Message From the Universe: Living Like Royalty!

Woman Wearing Teal Dress in Reclining Position

"It's kind of like you're now working as the caretaker of the most fabulous estate imaginable, with opulence, beauty, and perfection that truly boggles the mind. And you work for some lofty, often whispered about, mysterious royal heir who none have ever met, yet for whom legends abound.

An owner renowned for a brilliant sense of adventure, ingenious creativity, and outrageous self-imposed challenges.

And you're so mesmerized by the winding paths, the immaculate gardens, coffered rock jetties, and shimmering waterways that it just hasn't dawned on you yet that this... has been your greatest challenge of all. Your Highness.

You didn't hear it from me,
The Universe"

Your feelings of greatness can come to reality. It all starts with ONE thought. A thought so real, so palpable that pushes you to move forward, towards your ultimate destination. There is NO reason why others made it and not you. It is important to never compare yourself to what or how others made it, as we all have different journeys in life. It is important to get inspired by the accomplishments of others, but do not let it deter you from your ultimate goal. It is not because he made 1 billion dollars that you are left with 1 billion less. There is so much abundance out there that there is enough for everyone to get their share. Focus on what you personally want out of life, and go for it. I am sure that you will get discouraged at times, but no one ever said that the path to success will be an easy one. There will be ups and many downs as well. You will be experiencing hardship, lots of failures, anger, sadness, depression, and a lot more worst attributes that you can even fathom. However, when the good times do emerge, you will look back and say: "it wasn't that bad after all". It might be easier said than done, but how about just allowing to experience this feeling and go reach the summit. I know you want it as bad as any other ones who succeeded, so give it time and always stay on your track to success. Embrace the challenges that comes into your life and to alleviate these challenges, always ask yourself: "What's the worst that can happen"? and start looking for a solution from that point on. By finding it, you will resolve the fear that originated from that challenge.

This is what you need to expect from life and it is crucial that you keep yourself open minded for everything that you will encounter. There is never any optimal solution to every problem you will face, but try looking for something that will allow you to move forward, regardless of the issues. You do not want to allow anything bringing your down and keeping you there permanently. You want to pull yourself up and start climbing the ladder. You may fall at times, but it is crucial to get back up. It will certainly hurt, but once you reach the top, you will certainly feel like a new person, someone that has no limits or no fear. You want to tap yourself on the back (if you can, of course) and ask yourself: "OK, that wasn't too bad. What's next?"!&id=9467372

Know What Your Purpose is.

The 3 Secrets of the "World-Class-Performance Code"

We oftentimes look up to those world-class performers, be it Olympic athletes, the amazing musicians, master artist, or even the top CEO's. We believe they're geniuses and that they must have something special: maybe it's their DNA that they were born with such incredible talent. And that these world-class performers just had more luck along the way to have right encouraging mentor.

Well, let me tell you this. There's no such thing as luck. It wasn't because these Einstein's, Michael Jordan's, Da Vinci's, Steve Jobs were born under more aligned stars than you were. They didn't have more "genius-DNA" in their blood. In fact, the pioneer in researching excellent performance, Anders Ericsson, discovered that "there's no such thing as genius." It wasn't their luck, it wasn't their talent, it wasn't their DNA, and it definitely wasn't the more aligned stars!

In this article, I want to share with you, what I call the 3 secrets to the "World-Class-Performance Code." These secrets are simple, but not easy. And actually, you already know what they are. But the secret lies not in knowing or even understanding it. The secret is in putting them into action and mastering them.

Secret 1: Daily Practice

There's only one road to success, which requires grit, hard work, dedication to make those 7,000-11,000 flight hours (as Anders Ericsson discovered). After approximately 10,000 hours over a period of 10 years of practice, you become world-class. It's simple, isn't it? By continually stretching your own boundaries, growing only as little as 1% each practice (of whatever field you're in), leads to exponential results. Notice that it's not practice, just for the sake of repetition and adding another hour to the count. The essence of daily practice is incremental improvement. Immersing your full attention, your entire body and soul into practice and reflecting honestly is the key to growth.

Let's do some math: if you'd practice daily for a year, and improve only as little as 1% in each practice. At the end of one year, you'd have improved 37x. Over a period of 2 years you've improved 1413x compared to when you started. Over a period of 10 years it's an off the chart number (of 5,9x1015).

You don't take a magic pill and become world champion in a sport, without having ever done that sport before. You don't wake up suddenly from a music illiterate and become Mozart-like-skilled. While it may seem evident in sports and music, it's same in success in business, career, health, happiness or relationships. There are no shortcuts. There's no other way than daily practice.

What's your excuse?

Secret 2: Don't go for world-class results, become world-class

In this society we worship results. Of course, those are the materialistic things that we can touch and see: the gold medal, the Oscar-award, a million-dollars. We've become results-addicts. While there's nothing inherently wrong with results, blindly focusing on the results is not the best way in achieving success. Over the long-run this may lead to burn-outs, losing friends or relationships, happiness, just to name a few.

I have an alternative: focus not on results, but on the process that delivers the results automatically - your habits. And to bring it even one step further: focus not on the results, but on the person you're becoming that naturally has those results. It may seem similar, but there's a huge difference between them.

Becoming the person that is world-class, requires you to align your actions, behaviour, beliefs and identity and constantly improve yourself daily, so that whatever you do is just an expression of who you are. The desired results will follow automatically, and will serve as a mirror of where you are on your path of growth.

So let me ask you this: who do you need to be to be to world-class?

Secret 3: Master the Basics

In martial arts newbies usually are attracted by the great martial artist performing these amazing techniques. They want to be able to do these cool moves as well. As a result, you see a lot of courageous-clumsy-wannabe-cool kicking around.

In this results-oriented, microwave-mentality society, we fail to see that high performance of these advanced techniques come from practicing the basics infinitely. The daily practice of the mundane basics is what leads to excellence. That's the way to become skilful. Not by starting off with the advanced fancy moves, and skipping the fundamental basics. A house build on loose ground without foundation, doesn't survive the first storm. But when your foundation is so deep and strong, that a skyscraper can be built upon it, this withstands the challenges of life.

