Listening To Your Unconscious Mind

I'd like you to discover how your unconscious mind communicates with you.

If you think your physical manifestations are by chance, then you may be surprised to find out that you are being given messages that are worth paying attention to. Messages that your unconscious mind is telling you to pay attention.

Let me ask you something. Have you ever wondered and stopped to think about why we have our physical symptoms like aches and pains in the body or why we're overweight or underweight? These things that manifest in our body, why we get anxious for no logical reason. You have headaches or are always stressed, whatever it is.

You see, all these things are just symptoms of stress. The signs of physical, psychological and emotional stress that manifests in the body. We need natural stress to protect us from real danger, so crossing the road, you need to get out of the way for cars coming, but when it's overworking, when the unconscious mind perceives danger, it starts overreacting even though the situation might not need it.

Common signs and symptoms of stress are aches and pains in the body, headaches, digestive, respiratory problems, anxiety. They're just the basics, then there's a lot of sub branches of those things. These things aren't normal. A lot of people think they're normal. Aches and pains in the body aren't normal. There's actually two types of pain that we need to recognize. One of them is really good.

If you bang your head on the cupboard or if you bang your shin on a tow bar and it really hurts, that's the sort of pain you want because it's telling you, "Hey, be careful. Watch where you're moving. There's things there that are dangerous." That happens very rarely, but most of the pain, the other sort of pain that most people are living with daily like back pain or neck and shoulder pain, a lot of people think this is just normal. It's not normal. It's common.

So, what's the difference between normal and common? It's common because a lot of people have it, but what's normal is people's refusal to do simple things to address the problem. They don't want to do what's necessary to live without the pain; they don't want to do stretching. When you start doing a bit of stretching every day, maybe some meditation, dietary things, you can take a lot of things into account. You can actually eliminate or really significantly reduce pain.

The same things apply if we're overweight or underweight, and both of those things are an issue. We sort of have a range with all of those things. We can tolerate so much, but we don't want to let them get too far out of whack. If you're putting on a few kilos every time you look in the mirror, you're getting a sign to stop eating so much. What does all this mean? See, your unconscious mind doesn't talk in English like I'm talking to you now. It doesn't talk in any specific language. It gives you signals that manifest in your physical body.

So next time you look in the mirror or feel aches and pains or unwarranted anxiety know that your unconscious mind is communicating with you. Take notice and you are in an empowering position to make changes.

When would NOW be a good time to listen to your unconscious communication?

Work Stress - Dealing With An Overwhelming To-Do List One Task At A Time

Many of us experience overwhelm in our lives. The good news is that it can be overcome. One of the ways in which we can do this is to become aware of how we focus our attention.

Many of us use a to-do list. The master list of everything we have committed ourselves to accomplishing. Dr Pedram Shojai, former Taoist monk and doctor of Chinese medicine, talks about us having numerous windows open on the desktop of our lives.

However, how we interact with the to-do list (those open windows) can go some way to determining the extent to which we feel overwhelmed.

Looking at the whole list can do one of two things:

A) It can freak us out because we are thinking we have no idea how we're going to complete all the items on the list, or

B) We see each item on the list in its own right, we know why it's on the list, we've established that it's our task and no-one else's (it can't be delegated) and we have some notion that we can deal with it successfully

Overwhelm can come about when we are in state A, and as a result we're becoming stressed out about the length of the list.

Overwhelm can be eased by:

Prioritising the list, starting from the top and dealing, with full focus, with one task at a time. This, by default, means that you are putting down (actively de-prioritising) all the other tasks on your list until you've completed the one at hand. This may sound simple, but it is profound. The reason? All we have is now, this present moment, and the more focused we are the more effectively we work.

We become anxious and overwhelmed when we are engaged in one task but thinking about all the others we have yet to complete. This dissipates our focus and dilutes our effectiveness. As a result, tasks take longer to complete because we are not 100% engaged.

We also tend to switch between tasks. This may feel like a better use of our time but our focus becomes compromised. When we're interrupted we find it difficult to get back on track if we're focused on two or more tasks, and in the end the tasks simply take us longer to complete.

So when you're faced with an overwhelming to-do list, take the time to prioritise it, start from the top, work your way down and ensure you focus on one task at a time.

Release The Stress In Your Life Without Spending A Cent

On any given day, you can find all sorts of claims online and in magazines and newspapers, promising to rid you of all the stress in your body for a small fee (or sometimes a big one). Well, for the most part these claims are exaggerated, and any person claiming to offer stress busting advice for money shouldn't be trusted. There are a huge number of things you can do to relieve the stress in your life, and they don't come with a price tag attached. I'm going to go through some of these: what they are and how you can best utilise them in your life.


First on my list is meditation. Do you meditate? If you answered no, then you most likely haven't heard about the extensive health benefits meditation brings, including stress relief. A simple breathing exercise lasting no more than 20 minutes can effectively release you from your stress and tension.

Firstly, attempt to get into the Buddha Vairochana position. This isn't essential, but it does help immensely with stress relief and relaxation. With your back straight, and your tongue touching the back of your upper teeth, tilt your head forward ever so slightly, keeping your eyes open.

Once you are comfortably in this position, simply allow your mind to become aware of anything that may be distracting you in your life. As you breathe out, imagine these distractions dispersing with your breath, out of your body in the form of smoke. As you breathe in, imagine everything that is good coming into your body. Repeat this breathing exercise twenty-one times.


Something as simple as your favourite album, artist or track will help you to relieve stress. Make sure you're not listening to anything too loud or violent (heavy metal and hip hop may not be the best choices!) and make sure you're listening through your headphones. Get into a relaxing position in your home, turn off the television and other electronic devices (apart from your MP3 player) and relax.


