When You Hit the Wall

We've all been in that place where we feel like we're not making progress. Maybe you're just starting out and making changes to your diet and fitness routine is harder than expected. Maybe you're a veteran, with your routine locked in, but just aren't seeing the progress you want. In either case, many people get discouraged, and either give up, or end up injuring themselves. Neither is a great option. I'm of the opinion that moving, and being active will always be better than not. Here's a list of suggestions that I work through with my clients who become discouraged.

Define progress. 
Don't underestimate the importance of deciding what it is you want. The old adage of "if you don't know where you're going, you'll never get there" is perfect here. What kind of progress are you looking for, and how are you measuring it? Are you tracking your workouts in a notebook? Lots of CrossFit boxes are using Wodify, or another program like it to allow members to track their progress. Do you forget to enter your times and attendance? If you don't track what you've done, you'll never know how far you've come, and that leaves the door wide open for discouragement when you're feeling tired, or frustrated. Once you've decided what you want, come up with steps on how to get there. Come up with a plan, with short-term and long-term goals along the way.

Consider your stress bucket. 
I love the analogy of a stress bucket, which was first introduced to me by weightlifting coach Sean Waxman, owner of Waxman's Gym, and I think the analogy has so much relevance not only to coaching, but to life. We all have stress in our lives. Our diet, sleep, work/school and relationships are what I think of as the common fundamental stressors in our lives. If we're eating badly, not enough or too much, our stress bucket is a little more full. Same thing with sleep. Those two things are the basic blocks for physical well-being. Do you have extra going on at school/work, or are things tense at home? After all of that, we can consider what's going on at the gym, which also adds stress. "But, I go to the gym to relieve stress," you remind me. Many of us do, and it does help to relieve stress. That endorphin rush is a very real thing. However, as you work, you're tearing down muscles, and generally fatiguing your body which adds stress to your bucket. Add on top of that the emotional importance many of us apply to how our workout goes, and we're piling on more. Now, if your fundamental stressors are already taking up an inordinate amount of your bucket, it doesn't leave a whole lot of room for gym stress, and we start to overflow. Overflow means things stop going well, you stop making progress, or you injure yourself. I know from experience that sooner or later, you cannot continue to make progress in the gym if your stress bucket is over-full. It will catch up with you. And it means you need to address the other stressors before you can expect to make more progress. Sometimes, its as simple as dialing in your nutrition, or getting an hour more of sleep at night. Sometimes, it's being a little gentler with yourself until things, which may be completely beyond your control, settle down at home. I can't tell you how many times I've reminded women at all stages (particularly during pregnancy, post-pregnancy) that there are times and seasons, and sometimes the gym and optimal fitness simply cannot be a priority. Trust me, I've learned this the hard way!

Proceed carefully through pain. 
It is all too common, especially in CrossFit for clients to want to just "push through the pain." Now, I'm not talking about the "burn" or the natural fatigue we all feel when we're pushing ourselves to our limits. I'm talking about the pain that leads to or is the result of injury. I've had my share of injuries, and I've spent months going through recovery, and I can very honestly tell you that no workout is really worth an injury. Sometimes, you never see it coming. I had a friend who pulled his hamstring, just bending down to pick something up off the floor. It happens. I'm talking about shoulder pain, for example, that isn't going away, and isn't getting better, and may, in fact, be getting worse. Figure that out before you go all out on any movement. Let your body be your guide, and utilize your coaches. Many times they might know a thing or two, or they know someone who can help. Keep in mind that sometimes, you will need to invest in outside help, like a massage therapist, a chiropractor, or a physical therapist. Now, that doesn't mean that you need to turn into a vegetable until you've made a full recovery. Every exercise can be modified, whether you CrossFit, or do yoga or Zumba. Keep moving. Just be smart about it. Only you can gauge how much pain is too much, so it's up to you to listen. Remember, when it comes to injury, patience will be well-rewarded, and actually, your optimal health and fitness really require you to be patient, as difficult as that is to swallow.
Sometimes, if you've run smack into that wall, it's entirely appropriate to back off. Find another activity that you're more motivated to try, or that's more enjoyable right now. If you really feel the need to stick with what you've been doing, know that modifications may be necessary, and that's okay, Today, be kind to yourself. Love yourself a little more, and know that you are capable of really amazing things!


The Essential Element in Your Personal Strategic Plan

Your purpose or your mission in life provides you with a sense of direction and focus. It is the essential element in your personal strategic plan. If you are without a mission you are like a boat adrift in the sea without any wind at your sails. The waves or life events just rocks your boat from side to side.

Clarify Your Mission

To clarify a mission for yourself you must first clarify your values and be certain of what rocks your boat. As an example, if you value lifelong learning and personal development, then your life will reflect that both in your occupation and personal life.

To expand on this further, consider someone who has retired and has a substantial pension whereby he can construct his day in whatever way he chooses. If that individual values personal development and lifelong learning, instead of lying around all day and letting his brain deteriorate, he would endeavor to learn something new, perhaps do some writing, join an organization, and make a contribution to society.

Have a Set Definite Objective

If you value a life of riches and living a life of luxury, you must have a set definite objective - - that is of becoming rich. It will be necessary to set a dollar amount that you want to achieve by a certain date, such a focus will provide you with a mission or a purpose to your life. You will need to envision this mission, embed it in your subconscious mind and let your actions be guided by this mission.

