All Change Begins In The Mind

Let's talk about effecting change in the mind faster and with less stress. We've all heard the saying, "It's all in your mind." It's usually delivered in a manner that does not serve us well.

So, what if we just look at this in a more constructive way? What if we could understand that actually everything does begin in the mind?

The best way to demonstrate this is if you just take a moment. Now look around the room you're in. Just look around the room and look at everything in that room. Scan everything that you see in that room, even including yourself. Understand that all these things you see, didn't just appear by accident, they had to begin somewhere, did they not? Where did they begin? They first began in the unconscious mind, long before you were even aware of them. When those things became important enough, they were transferred into the conscious mind, which allowed you to develop your awareness of them.

Again when it became important enough, action was taken, whatever was necessary to allow them to manifest in the physical world. Knowing that, gives us great power to understand that there are things going on inside our unconscious mind that we are not even aware of yet, because everything is created in the unconscious mind first then into the conscious mind and then action causes manifestation.

So, how can we best use this? What if we knew the answers that we need to find solutions to sort out our problems already existed? It could be anything, it matters not. The process is the same. Maybe it's in your business, maybe you want to come up with some better ideas, maybe your health, anything in your life. Just think about what there is that you want to change, because all the answers are in your unconscious mind.

You see, when you go inside the mind, it's like stepping into the TARDIS in Dr Who. It's bigger inside. It's so huge in there. It has no limits.

Everything that you need is in there so you can access ideas and solutions, bring them into conscious thought then take action to allow them to manifest in the physical world. This allows you to know that you are making the right decisions because the solutions delivered by our unconscious mind are always right. 
For this reason, always follow your instincts.

So, what's the best way to achieve this? To create less stress, change happens naturally. It just seems to be like a natural flow of things. Following a simple three step process affects change faster, with less stress, knowing that you have the right solution.


We need to first go into our unconscious mind. How do we do this? The most effective means is through hypnotic processes. Self-hypnosis allows us to bypass the filtering system; communicate directly with the unconscious / subconscious mind, and it's almost as if you can walk around inside this massive space. We can just walk around and see what's available to us.

Step 2

Then to transfer this into conscious thought, transition happens through a process of mindfulness. By being mindful of what the solutions are, you link unconscious to conscious thought, bringing about whole brain function.

Step 3

After you transfer the answers you seek into a conscious mind state you take appropriate action. When you take appropriate action, take the steps necessary, changes happens naturally.

Next time you think about what you want to change, don't try to sort it out in a logical, analytical sense. Cut to the chase, always remember, go to the source; to where it first begins.

Follow the three step process. Tap into the unconscious mind through self-hypnosis. Transfer solutions into the conscious mind by way of mindfulness and take action to allow it to manifest into the world. Just start trying this process; three steps and you'll be amazed how natural, how much easier it is, and how fast this works for you.

Enjoy your journey on the inside!

Personal Development - What's In It For Me?

When first getting started with your business, you are told to identify your 'why' and develop your vision. These will be the framework for putting together your business plan.

These first steps are crucial to help you identify the audience you are going to target and resonate with. Get clarity on your vision and who you want to be. From that development the ideal customer you want to deal with will emerge.

Ask yourself who are the people you want to be your customers and who you want to spend quality business time with. Start attracting those people to you now.

I used to blame my problems on other people. My moment of clarity came when I looked in the mirror one day and burst into tears. It wasn't because I looked bad, but realized my problem was me.

When you have that moment you realize nobody else in your external world is responsible for your success or failure but you. The things and people you attract to your business are because of the thoughts and visions you have for yourself. What you focus on expands. What you make mental images of in your head, is what you will have.

Your brain and sub-conscious will conspire to give you the images you make. Don't sit around and dwell on what you don't have, but what you will be. Your brain doesn't understand the 'do' or 'don't, but only a verb or a noun.

You can reprogram your brain by the thoughts you intentionally put in your brain. Things like affirmations, prayer and meditation can literally reprogram your brain. Intentionally state your wishes and purpose for yourself. Set your intentions for what you want to build. It will go from your vision, to your purpose, to your message and then to your audience who wants to hear your message.

By doing this, you will never have trouble targeting the right audience. You will be the person you want to work with and start attracting the same people to you. It starts with your vision of who you want to be.

Dare to invent the future. Have you had that spark deep inside where you want to be that trailblazer or make history? What sparks the passion in you? Getting to the core of yourself is the only way you will communicate to the core of someone else. This will make them want to take action and this will build an army of raving fans instead of reluctant customers.

How Does Mind Power Work?

Your Mind Controls Your Life

The Secret, and the Law of Attraction state that we control our destiny with our minds. This is a powerful idea and there are many "how to" articles that vary somewhat from each other. This is because our understanding of our spiritual mind is rather individual. The idea that we can control what happens in our life; that we can control our destiny is exciting but sounds like something that is factual only in the fantasy of science fiction writers. In fact, it is true in your life as it is in mine. It is true when you don't know how you have done it, as well as when you have seen the effect in your own life.

The teachings of "mind power" or "new thought" such as Wallace Wattles, and Charles Hannel and Napoleon Hill described and defined, started in the early 1900's. More recently, Gregg Braden explained the Divine Matrix as a substantive creative matrix which exists everywhere and is responsive to our thought. He offered a great deal of scientific evidence to prove the existence of the Divine Matrix. This is the key. Whatever-we-think generates change in the Divine Matrix surrounding us. When we think bad things are coming, bad things will be generated by the Divine Matrix. When we think about wondrous changes in our lives, the Divine Matrix will make a different adjustment, and wondrous things will be heading in our direction. This probably sounds too simple to be true. In my field it might be labeled as "magical thinking" but it is also an optimistic affirmation of our spiritual power over life.

Many contemporary coaches of the Law of Attraction, present your visualization as the beginning of creation. This does not have the direct effect that you might expect which is why many students are disappointed. Your visualization, or dream, or idea, causes a change in your feelings, and then, in your activity. If these changes are "wishy-washy", you will have an equivalent manifestation.