What are the basics in your line of field, once mastered, makes you the leading expert? I use the term "mastered" deliberately here. To me, striving for mastery involves, in really becoming world-class at it, till the point that you are the one person in the world that knows the most about it, has the most experience, to the point that you can bring your craft to new heights. As a result this will lead to such amazing outcomes. And when others see you perform, can say nothing else but "WOW"! Once you've identified these fundamental basics, dedicate yourself to become a master at these basics. You'll be well on your way to become world-class.

Have you been practicing these basics to the level that you are world-class?

4 Ways To "Calmify" Your Creative Space

My desk at home is definitely my creative sanctuary. I spend endless amounts of hours generating ideas, researching new topics and crafting my work. I really do enjoy being in my own private little workspace. I have endured many long periods of productivity (some of which have turned into late night writing sessions) without ever feeling overwhelmed or as though I have lost my sanity.

However, working on projects isn't always breezy; there are times when I am rushing to meet a deadline or I'm struggling to come up with a new topic to write about. Even so, my carefully constructed, comfortable little space can insulate my mind from the dangers of stress.

When setting up your own personal workspace there is one very important question you must ask yourself... "How does it FEEL to you?" With that in mind here are 4 ways to "calmify" your own workspace:

1. Make Your Workspace Visually Appealing

I've always disliked the look and feel of a corporate office: I find those types of workspaces drain me of energy and hinder my creativity. If you're going to spend the better part of the day working in your personal workspace, it only makes sense to add a little visual appeal.

You should instantly feel good when sitting down at your desk; in fact, it should very well be our most favourite place to be. Ditch those white walls for something more energetic and eye friendly; invest in beautiful hanging artworks or vibrant floor rugs. You may even want to consider getting a plant, as they have proven to reduce stress and improve air quality.

2. Play relaxing music or ambient noise

I personally don't like total silence when I work; I find it a little too depressing and believe it or not a bit distracting. My mind tends to wonder in silence and I easily fall prey to daydreaming.

It has been proven that listening to music while working can increase happiness and efficiency; research has shown that moderate noise level can help get the creative juices following.

I, however, can become easily sidetracked by song lyrics, which is why I prefer to listen to ambient noise. Listening to natural sounds such as waves at a beach or raining falling while you work, can increase concentration levels. If you in search of some ambient noise Spotify has a huge variety of playlist to choose from.

3. Clear the Clutter

A cluttered workspace can have quite a negative effect on your concentration and productivity. By surrounding yourself with unfinished tasks, you are reminding yourself of what you have not yet completed, which can make it very difficult to feel centred and focused.

When working in your workspace, the only items that should be on your desk should be directly related t the current project you're working on. All other items should be neatly stored away in drawers, shelves or cabinets.

4. Work near a window

There is much more to a window seat then just the view; healthy levels of light can easily energise you and help your body become alerted, attentive and focused. Studies have shown that exposure to natural light during the day can have greatly influenced a happier mood and sharper alertness.

Natural light can also result in a reduction of anxiety, stress, lethargy, and boredom. Designing your workspace around lighting will great benefits on your productivity.

Now get to it!

Take a moment to review your workspace. How can you calmify your creative space? If you don't have the time for a major modification, then tackle it one small change at a time. Add an art piece, purchase a plant, tidy your space. Then relax and enjoy.

Rare Opportunities

Life is short and opportunities are rare. And we have to be vigilant in protecting them and not only the opportunities to succeed but the opportunity to laugh, to see the enchantment and to live. Because life doesn't owe us anything, in fact I think we owe something to the world. The time when our dreams are within reach and possibilities vast. This is your world. You're here. You matter. The world is waiting.

We often miss on those Opportunity due to circumstances life bring upon us but Stepping up. It's a simple concept It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours. All the Opportunities are yours.

It often feels like everything is over. You've lost all that life has to offer. But remember, most of our life is a series of images. They pass us by like towns on the highway. But sometimes, a moment stuns us as it happens. And we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment... every part of it... will live on forever... embracing every chance... every moment... every opportunity!

The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is but for the most part you get what you give. What's worse: not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out it's not enough? Those rare opportunities we take for granted are the ones that will determine our life forever. The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now..

Pursue Those Things That Capture The Heart

How to Stay Productive and Get Loads of Work Done

How are you going to stay productive in the most boring and slow of times?

Many times at age 16 did I once sit on the couch with my friends watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones just hoping that I will become a millionaire by putting just a few hours of work in a day.

I hated work. Work was the one thing in life that I wanted to get away from.

One day, however, life struck me. I had made a goal to have $1,000 in my checking account within a one-week period, and I didn't reach it. I sat on the couch doing nothing about achieving my goals. My bank had -$4 in it because I spent my money on snacks and items of instant gratification.

Had I stuck with my plan to get my business going rather than watch TV, I would have attained my $1,000 goal.

Here is how to stay productive in tough situations:

1. Go to Work

You know that feeling you get when you first awake in the morning, where you're groggy as hell and want to stay in bed? That's the first battle you need to fight throughout the day.

Fight the urges of wanting comfort so you can feel an unbelievable amount of comfort in the future!

2. Get Started

The most difficult battle to fight during your day is simply getting started with work. It's hard to start a task if it's puzzling or requires a lot of energy.

But, just doing the smallest piece of that straining task will relieve some of the pressure.

The key to progressing past this situation is to use momentum as an advantage to your side of the battle.

3. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Personally, I have a lot of tasks to do throughout the day which require me to do the same thing over and over and over again. To make it easier, I use cool programs like Automator on the Mac for organizing my computer files or other technology I can use to make the tasks in my day more convenient for my time schedule.

We live in a day and age where we shouldn't have to worry about the small, almost-annoying jobs that haunt our productivity.

