7 Do’s and Don’ts for Entrepreneurial Success

Quick but valuable advice from Darren Hardy’s 'The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster'


1. DON’T want what you don’t want. It’s easy to fall under the spell of someone else’s dream or be seduced by the scorekeeping of other people’s goals. Don’t. Follow your own path—not the Joneses’. Don’t let fear, envy or social pressure cloud your vision.
2. DON’T miss the point. Bigger is only better if it makes the smile on your face wider and brighter, and fills the journey with joy. Live today as you want to be remembered in the end.
3. DO the right thing. When faced with the choices that are the hardest to make—when your dreams, ambition and drive are begging you to do one thing while your conscience is telling you to do another—remember that the only way you’ll have an enduring smile is if you uphold your values.
4. DO trust your gut. Don’t wait until you’re 80 and filled with regret. Be the person you “could have been” now.
5. DO keep your resolve. Many entrepreneurs fail not because of their idea, their skill or the market, but because they give up when the summit is within reach.
6. DON’T forget why. Business will change you. Don’t forget who you are right now. Don’t forget who you were the day you decided to ride the entrepreneur roller coaster.
7. DO seek your greatness. You have been given incredible gifts. You are capable of awe-inspiring achievement and significant contribution to the people and world around you. You have a responsibility to use the potential you’ve been given, to apply it and grow it. 

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