ought to be grateful for them because to assume they will always be there is the greatest folly we can make.

Last week, I lost a dear friend to a debilitating illness that plagued him for much of his life. I've known him since childhood and sadly he passed away at a very young age. The news of his death saddened me and I still cannot believe he's gone. It's odd because I find myself thinking about the simple things following his passing, like his phone number stored on my phone which I can't bring myself to look at. I'm trying to make sense of his loss and appreciate how the wounds are still fresh. When I heard of his passing, the words in the title of the article instantly came to mind. Everything we aspire to have or become in life matters little in the final analysis because it's rarely mentioned at our eulogy.

Knowing this, why do we pursue things of little significance? Why are we so stressed about things that matter little, especially when we won't be remembered for them? For many, there's a preoccupation chasing material objects, symbols and status when few will remember them for their achievements. Relationships are foundational because our connections define who we are. In the long run, it is who we become that highlights whether we've lived from the level of the soul or the ego. The ego always wants more and is never fulfilled. It constantly tries to satisfy its needs through the desire to be, do or have. The soul on the other hand doesn't have these needs, all it asks is that we abide by its true nature and follow our heart. The soul's obligation is vested in love, purity, joy and bliss; this is what makes the soul come alive. It is what the Jungian Analyst James Hollis, Ph.D. means when he writes in What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life: "We do not serve our children, our friends and partners, our society by living partial lives, and being secretly depressed and resentful. We serve the world by finding what feeds us, and, having been fed, then share our gift with others."

Show Your Appreciation To Those You Love

Does this makes sense to you that there's a better way to live instead of being controlled by your egoic needs? Are you willing to let go of what you think will make you happy in order to live from the level of the soul? I assure you living this way will bring you great joy beyond anything found in material objects. When we live this way we are awakened to the truth of our existence. Soulful living nourishes our whole self: the mind, body and spirit and is the pathway to a rich and bountiful life. In contrast, chasing things and status satisfies only the mind and body temporarily and does little to nurture our soul. I must be clear and state this doesn't mean we mustn't gain material things that we enjoy. What I'm talking about is chasing material objects believing they are the only source of our happiness. Material items offer us temporary satisfaction until the next thing comes along. In contrast, friendships, family and true connections keep on giving. The value of human connections is something money cannot buy and what really matters are those who will remember us for the times we spent together.

Let's not take our relationships for granted. We mustn't think they will always be there since life can change in the blink of an eye. Tell those you love how much they mean to you. Do it randomly with no expectations because it is the feelings that arise within you that mean the most. Show your appreciation to those you love and cherish how they enrich your life. Let's be honest, not all relationships are a bed of roses and that's okay because the contrasting states we experience compels us to learn more about ourselves than if the relationship were smooth sailing. Relationship challenges shine a light on our disowned selves. So make it your mission to express love and appreciation often. For there may come a time when you wish you could have told them how much you loved them. It may be too late by then if you don't value the relationship while they're still present.

Whether you want to improve areas of your life or achieve your goals and dreams, my online Mentoring and Coaching Program will offer you the improvements you're looking for. The sessions are one hour in duration and geared towards: coaching and guidance, conversations and of course powerful transformation.,-All-We-Really-Have-Is-Each-Other&id=10021445

How You Can Quickly Learn About The Law Of Attraction Today

Women's Gray Dress

If you are looking to implement the Law of Attraction into your life, you should consider starting out small.

There's no sense investing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in programs when you don't even understand the concept at the start. Use these resources to help you jumpstart your knowledge and then maybe take your learning to a higher level after learning the fundamentals.

Resource #1 Wikipedia

Skim through the first several paragraphs to get a general idea of the concept. Wikipedia articles tend to be wordy, bulky and dry. They also used to allow anyone to edit which put into question their reliability as a viable source.

However, at the bottom of the article about the Law of Attraction, Wikipedia lists some prominent supporters of the concept. In several cases, it relates to money generation as well.

Resource #2 Amazon

It's always a good idea to check things in Amazon when learning a new subject. Even if you decide not to buy something there, you can see how strong the subject is and read through reviews.

