Message From the Universe: Where Physical Attributes Have Nothing to Do With It!

"Good looks have little to do with one's body and everything to do with one's mind.

Here's looking at you,
The Universe"

I have read in many psychology books about how sales people are hired and what important attributes they should possess to get chosen. It is proven that some physical attributes like height, muscular built, clean look will land more sales than its counterpart (short, fat and less desirable). The same goes for women in sales job. Recruiters are always looking at how they represent themselves when in front of a potential buyer. If we dig deeper into this theory/practical approach as to who and why the tall, muscular and good looking people get hired in sales is because they exude confidence with their stature. You can have people who are short and stocky but yet extremely confident with themselves and will find a way to get hired because of how they can convince people as to why they are the best. This confidence is based on elevated self-esteem and the mind is the one main system that generates the thoughts that can either be productive or destructive. Imagine being in control of the most powerful computer on Earth, able to control the whole infrastructure of our planet and you have the key code to decide what are you in the mood for today. That would somewhat be awesome right? Why not control the stock market while you are at it and make a few trillions dollars along the way. You might ask how is this metaphor related to you? Well, your brain is a super-computer that you suppressed its full potential by allowing the negativity to pollute your mind. Just like the first 8 weeks of the embryo, we are neither a male or female, we are just in the development stage at this point and after the 8 weeks, a surge of testosterone or estrogen kicks in and determine the sex of the baby. The same goes for our brains. Everyone on planet Earth is born with one (well, that is still in theory... ) but for the majority of the population, you are in control as to how you want to develop it.

We all have great potential and our attitude and perception decides what we will expect from ourselves today and in the future. You decide what you want to do with what was given to you. You can change the world if you want but you need to believe that you can do it. It can be overwhelming at times but you can still go over this feeling of intimidation and push forward. Not everything will go exactly as you wish, but if you allow yourself to overcome these obstacles and hurdles in life, you will get to your destination. As long as you are motivated and stay this way until you get to where you want to go, the Universe will pay attention and will take care of the "how's" it will happen. Learn to delegate that part of your life to the Universe. It knows what you are capable of and will abide by your wishes. You just focus on what you do best when it comes to negotiation and being persistent in what you love doing. Yes, I will say it: "It doesn't hurt to look physically great either"!&id=9422599

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