4. Be Personally Accountable

Accountability is the best skill an individual can master in their lifetime because it strengthens bonds with those closest to you, and, if you're personally accountable, actions which require large amounts of focus will become easier to perform. When you're personally accountable, good habits are created, providing profit to you for long term success.

Keep yourself to your own word. Accomplish your goals with zero laziness.

5. Set Daily Goals to Accomplish

What are your dreams? Do you want to own a mansion in the future, or a Lamborghini sports car? Write down everything you know you want with a particular dream and figure the price it's going to take to reach that dream.

Create daily goals which will help you to reach benchmarks. Once you've reached a certain number of benchmarks over a period of time, you will have achieved a dream.

If you stay persistent and consistent with accomplishing your goals, you're going to reach your dreams at a quick pace. If you don't stay consistent at least, you're going to lose sight of your dreams.

6. Avoid Distractions

Ask any self-made successful person how they got to where they are, and they are most likely going to tell you to stay focused. Work with focus and take control of the environment around you because the people around you want something different for you than you do, and different is bad.

Look at the work you need to get done each day like it's a battle. Fight the distracting urges and become victorious with your achievements.

Two tips of advice regarding making it easier to avoid distractions:

Go somewhere peacefully different. Get your mind off the environment you usually spend your time in to relieve your mind of stress and regain focus on work.

Avoid social media. I did an experiment with my daily productivity where I uninstalled social media from my phone and logged out of social media on my computer. The amount of productivity I had went from only eight hours a day of work and thinking about my life to eighteen hours of work and life strategizing (actually creating plans and back-up plans). I was producing three times as much as I was when social media was available.

7. Develop Passion for What You Do

If you do the work you do for the money rather than for what you love to do, you're going to produce some at first, but, over the long-term, you're going to crash. Experiment until you find something you love more than anything else.

I love writing. I will be writing for the rest of my life not because I can make crazy amount of money from it but because it's fun to me. My heart beats faster and my brain just goes crazy excited whenever I write or create a story. Find what you love and pursue with your full heart. Life becomes more fulfilling when you use what you love to do to give back to the people you love.

Use these 7 methods above and you'll accomplish more than ever before. Stay focused and know that even in bad times or when you've reached rock bottom, you'll have knowledge of how to stay focused on what you love rather than sitting on the couch.

When It Seems Your Life's Falling Apart, It's Coming Together

The Master was in a mellow mood and the disciples were inquisitive.

"Did he ever feel depressed," they asked.

"He did."

"Wasn't it also true he was in a continual state of happiness?" they persisted.

"It was."

"What was the secret?" they wanted to know.

Said the Master, "This: everything is as good or as bad as one's opinion makes it."

The meaning we attribute to events impacts us more than we realise. When it seems your life is falling apart, your outlook dictates your response.

The tale by Anthony De Mello underscores the message espoused by Shakespeare, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

For circumstances to unfold, they must first fall apart to rebuild a stronger foundation. When a person hits rock bottom, the only place to go is up. This can be enriching, since it reaffirms that the human spirit cannot be crushed, despite inhospitable conditions.

We must make room for the new in our lives, by letting go of that which no longer serves us. If your beliefs are outdated, release them instead of holding on.

While it may appear your life is falling apart, it's laying the framework for rebuilding exactly as it should.

"When everything falls apart and we feel uncertainty, disappointment, shock, embarrassment, what's left is a mind that is clear, unbiased, and fresh," states Pema Chodron.

Consider a renovated house. If you were to evaluate the overall design while being demolished, you might assume it isn't coming together as planned. Yet, if you consulted with the architects and interior designers, you see wonderful plans for the home's refurbishment that looks perfect once the project is complete.

So with your life's journey.

To presume life is falling apart based on your perception, is to focus on one part of the process.

Life is neither fair nor unfair, according to your assessment. There's an energy system permeating throughout life. What needs to take place will do so irrespective of your resistance.

To wish away an unpleasant experience only intensifies your response.

When you experience anguish, pick yourself up and continue on your journey.

Vulnerability is part of the human condition. For in the howling wasteland of despair, we unearth our resiliency once the storm has settled.

Psychotherapist and author David Richo affirms, "No matter how dark or destructive things become, we are aware of a healing energy ever afoot that indefatigably renews and rebuilds what falls apart. Something keeps putting it - and us - all back together. This is why it is all right to fall apart."

The universe is in your corner urging you to prevail, realising your current circumstances are transitional.

Take note of the messages that appear during the darkest hours. They are glimpses of the light heralding you towards Truth.

Your greatest breakthroughs will often arrive during moments of hopelessness. Whilst it doesn't appear that way, once the dust has settled you will see something greater emerge.

Humans are uncomfortable with change because it threatens their survival. This is natural and we should embrace this instead of escape the pain.

"So the next time you encounter fear, consider yourself lucky. This is where the courage comes in. Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they are intimate with fear," reaffirms Pema Chodron.

So, we ask ourselves what we need to let go of to proceed down the new path.

To reason with your current state keeps you paralysed in your circumstances and slows the progress of where you're meant to be.

There's a purpose to life, irrespective of your resistance. Whilst it makes little sense in the midst of chaos if we suspend judgement, the complete picture will emerge.

A major breakdown can open doors to several breakthroughs if we're willing to lean into the discomfort.

Don't look for an end to your situation, experience what arises despite how emotionally charged it is. To drive away pain defers it, to remerge with greater intensity at a later period.

It was Winston Churchill who said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

Nothing lasts for ever, even anguish recedes to give way to a new day once time has passed and our wounds have healed.

I enjoy this message from motivational speaker John C. Maxwell in his book, The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset, "I've found that there are really only two kinds of people in this world when it comes to dealing with discouragement: splatters and bouncers. When splatters hit rock bottom, they fall apart, and they stick to the bottom like glue. On the other hand, when bouncers hit bottom, they pull together and bounce back."

We are strange creatures. We thrive in ideal conditions and struggle through chaos.

