Believing Is The New Seeing

"I'll believe it when I see it."

There's something wrong with this sentence. To a certain extent, it could be true. You need to see results and consistency in something or someone before you truly are sure of it or them. But there's still a problem here.

When you have a really awesome idea, so awesome that it sounds crazy and you're not sure whether it's going to work out, then by saying "I'll believe it when I see it" is not going to help you out at all. You see, if you keep waiting to see results without expecting them to actually come true, then it's never going to come true!

I know, it might sound a little confusing, but let me give you an example of how it works. Your Heart tells you to do something really crazy, like travel to Paris or something. And instead of finding ways on how to do that, you instead begin wondering why on earth your Heart is telling you to do something which seems truly impossible.

You barely can afford dining at the fancy French restaurant across the street by yourself and now your Heart is telling you to book a ticket to that country? Ha-ha, yeah right, you're never gonna make enough money to go there, even though your Heart already told you that it is indeed very possible. "I'll believe it when I see it", you say, "No need to get my hopes up".


Did you see what happened? You thought it was impossible but yet your Heart said it was possible. Since you couldn't immediately see how you were going to get there, you didn't bother even entertaining the idea, let alone believe it in.

But you see, according to The Law of Vibrations and Attractions, whenever you think about something, especially with emotions, you send out vibrations. These vibrations will only attract to you things which will make sure that whatever you thought about will come true!

In the earlier example, you were really convinced that you would never make it to Paris, or that fancy French restaurant, even though your Heart really wanted you to go. Due to the ever-working Laws of Nature your thoughts alone are enough to make sure you will never get there.

But if you immediately thought that it was indeed possible and started doing a little bit of research of Paris instead of whining and complaining, then your positive thoughts, mixed with your emotions which are happy at that moment and are convinced that you can do it, would aid you into finding ways to dine at a fancy French restaurant in Paris itself!

Here the Law of Vibrations and Attractions works with you instead of against you. And you'll be eating French food in no time!

So, stop waiting to "see" things before you start believing them, because that's never going to happen. Start believing, then you'll see them!

REMEMBER YOUR DREAM - Motivational Video

5 Easy Tips To Get You More Restorative Sleep Tonight

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One of the easiest, quickest, and most sustainable ways to gain more energy is to sleep better and sleep more (before the point where diminishing return starts to occur of course).

Sure, this is easier said than done for modern men and women, especially those living in a hectic all-night-long cosmopolitan city.

However, if you're someone who struggles with their sleep or if your sleep hasn't been as deep, as regenerative, as rewarding as it should be, you should seriously consider taking care of your rest as soon as possible.

Such a sleep-deprived situation may not harm you tomorrow, but it's going to bring in long-term disastrous health issues and you're going to regret soon.

Here are 5 easy tips on how you can considerably improve the quality (and quantity) of your sleep sessions.

Tip 1: Go For A Run

Not when you're about to go to bed but earlier in the day. This will help you to burn more energy and fat, thus making you more tired when you hit the sack.

At the same time, if you take your run outdoors, then you should find that the combination of fresh air and daylight also helps you to sleep better as well as to regulate your internal body clock.

If you aren't a runner, just find any sort of simple exercises to engage with for 20-30 minutes a day. As long as you move your body and get your heartbeat raising, you'll be more likely to sleep like a baby at night.

Tip 2: Make Your Room Cool Enough

Most people make the assumption that they will sleep better when their bodies are warm.

While you don't want your body temperature to be cold, a slightly cooler environment actually enhances your sleep. This emulates the way we would have slept in the wild and helps us to better regulate our temperature.

Tip 3: Take A Hot Shower

Taking a hot shower right before bed will help you to relax your muscles and at the same time will stimulate the release of sleep hormones like melatonin.

It also increases the production of growth hormones which are associated with better sleep and recovery.

Tip 4: Have A 30-45 Minutes Window To Relax

30-45 minutes before bed, get rid of your phone and put it in another room. At the same time, turn off the TV and make a conscious effort to relax and to do something that you will enjoy.

I personally like to read a book, jot down my day in my journal and lay out my game plan for the next day.

This will help you to unwind and to let go of the stresses of the day. Plus, the lack of bright screens and blue lights will help you to avoid stimulating the production of cortisol.

Tip 5: Take ZMA (With Caution!)

ZMA is a supplement containing zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6.

It is used by a lot of bodybuilders as a means to increase their testosterone levels to enhance muscle-building and recovery.

At the same time though, it also has the added benefit of encouraging deeper and more restful sleep. Take two capsule half an hour before sleep on an empty stomach and you might notice an improvement.

Of course, while most people can handle this supplement, always consult your physician or health experts to see if your body is good for this.

Keys to Success: Effort and a Positive Mindset

Man Pushing Steel Frame With Pile of Weight Plates
There are qualities that we need to have in order to become successful. Most of us have them but seldom use them.

To some people change is a "dirty" word, but it is the lifeblood of our economy. If there was no innovation or change then we would be stuck in limbo and nobody wants that. Instead of seeing change in a negative light think of it as an opportunity, with each change there is an opportunity to do things better and earn income in the process. Take the Internet, imagine if we all had to still use dial-up, imagine if broadband did not exist! This change was not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it is necessary so if you really want to be a successful entrepreneur then you have to embrace change, so why not start now.

Here are some keys to success that might be helpful in getting our goals and be successful.

1. Desire To Watch Others Succeed - The ultimate success is not how much money you have in the bank, but how many people you have helped succeed. When you enable people and help them reach their full potential it is one of the most gratifying feelings you can have. By giving back in this manner those people whom you have helped will continue this trend of helping others and society as a whole benefits. You will also benefit, the more successful these people are the more likely they will work with you in the future since they trust your judgement.

2. Exude Confidence And Joy With Every Person You Meet - People naturally gravitate towards individuals who appear to be confident and happy. If an individual doubts this claim we can use a fictional example, Santa Claus who is more joyful or confident than Father Christmas? He employees many elves and has tight production deadlines but he never lets that impact the way he deals with other people. By being confident, courteous and joyful people will want to work with you and help you.