Your Mind Births Your Feelings:

Life is magical. Until we die, or give up, we continue to create new adventures and new challenges and new successes and new people. I like to explain that life is like a video game. Once we have achieved level 10, if we have a setback, we do not drop back to level 1, or 2, but only to the beginning of level 10. As long as we stay positive, and believe that life will continue to improve, it will. We will have challenges, because in the challenges we prove our mettle, and develop strengths needed for the next higher level.

Our thoughts affect the Matrix, and our feelings. If our feelings are negative, we will generate more negativity. If our feelings are positive, excited, and generate happiness, we will generate more events that bring about more of that. It is the power of our feelings that powers the magic, or manifesting.

Your Feelings Power Your Magic:

The power of our feelings, and the vibrational level of our feelings, is the engine that accelerates the Divine Matrix to create change. So, if, as explained above, we are thinking good and positive thoughts, but we are not very excited or invested in the dream, we will have good things happen but they won't be the magical events that move us up a few levels. However, when we are fully invested and excited, and have faith, then life changes will occur that we will have difficulty believing.

This is described by Neale Donald Walsch. He was homeless, and frustrated. Perhaps you can imagine how frustrated you might be if you were living in a tent village for two years. But nothing was changing in his life until one morning he voiced his questions in an emotionally charged prayer and God answered. The result was his first book, Conversations with God. More quickly than I could believe, the book was bought by a publisher, and Neale was suddenly rich. He went from having nothing, and no prospects, to having $50,000. And this was only the beginning. For Neale, things changed quickly almost the instant that he asked for help from an inspired place of courage, and willingness to hear an answer. And for you, they can change just as substantially once you show a willingness or an optimism for change.

How to Overcome Your Negative Self Talks in 3 Steps

Self talks are things we tell ourselves, often in a subconscious way, that we believe to be true. They are not necessary true. In fact, they are often left unexamined, unchallenged and unverified. They are simply assumed to be true. Often, when we have properly examined them, they turn out to be otherwise.

Negative self talks are things we tell ourselves that negatively impact our lives. A common example is "I am not good enough". Another one is "I am a bad person". Negative self talks such as these are detrimental to our well being. They are harmful to our self esteem as well as to our physical health.

Everyone has negative self talks. We differ only in the degree or frequency of negative self talks. The good news is that we can change and reduce this unbeneficial mental habit.

1. Learn to be aware of your thoughts

Most people are not very aware of their own thoughts. By this, I do not mean that they do not know their thoughts entirely. We are all aware of our conscious talks. However, there is another layer of talks further below this conscious level that many are not very aware of. Very often, our self talks are found in this deeper level.

The way to become more aware of these self talks is by being more mindful. This would require a purposeful act of paying attention to our thoughts as they arise. In the beginning, this may feel awkward and foreign to our habits. With repeated practice, we can become better at paying attention to our own thoughts.

2. Pick out the negative self talks

Once we are good at noticing our thoughts, we can then pick out those negative self talks that often prevent us from becoming our best. For now, leave the positive self talks alone.

3. Challenge the negative self talks

Very often, negative self talks are found to be untrue when they are properly and honestly examined and challenged. They are often simply excuses we made up so that we can continue to stay "safe" in our comfort zones. Recognize that these are mental barriers that we ourselves have unconsciously erected, and they prevent us from facing up to our fears as well as stop us from overcoming our self-imposed limitations.

To challenge your negative self talks, ask yourself:

1. "Is it true?" 
2. Can you be absolutely sure that it is true? 
3. How would you feel if it were not true?

The goal is to challenge the truth of your own thoughts. Our natural habit is to resist this, and we can recognize this resistance by noticing the discomfort and anxiety that arise. Allow the anxiety to be. There is no need to act on the anxiety. Simply watch it arising, and with time, it will pass, just as all feelings do.

The more you practice, the easier it becomes to simply watch the resistance arising and passing away. Eventually, the habit of resisting reduces. We become more discerning in our thoughts. We may even be able to consciously replace a negative thought with a positive one.

This is true progress in changing a negative mental habit.

12 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

1. Surrendering Their Power

Mentally strong people are well aware of their prowess to manage any situation by the way they respond. They know their strength is in knowing their weaknesses. They refuse to give away their power to fully control their actions and emotions.

2. Resisting Change

Change is a part of life and mentally strong people are well aware of this fact. So, instead of resisting change, they go with the flow and take this change as a challenge, a challenge to better them. They make their own opportunities and know how to make the best of every passing moment.

3. Being Hasty in Results

"Haste Makes Waste", a well-known proverb throughout the galaxy, is well acknowledged by mentally strong people. They implement it in their lives. They know, be it a workout plan or starting a business, nothing succeeds over a night. They recognize the fact that expecting immediate results is a task for lunatics. They plan out their work for the long run and celebrate each milestone on the way.

4. Feeling Superior Than Others

Mentally strong people realize the fact that they are not superior to anyone. This world does not owe them anything. They were born equal and will remain equal to others, no matter their heritage or bloodline. They know they`ll have to strive to survive in this world. And they`re prepared to tackle the difficulties and succeed on their merits at every turn of life.

5. Being Worried for Uncontrollable Matters

One thing, mentally strong people have a complete control on, is their attitude towards problems. You won`t see such people complaining about things that don`t matter or situations that are beyond their control, such as bad traffic or whether. Instead they concentrate their time and energy on projects that`ll affect their life in a positive way.

6. Being Worried of Their Image

Ever seen people who go out of their way to please others? Or people who do so just to irritate others? Both are self-centered people who care for nothing except their fake image on the world and people around them. Mentally strong people stay out of such practices. They know when to be kind and affectionate and when to stand up for what`s right.

7. Being Afraid of Time with Themselves

Mentally strong people enjoy good company of other people and also of themselves. They treasure their alone time and use it to reflect on their life choices and plan for a better and brighter future. They know how to benefit from their alone time by putting their efforts in something productive.

8. Being Afraid to Try Again

Some people are too afraid to try again; they just give up after failure. Such is not the case with mentally strong people. They know success and failure go hand in hand. Even the most successful people started from scratch and had to face failures before they got where they are now. Mentally strong people know that they`ll have to try, try again to succeed.

9. Being Jealous

Mentally weak people resent other peoples success. They become jealous and think of ways to turn their success into failure. While mentally strong people do the opposite. They, not only, feel genuinely happy and contended for the succeeding, but also take notes from their success and use them to shape their own path to success.