There are all sorts of types of tea that have effective stress relieving properties. For tea to be most effective, though, you need to be in the right environment. At the end of the working day, take half an hour on your own sitting in your living room or lying on your bed with a mug of hot green tea. The theanine contained in green tea has a soothing effect on your central nervous system.


As well as being a great way to stay in shape, certain yoga poses are brilliant for relieving stress.

- Salutation seal: Sitting comfortably with your legs crossed, bring your hands together in a praying motion to your heart chakra. Hold this pose for 3 minutes.

- Sukhasana: This pose (also known as easy pose) involves sitting cross legged and placing your hands on each knee, with your fingers relaxed and barely touching. This pose amplifies the state of serenity and tranquillity, whilst also eliminating anxiety.

Great Tips From Brenda: My Tips To Manage Stress In The Workplace

I have some tips that I share with my team at stressful times to help them to manage anxiety. The first step is to decide what is actually stressing you. Is it a lack of time, not enough training or just too much to do?

Then you need to speak with your supervisor, a colleague or a friend to help you to deal with the stress. Here are some ways that we work through stress in my office:

1. Write your thoughts in a diary, keep a log in your task section or just a note-book. You do not need to share this with anyone. Give it a little bit of time, say a week, and look for reoccurring themes. Usually without realising, you will be noting something repetitively.

2. Give yourself a way to finish your day. A lot of us leave the office but don't officially finish our work day. We replay things in our mind and talk about work with our loved ones and even dream about it. Make a ritual for your after work health. My husband and I have a 30-minute rule. We have 30 minutes to get everything out and then we don't talk about work anymore for the evening.

3. Practice yoga, meditation, go for walks or hit the gym. Give your body and mind something healthy to focus on. I love to meditate in the morning so that my mind is clear and stress free before I start and I can think clearly. I prefer to exercise, in some form at night. You can try all different things in different orders until you find what works for you.

4. Watch what you put in your mouth, drinks and food make a difference to how you feel. Try to eat healthy food with lots of water as bad food will make you feel even worse.

5. When you are calm, go through your list of stress points with your team leader or manager and see what can be done to make it easier. Perhaps they have a way that they deal with the same item in a calm way. This is not about handing over your work, rather finding a way to deal with what you must do.

6. Take your breaks regularly. I was getting told constantly by my team that they were too busy for breaks, but it is just not productive. By taking that short afternoon tea break or having a break away from your desk you are actually giving your mind and body the time to repair. Your best work will flow when you are rested.

Stress can be different for everyone. Find what works for you and remember that your team is there to support each other. They may be feeling the same, so take the time to speak with each other and your leader.

Brenda Mitchell is a Head of Department for Property Management and currently in her 6th year of real estate, she is passionate about the industry and strives to find innovative ways to support and mentor her team to reach their full potential.

Is Stress Shrinking Your Brain?

Stress increases the risk of mental disorders, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, addiction, heart problems, hair loss and even skin disorders and other health conditions. When it's not managed properly, prolonged stress can lead to more serious, as well as permanent, conditions like memory loss, decreased learning ability even personality changes because stress physically effects your brain and it's functionality.

Before you start looking at your brain as if it is a big raisin, stress does not shrink your brain so much in a literal sense, but there are some structural changes and even a decrease in size to certain areas of the brain.

Stress and adversity are also associated with the part of the brain, which regulates self-control, cognitive processing and emotion, which is why it increases depression and addiction leading to a self-destructive lifestyle.

Scientists who have done various studies on how stress affects and changes the brain, discovered that the hormone released by stress, called cortisol, tampers with your brain's ability to make synaptic connections between the cells.

Meaning, your brain cannot produce new neurons, which then inhibits new brain cells from forming. If your brain can't communicate correctly due to something causing a 'bad connection', the message might get mixed up or perhaps not even reach its destination, causing that part of the brain to not function properly.

Stress can decrease the size of the gray matter in the hippocampus, the vital part of the brain, where your memories are stored as well as making new memories and learning new things. At the same time, stress increases the white matter of the brain, resulting into you having faster responses to fear and is also the reason for your decreasing 'coping skills', resulting in that anxious feeling you get where you just want to run away from everything..

Here is what you can do to stop losing your mind:

There are two things you can do which can effectively reduce stress and increase brain connectivity between cells;

1. Meditation

According to a Harvard researcher, if you do mindful meditation for 30 minutes a day, you will see measurable structural differences in the brain after about 8 weeks. The studies have shown an increase of grey matter in the hippocampus and decrease of matter in the amygdala, the part in the brain which is most active when stressed.

2. Exercise

Physical exercise activates the brain's hippocampus as well as strengthens the nerve fibre for efficient brain functionality.

Meditation and exercise can help repair the connections in the brain affected by stress, but always remember that a positive attitude feeds a healthy mind!

How Stressed Are You? Check Your Unconscious Barometer

What if you had a way to measure your stress levels, with a tool so accurate that you could forecast stormy conditions ahead, and be able to change the course of your life to drift in calmer conditions? That would be empowering, would it not?

Well, this tool exists in all of us. It's your unconscious mind. The essence of who you are. It is your barometer, constantly sending out messages to let you know what you will have to weather in your life.

Most people nowadays say they are stressed. How do they know that? It's all relative really. Stress is the problem presented and how well you are able to deal with it. Therefore the more tools you have at your disposal, the more you are able to tolerate.

Having a flexible body and flexible mind allows you to bend further in strong winds instead of breaking. Knowing how to read your barometer can forecast the weather ahead.

