Message From the Universe: The Big Dream Theory!

"When pondering on the vastness of the cosmos, please keep in mind that it goes even farther inward from where you now sit, than outward.

Yeah, you're deep.
The Universe"

Just imagine what happened a few seconds prior to the Big Bang, some time back, 13.1 billion of years ago. Everything you see around you, galaxies, planets, stars, the dark matter, whatever else was included in the cosmos you see today, were all compressed into a one single point of singularity, and then BOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! The ultimate explosion that cannot be compared to anything we will ever experience in our lifetime. Everything started inward prior to going outward. That big crunch occurred right before the big bang and the Universe as you see it is the direct result of that explosion. We have now the dark energy that is a part of the mathematical equation that constitute this Universe. An energy that pushes galaxies away from each other, that allows the Universe to grow exponentially every second of every minute of every hour of the day. Since the hubble telescope is limited to the origin of the big bang, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of that big crunch, what triggered the surrounding galaxies and everything else to decide to reverse its path back to this point of singularity. Was there a reverse dark energy? Instead of pushing galaxies away from each other, it was absorbing them towards what we can assume to be a big black hole? That big black hole was the point of singularity without the characteristics of exploding after inhaling everything in its path. What was the big crunch is something that scientists can't really explain, or even comprehend how it occurred on that specific moment in time and space.

Everything that is being written today about this specific subject is based on assumptions, theories, mere possibilities of what could have happened and under which circumstances. No one will ever be able to prove, with accuracy, whatever happened at that time. Whatever it is, the way you live your life should be based on you being able to control your thoughts, which indirectly controls outcomes in your life and the challenges you face every day are because of your own creation. Your mind is able anticipate outcomes because of past similar experiences, so you feel more read and able to successfully cross these difficult times. Everything starts from within you and the energy you exert everyday, either positive or negative, is based on how you approach life in general. If you let the past control you, the outcome of your future will remain bleak, at best. Learn to let go of the past, and focus on the present. Accept that you have no control over a lot of things occurring in your lifetime, but you do have control over your happiness. You can decide to either be happy, or miserable. You choose what you desire the most. Happiness doesn't happen to you, it happens from within you. Everything starts from there.!&id=9472633

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