Self-Care To Combat Compassion Fatigue

How do we take care of ourselves in our work place? This is an interesting question and now that it is spring and we are starting on a journey for a fresh new start of our lives after pulling out of the winter guise, it is time to start a new life. I would like to introduce the concept of having an intention each day to guide us to a more meditational shift within. This intention is like saying a positive affirmation that we keep with us throughout the day. It is how we get that intention that is interesting. I learned it at training and would like to share it with you. The credit goes to Mary Jo Barrett, LCSW-C. So, I give you her wise and sage advice. I hope you will be able to use it in your practice once you get a handle on it. It takes practice. It is a new way of doing things.

First: Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat uncrossed on the floor. Rest your arms comfortably. Close your eyes. Spend 3 minutes just focusing on your breath. Hold. Then breathe out to the count of 4. Then, begin a progressive relaxation exercise. Lift your shoulders up to your ears and hold them tight, then relax them. Clench your fists tightly and then relax your hands. Tighten your buttocks and then relax. Curl up your toes tight and then relax. Breathe in to the count of four hold and then breathe out to the count of four. Feel the tension leave your body and enjoy being relaxed.

Second: Keep your eyes closed. Now I want to take you on a journey. At the end of this journey a word will come to you-your intention. Do not worry about it now. Go to your safe place-- a place of calm and filled with peace and love. Notice what is a round you. Smell the air and breathe it in. Feel its freshness fill your lungs. Smell the sweetness of the air. Walk around your safe place whether it is the sea, a lake, a garden, the mountains, or wherever you feel safe. Take notice of everything around. You see a bright color. Go to it and touch it. Feel it, smell it, take its essence in. Enjoy it. What does it look like? How does it feel? Now slowly walk away from it and look around. Slowly bring yourself back and when you are ready open your eyes. What word comes to mind to you know?

Third: I want you to think of this word and spend 2 minutes writing a sentence with your word of intention. When this is done, I want you to put this intention on an index card and keep it with you for the rest of the day and pull this out and read it several times during the day.

This exercise should only take about 5-6 minutes. You do it every morning. The intention is to bring you back to centeredness when life begins getting hectic during the day. It is your own special meditation to take with you throughout the day. You get a new one each day.

This is an exercise in self-discipline and is here to help you in self-care. We need to take care of ourselves so we can be there for our clients. It helps keep us healthy and prevent burn out. We just have to take small steps out of our daily lives to take care of ourselves. It takes practice until it becomes a habit. This is one small step against compassion fatigue. Try it and see how it changes your life.

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