Message From the Universe: First Think, Second, Let the Universe Take Care of It!

Visualizing for Beginners...

For those who want convenient parking spaces, unexpected gifts, or chance encounters with cool people:

First, think. Second, let go.

Visualizing for the Illuminated...

For those who want a healing touch, world peace, or a new independence, wealth, health and happiness.

First, think. Second, let go.

We're there for you- 
The Universe

Your thoughts are extremely powerful, especially when you put belief behind them. It is not just about thinking about finding convenient parking spaces, or unexpected gifts, or chance encounters with cool people, but trusting the Universe that it will make all these thoughts come true. By visualizing how you want your life to be, you are giving a message to the Universe as to what you expect it to be and allowing the Universe to decide the best course of action to make everything happen your way. It is crucial to always trust the power from above, and when you create your thoughts, you need to make sure you are feeling like it already happened.If you start doubting, you are sending a message of doubts, which in return, will deliver your thoughts with doubts in them. The outcome will never be the same as the result can be disappointing. There is also an element of luck, where being at the right place at the right time and where all the planets are aligned properly to create wonders for your present and future. When you look at all the ones who succeeded, they also believed a lot in themselves that they can make things happen, no matter how long it will take. They have it in their mind and soul that they will succeed far beyond their wildest imagination, and the Universe listened.

There is no secret as to what you can accomplish in your life, as you have the power to do whatever you feel is best for you. We have the freedom to create or destroy, which in many cases, we destroy our own dreams because of doubting our capabilities. We criticize ourselves too much to allow any chance of hope to happen. Once we have damaged our spirit, we start complaining as to why things aren't happening, despite our meek efforts. It is important to trust yourself enough when it comes to creating miracles, as these miracles can only manifest themselves if you believe they will. Always learn to think greatness, and forget about the HOW'S it will happen. That is NOT your job. Delegate this task to the Universe and let it accomplish it the way it was meant to be. Focus on the vision, and let it happen.,-Second,-Let-the-Universe-Take-Care-of-It!&id=9419635

Why Failure Before Success? (By Dr Tonya White Johnson)

If you are human you have probably asked the question, why do we fail before we succeed? Unfortunately, some of us stop midway the question, and we only get to why do we fail? Life experiences have taught me that Failure is inevitable. It's the universe's way of helping us live a more empowered life. I know that sounds crazy, right? It was probably the most insane thought that I could think, would ever cross my mind; particularly after one of my "greatest failures," my divorce. Funny, how I still take ownership of it. Did you just notice how I wrote my divorce as if I was the only one getting a divorce? Some habits are hard to break. Even as I am writing, I am learning. But I digress, back to my "woe is me" story.

The Failure

So it was 1995, and I was 25 years old. I was blessed with a beautiful two-year-old son, a high-powered management job in hospitality, great friends and seemingly all was well with the world. Except it wasn't. My personal life was falling apart. Some things had happened to me as a woman, that I never thought would have happened to me. How did this happen, I wanted to scream? How did I become an ex-wife, a single mother, and worse yet, why was my son in a single family household, traipsing back and forth between his parents every other weekend. Never in a million years could I have imagined that this would be my life. That same year my best friend was getting married. So I had to be truly happy for her and focus on her beautiful day while my heart had been shattered into a million little pieces.

At this point in my "perfect life", I was supposed to have a home, a white picket fence. My handsome son, a loving husband and a dog. Maybe two dogs. But here I was, unhappily single and trying to figure out what happens next. I'm sure I don't have to explain the roller coaster of emotions that happens after a "supposed failure" in life. Bouts of depression, sadness, anger, tears. Sometimes to cope we find ourselves in addiction. Addicted to anything from illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, excessive shopping, excessive food and more. You name it, in despair and hopelessness, we can find all kinds of vices to get into. Whatever we can find in the moment to temporarily relieve the pain, we find ourselves clinging to it, often worshiping it.

The Revelation

It was during one of these crisis moments that I had this mind-blowing epiphany. The revelation that failure is life's way of empowering me. Helping me to understand my strengths, challenging me to take back my power. You see, I had given my power to the word failure. My whole life, all of my accomplishments up to that point, as well as all of those that would come after, was wrapped up in one life event. One alleged failure. Divorce!!! Seriously, how could my life be over after a divorce? And while I can be complacent about it now I understand if you can't yet smile through your pain. I understand if you are in the throes of depression, sadness and anger. I get it! But you don't have to be. Your hopelessness does not have to last as long as mine did. I want to give you what no one was able to give me. I want to give you hope. I want you to know that you are not a failure just because things did not work out just the way you planned. It doesn't have to be divorce; it could be anything in life. Any of life's events that does not happen the way we think it should. Trust me when I say there is nothing in life that hope and faith can't conquer. I have to tell you, as the revelation of how life was challenging me, empowering me, becoming clearer as each day passed I found myself laughing out loud. Feeling my strength come alive. Willing my fight muscles to strengthen. Daily warring with the negative thoughts that plagued my soul, and eventually winning the battle and conquering all thoughts that warred against my mind.

That empowering moment was a turning point for me. It was the moment that I made up my mind that I would seek to learn the lesson of every event in life, whether labeled good or bad. I was determined to seek the lesson and not give my power to the word failure again.

Success Through Failure

Today, I am happily married. I have a beautiful God-sent husband. Someone who loves me through all of my stuff. I finally have a partner and a friend. I have a wonderful family life. All that I hoped for back then I now have. It took some time. It didn't happen overnight. I had to go through some stuff. There are some scars. Some wounds. Some pains. But they no longer hurt. They are there as a reminder. They remind me how great life is. They remind me of what I am capable of. They remind me that I was not built to break.

So now when I am asked the question why do we have to fail before we succeed, I can honestly answer without hesitation that failure is a way of preparing for what's to come. Failure is our strength training. It builds our muscles to be able to carry all of the success of tomorrow. It gives us life lessons to learn and share. Because of failure, we become teachers. Because of failure, we become humble. Because of failure, we become wise. Because of failure, we become grateful. Because of failure, we can now succeed.

How Do you Live an Empowered Life Through Failure?