10. Being Afraid of Taking Risks

A mentally strong person knows his strengths and weaknesses. He knows risks are a must in the path to success. He also knows the extent of risks that he can take. He thoroughly weighs the negative effects of the risk against its benefits while fully assessing the potential outcomes, before taking a step.

11. Living in The Past

Mentally weak people tend to live in their past. They mourn over the past disappointments and how the times have changed. They want to live in the "splendor days" of the past. Mentally strong people, on the other hand, tend to learn from their past failures instead of indulging in them. They use this experience learned to improve their present and forge a better path for their future.

12. Repeating the Same Mistakes

"What is the definition of insanity? It`s doing the same exact thing again and again and expecting different results" ~Albert Einstein Mentally strong people take full responsibility of their past actions. It`s not like they don`t commit mistakes, they do. It`s about how they respond to their mistakes, their attitude towards them. They learn from their mistakes and incorporate this learning experience in their future decisions.

Concentration Can Lead You to Success

Concentration is one of the most important powers one should have, as said by Haruki Murakami, to complete any task. Without any kind of concentration, we would be frantically switching between a number of tasks and not achieve anything successfully. If we learn to concentrate we would not only finish our work, but we would finish it with precision.

Imagine having to do seven things before midday. They are all equally important and need an equal attention from you. You could do either of the two things-

(a) Do everything little by little, but together such that everything is spread across the room and when you are nearing your deadline you'll find it very difficult to assemble everything and you might miss something out.

(b) You could do everything one by one such that you concentrate on everything properly. After you finish one task you quickly assemble everything before moving on to the next task. This way you can finish all your work without making any mess.

Wouldn't you prefer option (b) over option (a)?

Let's look at a few benefits you could enjoy if you taught yourself the power of concentration.

• You get to have a control over what you think; when you can concentrate well, you can keep your mind from drifting away and losing chains of thought. 
• When your concentration power is strong, you can organize your thoughts the way you find best and can make quick decisions for yourself. 
• You might not realise this immediately, but over time, your memory both short and long term will improve, thanks to being able to concentrate. 
• You can focus on things a lot better. Today, with so much information being constantly thrown our way it is important that we learn how to focus on the task at hand.

So how can you improve your power of concentration?

• Fix gaze on fingers - raise your hand to shoulder level pointing right, such that you can see your fingers. Keep your hand steady for a minute to begin with and eventually increase it to five minutes. Through this exercise you will be able to block out other distractions and concentrate better.

• Candle flame - flickering flames are a very good object to practice your concentration on. Keep a candle at the other end of the room and sit comfortably on chair. Try to not shake your gaze off the candle flame for as long as you can.

• Meditate - meditation, other than being great for relaxation, works wonders for concentration. Close your eyes and concentrate on the different sounds around you. During this exercise it would help to have a lot of stimuli around you, so you could play a video of a forest where nature can be heard at its best. You have to quickly jump between different sounds. This will keep your mind off a lot of things and help you organize mentally and concentrate quickly.

• Take breaks - when you're doing too many things together or even one after another, your mind might find it difficult to jump between tasks too quickly. So when you finish one thing, take a short break that will let your mind rejuvenate itself and then you can tackle your next job.

• Stay calm - you could get overwhelmed when you have too many deadlines to meet, but keep your head about yourself; stay calm. By being calm you can think smartly about how to bring everything together and concentrate.

Concentration is important today when we're moving in this fast pace world. If we let ourselves get buried under the stress and disorganization of things around us, we could lose our way. So think of concentration as the torch that lights the right way for you.

How to Safeguard Your Intelligence

Everyone has intelligence because we are born with it. It's how you apply it that makes the difference. Parents help in this regard as they can easily direct a young child with chances to learn and be ahead of the pack. In this age we see young kids reading and writing before they even start school. Some are so smart they can do amazing things like Mozart, for example, who played music in concert halls in Europe at the age of 6, although he was an exception.

Intelligence is not just being smart it's about solving problems. Every animal can do that in regards to their safety, requirements, and reproduction. Some animals are much smarter than their counterparts and they become teachers for their pack. That is how they adapt to new things and even new environments.

Improving your brain power is not always the result of education. Some people can't even read and write but they know how to survive and even how to run a business. In recent years we have seen people who could not complete high school invent systems that are now household items, such as the Internet.

Reading is a big part of modern learning and it is an escape route for many who get absorbed into books that take them on mental journeys into the unknown. An appreciation of books starts when young and through an interest generated when they are read out.

Adults, however, have set minds and that means it is harder to take on new tasks and succeed, but it can be done. It has nothing to do with your intelligence but a lot to do with control and will power. Old folk are learning computer skills, for instance, and enjoying the thrills of communicating with the world at the click of a mouse.

Looking after the brain is important and something I was aware of from a very young age. It is damaged through knocks, accidents, alcohol, drugs, and other forms of abuse. Overloading it with horror stories and fiction can result in nightmares caused when it tries to expel things that it cannot relate to. Those who are addicted to television programs of that type or to movies may find they are slipping backwards on the intelligence scale.

The brain is an organ that controls and protects the entire body. If it is fed with the right food it will result in improved skills and awareness. If it is abused and impacted with non-intellectual stuff then it will not perform well. One of my favourite adages is: "what you eat today walks and talks tomorrow."

5 Easy Things To Do Daily To Get Smarter

Being smart is a choice.

Assuming you aren't born with genetic disorders or unfortunate mental issues, you can always train yourself to become smarter.

Here are 5 little easy things you can do daily to become smarter.

Tip #1 Meditate

If you are also a fan of personal development, I'm sure you have heard enough about the immense benefits of daily meditation.

It improves your focus. It protects your emotional well-being. It reduces stress and tension.

The whole point of meditation is to find a quiet place where you can be present and be aware of yourself - your thoughts, your feelings, your breathing patterns etc.

A common misconception is that people need to empty all their thoughts and resist them. That's misleading.

All you need is to simply concentrate on your breathing and notice anything inside you and let your thoughts come and go without holding to them.

This will train you to think more clearly, have greater focus, and develop better resilience so that you are better prepared when life inevitable hits you hard.