Underneath the pain is the knowledge we are: resilient, adaptable and capable of surviving.

One need only look to the Holocaust survivors in Nazi Germany, to see what they endured during the war. Similarly, refugees fleeing their country for fear of persecution live in a constant state of chaos and survive to raise families. This is testament the human will is adaptable in most conditions.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

The challenge when life falls apart is the hopelessness that consumes us. We might believe we are the masters of our fate, so when the rug is pulled out from under us, it threatens our stability.

However, this is a powerful revelation because when everything is taken away, life steps in to transport us to our next journey.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

So when it seems your life is falling apart, look to the future. For in the ruins of the past is a signpost pointing you to something wonderful.

Accept your current conditions and stop resisting the flow of life.

We can be hard on ourselves, believing we contributed to life falling apart. Whilst you're a co-creator in the experience, it is essential for your personal evolution and had to take place as it did.

It is with this knowledge we delight in the words of the Master, who calls us to be attentive that everything is as good or bad as one's opinion.

So we suspend believing our life is falling apart and trust it is coming together better than we imagined.,-Its-Coming-Together&id=9446247

How To Correct Injustice - Positive And Effective Change

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This article is about the common frustration of facing someone who is doing something you consider very wrong, either to you or in general.

When faced with a situation in which someone is cheating or hurting you, and you feel a tremendous injustice is done, leaving you very confused by the incomprehensible actions of that person, you may find yourself very angry.

A feeling of revenge or you may deem it a sense of delivering justice falls upon you. Giving it objective thought, it really is a desire for revenge even if you want to call it correcting a wrong.

When done out of anger, there can be no balancing correction, the only possible result is a hurt for hurt. These situations can never resolve or bring true justice, they can only make you feel better for a short while.

The anger you feel is in a large part due to not being able to understand why or how a person could do what they did, and your pain is in a large part from the confusion rather than the results of the actions.

The ego also gets into play with your feeling cheated and hurt and someone else getting away with something they do not deserve. It may not even involve you, but the situation is the same, someone hurts someone else and gets away with it.

If you attack with anger, the only thing that will result is a greater fight and you suffering in your anger. Go ahead, be angry but you will burn in your own anger. Is that going to help make you feel better?

When you truly understand someone, you cannot be angry. Think about that. You may not agree, but you cannot be angry when you understand the reason for someone's actions.

Now we must examine why we cannot understand someone's so called evil actions. Simply because of your own ego arrogance. You are making a statement that you are right and they are wrong. But they would say that they are right and you are wrong. So unless one of you is God, then who is to say who is right. That is just a matter of opinion and the source of war.

When you apply humility to the freedom that every human being should have to believe in what they want, simply because you want that freedom, and thus you must offer that same freedom to another, you could open you mind to understand them.

With understanding, anger dissolves. When anger dissolves you no longer are in conflict and war with that person. And now a very simple conclusion to this article and the way to resolve almost all conflicts.

Who is more likely to be able to make a person understand that what they did is wrong and correct or at least stop it? The angry attacker, or someone in harmony and understanding with their thoughts?

When you accept that humans are in general scared, greedy, foolish and in some cases pretty nasty and selfish, disregarding any other living creatures rights to a peaceful life, all due to their own personal fears about their own survival, you will know what drives that person to do what they did.

Let me ask all the women readers a question; Would you be a prostitute? You may say no, but I would say almost every one of you would. All you need is the right circumstances.

If you had three kids and you are a single mother and the only way to feed your children or get them medical care to save their lives due to being so desperate that there was no choice, or perhaps if a man put a gun to your children's head and offered you a choice to save their life, would you then prostitute yourself for the sake of your children's lives?

In general, we are very fortunate, but in reality there are a myriad of distorted and perhaps unjustified fears that rule all of us. Most of us thankfully are never pushed to that situation, but just consider that you do not know what drives a person, what formed them when they were young, and open your mind to the reality that they feel justified in what they did, or in their excuses to avoid taking responsibility.

Being angry will rarely correct what was done, and it will just make you sick and waste more time and energy. Open your mind, understand that you may not understand but that there is a valid reason in that person's mind, and accept the sad fact of life which is; Life is not always fair.

There are times to stand up for your rights, but if you are driven with anger, you will lose in the end, even if you win. There are times we must simply accept our loss and move on.

Objective is not negative, it is simply what it is.

Never Stop Asking Questions

Learning About Mindfulness Through Baseball (By Christopher Shea)

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In my writings and videos I often speak and write about mindfulness. In talking about mindfulness I emphasize the present moment, yet I am aware of how our past and our future work together. The definition of mindfulness instructs us to live in the present moment, nonjudgmentally. What is meant by the term "nonjudgmentally"?

When we speak of the term "nonjudgmentally", what we're saying is that we need not put a value judgment on the present moment, rather, we are simply to experience the moment. The minute that we think this is a good moment or a bad moment, the minute that we label our emotion, anything that we do to put a term or a definition, a label, as to what is happening, we have now judged that moment. The issue with placing judgement on our present moment means we lose a bit of the experience because in our judging, we've already made a determination within ourselves as to what we feel is happening. A problem is that our judgement may not be true to the experience. We may not be feeling or experiencing the moment the way that we think we are, so if we spend some time feeling what we feel before we label it as good, bad or otherwise, we might come up with a different experience.

For example, let's say that you're not a fan of baseball. I mention baseball as I personally do not enjoy this sport. I enjoy sports, but baseball I just don't understand. I don't understand how people can sit around and watch a player hit a ball, run to a base, and then stand around for some time. Part of this judgment for me, and this is my judgment, comes from my childhood. When I was really young, I don't remember my age, I played Little League baseball. I had my mitt, went to practices and enjoyed the experience. As a young kid I wasn't complaining about being outside hitting a ball and running around. On the team I was placed in the outfield, on the right. From what I know of Major League Baseball, if you're placed in the outfield, especially center field, you're playing an important position!