Empowered living comes from empowered thoughts. It's not about the fact that you have failed and most likely will fail again. Empowered Living is just the opposite. It is embracing the failures. It's embracing adversity. It's choosing to accept what is, and being determined to take back your power by re-framing the event in your mind. It is getting up after being knocked down. It is dusting yourself off and standing tall with your head erect knowing that you were not built to break. Empowered living is giving yourself permission not to be perfect. And when the flaws begin to show, you smile anyway, knowing that tomorrow will be a brighter day. Another lesson learned, another empowering moment to absorb. Another empowering moment to teach.

Do you have an empowering moment about failure and success to share? We've all had them. The key is to remember and remind ourselves of how we felt at that moment when we took back our power. It's those thoughts. That feeling. That energy that will empower you to live your best life. Your best-empowered life!

Regrets: How You Can Overcome Them

"I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done". 
Lucille Ball

Many a time, you have your mind locked up in regrets over some actions or in-actions. May be some things you had done or those you should have done, are making you feel some regrets. Such feelings can be dangerous, because they will slow down of activities. Whoever says that the mind is not central to mobility is deceptive or out-rightly ignorant. The state of the mind at any point in time, affects body psyches and gestures.

Regrets are serious burdens on the mind. They are very similar to the heavy load on the head which retards speed and makes destinations very distant. Harbouring regrets can overturn happiness, excitement and smiles within a twinkle of the eye; sadness, moodiness and frowns set in. The aftermath could be inimical to progress and the future.

The simple reality is that nobody can help you as yourself. You must get the motivation to move away from that spot. You must find the inspiration to break loose and get going. This can be a bit hard. However, getting locked down is worse. The following are tips to help you overcome your regrets:

1. Determine the nature. 
Our people often say that a problem known is half-solved. You must, first, identify what precisely is the cause of the regret. Is it something you had done or not? Is it private, domestic, official, social, or otherwise? Does it have to do with a relation or a relationship? Since man cannot stay in isolation, you are bound to be in interactions at anytime and all the time. Determining your source of regret will surely help know where and how to start the rebuilding process. It is the most primary and fundamental step.

2. Seek forgiveness and make amends. 
There are two stages under this step. You have to, first of all, ask yourself for forgiveness. If your mind, by extension, your heart, is not willing to let go, it could be hard to move on. After you would have determined the cause of your regret, you have to make peace with your troubled heart. Your body system must realize that life is progressive; this situation will pass away. Often times, some of our actions and in-actions add-up to our bag of experience. The second is to ask for the forgiveness of those affected. This is, without doubt, the hardest stage. Do not let pride deprive of the fullness of life. If you do not get this done with you may not get over your regret.

3. Take responsibility and accept the circumstances. 
You must be ready to take responsibility for all circumstances there-in. Happiness comes from total resignation to fate. For you to make amends there is need to accept responsibility. Do not engage in blaming others for what should be your responsibility. Stop it! Do not pass the buck. This will never start the rebuilding process. Even, when you know that others had a thing or two to do with your regret, forgiving and forgetting will never kill. If you wait on them, they can inflict more harm and deeper regret. Your desire for happiness is more important than insisting they are problems.

4. Deal with bad relationships. 
When other people are actually your reasons for regrets, learn to deal with them. For example, a love relationship you had invested so much in, but your partner is reciprocating far less than required. In fact, you are already out of the trip by virtue of your own decision. You had dealt with it and you have to move on. A case when you cannot avoid seeing or coming in contact with such a person, pray and work hard to put him/her in his/her place. A fruitless tree, it is often said, should be cut down; not in all cases. What if you do not have the "axe" for that kind of strenuous work? You could do well by just passing by it and not giving attention. Sooner or later, the wound will heal and you become a normal person.

5. Go through the mourning period. 
It could be good for you to allow the situation to occur freely and naturally. Regrets are part of the natural circles that carry along with them feelings of guilt, sadness and even anger. Your ability to handle the passage of these feelings, often termed as negative, strengthens you, without mincing words. Is it not absurd to be happy all the times of life? It is not even possible. Life throws us up, down, right and left. We learn everyday in this expansive classroom. So, do not run away from regrets, you could come out stronger and happier.

6. Identify the lessons and gains. 
There will be a lesson to learn or an important thing to gain after overcoming your regrets. Experience can never be bought; life gives ample opportunities for you to gain one thing or the other. You just cannot afford to shy away from such significant reality. You, also, had to pass an examination before you gained that promotion or certification. Taking stocks is very good. There must have been some things you had learnt or gained that will come in handy for the future. Please, this is very important, as you do not want to fall prey again to similar predating circumstances. Once beaten, they say, is twice shy.

7. Take care of the future. 
The future is key to your existence and your present circumstances can damage it. You must try as much as you can to avoid letting your regret re-emerge in the future. Documenting your experience and, ultimately, your regret(s) can serve as reminders. Some people keep diaries while others attach symbols or landmarks to signify points of regret(s). Whatever methods you utilize, however, do not let it be a source recollection of bad memories. The idea is just for you to avoid having this kind of regret again in the future; it can be devastating.

In your passionate desire to live life to the fullest; to enjoy as much as you can, your inner self, carries a string of connecting information of those things you will have engaged in. How you manage this information, which are your experiences, determines your progress. Regrets are surely part of these experiences. You just cannot do nothing other than understanding how to manage them. They are part of you! They are part of your life!

"I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else". 
Queen Latifah

Where The Greatest Of All Results Comes From

Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali said and meant that he was the greatest. Well, the results we make start with that thought even if we do temporarily fail at times, and ultimately succeed. Success is created really, not born. Luck and good fortune at first are usually born, but genuine success genuinely takes skill and temporary experiment, seeming failure, and much understanding from those two things called temporary experiment and seeming failure.

It always has to start somewhere, originates with us and we always have a chance if we genuinely look for it and seek it. Our genuine achievements are the natural order of things when we really want them.

The greatest thing in existence then is certainty of understanding and repeatable success. To genuinely quit and say "impossible" is genuine failure.

We cannot wait for the world and existence to change toward us, we must do what we need and want to do to get our results. Every dollar we will really ever earn, rich or poor comes from our efforts and our initiative. I did not say "given", but I did say and mean "earned".

One of the positive leadership secrets of Julius Caesar: He once came to an island he conquered with his army by boats. He took all of the equipment and flags off the boats, burned the boats and said something to the effect of "we win or we die and perish". The army of Julius Caesar won big against a bigger army, because they had more to fight for.