Amazon also has a great feature of allowing readers to glance through the first several pages of a book as a preview. This gives you two benefits.

The first is you will be able to see the table of contents for most books and get an idea what the author talks about.

Second, you can often find resources given for free by the author. Granted, you will probably have to enter your email to get those resources, but it's still a nice way to learn things in a low-cost to zero cost way.

Another benefit of using Amazon as a resource is that many of the books available are really cheap. You can often find a book on a subject for $2.99 or less.

If you have a membership to Amazon Unlimited, several of the books that you search for will be free. Amazon Prime may also offer some of these books as part of its subscription.

Resource #3 Wiki How

There is an article on that describes a step-by-step process on how to apply the Law of Attraction. Just search "How to Use the Law of Attraction" in the search bar.

What is awesome about the article is that there are many comments for you to scan through to see what kinds of questions people are asking along with answers to those questions.

At the time of this writing, they were still allowing readers to submit questions. If you have any of your own, you can use fully utilize such function to ask questions.

Resource #4 Getting Help From Courses Or Coaching

Search for the term "the law of attraction" +consulting or "the law of attraction" +coaching, etc. When considering any type of program such as these, make sure you ask a lot of questions and try to find feedback online from others who have experienced the programs.

Make sure you have done your due diligence about the coach, mentor, or teacher. There are lots of misleading information out there so make sure you have referenced multiple sources before any decisions.

The Potential of Your Unbridled Power (By Liah Howard)

Woman in Blue Denim Fitted Jeans and Wearing Grey Backpack Walking on Gray Asphalt Road Near Road Signage and Trees at Daytime

In life, some people discover their purpose at a very young age and others uncover it later on. Unfortunately, there are far too many who drift aimlessly and never quite find their purpose. The universe always gives us signs for what direction to go in to develop our potential, but we must heed them. A recent discussion at a dinner with friends reminded me life is too short not to live in the fullness of your powerful potential.

As part of the after-dinner conversation I asked one fellow, named Joe, how his work was going. He shared that his financial planning business was extremely lucrative and that he was considering retiring in the next year or two. He then said with a bit of sadness that he had always wanted to write a book but never has. As a psychic, I can't help but to read between the lines and see and hear the unspoken truths. At that moment, I saw over Joe's left shoulder a spirit guide waiting to connect with him. Next in my mind's eye, I saw Joe, holding a book he had written and on the front cover was an exciting space picture. "Have you ever considered writing a science fiction novel?" I asked.

Joe lifted his head and looked at me, in disbelief. "I can't believe you just said that. When I was young that was my favorite thing to read." Shaking his head, he went on to say "I have been attempting to write an autobiography for years and it is going very, very slowly."

"Perhaps you are meant to express who you are through the creative writing process instead of through documenting all the details of your life." I said.

Joe's energy field shifted tremendously, as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His face looked lighter and happier. He then went on to share that, although he knew from a young age that writing was a gift he had, he simply couldn't access it easily. He had an astrology reading when he was 20 that aligned his writing skills with planetary influences. But even with this gift, he said writing felt like work and was hard. We chatted for a bit and I found out that his family background includes a number of political and historical dignitaries and non-fiction writers. That is when I understood his block to writing. He was writing the autobiography to fulfill an old family unspoken expectation rather than to enhance his life and bring delight. All the fun and creativity was gone out of the writing. The book had become a duty rather than a joy and he felt like a failure.

His wife leaned in a little closer to join the conversation. She noticed her husband lighting up with gladness as we discussed the possibility of him writing for pleasure, rather than completing the autobiography that he felt compelled to write. She smiled and supported him in this new exciting novel writing endeavor.

Moving in a new direction takes courage and you have to trust yourself. Joe is lucky because he has someone who supports the change. I left, feeling hopeful that by opening to his writing gift and calling on his writing guide to help him, Joe will bring forth a novel that feeds his soul and inspires humanity. He is ready to heed the signs and let loose his power.