Tip #2 Read 30 Mins A Day

Reading is essentially training your mind to develop thinking patterns like the author of the book.

If you don't understand entirely the book, great! That means you're stretching your mind to comprehend something bigger than your current capacity.

When your mind is regularly stimulated with this new information, especially when you're reading non-fiction books, you'll become smarter every day.

Tip #3 Write Everyday (Journaling)

When you write, you don't have to be grammatically accurate, error free or rigidly structured.

Just free flow your words without self-judgment or self-editing.

The act of writing is to let your ideas flow smoothly so that it enhances your memory, your thinking process and sometimes your communication skills.

So develop a night journaling ritual and it's going to train your mental power quickly.

Tip #4 Learn Something Everyday

When you learn a new language, sports or hobby, you are rewiring your brain to coordinate in a special way so you pick up a new skill.

So every now and then, you should actively participate in new classes, workshops or activities so that you can exercise your brain in a new, fun and engaging way.

Tip #5 Disrupt Your Patterns

Change is the only constant in the Universe. You change. People change. Nature changes.

Most people wrongly assume that there's an end, a finish line, or a day when they don't need to adapt anymore. Not true.

Your ability to remain flexible and adaptable will be a major key to your sustainable success.

So when it comes to becoming smarter, try to break your old habits or behavior patterns to shake things up.

Use your non-dominant hand to open a door. Explore an entirely different route to supermarkets. Have a spontaneous day where you just go with the flow instead of following a plan.

These changes may disrupt your normal patterns, but they are going to provide a chance for your mind to make new connections, be extra resourceful and to think creatively.

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Learn How to Increase The Brain Power

Self-development plays an important role in strengthening your self-esteem and will-power, but the root of all happiness and financial security begins at one place; your brain. I have written many articles on self-improvement and personal development, so, today I am going to focus on how to increase the brain power so that you can become an unstoppable force in your chosen talent or profession.

Without brain power, which includes creativity and imagination; there would be no discoveries in any field of academics, there would be no buildings or any types of transportations, and we would always be in a depressed state because there is no motivation.

As an article writer, I am constantly using my mental capabilities to come up with original articles, if I don't use this brain power on a regular basis, I would lose the ability to come up with a new idea for an article or I would have a hard time getting back into a writing mode after a long break. Using your brain power in self-development will help you find success in your life because of that dream and vision that is in your mind. Recently, I saw an episode of American Ninja Warrior where a participant wore a prosthetic leg, despite being physically handicap; he pushed through the obstacles course with only one leg (before he started the course, he removed the prosthetic leg). Now, imagine being in that situation, cancer had just taken your leg, would you tackle that course or make some excuse and walk away? This young man should true brain and will-power as he did not let his disabilities get the best of him. Even though he did not finish the course, he should true grit and courage by going through that obstacle course. From what I saw on his facial expression was look of satisfaction and happiness; through his actions, he inspired many people on the sidelines as they cheered for him.

When tough times appear or you are having trouble overcoming a personal issue; do not give up or do not back down. Discipline your mind by establishing a positive attitude and you will overcome any obstacle.

Einstein used his brain power for studying, observing, and learning. The result was that he made a difference in academics.

Edison used his brain power to overcome failure. The end result was that he made the first light bulb.

Here are some ways in which you can help boost your brain to the next level:

1. Stay away from negative comments on social media that is not constructive criticism. These types of negative comments will drain your brain power in a way that you won't be motivated to do anything.

2. Treat your brain good through exercise and healthy eating. This type of fuel will keep brain running at a high level so that you can do anything.

3. Engage in self-development programs that will help keep you motivated for the rest of your life.

From this article, I showed you how to increase the brain power so that you can become an unstoppable force. There is no need to go and buy expensive medication or supplements to improve the brain function, all you need is the brain power to succeed.

Overcoming The Birth Defect of Self-Centeredness

We were born with the genetic predisposition to take everything in life personally instead of just as it is. This is the root cause of virtually everything that ails us in life. It's the father of all the negativity and failure we experience in life. - All the erroneous thoughts, painful feelings, misguided speech and actions we engage in. All the wrong relationships. Wrong desires, motivations and goals. We call this "normal." The "way it is." The "human condition." Acceptable human being.

You "thought" you were doing the right thing in life. Committed yourself to a career path, got your degree, got married, bought a house in the 'burbs, had a family, joined all the right clubs, and "thought" you'd live happily ever after. But you're not really happy. Not fulfilled. Why not? Aren't you living what the politicians and con artists tell you is the "American dream?"

Well, maybe if you have another cigarette, another pill, another Martini, or another slice of chocolate cake, you'll be happy. Maybe if you make more money, get more power, maybe have a lover on the side. - Someone who really understands and appreciates you. That would be the ticket. But you eventually figured out, after many years of therapy and an expensive divorce, that that's not the ticket.

The ticket is to stop being so self-centered and self-absorbed. It's not all about you. Never was and never will be. Being self-centered is like a horse with blinders. The personally-biased perspective you were born with has altered your whole concept of reality and consequently has misinformed most of your decisions. You've only seen half not the whole picture of anything!

When we talk about freedom, we usually mean freedom from a particular symptom - like from a bad habit, person or situation. But freedom in this higher context means freedom from the ego which is the cause of all negative symptoms. Freedom from the personal ego is freedom in the highest sense of the word.

Christians call it salvation. Buddhists call it Nirvana or Bliss. Overcoming your ego won't be easy because - again, to you it's perfectly normal and natural. You don't know any other way to live. It's your very identity. So to change it, you're going to have to as if learn a foreign language. And practice it diligently until it becomes just as natural as your current false identity!

As your ego falsely colors all you see, hear, think, feel and do, the remedy is simply to keep a distance from all you see, hear, think, feel and do. Don't participate in the error. Keeping a distance or space from all internal and external experience is how you overcome the ego. You can't really kill it because, for the ego, that would be like committing suicide. So you have to transcend it. Neutralize it. Go and live beyond it. So you don't have to kill or punish yourself; just balance or center yourself. Your ego shouldn't have too much of a problem with that.