I suggest if you really want something, you or anyone should burn all bridges, ships or ways out to genuinely win ultimately. Let the reality of rational risk galvanize you. Win or die should be the mentality if you really want something anyhow. Without that "killer instinct", you are a loser even if you "win by luck" or "lose permanently without a fight". After all, a few hundred years after that island conquering Julius Caesar did, and in the twilight of the Roman Empire, and during the early rise of Christianity, martyrs like Saint Stephen and Saint Simon the Zealot when asked the question doing their own bridge, ship and escape burning so they would do nothing but the right thing to make them succeed with the causes they wanted and needed to put forth, said and meant something to the effect of "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, render unto Christ what belongs to the Christ."

The greatest of all results comes from that courage to take action and fully succeed without compromise.

Message From the Universe: Living ONLY for Today!

"Sometimes, the person whose life looks the easiest, has had it the hardest, but they're just really good at not dwelling on the past, keeping busy in the moment, and rolling "like that."

And I know you know what I mean.

Proud like a farmer in the spring after it rains, 
The Universe"

Everyone is battling their own struggles so when you are arguing with someone, no matter how mean they are to you, do not let your emotions take over and strike back aggressively towards that person. The best way to handle situations like that is to understand more of how much this person is suffering inside. This argument might be the perfect case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time for this person to lash at you, but in all actuality, they would have lashed at anyone else, you were unfortunately the chosen one. Nothing personal really, unless you really screwed up and they are just responding to your actions. Overall, it is important to put your ego aside and keep yourself calm during these difficult times. You want to be the person who deals with difficult situations and still come out of it unscathed. By doing so, you are showing better leadership than anyone else by staying calm and collected. Life is never really fair, no matter which way you look at it. Instead of trying to work against human nature, you would need to work with it. Avoid letting conflicts grow and tackle issues as soon as they show up, especially the important ones. Work on yourself and take meditation classes that can help calming yourself down during times of conflict. You would want to create a serene environment every chance you get and allow yourself to become a better person. Growing spiritually is crucial and working towards this goal will make you feel more accomplished than having a successful career. If you are not healthy mentally, you can't be healthy in any other area of your life. It all starts with the mind!

When you see people trying to lose weight and fail, it is become their mind didn't catch up with their body's desire to lose the pounds. Even when they do reach their physical goals, they suffer from body dismorphya, which can be a mental disorder, especially when looking at yourself in the mirror and still seeing your old overweight body. Work with yourself from within, which is the spiritual mind, and then focus on the physical part. As mentioned, everyone deals with daily struggles, and some more than others. Even the ones who seems like everything is going amazingly well, they had their share of struggles but they know not to let these past struggles occupy their mind and stop them from living their lives TODAY. They mastered the "how" to leave events in the past and focus on what to do at this given moment. Trying to control everything is what will make you miserable. Stop focusing on that part of your life and learn how to let go, especially for the things you CAN'T control. Learning to let go of things and allow the Universe to take over is the best thing you can do. Go with the flow at times, just like swimming downstream instead of against current. At the end, you will have more than just your energy.!&id=9440556

Embracing Positivity in Darker Days

The turmoil of each day is so overwhelming and hindering us to see the light at the end of tunnel. Imagine how hard it can be to smile when you see your toddler being admitted for a brain surgery operation. Perhaps, how it is so hard to find hope when a loved one lays on a hospital bed and losing hair to chemo. How can you find the reason to face another day when you find yourself in situation like that?

We might all wonder why life can be treating us like that. Sometimes, we just hit rock bottom and it feels like the boat is on its way to sinking. We find ourselves in terrible situations where we feel there is no way out. The question you might ask yourself in such hard times might be " How can I focus on the positives when all hell has broken loose?"

So I wonder how can we find and embrace the positives than focusing on the troubles the day brings. Perhaps, a next-door neighbour comes with a tray of baked flapjacks or cupcakes when you have just lost a loved one. It isn't the cupcakes which you appreciate but the thought of them thinking about you in such a tough time. Let's say your daughter makes you a cardboard card with drawings and stickers of flowers, babies and stars wishing you a speedy recovery as you lay restlessly on your hospital bed.

What am I trying to say?

Embrace the good and positive things that happen everyday. When you are in the habit of noticing the small things like receiving a tray of cupcakes from a neighbour and being grateful, you will find yourself in a better state. Those positive things can take you by surprise and has power to wipe the not-so-nice things in your memory. Of course, it won't take away the cancer from your body but when we embrace positivity in the darker times of our life, we can pass through them with hope.

Life will always be filled with horrible things that when we focus on them in our minds, we become depressed. Situations, illnesses or horrific experiences can rob us our happiness. But we can choose to focus on the brighter side, we will find ourselves gaining hope that has been long-lost.

Remember, each day we have to make decisions on whether to embrace the good things or focus on the negatives. When you choose to not let the circumstances dictate how you see life, you will find that you will adopt a positive attitude. There is always something to make you smile or make you feel that life is totally worth to live. Choose to embrace the good thing in your life. The gift of life each day can be something to focus on. The family or neighbours can be something you can be grateful for. Life is too short to focus on the negatives.

Hope will be the cornerstone of survival in your darker days. Never underestimate the power of positivity. Every situation has its positives.

Accentuate The Positive Every Day - Moment To Moment

Johnny Mercer a 1940's song writer and singer wrote the lyrics and melody with Harold Arlen, Accentuate the Positive. The lyrics remind us to look for the positive aspects of life, and simply eliminate the negative, latch onto the alternative and don't mess with 'Mister in between.'

The lyrics also remind us, "You've got to spread joy up to the maximum, bring gloom down to the minimum. Have faith, or pandemonium is liable to walk upon the scene."

Mercer's and Arlen's words remind us that every thought creates both a chemical change in the body and an electrical change in the nervous system. Thoughts contribute to a person's energy level, pain threshold, ability to accomplish one's goals and the health of personal and professional relationships.

To reverse, perhaps many years of negative thoughts, simply wearing a smile might not be enough to change your mood or experience. If you change only your thoughts and don't allow those changes to integrate into your actions, you are not likely to accomplish a real change in your life or yourself.

Sitting on the couch and thinking, "I will exercise every day," you won't see a better outcome in your physical health if you do not get off the couch and do something that proves you exercise every day. Sitting on the couch thinking about it is, Wishful thinking. You need to put in sweat equity to gain the physical health you desire.

