Message From the Universe: Accepting Life As It Comes!

"Struggling and trying to physically manipulate the circumstances of one's life, reveals a misunderstanding of how those circumstances were actually created. And for the focus placed on them during the struggle, it actually serves to keep things from changing.

Acceptance, on the other hand, reveals an understanding that today's circumstances arose from yesterday's focus, encouraging introspection and fueling new thought, actually serving to hasten change.

Yeah, sounds like an SAT question.

The Universe"

It takes a whole lot of negative thoughts to create a negative outcome. However, when your brain manages around 60,000 thoughts daily, it is hard to really count the nature of your thoughts, either it being positive or negative. It will consume every ounce of energy you possess if you try. Now, instead of focusing on how many thoughts enter your mind, change your focus towards the nature of what you allow entering your subconscious mind. You want to change your focus, and the rest will follow. It is important to always look for new opportunities and if yesterday was miserable, today will change. Keeping these negative feelings can only damage your soul and wouldn't allow you to work on yourself and progress. Every day is a new chapter written in your book of life, and you are the author. Avoid letting negativity enter your mind day after day and allow it to drain your energy. You can't expect changes when you allow these feelings to happen. Fighting against an opponent (life) that is stronger than anyone you can ever imagine is a battle you will lose miserably. You can, however, fight life intelligently. It's not about how hard your hit back, it's about how much you can take from this fight and keep on moving forward. Life is looking to battle weak minded people, that will lay down after the first punch. Stand up and look at life straight in the eyes and say: "I didn't hear any bells. The fight ain't over yet". I agree that it will hurt, and it will be painful and life will keep on hitting. Life is NOT easy, so if things do not work out the way you want, it is NOT anyone's fault except yours. However, life do not feel it's worth the time to keep on hitting on someone who keeps on getting up after every punch. Show what you are made off and the rest of your life will unravel in front of you. Just know that others are dealing with way more difficult challenges than you do.

Despite these challenges you face today or will face tomorrow, you need to learn how to accept certain circumstances that will occur in your life, regardless of how much you tried to avoid them. There is no IF or BUT about it. It is a part of your destiny and it is already written in your book of life. Even though you are the author, some Epilogue have been written by G-d and this is what you will have to face. So instead of arguing about the outcome, start to think about ways to alleviate the magnitude of the ordeal so you can get out of it unscathed. I am not saying that it will be a walk in the park, but it will hurt all through the process. But again, once this phase is completed, start picking up the broken pieces and trash them. Remember that the pain you are experiencing is ONLY temporary, and it will subside after time. Quitting never really subsides as it becomes a part of you and your personality. Quitters never achieve anything, and they blame the whole world about their misfortune. They forget to blame the ONLY person that allowed the quitting to happen: THEMSELVES. If you have a dream, whatever it is, you need to protect it and cultivate it. If you want something, go out there and get it and don't wait for anyone's permission. When you go for your dream, do not be afraid to fail. You can't always win every war, but allowing yourself to learn from these failures is what can make you a better and wiser person. It will never be just about taking action, but also believing that good things will happen in your life and live like it already happen. Looking to be rich? Feel like you already achieve wealth and start looking at new homes and whatever else you desire. Everything starts with thoughts, then belief and finally, ACTION. So what are YOU going to do today?!&id=9461833

How to Change Your Day - Start With Your Morning

Your morning matters! How you spend your mornings will set the tone for the rest of your day. If you leverage your willpower early on, you'll get more done and you'll feel better all day long.

  • Find yourself rushing out the door in the morning?
  • Find yourself skipping breakfast?
  • Want to be a morning person?
  • Want to have a more productive morning?

Maybe it is time to learn how to

  • First, learn to sleep like a baby
  • Start your mornings with a smile
  • Be sharper and more focused in the morning
  • Be energized without a caffeine overdose

Don't Press Snooze!

The extra 10 to 30 minutes of sleep that you could be getting by pressing the snooze button are not worth it! When your alarm goes off for the first time your body prepares itself to wake up. When you decide to go back to sleep only to be awoken by your alarm again, your body becomes confused, which is what causes the spacey, groggy feeling. The more times you press snooze, the worse it will get.

Morning Stretch

Stretching first thing in the morning is a great way to energize your body and warm up your mind. By stretching you accelerate the release of mood-enhancing endorphins and increase the amount of energy you will have throughout the day.

"A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions." Oliver Holmes 
Stretching also improves blood circulation. Good blood flow results in heightened concentration and sharpened senses.

Morning Meditation

Meditating in the morning will have lasting positive effects throughout your day. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, boosts your energy by releasing endorphins, and improves your ability to concentrate. The list of benefits go on. If you aren't meditating, your morning is missing something.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle 
Set an Intent for the Day

As you begin your day, create a positive mantra, or visualize something you hope to accomplish that day, this is called an "intent". Spending time each morning to focus on your intent is a great way to promote positive thinking and help keep you on track to achieve your goals.

Prepare a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast in the mornings will provide you with the energy you need to get through the day. Breakfast is necessary for replenishing glucose levels upon waking up, helping increase cognitive function for the remainder of the day. A balanced breakfast also promotes weight control and long-term health.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed and keeping a clean living area has been proven to reduce anxiety. Also, by making your bed first thing in the morning you are starting your day accomplishing something.

A well-organized sleeping environment will help you sleep much better and will improve the quality of the sleep itself and get you up and ready for your new morning routine. Three-quarters of people report having a better night's rest on sheets with a fresh scent, so make sure your sheets have a scent to your liking.

Change your bedroom sheets or wash them with a good detergent. Dim or shut off the lights, and cool down the room's temperature. Make sure that your sleeping environment is the best one for you.

The suggested room temperature range is 60-72 degrees. If you struggle with poor circulation, slip on some warm socks - cold feet are bad for sleep!

Morning Exercise

Exercising in the mornings is a great way to set yourself up for a more productive day. Working out will leave you in a better mood, allowing you to tackle the day head on. After exercising you will also be more alert and able to focus on whatever you have ahead.

There's Proof!

Studies have shown that you have the most willpower in the mornings. If you are able to implement all these activities into your daily routine, you will notice a visible difference in your energy levels and outlook on the rest of your day.

If our list feels like a lot to bite off, try starting out slowly and implement one part at a time.

We hope you found our advice beneficial and "Good Morning"!

Check out our newest Quest from Lauren Taus, called " Mornings Matter "!

Do you find yourself running out the door in the morning? Do you eat breakfast or don't you have the time? Is it time for you to be more productive during the day?