But when you're five and six years old, outfield is not the place you want to be. When you think about kids that age, even the best kid that we played against, the hardest hit they would have might get the ball over second base if they were lucky. My time in the outfield was therefore spent staring at the clouds, staring at the grass, or picking the dandelions. That was my baseball experience. So when somebody talks about baseball, or asks me to go to a baseball game, part of me, unconsciously, goes back to my childhood moment in Little League and so I think to myself, "You know what? That's boring." So the moment when someone invites me to a baseball game, and I actually go, I am going with my preconceived notions.

So where does the term "nonjudgmentally" fit in this example? If I were to go to that baseball game and consciously reflect on my experience; watching everything that's going on, paying attention to the stats, who's hitting, who's catching, who's in what position, what does this hit mean, what do these signals from the coaching staff and the catcher mean, etc? If I spent time focused on my current experience, not my experience from childhood, I might like the game.

It's important for us to be aware of our judgments while we focus on the present moment. I think that's where we end up finding our inner peace; in the letting go of our judgments in place of how we currently feel and currently live the moment. When we start to feel what we feel and take in the experience, then we learn about the life around me, and therefore we learn a bit about ourselves.

Through the process of sitting in meditation or consciously observing my daily life, that which I take in begins to influence my life. Over time we become more attuned to looking at and noticing the small things. The more that we get attuned to noticing the small things, what we'll eventually begin to notice and encounter are the small, yet important, things within ourselves. That's when we discover what in ourselves we need to change, so that when we make that change, we are doing so in such a way as to be mindful about it. We consciously make a thoughtful change.

To live mindfully takes daily practice allowing for some failure along the way. A continued daily practice will eventually lead us to our inner peace. Inner peace is not far from our grasp. We have the ability to live in peace if we have the desire for peace.

Use the 90-Second Rule to Release Negative Thoughts and Feelings!

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Did you know that your body is designed to automatically clear stress and negative feelings? Recent research has shown that it takes your body only 90 seconds to clear the associated neuro-chemicals and neuro-pathways in your body and brain. Your body can reset that quickly, so you can feel refreshed and have a new perspective.

Since reading about that, I've seen it happen with my cat. She likes to attack the side of our living room couch with her claws and she really tears it up. If I yell "No, Cotton!" and spritz her with water, she runs away up the stairs-as if her life is in danger. Then, a minute or two later she'll come sauntering down the stairs as if nothing has happened.

Now, you might say, "That's a great theory and it might work with cats, but my stress and negative moods tend to last much longer than 90 seconds. Once they get triggered, they can change my whole day!"

Let's briefly explore what's happening with us humans-and how it might be different from what a cat does. Then, maybe we can see what to do. If you would, take a moment to think back to one of those moments of stress and bad feeling and observe what happened then...

Perhaps, did you get caught up in mentally replaying and ruminating on an upsetting event? Did you find yourself rehashing what you said and did or what someone else said or did over and over again? Did that event repeat like a bad loop in your brain, torturing you with an escalating inner commentary?

"Why did I do that, I'm so stupid!" or "What was he thinking! I hate when he does that to me!"

As long as you repeat those words in your head, the same neuropathways will fire, the same neurochemicals will continue to release, and you'll continue to think negatively and feel badly.

So, what can you do-as a human?

Knowing the 90-second Rule, you could use it to your advantage. You could take 90 seconds-that's about all it takes, if you do this sincerely-and do three things to clear your mind and body.

1. Move

Here you're taking cues from my cat. She gets moving right away.

However, if you don't want to scamper up the stairs like a feline, just stand up and stretch. Bad moods tend to round our shoulders forward and hunker us over. So, change your posture. Stretch your arms overhead. Stretch side to side. Then, open your arms out wide and look up.

Now, you're probably already feeling a slight change. You could build on it by taking a walk. Get out of the space you are in, change the scenery, and move your body a bit more.

2. Breathe

Take several slow deep breaths, imagining that your whole body is filling up as you inhale and your whole body is emptying as you exhale. Consciously let go of the situation as you breathe out with a big sigh: "Haaahhhhh." You might do that a few times to make sure.

Now, you're feeling even a bit better. Your body is beginning to reset.

3. Entertain a new thought

Recognize the thoughts that were plaguing you. Notice how you were interpreting the situation. You can do this by observing the words in your head. Notice how those words made you feel.

See if you can do this without judging yourself, or your thoughts, as good or bad. Just recognize what you were thinking. Then, release it by acknowledging that it's just a thought, just one way of looking at things, just one possible neural pathway in your brain-it's not who you are! Since it's just a thought, you can choose to let it go.

Now, you have space to entertain a new thought. One amazing ability we have as humans is to be able to look at the same situation in a number of different ways!

If you take 90-seconds to do any one of the above--or all three-I think you'll be amazed at how your body takes over and clears away stress and bad feeling. Then, if you find it coming back again, you can simply repeat.

Enjoy your practice!!&id=9382901

How To Keep Your Focus - Staying On Task

There are times when you're carrying out a task and for some reason even though your mind is on the task you keep making error after error after error.

If this describes you there are some key things you might wish to consider:

- Did you get enough sleep the night before?

Sometimes fatigue can affect how your mind works. things you normally wouldn't think twice about can take you a lot longer to deal with.

- Do you have something on your mind?

Sometimes when you have something on your mind which is more pressing you may have difficulty focusing on the task at hand. So if you find your mind wandering and you're finding it a challenge to stay on track, take notice of what is coming up for you.

It could be that there is something else you need to be prioritising. If it is something that is stopping you from dealing effectively with the task at hand, stop what you are doing and spend some time with the issue that's plaguing you.

It might be there's an urgent call you need to make or an email you need to send. It could just be you need to schedule some time in to deal with the issue. Once you've dealt with the immediacy of what's on your mind you can put it aside and go back to your original task.

- How's your diet?