This awareness allows you to be

• Empowered

• Assertive

• Confident

• Calm

• Flexible in mind and body

• More value to yourself and others

• Live in optimal health


The basic signs and symptoms of stress are aches and pains in the body, overweight or underweight, headaches, sciatic pain, digestive, respiratory problems, anxiety.

Just as the weather barometer hanging on your wall gives you accurate readings of what to expect, so you know what to wear, or if you would be wise to take an umbrella with you, the severity of your stress signs allows you to forecast ahead, and control the direction.

We have a range that is acceptable, and outside this range, we need to pay attention. So, let's use weight as an example. Our health can tolerate say plus or minus a few kilograms but any more than this and problems start to show. If you have put on a few kilograms, and know it's time to do something, you can steer yourself back to health easily.

Should you choose to ignore these signs, your unconscious mind increases the symptoms with more weight to alert you. The more you journey into the storm the greater the increase in alarms. Maybe blood pressure, joint pain, diabetes, etc. The point here is, the earlier you can read the signs, the more empowered you are to change course and avoid further complications.

You may think aches and pains in the body are normal due to age, genetics. As we know, they are not normal, they are common, and due more to poor lifestyle choices like sedentary lives and inflexibility. Those aches and pains are messages from your unconscious mind, your barometer telling you that if you do the things to make me more flexible, I'll go away and stop hurting you.

You also have your emotional barometer. We have emotions that we should be experiencing most of the time, being happiness, joy, love, gratitude etc. The more time we spend with these emotions, is our forecast for smooth sailing. When the opposite feelings like anger, hate, jealousy surface, it's time to sit up and take notice. Nobody would put themselves into these states by choice, so know your unconscious barometer is alerting you that what you're doing isn't working, to change course, to avoid worse things.

The common approach in dealing with signs of stress is to run, hoping they will just go away. That's because we don't like them, they make us feel uncomfortable, scared even. When you run toward them and be thankful that you are being given early warning, then they soon become your best friends.

Improve Self Esteem

We all want to improve self-esteem because we want to feel more positive about ourselves. Here is what you need to know to improve yours.

Americans are more concerned with self-esteem than other cultures partly because we have many symbols of personal success in our society. Those symbols are our house, car, clothes, vacations, jewelry, and even what prep school our kids go to. Despite how superficial this may seem, its part of our culture. External objects of success can have an impact on self-esteem if that's your yardstick. However, over time, these external measures tend to mean less as we understand their limited value.

As a therapist for over 35 years, I've had many opportunities to improve self-esteem especially with depressed patients. First I want to define self-esteem as an attitude that's completely under your control. It's a way to view yourself and the world. If this attitude was established in childhood, that's where I would start. So, see if you can pinpoint when it started, that goes a long way in understanding the cause. It often comes from an over stressed parent and not a result of anything you did.


Being aware of the cause of negative feelings like a degrading parent or sibling helps put our feelings in perspective. Just because others blamed you, that's no reason to blame yourself. Some of us may have had toxic people in our past which we may have to accept and move on. We must release feelings of the past so we can move forward in a healthy manner.


You may not realize how amazing you are until you make a list of all you abilities, skills, and attributes. This is a written exercise because you will continue to add to it. I want to see a long list of even the smallest traits like making your bed in the morning or just being polite to people. Fill the page and pin it on your refrigerator to remind you.


Did you know that we take on the attitude of those around us? It's important to step back and evaluate how positive our relationships really are. Sometimes, we might hold onto old friends out of obligation or duty, but that may not be a good idea. Ask yourself if your friends or family treat you with the same respect as you treat them? This exercise involves making a list of all the people we know and assigning a positive value to each.


We are not perfect and that's OK. Accepting the unique imperfection of yourself and others is what makes personalities interesting. An attitude of acceptance of others tends to increase their acceptance of you. Transformative exercise: you can decide to say something positive about people each time you meet them. Don't be surprised if they start doing the same to you which increases your self-esteem.


This occurs when others are perceived as better in some way. People who spend too much time on social media tend to feel this way of others. Men especially tend to compete on different levels that can make one feel inadequate. So, don't put yourself in a win or lose situation and stop worrying what others are doing. Be sure to set you "own" goals. Self-esteem is based on our contentment with ourselves, not others.


Before you get out of bed in the morning, lie there and visualize(mental imagery) how positive or effective you will be that day. If you have an interview, image how it will go and how positive and confident you will feel. If you haven't done this before, you may be surprised how behavior follows predetermined thought.

How to Pump Up Your Self-Esteem

Can you pump up your self-esteem? How about being your own cheerleader? Does that sound scary or do-able? Whichever it is, I hope this can help.

First of all, if it sounds like a scary or unsafe thing to be your own cheerleader, this is where and energy healing modality like EFT comes in. If EFT is not for you, then you may prefer Matrix Energetics, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Theta Healing or any of a number of effective modalities to help you get there.

Secondly, you can try the following exercise.

Do an easy exercise of writing down all the good attributes which you like about other people. For example, it can be kindness, Honesty, a good sense of humor, loyalty, being carefree, motivation, good fashion sense, whatever, just write it down. Use a special copybook that you buy just for this exercise, a notepad on your phone, tablet, or laptop, or whatever works for you. This will be your special journal for this simple exercise.

Just go for it. Make a long list of all the attributes that you admire.

Now, this is the really interesting thing. You may find that the more attributes in others that you write down, the more you will see a pattern of qualities in a person that are important to you. And this way, you can begin to see what person your heart truly says that you want to be. Then you can listen to your heart and allow those good qualities to develop in you.

You can fake it till you make it. That is always a good start. You can begin to copy these attributes as your own. Do it one by one; for example, one a week. Again, you may have to fake it till you make it, but how else can we learn something new?! You can incorporate one good attribute into your own being until you get through the whole list.

