Powerful Spiritual Words - These Words Will Change Your Life!

'This is my day', the day to live, love and enjoy! As you rise, get dressed and eat your breakfast say 'This is my day!'

If you are facing difficulties and feeling afraid or anxious about the day say,

'This is the day I express strength and courage'

If you find yourself dwelling on the past and long for the good old days, affirm these words, 'This is my day of joy and happiness'

Repeat these words many times and welcome with open arms the good that is running to meet you. The gifts of spirit are always good. They draw health and peace towards you. What you see with your five senses, essentially the thoughts of others, may be helpful or may be harmful. The practice of connecting with the indwelling spirit will help you determine what is true and what is false. Turn your attention within, let all thoughts of disappointment drop away and replace them with ideas of love, joy and prosperity. Allow a new energy to enter your body.

When we know what we want we usually find a way to achieve it. Give yourself time for meditation and reflection. Give yourself time to sit quietly and listen to the still quiet voice within. What do you need to fulfill your desires? Do you need a different attitude? Are you willing to do the very best? Is your attention on your inner voice? Are you moving forward with courage and confidence?

If your need is for more courage, then be happy that spirit provides you with the unlimited life and strength to assist you in doing what is required. For it is through spirit that the life flow in you increases and prompts you to fulfill that which is required. By going within and connecting with your spiritual self, you will be led to outwardly express your true self.

If you feel that you carry a heavy burden then say,

'I release all seeming burdens to Spirit. I am free and at peace'

If your body needs health then say, 'I am renewed, healthy and whole'

Remember, this is your day! Do not be concerned about yesterday or tomorrow. Invite love, joy and happiness into your life now. Give thanks for the blessings you have received and for those not that have not yet been bestowed upon you. Open your arms, have courage, live fully and freely, this is your day!


Stay True to Yourself

It is hard to stay true to yourself if you have not figured out who you are, what you want from life, and how to get everything that, according to you, would make you whole. While in this situation, people tend to live in the past, and dwell on bad memories, because they feel they can identify more with the person they used to be, than who they can be. Others tend to live their lives based on how they think others want them to live. Living life like this is not very satisfying.

You are not what people say you are, what you own, or what you were in the past. What defines you each and every day are the choices you make, and what you think about each day. Thinking positive thoughts on an everyday basis, and making choices that will make you happy, will go a long way in making you feel fulfilled. You will be able to shine bright instead of walking in other people's shadows. It is always better to fail in an attempt to do things you like, than stay unhappy doing what you think everyone else want you to do.

Decide today that you are going to choose yourself first, before anyone else. Be daring enough to choose without worrying about things going wrong, or people thinking less of you. Decide on what you want to be, and follow that decision with actions.

If you have been doing a job for years, and you do not really like it, but you have to keep at it to please a friend, or your parents, how about quitting, and following a career path you actually like.

They say, we only live once, so don't make the mistake of living someone else's life, because sooner or later you might come to regret it. Make the decision today, to follow your own dream, and live the life that really matters, your own. You have been given the gift of life, and all the tools you need to become the best you, you can be. Stay true to yourself!

Happiness is the key to a fulfilling and satisfying life. Being cheerful is an awesome feeling, and very fulfilling, but to experience ultimate satisfaction, you need to make your cheerfulness contagious.

Life does not always serve us roses. Sometimes the best we get from life are bitter lemons. However, a cheerful person should go along with the saying, "When life offers you lemons, make lemonade."

This lemonade is best when shared with others. Just like the majestic sun, that brightens every object it shines upon, so can your happiness brighten any dark heart around you.

Cheerfulness is universal and non-partial. No matter how hard life has hit someone, a smile cannot fail to put life into a broken and emotionally dead heart. A lot of people around you believe that there is no time to be happy in this "problem-filled serious world".


Dreams? Goals? (How Do You Develop Them)

We all hold our dreams in our hearts like a pit which carries fire in it. Our dream, our goal can be very unique, it can be different, it can be crazy and it may seem impossible and may leave people thinking that you've gotten mad or so but it's what our heart truly wants. Hence, we should go after it without doubt or fear. Its' not the destination that matters for the lessons that we learn during the journey are far more valuable.

I would like to state clearly that this particular dream or goal is what one is willing to do despite zero wages. It is what one needs to pursue for the further understanding of oneself and of Natures Laws.

Choose a job that you love to do and you'll never have to work for a day in your life.

The first law of nature is Energy Returns Back to Source. One who understands this law well will become aware that it plays a very big role in achieving one's dreams and goals.