How to Improve Your Memory Through the Best Brain Food (By Curney Parker)

They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn't true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change-even into old age. This ability is known as "neuroplasticity". With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways.

The brain's incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory at any age.

Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, "healthy" fats (such as olive oil, nuts, fish) and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. For brain health, though, it's not just what you eat-it's also what you don't eat. The following nutritional tips will help boost your brainpower and reduce your risk of dementia:

Get Your Omega-3s - Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for brain health. Fish is a particularly rich source of omega-3, especially cold water "fatty fish" such as salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring.

If you're not a fan of seafood, consider non-fish sources of omega-3s such as walnuts, ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil, winter squash, kidney and pinto beans, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and soybeans.

Limit Calories and Saturated Fat - Research shows that diets high in saturated fat (from sources such as red meat, whole milk, butter, cheese, cream, and ice cream) increase your risk of dementia and impair concentration and memory.

Eat More Fruit and Vegetables - Produce is packed with antioxidants, substances that protect your brain cells from damage. Colorful fruits and vegetables are particularly good antioxidant "superfood" sources.

Drink Green Tea - Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging.

Drink Wine (or grape juice) in Moderation - Keeping your alcohol consumption in check is key, since alcohol kills brain cells. But in moderation (around 1 glass a day for women; 2 for men), alcohol may actually improve memory and cognition. Red wine appears to be the best option, as it is rich in resveratrol, a flavonoid that boosts blood flow in the brain and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Other resveratrol-packed options include grape juice, cranberry juice, fresh grapes and berries, and peanuts.

For Mental Energy, Choose Complex Carbohydrates - Just as a racecar needs gas, your brain needs fuel to perform at its best. When you need to be at the top of your mental game, carbohydrates can keep you going. But the type of carbs you choose makes all the difference. Carbohydrates fuel your brain, but simple carbs (sugar, white bread, refined grains) give a quick boost followed by an equally rapid crash. There is also evidence to suggest that diets high in simple carbs can greatly increase the risk for cognitive impairment in older adults. For healthy energy that lasts, choose complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, high-fiber cereal, lentils, and whole beans. Avoid processed foods and limit starches (potato, pasta, rice) to no more than one quarter of your plate.

When you think of food, you probably think of that dreaded four-letter word: DIET. Or maybe you think of fuel for your body... Or a source of happiness (or frustration!) in your life. What you probably don't think of is a powerful influence that affects your emotions, your personality, the quality and quantity of your memories, and even WHO you are as a person. But surprise: What you eat directly impacts all of the above. This may sound hard to believe, but it's true. Let me explain...

Your Brain: A Calorie Hungry Machine

Your brain represents only 2 - 4% of your total body mass, which is about 2 - 4 pounds for the average person. However, your brain also consumes about 20% of all the energy from your food. I'll say that again: Your brain consumes 20% of the food energy you consume. Plus, the type of fuel you give your brain through food and supplements has a critical influence on how you think, feel and experience life. You-and your entire human experience-actually ARE what you eat. As Dr. Fotuhi put it: "What you eat will re-shape your brain... for better or for worse". So, once again, we need to put our brains first when it comes to improving our health and happiness.

Which nutrients does my brain need... And how much? There are certain nutrients your brain absolutely needs, some you can consume in higher doses to increase performance... and some nutrients your body absolutely doesn't want. Let's start with what your brain absolutely needs each day: Fuel. To function properly and consistently repair cells, your brain needs the energy you get from food. This is a no-brainer (ha ha, pun intended). However, if you go on an extreme calorie restricting diet, not only are you restricting the fuel you're giving your body- you're also restricting the fuel you're giving your brain. Why is this dangerous? While your intentions may be in the right place, you may effectively be starving your brain, which leads to brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, slower and more difficult learning, feeling unmotivated, etc. And most dangerously, malnutrition over prolonged periods can even physically shrink your brain. Calorie restrictive diets are NOT the way to go.

Let's say you're on a strict calorie restrictive diet that limits you to 70% of the actual caloric fuel you (and your brain) need on an average day. This means you're not getting 30% of the vitamins, minerals and energy you need just to operate at baseline... which equates to about 6% direct malnutrition to your brain.

Starving your brain makes you angry, short tempered, dull and emotional. And frankly, it never gets you to your goal. Do you know where the willpower comes from to stick with a healthy practice? It comes from feeding your brain the right fuel in the right amounts to stay strong.

I want to focus for a moment on one particular killer that is extremely dangerous for your brain: Sugar. WebMD even asks the question: "Is sugar worse for you than say, cocaine?" When up to 80% of all foods we can buy in a grocery store contain sugar, it can feel like a losing battle.

Not only is sugar proven to be highly addictive-meaning the more you eat, the more you want to eat-we're finding that over time, sugar can contribute to the shrinking of your hippocampus (the memory sector of your brain), which is a hallmark symptom of memory problems.

How Does Sugar Affect Your Memory? Research out of the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that sugar forms free radicals in the brain and compromises the nerve cells' ability to communicate. This can have serious repercussions in how well we remember instructions, process ideas, and manage our moods, says Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, Ph.D., author of the UCLA study. In the short term, you've probably seen how sugar can mess with your emotions and adrenaline surges, a.k.a.: the stress hormone. So something to consider: Your memory issues may NOT be age-related. It might be what you're eating. What happens when you eat sugar?

When you eat sugar, your insulin spikes, which briefly increases your dopamine levels. (Think of dopamine as the "happy chemical.") For a short period, you feel happy and energized... perhaps a little hyper.

But this high quickly wears off (i.e. NOT a stable source of energy), and eventually you come crashing down. This familiar "sugar crash" produces the stress chemical adrenaline, which can leave you feeling anxious, moody, exhausted and even depressed in the aftermath.

The USDA recommends staying under 10 teaspoons (40 grams) of added sugar a day. This is about the equivalent of a bagel or one cup of your typical non-fat yogurt-which has a tendency to be surprisingly high in sugar. (Check the label of the yogurt in your fridge and see what I mean.) Now don't worry: This daily sugar limit doesn't include natural fruit and vegetable sugars in their pure forms like an apple. But DO avoid those mocha lattes at all costs.

Personally, I think sugar is the real reason why gluten-free diets tend to work so well for many people in terms of improving overall body and brain health. It's not because they're removing the gluten. (Only 1% of the population has Celiac disease, in which case the body can't tolerate gluten). I believe it's because most foods that contain gluten also contain a lot of added sugar: Breads, baked goods, etc. Removing the sugars alone can have a massive impact on your mood, memory and clarity of thought.