Next, choose the top 5 attributes that you have adopted into your life. Make motivational affirmations out of them. For example, "I am a person of integrity, and I like that in myself". To help you absorb these affirmations faster and with less resistance, you can use Meditation, EFT, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Theta Healing, or any self-help technique that does it for you.

Use one affirmation a day for the 5 weekdays each week, then either have a break at the weekend, or repeat them all each weekend. Be your own cheerleader, and enjoy pumping up your self-esteem!

4 Tips To Improve And Boost Your Self-Confidence

Many people today believe that having self-confidence has something to do with ones accomplishments or societal status. Others think it has something to do with having a certain kind of body, the way one looks or even how popular they are with friends and society in general. The idea of self confidence is perhaps one that women need a lot of clarity on because often times we see promotions on what new thing to get, which make-up to use and which "fix you up" products that are all supposed to magically give you an increased sense of self-worth and greater confidence. But does any of this really work?

Personally I know it doesn't work at all for I started off trying to get rid of my insecurities, self-loathing and criticism by buying all the best things I could find to enhance my beauty and confidence.

What experience has shown me, which numerous researches conducted can now confirm is that nothing can increase your self-esteem and self- confidence. Your happiness, fulfillment and overall well-being is very much limited or expanded by your level of confidence and self-esteem. No external thing therefore can truly bring you joy and fulfillment or that sense of deserving except a belief in your own value, which is always determined by your level of inner confidence, and belief in your own Self.

In our modern and rapidly developing society where material possessions are considered a standard measure of value, more and more people are secretly battling with this idea and try to mask whatever emotions they might have by working harder than ever to get more stuff, bigger accolades and more social recognition in the hopes that this will in some way fill the inner void that continues to brew.

This is the worst way to build your success or your self-esteem because none of the outer possessions no matter how good will ever satisfy you or even last very long. They aren't meant to add or complete you where you feel a lack, when we use them for such, we welcome all the evils that divine teachings have warned us against.

What is self-confidence and where does it come from?

Confidence is defined as the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on something or someone. Self-confidence then is the feeling or belief that you can have faith in and rely on your Self.

It all comes from the Self and the error we have made far too many times is in making our capacity, abilities and sense of worth dependent on something other than self. Which brings me to the first point I wish to drive home, the self is the real, infinite and eternal you. But that self-experiencing your current life is under a certain belief, idea, concept about who and what it is. This idea is called self-image. It is the image of self that your mind has believed and defined as you. If this image is healthy and built or a right foundation then you have a great thriving lifestyle because your confidence is booming which means you're deliberately designing and generating the kind of conditions rolling out in your life. However if for one reason or another you didn't form a healthy and true image of self, then real confidence and belief in yourself is something you struggle with which naturally reflects on the quality of life you get to experience on a daily basis.

For the most part, we see all the erred views on self-confidence and self-esteem stemming out of this false paradigm and approach to the self, which causes people to look to the external rather than to the self for a strong, confident and a high sense of value and worth as human individuals simply from just "being" instead of doing or having a particular thing.

The difference between a person who's got a good healthy self-confidence and one who doesn't isn't about how they physically look, what they have or the kind of accomplishments they've made. It's a deeper more profound knowledge and understanding as well as complete appreciation and embracing of all that they are. One of the question's I get asked the most is: What can I do to increase my level of confidence? Here are a few ways:

1. Disentangle your real Self from your conceptions of self

The great endeavour we all need to frequently do as we often get lazy and get pulled back into mass kind of thinking is to disentangle the real Self from the beliefs attached to the self. The "I" in you is the real Self and is not the idea of you that you've formed throughout your lifetime. Your real Self is independent of all the conditions, labels and attachments you developed while on earth. It is this self that gives you life and makes it possible for you to even read this now.

This same self is the one you must learn to believe in, have faith and rely on implicitly. But since many people have no idea how to access or live from this self, the outside alternatives have continued to be promoted because humanity has long gotten used to the idea of looking for power outside in the world of effects. We find it difficult to trust in what is beyond our intellect and yet we can feel that all things tangible are limited. Your self-confidence will increase greatly when you learn to tap into your real Self and live from that authentic and infinitely powerful aspect of your existence.

2. Learn the truth about perfection and imperfection

Mankind has gotten so used to the idea of being imperfect. It's drilled in almost all schools of life and the idea of perfection has been given such a bad humanistic and almost vain taste that stating it here I know will arouse the criticism of the uninitiated minds. But the truth always stands and it is that you are perfect! You were born perfect and that's why you innately feel as though you need to express it.

Because you are spiritually perfect, there is no need to ever believe that something needs to be added or fixed. No need to ever believe that you need to seek it because being already perfect, the process of human living is the progressive unfolding and evolving of that inherent perfection. Start viewing yourself as such and life will show you just how perfect you can be as long as you continue progressively moving forward with ease and confidence in who you really are.

3. Discover the biggest war zone in the world and heal it

This is a big one for most people everywhere. Do you know that one of the biggest and hardest habits to break for the human being is that of self-judgment? Neuroscience found this to be one of the most detrimental habits most people indulge in almost unconsciously.

Within your mind is an ever on-going conversation about everything you are experiencing and especially about yourself. This conversation needs to be guarded and reshaped to reflect the kind of lifestyle you wish to manifest before you can hope to have it as your reality. If that conversation is only fault-finding, blaming, arguing and criticizing it will be very difficult for you to ever feel good enough or worthy of a good life. People spend so much time worried about the outside world while if only they could go quiet and listen in, they would soon discover a similar war going on internally.
4. Learn to embrace

Embrace all of you. Not just the good parts but all of you... Ambiguity is natural to you because you exist as Body - Mind - Spirit. When you discover the kind of image you have attached to your "I", it's probable you'll even feel ashamed that you attached such a disgraceful belief to yourself and let it define who you are. We all experience that - but what you need to know is that it doesn't really matter anymore as long as you're now awake and ready to take action and create an image that truly reflects the kind of person you want to be. Hiding, feeling ashamed or guilty over the things you discover from your old beliefs and mindset does nothing except harm you and keep you stuck.