This is a brief picture of how the law works-The "energy" that goes around eventually comes around as the same "energy". Energy is ever-present, only manipulated to various forms. As such, nothing is created nor destroyed; they just change forms. The thoughts that you place, the words that you utter and the actions you take would eventually return back to you. They may not be in the same form as you sent them, but the energy will return. This law works on both positive and negative thoughts, words and actions.

Positive thoughts + positive words + positive actions = positive outcome
Negative thoughts + negative words + negative actions = negative outcome


Being honest in a humble way = stops the energy from coming back

Now that we are aware that whatever situation we are in is ONLY because of us, imagine the tremendous changes we can bring in our life. If all our thoughts were positive and honest in a humble way, we can be very successful in life. If all our thoughts were focused on our dreams and goals, achieving it (which seemed to be impossible) will become possible and easier.

Understanding that how we progress on our goals physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually makes a huge difference. We shouldn't send out thoughts that express doubt, hatred or irritation towards our goals. Obstacles are common in life of people who are working on their goals. Even when facing these obstacles, we shouldn't let our thoughts, words and actions get out of our grasp.This can be very hard for it is a battle that we go against not only ourselves but against the society we live in too. People's words can affect our emotions, which then leads us to intellectualizing it and becoming very negative. We must learn how to handle the obstacles that we face in a calm way. It's not easy but it isn't impossible either. Sometimes, judgments can hurt especially when it comes from the ones closest to you. Here's a way to counter it. As we mentioned before, everything is energy. Energy is neither positive nor negative. It is how one interprets energy. So, think of judgments and discrimination as motivation to strive towards your goals and keep moving forward.

With the right guidance and support, any dream can become reality.

When we take control over our lives, being aware that we are the ones who shape it, we can build the perfect environment. One which will help us fulfill our dreams, one which the ultimate goal ( to be happy ) can be attained.

Be fully aware of your words, thoughts and actions!!! They can make you or break you.


Kill Your Fears and Live an Exciting Life

Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of criticism, fear of change, fear of the unknown. There are hundreds of things you can be fearful about. Where do fears come from? There is only one certainty and that is we will all die one day! If you let fears take over your life you will never attempt anything, your life will become very narrow and restricted. Is that what you want for yourself or your children?

Encourage growth and freedom and a sense of adventure. Try new things, new food, new destinations for holidays, new routes to work. Expand your horizons in every area. Change careers if you are not satisfied where you are, learn a new language, challenge yourself daily. Question your beliefs, ask yourself what you really want.

Did you know if you change the order of your beliefs, you change the way you think. Do it and see the difference. Make a list of things you hold dear to you,like: security, travel, love, family etc. then reorder them in the opposite direction, things you thought important are now at the bottom, and less important things at the top and see the world through a different perspective and you will discover a completely different viewpoint.

To explore this further, read Anthony Robins "The Giant Within."

Now back to your fears, challenge them, take one of them and take it apart, what is it really, probably nothing more than a "what if," a response to an imagined event; fancy being worried by something that might never happen, something as simple as that. Or maybe there is a 50/50 chance of your fear coming true, that is equal chances either way.

So take some calculated risks, measure the chance of success and face your fears, they are likely to melt away when challenged anyway, and you will have a great sense of achievement. Death is the only certainty, we will all die one day so make the most of every day, and you won't fear death either.

What will your challenge be? Mine was starting an online business against the doubts of my family, and now my second adventure, we have bought a house in Spain and winter here, working on my laptop.

Have you ever considered starting an online business, well a simple way to set up online is affiliate marketing? Enlist the guidance of a mentor, providing products sales pages and training; (much simpler than doing it all yourself) and because much of the work is done for you, you can start earning faster.

So whatever your fears face them, look them in the eye and challenge them, and you will have a much more exciting life, and feel the freedom: just do it.

Books to help you:

"Ask for the Moon and Get It!" by Percy Ross

"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy.

"Speed Reading and Speed Memory" by Tony Bazan

"I Can Make You Smarter" by Paul McKenna.

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor, a book to offer strategies for making life more tolerable whilst you make changes.


Change Your Life With The Power Of Positive Affirmations

What Is an Affirmation?

An empowering statement that, when repeated on a consistent basis, is accepted as truth within the subconscious mind. For example, if you're insecure about your weight you might use the affirmation "Everyday I am effortlessly getting closer to my weight loss goal". If you lack confidence in a social environment you could affirm "By being myself, I effortlessly build lasting connections with everyone". Any fear you may have, any doubt, insecurity or limiting belief can be overcome by using affirmations. In addition, you can use affirmations as a sort of "magnet". Affirmations such as "money flows to me naturally and effortless", or "I am attracting my soul mate to me now" have an astounding effect. In short, a positive affirmation is used to reprogram your subconscious mind, empowering you in every area of your life.