3. Can Accept Failure And Learn From It - Everyone fails, whether you are learning how to ride a bicycle or start a billion dollar company there are going to be growing pains which may seem like failures to the untrained eye but these challenges force an individual to think on their feet and come up with solutions. The only failures in life happen when a person never tries or gives up trying, unless you fall into either one of those two categories you are not a failure. Learn from the obstacles life presents and you are going to get closer towards true success.

4. Constantly Talking About New Ideas - There is always a better way to do things, we just need to discover it. Entrepreneurs are constantly trying to come up with new ideas. One way to source for these ideas is by speaking with associates and even random strangers on the street. By getting feedback and insight from other individuals we can come up with new ideas. The adage "nothing ventured anything gained rings true when it comes to developing ideas."

5. Willingness To Share Information And Data - Everything you know is the culmination of information gathered from other people. When you went to school you benefitted from the knowledge of your teacher, other students and the books in front of you. Successful individuals know that they must share their knowledge. By collaborating with others new ideas and solutions can be formulated. No one has a monopoly over great ideas and any person who tries to restrict the flow of these ideas is truly stingy.

6. Has Goals For Both Their Professional And Personal Life - Setting business goals is something most of us will not have challenges doing but you need to come up with an exit plan. What are you going to do after you retire from the company? Some individuals want to work until they die but is that a recipe for happiness? The individuals who don't plan for their retirement are afraid of change. Once you have handed over the daily control of the company over to the next generation you need to come up with activities you find rewarding like charity work or giving back to society in some meaningful way.

7. Keep A Journal And Updates It Religiously - This journal will serve as a means of inspiration on days when it seems like everything is going wrong. It is also a living testament to your struggles as an entrepreneur. With each page you have become a better, more resilient person. Just imagine in 50, 100 years from now when your descendants read the journal and see how resourceful you were, it could motivate them to become entrepreneurs long after your eulogy has been read.

8. Takes Time To Smell The Roses - Everyone appreciates hard work but every person needs to take some time out to smell the roses in both a figurative and literal sense. If you are totally consumed with your work that it takes over your personal life then it could be a sign of poor time management skills. By taking some time out you will recharge your internal battery so you can tackle new challenges as they come up. This downtime is also critical when trying to form meaningful relationships with family, friends and colleagues. While chatting in the office is fine there is nothing quite like having time to yourself so be sure to schedule it each and every week.

Manifesting 101: What You Need To Do First!

Woman Wearing Blue Bathroom Robe Near Red Wall
Is there any area of your life in which you feel like you're in a rut? You find yourself thinking, doing, and saying the same things over and over and - predictably - you're getting the same old, frustrating, unsatisfying results? You've probably heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. Yet, it's surprising how often we do this.

So, perhaps, you decide you really do want something different. You decide you are going to manifest better health, a better relationship, or more money to do the things you really want to do in your life. Do you have a clear picture of what it is that you want?

What is it exactly? How will you know when you have that? What will it feel like? Specifically, how will your life be different?

Now, those may seem like obvious questions, but in reality they're the ones that get many of "hung up." Do you really know what you want?

Unfortunately, it's all too common to be so used to doing what we think we "should do" or "have to do" that we lose touch with what really lights our fire. When we constantly push ourselves and force ourselves to do what we don't want to do, we dull our inner senses. We lose our ability to feel the passion that pulls us forward and the signals that guide us there.

Do you ever wonder what would really make you happy?

Have you given up even asking that question?

Have you settled into settling?

Have you rationalized that with spiritual pleasantries like, "Just be happy with what is," while, inside, you just feel bored with what is or afraid to venture something new?

What if you are equipped with an inner guidance system that is constantly sending you signals that would break you out of your ruts? What if your body is guiding you with sensations which tell you exactly what you want and how to get it? What if it was just a matter of paying attention and learning to discern what those signals are telling you?

In my experience, it can be as simple as pausing my busy-ness and following my interest.

What if you took a conscious break from your "shoulds" and "have tos?" What if you gave yourself a period of time every day in which you did exactly and only what you were really interested in doing? It doesn't matter how long you do that, just that you make it a top priority and do it every day.

For example, what if you've been dreaming of being on a beach and went to and looked at possible destinations? Or, stopped at that yoga studio on your way home from work and picked up a class schedule? Or, browsed through the bookstore for a magazine or book that catches your eye? Or attended a meet-up focused around a subject you're passionate about?

What might happen if you took time to indulge and participate in something that interests you-no matter how pointless it seems? What if you followed wherever it led you? What new experiences might open up? What new paths might appear?

If you did that, when you got to the end of each day you could look back on whatever happened and say, "Today, I took a step to manifesting something new!"

When you participate in anything that interests you and follow where it leads, for even a few minutes every day, you grow new possibilities. You take the first step to manifesting a new reality.

Enjoy your practice!

Are you ready to be free from negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that keep you stuck repeated the same old results?!&id=9372897

Don't You Want to Live Free?

Nowadays, things seem very grim. The economy doesn't seem to be what it was. The housing market is following the same trends. Everybody is biting their fingernails and anxiously scouring the internet for ways to save money, spend less money, and more so, they are trying to find ways to make more money.

More and more people are leaning towards frugality, and self-sufficiency. This is a good thing! Everyday people are trying to find ways to cut out their cable bills, reduce their grocery spending, find energy-saving tips to reduce utility spending, and overall just break the chains that keep us locked in to 40 to 70 hour work weeks with no time for ourselves or our families.People are starting to wake up and realize that there is more to life than work and bills.

With the emergence of green technologies and their rapid growth over the past decade or so, we are starting to realize that when it comes to the things that we are spending our hard earned-money on, we are being swindled. Why am I spending so much money on things that the sun and wind can generate for free? Of course, that subject goes much deeper than any generalization of that nature, but that's beside the point. The point is, when does all the bonded slavery end?

We are bonded to the simple necessities of life so deeply that it keeps us in an infinite loop. We wake up, we go to work, we make someone else a ton of money, and then we sign all the money that we "made" over to someone else just so that we can see to get around our houses at night, and stay warm in the winter. Are you seeing my point?

There are better ways to live than this. Anyone with half a brain, some basic hand tools, and a couple of fairly easy to obtain items can build a savonius turbine that will shave a little money off of their electric bill every month. If you have a patch of grass in your yard, you can grow a little of your own food every year. You have the internet, or you wouldn't be reading this article. Use it to your advantage. Use it to find the items that you need used, as opposed to buying brand new for top dollar. Use the power of the internet to get started in the world of extreme coupon clipping.