Don't forget these are just a few tips on a very deep topic that every individual needs to work on intimately because it makes all the difference in the quality of life. I have a lot more on this topic and you can have more access in greater details of ways to help you recreate your self-image.

Above all else, understand that changing your self-image and improving your confidence requires time and consistent practice because it's a major factor in mastery of self. As with all things, the mastery requires certain consistent effort and practice to be invested before the great harvest can be enjoyed. But every step along the way will already move you closer to your ultimate goal and small manifestations that help you track your progress will always be noted so keep working at it, start with these simple ideas and trust that you are all it takes to be this new you that you want to bring into physical reality.

3 Top Tips For Self-Improvement

Person in Blue Denim Jeans and White Sneakers Walking on Road

You are entirely responsible for your personal life. Therefore, whichever possible change you want to embark on must begin with you. This is because you are the only one who possesses the power to enable you to move towards the direction which you desire to go. You already possess inner resources and creative talents to reach for greater things. You have the option to be happy and feel good and live the life you have always wanted.

Below are some self-improvement ideas and tips that will enable you to start to make a change in your life for better since you have no limits to what you can achieve.

Ensure you make use of positive language

Practice ignoring or ditching all negative suggestions, words and thoughts and embrace the habit of adding positive ideas into your mind. Allow positive language to be your dominant thoughts and allow bad energy and bad thoughts to slip away.

Positive Language

How you regard yourself and the things you think about will dictate what you will become hence the need to focus your mind on your goals and what you wish to achieve. Whenever you speak about yourself, talk in positive terms at all times. Get rid of all the negative statements and words such as don't, cannot, can't, never, not and will not.

Ensure you become more self-indulgent and independent

Whether you are in a relationship or single, it will do you good to be self-indulgent and independent. Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed to perform things through your own self-help. We become stronger by indulging in things, hence the need to come out of your comfort zone and discover more about yourself and what you desire. You can choose to travel as traveling is among the ideal ways to experience and learn about life more.

I Love Me

Think much about yourself and make sure your needs come first. If this depicts selfishness, so be it. Whenever you have a suggestion to put across, just mention it. You don't necessarily have to be aggressive or argumentative; however you do not always need to hold back either.

There are times you ought to go through the bad to discover the good. With time you will become more knowledgeable through your experiences on things that make you happy and those that don't. This will help you avoid those things or situations.

Learn relaxation techniques

Tension and stress is the worst enemy you have in your body. Mind relaxation is the antidote to stress. Whenever you feel stressed you should deal with it while in its early stages, failure to do so leads to more stress.

It all revolves around changing the way you respond to situations. Learning to relax and letting go and not rushing will cause your state to change. Immediately your energy begins to change, there will be less things to worry you and many things will move in the right direction.


Deep relaxation will lower your anxiety and stress causing you to think more clearly, become more creative and feel more alive, vibrant and confident.

Begin to make a number of positive and good choices for your personal self-improvement. You can get books or eBooks on Self Help which will aid you meet your goal of living your life without relying on others.

Thank you for reading... to your success!

Energy of Valuing Your Self

Value Yourself

The energy we put out is what comes back to us. How we perceive ourselves can influence how others perceive us or it will produce mixed signals for them. When I was looking for a job in the past I would get feedback from the business that I was over qualified for the jobs or the job would be a perfect fit but the pay grade would be lower than expected. After this happened a few times, I started to get frustrated. I started to evaluate the energy around the situation and what I found was amazing.

What I found  was that I wasn't valuing myself as I should. It is so important to give the credit and value to yourself that you deserve. So may of us may feel that our job is easy and an easy job has less value. Or you may be a giver always going above and beyond because that is the way you are. You are doing a good job and really do not expect anything in return. Some of us have the trouble with money and putting a value on our skills, services or products. We may just want to help people and give things away. All of this puts out an energy that people can price us as low value. But you are a high value this puts out mixed signals and can cause a huge disconnect.

Let's say your real skills and knowledge are at 100 points but the actions and the value you have for yourself is at 30 points. This is a 70 point gap and this is what we put out to the universe. Now when we look for a job what comes back is something in the middle. You may have many people look at you for an opportunity of 50 points and their perceived energy from you is this person's skills and knowledge is well above what they are looking for and they assume that pay should go along with that so they do not look at you. Or the job is a perfect match but then the pay scale is at the low end because that is the energy you are putting out.

To solve this energy issue is to value yourself. Once we value ourselves that energy that we put out can raise from 30 points to maybe 80 points. That makes only a 20 point difference. When we attract new opportunities and they are in the middle, they can come in as 90 points. Know your knowledge and the perceived values are closer. This creates a better fit for you and the employer.

There are many ways we can shift your value. You can raise your prices, do not give things away, or say affirmations of value. As we work on this many of us will also have to change or shift our belief system. Energy work and emotional clearing is an easy relaxing way to help with this shift.

When we love ourselves and value ourselves, then energy gets returned to us 10 fold.

Teach People How To Treat You Better!

According to Dr. Phil, "We teach people how to treat us." Let that sink in for a moment. Rephrase it and repeat it a couple times to yourself. "I teach people how to treat me." Maybe you're thinking, my life isn't perfect and maybe once in a while an argument gets heated, but I'm doing alright.