This particular focus will require you to set aside certain pleasures, or fleshly desires, in the interest of realizing this mission. An athlete who is devoted to becoming the best in his profession will practice his craft relentlessly, often at the expense of hanging out with his friends or playing video games. If he has the natural abilities and willingness to put in the work, he will not only rise to the top, but his income will also rise to meet his expectations.

Consistently Learn and Improve

If you are in sales, you must not only know your product in and out, but consistently study the sales process itself and how to identify the elements in the sales process that would best sell the product to your customers. Beyond that you must identify the characteristics of your best customer and the best approach to engaging and selling this customer. And finally, you must set some sales goals, broken out into a monthly basis, and begin your effort.

And for a final illustration, let's say you want to be a great parent for your children. In this effort you must learn the unique differences in your children, conscientiously identify their strengths, and consistently praise their efforts in mastering academic tasks, carrying out household chores, and establishing healthy relationship with their peers.

Overall whatever your mission is in your life, once established, it will give you a focus that will help you to set priorities, and live a life worth living. You can then look back and be proud of your accomplishments as you continue your journey.

Stop Being Afraid by Changing Your Mental Game: Take Back Your Power Instead

I got some news today that made my belly hurt. It does not matter what it is, only that it was enough to evoke the terrible fear monster inside of me.

Once again, the beast of failures past groped its way up from the basement of my mind. All of the old mantras began to sound off like ominous bells of doom. "You are not good enough."

"You are not smart enough, powerful enough, fill-in-the blank enough," the voices in my head cried. Then it hit me. I asked for this.


What? I asked to be kicked in the shins, pushed down in the playground and have my spiritual lunch money taken? I wanted an emotional wedgie?!


You see, I have this nasty habit of asking to grow, to learn to explore and to become more than I am. You may have done that too.

If so, don't be surprised if the universe answers by sending a few curve balls your way. Road blocks are kind of the pop quizzes of spiritual development. (Dang it!)

When we get bowled over, it is life's way of letting us actually live what we all say we believe. Without these crisis moments to challenge us, we would never be able to learn the lesson, fight our inner demons or... well, grow.

The days that you wake up feeling like a truck hit you, when someone you love hurts you, when you have no money (and for some reason the electric company just won't accept your written-in-crayon I.O.U), when doom and gloom are playing a game of keep away with your inner peace, these days are your training days.

This is how you become an overcomer.

You are the hero of your own story and now, even as your knees go week and you want to just cry, if you can stand up, even for a minute, it will be okay.

You will get through this and if you are willing to trust and move forward, your victory is assured, not matter what the outcome.

It is oh so easy to smile, look wiser than we are and be happy when the road is easy and the sun is shining. But add a few clouds, a crooked cold wind that cuts you to the bone, or a dark night of the soul and it is easy to lose your way. When you skin your metaphysical knees it gets real in a hurry.

Just remember: those days are true gifts. You read that right. They may not be packaged with fun colors and puppy kisses, but ribbons aside, it is all a gift nonetheless.

Problems are just the mile markers of your change in trajectory. They are there to shake up your convictions and demand more of you. Every hard day is a chance to be brave, to face our fears, swallow hard and move forward in the darkness.


Life can be scary. You really do have the power to do incredible things though. Half the battle is knowing that this, all of it, is a test. Give thanks for the gloomy days, the difficult moments and know that you are a rock star.

Here is a way to take back your power:

First, remember that life/time is to paraphrase Einstein, a very persistent illusion. Oh it feels real enough, but beneath all of it, everything and everyone is just connected strands of energy.

Secondly, allow yourself to feel, to grieve to get mad or whatever. It is okay to have emotions. Acknowledge your pain. Analyze it. And then release it. ( In a safe way.)

Now begin to bring in love. Send love to yourself. Send love to the situation or person that is causing you pain. Send forgiveness. (As much as you can. Just being willing is a start.) Remember, forgiveness does not excuse or cover over harm, it merely unhitches your emotional train engine from that nasty cargo you were hauling around.

See if you can recognize a pattern of these types of situations in your life. If so, then perhaps these events are lessons you need to learn. They will continue to appear, no matter where you are. Only the faces and locations will change. The underlying message will morph, but keep coming back until you grow past your need for it.

Lastly, give thanks for whatever just ate your lunch. After all, this made you stronger, wiser and more in tune with the greater Divine Source. Give thanks and breathe.
Rinse and repeat as needed. To rephrase an old proverb: once you have learned the painful lesson, the need for the terrible teacher will fade away and new (better, more joyous) lessons will have room to come in.

Surefire Secrets To Abundant Wealth

The Power of Perseverance and Persistence:

Everyone knows the power of persistence, but few people fully put this into practice. The difference in someone who succeeds and who doesn't is simply persistence. When you see obstacles, be encouraged because that means you are outside your comfort zone!

Consider how long you are prepared to try before you give up or get results. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb, or did he just find 10,000 ways how NOT to make a light bulb?

The Power of Regulating Expenses:

Debt is a habit. If you are in the habit of spending more than you make now, chances are you would continue this habit even if you make 1 million dollars a year. Learn to work on a budget and live within your means.

The Power of Integrity and Honesty:

Some people think the wealthy are corrupt. This is as wrong as saying that all poor people are honest. When pursuing this power ask yourself these questions:

Is it legal?

Is it morally correct?

Will pursuing this make me feel proud?

Will I respect myself after I do this?

