Message From the Universe: Be Careful What You Wish For

Know what's missing from most people's lives?

The realization that nothing is missing from their lives.

You already have whatever you may be looking for.

And "I got you, babe" -
The Universe"

It takes a few months of positive thinking to experience its outcome. You need to have a lot of patience and regardless of the hell you are living today, you know that there is always light at the end of this dark tunnel. Bad weather is never consistent, there is always warmth and sunshine coming right after. You just need to learn to exercise your thoughts, just like you work-out at the gym to keep yourself healthy. Positive thinking requires developing certain muscles in your brain that requires constant attention and not allow negative thinking to pollute your territory. Just think of negative thinking as eating junk food. It's somewhat good in taste but very bad for your body. Just like FEAR, your mind is creating these thoughts because its easier than thinking positive. When faced with difficult challenges, you are tempted to say that life is not fair, that the world is against you, that you do not deserve anything good from happening, and so on and so forth. You suddenly allow junk to come into your mind and pollute your mental health by focusing your attention on the things you do NOT want. Anything that is easy in life is somewhere better and less stressful. However, if you really want to work on your success, start focusing on the work you need to do to bring yourself back in top mental shape.

It is said that if you work diligently in being positive, focusing on things you want, either being wealth, health glory or whatever else you wish for. By thinking hard and being clear with the Universe with your life's desires, you are creating yourself a path to excellence. There will always be negative thoughts trying to enter your mind here and there, that is perfectly normal as some doubts will find its way into your mind. Take your time to analyze these thoughts, why are they creeping in, why are they taking some valuable real estate space in your mind? Self-awareness is crucial, as well as self-worth. Never forgo one or the other, because they are your foundation to a better life. So what is self-awareness? As per Wikipedia, it is: " the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires". Many are unaware of who they are, of their purpose in life, of what they want and not able to express it either. They are not clear with the Universe and are too afraid to ask for anything. They put a road block in their mind and allow a slew of negative thinking swarming in their subconscious. Result? Feeling miserable, not getting what you want and coming to realization that the Universe is there to bring more fortune to the fortunate, and more misery to the rest of the population. The Universe doesn't discriminate, so go out there and get your share. It will be worth it.

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