You may still live within the same social framework and structure of education, work, family, picket fence and all the rest - just as before. But now the quality and character of your life is much more elevated, intelligent, loving, healthy, joyous and fulfilling. Now you're living on a higher plane. You're living in reality instead of personality.

A Growth Mindset

How many people have a memory seared into their brains of one particular mistake made in school or on the job that was simply so mortifying that they never, ever, ever made that same mistake again? In other words, they learned the hard way but they really learned that lesson. For life.

I was listening to an interview last week with Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, in which she was discussing her inspiration for starting the non-profit organization. In short, she was galvanized by the disparity she saw between the way girls and boys were taught to approach risk and potential failure throughout childhood and adolescence. She saw girls being encouraged to strive for perfection, therefore making them less likely to seek out new challenges or activities at which they might fail. She felt that coding, an endeavor that could easily be described as a never-ending series of tweaks, mini-failures, and fixes, was not only a valuable way to "re-train" this failure avoidance in young girls, but also an important step in closing the gender gap in the technology field.

This got me thinking about mistake-driven learning and the importance of having the freedom to safely fail in education. In his recent article, 7 Benefits of Mistake-driven Learning, Christopher Pappas advocates for its advantages in reinforcing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, higher-level learning capacity, and the key role that trial & error + solution reformulation plays in boosting knowledge retention and comprehension. He makes the case that creating an eLearning environment where students are safe to explore consequences to their actions, and then revise their approach based on individual outcomes, is crucial to preparing them for success in the real world.

In another write-up, the same author talks even more specifically about the benefits of applying Repair Theory, which explains the fundamental role of mistakes in procedure-based learning, to the eLearning design process. By implementing realistic simulations, branching scenarios, and real-time, personalized feedback for eLearners, it is possible to create a learning environment in which students are not only safe to fail and learn from their mistakes, but one that also provides contextual layers upon which the learner is able to apply new their knowledge.

One of my recent projects involved the development of online scenario-based case studies for students in health sciences programs. Talk about a field in which rote memorization of processes and procedures will just not cut it! For students in these programs, a thorough understanding built upon a scaffolding of contextual knowledge and interconnected concepts is critical. And so the instructional design of these online cases must create an ecosystem in which the students can immerse themselves in scenarios, use critical thinking skills to make interlinked decisions, and learn from their own mistakes in a safe online environment.

The idea that we learn most effectively from real experience and from our mistakes is applicable in education and in business because it is so deeply rooted in human behavior. No one wants to make mistakes and we all (at some point) shy away from the possibility of failure. But how much better would we be if we could let go of that limiting fear, allow ourselves to be brave enough to try new things and test uncharted waters, in order to then fail fast and become better?

Never Stop Learning.

Dreamers Solve More Problems

Some believe dreams are our imaginations at work, while others maintain that dreams are nothing more than a basic brain reflex, generated by the brainstem - whose function is to control sleep. Still others, like Deirdre Barrett - in her book, "The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving - and How You Can, Too" - believe dreams can solve problems, and produce masterpieces of literature, art, music, scientific discoveries, and more.

Barrett, a Harvard psychologist, describes dreaming as your mind thinking in more of a heightened state than when you are fully conscious, and proposes the practice of "dream incubation" to use dreams to for problem solving and creation. People can dream solutions for any subject (according to the author), however they're most effective in instances where visualization is key to solving the problem, and also when thinking beyond conventional solutions is required to tackle the issue at hand. There are many in the psychological community who subscribe to Barrett's theory, with some variations on technique. Below are some steps you can take to use dreams to solve problems.

When you are relaxed in your bedroom before you slumber, consider your problem or desired outcome. Focus specifically on what the crux of your problem is. Either ask yourself a question, or make a request with your goal in mind.

Jot the question or request down. Be clear and simple so your brain can easily process it with no confusion. Then ponder this question or request for several minutes, and then set down the piece of paper in a journal on your nightstand (a dream journal), or place it under your pillow and go to sleep.

Relax, acknowledge, and trust that your subconscious mind will be able to take over while you are asleep and figure it out. This act gives your conscious mind permission to let go of the issue so it can "shut down" and get some rest.

When you wake up from a dream - no matter what time it is - write it down immediately in your dream journal. Use as many details as you can recall, as quickly as you can, to log the dream. Go back to sleep

Finally, don't get impatient. The answer may be immediate when you wake again, or it could take days, weeks or months for a solution to be revealed to your conscious mind.

Improving Your Stage Presence

Why do you feel giving 100% of yourself to something in the first place? And why notice the small stuff not adding up? The attempt to create a new idea, as in building a social network, even landing roles for an audition to simply work on your own to make some money... DID YOU think to yourself it will be easy? (I didn't). What about your stage presence in the world at large, did you wonder if one form of acting had anything to do with your not acting well in other places of your life?

Me, I had a "why" question for everything. From why my life worked or didn't, to why my hustle or ambition wasn't aligning any more to my reality than my personal clarity reflecting my own inner authority. Did I REALLY even feel "at all" I can change these things about my life in the first place; From my fixed work habits to new beginnings, assuming I had some access and control to the power stage (within me already activated and design to help me win.)

This level of awareness is where I found I've been saving for others the saying: EXPERIENCE is THE BEST TEACHER, and not ever once considering it for myself. I missed the part where I am THE CREATOR of my own Masterpiece.

I would block out the rest of the world (mentally) just to tune my mind some where I was not to keep from discovering my own life's energy. I sometimes felt I was a record spinning out of control and muted most of the times whole songs (EVENTS) playing noise in my head, I eventually got to the place where SOMETHING had to give: where I'd tell close friends... KNOW what your saying to YOURSELF even though I didn't follow my own advice. It happened all the time in shifts of NOW.

The hardest TIME in the world is... MOVING and fast and right in the right direction. Many of us are looking for the light, except the insight might seem to be holding still...

"Humming." To do what everybody else is doing. THIS is the action position many of us are using for a POST UP stage FEEL included or joined in synced to the frequency of A TIME. Except this is not enough to later feel honored or represented... like taking medicine not knowing if you got the illness or even are sick.