If your answer is "yes" to each of these questions, then move forward.

The Power of Faith:

This is not necessarily about religion. Faith is the ability to see the invisible, believe the incredible and that will allow you to have what the masses call impossible. How is your self talk? Sometimes we wouldn't speak to our worst enemy the way we talk to ourselves.

Believe in yourself as you are responsible for your life and every result you get.

The Power of Charity:

Giving is contagious. If you are thinking about what you are going to get in return, you are trading, not giving. When you freely give, it develops your feeling of worth and abundance. That is a vibration. You will then attract more of that into your life. Wealth is like fertilizer. If you spread it, it will bring forth riches. If you leave it alone, it will become stagnant.

And now the free tool I told you about. Are you familiar with the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill? I was first introduced to this book many years ago when I started in network marketing. Just reading the title fills your mind with possibilities doesn't it? With a quick online search you can download this book for free. I challenge you to read in this book every day for 30 days. It will transform your business and your life.

Be Motivational, Not Manipulative!

Set your mind on the right things. Let your thought be progressive not aggressive. When your thought is moving forward and not backwards, you are motivating yourself and those around you. For it means, you will speak the right words and do the right things. But when your thought is aggressive and move about in a circle, you become manipulative, hurting both yourself and others. Truly out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

The following thought will help you steer the rudder of your ship to the right direction:

1. Don`t Allow Yourself to Be Distracted: 
You owe yourself the duty of not being distracted from the dreams or goals you have for your life. Those dreams came to you from above, if they are good and beneficial to mankind, then they were inspired by God. God of course can`t be against what He inspired so who then can be against you if not yourself. You are responsible for whatever happens to you, don`t let anything or anyone distract you from who you were meant to be.

2. Always Push Yourself and Be Determined: 
That you failed yesterday is not enough reason to throw in the towel, stand up, dust yourself, chin up, chest out and move on. The world revolves around those who are determined and who do not give up. Life itself appears intimidating sometimes, but do not let that scare you, always nudge yourself with good words and a charming smile. These will strengthen your resolve to be on top always.

3. Set Realizable Goals: 
Don`t dabble into things, things so not just happen; they are made to happen. Have specific goals with times allotted to them for if you do not have a destination, everywhere will look like where you want to be. Do not let the goals you set for yourself overwhelm you. Look those goals in the eyes and conquer them for you have everything it takes to overcome life.

4. Don`t Accept Deviations: 
Don`t answer names you haven`t been divinely given. You have been named and tagged with names like excellent, brave, the best, a success etc. Don`t answer names you were called before you discovered who you are. Don`t agree to the leadings of those detractors, always remember who you are.

5. Be Passionate About Your Goals: 
Don`t be careless about your set goals. Don`t procrastinate, those goals should propel you to move forward. Breathe them, think them, live them and have them realized. Anything that don`t have your passion won`t attract your compassion and commitment. This is why the goals you set should be reliable for when they are cumbersome, you will lose interest.

People and materials you need to be motivational are all within you, press the right keys and they will appear, and truly life will become beautiful for you. Be progressive and not aggressive.


It's All A Mistake

Our society has participated in orchestrating a set of intricately woven lies that we have eagerly and wholeheartedly embraced.

As consumers, too quickly do we accept outer appearances as reality. There are those who believe aging is almost always the forerunner to poor health; only the opinions of wealthy people are important; money substance is available in limited quantities and only to a select few; you can receive something other than what you give. Now hear this! Aging is a mistake; money substance is unlimited; and you reap what you sow-not sometimes, but all the time.

Various teachers and prophets have roamed this earth plane to dispel these myths. Mohammed, Buddha, Abraham and even Jesus Christ have all taught varying aspects of these truths with the dominant truth being "you reap what you sow." We always receive what we expect to receive and not what we pray for. Doing whatever it takes to change our thinking, by eliminating all negative thoughts and replacing them with a prosperous knowing, must become a task we commit to every day for the remainder of our life. Whatever we believe will always recreate itself in our human experiences.

Our society's common belief in aging-that getting older is the forerunner of poor health-is a mistake. Poor health, as well as visible outer signs of aging, is simply an out-picturing of our beliefs. If we believe with each birthday we will look older, then we will. If we allow negative thinking and attitudes to persist, we will have poor health. The human body is an amazing machine. The organs function without any conscious prompting by us; both internal and external body parts shed the old cells and replace them with new cells at regular intervals. Because the body is in a state of constant renewal, aging and illnesses are conditions and beliefs that we force into our consciousness.

Financial prosperity is the next most misunderstood concept. Having money has nothing to do with money. Money substance is about what we believe. Holding onto worn-out emotions, worn-out relationships, feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred will block any flow of prosperity. Planting seeds of discontent and malice is sure to yield a garden of poverty and destitution. So here again, watch not only your thoughts but guard your words as if you were protecting the winning lottery ticket.

Spirit is always in charge. By following the examples of our teachers, we will always remain connected to our source of power-God, the good omnipotent. By staying focused on the I AM, illness, poverty and malcontent will be replaced with good health, prosperity and joy. Establishing and maintaining spiritual integrity ensures a life filled with good things. Bid farewell to aging, poverty and unhappiness forever.

Welcome health, wealth, youth and beauty. Dare to live beyond miracles!


Secret of the Wildly Successful: Fortune Favors the Bold

Does fortune really favor the bold?