But think for a moment about how people really do treat you. How does your spouse or significant other talk to you or about you? Do you feel supported and like you are both on the same team? What about your dad? Your ex? Do you walk on eggshells or tip toe around certain issues to avoid an argument? Think about nicknames people use for you, is there one you don't really like but you just let it go?

Are there things that any of them say that are a little on the edge of being rude? How do you react when this happens? Do you stop it, leave the room as if you didn't hear it, or just keep quiet? They may call you "big mama" referring to your extra weight but they frame it as "an inside joke". Do you laugh with them? Or do you ask them not to use that reference for you again?

What about your children? How do they talk to you? How do they behave toward you? Do they yell at you, try to hit you, push, ignore you, or kick at you when they don't get their way? Do you chalk this up to "just a tantrum" or do you discipline them for it? Do they show appreciation or just demand or expect you to cook, clean, and drive them to/from activities?

Think about other people in your life such as co-workers, friends, and relatives. Maybe they joke about "you and your book smarts", refer to your "hillbilly" accent, comment that you "run or throw like a girl", or ask "when are you going to just get a real job?" How do you respond? Does it feel like your co-workers or your boss value your contributions? Have you been corrected or yelled at by a boss or co-worker in front of other employees or customers?

As you think about how each of these types of people treat you, try to identify any patterns between them. For example, do both your husband and your in-laws make fun of the type of job that you have? Is there a running joke with your in-laws and your friends about your house being featured on the next TV episode of Hoarders or How Clean is your House?

Or maybe you have a friend or several friends that seem to imply that being a stay at home mom is not important or the fact that you work full-time and have your kids in daycare is not right. Maybe it's a co-worker who rolls their eyes every time you get a phone call from your kids who are at home.

Does this mean you are to blame for people treating you badly? Absolutely not. You are only responsible for what you knew when you knew it. And each person is ultimately responsible for their own behavior. But the good news is that now that you do know, you absolutely can teach most people how to treat you better!

The way that you teach people how to respect you or in some cases teach people how to treat you better is by first creating a very clear picture for yourself about what kind of behavior or treatment you will accept, how you express this to others, and how you respond if the poor treatment continues.

In order to set clear limits about how others treat you, it's important for you to first commit to some firm guidelines about how YOU treat yourself and others. The better you get at taking care of yourself, the harder it will be for you to tolerate disrespect from others. You also have to treat others well. The old adage, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" should be your new mantra.

We teach people how to treat us, yes. But that doesn't mean that everyone who behaves badly toward us is an evil person. They may not even be aware of how their treatment makes you feel. And you definitely contribute to that if you don't let them know how their behavior impacts you. They don't know what they don't know either. And if they do know they are hurting you, all the more reason for you to put a stop to it now.

So now that you know you can teach people to treat you better, the next step is to learn more about how to set firm boundaries and how to express yourself in an assertive way. With a little practice, you will be able to send a clear message to folks that you respect yourself and won't allow anyone to violate that in the way they treat you. There are several ways you can learn to set boundaries and stand up for yourself including self-help books, community education classes, or by getting the help of a life coach who specializes in this area. Contact us today!!&id=9314504

Please Excuse My Self Confidence

If I could describe the notion of self confidence in one sentence, I would say:

Self confidence is the greatest tool you can ever utilize.

I work in a very dog-eat-dog industry; someone will always have a better idea than yours and there will always be someone out to get you and shut you down. The key to surviving this is by having a very high self confidence, which is why most advertisement professionals, filmmakers, writers, artists and creatives are so adamant about their beliefs. Trust me, we don't want to come off as douchebags, but sometimes it is the only way to make it through a cut throat world.

However, I discovered the importance of this characteristic way before I entered the working world. I'm not sure exactly when, but I must have been about 16 or so - past my awkward and not so pretty pubescent phase.

Don't get me wrong; I am still as awkward as they come. The only difference now is that I flaunt it. I may continue to say weird things or act in odd ways, but I do it with a 'if you don't like it then deal with it' attitude.

Now, let's not confuse self confidence with having an oversized ego. The two are very different.

Firstly, our egos are the identities we construct; it is a combination of the beliefs we have of our talents, abilities, personality and looks. These notions are always false. It is a very active part of who we are and what we do and plays a big role in creating emotional drama in our everyday lives.

Have you ever caught yourself saying "Nobody likes me", "The mole on my chin is so ugly" or "I am so smart"? The I's and the me's are our egos talking.

Secondly, having a very active or a large ego has negative consequences more often than not; a person may become more self, self centered and self indulged as they seek constant recognition and validation of their notions. I knew nobody liked me because my friend didn't text me back. I knew my mole was hideous because the cute guy completely ignored me.

Self confidence, on the other hand, is an assessment of our self-worth; are we of any value to ourselves and those around us? It does not rely on other peoples judgements or our interactions with them; instead, it comes from a place deep within ourselves.

Deepak Chopra, one of the century's most influential people, beautifully described the idea of self confidence. He said that "... true self esteem is based on direct experiences of your core consciousness, your higher self, which lies beyond your ego... It cannot feel embarrassed, resentful, humiliated, or proud. The esteem of the higher self is simply a recognition of pure awareness."

There is a very fine line between the two, one that can become blurry at times. The trick is to redirect our focus on ourselves and our own ideas and not what others may think about us. Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses along with your strengths and don't dwell on either, because once you do that your ego comes into play.

I was not always aware of the importance of being confident until I realized what a hurdle being insecure was. I wasn't able to enjoy the simplest things nor did I have the courage to venture out of my comfort zone.

Here I am now, a few tough lessons later, doing things I never imagined doing and being comfortable doing them, too. I've come in terms with who I am, my skills, my talents and my flaws, and I strive to improve my ways on a daily basis.