We can miss the moments to SHINE, acting unaware of ourselves..being lost in our sense of what today might be about; sometime reasoning is not enough and never gaining CONSCIOUSNESS in part, while we drift in our so called PASSIONS, seeming full with gaps minus any type of luck or opportunity. I think in a heartbeat we all experience a kind of VIBE which does go unnoticed, it is this power within that touches us AND at given 100% of our self to an ACT.

My point the next time you feel your stuff is not adding up and feeling frustrated to go along with every BODY around you..instead go within your own heart. Find your shortcomings, your misgivings or the doubts. While therein is the feedback and everything which will remind you of the emotional wave that keeps you out of touch with your best character, YOU.

Open to the sea of experience, appearing to crash over the growth (pain) in each fade of tides to a single blend. Start showing up AS YOURSELF..even when NATURALLY we're suppose to... ACT LIKE WAVES baring a stage presence not of our own makings, it is this finding of our experience for BEING EMOTIONAL something miraculous happens! Sometimes the vibe of risking it all for THE OPPORTUNITY pulls us IN and unsuspectingly to feel free! Most times it will not happen all at once... especially when we act alone. Pay attention I say..we are able to collect the moments... A PARADISE of our own makings.

Letting Go of Not Knowing Who You Are

If you sometimes feel as if you don't know who you are, it is just because too many people are forcing their own ideas on you about who should you be, instead of letting you be who you already are. It is time to let go of all of these unreasonable expectations of others and be the authentic you again.

We all have our moments, when we feel completely lost when we feel like there is no direction for us, no meaning in our life, like there is not even a future or life for us.

However, that is just because we have lost, for a moment, the sense of who we really are. We have simply lost the connection with our true selves and we need to re-establish this connection again.

This feeling of not knowing who we are is, as a matter of fact, a very common one, and is often a direct result of the pressure of our surroundings, including society, our family, our work, media, and even schools and some religions.

We are constantly being pushed into other people's perceptions regarding who we should be, how we should act, how we should deliver on the acceptance of others.

As a result, we feel a constant inner battle between who we are, who we want to be, and who the surroundings want us to be. No surprise that in such a mess, we don't know who we really are at all!

Fortunately, it is all, again, just a feeling. And any feeling can be let go!

Once we identify these negative feelings connected to the question of who we really are, or just to the negative feeling of not knowing who we are, we will be able to release these negative feelings, let them go, and rediscover the unique "I" behind them. It is like a lot of haze being in our head, but once this haze is dissolved gradually by constantly letting go, what we will finally see is our clear, authentic self. And this is the moment when we reconnect with our true self again, and our life will start having a direction again. Energy, peace and abundance will come back to our lives - simply because we will be finally allowed to express ourselves fully and therefore start attracting everything we have always wanted in our lives with a new level of confidence, self-esteem, faith and a certain level of joy, instead of fear.

The concept of letting go of not knowing who we are is one of the most abstract concepts in which we can apply letting go to, but it is also the one having the biggest possible long-term impact. This, surely, is again something that quite often needs more letting go exercises and, for a full impact, it might need to be practiced for a few weeks, perhaps even months. But it is truly a life changing experience, once the haze and doubts about who we are let go. Sometimes, it is even like being reborn.

Here is the letting go process for who you are:

1. In a quiet place, close your eyes. Let your mind bring up any feelings in relation to not knowing who you are. Don't judge any of them! Very important!

2. Start embracing and experiencing these feelings fully.

3. Again, DON'T JUDGE any of these feelings, and mainly, DON'T judge yourself in any way! Just let the feelings come out and experience them, without any attachments. Be an observer of your own feelings, without any attachment or judgment. If you start having any feeling like "I can't", just start experiencing feelings of "I can´t" and let them go as well.

4. Start surrendering yourself to these feelings slowly; let them express themselves fully all over your body (or any other part where you feel them most intensively). Don't push them back; don't block them or act on them either. Just let them be in their natural way and instead, be an independent observer, as if they weren't even yours.

5. After a while, make a decision about letting them go once and forever, and then let them actually go and disappear.

6. Once the wave of the feelings is let go, ask yourself: "Who am I"?

7. If you feel any negative or unclear feelings again, repeat the process from the first step, until these negative feelings and negative self-judgments are gone.

After some practice, you will really start feeling and understanding your true nature. It will be a very positive revelation and it will slowly start changing your life and increasing your self-esteem. Don't be afraid of doing this practice more often and keep practicing for weeks, or even months.

Just be yourself!

This Article Is Where The Hard To Do Becomes The Really Easy

Life is as hard as we feel it is, and it is a funny thing, but, to quote and paraphrase Dennis The Menace from the old cartoon strip: "Why do dumb things seem so smart while you are doing them?" Dumb things seem smart, because from an awkward glance they look easier than the more intelligent path that does not try to cheat honesty. Sure, that is a simple, but loaded answer that will be explained in this article: I am not against wanting to have life easy, happy and feeling good. When you have to cheat, skip over things, and fear genuine honesty, reality and morality because it is too hard, "nasty", "bloody and realistic, that is the time for the "check up from the neck up", because reality cannot be skipped over, it has to be dealt with or come back worse later. Some will know instantly what I mean by all this, some will not and will wince at the reality of it all and file it under "I want to go back to sleep and deal with it in three hours", but, I say again with more emphasis: Life is as hard as we feel it is.

The real truth about all situations bad or good is that we cannot avoid reality and if we try, it will come back later even worse or more horrible.

The people that really live in the big fantasy world think that they can cheat reality even and put on a big show like they are the best at living in it when they are the worst at dealing with it. I think of lawmakers putting a "band aid law" on global warming and smog covering the earth, saying that it does not exist and we will deal with it in thirty years as a chief example. I think of the people who say everything is fine now and the problem is not that big now, and that business as usual now, will not have consequences ever that are bad. I think of the heroin junkie in Ohio or Idaho that loses their arm to infection and then their lives because they want to cheat unhappiness with a consistent "high". I think of how "dumb things seem so smart while you are doing them", and leaders, news media people, and professional cheaters lie to us daily while looking dynamic and pushing all the problems lazily down the road to snowball on us later and collapse everything ultimately, and leave a message like "it is not our problem, we died a long time ago when we did that stuff".