Aren't you tired of all of your hard work benefiting everyone around you so much more than it benefits yourself? Don't you want to break these silly chains that keep us tied down in the mundane world of corporate America? Don't you want to be able to say that the time and work that you put in benefits YOU, and YOUR family the most? Don't you want to live free?

Now, there are tons of paths that a person can take towards accomplishing all of these goals. You could get in to urban farming and sell off most of your produce while holding back what you use at home. This is a good way to make some good money, and reduce your grocery spending as well. You could get into making your own house hold cleaners and such. There is huge savings in doing this, and it's all Eco-friendly. You could build some savonius turbines, and take your house off the grid, completely cutting out the electric company. If you used a tie in kit, you could even kick any unused energy you generate back to the electric company, and then they can pay you for once!

I get asked this question a lot; "How do I get started with all of this stuff? There are so many options and possibilities, where is a good place to start?". The truth is that, I can't tell YOU, what's best for YOU. Only you can know that. What I can tell you is, consider your options, and whatever jumps out at you, JUST GO FOR IT! Whatever it may be that stands out to you, just take a chance, and give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? You could find out that you had it in you all along.

What Is Luck? External Force or State of Mind?

Do you have that person you know that is just always winning things? They always seem to have their name drawn more times than it should. Entering a competition for them normally involves winning. Which begs the question: "Why do some people seem to live a life full of luck whilst others seem to just not?" There seems to be something that separates the lucky from the unlucky.

For a long time, Luck was considered to be an external force only controllable through ritualistic behaviours. These ritualistic behaviours formed the development of the concept of superstitions. This is the reason why some people try to not step on cracks or walk under ladders. In contrast, this is actually far from reality. The reality is far from any external force or act of the divine.

Researchers such as Richard Wiseman have been performing studies into the nature luck for over a decade. Wiseman wanted to ascertain what helped someone to be lucky or unlucky. He studied over 400 people over a 10 year period looking into what they did to create the luck or lack of luck. The crazy thing was that he found, for the most part, people made their own luck, good and bad. While he was interviewing the participants, he found that unlucky people tended to be more anxious and would focus on the specifics of the situation. Lucky people, on the other hand, always seemed to be more relaxed and ready for opportunity to come knocking. There was a definite difference between the two groups!

There is a system in the brain known as the reticular-activating system (RAS) which calculates the importance of incoming data through the senses. We are unable to process all information so some of it is deleted, distorted or generalised to filter out unimportant and unwanted information. When people's attention and intention are on their misfortune, they will filter out situations for them to be lucky. They just won't see it!

The researchers concluded that lucky people were generating their fortune through four key principles:

• Creating and noticing change opportunities
• Made lucky decision by intuition
• Created self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations
• Adopted a resilient attitude

Seneca, a famous Roman philosopher, once said "luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." Be open to opportunity and fortune because it will come knocking. This is not based on belief, this is based in hard science!

Playing Your Future Forward: A Technique to Keep Your Motivation Red-Hot

New Years is the time people are ready to wipe their slates clean and delve into possibilities. Dreams are re-examined and quite a few are turned into goals for that year. Even though one-third of the population throw aside their resolutions by February, weight loss tops the list of resolutions each year.

Weight loss can be difficult. People overeat for many different reasons--anywhere from emotional comfort to instant gratification. The process is a slow one which also requires you establish additional habits to support your weight loss other than just cutting back on eating. The quality of food, exercise and mental shifts are preferable companions in the process.

Intellectually, your "why" to losing the weight is straight forward. You know your cholesterol is high, you're a borderline diabetic, your internist has insisted you lose weight and you agree. You are aware you huff and puff after short walks, Yes, you are less agile.

Additionally, your self-confidence has plummeted as pounds creep along your frame. Looking into your closet is embarrassing because there are three different wardrobes in it---one for your regular frame, one for your sweltering one, and a wardrobe for the you that is three sizes your normal weight.

You agree with your wife that the fifty pounds might cause further disease. She asked you a poignant question, "Will you be able to see your children grow up?" Ouch. You got it.

As a result, beginning the program is easy, however, following through when emotions run high, and you've worked hard that week at losing weight and there is no noticeable move of the needle on the scale can deflate even the most enthusiastic dieter.

What do you do when you find your motivation waffling? When you are tempted to go back to old habits how do you persevere with your program?

Whether it is weight loss, or meeting the deadline of a project or staying focused in a job search, many of my clients have found this key helpful in keeping their motivation red-hot.

Play your future forward in a positive vein.

Visualize through your five senses what your future will look like in two years if you lose the fifty pounds.

See your self and admire your flat stomach as you put on the trousers to your new suit. A rush of pride rushes though your body. Not that you need them, but you hear compliments almost everyday about your new look. Self-confidence originates from knowing you are the best self you can be. Additionally, you feel more in control of your life than you have in a long time.

You and your wife's relationship has been revitalized. You do more things together and feel more connected. In fact, you've been an inspiration to your wife. You two have taken a healthy cooking class together. You two cook dinner together. You love it. Quality, great tasting meals are the norm at your house.

Now that you have more energy you find yourself coming home from work and playing with the kids.Your heart sings when you realize you just might be around to see your children grow up. To graduate. To get married.

By the way, your internist is happy--your cholesterol is under control.

You get the idea.

Your everyday, baby step efforts towards your goals will mount, create a momentum and you will reach your greatest desires if you can hold the future before you by playing the consequences forward---- you will win.

Success and Fame

Most of us somehow treat these two terms - Success and Fame as synonymous. That is precisely where success and its definition and the attendant emotions need careful understanding. After all there are many students who take to careers; many professionals who transition keeping this one goal of being successful. They may not use the word 'success' but would equate it with personal goals like achieving a particular designation, or maybe a pay package or maybe becoming a SME (subject matter expert).