What's The Big Deal?

Your subconscious mind makes 96-98% of your decisions for you, without you being consciously aware of it at all. So, if your subconscious mind is holding on to a limiting belief or a superfluous fear (such as fear of social interaction) you will be led to decisions that don't reflect what you truly desire. This is where affirmations come in! The only one who can make you believe a negative or limiting thought is you. Luckily, you can make your subconscious mind believe what you want it to believe. When you do this, you become what you are truly capable of. You will do bolder things, be more optimistic, create the reality you want and live a better life. So, on to the important part!

How To Do Affirmations

Pick out your list of a few positive affirmations to replace your negative beliefs with. You can recite these to yourself at any time throughout your day, as long as you're able to focus intently on the words and their meaning.

Relax your body. Take a few deep breaths and quiet your mind. Release all of the meaningless mental chatter and focus on your affirmations.

As you say each affirmation, try to actually feel the emotion that would come with this belief.

Visualize being this true version of yourself. Know that this is who you really are, you just need your subconscious mind to get on board!

Say each affirmation with intent and purpose. If your affirmations start to become a "chore", they will instantly lose their effectiveness.
Pro Tips

Say each affirmation as if it is already true. Your subconscious mind is most receptive to the present tense.

Believe each affirmation to be true, rather than hoping it will one day be true. "Fake it 'til you make it". Your subconscious mind will accept these statements much easier this way.

Spend at least 5 minutes per day per affirmation if you want to make any difference. It is for this reason that it's recommended to only have a few affirmations in the beginning.

Meditate! When in a meditative state, you are able to access your subconscious mind much easier. Doing Affirmations while in meditation is thought by many to increase their effectiveness by as much as ten times!

The average consensus is that it takes around 60-90 days for the subconscious mind to accept an affirmation as truth. You can not skip even one day, or the process will restart. Be consistent!

Once you have changed your belief effectively, don't stop affirming! This is where many go wrong. You are constantly picking up new beliefs from your everyday environment. To have lasting beliefs that you actually want, you must constantly maintain them.
Unleash Your Potential

When your realize that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, you have within you an unlimited power to do absolutely anything. You must actively work to rid your mind of self doubt and fear. Once you achieve this, you are truly an unlimited being. You are given this power at birth, and it is waiting to be used!


Let Your Words Heal

Have you really thought about the power you have to either inspire or uplift yourself and others around simply by the words you use? Do you realize that words can either propel you to achieve excellence in everything that you do or hold you down from even trying anything at all?

Words - whether written or spoken - are the most powerful force on earth because not only are they the hallmark of our humanity, they are also used to create and communicate ideas that can either make or break us, both as individuals or as institutions. Indeed, words are the kindling energy that shapes our thoughts, fuels our actions and creates reactions in others. As a result of this, every word we speak or write produces an effect in the world even though we are oblivious of the positive or negative effect these words have on ourselves and the people around us.

Actually, most of us take words for granted by failing to realize that words are the most powerful tools with which we use to influence others, either negatively or positively. We do not understand that the constant usage and application of negative words lower self-esteem and destroy the joy of living; while well-chosen positive words on the other hand motivate, encourage, as well as propel us to gain greater heights in life. This is to say that nothing positive (good) can come from being negative (bad). However, for the benefit of those who may still think or feel otherwise, here is what the Bible says about the value of well-chosen words: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."- Proverbs 15:1

In light of the above, rather than use words to hurt, abuse, ridicule, distort, disrespect, misguide, demoralize, defile, curse, humiliate, damn, destroy and hate - use words to heal, praise, compliment, beautify, respect, direct, motivate, purify, bless, educate, salvage, build and love. Certainly, the result of habitually using or applying positive words in our daily interactions with one another is greatly beneficial and more pleasing to humanity; because by doing so, we can actually overcome despair with hope, hate with love, failure with success, wickedness with compassion, impurity with purity, injustice with justice, weakness with strength, division with unity, selfishness with generosity, fear with faith, corruption with integrity, war with peace, and ultimately, evil with good. Simply put, through well-chosen words, you can become a dealer of hope in a world that is filled with fear, doubt, and anxiety.