Get off the couch, put on your tennis shoes and go out the door for a brisk 30-minute walk is a good start. Then, decide to walk every day for exercise and pleasure. Do the same thing each day adding a little more time each day. This will result in walking further and further, until walking every day becomes an enjoyable habit and you look forward to it. In fact, your mind will crave it.

Is it necessary to accentuate the positive to eliminate the negative? Yes, absolutely, however, you need to take positive actions too. As Einstein wisely stated, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results."

Accentuating positive thoughts coupled with positive actions equals positive results. Doing the same thing over and over won't become different results.

There are many moments in your life to make a pivotal change - This is that moment.

Are you willing to take the steps required to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment? Will you take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?

You can SHIFT and get prepared for what's uniquely coming up for your life... therefore, I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical distress you are in. Then, step by step you can make the necessary shifts to gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional distress and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back.

Remember you might need assistance to help you keep it all going. Here's to living your best life NOW.

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create happiness and success. Even if you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires.

This is an investment in your happiness, success, fulfillment, health, and enlightenment that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Engaging in the principles in this process will change your life forever and I urge you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

You are worth it. You deserve to grab onto your happiness, dreams, and desired success. What are you waiting for? You deserve to have someone take you by the hand and lead you through the maze of unknowns, or guide you through the obstacles or twists and turns. This is your opportunity to create the life you desire.

This is to your happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment. I am here to only to be truly helpful. You deserve success, fulfillment, happiness and blessings you desire.

P.S. Imagine you won't go through another year without the success, fulfillment, happiness and blessings you desire. Here's your chance to make that transpire!

Learn How Positive Thinking Can Turn Your Mind Into An Unstoppable, Creative Force

Brene Brown said the following statement, and I quote, "Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world." Close quote. Bob Ross shared his creativity and imagination through the stroke of a brush and revealed to the world what he was thinking in his mind. Stephen King did not become a prolific author until he wrote down the words and stories that still frighten us today. So, what about you? What is holding you back from sharing your dreams and creativity with the rest of the world? Somewhere, in the dark recesses of your mind is a room that has not been lit; what are you waiting for? Are you going to flip on the light switch or leave your creativity sitting in darkness? For those who are reluctant to share their dreams and turn them into a reality, I will take you by the hand and walk you down the paths of self-development so that you can know how positive thinking can turn your mind into an unstoppable, creative force.


The brain and the mind are 2 separate, distinct entities; the brain is a gray-colored organ that is filled with neurons, tissue, blood vessels, and is the main center for all our body functions and movements. The mind is where our conscience (the little voice in our head), dreams, visions, and creativity is located. The reason discipline is at the top of the list is because the mind is where it all begins; the willpower and determination. The mind is always active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Learning how to discipline your mind is the key to your success and well-being. The mind likes to wander or get distracted easily; the way you can prevent your mind from wandering is by focusing your attention on the task at hand. Prioritize the items that need to get done first, then turn all your attention to your skill, craft, or changing a personal habit.


Creativity will remain dead in your mind unless you take action to make your dreams come true. Once you have figured out what it will take to discipline your mind, get to work on your self-development plan. Stopping a bad habit is not an easy task to overcome, so you must get creative on how you can change your life, after all, happiness is a goal that we all wish to achieve. Think of the freedom that you will get when you are free from that little master (addiction) or feel the financial burden, lifted from your shoulders when you let your creativity out of your mind.


I love to write articles, there are so many words and ideas that are floating around in my head that I am constantly typing them on my computer or iPhone. I love to share my ideas with people around the world so that I can help them find answers to their problems. For you, the reader, if your self-development plan is all about improving your article writing skills, be sure to include that you will have a positive attitude when you are typing your article. People can always tell when you have a negative attitude from the articles you write.

Addiction is a problem that causes most marriages to end in divorce. For the person, who is trapped by some form of addiction, I want you to ask yourself this question,"Whom do you love most? Your family or that substance which does not love back?" If you have that love and passion for your family and want to make them happy, then you must get creative and find a way to rebuild your marital or family relationship. Positive thinking will help you overcome any addiction you have.


Human beings are inventors, adventurers, and pioneers; starting today, you can start down the path to personal greatness by flipping on that light switch and bring your creativity into the light. You may have discovered a new parenting tip on how to teach your children to behave or a new method of how to overcome any addiction. All it takes is to open that notebook and unleash your creativity.

In conclusion, I hope that you have learned how positive thinking can turn your mind into an unstoppable, creative force. Please, feel free to share your comments on self-development.,-Creative-Force&id=9461806

Message From the Universe: Appearances Can Be Deceiving!

"Do you want to know what the single toughest thing about figuring out time and space is? About finally making progress by leaps and bounds? The one thing that would heal every broken heart and vanquish every emotional pain? That would clear the way for infinite abundance, perfect health, and unlimited happiness?

Not relying on appearances.

Just stop it.

You so can, 
The Universe"

Appearances can be deceiving, so avoid basing all your upcoming decisions on these factors. If you want to trust someone, trust yourself. You are the only one who can make changes, especially changes from within. Don't expect the outside world to do anything for you, because no one really cares. Everyone have their own problems to deal with. So if you want abundance, perfect health and ultimate happiness, make sure you do everything in your power to obtain it. Starting with having the right thoughts is a requirement to making all this work well but never forget to put in the action behind these thoughts. If you eat fast food, do not expect to have the perfect health, which will ultimately stop you from being happy because of how you look, which inadvertently will hinder on your desire to have abundance in your life because of your physical condition. Everything in life is interrelated, so don't expect to do one thing and it not having a direct impact on your life further down the road. You reap what you sow, so just make sure that you come out of it a winner. There is no mystery in life, even though it seems like nothing is really straightforward like you would wish it was. It is not because you will work very hard that you will see positive results from your efforts. Sometimes, it can work against you but you shouldn't let that bring you down. In some cases, the route that you took when working very hard wasn't the optimal one and something else is needed to make it a success.