How Visualization Reveals Secrets For Us

                     Woman Covering Face by Sunlight

The world is like a giant puzzle, waiting for us to put the pieces together. We can fly airplanes where it was unimaginable even 150 years ago. People thought it was impossible to go past 30 miles per hour when trains first emerged onto the scene. And yet, here we are in the 21st century with cars that can travel over 100 miles per hour.

We are given clues in the form of beliefs.

What this means is that when we believe something is possible, i.e. when we can visualize something, we can make it happen. The world and by extension the universe wants us to make new discoveries and breakthroughs for the benefit of the world, if you choose to believe so.

To your surprise, the components and knowledge of aviation and other similar discoveries existed 1000 years ago just as they exist today. The question is, why couldn't the people of that era make those discoveries? Did they not pick up on the clues?

Extending the belief as being the clues, it might be they didn't believe it was possible back then.

Perhaps the societies and culture of the past days did not allow people to believe so, or perhaps everyone thought it was "physically impossible" to do so, which had suppressed human potential for centuries.

If you think about how far we have come in the 100 years ago, it's mind-blowing to imagine how much further we can go in 100 years given the exponential technology that's exploding right now.

Having such a positive belief that things are going to work well will help unlock the undiscovered puzzle to life. We cannot visualize without a solid belief that it's going to be possible. That's why the two work together hand-in-hand and that's why they both are integral part of the Law of Attraction.

Imagine where we would be if we had no limiting beliefs throughout history.

We may have already developed a starship just like the ones on your favorite Science Fiction movies. If the answer to certain mysteries in life exists away from our world, we may have already solved them. This could include cures for incurable diseases or ways to prevent the earth from causing devastating natural disasters.

We may be able to solve these problems within the confines of our world. But, believing in other possibilities like spaceship travel can open up discoveries like we've never seen before.

What about your own beliefs? Do you hold any beliefs in things that may be impossible? What if you were to revisit them and make an effort to believe they are possible? If so, try to visualize what those impossibilities would be like and you may even find a way to make them a reality.

The 3 Pillars of Success - The Next Great Advancement in Success Movement (By Derek P Bliedung)

The three pillars are a system that I have developed which comes from years of research & practice from Napoleon Hill's teaching of the theory of success. Zig Zealar on his power to motivation mass group of people and Silver Raven Wolfe on her teachings of the mysticism and metaphysical practices. Each of their teachings is different, but there is a common thread in all of their teachings. I have taken there teaching have analyzed all these masters teachings and found what if we practiced on all three of what I call the 3 pillars of success? Would we take something good and turbocharge it into something great!

I have used these three models on myself and found even those I am working in a role that I don't feel is the best fit for myself. I am becoming better and stronger or gain more success in what I am doing. I have been a practiced many other forms of success building such as Law of Attraction reading books from the above authors. Yes, it helped but was not the magic built that we all looking for.

What are the 3 pillars of success? Making you physically stronger, making you mentally stronger and making spiritually stronger. This is the key to success in anything that you do or want to do in life. Don't forget to follow the teaching of Napoleon Hill one must follow his passion (heart), ones burring desires and have the commitment to your dreams. I will expand on each of these areas.

1. The physical: Do some form of physical activity (experiences) at least 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes. This is just a minimal amount more is better. Eat healthy food and try to avoid junk food. Make sure you get the sleep your body needs. Our society has overstressed the importance of the physical and under stress the importance of the mental and spiritual development.

2. The mental/emotional: If you can have some quiet time to envision what you really want. And envision that person, item, job, career, car or what you really want. You can light some candles, play some meditation music, burn some Incense. Do this for 15 minutes or longer a per day. Do positive affirmations such as "The universe gives me everything I need", "I have the perfect career", "I am worth $100,000.00 per year". Be creative and make your own affirmations or search the internet for some more ideas.