Moreover, the continued cultivation and apprehension of such a worthy aspiration is far better than just complaining about the wrong things of this World, and practically doing nothing to change them. As a matter of fact, you can become part of the solution to the problems devastating many nations by making a conscious and consistent effort to always choose your words wisely and carefully, knowing that these words will surely have a positive and lasting impact on you and the people you interact with every day. And while you are at it, do not hesitate to encourage, urge or challenge those around you to continue emulating this meaningful act until our world becomes an interwoven web of positive words. Imagine what a beautiful world it would be!

Allow me to quickly add that just as God Almighty who is the maker of all heavenly and earthly things, created us in His image and likeness with words, so do we all possess the ability to create our world and determine our destinies with words, as well... So let your words heal and not hurt!
Let your words...
... accentuate positives
... herald truths
... spread love
... cultivate peace
... enrich lives
... uplift souls
... proffer solutions
... uphold justice
... empower people
... unite nations
... give hope
... create wealth
... apply wisdom
... share knowledge
... deploy joy
... break barriers
... exceed expectations
... open doors
... fulfill needs
... foster prosperity
... encourage patience
... exhibit courage
... embrace charity
... embody compassion
... honor humanity
... heighten happiness
... promote wellness
... express gratitude
... evoke empathy
... extol excellence
... enhance success
... laud integrity
... generate ideas
... add value
... transmit courage
... preserve civilization

But most importantly, let your words praise and worship God, always.


6 Little Known Ways to Boost Your Energy in 5 Minutes or Less

Usually after noticing my energy reserves are getting low, the next thought that comes to mind is “Oh I should have got more sleep” or, “I shouldn’t have eaten so much at lunch”.
It’s always too late.
I’m steeped in regret and feel the only way to continue is to wait it out and start afresh tomorrow.
There’s a lot of practical guidelines out there for improving energy—eating more greens, getting more sleep, avoiding caffeine—but let’s face it, sometimes life doesn’t care about the guidelines.
Life is unpredictable and sporadic. Thus when we find ourselves staring blankly at your computer screen after a bad night’s sleep or a stress-filled morning, we crumble.
Thankfully it doesn’t have to be this way. When life throws a curveball, you adapt, regroup, and smash it out the park.
So check out these 6 little known ways to quickly re-energize yourself in the times you need it most.

1. Make yourself wet

Shock has gained a bad rep over the years—maybe from it’s presence in movies and shows where it inevitably leads to fainting or heart attacks. The reality is, shocking the body helps burn fat, induce muscle growth, stimulate the brain, and improve alertness.
Ideally, hop in a cold shower for 5 minutes. But if this isn’t practical, James Zacny, an Anesthesiologist at the University of Chicago Medical Center, suggests simply splashing cool water on your wrists or face. This has its own energy boosting effects due to the high concentration of nerve endings in these areas.

2. Get a hit of oxytocin

You know that feeling when you are talking to a friend and all your weariness and troubles seem to just fade away? It’s largely thanks to oxytocin, a brain chemical that’s often referred to as the ‘trust hormone’. Through its release you not only trigger a sense of greater connection with others, but one of the body’s most powerful mood boosting effect too.
Send a message to a friend, have a chat with a colleague, or if you’re feeling cheeky, try a little flirting. It’s fun, harmless, and nothing quite gets the heart racing like it.

3. Think like a maniac

A common symptom of mania and manic depression is fast thinking or racing thoughts. But in one study from Princeton University, they found manic thinking to be a healthy way of improving energy, along with feelings of happiness, creativity, and power. During an average day, our thinking is rarely turned up to max speed. Shift to fifth gear, and watch as everything else follows suit.

4. Change your mindset

Chances are when I’m feeling lazy or burnt out, it’s primarily down to a problem of perception or relativity. “Wow two projects completed before lunch, I need to slow down” or, “Jenny has only done half the amount of work I did, I should relax”.
I like to think of not what those in the next cubicle are doing, but those in different walks of life. Those who are pushing their body’s stress levels to the limit working down mines or crab fishing in the vicious storms of the Pacific. Thinking in this way has the power to lift your energy and mood in any situation.

5. Touch yourself

Be honest, how often do you take a little time out of your day to touch yourself?
We stimulate the brain almost incessantly throughout the day while the body just sits there like a sack of potatoes. This is troubling as the physical state and actions of the body have a big impact on how we think, feel, and behave.
Treating the mind through the body is common in Eastern medicine—just look at acupuncture. But in the West, little is know about practices such as bioenergetics which help release trapped energy and anxiety through active expression and movement of the body. It all starts with a little bit of self-massage to loosen muscular tension and facilitate the free flowing of energy through the body.