Yes. Throughout history, the greatest thinkers, inventors, and innovators have been bold in their conventions and not shy about their accomplishments.

Being bold is not just about being loud, it's about being convicted in your efforts and assured in your course. They take the path less traveled in hopes of changing the world and themselves.

It is not the shy, quiet types that stumble into huge success. It is the people who are determined to do something of value and change. If Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, or George Washington had been meek, the world would be a very different place right now.

Boldness leads to progress and eventually to paradigm shifts on a cultural level. Average is just another way to describe someone who will never make an impact on their society, their business, or the world as a whole.

Complacency leads to mediocrity. Neither of these things has ever led to fortune or to success! It is the people who stand up and demand to be listened to that become the largest agents for change.

Actions speak louder than words!

It is not just the people who say bold things that have success. When people take bold actions the world watches in wonder.

There are people on every corner that see someone's success and mutter "I thought up that idea before they invented."

That might very well be true, but it is the people that take action that reap the rewards. When someone rises to a challenge and makes it their personal mission to solve a specific problem, their boldness drives them to success.

Often times more is lost by indecision than wrong decision. People who are unsure or timid in their actions will never impact the world in a meaningful way.

We have to make bold decisions and take bold actions. Do not sit idling when the world needs agents for change! Decide to be convicted in your goals and then take direct steps towards them.

Are you a follower or a leader?

Sadly, most people will never reach their full potential. They are more comfortable following someone else that has more conviction and more enthusiasm. These followers will also never be wildly successful in anything. People who look to others rarely do anything noteworthy.

If you want to make a lasting impact on society, become successful, or change the world the only way you could possibly accomplish this is by being bold.

Be BOLD in your actions because fortune favors the BOLD!


How To Live a Life of Infinite Abundance

Unless you were born super rich, I would venture to say you want to have more abundance in your life. Most people think of abundance as money. In our modern day society, that is understandable. But abundance could come in many forms. A week ago, I ordered some trash can liners from a store. When the product arrived, I realized I ordered the wrong color. I started a return process on the store's web site. Then I received an email, stating my return has been approved, but there is NO NEED to return the product. Imagine my confusion! I decided to wait and see if the money get refunded to my credit card. To my shock and amazement, it did! And I didn't have to return the product, which originally cost $20. I received abundance from the Universe in the form of trash can liners, which I much needed. I dare say I received abundance from the Universe quite often these days. But it wasn't always this way.

I used to have a deep sense of lack in my consciousness. I grew up extremely poor, like lack of food poor. Despite the success I was able to attain in later years, this poverty consciousness never left me. In fact, I carried it like a torch. I feel a bit embarrassed just writing about it. I didn't know at the time, this lack consciousness was what prevented me from manifesting wealth and abundance into my life. When I finally realized this, I realized this also stemmed from the lack of self love that stemmed from a tough childhood and the abusive environment I grew up in. I decided to eradicate the cause and core of this lack consciousness, the biggest block that prevented me from manifesting the life I truly wanted.

First, I resolved to heal the emotional pain behind the experiences that led to my lack of self love and self esteem. This allowed me to begin to truly believe I deserve to receive abundance. If you think about it, how small we all are compared to the size and scope of the Universe! The amount of abundance needed to satisfy every one of us on Earth is utterly insignificant compared to the vastness of the cosmos. The trick is to truly be open to receive it. You might say, "I am ready! I want abundance! I want a million dollars in my bank!" Unfortunately your outer Self, that part of you that you are actually conscious and aware of, is only one aspect of the entirely of your existence.

There are three aspects to our existence, the Outer Self, the one we are all aware of, the Shadow or Ego Self, which remains hidden most of the time, and the Source Aspect, that part of us that is connected to the field of ALL life, to the quantum field where all life and all consciousness exist in its true form. Your Outer Self might be ready and willing, but your Shadow Self, when not paid attention to and not healed from the past, constitutes a vote of NO in your manifesting effort. Then there is the Source Aspect, which has an agenda of its own, and, depending on the person, has the final say in whether your receive the abundance you deserve. For it will make you learn the lesson you need to learn. To live an infinitely abundant life, we must then:

Align the various aspects of our true Self, the totality of our existence. 
Heal what lies in the sub-conscious, our Shadow Self or Ego Self by releasing fears, anger and other undesirable emotions and transform these emotions. 
Align your thoughts, your words, and your actions to open to receive the abundance that is your birth right.

Can You Be Spiritual and Have Monetary Riches Too?

I think this is a question each person secretly asks in one way, shape or form.The answer is so simple, I could state it all in a single paragraph.

Heck yes! You not only have a right to be rich, you've got a mandate from the universal mind to make manifest and express as much prosperity and riches as your heart truly desires. And what about being spiritual? Being abundant and prosperous is spiritual... Of course we have overtime disdained the concept of prosperity and money has been attached to all kinds of evils to the point where it almost feels unnatural to speak of riches when talking about higher awareness, but stripped of all the falsehood that was made by man, riches are indeed spiritual.

For most people, it takes decades of trial and error before they finally come to the realization that riches of all kinds are meant to be enjoyed and appreciated even by the spiritual man. It may have been that some well-meaning individual wanted to protect the masses when this idea of riches being evil got spun out of control. Hopefully we can start shifting such ideas for you especially if like me, you have a passion for touching lives as well as leading a good life.

What does the Bible really say about riches?