There's a saying 'you are what you eat'. It means that what you put in your body has a direct ink with how you perform. There's another saying 'garbage in garbage out'. So if you are eating foods on a regular basis that are low on nutrients your performance will suffer and your concentration will lapse.

So check your diet and ensure you're getting your fair share of vegetables and fruit. If this is not your thing, there are a number of fresh fruit and vegetable juices on the market you can use as substitutes.

In addition try supplementing your diet with a good quality nutritional product such as a tablet or juice. These give your body the necessary enzymes it needs for optimal performance.

- Are you drinking enough water?

If you're not drinking enough water, this can affect how you function because of dehydration. One of the effects of dehydration is that your mind is not as focused as it could be and your ability to work things out in your mind could be impaired.

So if you find you can't focus on what you're doing, try drinking half a pint to a pint (between one quarter and half a litre) of water fairly quickly. This may take some getting used to and when you do it initially you may find the water just goes straight through you! This should, with time and persistence, pass, and you'll find the water being absorbed by the body.

Drinking a large glass of water when you're sluggish has the effect of perking you up and making you feel a lot more energised.

- Do you need a break?

It is said that we generally work best in shorter bursts of up to one or one-and-a-half hours. After this time our concentration gradually begins to wane. Children have an even shorter attention span.

So when you're taking on a particular task, try taking regular breaks every hour or so for about 5-10 minutes, in order for you to remain fresh.

If you're finding your focus drifting, check when the last time was that you had a break. If you need one take a short 10-15 minute break to include you stretching your legs outside in the fresh air, then come back to your task. You'll not only feel fresher, but you're more likely to carry out your ask much more effectively

Is Fear Keeping You Stuck?

5 Tools to Get Over Your Fear of Failure

Man Wearing Brown Pants Doing Stunt

Everyone can relate to the fear of failure at some point in his or her life. When a positive trait like achievement becomes too strong in someone's life, its on the way to becoming a major handicap. Often time's we view failure as more of a bigger story we tell ourselves "I am not good enough" " I will never become a successful entrepreneur" "My ex spouse was right- I'll never make it on my own-I am a loser." However, we have to remind ourselves it is just that-a story. We have to reframe our minds and turn failures as something positive and something we can learn from. It's important to not turn to external activities (drinking, drugs, eating etc ) to avoid your fear of failure and instead create more positive ways to deal with it.

Here are 5 Tools to Get Over Your Fear of Failure:

1. Talking it Out

It is important to face your fears and not suppress them by having someone you can trust to discuss your discomforts or shortcomings. By having someone to talk to about your fears it can better frame the situation by objectively looking at it from afar and realizing that the big problem was not so big after all. By talking with someone its also important to not dwell on your fears and an opportunity to strategize how you can break down the tasks into smaller pieces to not make it look so daunting and motivate you to face your fears.

2. Meditation

Meditation is an excellent way to reduce fears of failure. As you begin practice you begin to notice patterns of fear arise and the hold they have on you. With practice you can recognize these thoughts as just that-thoughts-and not to become attached to them. You'll no longer find your subconscious fear or resentment running your life from beneath your awareness. Through meditation, as you train yourself to not let your emotions control you or to be completely subject to them it will become easier to do this in your life as a whole as well.

3. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Another tool to help you with your fear of failure is to surround yourself with positivity. Getting rid of toxic people in your life who only dwell on why something will and cannot be done is not very motivating and puts additional fears into your mind. Also, do not read negative media often. Sure it is important to keep up with world events but constantly listening to the traffic accident on the highway or the latest terrorist attack is stifling in your attempt to move forward in your own personal goals. Your physical surroundings are key as well. If you work from home and hate the colour of your walls, do not get enough sunlight and are not energized by your atmosphere that can make things worse. Surround yourself with pictures, positive affirmations, and anything else that generally makes you feel good to improve your mindset and attitude towards your goals.

4. Failing More Leads to Success

Yes that's right-failing more leads to success! Persistence is key. Successful people do not give up after suffering a defeat. Even Malcolm Gladwell said it takes roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. Statistics say that most entrepreneurs fail in their first business and that on average they finally succeed on their third business attempt. Failure seems to be the stepping stone to success. Understanding what happened and what you learned from it is the most important aspect of failing and the wisdom you will bring towards your next attempt of success. We all fail, its how quickly you pick yourself up and how long you waste time feeling sorry for yourself that usually determines success.

5. Self Growth

Every time you fail, your fear of failure becomes much smaller, which allows you to take on even bigger challenges. Each failure makes you stronger, bigger, and better. Failure teaches you that a certain approach may not be ideal for a specific situation and there are better approaches. Every mistake is a learning opportunity and a chance to look at your mistakes with a new perspective. Failing is essential in personal development and you simply will never grow as a person if you don't put yourself out there and be willing to try and inevitably make mistakes.

So there you have it folks! Setting yourself up for failure is integral to your success in your personal and professional development. Just remember that failure is a stepping stone to your goals and to not let the failure define you as a person.

The Purposeful Action For Creating Good Vibes In Any Space (By Ruby Gangadharan)

Woman About to Eat Strawberry
Earlier this week, I did a video about how I was to romance my apartment but quickly realized this had so much juice that it deserved a further write-up.

Many of us don't think twice about our physical space. We consider the physical space as 'outside' of us; separate.

Deliberate Creators recognize everything is energy and we create our experience using the premise of 'Like attracts Like'. Which is to say; like magnets, we attract things that are a vibrational match to our energy.

I have always thrived on new experiences, new information and in being the first to test new paradigms. It's no wonder that I am drawing into my experience multiple changes to my life in the form of relocations. I recently had yet another relocation - so it's new apartment, new city, new culture and a new way of life.

The prospect of starting over though attractive is also a challenge than can send your head for a spin. The most obvious way your new reality presents itself is the physical spaces; house, building complex, office space, roads, shops, etc. And it's easy to get overwhelmed.