We also know though countless studies that obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes can shrink the size and performance of your brain. So if you want to cut the risk of memory loss, the first and fastest thing you can do is educate yourself on brain-healthy foods vs brain-shrinking foods- and immediately remove the dangerous foods from your diet.

What are the WORST Foods For Your Memory and Cognition?

Salt can be a big culprit, mainly due to excess. Salt is an essential mineral we need to survive, however the USDA recommendation is just 1,500 mg a day. The average American eats 3,400 mg/day, primarily because our culture tends to consume a lot of processed and packaged foods. These are the worst when it comes to unknowingly consuming extremely unhealthy doses of salt-which by the way, also increases your risk of stroke.

Trans fats are also dangerous to brain health. Typical trans fats are often found in fried foods, margarine, shortening, non-dairy creamers, ice cream, cake mixes, microwave popcorn, ground beef, frozen dinners, cookies and crackers.

The BEST Foods For Your Brain

To boost your memory, mood and cognition, you want to focus on a "healthy brain" diet. This involves eating foods that support the growth of new brain cells, as well as taking a quality daily supplement with the right quantities of specific nutrients, to give your brain the building blocks it needs to stay sharp. One of these nutrients is called DHA, found in Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps reduce inflammation in the brain. Many researchers have found that people with behavioral problems, children with ADHD and people suffering from Alzheimer's disease have lower than normal DHA levels.

For example, in Gothenburg, Sweden, scientists conducted a study on over 9,000 students. They found that children who ate one serving of fish per week (a great source of DHA) did 15% better than students who ate less than one serving of fish per week. I recommend you aim for 1,000 mg of DHA each day through your food and/or supplementation.

Best Diets For Memory & Learning

As an overall eating style packed with healthy brain foods, most scientists recommend the Mediterranean diet as a great plan to give your body and brain the best quality foods, even if you're trying to lose weight. For more tips, I also highly recommend following trusted food gurus like Mike Geary, aka: "The Nutrition Watchdog." Need motivation? Here's a fun fact for you: Those who follow a healthy diet combined with exercise have a whopping 65% LOWER chance of getting Alzheimer's disease.

Here's a Good List of Delicious Brain-Healthy Foods: Olive Oil, Garlic, Peas, Blueberries, Green Tea, Kale, Nuts and Seeds, Fatty Fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, Tomatoes, Pumpkin Seeds, Blackcurrants, Broccoli, Sage, Eggs.

All of these foods are great for children and adults; for studying, improving memory, and just feeling great all-around.

I am a Nutritionist specializing in Brain Health. I work with a company named "Simple Smart Science". Our mission is to identify areas where big leaps in performance in every area of your life can be achieved and then give you products that take you there.

We spend hundreds of hours researching different scientific case studies from around the world to discover the ingredients which we use. They have to be double blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies for us even to read them because these are the only methodologies accepted in the scientific community.

We only use dosages that are clinically proven to work at optimal results, use premium ingredients from trusted sources, use the top rated manufacturing facilities and use a third party testing facility to test our products over and over at every stage in the formation.

Every system in your body - from your nervous system to your digestive to your immune system - is controlled by your brain. Your overall health is controlled by your brain. This includes your emotional state as well. When your brain is healthy and performing your overall health is improved.

Tips for More Conscious and Innovative Body Language

Successful innovation is fascinating as it combines the best of intelligent thought with expressing it in a way that emotionally "moves" others into action. This combination is often a challenge as many gifted, technical innovators prefer to focus on ideas, software and gadgets more than on people. The sales and marketing types like focusing on the customer more than on the mechanics of what they are selling. Very few seem to balance or handle both equally well. Yet for those who do, for instance: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Larry Ellison, to name a successful few, the rewards can be very rich indeed.

I have had the privilege to work with many organizations in the IT and Telecommunications areas, regarding their leadership, sales and presentation skills. From that experience I can say that when technicians relax and get clear on the power and leverage available to consciously communicate using their body language, magic starts to happen.

I have noticed that for innovators, the most common wake up call comes when they get clear over how much information their bodies express, regardless of whether they are aware of it or not. All too often a brilliant idea never leaves the PowerPoint slide because its delivery either annoyed the listeners or put them to sleep. The content and delivery of your message must attract and inspire in order to reach the next step. You may have invented the perfect mouse trap, but if you cannot present it in a way that inspires and engages your listener, then who are you really talking to? For instance, an interesting thought to ponder is how the world would now look if Leonardo Da Vinci had inspired himself and others to actually construct some of his inventions while he was alive. Instead it took 500 years to realize most actually worked. Even though he seems to have been a student of self-expression (witness Mona Lisa's smile), could he practiced more of what he preached?

A critical skill for successful self-expression is more conscious use of our most important communication tool, our own body. Below are some simple tips.

Be Present. If you insist on remaining "up in your head" when speaking, count on leaving your listeners behind. Learn to serve them (and ultimately yourself) by dancing here and now with their questions and addressing their concerns. Your knowledge of your subject and how to deliver it will flourish when you put it in a way it can be heard, understood and acted upon. The key? Be Here, Now and serve!

Relax and be open. Can you catch more money and ideas in a tightly clenched fist or an open and relaxed palm? Stress shortens your life, calm lengthens it.

The choice is yours.

Feel more. The key to becoming more present is feeling. After all, when is the only time you can feel anything other than here and now? So, if you feel some butterflies in your stomach, a pain in the neck, sadness, anger, joy or even fear... Congratulations, you are still alive! Take a deep, joyous breath and begin focusing your intellect and energy on efficient delivery of your message.

Inspire. The word inspire comes from Latin and means to "breathe in spirit". To bring any innovation into existence you will need to inspire yourself and others into action. The easiest way to begin is to inhale more air. Notice what happens to the power and believability of you and your message. We are all essentially wind instruments. Just like a flute or tuba, the more air you use, the more power and feeling you can resonate towards your listener.

React less/Respond more. React means to "act again", respond means to "answer back". The first is an automatic process often triggered by an old, often forgotten behavior pattern. The second may start with the exact same stimulus, yet adding a bit of conscious reflection you can respectfully answer back in a way that moves your conversation and its possibility forward, towards your innovative goal.

Demonstrate Respect. As Aikido master Yoshigosaki suggests, "treat your listeners in a way which shows you, "understand that you have no understanding of who they are". What kind of response and support will you receive when you practice treating others with all the wonder and curiosity of a small child?

Could this enhanced level of respect inspire the insight and finance to further your cause?