There have been changing trends in the professional world, which was working in Public sector in 60s and 70s in India. This moved to working for Multi-national companies in the 90s, IT sector in the millennium and today we have the start-up wave. At all times, these were at best, external manifestation of success as the world conjured up meanings for us. The fact is, absence of an objective definition of success, enticed many professionals to follow these trends. All through these changes, happiness eluded those people who had not defined success with a personal meaning and an internal measure. A person wanting to do original work could get frustrated in a family run company with a rigid hierarchy and rules. While a person looking for job security could feel insecure in the professionally run organisation where only performance did the talking.

Not only is absence of an internal definition of success fraught with risk of not enjoying your success, but the Success, which the world confers, is ephemeral and not a true representation of the person's achievement. When we leave the definition to the world we land up with the delusion that success and fame go hand in hand. Let me use the example of Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi of India. The irony is best captured by the fact that most of us were left googling for him when his name got announced by the Nobel Awards Committee in 2014.

Let us ponder and discuss this man's success in his mission of preventing child trafficking and slavery. The key query which gets provoked is

His successful work in this field lead to the Nobel Prize being conferred on him OR

He became successful after this prize.

Can we call him successful even if he was not a Nobel Laureate? Interesting to realise that such questions are deeply discomforting for many of us and we may dismiss it. It is because we somehow believe that these cannot be applied to us working professionals and entrepreneurs. The discomfort is simply because we realise in our depths of our personality that we choose to decide what success would mean for me. But, but how can success, not acknowledged by the world, be Success really!!!? So without thinking much, we leave the definition for the world to decide.

If you Google for Kailash Satyarthi in 2012 you would get some 300 results which has now in 2016 has gone up 6 times. Is this fact a measure of success? Did Kailash Satyarthi work for this? Let us assume for argument that he somewhere in the corner of his heart did toy with the dream that he might noticed for his work. Even if he did that, it looks highly improbable that the prospective fame could have been motivating for him to take up such a noble work.

In fact true achievers work and achieve success, so that the cause they are working for, gets noticed. They are clearly subservient to the cause and they are vocal about it. They use the awareness of their work to leverage and enhance the circle of its impact. The word fame is about getting noticed by a wider audience to the advantages of the cause they working for. It enables soliciting support to enrol more interested volunteers. Equally and more critically it dramatically enhances the reach to prospective clients and beneficiaries of the services.

True achieves never get carried away by the awe, admiration and adulation which follows their success. They stonewall themselves so that they do not lose track of their objectives. Ordinary mortals can rarely differentiate the person from the cause or the organisation and more importantly the purpose it serves in society. Even today a Successful businessman, Successful Company, Successful Brands and Succesful products have a very fuzzy understanding.

Successful people are those who are keen to make a difference to people's lives through their products and services and ensure that they do a good job of creating, delivering and monetising the value. This gets acknowledged which we called fame. Fame generally has a domino effect and from the product spread to the brand, company and the finally the person very quickly.

Those who have the awareness and pragmatism to realise his source of fame, will remain grounded and work for future success rather than 'basking' in the glory. They are many more Entrepreneurs and businessmen who are almost unknown and love to be behind the scenes. It is a strategy which has enhanced their deep sense of happiness and fulfilment. They are fulfilled by the fame his company, team, products and brand are deriving from society.

Like these people, let us clearly define our internal measure of success so that we do no entertain any such expectation that our success will be noticed by the world at large and acknowledged as fame. It is important to realise that famous products and people is not at all a measure of their 'goodness' or 'utility'. Also Fame has nothing to do with the internal experience of Success called happiness. Hollywood and Bollywood starts bear testimony to this statement.

Learn How to Detoxify Your Mind For Success

Women's White Top and Orange Floral Skirt

The definition of toxic waste is, and I quote, "unwanted chemicals that are the result of manufacturing or industry and that are poisonous to living things." (Webster Dictionary "Toxic Waste.") Close quote. This type of waste is so toxic that it's put in special containers and buried deep within the Earth. Nobody wants to live near it because of its poisonous side effects. There is a different type of toxic waste that I am going to share with you today; it does not deal with the environment, but an inner poison that will destroy your self-esteem and the will-power to succeed. Yes, it is contagious through your attitude and actions. You will learn how to detoxify your mind from this poison, so that you can re-program your mind for success.

1. Attitude

No one wants to be around a person who is in a bad mood. There is a scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, where Kylo Ren sees an empty chair in the interrogation room, in a burst of outrage, he immediately starts destroying the room with his lightsaber, because Rey managed to escape. Two Stormtroopers approached the room, but turned around to avoid the rage of Kylo Ren. When you are in a bad mood, chances are, you will put everybody else around you, in a bad mood.

2. Actions

You become a toxic waste to everyone else through your actions. In the self-improvement field, we call it self-defeat and it starts by one person admitting defeat before an event takes place. When there is evidence of self-doubt among a group, it is caused by one person, who spends most of their time in toxic waste, metaphorically speaking. They would share their poison by making these statements:

A. Why even bother, we would just lose anyway.

B. They are smarter and talented than we are.

C. This project is a waste of time, let's go and do something else that is fun.

I will show you how to detoxify your mind from these toxic wastes so that you can succeed and be a leader among your family and friends. There is a movie clip from "Facing the Giants," that is posted on YouTube. During this clip, one of the players was asking their coach a question about a particular team they were going to play later in the football season. Without hesitation, the team captain (Brock) spoke and showed signs of defeat because that team was far superior than they were. The coach had Brock come forward and wanted him to do the "death crawl," but there was a catch to it, Brock had to carry another player on his back and be blind-folded at the same time. The coach did not put a limit on how far Brock is supposed to go, instead, the coach said, "I want to see your absolute best." Close quote. As Brock began the death crawl, he had no problems at first, but as he continued on, fatigue started to creep in and soon, thoughts of quitting filled his mind. Brock begged his coach to stop; the fire and pain were taking a toll on Brock's body, the coach replied, "Then let it burn!" Close quote.

This is my message to you, burn all that personal, toxic waste that is preventing you from moving forward in life. The treatment and cure for your personal, toxic waste is to forget yourself and go to work, do not make any excuses of why you cannot complete a certain project. Have someone at your side, get an item, or be in a certain place that will inspire you to greater heights, so that your day is filled with peace and happiness.

Starting today, learn how to detoxify your mind and be a better person.

Struggling With a Naysayer

Don't you just love it when you share your tender dream with someone and they immediately catch your enthusiasm for it? They might even pat you on the back and encourage you to go for it, guns ablaze. These are the best kind of people! They are for keeps.