In the book of Mathew the 19th chapter, we find the teaching given by Christ regarding the rich man where he taught that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. This idea got so misinterpreted over time that majority of people today would argue that being rich means you've traded your blessings for riches.

In another famous passage found in 1st Timothy that's also greatly misunderstood, we are told that for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It seems to the logical mind that perhaps religion and other schools of thought that give riches a bad taste might be right. But I want to suggest that it is possible for an individual to gather information and logically analyse it, yet it doesn't guarantee that they will touch the truth and meaning contained in the information. Since everything is a matter of subjective understanding and perceptions, is it not possible that in the past, those who influenced mass type of thinking may have perceived only partial truth?

Given the limitations of past generations, their beliefs gave them a certain kind of reality which served them based on the level of their awareness but you and I are in a new and advancing era. We are in the modern age of science and technology where advancement is peaking and life is only getting bigger and better. If we don't work at reconciling some of the truths that have been lost over time, it'll be a real struggle creating a meaningful life.

Here's a better and more powerful way of understanding this hot topic:

Firstly, the Bible has never been against riches or money. The love of money and prosperity for the sake of these things alone is what it warns us against. Anytime you are going to chase after money and prosperity, even if you acquire it, believe me it's going to carry with it unpleasant consequences. The law of our being requires us to be centred in truth and anything that is material cannot be truth; it can only be the temporary clothing of a hidden truth.

That eternal Truth is what the Bible calls God and it is for this reason that you find in all teachings contained within the emphasis that you should first seek truth, first seek God and his righteousness. Keep him as your focus and let all else be secondary to him. In other words, you are promised that as long as you don't seek prosperity for its own sake but instead seek to manifest your true purpose and destiny, the rest must be added unto you.

Christ never meant that being rich excluded you from the kingdom for did he not rebuke the idea of poverty and lack? He knows riches are blessings and they are from the All-Originating life principle. But he wanted us to know that there's more to life than acquiring worldly possessions. In fact my thinking on this is double-sided because on the one hand, growing up in poverty in Africa, I know that suffering in lack is not virtuous at all.The poor man cannot enter the kingdom either. So the poor man and the rich man are both condemned and excluded from the kingdom because both are enslaved by money. Both are in bondage to money although they stand on opposite ends of the stick.

Here's the beautiful truth I want to leave you with:

The perfect expression that God is looking for in you is being able to connect spiritually to the truth, creating a kingdom-based foundation upon which your life can be built and trusting implicitly on the blessings that must reign in your world when you learn how to cultivate the right mindset. Aligning the spiritual and material aspects of you is that will bring you a meaningful and blessed experience of life. Money and prosperity that comes by as a result of living from your passion and purpose will always feel blessed and good. Living from your purpose requires and integration of higher values and right knowledge about who you are; so the spiritual aspect must naturally come into play.

This is why I can honestly tell you to relax, be easy with yourself. Know that you came here for no less than greatness and you were never meant to choose between being spiritual and having monetary riches. It's always been supposed to be available for you in as much abundance as you need; but you need to unlearn much of what you've learnt and reconnect with the storehouse that contains all you've ever wanted.


First Five Secrets To Abundant Wealth

I challenge you to begin putting these principles into action and see the changes that result in your life and your business. Make this personal, and embrace these steps as they matter to you.

1. The Power of Sub-Conscious Beliefs. 
Your subconscious mind is real - we all have one. This is what is responsible for your habits, actions, behavior, and ultimately what you produce. The amount of money you earn is actually in direct proportion to your self-image and the power of your subconscious beliefs. Never underestimate this power.

2. Burning Desire. 
This is the language of spirit. You never desire something you cannot achieve. The fact you desire something is evidence you have the ability to do it. You may have heard the saying, "What you believe you can achieve". There is more truth to that statement than most people give credit to.

Be prepared to sacrifice. Except for your health, relationships and self-respect, be willing to make the sacrifices needed. Think about how NOT having money has impacted your past, present and future. What pleasure would you gain from having abundant wealth?

The secret to making your burning desire work for you is to have more pleasure than fear from having it. If your dominate feeling is fear, that is what you will attract instead of the wealth you desire. It may surprise you how many people are actually fearful of attracting wealth.

3. Definiteness of Purpose
You can achieve anything, but you need to know the REASONS behind your desire. An example would be the goal of a new car. Envision not only what type of car, brand and color, but your reason WHY you desire the car. What are the benefits you will receive?

Picture yourself actually driving your new car as you affirm how happy and grateful you are now, in the present. Understanding the "why" behind any passion will always propel you forward and keep you going when you face obstacles.

4. Organized Action Plan
You may be tired of hearing it, but you must set goals and follow an action plan to get there. Once you set a specific goal, write down 10 ways you can achieve it. It's not the amount of money you have, but what you can achieve with it.

5. Power of Specialized Knowledge. 
You can't acquire wealth without this in at least one area. Think about the areas you have acquired specialized knowledge and use this to help others.

By applying these simple principles consistently you will see positive changes. Like anything, it takes practice and persistence, but is well worth the effort. Start your journey today!

The Law Of Increase


Here are a few thoughts on how you can achieve success all the years of your life.Be aware that growth and increase are a part of life and all of nature. It is inherent in each of us to desire more. This is not wrong, it is perfectly natural, and the way it should be. You should want to be rich in every department of your life, what do I mean by 'rich'? Getting rich for you is getting what you want very much. For some it means a bigger income, a larger sum of capital, and that's fine. You can get whatever you desire without hurting or even competing with any other person.