Appreciate all contributions. You may think that what was said was the dumbest thing you ever heard, especially with its reference to your brilliant innovation. Yet, what if that is the best response the speaker could currently muster? What if he/she is looking for your support and guidance to understand your message enough to write you a big check?

The more you practice and embody these body language fundamentals, the more you will be able to express, implement and even monetize your great ideas

Burst Goals

It is a truism in personal development that goals drive activity. However, while all worthwhile goals are valuable and cause action, not all goals drive immediate action. For example, a retirement income goal will drive action, but for most people that action is not right now. A burst goal is a goal which drives immediate action or, as Tony Robbins calls it, massive action.

Burst goals are goals you are going to set for a short period of activity; they are the results of activity "bursts." Since they are of limited time duration, you do not have to worry about setting a deadline (the T of the SMART goal properties). Some of the characteristics of burst goals apply to all goals, some are unique to burst goals.

General Properties

* Positive tone - The subconscious does not understand negatives, so you want to phrase all goals as something positive. For example, not "I will cut my debt in half" but "I will save $1000."

* Specific - The more specific you are, the better the universe can respond. For example, not "I will get in better shape" but "I will lose 50 lbs."

* Able to Visualize - You must be able to visualize yourself reaching the goal. Do not use this quality to limit your goals but to drive your visualization exercises.

Burst Goal Properties

* Your Actions - Base a burst goal on what actions you can do, not on the results you desire to achieve. For example, not "I will get 10 new clients" but "I will make 50 phone calls"

* Use the word "will" - Most of the time, you want to avoid the use of "will" in a goal since that implies the goal is always in the future and never actually achieved. However, in this case you should go ahead and use the word because of the built-in deadline. This is a promise to yourself which will (see??) be redeemed by the deadline.

* Crescendo not Jump - When determining how big to make the goal, start at your current level of activity and start building; do not say you will make a massive change at the beginning. For example, say you were saving $50 per week. Start there, and build to $100 per week by the end of the time period, with some growth each week.

* Focus - Do not make a lot of burst goals at once. Better to make 1 goal you can focus on immediately for a short period of time than 5 goals which causes too much commitment.

* Short, short, short - The maximum time frame should be 90 days. Anybody can believe they can do something for a short period of time; too long and you put off action, particularly if you are not convinced you can do the action for an extended period of time.

* Plan for Stopping - In the long run, you want to increase your activity, of course. However, recognize that this is a burst of activity, and when it is done you will take a break. Just like a runner, plan a break or a reward when you reach the end of the race.

Burst goals can lead to new habits and new levels of productivity, but only if set and keep the deadlines. Use them to build momentum, and you can reach levels you have only dreamed about before you started.

How The Perfect Storm Can Undermine Your Best Intentions (By Kit Cassingham)

Green Car Running of Flooded Road

Everyone loses energy and focus, at least at some point. Even me! Here's a recent example.

I found myself feeling a bit unproductive and unfocused, and a bit low-energy, recently. Pondering this unusual situation gave me the realization that I was feeling overwhelmed by a work project and anxious about a health situation. I love the work project, and at a conscious level I'm not distressed by the health situation. So, what's the deal there?

The perfect storm was brewing.

With work I am studying to make my new business angle more concise. Armed with loads of information from webinars, team calls, books, self-introspection, and lots of writing, I was ready to put it all together. I just didn't know where to start! Ah, yes... overwhelm.

Remembering the lesson I learned, and shared with you, about freezing Defrosting article myself with "I don't know", I knew I had to take action. So, I stopped, regrouped, and with baby steps started moving forward to implement all the things I knew and wanted to do. A sense of relief swept over me. My energy rose, closer to my normal high-energy level. My focus strengthened. As the relief and energy rose my good habits started returning too.

What? Bad habits had crept in? Things like munching on foods I'd put on my "don't eat list" for an experiment I was conducting. The rational-thinking was "Oh, that's no big deal. The food is OK. It's only my experiment that'll suffer, not my health." Well, maybe the foods themselves wouldn't hurt me, but the quantity wasn't doing me any good. I put a few pounds of my hard-lost weight back on. That's not good for my health, or my psyche! What's not good for my psyche isn't good for my energy.

OK. Information noted and recorded. New commitment to stick with my food experiment in place. Energy rising again. Weight holding.

Then came the day to drive five hours to a doctor's appointment for a second opinion on handling the health situation. No big deal. I love to drive. The weather was beautiful, the roads were in good condition, and I had interesting lectures to listen to along the way.

I was confident the second opinion would be positive. After all, I'd been doing some nutritional things to improve my situation and knew that would put me in an even better place than I had been before. I'm a healthy woman. All is well.

So, why did I buy a large-ish bag of Smartfood white cheddar cheese popcorn at my half-way point? Hhhhmmmm... I guess I was anxious. The food kept me entertained as I drove through the beautiful mountains and river canyon. More of that rational thinking interjected itself too: the whole bag is only 800 calories, so if I don't eat anything beyond the protein drink breakfast and a dinner salad, my daily calorie intake will be fine. I stopped four-fifths of the way through the bag, saving calories! Yeah, right.

The appointment went fine, as anticipated. The doctor had the same reaction I did, me being armed with oodles of online research - she's a brilliant doctor. She ordered a few more tests to rule out something serious we can't gauge without the tests. When all pointers aim at "no problem" that's a reasonable attitude to continue to hold. So, I do.

I made it half-way home before calling it a day due to dark having set in; mountain roads at night after a really long day are good roads to avoid. The rest of the switch - increasing energy and focus - that started when I took a proactive approach to my project overwhelm concluded that night in the cozy hotel room.

My energy was back! My need for snacks was gone. A good night's sleep, a healthy home-made juice for breakfast, and a quick two-hour drive home brought me back to my feelings of being centered and grounded.

Even the three and a half hour conference call I finished the day with seemed short. I. Am. Back. Mostly... I did allow myself a chocolate treat this afternoon, knowing it was the last of the "feed me" nervousness I'd built up through the previous month. At least it was a small treat.

This long tale has a purpose. What are you doing unconsciously to undermine your habits? What is going on in your life that's sapping your energy level and focus? Is there only one thing, or do you have a list of situations that are weighing on you and bringing you down in various ways?

Energy levels can be elusive. Focus can be evasive. You deserve to have them at your beck and call. Take stock of your life and stay on top of the energy vampires. Be proactive in generating and maintaining your energy levels. Recommit to what you know to be good and healthy for you. And last, ask for help: that's what coaches are for!

Five Secrets to Remain Focused When Your Back Is Against the Wall

Stay Focused on your Goals!