But there is also a breed of people who will throw a wet blanket on your dreams without a second thought.

These people stand ready with 'helpful advice' about why you are destined to fail if you pursue your dream: it's hard to get published; you can't make money doing that; you are not qualified enough; you are going through a phase.

Sounds like a naysayer! And if you listen to a naysayer long enough, you will start to believe that maybe you are crazy for wanting a life that's less than ordinary.

So how do you stop a naysayer from extinguishing your life-dreams?

Here is what works for me:

1. Shield your dreams

Your dreams and aspirations are sacred; be mindful who you share them with. In her book "The Secret Door To Success," Prosperity Teacher, Florence Scovel Shinn, writes that talking too much about your affairs scatters your forces and brings you up against a high wall. I take this to mean talking about our dreams opens the door to other people's doubts and skepticism.

Think about it - once you get someone else's opinions in the mix of your creation, not only do you have your own expectations and beliefs to manage, you now have the added task of managing their stuff as well.

So it's worth being very deliberate about who you bring into the mix of your creation.

2. Tune them out

Everyone gets to choose whatever they want to believe, and just because a naysayer says or believes something doesn't mean you have to believe it too. Don't get defensive, don't argue your point, don't try to sway them to your side. Just switch them off and build confidence in your plans. Live and let live!

3. Hang out with a cheer squad

Align yourself with people who are supportive and see potential in you. By the same token, seek to inspire possibility and empowerment in others, and break out into a victory dance for their every win.

Use these affirmations to attract ideal people and relationships:
• My friends and I encourage each other's growth and success.
• I only attract people who love and support me.

4. Have faith in your goals

Before anyone else in the world believes in your dream, you have to believe in it. Believe that something good can happen, and then focus your heart, creativity and energy into bringing it to life. Do this above all else and you are going to hit a home run.

To amp up your belief that your treasure is within reach, ask yourself these questions:
• What is my heart's true desire? - This is your chance to get clear on what YOU want, not what you think is possible or what others want for you. What do you really want?
• Why do I want it? - We want the things we want because we believe having them is going to make us feel good. Whether that good feeling is success, joy, satisfaction, relief, etc., start engaging it now and your dream will not seem so foreign and unachievable.
• Why do I believe I can have it? - Maybe you know someone who has achieved a similar goal, look at your past successes and accomplishments, your skills, etc.

5. Be your Number 1 fan

We are such sublime creatures you and I, and we deserve the very best that life has to offer - unlimited abundance in whatever shape or form we desire. Trust in yourself and in your worthiness, then nothing anyone says will sway you off your path to success. The best way to cultivate this sense of worth and self-belief is by practicing LOTS of self-love and self-acceptance.

Seriously, the system is set up for your success; choose to believe you can succeed and hold onto that thought no matter what the outer circumstances and opinions of others.

You get to write how your story ends, not the naysayers.

Hey, The Beatles were told they had "no future in show business," whilst only five people turned up to see the Wright brothers' first flight in their "heavier-than-air machine."

Go forth and birth your dream into the world, we will be cheering you on.

Spend Time With Yourself Everyday

Brian Tracy once remarked that anything that exists is already getting outdated. He calls this the Law of Obsolescence. This is why some celebrated accomplishments become outdated after sometime. It may interest you to know that some things that were discarded because they are considered outdated were celebrated in the past. The implication of this is that even the most noble and celebrated accomplishments in modern time will become outdated in the future. This is why success is said to be a process, not a destination. If you continue to celebrate what you have achieved without striving to accomplish more things, a time will come when you will have nothing to celebrate.

This is why experts are of the view that the largest room in the world is the room for improvement. The quest to ensure that there are better alternatives and substitutes for every achievement before it is outdated accounts for why the quest for success is continuous. Perhaps, scientists have the best understanding of this view. Their efforts to continuously improve and upgrade the quality of living of humanity with new innovations have led to numerous discoveries and inventions to the extent that if the greatest scientist who died a few decades ago were raised to life, he would not be able to understand, let alone explain, some of the most recent scientific and technological breakthroughs, even in his field.

One of the consequences of this is that the world gets more complex as time grows older. In the middle of this, man's attention focuses more on things outside himself. Most times, he gets so busy and distracted to the extent that he has no time to think about himself or his life because he cannot spend some time with himself alone. This is not the first time humanity is having this experience. In the ancient Greece, for instance, the advent of Socrates in the scene of philosophical speculation heralded the dawn of the golden age in the history of Western Philosophy. His goal was to make man the centre and subject of philosophical speculation, unlike the sages of his time in Athens.

In addition to the distractions that are occasioned by scientific and technological breakthroughs, an easily observable truth in contemporary time is that there are multiple tasks that compete for every individual's limited time and limited resources. As a result, many, if not most, of the tasks that stare at you cannot be performed, even when you want to do so. Responsibilities that stem from your family, friends, job, religion, society, etc are so much that they also constitute very strong sources of distractions. This is why man is continuously moving away from himself, even when he gets closer to other people. Man has continued to drift from himself in thought and action. He is preoccupied with everything but himself.

When you are (too) busy, as most people are, spending some time with yourself may be deleted from your to-do list. People try to get closer to others while they remain far away from themselves. It is very important and rewarding to spend some time alone every day. No matter how busy you are, you should endeavour to spend at least 10 minutes alone in silence every day. There are some benefits of observing this practice. The first immediate benefit is that it reliefs you of some stress and helps you enjoy a healthy life by renewing and rejuvenating you. Though sleep is a very wonderful way to renew yourself, you still need to give your mind a break when you are awake.

When you do not spend time with yourself, you wear down your mind, body, spirit and soul, thereby causing stress and disease. Spending time with yourself alone is an easy, undemanding, fast and highly effective way of calming yourself. In addition to this, it affords you the opportunity to look inward and reflect on important issues about your life in order to evolve valuable and effective solutions to them. In the absence of this practice, your perspective becomes clouded. Hence, spending time alone helps you make quality decisions on important issues about your life, especially those that shape your destiny. It also helps you to get a better focus and direction in life, thereby helping you achieve a happy life.