Helping others

Unfortunately, the uninformed believe that you can only get ahead in this world at the expense of someone else. This is simply not true. No one can become wealthy in any way without enriching others. Proverbs 13:25 says 'A generous person will prosper, those who refresh others will also be refreshed.

Getting rich for you could mean obtaining more love, peace of mind, health, wealth, owning the home of your dreams or accomplishing anything else you've set your heart upon. Getting rich is obtaining whatever you desire. It's as simple as that.

It's Acceptable

Firstly, understand that it's alright for you to desire what you want. Most human activities are based on a need for increase. Secondly, you need not compete with or deprive anyone. Don't compete - create! This way you add to the general well-being without taking anything away from anyone. Thirdly, do not neglect the things that money cannot buy. What does it cost to give love, respect and consideration to those near you? Very little, just a little extra effort. Yet these things are priceless to those receiving them. Be generous as you find new and better ways to serve. Give more to receive more.


My father taught us that the reward for a job well done, is the opportunity to do more. Jim Rohn said that the market-place determines what you get paid, that to earn more you have to make yourself more valuable to the market-place. Zig Ziglar said, 'You can have anything you want as long as you help others to get what they want.'

And finally, the Apostle Paul said 'I know what it's like to have plenty and what it's like to have little, in all things I have learnt to be content.

To your success

There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. Logan Pearsall Smith.

It is perfectly true as philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition, that life must be lived forwards. Soren Kierkegaard

Be healthy, Wealthy and Wise

As a lifelong student of wealth creation, prosperity and increase in all areas of life, I find it fascinating to study the biographies of achievers and to note the common denominators that these winners demonstrate in their lives. I try to emulate them, not always with success, but yet I strive to do better, to realize its a process and as a person once told me, "There's no such thing as mistakes, only lessons". Enjoy


Five Suggestions to Double Your Reading Speed

Many people would like to read more, but don't have the time. Then there are those who have the time, but don't like to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that everyone needs, and the better one is at this skill, the more enhanced life tends to be. Most people learn how to read in school, and after they leave school, their reading skills tend to stay about the same. Some are more ambitious, and look to take their reading skills to a different level. Here are five things that, if practiced, can help you double your reading speed.

1. Don't sound out each word
This is probably the most important thing to do to read faster, and it is the most difficult thing to overcome. When we first learned to read, we were taught to sound out each word. That also helped to spell the word correctly, as well as to pronounce the word properly. It takes much longer to pronounce each word than it does to look at the word, and just understand what it means. If you look at the word, and move right to the next one, the mind will remember what the word was, as it links the current word back to the first one. When you look at 2, 3, or more words at a time, this will get easier, which leads to our next suggestion.

2. Read 2 or 3 words at a time
Looking at each word and sounding it out is a long way to get through a sentence. After you have mastered looking at the word and not sounding it out, then try doing it with two words, then three words. When you are reading multiple words at a time, the brain is able to pick up the meaning more rapidly, and you can go to the next phrase, or group of words. It is quicker to read phrases than just reading each word. With practice, this will become second nature.

3. Have good eye span. 
Don't dwell on each word or phrase. Move your eyes at a good pace, but don't move so fast that you do not understand what you are looking at. When you look at the last word in the sentence, move your eyes rapidly to the next line, and look and move along the sentence.

4. Do not regress
One of the biggest obstacles to reading fast is regressing. It is natural to want to have a clear understanding of what is being read. As your reading speed increases, the tendency to regress will be less and less. You have to make a conscious effort to move along and not go back. As you move along, the word you may miss should not interfere with the meaning.

5.Vary the speed
Everything that is read does not have to be read at the same speed. Some things that are more technical will be read slower. The mind will pick up some things very quickly and others not as quickly. Move along at a pace that is comfortable. Move as fast as you can while still understanding what is being read.
With practice, the above steps will help you become a faster reader with better comprehension, and you will enjoy reading more books.

Successful People Take A Lot of Self-Development

Successful individuals consider hard work, determination and commitment as the ingredients to getting at the top of the corporate ladder. Yes, these three elements are very important if a working individual like you will want to succeed in life. However, all these are not easy to do. It would take a lot of self-discipline and self-development to achieve all your dreams and goals in life.

Self-discipline is something that not all people are good at. Diabetics are so hard-headed that they can't control their sweet tooth even if it means higher risk of getting a diabetic attack. Individuals who have arthritis would promise never again to eat the food that cause the joint pains yet when they feel well, they can no longer remember their promises.

Why does eating unhealthy food feel so yummy when in fact it can give you health problems later on?

Though not all dread the word "self-discipline," there are others who are victorious in this aspect. If the doctors tell them to stop smoking to save their lungs, they are willing to do it even if it means losing their favorite pastime. Mind you, quitting smoking is not easy. It needs a lot of self-discipline not to be tempted by the cigarette aroma.

But when you have already mastered the art of self-discipline, expect to become a master, too, in self-development.

"It takes two to tango," as a saying goes. It means without a partner, you can't do the things you want to do. That's why in your professional career, you need the help and guidance of someone who can give you with all the knowledge you need.

At work, your boss is there to help you do your job better and become more productive. In trainings and workshops, there is always the trainer or facilitator who guides you through all the process of learning. At school, there is the teacher who moulds you into what you have become.