Basketball often teaches us valuable lessons that we can apply to our own lives. During the 2016 NBA finals, for instance, whether you were rooting for the Golden State Warriors or the Cleveland Cavaliers, we witnessed a number of viable strategies that can be used when our backs are against the wall, and how to stay laser-focused on your goals for the big win.

Even if you're not a basketball fan, the seven-game series taught us five vital principles for achieving success:

1. Don't complain. When the Cavaliers were losing three games to one during the best of seven series, with the world watching, it would have been easy to complain. It would have been easy to point fingers at the officials or other teammates. Instead, each player committed to doing what they needed to do to win. One starter, Kevin Love, went to the coach and volunteered to give up his starting position if it would help the team. He was willing to sacrifice his personal accolades for the big picture. When we are a part of a team, we too have to focus on the big picture to be successful.

2. Delete the junk from your mind. When the Cavaliers were down three games to one, many people said they could never win. Unfortunately, they had lost the NBA championship last year to the same team. Haters were saying, "they aren't good enough and will lose again." We have to delete from our minds the junk that we hear just as we delete junk from our computers. Junk only slows down our hard drive, and prevents us from achieving our goals. When negative people try to influence you, hit the delete button, and keep hitting delete delete delete. Stay focused on your goals. Only you can rewrite your story.

3. Don't let past failures define you. To win, the Cavaliers had to forget about last year's loss to Golden State. Use your past failures as a stepping stone. If you take the time to study why you didn't succeed last time, you can rework your blueprint for success. LeBron James said he had to review films and determine how he could improve his game. He then discovered what he needed to change. We have to also be willing to make a change to improve. If we can't accept that we need to make a change, sometimes this paralyzes us, and we will not move forward.

4. Don't be intimidated. Golden State Warriors were the champs. To defeat a champion, you have to possess a champion mentality. Pay attention to details and visualize the goal, just as LeBron James visualized winning. Determine what you want to achieve, and see yourself accomplishing that goal.

5. Do your thing. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and determine how you can be a better you.

These principles can be applied in our daily lives. Eliminate self-doubt. People who achieve great success don't allow past failures to define them. The next time your back is against the wall, try these strategies and you too can be successful.

From Little Things, Big Things Grow!

Songs have been written on this title about social change over the years and the saying was not new in the 1900's. For me, I see this as a great quote for small business people who start out with very little and with courage and determination go ahead and create their passion into a business that they are proud to own.

Great things may come from small beginnings as we find with small business owners. An essay within in 1798 by D.Everett in The Columbian Orator says: "Large streams from little fountains flow, Tall oaks from little acorns grow." So as we can see, this is a concept that has been around for a very long time!

A more familiar quote is "Mighty oaks grow from little acorns" or "Great oaks from little acorns grow" no doubt rings a bell to most readers. Again, saying that sometimes small and modest can become very large and impressive with time.

We start our business initially by using the skills we have learned. The most important structure we create needs to have a strong foundation so that it can build from small beginnings into what we want to create with our time and expertise in the future. Being aware of our own skillset and what the required skills are for success for the enterprise is all important.

Great things or people often have humble origins. With the correct structure and people in place it is possible to create what we want. Being in business is a learning curve for us all.

Working with clients now over many years I have discovered that for a solo operator to become successful they must be aware of their own innate gifts. By understanding this, one can then find the people they need to surround themselves with to create the success that they want. This must be a win-win for all concerned and joint venturing or collaborations work well today for small business owners.

I find that people go into business these days more out of necessity as they cannot find the job or work that they want. We are fortunate to be able to start out on a shoestring and work from home, which was not always possible. As the economy changes and people need to become more creative, we find that interesting businesses are arising from no-where, often from hobbies or a creative urge for survival.

Being in business takes a survival instinct, a creative bent and a courage that makes it all possible.

Many businesses start with little or no funding other than lots of persistence, sweat and tears, along the way. To believe in oneself and the skills that each of us has is the biggest quality that is needed initially. Once we have been able in our head to create and see the vision of what we want to build, we then need to understand our WHY for wanting it.

Many business people understand and know the WHAT of their business. Without the WHY, which is what will make it blossom, failure is often inevitable.

It is important to firstly know your 'why' for creating your business. Once you understand this you can then look at the 'what', then 'who' you need, 'where' and 'when' you need it and lastly 'how' are you going to make it happen?

Dependent on the personality of the business owner, they will need to have the correct two people around them who will balance out the business skillsets. This process is found through 'Wealth Dynamics' created by Roger Hamilton. This is a thinking profile which supports solo and small business owners to greater success.

So, are you ready to grow from something small to something large?

If you answer yes, I will ask you 'Why'. I would then go through the series of questions using the above words to work with you. Understanding and having goals are necessary for you to build your business. Knowing how to plan and time your business is important to as many businesses grow too fast without the correct infrastructure, and inevitably run out of funds or the foundations crumble.

Owning a business is the most freeing and creative endeavour a true entrepreneur can do. It is important that you have more than the technical skills though as understood the Michael Gerber's book 'The E-Myth - Revisited'. A MUST READ for all business owners. Too many people starting a business are the technician not the entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur is about taking initiative and risks, in the attempt to make a profit. This is not as easy as it sounds as many people find out who have tried. Find the people to put around you who can help you grow your creation using their skills along with your ideas and innate gifts.

One of the most important things that a business owner needs to do is learn to understand themselves. Start, if you haven't already, to do personal development. Getting to really know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and what makes you tick will be the greatest gift you can give yourself. Only by learning about yourself can you really grow and be successful.

The gift of a successful business owner is being able to go to bed at night and sleep well. If you toss and turn and become sleep deprived, you will make mistakes and not make good decisions for your future.

So, I say, grow yourself and then grow your business.,-Big-Things-Grow!&id=9371667

Discover How Innovation and Brain Power Is the Key to Success

Light Bulb Floating Above Person's Hand

The last article that I have written about innovation is the key to success; there was a paragraph in which I have mentioned how powerful the brain is when it comes to writing your ideas, to make your innovation a reality, in a notebook or journal.

Today, I am going to focus on the power of the brain and how you can use it to make your dreams or innovations come true.

In Biology, Psychology, or Anatomy classes, we learn that there are 2 main functions of the brain; they are called the Conscious and Subconscious. These 2 parts of our brain play an important role in everyday life. Some of you may think, "What has this got to do with innovation?" I will explain it to you.

The Subconscious Mind

For a building to exist, it is drawn up on a mental blueprint. The builder(s) have to visualize in their minds what the building is going to look like, how to tall it will be, and the materials that will be used before a physical blueprint is made.