The most important advantage from spending time alone is, perhaps, the spiritual benefits you will derive from doing so. It makes you sensitive of the world beyond, irrespective of your religious affiliation, and also helps you to create and enjoy quality relationship with the transcendent beings (with positive powers) in the world beyond (whose helps are fundamental to your success). Whenever you feel confused, lost and need clarity in life, one of the things you should do is retreating to being alone. It may interest you to note that you may find the best answers and solutions to the greatest challenges of life you have when you spend time with yourself.

Five Laws of Financial Success

If you're trying to achieve a major financial goal, sometimes your journey may seem like a meandering obstacle course with no clear sign of the finish line.

Although you try your best to create a better life, it seems that something always happens to throw off your plans. Why, you may ask yourself, does it have to be so hard to get ahead?

Many times persons struggle to succeed and eventually give up on their dreams because they are unaware of the process of achievement. If more persons understood exactly what was required to get what they wanted in life, then they would be more inclined to persevere until they were successful.

If you want to accomplish your goals, it is essential for you to learn about the universal laws that govern human behaviour and achievement. There are laws of nature that control our lives, whether we are aware of them or not.

You can't escape the Laws

Unlike man-made laws that can be broken, you can never escape the effects of natural laws which work all the time, without fail. The physical law of gravity dictates that if you jump from the top of a building without a means of flight, the gravitational pull will cause you to fall to the ground.

In the same way, there are invisible mental laws that will determine your level of success in life. Therefore, if you are experiencing problems in getting ahead, you are more than likely violating an important natural law.

Many of the books about personal development that I have read have spoken about the significance of these universal laws. Achievement guru, Brian Tracy, confirmed that after studying successful people, he found that "almost all of them used these laws consciously or unconsciously, and as a result they were often able to accomplish more... than the average person."

Let's look at some of these principles and examine how they can help you to become successful with your financial goals:

You get what you expect

The law of expectations says that whatever you subconsciously expect to happen will become your reality. Therefore, if you say that you want to be wealthy but you really don't expect it to happen, then you will remain broke for your entire life.

Change your negative expectations by saying out loud everyday, "I expect to learn how to become more financially successful today." If you repeat this often enough with conviction, you will develop an air of positive expectancy that will create the results you really desire.

You attract what you focus on.

The law of attraction states that you attract people and situations that are in line with your thoughts. Everything that comes to you, positive or negative, is as a result of what you focus on. For example, if you constantly worry about your unpaid bills, you are only going to attract more debt.

Instead of concentrating on things you don't want, such as your money problems, write down your goals and make an action plan to achieve them. If you focus all your dominant thoughts on your objectives, eventually opportunities will arise that will help you to accomplish your goals.

You reap what you sow.

The law of compensation says that you will get back whatever you give in life. Whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past. If you spent most of your life wasting money, then your present financial situation will reflect this mismanagement.

While you can't reverse the past, you can change your future by planting the right seeds today. If you practice the habits of budgeting and saving, control your appetite for debt, and work diligently on your goals, you will create a more prosperous future.

You get back more than you give out.

The law of increasing returns declares that you will reap a harvest that is greater than what you put in. So, if you plant one seed you will get a plant with many more seeds. This law can also work against you financially; if you overspend a little everyday, you will create a big hole in your budget.

Little things, done repeatedly, really can make a difference. Save what you can, no matter how small, and eventually the magic of compounding will allow your nest egg to grow. Spend just 30 minutes a day educating yourself on money principles and you will develop financial wisdom.

Your desired results take time.

The law of delayed gratification states that it takes time for you to see the results of your efforts. Have you ever given up on a major goal because you didn't see it coming into fruition fast enough? Unfortunately, your ultimate success may have been defeated by your lack of perseverance.

It's important for you to have realistic expectations of what it will take to accomplish your dreams. Very often, you need time to grow and develop into the person you need to be, in order to have the things you desire in life.

All Is Already Yours, Now: Action

Keep in mind a 3-part system to help YOU REALIZE All is Already Yours, Now:

Part 1 INTENTION: Clarity about what it is you seek

Part 2 ACTION: Deliberate steps forward realize what you seek

Part 3 BEST LIFE: Embracing all that is ALREADY YOURS, NOW

When you clearly set your INTENTION you amplify your desired outcome.

In summary, using the F.A.S.T. technique you choose to Feel, Act, Speak and Think AS IF you've achieved your desired outcome. What we choose to focus on is exactly what we get more of. In other words, by telling the universe (and yourSELF) exactly what you want you WILL attract more of 'what you want' immediately in your life.

For example, if I feel resentment, continually check my bank balance, talk about the lack of my financial resources with friends and think this is never going to change - I will most likely create more resentment, see my bank balance dwindle, struggle with a lack of financial resources and block opportunities that may create wealth. If, however, I feel abundant and grateful, write a large check to myself and tape it to my mirror, tell friends about a vacation I am looking forward to and think about what charities I could serve, I will most likely create more feelings of abundance and gratitude, receive gifts from unexpected sources, be invited on a getaway and so on...

In either case, what we choose to focus on... will be CORRECT.

Sometimes even with the best INTENTIONS we can feel stuck and unsure of what our next steps should be. This is completely understandable because this uncertainty is always and in ALL WAYS due to fear. So before we move from INTENTION to ACTION it is important to highlight and address that the biggest barrier is often that we are fearful. We may or may not even be aware fear is blocking our success to our Best Life NOW. The reasons why we are so fearFULL and how to shift that is grist for another article.

Let's just suffice to say that we may be:

  • fearFULL to make a mistake
  • fearFULL to make ourselves a priority
  • fearFULL to fail
  • fearFULL to succeed
  • fearFULL of the unknown
  • fearFULL about what others may think
  • fearFULL that I am a phony, too young, too old, not deserving, not smart enough, not important enough and so on...

Which of these do you relate to? Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway!

Often we do not know which action to take. So let me assure you that when you choose to amplify your INTENTION (such as with F.A.S.T.) your intuition is heightened. You will have a finely tuned awareness, an ability to truly notice things in your life. You will attract opportunities to you. These opportunities may not look like your desired outcome but truly, they are your road map. They may be opportunities to network, to learn, to be of service, etc. Saying "YES" to these opportunities is your ACTION plan.

All you desire is already yours, right NOW.