In sports, there is the coach who imparts the techniques, strategies, and even the rules so you can play the game wisely. At home, your parents and siblings or relative are there to give you love, support and guidance.

Except for those born with a silver spoon whose position in a company is given, climbing up the corporate ladder needs to be worked on. If you want to be the company's top executive officer, learn everything about the business, know how it is being run, and what keeps it going.

Most often, good customer service makes up the higher percentage of reasons why billionaire companies are successful. And if you consider this as an important aspect to your success, then learn everything about it and apply in your company.

Sometimes, self-development doesn't need to benefit only yourself. It also means sharing what you learned and apply it on your everyday life while making sure to continually expand your learnings and explore everything there is to be explored. This way, your professional life would never become boring.

Limits and Fears Are Often Just an Illusion

This morning, I took my kids to school. The weather condition was cold and foggy; the fog was very dense, we could barely the road that led to the highway, but nonetheless, I had to get my kids to school. The sun was not shining yet, so the fog gave a dark gray color that looked very unfriendly and frightening. Limits and fears are just like this fog that I am telling you about, we tend to stop because we do not know what is inside that fog. Our own personal fog (limits and fears) prevents us from achieving our goal of being happy. Some of these limits and fears are:

1. Speaking in front of small and large crowds.
2. Not trying new things to better your life.
3. Being shy.
4. Not using your talents and skills to serve other people, to make their life even better.
5. Being monotonous and not spontaneous.

This article will show that these limits and fears are often just an illusion. That fog is just an illusion of fear and limits; when I took my kids to school, all I did was start-up the car, told my kids to get in, and off we went. We drove slowly through that fog, driving visibility was poor, but we arrived at our destination safely. Some of the pointers that I have listed above, I will go into further depth so that you can overcome any fear or limit and become an unstoppable force.

Being Shy

There is nothing with being a little quiet at some point in your life, but if you truly want to get ahead of your competition, then you need to open that mouth and speak. It will take a great deal of practice to overcome this limit, but over time, words will begin to flow from your mouth that will strengthen not only yourself, but your family, relationship with your spouse, at school, church, or at work.

Not Trying New Things to Better Your Life

There is a saying imprinted on one of my Wife's mirrors that says "You Can Do Hard Things." This life was not meant to live passively, but to be explorers and pioneers in our chosen fields of profession; even if you are not in school, you can still go out and do something that is new and fun, such as rock climbing, aviation, artistry, writer, inspirational speaker, gospel teacher (religion), or even an athlete. Once you have mastered a certain skill or talent, then move on to explore and develop a new talent. At this time, I am currently developing my talents as a writer and a helicopter pilot.

Not Using Your Talents and Skills to Serve Other People, to Make Their Life Even Better

There is no greater feeling in the world than to see that smile on the faces of the people you have served. As a writer, I am sharing some pointers and ideas that have helped me to find happiness and now I am sharing this knowledge with all of you so that you can change your life for the better. If you have a skill in woodworking, do not build furniture just for your family, but use that skill to help other families who may not be just as fortunate.

Some of the other pointers fall into these categories that I have talked about, but to be short in writing, you can see that limits and fears are often just an illusion. Please feel free to leave a comment about this article and share it with someone you know who is struggling to find happiness in this life.

Failure Is the Learning Curve to Success

The hustle of life is an amazing journey one must be willing to be led by ambition and passion in order to get through each phase of the life cycle. In the world of Project Management we understand the five-phased methodology, lets run the comparisons against personal life cycles:


Initiate / Birth

Plan / Educate

Execute / Career

Controlling / Advancement

Closing / Death

As we can visualize life is one large project and we must successfully complete one phase of the chapter before starting the next in a waterfall approach manner. Let's elaborate on the education phase of the personal life cycle because this may be accomplished in multiple approaches. There is no perfect way or better way to become educated on an invention or profession. It's simply a matter of choice, ability, and availability of resources to conquer. However, during the education phase we define the risks that may impede on our progress for future phases to come. Once we reach the career level, education does not cease but iterations of learning began and increases until the advancement phase starts and continue until close. So, from the start of life until the close of life, learning is the evolving door for the pillar of failures to thrive, cultivate, and survive. We can determine our destiny by the level of passion, patience, perseverance, and prevailing we have to put into the fostering of our dreams. It's not enough to dream but is most sufficient to act on the passion.

To conclude, it is important for both parents/guardians and children to initiate the personal methodology in order to encourage growth, prosperity, and stability in the lives of those we are stewards over. During this journey of life, we must also understand that failure is a risk that will surely come throughout the entire personal journey and as stewards we must make aware, prepare, and provide methods to overcome these obstacles. Additionally, assure those in need that failures can be good and not bad because they are the pillars to successes that will follow. Remember, a Vision is the C.A.R. "Champions Achieving Risks" as long as we keep the ingredients in tact: Passion - is the fuel to success, Patience - is the engine the fuel goes into for progression, Perseverance - is the petal of pressure used to accelerate the vision, Prevailing - is the speed to which the vision succeeds.