For my readers, those who want to achieve success through innovation, I want you to draw a mental blueprint in your mind of who you want to be in the near future and figure out what it will take to make your dreams a reality. In this part of the exercise, do not write anything down as I will continue to discuss the importance of the subconscious mind, so that you can get a clear understanding of what I am talking about.

This part of your brain is where your dreams are active (awake and asleep) and where memories are stored.

1. Dreams. The innovations that we have today started out with dreams. The great Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, wrote his dreams down; many of which solved the riddles of Math and Physics. Your dreams play a vital role in starting your own innovation, so pay close attention to what dreams you have and see which ones are vital to your personal success.

2. Memories. There are many articles that I have written where I have used past memories and experiences and shared them with the world of how to become a better affiliate marketer. You wouldn't believe how many people have benefited from this as they have shared my articles on their websites or blogs.

Memorize important formulas or word definitions. I am sure that Mr. Ramanujan have memorized many Math formulas throughout his lifetime that led him to discover new formulas through his dreams. Memorizing important items will help you succeed on tests or discovering new ways to run a better business.

The Conscious Mind

If the Subconscious is the root of the tree, then the conscious mind is the main tree; it is the growth or the action part of the mind. It is where you make your dreams a reality!

1. Dreams. If you have a dream that is important to your innovation, write it down immediately in a notebook or journal; this means jumping out of bed in the middle of the night. If you are writing a book, dreams are a great to get started; you will visit worlds beyond your imagination and engage in an adventure that you will never forget.

2. Memorization. It is important to write in a journal everyday so that you can recall important events that have happened in your past. Who knows, you can create important tips in your next article or innovation that will help someone who is looking for answers to their question.

In conclusion, never neglect the power of your mind; it is the key to achieving personal and financial success. In your mind, innovation is born; start working on yours today!

If you are struggling to find success in life or you want to overcome a personal problem, click here now to obtain the tools in the personal development industry and watch free, self-improvement videos to help combat trials and self-defeat by re-installing the success software for your brain.

How To Focus - Some Simple Tips

Man's Face

For many people, the desire to focus better and get things done overwhelms everything else. Yet when they get right down to it, the same people find it easy to be distracted and do not implement effective methods to boost focus. The key, then, is to identify simple tips that will show you how to focus better.

1. Know What Matters

The specific details will differ from one person to another. But all of us care about something. By deciding which are these important areas, you can select the right things to focus upon.

2. Choose Important Tasks

Every morning, select 2 tasks that you will finish by the end of the day. These tasks will fall into categories that are important to you. You have already identified them in the previous step, by deciding what matters most to you. Now when you get these 2 tasks done, you will be moving towards your important goals.

3. Get Things Done

You've chosen two tasks to complete. The next goal is to actually complete them. There is no point in just drawing up lists of things to do if you do not take follow up action and finish the tasks. So make that your highest priority. Get them done as early in the day as possible.

4. Put Off Distractions

Several things are interesting. You will constantly be tempted to try other things that you enjoy doing. But resist the temptation at least until you finish the two important tasks for the day. Once you get into the habit of resisting distractions, your focus will automatically improve and you will get more work done.

5. Stop Multitasking

Maybe you are used to talking on the phone while typing on your computer and simultaneously taking notes. Or maybe you try to cram an important conference call into the time you're doing the cooking while also keeping an eye on your son's homework. Stop multitasking. It makes you less effective. And it worsens your focus. Instead, concentrate fully on one of the tasks. Get it done. Then turn your attention to the next one. This way, you will finish more work in less time.

6. Slow Down

Hurrying through tasks is a surefire way to make mistakes or get things wrong. When you do that, you'll have to repeat the task. That takes longer. And it is also more effort-intensive. If you go about your tasks methodically and slowly, you will complete it faster and with fewer mistakes.

These simple steps will improve your ability to focus and make you more efficient. Soon the improved focus will become a habit and your effectiveness will skyrocket.

Moving Mountains With Placebo

                    Person Standing on Top of Rock

When we go to the doctor it is because we are unwell and want to get better. Once there, we feel that now the doctor will take it from there. We go with faith and a hope to get better. This is the first step. The doctor writes the prescription and we pop the pills, no questions asked, thinking these will help us get better. They actually do. Research says that placebo effect works. But what fascinates me is that how amazing it is that by mere thinking something is true, your whole psychology and physiology starts to work in that one direction. You actually start to feel better.

Well, if this can work on an illness, why can't it work in other real life situations where mere believing can send a message to the universe that, "I want this, start working in my favor." Your mind and body are living in a state where they believe that good things are going to happen. They don't even think about the other option, not even once. This can be a great force in making things happen and motivating oneself to achieve a goal which at one point seemed unattainable.

But having said all that, there is one hitch. This is where the truth lies. "What do you want?" If you apply the placebo effect to your mind for every situation, you should understand that merely wanting and believing is not enough, what you believe also matters. Having malicious intentions or wanting something that you feel you don't truly deserve will not trigger your brain and mind in the way pure thoughts do. Wanting things like wellness, better health, a good quality life, love, companionship, financial security, respect, etc. are fully justified in life. We all deserve a good life. Therefore, wanting something that one should have anyways makes a strong case for you as there is no guilt factor.

We all know ourselves better than the world knows us. Keep your thoughts pure and then think about how you want to improve your life. Think about what aspects of your life need your attention and then apply the placebo effect. How do you do that? Well, it's simple. Just keep one thought in mind. If you feel that life isn't being fair, just believe that good things will happen, have faith, let yourself go and the universe take over. It's worth a try.

Healthy Habits, Lasting Change

The easiest way to make a healthy choice stick is to make it a habit. Habits are easy because, by definition, you do them consistently and without thinking about it. And since I brought up definitions, here's another habit specific: nowhere in the definition does it say that a habit must be a bad thing.

In fact, a lot of yours aren't. You brush your teeth in the morning out of habit. You hang up your coat when you walk in the door because of habit. You wash your hands after using the bathroom because it's a habit. All great things.

We are not born with habits. We create them.

Good and bad, they are our habits because we made them. We are influenced by others, our parents for example, but it is our own repetitive actions that create a habit. Give yourself a hand, you are super powerful.

Now that you know you are so powerful, use that power to create new, positive habits that will help you reach your goals.

Form a healthy habit, make a lasting change.

Here's how:

Choose a healthy habit that supports your goals. For example: "I will not eat sweets after dinner at home because I'd like to lose 5 pounds".
Cut out sweets after dinner when at home = HABIT

Lose 5 Pounds = GOAL

This is a great choice, because this desired habit, is SMART. It is:


You've defined the parameters. You know WHO will (not) be doing this, WHAT you will (not) be eating, WHEN you will (not) be doing it, and WHERE you will (not) be doing it. You've also defined WHY (your goal).