As your energy about your INTENTION amplifies so does your intuition and your opportunities.

Acknowledge your fears. Explore their origins. Challenge them.

Often what we seek is sent to us in the form of opportunities to take ACTION by simply... saying 'yes'.

For example, as stated before, if I feel abundant and grateful, write a large check to myself and tape it to my mirror, tell friends about a vacation I am looking forward to and think about what charities I could serve, I will most likely create more feelings of abundance and gratitude, receive gifts from unexpected sources, be invited on a getaway and so on--

I acknowledge I am fearFULL that I am too old to make any real changes in my life as this financial pattern has gone on too long. I've bought into a lot of misinformation about when my 'success expiration date' is and listened to naysayers and other fearful people. This does not have to be so. I am not only deserving but capable of huge financial windfalls___

I receive an email about taking an online course an introduction to Art Therapy. This field is intriguing to me. I follow-up with a fact-finding phone call to learn more about the course, the cost and the opportunities. *

When we get out of our comfort zone by setting our INTENTION, acknowledging our fear, and taking forward ACTION by saying "yes" to the opportunities that NOW present themselves we create our Best Life, NOW. I would love to hear what you notice and what opportunities you say "yes" to.

I remind you that your happiness does not need to wait another minute. It is yours to embrace today, in this very moment. It is already yours, right NOW. The fact that you are reading this article is no coincidence. You ARE ready and more importantly, deserving, NOW.

*These general examples are used to help illustrate the process, however, it can be successful for most transformational situations.,-Now:-Action&id=9378023

Claim Your Success!

How do successful people become successful? Why do their plans inevitably fall into place? Why do they seem immune to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? How do they always manage to be in the right place at the right time? Are these individuals blessed with supreme good luck, or do they work harder than everyone else---or both?

Motivational psychologist and Associate Director of the Motivation Science Center at Columbia University School of Business Heidi Grant Halvorson has done substantive research that explores how successful people become successful. Dr. Grant Halvorson is herself a highly successful professional, but unlike many charmed individuals who are often blissfully unaware of how and why they achieve their goals again and again, she is fully aware of how she became, and remains, successful. Here are four suggestions from Dr. Grant Halvorson's 2011 e-book, Nine Things Successful People Do Differently that may help all of us to create good luck for ourselves and use it to achieve important goals.


Be willing to commit to long-term goals and persevere in the face of difficulty. Studies show that those who are able to put shoulder to the wheel and push through adversity obtain more education in their lifetime and earn higher grade point averages in school. To help yourself along, plan specific actions that when followed will bring you to your goal. Devise a timeline for your action plan, monitor the efficacy of strategies and reward yourself when important milestones are reached.


Our self-control muscle is like any other of our muscles. When we don't use it, it eventually atrophies. Use it or lose it! Give your willpower muscle a good workout by taking on small challenges that compel you to do something that perhaps you'd rather not, e.g. taking on a home cleaning and organizing project. Establish must-start and must-complete dates and then commit to them. If you find yourself wavering and making excuses to put off the project---don't! Flex your willpower muscle and do some heavy lifting. As you develop inner strength, also known as self-discipline, you'll ready yourself to take on bigger challenges and achieve more life-changing goals. It's like training for a marathon by starting with 5K races.


No matter how strong your willpower becomes, it is important to always respect the inevitable fact that human beings have limits. If you over-reach, you'll run out of steam or out of luck. Avoid taking on more than one major challenge at a time if you can help it. Do not be over-confident and bite off more than you can chew by setting obviously unattainable goals. Successful people instinctively know what is in the realm of the possible and refrain from setting themselves up for failure.


... and not on what you will not do. Research on thought suppression shows that trying to avoid a thought has the opposite effect and makes that thought grow larger in our minds. The same holds true for behaviors. By trying not to engage in a bad habit, like smoking or eating junk food, the habit becomes strengthened instead of broken. Instead, turn your thoughts toward implementing strategies that will bring you to your goal.

I hope that reading Dr. Grant Halvorson's Nine Things help you to acknowledge what you've been doing right all along. As well, I hope you're able to identify the mistakes that have undermined you and that going forward, you will develop successful strategies that pave the way to your most important goals.

Thanks for reading.!&id=9418378

Why Today Is The Perfect Day To Live Your Dreams And Make Your Life Successful

24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's today summed up in a nutshell if you consider figures only. However, if you are ready to look beyond the numerical, those 86,400 seconds present countless opportunities for you to grow, chase your dreams, and be the person you have always dreamt of. Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present. Are you ready to seize it?

You have always wanted to make it big in the world. You have always wanted to be the happiest person in the world. Big cars, luxurious home, lot of friends around - your ideal life is made up of all warm, big, and glossy things. But when are you going to make these happen? When are you going to start building your future? Let's start today.

Why today? Because today you are blessed with 24 golden hours. Today you are blessed with 1,440 minutes of hard work and creativity. Today you are blessed with 86,400 seconds to redefine your life and make it truly awesome.

Today is special because it is unique. It is not like yesterday; it's the day that fills your heart with hope and dreams. It's a moment in your life when you are beckoned to unleash your potential and create a great life.

1. Start living your dreams today. Today comes with much potential. Do not consider it as an extension of yesterday. What happened yesterday is past. You cannot change it. Accept it and let it get buried in the past. Of course, do not forget the lessons yesterday taught you as they are invaluable. However, you should not carry any baggage from yesterday and cripple your today. Today is for living your dreams and do so with fervor.

2. Make today the best day of your life. As Mary Shelley has said, "The beginning is always today," so that is how you should treat today. Take it as the day to begin living your dreams and create a perfect life. Create an awesome today and see how your life becomes amazing. Here are small things that you can do today to live your dreams and create an awesome tomorrow. Remember, "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."

3. Live in the moment, live today. Yes, this is very important. You should live every moment. Do not let your mind wander but focus on the present. Worrying over future won't get you anywhere so try to make your today so good that tomorrow would naturally become happy and peaceful.

4. Have a great start. Morning shows the day. Remember reading that in your primary classes? Kick starting a day in the right note makes it easy to have a grand day. Do not rush out of bed when you wake up in the morning. Wake up fifteen minutes earlier to welcome the new day. Do some stretching exercises to improve blood circulation. Choose a workout regime that suits you and follow it with fifteen minutes of meditation. This is to fuel your soul to remain calm and motivated throughout the day.