When you hear about someone reaching ultimate wealth, you look at it as being an overnight success. This is how it appears to you, but as you and I know well, overnight for you means something totally different for that successful person. I am sure that you are not ignorant to a point where you think that overnight is possible. Even with incredible and desirable luck, you can't really accomplish this kind of ultimate success in less than 5 to 7 years. Lots get put into the required work and time and sacrifices to make all of what you see happen or exist. That is why so many just give up, regardless of the potential of their idea. Many will not even try because they are too afraid to fail, hence, if I don't try, there is NO chance I will ever fail, so the fear goes away. For others, when they see that the going gets tough, they feel the journey isn't for them, so they just go back to doing what is safe. And for the rest of the 3% of the population who do cross that uncomfortable zone, that journey of insurmountable obstacles, the stress and anxiety, the loneliness, the constant fear looming over their mind on a daily basis, their success is well deserved when they lead the other 97% who decided to give up. So you say overnight success? I digress. Go out there and look for that overnight success entrepreneur and ask them questions about their path to success. You will not be surprised of their answers.!&id=9466289

Make Time to Smell the Flowers - The Power of a Flower

Making time to notice a beautiful flower is a great way to notice the simple things in life that can impact self-perception or aid in understanding differences in flowers that have different qualities or compare to people with different personalities. I'll bet you,I know what you are thinking? NO, I am not a crossover from the sixties, I enjoy nature and take advantage of what is given by nature. After a long, uneventful or overly loquacious week, I take the time to smell the flowers that let me live in their yards and on their turf. I realize that society can be compared to beautiful flowers. Making time to notice flowers is like taking the time to notice people and the beauty and power that we recognize in ourselves and in everyone else as well.

There are countless wild flowers, cultured or cultivated flowers that abound around city streets, walkways and yards everywhere. That's not even the beginning of what I can say about flowers. They abound and I am happy when that they surround me; to say that they offer fragrant scents, beautiful views and make endearing gifts is simply only the beginning. For generations we have taken flowers for granted and offered them as sacrifices, gifts and have even borrowed them to demonstrate our condolences.

A flower will never fail to present it's healthy beautiful best appearance, especially if it has been well fed, watered or kept in temperatures conducive to its natural environment. We can all learn a lesson from the flowers. Are you satisfied with the type of flower that your life represents?

Flowers are more resilient in their form and appearance than what is perceived at first glance. The same can be said for me and for you. We may sometimes, appear weak or easily upset, though we are resilient and attractive when we smile; are well rested; properly nourished; and in an environment that is conducive to our soul's mission, while living in a healthy environment.

Take the time to smell the flowers;notice new or pleasant, inviting, smells and scents. The time for waiting is over. The time for action is overdue. Take your cue from the flowers in your yard or garden and make your strong work ethic pay dividends for your hard work and input, strive to achieve your lifelong goals, make a plan and follow through.

Flowers never stop trying to be beautiful from the inside out and they always display their personal best assets for the world to enjoy. We are all flowers in different phases of existence. As a flower, you require peace, rest, and an appropriate vase to display your countenance. You decide if you are a beautiful red rose, romantic and expensive to maintain, a yellow rose, friendly, captivating and engaging, or an amazing daffodil, eager to please and learn from mentors or other flowers, the tulip that sings to its own tune, the sunflower, although a loner, very competent and willing to grow with every lesson; excelling amid excessive amounts of heat or competition.

Take the time to smell as many flowers as you can and heed a lesson from the flowers that surround your life. Some flowers, although brighter than others, are all different, unique and part of our environment. Flowers bring beautiful scents, views and when hard work is accomplished can easily blend well,or decorate any home, office, or garden or give its personal best effort as a gift, a sign of hope,or a symbol of sincere sorrow. Symbols of love or strength, much like me and you, only, we can
choose the tone and it's not too late to demonstrate your ability to expand and grow into a strong red rose or dainty daffodil.

If you call me, and I don't answer by the first ring, that's because I am probably outside picking flowers or admiring the scenic view; imagining what type of flower I will emulate for the day! We can all learn a lesson or two from the flowers in our view. Maybe to slow down, or to speed up, it's you who knows your best timing, like the way a flower decides when to blossom or when to relax..

Take the time to notice every flower in your day, whether literally or figuratively, there are a lot of great people and flowers with remarkable attributes and personalities for you to engage!

I enjoy learning from you offering me knowledge continuously!

Three Tips to Help You Think More Positively

I know. It's hard sometimes. Trust me, I get it and I'm right there with ya sister! Thinking positively is not always easy. At first it becomes another task. Then once you get a process down pat, the crappy negative thoughts still seem to creep in. But here's the deal. We are part Ego and the negative will always be there. BUT there are ways to effectively handle them and move through a more "thoughtful" (pun intended) thought process. Because at the end of the day, it is our thoughts that are creating our reality and if we want to live a better life, we have to think better - we must change our minds consciously. Change your thinking and change your life. It's inevitable.

There are three specific mental exercises that I use when I need help thinking positively.

1. When a negative thought comes to mind, I picture a huge metal slab moving through my mind pushing everything in its path out of my consciousness. From left to right, I can see the slab bulldozing the thoughts right out of my mind.

2. Another way is to shout at the thought mentally, "OUT!" Then see the thought flee away. This is Louise Hay's preferred method of changing thoughts from negative to positive. (Louise Hay is the founder of Hay House Publishing; an international leader in Spiritual and Personal Development literature.)

3. Lastly, as soon as I become aware of my negative thoughts I simply and consciously change my point of focus on to something else. I choose a positive thought and start thinking about it, leaving the negative story in the dust. Usually the new thought is the opposite or an improved made up version of what I was just thinking, or it's something completely different that I am in the process of manifesting.

TIP: Combine the last method (#3) with the first two methods.

Even when I am at my most balanced (mind, body, soul) those negative thoughts creep in. BUT I will say that they don't stick around as long. They come in my mind, are caught quickly, and are simply dismissed using one or more of these methods.

What do you do when those pesky negative thoughts creep in?

Do you have any mental tricks up your sleeve?

How often are you consciously catching yourself thinking negatively, and then switching your thoughts to something more positive?

I can't wait to hear what you do!

Message From the Universe: Love Your Life, NO MATTER WHAT!

"Sometimes it's easy to forget that everyone's just on their way home.

That you're all truly the best of friends.

And that this whole crazy thing kind of started as a dare... to see who might love the deepest, no matter how lost the others became.