You can track your progress. If you eat a sweet at home after dinner, you haven't made progress that day.


You've just had dinner, so you aren't eating sweets because you are starving. You can get rid of all temptation. This is totally achievable.


You want to lose 5 pounds. You know that you can't "lose 5 pounds after dinner at home" but you can certainly create a habit, like cutting out sweets, to get you there.


This is a habit that you will focus on after dinner. You aren't cutting out sweets all day, all week, or forever. That would be an almost unachievable habit to form and you would be setting yourself up for failure. Instead, you will create this habit at one, specified time every day. When you go to bed without raiding the fridge for a cookie or a brownie, you have achieved success.

Attach your healthy habit to a prompt.
Your prompt should be a real action that you take, not a note written on your calendar or a picture of your dream body on the fridge (although you can do that too).

When you feel the impulse to grab a brownie after dinner, make tea instead, grab your book and hop in the bath. Do this every time you have the impulse to grab a sweet.

Form a different, HEALTHY habit instead of the unhealthy one you've become used to.

Again, this is SMART. You know exactly what you will do and when you will do it. You can track your progress - every time you take a bath instead of having a sweet, you've succeeded. It's achievable, it's relevant (tea, a bath and a book are all healthy habits that are great to make), and it's time-bound.

Celebrate each success.
Each time you take a bath instead of eating ice cream, you've chosen the healthy habit. That means that every, single, day, you succeed.

That is motivation in itself. It's hard to stay motivated to lose 5 pounds if the scale doesn't drop each day. That's why your goal is the WHY and your habit is everything else. You know that this habit will help you lose 5 pounds, so you can and should pat yourself on the back when you succeed each night.

Make a conscious effort until the day you forget to think about it, and yet you still take a bath.
It seems wild now to not have a sweet. That's insane, you think, that's my thing! What's insane is that you haven't stopped to think about how irrelevant that sweet is to your life. It doesn't have meaning. It's simply a habit. And at this point, it's not even making you happy!

There was a time in your life when you couldn't imagine going to a job every day, or having kids, or taking yoga 3 times a week. Now you can't imagine life without those things.

It doesn't take as long as you might think.

You have the power to create a habit. It's one of the only powers you've been practicing since childhood. Now, use it.,-Lasting-Change&id=9388817

Staying Firm With Your Life Goals

Be Serious About Your Goals

Life is not a game. And you don't have time to waste.

If you want to succeed in life you have to take your life seriously. Most of you walk around in life dabbling without a purpose, without a focus, just walking aimlessly in life. This is not you, so stop doing that.

You are different.

The reason you are reading this article is because you want a better life for yourself or perhaps want to transform your self, your life, your car, your house, but something in your life you want to change now.

You are convinced that you are ready to change and will do anything in your power and resources to make that happen.

You want things to change; you want things to be better for you because let's face it you're tired of being miserable. You are dissatisfied with something in your life than you find unfair, tiring, boring, stunt-growing and angry.

You want things to change.

I know this is you; the first thing you have to do is stop complaining about your life when you have taken it for a joke.

When you're not living the life you deserve you have to analyze yourself. Perhaps you have taken your life unfavorely. When you look around at yourself you see that you lack focus, purpose and vision of whom you are.

Be Different

But I know one thing about you, this is not you. You want things to change and want things to get better. You are willing to change things around because you're tired of living a circus and you're the clown.

It's time for you to live a prosperous, happy, tranquil life that you truly deserve.

This is you. You have to be ready to make the decision that your life, your desires, your dreams are not a joke anymore.

When you become serious about whom you are and about what you want to accomplish; everyone else will help you and respect you because you're serious about who you are and where you want to be. Earn the respect and recognition you deserve.

Goals are not attracted to clowns, they are attracted to people who have made the decision to achieve the best, be the best and are serious of themselves.

Changing Your Self-Dialogue

In order to be happy, peaceful, persistent or successful in life it's about the self-dialogue you hear or tell yourself. Change it and life will change. Self-dialogues are amazing and effective when you believe in them.

Start with this:

Your dream, your desires, should make you tremble so vividly through your body convincing you that what you're doing in life is your life's purpose. It gives you the certainty you need in life; there should be no room for doubt.

As you journey through your life you must get certainty of what you want; sure of what you need and be sure it belongs to you. You deserve it. This is all that you should tell yourself on a daily basis.

And as you think these thoughts, you have to remind yourself again and again of telling yourself that there is no room in your mind for any negativity such as fear, doubt, quitting. You must not poison your mind.

The only thoughts springing out of your mind should be ideas that will get you where you want to be. You have a dream to achieve, a goal to acquire and a need of changing something in your life. This should be your only sole focus, nothing else.

Remember we do not have time to waste. Life is not a joke anymore. We have to stop wasting our valuable potential energy only in thoughts that will help us grow.

Distinguish Your Self From The Rest

We are different.

You are different. Your thoughts should be too. Only those that accomplish goals in life are those who dare to be different from the rest. They are the one's where fear does not exist in their thoughts because they think different. Their mind has transformed itself differently. Mutated perhaps.

The only way you'll get there is by feeding thoughts, ideas and images that will help you build a big archive of only self-growth ideas.

Ask yourself "What thoughts do you need to help you grow?"

It's one thing. Do not tolerate any longer mediocrity. This is a thought you have to believe and carve in your mind.

What is what thing you have in common with successful people? It's the ability of believing that we deserve better than mediocrity.

Let me explain, you have to train your mind that most successful people out there are enjoying themselves because they have tolerated little, unhappy with some part of their life and decided to do something about it. They decided no longer to tolerate their low paying job because they know it will get them nowhere, they move away from toxic relationships, change their beat-down jalopy. They change themselves.

They changed it. They are the type of people whom don't tolerate mediocrity anymore. This has to be you too.

The reason you're angry at life is not external. This anger is against you for not taking the initiative to do anything about it. You have to be willing to do something some thing, fight for it; do what you must. I mean anything! Do at least some thing even if you look like a fool.

What will motivate you to take action is believing that you are put in this earth to live life at it's fullest.

You must have the thought that you love life.

Things will change.

Motivate yourself to pursue your dreams, your goals, appreciate the opportunities that life is giving you to change. Change will be given to those who decide to love life.

This is you.

When your mind is with different thoughts you will no longer settle for mediocrity. You decided to be different. Do not get comfortable with a poor unbearable life. Change now.