5. Get ready for a successful day. To have a productive day, it is important to have a clutter-free mind and environment. While meditation would keep your mind and soul clear of any clutter, you need to take care of your immediate surroundings. Prepare your bed as soon as you leave it and go for a quick cleaning of your room. This simple act would motivate you and make you feel good about yourself.

6. Feed your body. It's time to feed the body. A simple and healthy breakfast is the key to remaining energetic all through the day. If you do not find time to prepare an elaborate meal, at least eat fruits or salads. A veggie-filled omelet doesn't require much time to prepare but keeps you full for hours.

7. Get three important things done today. Most of us are so busy doing emergency work that we seldom find time to do things that are important or can have a huge impact on our future. So, while creating your to-do list, mention at least three important tasks that you need to complete today.

8. Go for a walk. Whether in the morning or afternoon, in the lunch hour or after dinner, always go for a walk and watch how it affects your mood. Choose a park or a natural location and enjoy the breeze, the sun and its warmth. Fill your heart with gratitude.

9. Spend time with a loved one. This is a must. Each day find time to spend a few moments with someone you love. Be your friends or parents, surrounding yourself with the love and affection of near ones makes life wonderful.

10. Read something worthwhile. You may choose early morning to read something inspirational or just before going to bed to fuel your imagination. Good books are our greatest companions.

Seize today. It's a treasure you have been gifted by God. Fill every moment with love, hope, and happiness and start living your dreams.

Effective Personal Relationship Motivation Advice

For a number of reasons I've been thinking about motivation quite a lot recently. As noted and explained within many journals before, human scientists have studied three particular motivators in greater detail than any others. These are the motivation for power, achievement, and affiliation.

Individuals motivated by power want to direct and influence others. Individuals motivated by achievement want to accomplish tasks, to get things done, to achieve. Finally, individuals motivated by affiliation want to be part of a group, they want to be liked and respected.

In some previous articles, other authors wrote about noticing the motivational pattern of a partner or potential partner. Experience tells us that dramatic differences in motivational patterns causes friction and too much friction leads to a relationship ending. In other words, someone motivated by power may be a good match only if you have similar motivation or are comfortable with being directed.

Looking at personal motivation a little closer reveals that the need for affiliation has two sub-components and one of them predicts successful adjustment over time.

The sub-components of affiliation are 1) fear of rejection and 2) seeking intimacy. It turns out that some people wanted to be liked by avoiding conflict and dissension, because they are afraid of rejection. Others want to be liked because they are seeking intimacy. So, the need for affiliation is a mixture of a need for acceptance by others (not to be thrown out of the group) and a need for intimacy.

Numerous studies have also shown that the need for intimacy is a better predictor of successful adjustment (satisfaction, happiness, etc.) over time, than the overall need for affiliation (fear of rejection) or the need for power.

Now how can you possibly tell if someone is avoiding rejection or seeking intimacy? This seems pretty easy because those seeking intimacy tend to:

a) Feel highly connected with others even when separated

b) View interpersonal relationships as a source of positive feelings and seek relationships for the feelings alone (not for wanting to get something done together, or wanting to have a successful relationship, or to avoid being alone, or to increase status),

c) Are able to accept others as they are.

d) Feel an overwhelming sense of commitment and concern for others that is not motivated by obligation or guilt, and

e) Feel in harmony and at peace with others

Furthermore, individuals who are motivated to seek personal intimacy are viewed by others as natural and not straining to be intimate, warm, sincere, honest, appreciative, and loving. They are also not seen as dominant and self-centered.

Perhaps needless to say, people who seek intimacy make better partners than those motivated by power, achievement, or not being rejected. Look for the characteristics of an intimacy seeker in a partner or potential partner and you certainly cannot go wrong.

Finally, a person's capacity for intimacy is highly evident in the quality of all of his or her relationships. It is more a matter of attitude than technique. In addition and especially when this affinity for personal intimacy is inherent, an observer will be easily attracted to this type of human being.

How Well You Live Out Your Values Determines Your Success

Your values are the things that are most important to your ultimate success in life. Values are the things, ideas and principles we hold to be the most true and important to us. They are the standards by which we judge our actions. When we act in line with our values, we instinctively know we're moving toward success. When we violate those values, it causes stress and anxiety.

Far too often we don't realize that the path we're on is at odds with our values. We seem to be achieving our goals. We're making headway in one area, such as our career; but to do that, we may have been spending almost all of our time working on that part of our lives. If we have, what have we been ignoring? Most likely our family, our faith, our leisure and just about everything else.

Unless you're a total narcissist and self-centered jerk, this probably violates your values. We want to be successful, but we don't want to kill our marriage or alienate our spouse and children while we're at it. We don't want to violate our morals or do anything unethical. However, when we take an attitude of "Success at any cost" we often don't realize the true cost of that attitude.

All success has a cost. Sometimes this is a small cost, but sometimes it's a much bigger cost. Gurus say you have to determine the cost of your success and determine to pay it if we want to be successful. That's true, but the same success can have many different prices. The different prices are based on the methods and amount of time it takes to achieve that success. The faster, most expedient way to success usually has the highest cost, because it often ignores and violates our values.

When we believe one thing is true and yet behave in a different way, our consciences will bother us. If we believe in fidelity in marriage, then even a momentary infidelity will cause us anguish and guilt. This is going to be true for all of our values. The more important the value to us, the greater our guilt will be when acting contrarily to it. This is often the source of self-sabotage too. When things seem to be going well, and all of sudden we do something stupid to wreck it; it's likely because our success somehow violates a value. That might be that we aren't worthy of success or our methods were not in accord with our values.

I said we sometimes think we aren't worthy and that this is a value. You may not believe this, but it really is true. This sort of self-image can be so deeply held that we'll do anything to make sure we don't mess it up. Haven't you seen others do that? Have you ever done it yourself? This is why I say that how well we live out our values determines our success. If we value what is good and true in ourselves and others and live that out, we can't help but be successful. If we believe we're not worthy or don't deserve success and live that out, we'll not have the kind of success we could have.

Choose the right values that will support you and live them out. That's one of the best kept secrets of success