Gosh, how you're missed - 
The Universe"

Do not let life bring you down and keep you there permanently. You are better than that. Sometimes, you will face situations where you will ask yourself, "how the hell will I get out of that"?. Your fears kick in and you allow this illusion take over and control your feelings of desperation and get yourself deeper into this abyss. Instead of letting this negative path take over your life, step back for a minute and analyze the situation. See how and why did it happen. Was it because of your ignorance or your laziness? Were your thoughts involved that brought this challenge upon you? Was it because of your malicious intent to hurt someone else? No matter what the reasons are, you just can't ignore or turn away from your existing problem. Focus on what is ahead, and look for the best solution that will fit you. Most importantly, LEARN from it. Yes, learn from this hell so you avoid making the same mistakes. Now, if all this happened because you were a victim of circumstances, then I would still say: "Learn from it", so you can avoid putting yourself in that same situation. This is where the acronym F.A.I.L comes from: "First Attempt In Learning". I am not saying that after the first attempt, you will never make any mistakes again, but ideally, you will avoid making the same one.

You need to always love your life, because this is the ONLY one God gave you. We do not have nine lives like cats, unfortunately, so we need to appreciate what we already have and make the most of it. We all wonder why certain things happen to the good people and great things happen to the bad ones. We create a sense of injustice in our mind, as to why him or her and not me, what do they have that I don't, and why am I going through so much financial hell and they are driving luxurious cars? Jealousy is an innate feeling to all humans and it is somewhat difficult to control when you try doing everything right and it just doesn't work. Remember that you are running a race on a path that is exclusively dedicated to you, which means that NO one else is on that same track. Who are you running against except yourself? Look around you, there is NO one. You can walk, crawl, stand still, walk backwards if you need to, but you are still the only one that will arrive at YOUR destination. Afraid that he or she will have more? But more of what? Does the Universe have a bank account that has a cap to it? No, there is enough quadrillions and trillions of bazillions of dollars waiting on you to take your share. Even if the 7.1 billion people in this planet were taking 100 billion of dollars each from the Universe bank account, you will still have left 1 000 quadrillion of bazillion of trillion of dollars left for you. So what's the big deal here?,-NO-MATTER-WHAT!&id=9476138

Releasing Tension and Negativity

Different faces, different places but the exact same experience. Ever felt that way? Of course you have. We all did at one point one way or another when we had no prior knowledge how to think with deliberate intent. We often react by what we observe. We not only react, we trigger off negative emotions almost instantly whenever something unpleasant is thrown our way. That's because your train of thoughts creates your current conditions. Because you are what you think about. The only way to change that experience is to decide you want to change your pattern of thoughts.

This is the perfect time to learn how to release the stress, built-up tensions and of course, the destructive negativity that more often than not revolves around "big" and heavy subjects like family, friends, work and even romance. Working our mental state of being (emotions and feelings) alongside meditation will allow you to recognize negative thoughts that cross your way and sharpen your ability to snap back in control to stop reacting.

But rather, learn to stop for a minute, pause and observe with a solution-oriented mindset intending not to ignore, but to meet ourselves halfway to find a way "out" of the situation and work it to our best advantage. Instead of having it work against us, regardless of the current conditions that are most probably less than ideal in that moment. It paves a way and frees us from producing a negative emotion instantaneously but leaves a larger "leeway" for a good buffer of time to contemplate and solve. Eventually, it will just feel like a bump in the road every time you hit a curb.

At the early stages when the anger comes fast and hard, it is also the best time to practice recognizing your emotions and be extra aware of how it physically caused you "pain" in that very moment just feeling all that anger rushing through. Does it hit you hard face down in the chest with a hard thump, or you find yourself clenching your fist so tight you almost broke your knuckle bones?

You can then start to put what you have learned to test and take really deep exaggerated breaths and see how fast and quickly you are able to release that large amounts of tension just deliberate thinking (switching to the best possible thought you can pull out of your thinking box) and also match that breathing with the release of your "pain" you have felt initially. You may feel your chest slowly releasing its tight grip on your heart and you must remember how it felt initially in order for you to know how quickly you are able to release it the next time round.

Self-awareness is practiced too and we always sweep it under the rug and treat it as a "fleeting moment" but negative feelings linger around for a long time if you don't "deal with it" there and then. Over time, if you stack these "overdue negative emotions" long enough it causes permanent damage not only to your mind but it also becomes detrimental to your physical body with all these "pent-up" issues unresolved.

Don't be afraid to face it in that moment when it comes, because the quicker you recognize it, the faster you will learn how to snap out of it when it happens again. You also leave more room for positive light to flow into your experience. You don't "clog up your pipes" with negativity. Awareness of happy emotions comes so easy because it feels good to experience it but awareness of negativity is essential and serves as stepping stones to sift and sort out the clutter during you meditative processes. If you "tolerate" pain and unpleasant emotions for too long, you become numbed to it and that is definitely not a good thing.

You will block yourself from experiencing positive emotions to its fullest heightened potential. You need to be able to recognize negative emotions so that it becomes crystal clear-cut which belongs to their rightful category and it comes as second nature to you, when you are choosing your thoughts while meditating. You will be "addicted" to feeling good basking with the best feeling thoughts and experiences and you will never ever look back or settle for less to leave room for extra negativity in life from this moment forward when you have attained a practiced mind that knows better.

Releasing Tension and Negativity

If You Think Attitudes Affect Behaviors, Think Again

Brilliant quotes are everywhere nowadays.

Winston Churchill says, "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference".

Earl Nightingale says, "Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."

Michael Jordan says, "My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength."

Very well said, but do attitudes really affect behaviors?

An interesting study in 1934 was conducted by LaPiere to investigate the relationship between attitudes and behavior.

Long story short, LaPiere was travelling with a Chinese couple to see how intense the prejudice against Chinese was since there were no laws against racial discrimination. So they visited 67 hotels and 184 restaurants for observation and 6 months later, they sent a letter asking if they would accept Chinese guests.

The result was that in these 250+ premises, only one of them politely refused their visit. But out of the 128 replies to the letter, 91% said they would not accept Chinese guests.

So LaPiere concluded that attitudes do NOT always predict behavior. The cognitive components of attitudes (aka. one's belief or knowledge about something) do NOT always match the actual behavior.

Let me ask you this, have you ever tried to commit to certain goals (e.g. running a mile a day, cutting out sugar in your diet, reading 30 minutes a day, or writing a blog post a day), you fail a couple of times, and you start to make excuses as to why you can't do so?

Of course you have!

You do feel bad or guilty of not committing don't you?

