When You Get Good At Programming Yourself And Solving The Tough Problems (By Joshua Clayton)

Man Holding Tree Twig

We all love to win, but who loves to train to win? Work and overcoming procrastination is a tough problem when you do not really want a goal. At best, when something is play and we make a living or achieve something at it, that is ideal. At worst, though, and sometimes there are some of those "at worst things", life is a chore we do not want to deal with. Also, when there are things we would rather be doing than work and the play we want to be doing is destructive or not productive in any good way, that is when we must genuinely find the "silver lining" within that dark cloud of the chore we need (and want) to get done.

So, this is my formula: When I get frustrated or overwhelmed: I step back, look at things objectively, and then attack with strong subjective productivity in a way that I enjoy that makes things go and work better. Sure, I could give harder, more complicated advice about productivity, but we start there in this article and if you want iron grip control as well as enjoyment in any situation, you have got to start there. Also, if life were all enjoyment without obstacles, there would not be a point to it. So, my "other advice" is to grab the lessons and values from everything, even if we do not like it at the time it is happening. That is also what I mean by step back, look at things objectively, and then attack with strong subjective productivity. I mean face it, for every "I really want to do it moment", there are many "we have to do it moments" to genuinely achieve the goal we want to achieve, work is not an exception when we do not like it, but have to do it.

Listen, the best we can expect is to do what we have to do as work to ultimately do what we want to do as our reward. Let that statement sink in, because that is reality always. Genuine resilience, though, comes from wanting to do what we need to do and want to do with equal zeal, excitement and understanding that is motivated from within ourselves. Motivation never comes from outside ourselves anyway, it always comes from within. Tools without motivation are just inanimate objects, however great the tools, that is a bad thing when we expect them to do the work for us without effort. Tools with motivation are great things that work to build something productive, creative and realistically good.

In this article, I hope I gave you some good tools to solve the tough problems in your life, being one of those who is motivated from within, I use all of these formulas and more to keep myself going. So, I give this final advice, build the power consciousness and you will have genuine strength, resilience and greatness.


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