It's not as scary or difficult as it sounds. In fact, it is totally worth it. The benefits have cultivated into my relationships, my career and my whole life, really. It has also become the greatest accessory I can ever wear. It has kept the spark alive in my life because I am no longer held back by fear or shame.

But it's a never ending journey; we must strive to accept who we are and improve our ways so that we can reach the ultimate level of self awareness, and ultimately, enlightenment.

Don't Be Shy - Boost Your Confidence Before Giving Your Presentation

Have you ever been in a situation where you've given a speech, a presentation or a meeting update and it hasn't flowed as well as you would have liked? You're hesitant the next time you're about to present? If you're feeling uncertain about an up and coming event (such as a meeting, speech or presentation) check out these 10 pre-event confidence-boosting questions and see if answering them makes the difference:

1. Are you certain of your core message, point or outcome? If not establish what this is from the outset and allow everything else to flow from it

2. Have you prepared well enough for the event? If not what else can you do to prepare?

3. Does what you're doing make sense to you? Does it sit well with your values and principles? Just how important is it to you? How can you raise its importance in your mind?

4. What is your relationship with the people around you? Are there any issues here? How will this impact on your delivery? How can you modify your thoughts, feelings and behaviour to address the issues?

5. How can you ensure you express yourself clearly and well? (If you're certain of your core message and you're well prepared it should be much easier to state your case clearly and with conviction). Can you draw on a similar situation when things went well? What is the difference between how you felt then and how you feel now? Why is this?

6. What kind of material do you have? Is it clear and simple to understand for the visual, audio and kinaesthetic among your audience? Can you improve, simplify or clarify it?

7. Have you anticipated any tricky questions that may come up, and prepared responses to them?

8. What are you saying and thinking to yourself about the event? If you're telling yourself how badly it's going to go that's exactly what you risk manifesting

9. Have you looked at the situation from the vantage point of each person who will be at that event? What questions or issues arise when you do this? Can you deal with any of them in advance? If so how?

10. What other messages are being communicated to you from this uncertainty? What do you need to do to quell them?

Answering these questions should go some way to increasing your confidence and ensuring you are well prepared for your event.

Codependency: Effect of Self-Esteem on Relationships

Research has well-established the link between good self-esteem and relationship satisfaction. Self-esteem not only affects how we think about ourselves, but also how much love we're able to receive and how we treat others, especially in intimate relationships.

A person's initial level of self-esteem prior to the relationship predicts partners' common relationship satisfaction. More specifically, although happiness generally declines slightly over time, this isn't true for people who enter a relationship with higher levels of self-esteem. But the steepest decline is for people whose self-esteem was lower to begin with.[1] Frequently, those relationships don't last. Even though communication skills, emotionality, and stress all influence a relationship, a person's past experience and personality traits affect how these issues are managed and therefore have the greatest bearing on its outcome.[2]

How Self-Esteem Affects Relationships

Self-esteem suffers when you grow up in a dysfunctional family. Often you don't have a voice. Your opinions and desires aren't taken seriously. Parents usually have low self-esteem and are unhappy with each other. They themselves neither have nor model good relationship skills, including cooperation, healthy boundaries, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. They may be abusive, or just indifferent, preoccupied, controlling, interfering, manipulative, or inconsistent. Their children's feelings and personal traits and needs tend to be shamed. As a result, a child feels emotionally abandoned and concludes that he or she is at fault-not good enough to be acceptable to both parents. This is how toxic shame becomes internalized. Children feel insecure, anxious, and/or angry. They don't feel safe to be, to trust, and to like themselves. They grow up codependent with low self-esteem and learn to hide their feelings, walk on eggshells, withdraw, and try to please or become aggressive.

Attachment style reflects self-esteem

As a result of their insecurity, shame, and impaired self-esteem, children develop an attachment style that, to varying degrees, is anxious or avoidant. They develop anxious and avoidant attachment styles and behave like pursuers and distancers described in "The Dance of Intimacy." At the extreme ends, some individuals cannot tolerate either being alone or too close; either one creates intolerable pain.

Anxiety can lead you to sacrifice your needs and please and accommodate your partner. Due to basic insecurity, you're preoccupied with the relationship and highly attuned to your partner, worrying that he or she wants less closeness. But because you don't get your needs met, you become unhappy. Adding to this, you take things personally with a negative twist, projecting negative outcomes. Low self-esteem makes you hide your truth so as not to "make waves," which compromises real intimacy. You may also be jealous of your partner's attention to others and call or text frequently, even when asked not to. By repeated attempts to seek reassurance, you unintentionally push your partner away even further. Both of you end up unhappy.

Avoiders, as the term implies, avoid closeness and intimacy through distancing behaviors, such as flirting, making unilateral decisions, addiction, ignoring their partner, or dismissing his or her feelings and needs. This creates tension in the relationship, usually voiced by the anxious partner. Because avoiders are hypervigilant about their partner's attempts to control or limit their autonomy in any way, they then distance themselves even more. Neither style contributes to satisfying relationships.

Communication reveals self-esteem

Dysfunctional families lack good communication skills that intimate relationships require. Not only are they important to any relationship, they also reflect self-esteem. They involve speaking clearly, honestly, concisely, and assertively, and the ability to listen, as well. They require that you know and are able to clearly communicate your needs, wants, and feelings, including the ability to set boundaries. The more intimate the relationship, the more important and more difficult practicing these skills becomes.