The physical space that you inhabit have a tremendous impact on your energy and vice versa. It is an extension of your vibrational energy. For me, it becomes extremely important since I work from home. So I decided to actively engage my skills at amping up the energy for my new surroundings.

What's my solution?

I am going to go romance the h#ll out of my apartment.

Yup, you read that right, I am engaging my romancing skills with every nook and corner of my new house. I want a love connection with my kitchen, my patio, my fireplace, my closet, my pantry...

It's a potent formula when you actively focus on feeling the connection with your physical space. Soon you start to feel comforted, protected and at peace. The space 'speaks to you'. And very often you will find that in this state of energy you draw inspiration and fuel creativity.

A lot of cultures have rituals and ceremonies that are specifically conducted when moving into new places or at the onset of occupying a new space. Housewarmings are popular in western cultures; where family and friends come together and bring laughter and warmth to the place. There are entire industries dedicated to the art of interior design, transforming a space to reflect energy that a person wants to feel. Many people will tell you to 'personalize your space'; it's all in the hopes of connecting to it.

Sure, if you live in a house long enough at some point it transforms into a space that gives you that familiar feeling. But I choose to actively participate in the process and CHOOSE the energy that the house will hold.

My house will become a home in no time!

The Best Personal Development Tools Recommended

Anytime I remember the beginning of my journey into establishing my presence and business online, I smile and laugh because of how I run my business back then. The truth is that I didn't have any direction. Remembering those days when I drag myself out of bed to do a bit of blogging here and there, and placing ads on those blogs still makes me laugh.

I didn't set any goals for myself and was not cocksure of what I really wanted to achieve. The resultant effect of this was that I bounced from opportunity to opportunity because I was distracted by the different kinds of marketing strategies and ideas that captivated my unfocused and goalless mind. But the day came when I realised that results only come from focused efforts in one or two areas.

The reason am telling you this is because I want you to learn from my past experience and to relate it to what I am going to talk about. Apart from not having any clear cut plan, I also didn't have any personal development tools in my arsenal to ensure a continuous success. Believe me, for you to build your dream business (I assume this is the reason you are reading this post) or climb the highest mountain in the world, you need the "right" tools to accomplish this.

Just like a mountaineer needs the "right tools" to climb the mountain, a business owner also needs the "right tools" to use in order to achieve success in their business. You have to embrace personal development because ignoring it will definitely be to your detriment. Those who ignore personal development on a personal and corporate level will surely experience stunted business and personal growth. Hence, the right personal development tools must be utilized alongside a focused plan to achieve and ensure success.

Over the years, I have come across different type of tools and resources which have contributed to my success in the different industries I have been and am involved in. Though these tools are a big part of my ongoing learning process (yes, I am still learning because I want to sustain my success), the success I have attained in my physical rehabilitation business can be attributed to a strong personal development plan and the right tools I use in order to keep me on the right track.

You see, this applies to every aspect of your life too and I want to help you with that. In this post, I will share with you some of the key personal development tools I have come across on my business journey. Like I said at the beginning of this post, apart from not having a clear cut goal, I also struggled with a lot of personal issues, one of which was confidence and self-assurance.

As I am being honest with myself, I also want you to be honest with yourself because I know that once you use these tools am about to teach you, your life and business will be positively affected. So open your mind. Know what you want to get out of this post and what you want to change because this is the first step to positively change your life and business.

1. TED

Have you ever heard about the TED talks? And if you have, how many of these talks have you watched and listened to, and how many of the individuals giving speeches on this site are you following? If you haven't heard about the TED talks, then you are about to find out what it's all about.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) talk is a global set of conferences run by a private non-profit organization known as the Sapling Foundation, under the slogan "Ideas Worth Spreading". It is one of the best free resources on the internet for education, fresh ideas and enlightenment as far as business and mind-set issues are concerned.

It is a website where people watch videos on a variety of different topics. Though some of the videos there might not be related to what you are looking for, you will surely find some that you will be of use to you. One thing I also want you to know is that the individuals who give speeches on this site are some of the smartest and most successful people in business and in the fields they specialize in. I highly recommend that you check out this site, see what stirs your mind and apply the ideas being discussed.

2. Mindbloom

Image result for mindbloom

As the name suggests, the aim of this site is to enhance your life. This site enables you to work on whatever it is you want to work on by way of creating a "tree" for free. One of the core aspects of Mindbloom is the "bloom" programme. Apart from using it to wake up on the right side of your day, you can also use Bloom as your morning wake-up call, to remind yourself to eat a healthy snack between meals, to shift gears after work by scheduling a bloom with your favourite song and family photos, to remind yourself to pack lunch so as to save a few dollars each day.

You might think these "little things" have no effect on your life, but I can assure you that it had and is still having a great effect on mine. So these "little things" can improve the quality of your life and there are many more personal development tools on this website that can help you with the different aspects of your life. I definitely recommend that you check out this site.

3. Udemy

This is another site that I strongly recommend you check out immediately. If you are looking for a course in a particular area, look no further than Udemy. The site provides a wide range of courses on different subjects. Just name it and Udemy will probably provide a well-structured course on it. These courses are handled by experts who have excelled in their different fields. So you are definitely in good hands.

Let's also look at this from a business perspective. We all know that knowledge is power (that is if the knowledge is put into action) and the more knowledge you have, the more valuable you become. By being more valuable in your chosen niche, you will be able to improve your business income by improving yourself and the business. Less I forget, it is worth knowing that some of the courses on this site are free. What can you get for free these days? What are you waiting for? Check out this site.

4. Lumosity

This is another mind blowing site designed and maintained by neuroscientists. Yes, these neuroscientists really know what they are talking about when it comes to the optimal performance of the brain, the subconscious and conscious mind. Believe me, just as you know your conscious mind is always at work, your subconscious mind too is "never" on holiday.

The development of the mind is so important because the state of your mind can either positively or negatively affect any endeavour you undertake. This is why am also recommending this site for you. The strength of the mind is equally as important as the strength of the will. With more than 50 million users, many paying $15/month or $80/year for full access, the services being offered on the site has caught on like wildfire. Like anything other personal or business endeavour, you only get out what you put in.