It does feel better when you give "explanations" doesn't it?

This kind of discomfort is also known as cognitive dissonance in psychological terms. It happens when there's conflict or tension between what you did and what you believed in.

Since the behavior/action is not reversible, in order to relieve this internal inconsistency, your brain will change your attitude that matches your behavior.

This is when you come up with millions of excuses why you failed to deliver so that you feel better.

How can you use this power of cognitive dissonance to your advantage?

Well, next time you need to tackle something totally outside your comfort zone, or perform certain tasks that you don't believe you can handle, you can really feel the fear and do it anyway.

When you behave as if the kind of ideal person you want to be, your brain will slowly shift your mindset/belief/attitude so that you actually BECOME that strong, capable, leading person.

The mere act of doing it repeatedly, even when you don't feel like to, will help you become the person you've always aspired to be.

So next time when you "think about" how to be successful, ask yourself "What will [Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet etc.] do in this situation?".

Once you have a glimpse of how your genius friend will do, go take the same action and just do it!,-Think-Again&id=9507985

The Sinatra Connection: Boomer Meets Pimply-Faced 19 Year Old

The "food to go" section of most airport restaurants isn't exactly a lively place. A lone employee usually works the stand, and on this occasion, the young man - roughly 19, pimply-faced, with the requisite black hair-net - had his radio on to keep him company. Much to my surprise, the station was playing a Frank Sinatra classic, and the young man was singing along, very quietly, almost under his breath, as he put together my order and ran my credit card. What can I tell you, I couldn't resist, and Boomer that I am, I knew the song well enough to sing along as well. With that, the young man smiled, and as we sang together I was amazed to realize he knew all the words - better than I did - and even styled his singing with much of the Sinatra flair.

As he handed me my order, I said "Wow, that was great! Thanks so much!" and he replied, "Yeah, that's cause we made a connection." With that, we "good-byed" and I was off.

But his words kept resounding in my mind; "cause we made a connection." I thought, how cool is that!? A Boomer, dressed in my business-woman getup, and a young man still in his teens, restaurant worker with hair-net included, making a connection. Not only that, a connection that the young man recognized, willingly expressed, and brought to my delighted attention.

So much of the time we are so busy looking for degrees of separation, for how different we are from one another, how un-alike we are. We look at everyone with a critical eye, noticing how we would never wear that, and why is she doing that, and what is wrong with him to be doing that?

And yet, truth be told, there are a zillion ways in which we can make a connection, no matter how apparently different we may be. A zillion ways in which we can find similarities between ourselves and others, points of connection rather than dis-connection.

If indeed, the world is to become an increasingly peaceful place, then it will have to be by seeking how we can connect, not by how much we can push against what's different.

If you'd asked me, ten minutes before my encounter with the young man, what a 19-year-old in a hairnet and I had in common, I'd probably have been stumped with "Well, we're both humans." It would never have occurred to me that we'd have fun singing together, much less that he would see that as a point of connection, and teach me something oh-so-valuable about connection.

So, whether it's at home with your teenager or taking care of your elderly parent, for example, ask yourself: "What's a point of connection here? What, for example, can I relate to with my teenage daughter/elderly parent, striving mightily to assert her right to have whatever it is her way?" Maybe the fundamental desire for freedom of self-expression, that we all long for. Maybe you can stop your "No! You can't!" just long enough to value her fierce determination to be her own person, even as you stand your ground with whatever constraint you impose as her loving parent or daughter.

And when you go about your day, moving through your world, ask yourself of everyone you meet or pass by: "What might be a point of connection with this person?" Sometimes it's easy to spot: someone smiles at you, you smile back. You appreciate what someone is wearing, or how they are interacting with someone else.

When it's not obvious, make it up! What do you know? Maybe that kid zooming by on his skateboard draws a mean caricature, and would love to share the "how to" with you, who've always longed to wield a wicked pencil. Maybe the homeless person shuffling along has that one pearl of wisdom that would light up your life.

Or maybe, just maybe, you'd be lucky enough to sing Sinatra with a pimply-faced 19 year old sporting a black hair-net.

Being Bliss Is an Attitude - Not Dependent on Outer Joy or Perceptions of Peace

Bless others in your gaze by an engaging stare; You don't need to identify the reason(s) that bring you bliss, joy or happiness. Sometimes your life unfolds through well-deserved, synchronized occurrences, through planned actions receiving positive outcomes, your authenticity is what distinguishes you from others, it can be overwhelming, at times, and make you want to cry. Tears of unrealized dreams, only you know the reason for your fears; even when others don't. YOU CAN HOLD YOUR HEARTFELT REACTIONS NEAR OR DEAR TO YOURSELF; BRING BLISSFUL FEELINGS BACK TO YOURSELF, ALWAYS LIVE IN BLISS; BLESS THE BLISSFUL EVENTS, IT WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU; DO FOR OTHERS WHAT YOUR OWN BLISSFUL BLESSINGS DO FOR YOU! ENJOY YOUR Joyful days, joy brings strength, and it can even lengthen the days that you feel thankful, powerful and rewarded by your choice to choose to remain calm, authentic and true to your nature of living, creating or thinking, be blissful, don't detest your own life situation, things could always be worse.

BELIEVE IN WHAT IGNITES THE FIRE IN YOU; leading YOU to your authentic, internal flame that grew and grew, exasperating your buoyancy and fulfillment in your current reality. Gain animated authenticity, colored by what entices your genius potential; be secure in the knowledge that you have already accomplished many of your life goals. When we sleep, we dream. and create other forms of reality, realize that dreams, from youth, have already been realized. As time propels forward, so do our dreams, let them come across in this dimension, like you have already accomplished before by being authentic, original and by living your life, be true to your own talent, education or skill.

As we dream, we go freely to ANOTHER dimension of EXPANDED UNDERSTANDING, WITHOUT EXCUSES, AVOIDANCE OF COMPLICATED CONCERNS, AND DEVOID OF OUR OWN EGO. CHANGE OR AMEND your focus, concentrate on OMITTING ANOTHER'S FALLACIES- FILLED WITH LIES, GOSSIP OR JEALOUS RANTS, THESE ISSUES ARE THEIRS, NOT OURS, AND SIMPLY UNTRUE. How better can I explain this to you? Please comprehend, my intention is to enlighten my fellow man or woman.