Start today.

When you finally had enough that is when you will change. This is when you will open your eyes, see how much you deserve to live and more. It's the turning point in your life when you realize that you are different, want more out of life and it's time to live that life you deserve. It starts by being a new you; a new beginning.

To finish this off you have to create thoughts and believe in them. You deserve them. Believe in them. You are worth more than you believe. Change your thoughts now and you'll thank yourself later.

Give yourself thoughts and things that will make you happy.

Say to yourself, "I need to give myself those thoughts to make me happy".

Valuable Lessons Taught By Children

Maybe you're a parent or one of your siblings is. Perhaps you have a close friend that is a parent. It could be that your kids have kids or your kid's kids have kids. There is probably someway that children are in your life. The common mindset towards children is that it is the adult's job to teach them. Something that many people don't consciously acknowledge is that children are great teachers themselves. That is to say a child has the potential to teach an adult just as much if not more than an adult could teach a child. Lessons taught to a child will differ greatly from the lessons a child teaches. Adults tend to teach ideals in the logical realm while children teach the illogical. What do I mean by illogical?

Children are great teachers of faith. If you are a parent you probably have noticed how much faith your child or children have in you. They believe you are a source of infinite knowledge. Yet the really powerful thing is they have total and complete faith in your character. They believe that you are only capable of doing the right thing. Is there anyone in your life that you have that much faith in? Faith is a powerful thing and children have a great capacity to trust those they care about. Something every adult should take notice of.

Another great lesson that can be learned from a child is to be present. Children are notorious for living or as some people refer to it as living in the moment. Obviously children don't have the stress of work, bills and preconceived notions but I don't want to take away from a child's ability to be fully present. That ability allows children to experience the complete range of human emotions that a logical mind tends to suppress. They don't wait for the right moment to enjoy the world. They just enjoy it. Let's use an upcoming doctor's appointment as an example. An adult will think about the appointment, try to prepare for it and wait for it to happen. While a child will play or do whatever he/she sees fit until the actual appointment takes place. Children have a knack for focusing on only what they want to focus on which is usually what is happening now.

The last lesson to be learned from children I want to address is their creativity. Imagination is something we all associate with children and rightfully so. It is absolutely amazing to watch a child play. They are able to create a game from pretty much anything. They come up with new ideas that aren't based on how profitable it might be but on how much fun it is. Their imagination allows them to experience life in so many different ways. When was the last time you weren't so concerned about your image that you could just act like a dog and bark at your friends? Better yet, when was they last time you were even able to imagine you were a dog? Creativity spawns from losing yourself in the moment. If you are unable to be completely present you won't be able to be truly creative.

Children are teachers of so many other lessons but those three are some of the most powerful. Being an adult is great but being an adult with a child's outlook on life is absolutely wonderful. Children are the world's greatest inventors and scientists even if most people refuse to acknowledge the fact. If children were in control of the world I guarantee it'd be a better place. They may never have all the answers but they'd definitely be willing to ask to right questions.

How to Deepen Your Intuition

Many people laugh at the notion of intuition but it's a very real phenomenon. You yourself may have experienced some intuitive moments. Intuition is associated with innovation and scientific discovery and it's a gift we all have. What exactly is intuition, how does it work and how can you deepen yours?

Intuition is the ability to gain knowledge without the use of reason. It's something you feel that you can't explain. It's an uncanny or inexplicable sense of knowing. You know something, but you don't know how you know what you know. You just know it.

When you have an intuitive moment, you are actually having a sensory experience. Everything we know about our world comes through our senses. Our eyes see, our ears hear, our noses smell, our tongues taste, and our hands and skin feel. The sensations from these organs are sent to our brain, where they are translated into electrical signals or impulses. Our brain then "reads" the information and tells us what we're experiencing. At least, that's what we were taught in school.

Physiologists tell us that we have nine senses. There are the basic five we learned in school and the other four are: our sense of temperature, our sense of pain, our sense of balance (which includes acceleration), and our sense of where our body is in the space around us and in relationship to all of our other body parts. We use these nine senses all the time to make sense of our world and our body in it.

Jamie Sams, one of the foremost teachers of Native American wisdom, tells us we actually have 357 sensory perceptions or "antenna of awareness." According to native teachings, everything in the universe contains energy, so everything is energy. Emotion, thought, intent, and awareness are some of the forms of energy present in us. These flows of energy are one way that we communicate with each other and with ourselves. They are also the means by which we relate to all other life forms. Each of these flows of energy has its own sensory perception to go along with it. So if we have 357 flows of energy within us, then we also have 357 sensory perceptions in us too.

In order to understand how these sensory perceptions work, imagine that your heart works like a compass, a GPS, or a mini-satellite dish, and its intuitive technology is hardwired inside you. It's helpful to think of your heart as having an antenna that sends and receives energy through your senses. When you pick up sensory signals from your antenna, the signals don't come from your brain. They come from your heart and they flow through your brain - the limbic part of your brain to be exact.

The limbic brain is responsible for all of our feeling. It's also responsible for our behaviour and our decision-making but it has no capacity for language. That's where the phrase "gut decisions" come from. Your stomach doesn't control decision-making but gut decisions "feel right." That's because the part of the brain that controls your feelings (the limbic brain) also controls your feelings. When you listen to your gut, you are simply following your feelings or listening to your heart.

Our limbic brain is very powerful. That's why we sometimes have intuitive feelings that are very strong and that contradict our rational and analytical mind. Neuroscientist Richard Restak, author of the book The Naked Brain, says that when people are forced to make decisions with only the rational part of their brain, they often end up "overthinking" things. Rational decisions usually take longer to make and are often of lower quality. Decisions made with the limbic brain, through feelings and not words, tend to be faster, higher-quality decisions. But we tend to doubt ourselves when we have these feelings because we aren't able to verbalize them. We have the feelings but then we tell ourselves the feelings are silly because we can't attach words to them.

In order to deepen your intuition:

1. recognize that intuition is a very real phenomenon.

2. remind yourself, the next time you have an intuitive moment, that you are having a sensory experience.

3. remember that innovation and new scientific discoveries flow from intuition and that intuition is a gift we all have.

4. realize that intuitive feelings come to you quickly and bring higher quality decisions when you listen to them.

5. honour and trust the feelings you are having by listening to and following their guidance.

6. meditate regularly.

Whether you want to make better decisions, solve problems more quickly, or innovate and design, tuning into your intuition is important. When you trust your intuition, you trust yourself. And when you trust yourself, the more success you'll have.