But, since I brought up the big problems, now I will bring up what I think, believe and understand are the big answers: Face reality, deal with what needs to be dealt with genuinely and live a life that faces things honestly. I can hear some of you read this and go it is too simple. But, is not honesty that simple? I mean, above, I mentioned all of the genuinely hard work equations and Rube Goldberg style cartoon justifications for dishonesty and cheating that are genuinely hard on everything ultimately.

My own story: I am not perfect or even great, I wake up and look at things too honestly and realistically to live normally in this society. I read too much, I think too much, and worst of all, I cannot lie good like most people do to maintain that unrealistic "I am perfect" thing. I just went to my psychiatrist today, and I have a therapist appointment a little while after that. My real disability in my opinion is, I am too open, realistic and I am a horrible liar to myself and everyone else. I am too honest about it all. If I could pull it all together like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ben Carson, The Kennedy family, The Bush family, and the rest of their perfect and elite families, I would not only fit in, but excel, because I would be at the top of the food chain that "does not deal with it". But my people and my family, especially my Fraternal side or my Dad Joe gave me a gift, or to those elites I mentioned, I got a curse, I look at things too honestly, realistically and genuinely with a natural conscience there. Sadly, everybody wants to be dazzled by the fantasy, not deal with reality. What do you think was the secret of the success of all those 1980s evening drama shows like Dynasty and all that came after them anyway? It was and is the fantasy. Reality is "disgusting". But sell them a fantasy and "the dumb always seems smart", but in reality only reality can be reality.

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Mindfulness Is a Different State of Mind

If you are new to the practice of mindfulness, the first thing you need to do is to be totally familiar with its definition, for hidden in plain sight in the definition is the clue to your successful practice.

Mindfulness, as defined by Jon Kabat Zinn, is paying attention purposefully, in the present moment, in a non-reactive way. The object of your attention or focus can be an external object, such as a flame on a candle, or an internal object. The three common internal objects are your body, emotions and thoughts.

For a beginner, it is easiest to start with the grossest object - one that is easy for you to focus on. In this respect, most beginners start their mindfulness training by learning to be fully aware of their bodily sensations, postures as well as noticing with greater details the daily experiences of the interactions between the five physical sense organs and the external objects.

For example, you can begin to become more mindful of your eating experience by remembering to be as fully aware as you can with the mechanics of chewing, tasting and swallowing each time you eat. You can also observe the movements of your limbs as you climb the stairs. Even while you are sitting and working at your computer, you can purposefully pay attention to your sitting posture, the pressure on your buttocks as well as the position of your spine and the various groups of muscles that are getting tense as a result of your posture.

Since paying attention to such mundane things that we have taken for granted is not something we do everyday at the conscious level, this is the first mental habit that we need to cultivate - to train our mind to focus on the objects of our conscious choice. This is by no means an easy first task as our everyday mind already has a well established habit of running all over the world with its attention, never staying with an object for any extended period of time. This everyday mind is what we called the monkey mind, for it behaves exactly like the restless monkey that jumps from one branch of a tree to another and never staying long in one place.

Next comes the next stage of learning to observe all our bodily experiences, and mental experiences, without being reactive to them. To achieve this, we need to train our mind to observe non-judgmentally so that the experience is not seen or filtered through our biased lenses. Again, this is a very different state of mind compared to our everyday mind that we are used to. Our everyday mind has the automatic tendency to prejudge things, people and events with our own likes and dislikes, which means we do not experience things as they really are. Instead, we experience them as we imagine them to be.

To be mindful, this non-judging quality is crucial as it is this quality of an open and curious mind that will give us a totally new perspective in our daily experiences. This is the beginner's mind that is open to all possibilities. When done right, mindfulness leads to a new state or quality of mind.

It is in this state of mind that you will begin to see things as they really are, free from your own filters, biases, prejudices, assumptions, beliefs and expectations.

Like all skills, it is the constant and continuous practice that will make you a better practitioner. Learn it now and habituated it in your life, and you will see your life transformed.

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Keep Cognizant of How Your Senses Foretell Your Destiny

As you pay more attention to your five senses, you receive guidance based on utilizing your sense of perception with intensity. Your daily senses are whispering and guiding you, as you listen and humble yourself, you'll realize your destined job, life goal or dreams more quickly, the sooner you pay attention to the intricacies that can be found in any one, or all of your five senses. Faith is the fabric of our being; we all believe in something, or someone outside of ourselves. It is this very inner voice that leads and guides us to reaching our destiny. You can hear what you are called to do by using your five senses, listening and engaging your five senses with intensity, gain clarity in the process of hearing your thoughts enhance and guide your life.

Listen to the internal messages that you receive everyday. Some of these messages may surprise you, they are understanding and compassionate to you, as nobody else is required to be that state of existence for you, the position of self-love and innate compassion is not a fashion statement, IT'S A COMPASSION STATEMENT.

So many people don't lack passion for what they want to accomplish, they may be lacking compassion and the ability to tune into their own five senses, in the way that God intended for them to be utilized*** more for guidance and discernment than for gluttony or entertainment. Life is as a multicolored assortment of pencils with points and colorful experiences to design and create, tuning into your senses of sight, audible skills, sense of smell, well, you get the picture now.

Utilizing more of your five senses can bring you the enlightenment that you seek and can also bring you more mindful, regard for the present moment, peace with powerfully enhanced skills that have the ability to magnify your current attributes or new skills. These skills should be utilized by you as you strive to make the world a better place for you and I. One kind loving act at-a-time and by highlighting the help that you receive from your five senses can really improve and empower your world. Have presence of mind and enjoy the ride that your cognizant attitude can provide you!