Codependents generally have problems with assertiveness. At the same time, they deny their feelings and needs, due to the fact that they were shamed or ignored in their childhood. They also consciously suppress what they think and feel so as not to anger or alienate their partner and risk criticism or emotional abandonment. Instead, they rely on mindreading, asking questions, caretaking, blaming, lying, criticizing, avoiding problems or ignoring or controlling their partner. They learn these strategies from the dysfunctional communication witnessed in their families growing up. But these behaviors are problematic in themselves and can lead to escalating conflict, characterized by attacks, blame, and withdrawal. Walls get erected that block openness, closeness, and happiness. Sometimes, a partner seeks closeness with a third person, threatening the stability of the relationship.

Boundaries protect self-esteem

Dysfunctional families have dysfunctional boundaries, which get handed down through parents' behavior and example. They may be controlling, invasive, disrespectful, use their children for their own needs, or project their feelings onto them. This undermines children's self-esteem. As adults, they too, have dysfunctional boundaries. They have trouble accepting other people's differences or allowing others' space, particularly in intimate relationships. Without boundaries, they can't say no or protect themselves when necessary and take personally what others say. They tend to feel responsible for others' stated or imagined feelings, needs, and actions, to which they react, contributing to escalating conflict. Their partner feels that he or she can't express themselves without triggering a defensive reaction.

Intimacy requires self-esteem

We all have needs for both separateness and individuality as well as for being close and connected. Autonomy requires self-esteem - both necessary in relationships. It's an ability to stand on your own and trust and motivate yourself. But when you don't like yourself, you're in miserable company spending time alone. It takes courage to communicate assertively in an intimate relationship-courage that comes with self-acceptance, which enables you to value and honor your feelings and needs and risk criticism or rejection in voicing them. This also means you feel deserving of love and are comfortable receiving it. You wouldn't waste your time pursuing someone unavailable or push away someone who loved you and met your needs.


Healing toxic shame from childhood takes working with a skilled therapist; however, shame can be diminished, self-esteem raised, and attachment style changed by altering the way you interact with yourself and others. In fact, self-esteem is learned. Sharing at 12-Step meetings is also very beneficial. Learning assertiveness also raises self-esteem.

Couples therapy is an ideal way to achieve greater relationship satisfaction. When one partner refuses to participate, it's nonetheless helpful if one willing partner does. Research confirms that the improved self-esteem of one partner increases relationship satisfaction for both.[3] Often, when only one person enters therapy, the relationship changes for the better and happiness increases for the couple. If not, the client's mood improves and he or she is more able to accept the status quo or leave the relationship.

©DarleneLancer 2016

[1] Lavner, J. A., Bradbury, T. N., & Karney, B. R. (2012). "Incremental change or initial differences? Testing two models of marital deterioration." Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 606-616.

[2] Bradbury, T. N., & Lavner, J. A. (2012). "How can we improve preventive and educational interventions for intimate relationships?" Behavior Therapy, 43, 113-122.

[3] Erol, Ruth Yasemin; Orth, Ulrich, "Development of self-esteem and relationship satisfaction in couples: Two longitudinal studies." Developmental Psychology," 2014, Vol. 50, No. 9, 2291-2303

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I Am Still Not Enough

How you suppress your own mind and abandon your inner voice.

All things start with actions you take and all your actions are being generated by your values and beliefs. One of the most common fallacies that people get into, is the belief that they are not enough. Even worst, when you start acquiring knowledge about a particular area you want to improve upon, you are still carrying the mindset "I am still not enough".

You are not enough to:

- Have successful relationships with people you choose to.
- Express your own thoughts to others without any fear.
- Stray off the beaten path and try something different.
- Be happy with your life and acknowledge the things you have accomplished.

And the list goes on... feel free to write your own. You have just read some of the fears and limitations I had planted in my mind several years ago.

In one way or another the thought "I am not enough" is being generated by you and transferred into your body. Day by day it creates tension thus affecting you everyday life. It affects your physical and emotional health and in extent your capacity to give love and enjoy time alone and with others. It is your choice whether you want to suppress till the end of your time or confront it.So what to do about it? Note that the following are projections of my truth not everyone's truth.

"I must learn more to be complete"

The truth is that it never ends. When you learn something new, you will crave the next thing, when you get familiar yourself with the next thing, then you will anticipate the following step. One of the main reasons, human beings have to come that far is the feeling of incompletion. The paradox lies within the individual who realizes that he/she is already full, but at the same time there are many hidden places, which remains to be discovered. On the other hand, feeling you are not enough can give you motivation to start, but from that point on you need to discard it. Give yourself permission to take action for the matters you feel you are not ready yet, stop enhancing procrastination in your everyday life. Learning more requires practice, not rationalization of emotions. Don't underestimate yourself, just do it.

"Hearing Yourself"

In an over stimulated environment in which most of us live, listening to yourself is extremely difficult. From the moment you are awake until the moment you go to bed, you place yourself in situations that are keeping you busy. You are probably watching TV, maybe spend hours on the internet looking for what other people are doing or doing drugs in order to get even more stimulated. If your purpose is to enjoy these kind of habits, that's great, you should honor your goals. But if deep inside you feel that you don't actually have any kind of control in your life, then it's essential to start listening to yourself, by dedicating some time in your everyday routine, when you can have absolute silence, then you can hear yourself. With the phrase "hear yourself" I am not referring to the constant voice that you hear in your head, that keeps telling you "you are not enough". Quite the contrary, I am talking about the voice you hear when you "go with the flow", the voice that comes with a feeling of softness. This voice is not judgmental, not violent, and not suspicious about others.When you are constantly stimulated by outer influences, you reach a point when you become alienated with your deeper self, hence that voice. The awesome thing is that this voice is just waiting for you to discover it and bring it up to the surface. All you have to do is practice. Some people are guided by this voice, other find it in the way of pure silence or various forms of meditation.