6. Yawn!

Yawing may be the most misunderstood natural function of the body.
It’s usually something that’s seen as a bad thing and even suppressed, when in actual fact it’s an important process for keeping the body running at peak performance.
Research shows the strenuous movements involved in yawning help our mind reboot, primarily by pumping cerebrospinal fluid around the brain. On top of this, yawning is also proven to help regulate brain temperature to prevent overheating, increase blood flow in the neck, face, and head, and force spinal fluid down into the body.
Yawning can be triggered by reading or even thinking about doing it—you don’t need to be tired. So yawn away, and reap the brain boosting benefits.
Want to take the next step to consistent and longer-lasting energy?

5 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

We all know that habits can either help or hurt your success in life. Bad habits can fester and grow into a lifestyle that takes you away from the things you want to do—and good habits can help you create a life that’s full of action and accomplishment. 
If you were to look at someone you respect, someone who’s successful, you would see that they spend each day doing the things that help them accomplish their biggest goals. This isn’t to say they’re perfect—because no one is—but despite the things that are not perfect in their lives, they continue to make moves that have a positive impact. And it starts with their daily habits. 
Now, while we can all study successful habits, it’s meaningless if we don’t implement that knowledge. So here are five daily habits of highly successful people—habits you can adopt to create the life you truly want to live:

1. Successful people plan out their day the night before.

It’s easy to get off track when you don’t have a plan. Without planning what your day will look like, you wake up not knowing what you want to do or accomplish. Successful people spend a little time the night before giving themselves clear goals for the next day. Then they wake up and go down their list.
Life doesn’t always work out as planned, but with a plan, you can adjust without losing momentum. 

2. Successful people read books to get inspired.

Reading is an essential element in success—books contain so much knowledge. Apparently Elon Musk would read at least four hours a day growing up. Four hours. And look how successful he became.

There isn’t necessarily a defined length as to how much time you should be reading, but forming a daily reading habit will expand your knowledge and help you on your journey to success.

3. Successful people make their health a priority.

What you eat and how much you exercise affects every area of your life. Successful people use their exercise as a time to reset and plan. And they make smart food choices that will give them the energy they need to accomplish everything on their daily to-do list.

So, what’s for dinner? Is the gym on your to-do list? Choose wisely.

4. Successful people don’t get distracted by what other people are doing.

Other people’s journeys to success can be inspiring; you can learn so much—about their mistakes, their victories, what to do, what not to do. But if you start comparing your progress to theirs, instead of using their stories as inspiration, you can feel jealous, stressed, unworthy.
Successful people realize their journey is unique and can’t be compared. So don’t get stuck in the comparison trap—stay focused on your why.

5. Successful people live each day as if it were the last.

Life is busy, it’s chaotic, and so you tend to want to focus on the future—we all do it, worry about what’s next. But while planning is important, so is living—being fully present.
Life is short, and there’s no guarantee as to when it will end. Successful people live each day as if it were their last and make the most out of each moment—and so should you.
When you look at a big goal, it’s common to get frustrated at the enormity of what you’re trying to accomplish. If you wake up each day determined to spend it forming good habits, you give yourself a better chance at success. So use these five habits as a starting place to build whatever a successful life means to you.

10 Thinking Errors That Will Crush Your Mental Strength

... and how to overcome them.

Mental strength requires a three-pronged approach—managing our thoughts,regulating our emotions, and behaving productively despite our circumstances.
While all three areas can be a struggle, it's often our thoughts that make it most difficult to be mentally strong. 
As we go about our daily routines, our internal monologue narrates our experience. Our self-talk guides our behavior and influences the way we interact with others. It also plays a major role in how you feel about yourself, other people, and the world in general.
Quite often, however, our conscious thoughts aren't realistic; they're irrational and inaccurate. Believing our irrational thoughts can lead to problems including communication issues, relationship problems, and unhealthy decisions.