Instant NLP Help for Slow Reading

The student said:

"I'm a first year college student and I often struggle with slow reading. I started reading when I was 4 and always loved it. I started to become more affected by the speed at which I read when I was in the 4th grade. I read really slowly, but I comprehended everything I read. Going through middle school I started figuring out how my brain processed stuff. I do really well with memorizing things because I picture them in my mind. Colors and shapes come to mind for every word, date, or number I confront. Then when I go to recall the thing, it's a color sequence, not an actual word. This, I realized, was the cause for my slow reading. I had to read every word and turn it into a color/shape. Now I'm in college and my professors have little sympathy for slow reading. I struggle a lot because the only way I can memorize things is by picturing them, converting them, and processing the information, but by the time I do that I'm way behind. I want to know if there's something wrong with me, or if it's just how I learn best. Is there anything I can do to convert things faster or some way I can make the synapses more efficient?"

And I advised her:

What can you do to convert things faster? You must use your visualisation to see words as pictures = words instead of colors or shapes [which will, no wonder, slow you down!].

Start with seeing shapes as you normally do. This is familiar and you're good at it.

Now start teaching yourself to see the shapes of words = what they look like when written.

To do this you must observe a lot and carefully. Observe what letters and then words look like. Start with simple 3-letter words like cat, dog, fox, bed, pen, etc. Write each word on a separate A4 blank paper, put the paper in front of your face at or slightly above your eye level, and look at the written word for 15 seconds. Then close your eyes. Do you see the word? Or has it quickly faded? Or do you see something else? If you see the word, how do you see it? Are the letters big enough to see them comfortably but not so big that you don't see the whole word? Are they on a background of a contrasting color? Are they in upper case or lower case? And if you tried seeing the letters in the other case, would that be less or more comfortable? Experiment with this.

Can you spell the word forwards and backwards while seeing it? If you can, you definitely see the word, which is important!

Is there something actually wrong with you? Yes! You have developed the wrong habit of visualising for seeing words. For seeing words you need to see words. Seeing shapes or colors is the wrong tool for this job. This is the only thing that's wrong with you. Absolutely nothing else. And you can change the ways your brain works! Being present in the moment and really conscientious in working with yourself is the only way forward. Once you start seeing words as words instead of as colors or shapes, your reading speed will rapidly improve! Fast readers recognize whole words as blocks at the back of their brains, not letter by letter. Slow readers read slowly, because if they can see letters at all, they look at them letter by letter. You need to see whole words and once you get good at this with practice, your brain will automatically send them to its back part.

Your fantastic memory is another superb asset that you can use here. Photographic memory is the best type of memory one can have - especially for seeing words! So when you write a word on a blank A4 paper, take it up to your eye level, look at it, take a picture of that word in your imagination. Teach yourself to see the word as if it was a photo in your head. When you see the word as a photo, you see it as a block which I mentioned above.

Practice. All these exercises here are to be done only initially until seeing words as blocks becomes automatic for you. Once it does, you'll be reading so fast anyway that you won't have time for all this. This will get you started on the right track - teach the brain a new way of thinking.

And remember these tips:

Always hold any page you're reading in front of your face at or slightly above your eye level. That's where your visual field is. Never hold your reading material in your lap so that you have to be looking down to read it! Never! Because there you'd be in your feelings which is the wrong tool for a visual job as is reading!

Whenever you read, sit with your both feet firmly on the ground. This will give you grounding and extra sense of calm, safety, and security.

When reading, do your best not to subvocalize, i.e. not to pronounce the words in your head. This would also slow you down. If you don't do it, great. If you do, gradually teach yourself not to do it.

How to Have a Successful Mindset

Have you ever read John C. Maxwell's book 'How Successful People Think'?

It's one of my favourite business books. I give it to many of my clients when we work together as well.

It shines a great light on the idea of mindset as a business owner, and it gives you really great tips to bring productive thinking into your daily life.

Maxwell actually talks about 11 types of thinking (!) in the book, and breaks down each one.

From big-picture thinking, to strategic thinking, to bottom-line thinking, he covers it all, and I love to go back and read the chapters over again when I feel the need to work on any area of my business.

This week I am focusing on Possibility Thinking. It is just what it sounds like it is - concentrating on what is possible.

Here are five reasons this is a good frame of mind to put yourself in:

1. It allows you to dream.

2. It brings possibilities to you and to others.

3. It gives you energy.

4. It keeps you motivated and stops you from giving up.

5. It helps you to rise above and be better than average.

How great does all of that sound, right?

But it is true. When you stop looking at the negative implications in any situation, you can see those possibilities.

Like many people, I can tend to be a negative person in some situations - sometimes I hear myself making a judgement about something, or I catch myself thinking about something in a negative way.

But when I do, I try to reframe that thought or that statement to turn it into something positive.

Going down that path of negativity doesn't help anyone, and it can often spiral out of control if you leave it unchecked.

Making a simple shift to recognize when you are feeling or saying something that is not positive can be a very powerful thing.

The first step is listening to yourself - whether it's hearing your own words or just your thoughts.

And the second step is to shift into that more positive frame of mind - nothing is impossible. There may be more steps, or a different route to get to your desired end result, but anything really is possible.

If you allow yourself to come down that path of possibility, you will just start to naturally find that in your thoughts.

Possibility thinking is motivating because it's always positive. There is no negative thinking involved when you are focused on what is possible.

There is nothing better than coming up with an idea and feeling those butterflies of anxiety because it's exciting. Especially as a business owner - when you can monetize great ideas!

If you feel like you are always down, depressed, unmotivated or just stuck, consider your thought patterns. Listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth (or out of your fingers if you are typing them into your keyboard on social media!).

Once you identify that you are indeed part of your own problem, you can take simple steps to move toward positivity - and possibility - for yourself!