As a company, Lumosity work with over 100 researchers all over the globe. Test results after a 10-week period have shown that after working with 4000 participants completing crosswords, half online and half on Lumosity, the Lumosity group improved more than the crosswords group on an assessment of cognition. Like it or not, the statistics are strong. So it may be worth a go.

5. Vision Board Deluxe

This is a great app which does pretty much what it says on the tin. You are at liberty to create your own vision board which will propel your success even further than you think. And this can be done on the go by using your phone or tablet. You may be familiar with this concept of creating a vision board and why people do it if you are a big fan of personal development. And in case you are not or you want more information on this, let me explain.

As I have said before, your subconscious mind is always working. In fact, whether you realise it or not, it's working really hard, even right now as you read this post, filtering all kinds of stimuli from the environment around you. If it doesn't do that, you would go completely mad from everything you have to process. But the subconscious mind is far more important than just filtering all kinds of stimuli. It is also the most important factor in many successful people's journeys.

Once you create a vision board, you activate your subconscious mind by constantly reminding it that what you are doing is so important. You are focusing your mind on what you truly want and because of the excellent bit of kit it is, it will work to ensure you receive everything you desire. You may not fully understand this idea (though I would be happy if you could catch this idea right away), but I promise you, your subconscious will open doors and your eyes to opportunities you didn't even know were there.

I know that there are tonnes of personal development tools out there, so please don't limit yourself to what is here. What I want you to know with this post is the importance of using personal development tools to achieve greater success in your business and personal life. Success is not an abstract idea. You can achieve it. What I want you to know is that if others are making it in life, you too can make it and be successful only if you give it what it takes. Never quit. Remember, if you want to create a better life for yourself and truly reach your potential, the chance is there for you. All you need to do right now is to take action and not to look back in the future and wonder, "Could I have done more with my life?"

Have Clear Goals

Off and Running in Four Easy Steps

It seems like at one point in time or another, we all talk about pursuing goals, but some of us do just that... talk. As the old saying goes "talk is cheap." And that it is! If we really have the desire to get closer to what we want to achieve in our lives and are truly committed to taking our performance to another level, it involves doing more than just talking about it. By no means do I want to imply that achievement is an easy process, but if you commit to the following four steps, I guarantee you will be "off and running" in no time and progress will soon be yours.

First, learn the art of asking yourself the right questions. The right questions are important as they will help you clarify your goal by uncovering your thoughts, perceptions, values and motivations. Questions like; what am I passionate about? What makes me feel motivated? What can I do to become more visible in my organization? What steps do I need to take to advance in my career? All these help fuel your fire and get you thinking about what it is you really want out of life.

Second, examine your life thoroughly. By answering the questions in step one, you can then establish touch points for yourself and say "this is where I want to be one year from now, three years from now and five years from now." Spend some time on this; be mindful of not only what you want but what you are willing and able to DO to get there.

Third, create a powerful image. By spending some time on step two, you can create an image of what your life looks like at the different points in time you have selected. For instance, get a clear picture of what you are doing and feeling, where you are living, where you are working, how much you are earning, who you have surrounded yourself with, what you are driving. Every picture will be unique to the individual... it doesn't matter, just take an active hand in picturing yourself already there. By creating an actual image and feel for where you yearn to be, you actively design a compelling future for yourself. The clarity of this future makes it more tangible thus motivating you to take action and get there!

Fourth, yes, stop talking and take action. The caveat is this... a distinction must be made between what you want to achieve, and what you intend to DO to actually achieve it. Goals are great, they help us visualize what we want and by doing this, we are able to place it in the cross hairs of our vision, but the DOING part is what is going to get us there and unfortunately that is the piece that gets left out most of the time. Remember "talk IS cheap." So don't get stuck there! In fact, if you are talking about your goal, catch yourself in the moment and actually challenge yourself to do something right then and there to move you closer to obtaining your goal. Talking about it can become a habit so disrupt the pattern by DOING. By setting your intention on action, you facilitate strategic movement in a specific direction and utilize motivation fueled by passion. And that my friend is what gets you well on the way to accomplishment.

Destiny by design or default... the choice is yours!

Getting Things Done Make Life Easier

Getting things done brings a lot of advantages. It can create certain benefits that will help you along the way. When you get things done, you are able to see a different side of you that makes you appreciate the best things in life.

When you are given any task and you are able to finish it till the end, you are building your character as well as molding yourself to be better than yesterday. However, finishing things might be easier said than done. As you can see, when you try to accomplish something, there are many elemental things that you need to observe.

For instance, time management. This factor and aspect is crucial to your personal development and the attainment of your goals. If you implement time management, you can actually see yourself accomplishing something and that is something that can enhance your inner self greatly.

When you want to finish any given mandate, you need to strategize at all cost. It is vital that you seek the things that can do you good rather than cause you harm. The great thing about having plans and putting them into action is that it enables you to grow as a person.

Try to implement certain measures that can improve your time management, your planning skills, your perception and motivate you to get things done and finish them with flying colors as well.

There is a difference when you get things done accordingly and finishing them because you are required to do so. When you finish things with dedication as well as genuinely, it can create a variant result that renders positivity.

Never settle for less when it comes to doing your responsibility. Try man up and do things accordingly. Do not shun responsibility but face them head on so that you can see the bigger picture and find yourself successful in this world.

Our society is always fast tracking things but if you want to do well, getting all things done is one way to do it. Finish each task with positive outcomes. Owing to your desire to do great things, great rewards will follow.

When you live your life in mediocrity, you will lose yourself in the process and you will lose your value as well. Indeed, doing great things is not easy, and getting things done does come with a price. It comes with perseverance, patience, commitment, gladness, and even the willingness to counter all hurdles blocking your path. The road is not easy but the price that comes after it is priceless.