Whether you're striving to reach personal or professional goals, the key to success often starts with recognizing and replacing inaccurate thoughts. The most common thinking errors can be divided into these 10 categories, which are adapted from David Burns's book, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
(link is external)
.1. All-or-Nothing Thinking
Sometimes we see things as being black or white: Perhaps you have two categories of coworkers in your mind—the good ones and the bad ones. Or maybe you look at each project as either a success or a failure. Recognize the shades of gray, rather than putting things in terms of all good or all bad.
2. Overgeneralizing
It's easy to take one particular event and generalize it to the rest of our life. If you failed to close one deal, you may decide, "I'm bad at closing deals." Or if you are treated poorly by one family member, you might think, "Everyone in my family is rude." Take notice of times when an incident may apply to only one specific situation, instead of all other areas of life.
3. Filtering Out the Positive
If nine good things happen, and one bad thing, sometimes we filter out the good and hone in on the bad. Maybe we declare we had a bad day, despite the positive events that occurred. Or maybe we look back at our performance and declare it was terrible because we made a single mistake. Filtering out the positive can prevent you from establishing a realistic outlook on a situation. Develop a balanced outlook by noticing both the positive and the negative.
4. Mind-Reading
We can never be sure what someone else is thinking. Yet, everyone occasionally assumes they know what's going on in someone else's mind. Thinking things like, "He must have thought I was stupid at the meeting," makes inferences that aren't necessarily based on reality. Remind yourself that you may not be making accurate guesses about other people's perceptions.
5. Catastrophizing
Sometimes we think things are much worse than they actually are. If you fall short on meeting your financial goals one month you may think, "I'm going to end up bankrupt," or "I'll never have enough money to retire," even though there's no evidence that the situation is nearly that dire. It can be easy to get swept up into catastrophizing a situation once your thoughts become negative. When you begin predicting doom and gloom, remind yourself that there are many other potential outcomes.
6. Emotional Reasoning
Our emotions aren't always based on reality but we often assume those feelings are rational. If you're worried about making a career change, you might assume, "If I'm this scared about it, I just shouldn't change jobs." Or, you may be tempted to assume, "If I feel like a loser, I must be a loser." It's essential to recognize that emotions, just like our thoughts, aren't always based on the facts.
7. Labeling
Labeling involves putting a name to something. Instead of thinking, "He made a mistake," you might label your neighbor as "an idiot." Labeling people and experiences places them into categories that are often based on isolated incidents. Notice when you try to categorize things and work to avoid placing mental labels on everything.
8. Fortune-telling
Although none of us knows what will happen in the future, we sometimes like to try our hand at fortune-telling. We think things like, "I'm going to embarrass myself tomorrow," or "If I go on a diet, I'll probably just gain weight." These types of thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies if you're not careful. When you're predicting doom and gloom, remind yourself of all the other possible outcomes.
9. Personalization
As much as we'd like to say we don't think the world revolves around us, it's easy to personalize everything. If a friend doesn't call back, you may assume, "She must be mad at me," or if a co-worker is grumpy, you might conclude, "He doesn't like me." When you catch yourself personalizing situations, take time to point out other possible factors that may be influencing the circumstances.
10. Unreal Ideal

Making unfair comparisons about ourselves and other people can ruin our motivation. Looking at someone who has achieved much success and thinking, "I should have been able to do that," isn't helpful, especially if that person had some lucky breaks or competitive advantages along the way. Rather than measuring your life against someone else's, commit to focusing on your own path to success.
Fixing Thinking Errors
Once you recognize your thinking errors, you can begin trying to challenge those thoughts. Look for exceptions to the rule and gather evidence that your thoughts aren't 100% true. Then, you can begin replacing them with more realistic thoughts.
The goal doesn't need to be to replace negative thoughts with overly idealistic or positive ones. Instead, replace them with realistic thoughts. Changing the way you think takes a lot of effort initially, but with practice, you'll notice big changes—not just in the way you think, but also in the way you feel and behave. You can make peace with the past, look at the present differently, and think about the future in a way that will support your chances of reaching your goals.

Achieving Supernatural Abundance

What exactly is supernatural abundance and how do you achieve it? When I think of supernatural I think of something that is unknown, something that is outside of myself. Some consider supernatural to be the same as spiritual because we cannot see the soul and is therefore a supernatural element in our lives.

Others think of things like ghosts and monsters when they think of supernatural. For me, I like to think of it as a combination of everything that we haven't yet learned or  understood.

Supernatural abundance is abundance that comes from a place that we do not yet understand. It can still come from within us, even if we don't fully understand what that means.

Many years ago, I was in a dark place, my world felt very large and I felt very small. It was hard to look past my own nose to see the world around me. All I could see was the pain, all I understood was sorrow. During those times it was hard to understand where abundance played a role in my life.

I was wanting for many things, food, clothing, love, and security. Though looking back I can see that I did have things to be thankful for and in some cases there was abundance in my life, I was just not in a place where I could see it at the time.

Somewhere along the way I found faith in something greater than myself and I learned so many valuable lessons during that period that it helped shape me into the person that I am today.

This faith allowed me to see past my sorrow and past my circumstances. It allowed me to see that I was special, in the same way that you are special. What the most important thing about that experience was that I learned to stop being a victim.

When you allow yourself to play the victim role you deny yourself the supernatural abundance that you deserve. This abundance that is simply waiting for you to accept that you deserve it.