3. The spiritual: For some attending a region ceremonial weekly is enough. For others, they have to experience the higher power and are the witness of this God/Creators/Universe/Spirit. Not all of the population is meant to walk in the path of psychic, healer or mystic. For the ones that are brave enough to experience the higher power, this is what you need to do? One will start with mediation, this is the key to opening yourself to the universe. Why do you think so many westerns are driven to the eastern religious? They seem more mystical in what do they do, they mediate! You will have to find the meditation that is right for you. Don't be scared try one if you don't like it try another one until you find the one that is right for you. The one I find that is very powerful is called the white light meditation. You envision a white light ball of light above you see it going through your crown chakra and continue to go through all your 7 Charkas. You envision golden roots coming from your feet going into the ground and going to the center of the earth. Feel the energy coming from the ground and moving up from the ground and moving into your body and going into your heart Charka. Let it come out as a white mist and form a white ball around your body. Spin it in any direction. Say to yourself or out load I send my excuses healing energy to the universe or to the planet earth to service the higher or greater good. Have this ball of light keep spindling going faster and faster. Then let it explode and fee the energy leaving your body. Wait a few moments. Next, envision a ball of light forming around your (I like to change the colors of the light each day: red, orange, yellow/gold, green, pink, blue, purple, and white) spin it in different directions until you have 3 balls of light spinning around you in different directions. Try to do this daily. This will heal you and open up any blocked charkas. This will ground and protect you all at the same time. You're also improving your Karma by sending out healing energy. When you start walking to the path of metaphysics the cosmic boggy man (Darkness, Evil, Demons, Devil) does not like you and will want to harm you. What if don't know want you out of life? Pray for assistants, meditate on it, ask your spiritual guides or guardian angel for help. It will come to you. But you have to be open to the signs. The God/Creators/Universe/Spirit has a team that can be dispatched to aid you just have to ask.

The law of attraction is a good tool for opening you're self to the universe. The law of attraction aka the Secret is using the positive thoughts, doing to others as you want to do to yourself. Treating others with respect and honor. Bring the energy of love, joy, gratitude, happiness, tolerance etc. Try to remove and eliminate negative thoughts such as hate, anger, jealousy, intolerance etc. Doing daily affectation, and mediation. Doing all this will start awakening you from the dream that we all live in and you will start experiencing spiritual world.

What else can you do to make the experience more powerful? Like I said the basics are already given. Have a place in your home you can start a holy altar. Place symbols that have a meaning to you. The basic candle color is white for God/Creators/Universe/Spirit. The yellow or gold candles will aid you to attract what you want. Green candles for healing and good luck. Pink is for love and Relationships. Red is the colors of fire and is used for acceleration and one seeing lust and sex.

The basic crystals are clear quartz is for improving energy, so you place it with another crystal or a set of crystals will amplify the energy. If you are looking for a good set to manifest this would be my personal recommendations Aventurine, Carnelian, Yellow Citrine and Clear Quartz. If you would be trying to attract love this would be the set I would recommend Moonstone, Prehnite, Quantum Quattro, Yellow Citrine and Rose Quartz. Don't forget you can still use the clear crystal to amplifier these crystals. Everyone has a different opinion about clearing, charging, and programming crystals. One of the easy ways to use Selenite crystals to do the clearing and charging for you. The programming is what do you want the crystal(s) to do for you. It is placing your intentions into the crystal. You can speak to the crystal, you can pray over the crystal. You can envision your intention leaving your 3rd eye going into the crystal in the form of a beam light. You can write what you want on a piece of paper and roll each side of the crystal over the writing.

There is all type of information on candles, crystals, and incense on the web or a local metaphysical store. Reminder it is the not the crystals, candles or incense that do all the work it is you! So, do spend a lot of time or money buying that special candle, crystals or incense. Yes, they help! But some of my most powerful experience was without using the aids. This is discipline you have to train yourself to do this, if it does not work at first keep trying, it will work.

Let me give you little more background on myself. I have been working many years in call centers never like it, feeling drained and worn out. To me, it is the devils' workshop! My solution was to get a better job outside of this call center environment. It seemed hard to find something better. And when I received something better what happened it did not last and I had to go back to the call center. By the way, college-educated graduated from a top 20 university and graduated with honors from another university. This should not be happening to me? I read a number of this book from the above authors and many others to help me fix my problem. It did come to me why I always seem to be gravitating to the call centers? It because you have to learn how to be the master and not the slave of this situation. Once you learn to become the master it, you will move on. This the teaching of Karmic law. I feel my purpose is to teach others these pillars of success and teach others how to heal themselves of the toxic environments that our society has created.