Make things clear and simple, introduce enjoyment in your actions;however you judge them, big, small or insignificant. Give your best effort in everything that you do. Know that we are all inter-connected; Like tiny grains of sand, when put together make cement. All are the dots of life-giving cells, thoughts assimilating in your life; connecting you to the matrix of the bigger picture, and the very reason for our existence.

Soon you will be finely attuned to the impressive perception of life made simple; becoming a better antenna receptor for the gestation and electricity of your conspicuous, contemporaneous gestures, in ample and endless abundance, and in great measure. Treasure your existence on earth! It can bring you great accomplishment, pain, or pleasure in a balanced effort. Brought about by doing simple things, that you allow yourself to do, uplift yourself, generate wealth; press your thoughts or buttons; cause yourself to smile, to seize with ease, the next given opportunity;seek over and over again and have fun while learning or enduring the process. You'll be blissful and excited when you start painting, writing, dancing or singing again, just like you had before, when your life was more balanced and less complicated, than how you choose to live now.

Live in bliss and happiness, perform one adventure after another, once the last event is done; move-on to the next adventure; venture into untraveled territory seeking new ways to rebuild, relearn a new craft, reinvent your talent, art, or skill.


I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

I love this parable. Whether it is authentic or not, the message is important and very, very true.

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life... "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves." One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego. "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed." 
Author Unknown

Lately I have found myself feeding the dark wolf; mostly anger, sorrow, regret, some resentment, self-doubt and ego, also a whole lot of feeling frustration. Not because I feel entitled. Anyone who knows me knows that is not part of my make-up. I feel frustration sometimes because my ego gets in the way. And by my ego, my old self, my unconscious self, rears its childlike frustrated head and whines because life is not moving as smoothly or as easily as I want it or would like it to be. My unconscious self stamps its little girl foot and shouts "But it's MY turn!" or better yet "I'm feeding my white wolf, when does life get easier?"

The white wolf answers me "You have more work to do child."

Every moment of every day offers us opportunities and yes, tests, to choose to not only feed our joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith, but to also to live as a shining example for other's whose dark wolf is snarling in the background. I have a dear friend who calls these tests "God's little Pop Quizzes". We are not supposed to look at our obstacles as obstructions but as guide posts on our journey. And if we stumble, that's not a failure, but another opportunity to get it right the next time!

Our reward for living a life of love is all the white wolf embodies in the above parable, and it takes constant awareness and work to maintain that level of Zen. This world we live in is constantly throwing dark wolf scenarios at us through the media and yes, right down to individuals we encounter each and every moment of every day. It all stems from fear!

So what do we do, you ask? Stay aware. Stay hopeful. Keep your eye on your prize (yes, your prize! Everyone has their own idea what their prize is), and live in the simple truth there is a Soul "pot of gold" at the end of our life's rainbow. The path you take is completely up to you, and the rewards are already in front of you!

And when you falter, be gentle with yourself, and ask what you can do differently the next time around. As Gandhi said, "Be the change in the world you want to see."

Message From the Universe: Be Open Minded!

"Sometimes, finally seeing things from someone else's perspective can totally change your life.

Which, sometimes, explains exactly why they're there.

The Universe"

We can't always be set in our ways, all of the time. We get sometimes stuck on a process and find it difficult to get out of it. Since we've been working on this problem for a while, we seem to not see the solution that might be right in front of us. We get consumed by the issue and are not looking at the right places. It is important to allow someone else that is not involved in your venture to look at the issue with a fresh pair of eyes, which in return, can allow them to find a solution, yet, very obvious to you, but hard to see. Because of our implication on the project, obvious solutions aren't that easy to find, especially when we are not looking at the right places. Let the right people offer a hand and you might be surprised on how quick they can resolve your existing issue. Their aptitude is not always a requirement to find a specific kind of solution, because common sense gets involved in the process, regardless of the amount of knowledge you may have on the subject at hand.

When involving others, especially mentors, you may have a fresh perspective on what alternative plan could be available to resolve the existing issue. Being open minded to allowing others to help you find the solution doesn't show a sign of weakness or stupidity, but provides you with a better insights as to what can be the best probable solution to your existing challenge. Admitting your limitations is a sign of respect to yourself, that it is OK not to know EVERYTHING. You are allowed to be weak in certain areas of your life, and this is why others are around you to help you get past these problematic scenarios. You are not the ONLY human on Earth with weaknesses and always remember to avoid, at all costs, to compare these weaknesses with someone else's strength. Nothing good will ever come out of it.!&id=9499138

Visitation: Put Off To Tomorrow What You Absolutely Don't Have To Do Today

It is hard to be a part time parent. If you don't have custody of your kids, it is not always easy to decide how to treat them when they are with you. This is especially challenging if you have remarried and have children or step children with your new partner. The following tips may help you understand the situation better so that you can balance everybody's interests.

1 Recognize that your kids may be jealous of your "new" family. You can't include them in your daily activities if you don't have custody. Nevertheless, they miss seeing you on a daily basis, and are likely to resent the people who get to see you all of the time.

Kids tend to idealize the life of the missing parent. To you and your new partner, it may seem like you are living in a Hubble with 5 kids who hate you, and a partner who is indifferent to your needs. To your kids, it will seem that their step-siblings' world is one of constant happiness and joy. Even if you weren't the easiest person to live with when you made your home with their other parent, your kids will believe that they don't live up to your standards, so you had to go out and find a new family to replace them. To add insult to injury, you have the time and resources to be lavish with your new kids, and don't have anything but left overs for your first family. Remember, your kids get a very small snap shot of your current situation, and it will be easy for them to leap to conclusions, no matter how unfounded their assumptions may be.

2 Don't forget your kids' birthdays, Easter and other important occasions. This isn't to say that you have to spend mountains of money to acknowledge the important dates in your child's life. This is not a competition to earn your kids' love with presents. Just take him out for an ice cream cone, or take her to a concert in the park. Don't invite anyone else along, and you will give your child the gift of your undivided attention, which is something every child will enjoy a lot more than any toy or game you could buy.

3 Don't work when your child is visiting. No one ever lay on their death bed wishing they had spent more time earning a living. Occasionally, you may not be able to avoid the demands of your employer. However, it is way too important to let your kids know that you value the time you have to spend with them, and, unless it is a matter of keeping your job or being fired, you should keep their visitation clear, even if it means giving up overtime.