The time seemed to stop for a while, I was growing, I was changing but it felt as though it was happening so quickly that the world was standing still while I was "evolving". This supernatural change that happens when you open up yourself and when you say to yourself "I'm ready". This is when the abundance starts to pour into your life.

Achieving supernatural abundance isn't about anything more than making a decision to believe in yourself. It is about deciding that today is going to be the day that you take charge of your life and you allow your faith to guide you to where you want to be.

If you are saying to yourself that you don't have any faith remember, it is not about your religious beliefs, faith is more than that, faith is something that you believe in even when others tell you not to. Determine where you will keep your faith and hold onto it because it is that faith that is going to be the driving force that is going to help you to evolve into the person that you want to be.

It is that faith that is going to show you the abundance that you seek and when you follow it and allow it to guide you, abundance will be well within your reach.


Strive for the Mountain Top

Don't walk where everybody else walks, it's a reason it's called the beaten path. There will be many that will offer you their advice as to what is good for you. You separate the good information from the bad. The process is called discernment. I advise you to first listen to your self. Welcome change with open arms. Resistance to change will hinder your advancement. Nothing avoids change. Your values should never be compromised but enhanced. Your character should be of the utmost but open minded. Your conviction should be strong but also willing. Our perception of what life is about is based in our values our experiences and our ideology. Some will tell you accepting defeat in some situations is acceptable. You will live to fight another day is a very true and exacting statement. Though this statement is true I disagree with accepting defeat. Life is a learning process and every situation is an opportunity to improve upon that situation. When you settle for defeat that is exactly what you get. The substances of self consist of experiences, beliefs and situations. The substance is invaluable, significant and distinctive. How we manage those situations, events and circumstances is vital.

Your opportunities to succeed are larger than your opportunities to fail. The magnificent gift of life is a gift that is given only by one. The gift is the reason we all are here. There is no gift bigger than the gift of life. It is not to be wasted or unappreciated. When we strive to make the best of our selves we also strive to make the world better. The pursuit of a better life is measured by the road traveled not by arriving at destination. We will discover who we are by not conforming to others opinions of who we are but by conforming to the gifts given to us. The better we manage the lane given to us the wider the lane gets. The more we guard what we say, what we do and what we hear the sharper we become. The inner ear is a true source for knowledge. It will never tell you anything but what is good for you. We just have to be willing to listen. The more we listen the more we gain. The more we appreciate our selves the more we appreciate others. The drive to succeed has to be fueled from what's inside you. It will give you conviction a necessary building block needed to reach your pinnacle.

When transform instead of conforming, we allow the gifts of life to be utilized. When a gift comes upon and you and you are not ready for it, it will pass you by. Spiritual and fiscal responsibility prepare you for a gift that has already been bestowed upon you. To most, this statement is grammatically incorrect. It talks of the past tense giving to the future tense. It also describes faith. If you truly believe something, it will convict you. Conviction is a substance to build upon. When we truly embrace the gifts given to us, our perceptions of what matters will change. Your shortcoming will become opportunities. Once you realize who you are and what you are, the opportunities will become more abundant. Your gifts were set aside for you before you ever knew or realized who or what you are. Where there is cause there is effect. When you put forth the effort, there will be an effect. The effect is dependent on your effort. The effect of believing in your self raises your expectations that you have for your self. In order to get to the top, there has to be more than believing in your self.

Believing in self is good, but sometimes self can get in the way. You need to be guided by faith. Opportunities build character and endurance. With intellect, you can get through anything if applied correctly. Apply faith and it will produce. Allow your gifts to work for you and you will never fail.


How Your Subconscious Mind Works

Your subconscious mind is truly amazing. It is there to protect you. But it can not think things through like you can and it has no reasoning abilities.

It remembers all the things that have ever happened in your life by the way you felt about them at the time of the experience.

It knows everything! It can bring you anything you want, but It does not know the difference between good and bad, or negative and positive. It only reads what you want through you visualizing it, your emotions and how much attention you give to what you want.

We all manifest things all the time. But we do it by accident so we sometimes manifest things that we would not choose to If we did it on purpose.

Would it be great if we could somehow find a way to manifest on purpose? Imagine what it would be like to just know that you could bring whatever you wanted into your world. Can you imagine how great that would be!

Well guess what, there is a process to learning how to manifest on purpose and once we understand this we can start learning and applying techniques that will put us on the correct path.

Most people have so many thoughts running through their minds all day long and they don't even hear most of them. This is one of the reasons that it's impossible to manifest on purpose what we want.