Making Decisive Choices for Self-Improvement

Woman Wearing Yellow Button-up Long-sleeved Dress Shirt

Are you taking action to improve your feeling of achievement in life?

Today in the area of human development, we are finding more reasons to focus on words as they apply to our lives. The word achievement is one that connects to feelings and emotions often spanning a lifetime. One can feel achieved, but be worried about offending others at the same time. On the other hand, someone may appear to feel achieved, and secretly feel deflated. The choice is yours, and the one change you can make in your life is to take action faster.

Ideas are presented to the subconscious mind and while there, they attempt to get your attention. As an idea grows inside of you, there are a few feelings you will notice. First of all, you will go "Wow that is a great idea". Or, you may just shun the idea away from you and take no action at all. To feel achieved, it is so important that you recognize the times when an idea came to you, you said YES and positive results became evident to you.

Human development and self-improvement continue to reign supreme in the world of developmental skills and new platforms for improving esteem. What chances can you take today that will speed up your feeling of achievement? I would like to share a few ways in which I use techniques in human development to improve my life.

Emotional Intelligence is one area of human development that is gaining momentum in the workplace, relationships and career choices. One of the skills you can practice is in tapping your intuition and hunches as they relate to situations or people. Your emotional intelligence level will support you in creating more balance in all you do.

Neuroscience and Self-Development is another unique area you may want to explore in feeling achievement in your life. The brain has so much to offer in the area of emotions and reactions. Knowing how and why you feel the way you do in different situations is key to totally understanding how to feel good about your life.

Emotional Freedom Technique is another skill you can master to fully expand your life experience. Using energy meridians to tap with your fingers, you can release old emotions that may have attached to the lack of feeling achieved. When you do this enough, with powerful affirmations, you start to shift the focus of your mind from defeated to empowered.

Is This One Core Belief Affecting Your Whole Life? (By Kate Strong)



When I got up this morning I proceeded to vacuum the lounge as we were having a property inspection today. I didn't worry about it too much as the property manager knows we keep the house clean.

I realised when I was vacuuming that I was going over spots twice, and asked myself what I was thinking, because I knew this inspection was no big deal.

I heard "You've done something wrong."

Then a flood of realisations came into my mind. If I don't turn that belief in against myself, I turn it out on others.

Everything in my life is filtered through that belief. To the point its caused perfectionism and OCD with checking I have done something, or being on top of things.

I noticed too that it wasn't "I've" but "You've", as if it was something coming from outside of me.

Being Wrong

My son came around last night for dinner and to show me his photos from his holiday in Europe. He went to Auschwitz, and I realised that belief is rife in that camp too. Those poor people were treated as if they had done something wrong just for being born who they were.

Everything in my life has been slapped with this belief.

The abortion I had, every decision I have made, even down to a daily basis about what order I choose to do things in. My friend who died didn't fight for her life, and I didn't do any healing on her.

I'm working on my fitness at the moment, and I'm sore ALL the time, so I think I've done something wrong. To the point that I've asked a personal trainer about it.

Taking medication for high blood pressure means I must have done something wrong.

I think the core of it in this lifetime was the energy from my Grandmother to my Mother and her disapproval at my conception.

Wrong Direction

On a physical level the adrenals really get taxed by this belief. The adrenals are about providing energy to drive you in the right direction, but if you're always telling yourself that you're heading in the wrong direction, making the wrong decision, then the adrenals never get a rest.


On the positive side it has lead me down a lot of avenues I may not have gone down, maybe I wouldn't have achieved all I have if I didn't have this belief. Maybe I wouldn't have started this business if I didn't have this belief.

Maybe believing that this belief has impacted my life detrimentally is still this belief operating.

Do You Have This Core Belief Driving You?

