Changing The Direction Of Your Destiny

In our previous article; You Control Your Destiny, and the article before that; Seven Fences That Bind And Separate Us, we spoke about the limitations and negative qualities we need to overcome in order to simply be a better person, and have a better life.

This article will continue in that theme with the next step of the process; what to become after, and while in the process, of removing the negative qualities.

Destiny, as we discussed, is formed by the combination of the powers that control us, that make each of us who we are based on the combination of how much each of the powers controls us.

This means that Destiny is not an individual being of it's own personality and fixed as it is, but is a fluid and constantly changing being with a plan that changes from moment to moment.

Recycling glass is the easiest analogy. When a glass object is recycled, the first step is to break and destroy the item, then melt the glass and form it into a new item.

I will divert and refer to the Kaballah to relate my analogy to this ancient mystical teaching. In the Kaballah it says that God created the perfect vessels. That could be other gods or our soul or some spiritual being that we cannot, and at this point do not need to, comprehend.

But the problem was, being created perfect, they were not actually perfect because they did not use free will to choose what to become, there was no challenge. As Nietzsche said; "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." We all know this to be true.

And so, God broke the perfect vessels He created so that they could use free will to reassemble themselves, and thus having used free will in the challenge to overcome the difficulties, they would be truly perfect and worthy of being Gods.

The breaking is by putting the seven powers, which are the negative qualities we have to overcome, to create our destiny. As we overcome them, we are in the process of reassembling our self, the vessel, and gain greater control to change our destiny, but, it does not end there.

What's Next?

The next step is to build the positive qualities. They will create a new Destiny, a new being of it's own personality and character, who will bring a new set of life opportunities.

Yes it's true, you can imagine Destiny to be an angelic being watching over you, or you can simply use logic and see that if you are a good, reliable person, that you will get many more opportunities and have better friends than if you are a selfish, arrogant ass.

Every coin has two sides. We have explored the negative side and now let's explore the positive one.

These are the Seven Qualities, that we must cultivate to create a new Destiny that will guide our life.

  • Wisdom. To know what is right at each moment rather than your own opinion, and act for the best interests instead of your own.
  • Understanding. To be objective of the situation, instead of seeing what you want to see, which closes your mind to the facts.
  • Counsel. To advise, or just listen to their feelings, with compassion.
  • Knowledge. The more you know of more things, makes your mind creative by being able to draw from a great diversity of possibilities, making you able to solve all problems.
  • Fortitude. The strength to stand strong in the face of disaster. As Kipling said in his poem, 'If'. "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you... " Stand up when you are knocked down, as many times as that happens, and nothing can truly beat you down. This is how to develop detachment from possessions and events that control you, This is to have true power over your life.
  • Integrity. One of the most important qualities because we all need someone we can rely on. A person with Integrity is the one who inspires courage and is trusted when others fail.
  • Responsibility. The most important quality as everyone avoids accepting the truth about themselves because that means, you cannot rely on anyone, even yourself. Accepting responsibility for everything in your life, all your actions and decisions, the good and the bad, makes you the one everyone can trust and turn to. It's the spark that ignites the power for you to control your Destiny. This quality is the difference between strong and low self-esteem and self-confidence.

The start of this change from the negative powers to the positive qualities which control your mind, emotions and actions, is with taking responsibility that you, and only you, are and always have been the one making the final decisions.

Destiny can only bring you the events, the opportunities, but you are the one who chose what to do, or not do, in each situation, every moment of your life.

Take responsibility for the events of your life, for your Destiny. Weaken the Seven Powers that control you and strengthen these Seven Qualities.

This is how you will give birth to and create a new Destiny who you can command to bring you a new life

Ethicalism is simply a collection of ethics and practical exercises to help apply them in our life. In conducting ourselves such that we will live a satisfying and purposeful life, we strengthen our individuality and self-esteem, while opening up to deeper connections with ourself and others.

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