We need to be able to recognize the thoughts in our mind, quiet those thoughts and learn how to direct our minds to what ever it is we desire.

But before we can direct our minds we need to remove all the limiting beliefs that our subconscious mind has collected from our experiences.

Yes, we all have limiting beliefs. It is our limiting beliefs that hold us back from our dreams. Say we dream about having a huge house, but then we think to ourselves I will never have that, I don't make enough money. Or I could never afford that.

Then we stop dreaming about it because it's not even real to us. But when we remove the limiting beliefs of why we feel that way, it becomes real to us and we know we can have it.

This is a fun journey and it's all about you and creating what you truly want in life. once you are there. you can have the life you always dreamed of.


Why Time Is More Important Than Money

After grocery shopping today, I drove an additional five minutes to a different store. It had a few items that were cheaper than the first. I am a person who likes a great deal, and I didn’t mind the extra time it took to get it.

I wouldn’t say that is always the case. Over the summer, I turned down a big project in order to be able to spend the week lounging at the beach. I rarely turn down a work project—especially a lucrative one. It was an especially gorgeous week at the Jersey Shore, though, and they don’t come that often.

My bank account may have been lower than I wanted after skipping the project, but the memories of that sunny week last me all cold winter long. I adore time spent doing something that renders me utterly blissful such as ocean swimming. My life isn’t a fairytale, though. I did return to work and have been busting my butt ever since.

A recent study in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people who value their time more than pursuing money were happier. In a series of six studies, the researchers asked more than 4,600 participants questions such as whether they would prefer pay more rent for an apartment with a short commute or a pay less rent for an apartment with a long commute. Just more than half of respondents said they valued their time over money, and overall they were happier than those who said making money was more important than their time.

“It appears that people have a stable preference for valuing their time over making more money, and prioritizing time is associated with greater happiness,” says lead researcher Ashley Whillans, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia.
Whillans says that gender and income did not affect whether people valued one aspect over the other.

What’s It All Worth?

When I heard about this study, I knew it demanded more exploration. Are we more likely to appreciate time more than money when we are (likely) older and more financially stable? Do some people value their time more because they know money doesn’t buy happiness? Or are we a generation that cares more about pleasant experiences instead of padded bank accounts? Can we value our time and make big bucks, or do we have to choose one over the other?

Clearly, I can’t take every other week off to work on my tan. Making the effort to take time off for things I enjoy and cannot always do is more important than raking in big bucks, so long as it’s in moderation and I can pay that darn mortgage each month.

Certainly, if you have a lot of discretionary income, you may be able to use it to free up your time. I have a wealthy friend who decided to hire a landscaper so he could devote time to his children instead of ignoring them while mowing the lawn. Another person may prioritize the peacefulness of gardening over spending time doing something else.

What if you do not have all that extra income to hire house cleaners, grocery shoppers and whatnot? You may trade off in other ways: You may not mind spending an extra hour venturing to two grocery stores instead of one to nab the best deals. You may, however, take the money saved and put it toward that landscaper in order to allocate more time for whatever makes you joyful. 

In short, there are no easy answers. We generally prioritize one thing over the other depending on our core values, but that can change at different times during our lives. If we know we can be happier putting more emphasis on our time than making money, though, maybe we should try it.

Love Your Time

Want to start valuing your time a little more because you believe it will make you happier? Whillans suggests changing the way you spend your money. Work fewer overtime hours, spring the extra $20 for a cab home if the bus is going to take longer, or go to the pricier grocery store that’s closer to your home so you have more time for things you enjoy.

“The key is making sure that in addition to using money to have more time, people also spend their free time in better ways,” Whillans says, adding that “better ways” would include devoting time to things that make you happy. For some of us that means lounging on a beach, while others want to spend time with family and friends. My guess is that you can make extra time but if the thing you do with it does not make you content, you probably won’t be happier in general. Being aware of what makes us genuinely happy is also a must so you can put that time to good use.

Another way to value your time is to let others know it. Let your clients know you clock off at 5 p.m. on Fridays to take the weekend off—then don’t respond to emails until Monday to prove your point. Be upfront about your time constrictions.

You may have a job at a company that wants to prove they value you by showing that they value your time.  Whillans is working with a few organizations to develop ways they can show they respect their employees’ time, and help them get more out of it. For example, one company assigns “do not disturb” time periods when internal instant messages cannot be sent.

“Providing employees with the ability not to check emails after 5 p.m., or rewarding employees for their hard work with extra vacation days, can send the signal to employees that their company cares about their personal time, thus enabling employees to empower themselves to prioritize their time versus having more money,” Whillans says.