5 Ways to Feel More Positive in 10 Minutes

Black Pile of Stones

#One. Breathe

Stop for just a moment and have a slow, deep breath. This will lower your level of stress by kick-starting your rest response, and stabilising your heart-rate and blood pressure level. From the calmer place, it is possible to more efficiently handle challenges and then make better decisions. Build your own happy place anywhere with one breath.

#Two. Movement

Take a stroll, even just ten minutes can improve your frame of mind and lower anxiety by releasing those feel-good endorphins and giving a better sense of well-being. Or stretch some part of the body with long, turning motions to get rid of muscle tension, and reduce stress: love those feel-good and do-good hormones.

#Three. Music

Enjoy music that uplifts you. Upbeat music has been discovered to give a significant positive effect on emotions as well as energy levels, in addition to boosting the health of the heart and brain. Have a break from 'The News', and the pressures of life, and raise your mood with the press of a music button.

#Four. Sleep

Do what you are able to get a good night's sleep to provide the body the very best chance for repair and revitalisation. Try for a surrounding that is darker, quieter plus more comfortable, and go to bed at a regular time. Let go of worries by jotting them down and focus on your breathing while you lie quietly.

#Five. Appreciation

Consider the positive things in your daily life, along with the part which you play in them being there. Good things happens because of you, due to what you are about and what you do. You will be making the difference in bringing the positivity into your life plus the lives of others.

#Six. Mindful

Take notice of the moment you're in. Yesterday has been and cannot be changed, and the future is not yet here, and can always be managed with a psychic reading. Develop the skill of focussing on the present moment, accepting how the situation is, and making conscious, positive choices.

#Seven. Nature

Head outdoors, look for a tree, or even just sit in front of a pot-plant. Being with nature is actually a tonic for stress and depression, that will do wonders for the immune mechanism: there's research which shows it lowers concentrations of cortisol and increases health-promoting white blood cells.

#Eight. Strengths

Name and use your strengths. Pay attention to what you're pretty good at, when you feel confident and capable. Intentionally call on those strengths once the going gets tough. Expressing your real character strengths is often a way to empowerment, self-esteem and greater wellness.

#Nine. Actions

Do the things you love doing more regularly. Remind yourself of what gives you pleasure and brings you happiness, and then make an effort to add more of that in your life. Schedule time to increase those experiences in new and various ways to a raise your positivity.

#Ten. Be Connected

The most powerful of all positivity tips is get in touch with others. Pay attention to your relationships, spend some time to be with others and you'll be there to support each other person during times of greater need. Remember, It's people! It's people! It's people!

#Eleven. Future

Message From the Universe: You May Be Closer Than You Think

"Dreams are like that, most of the time you don't even know how close you are, until after they've come true.

Sometimes, even, the very day before they come true, it still feels like they're a million miles away.

Something to remember.

The Universe"

Close to your dreams. No one will ever know, prior to starting a venture, if he or she will ever succeed in it. As well, it is impossible to determine how close you are from success when everything around you seems to not go the way you expected or anticipated. You may experience more failure than you would ever want in a lifetime, deal with major obstacles in life that seems to never end, work day and night without seeing a dime or even light at the end of this dark tunnel we call life. Guess what? That happens to everyone who is venturing out on their own. You may be so close to wealth and by pushing a little bit harder and further to what you are doing today, you will get to your destination. Keep digging a bit longer, keep knocking on more doors, keep on asking for things so at the end, even if you do not get to that chamber of gold or diamond, you know you've tried it all. You can live life with no regrets.

We all doubt ourselves as to how are we going to get to where we need to be, and forget that the Universe has a say in all of that. You should focus your energy in your thoughts and the Universe will focus on the HOW it should happen. You shouldn't waste your time on HOW it will all work, as you should work more towards thinking positive thoughts. No one can ever tell you how things will turn out, or if your business is on the right track, or if this job will offer you great opportunity in the future. Life is all about trying different things, about working towards your goals and figuring out what works best for you. The rest will come in due time as the Universe stands behind you and makes sure you get to wherever you need to go.