Keep cognizance as your presence- gift yourself with your presence daily- with everyday comes a new sunrise- new presence/ in the form of many gifts;* receive each new beginning with appreciation and in eager anticipation- begin by paying attention to your 5 senses. Please your senses with daily inspiration. Listen to sounds of illumination; sounds abound all-around- in melodies, harmonies or songs. Imbibe in the beauty of everything.gravitate to another sense- embrace soothing aromas. The sweet smell of gardenias, roses or cactus flowers as you open your kitchen window. View the greenery that can be seen from your balcony or front door.or begin your morning with freshly-brewed aromatic coffee. Listen to the rolling beat of soft-soothing boiling,bubbling hot water, in your tea kettle, anxiously ready to infuse your favorite scented English, herbal or specialty tea. Watch the process of dripping droplets of vibrant color that began as clear water.. Feel compassion and self-understanding at the forefront of your thoughts. With the break of misty dawn- morning, - and the death of the day before,bringing enlightenment, arising new ideas- aspire to begin the new day with creativity. Decide to live life amorously! Thank you, in advance, for your readership and your desire to seek more cognizance today! *** make everyday better than yesterday simply by your decision to be happy before the day begins... Speak from your heart is my suggestion to you. You and i should apply our own respective word connections and inner inspiration that brings about much joy for everyone to reap and share respectively! In all ways keep cognizant of how your senses can foretell your destiny.

*Enjoy your day!

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Is It Time To Reformat Your Brain?

Who owns your brain? You do, and since you do, why not format it in such a way that it works best for you? Makes sense doesn't it? Not long ago, an acquaintance asked me why I chose to format my brain, and in giving him an answer, I thought I'd share it with you also, in case you'd like to do the same and reformat your own brain. Let's talk.

First you ask; Is this even possible?

Yes, it is possible to reformat your brain and since you own your own brain and thoughts, at least in the present period perhaps not so much in the future - Arthur C. Clarke "3001" Science Fiction novel - you should optimize your brain to think in the way you'd like to use it, or multiple ways and alternate as appropriate - there are many types of thinking, reasoning, and thought processes - many ways to store and retrieve information.

It's not a matter of thinking inside the box, or around the box, but both and "What If" the box is removed? A person can categorize everything if they wish, but may not then be able to combine information outside the category for which they are observing or thinking in, this does not mean the human brain is not well-served with a "filing system" it certainly can be, but also realize that "everything is related to everything else" merely because it is part of the observable human endeavor, but things outside that observed still exist and we know that because we are continually observing new things and adding to our memory (faithful servant - cite: Einstein), so we know things exist outside our experiences and current observations, and curiosity should be rewarded with a splash of pleasurable brain chemicals when we find something contrary to what we'd have expected.

This isn't hard, the N400 brainwave allows for this tickling of new ironic information and will allow us the "ah ha" moment triggering a hard imprintation. Rejoice in the novelty of hypocrisy, irony, semantic break, humor, and out of place events contrary to expected patterns, this helps narrow down one's probability when judging and interpreting. Just as we should celebrate diversity, yet never force it. Look and search out the unique and nuance as there are hidden clues everywhere, components needed for combination and creativity in problem solving. I can teach an AI machine to be creative, it's not that hard once you become one with creativity. You can too. Think on this.

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Self Explanatory

People just keep on hurrying along. From one project to the next, to a new house, a new relationship, a new job, another vacation; to 'something different'. People are forever busy organizing, planning, making sure that everything keeps going well. This juggling act continues day-in, day-out... and again, another season, another year has passed. Many people have long since activated next year's calendar. The next summer vacation has already been booked! People quite often don't talk about their hurried lifestyles. It just keeps piling up and their calendar gets filled to overflowing. The very young are especially prone to having full activity planners. There is definitely a need to express oneself, to just talk, open up to someone and unwind, but there doesn't seem be any time for that.

Do you still have time for a talk? There is always something, an activity, in other words, a reason why that's not possible... busy, busy. Fortunately, it will soon be Christmas again, 'good times'!

People talk to me about their experiences: "When I talk about 'it', I have lost, or will lose, my balance. Then I will no longer be able to control myself and lose my grip."

Or: 'I have given off all kinds of signals but I'm not being heard. I did actually say it, but it wasn't heard. Nobody listens to me. I probably haven't been clear enough. These feelings tend to grow over time and come to control me, which turns these feelings into fixed images and so appear to become exclusive. It's like a barrier is being thrown up and then I don't know how to break through anymore. It is a weird vicious circle that somehow or other I do know, also from experience, can be broken, but right now I don't know how or when. It is becoming a pattern in my life. I really would want to be invited for it, or that someone creates a circumstance, a climate. There should be somebody there who listens to me. Who listens in a way that makes me speak. Because there are always reasons not to express myself, not to approach, call or mail the other person, or (I know, really old-fashioned) to simply write a letter." Many people find it much easier to deliver a positive message, to just casually remark that you have experienced, bought or done something nice, funny, or enjoyable, rather than to give voice to a sad or impressive feeling.

When you are not satisfied about how you experience yourself there is often something that holds you back. Something that throws you back on your individuality, on yourself, into your own environment, into isolation. It would appear like you don't feel the need for other people and you begin to withdraw into yourself. Shutting yourself in, turning inward, while the need to be 'together' is actually quite strong. This need, however, is dismissed as 'Oh well, the seasons are changing, it's a period in which I'm vulnerable and sensitive.' Or: 'Leave me be, this is just the way I am.' Or 'just take me as I am.'

It is precisely the people who say that, who make these statements, who don't want to be left alone. They want to sit quietly together and somebody to 'really' listen to them. They want to think and talk together about their experiences without the need to solve absolutely anything. Just reflection in moments of cherishing, realisation and silence.

Strange, isn't it, to speak in silence! 
Many, many people speak in silence. Just listen to yourself. You hold many, long conversations with yourself in your 'internal language', in your musings. The conversation with yourself is worthy of being shared with others. With people who really and sincerely want to be with you. With those people who want to talk with you without imposing themselves or wanting to shoulder your thoughts. There are people who really take an interest.

These conversations are often moments of insight and growth. Really personal, intimate and precious moments. Experiences that you later look back on and feel warmly about. Those kinds of evenings that seem to fly past; "is it this late already... ?'

Then you will find the words, know why and when, and it will make no difference what is being said. Then it will come from within and it will feel just right. Everything that comes spontaneously from within yourself is good, is of value. Then it will come naturally. To not yet fully know but still, somehow, know inside. The other person fosters that knowledge through listening and the conversation, which gives you space. Space to speak and be heard at multiple levels. Then you will automatically speak your own language. This also applies to entrepreneurs, managers and executives. But also to doctors and relief workers. That is the language that many others would also like to hear from you. Real words are self-explanatory.

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