Illusions (Dreams or Reality)

Staying Safe Around Bears - Bears (U.S. National Park Service)

Our bodies, and for that matter most living things, have special cells called sensory receptors; each sensory receptor detects its own special form of energy and transmits a signal to the brain.
The reception of the signal in the brain represents sensation. How the brain interprets these signals and makes them meaningful is called perception. Most of the time the interpretation of the received energy is consistent with it. Sometimes, however, our interpretation is incorrect. These misinterpretations are called illusions.

The lustrous and glamorous aspects of life is wanted and sought after by most human beings if not all. Imaginations run wild on how such extravagancy can be attained in the quickest position without a backlash. Illusion is something that is caused by outside influence.

Illusions can be misinterpreted as dreams and dreams as reality. A friend of yours suddenly drove in a car worth million or thousands in your currency and such was not expected of that person at that moment and you are speechless, jealous and envious reasoning how comfortable he looks and how well nourished he looks and walks at that moment you want to be like him and the illusion that it can be as easy to achieve too since he did it. What you don't know is the troubles, sleepless night, frustrations he would have had to endure silently to achieve what he did.

Being illusioned isn't always disadvantageous; it has its perks for those who know how to differentiate between illusions and reality.

Some advantages includes
1. Having a foresight into what your life could become in future

2. Establishing new goals or improving previously laid down goals

3. Setting up steps or procedures to achieving the goals no matter how impossible it might seem.

4. Knowing nothing is unattainable either in your dreams or in reality because illusions help you want to do the impossible.

5. Nothing that age, sex, culture, background have no barrier to achieving the success you crave.

Scientists are firm believers of every action having an equal and opposite reaction. Illusions has its disadvantages. Some of which are:
1. You become consumed with what the end result could be and you go through shortcuts that are not only too risky but also deadly

2. You want to achieve your end game in the quickest, fastest and easiest way possible

3. Make rash and unnecessary decisions in your haste to procuring your reality from dreams.

Illusions can be an individual's pull or push into becoming more or less but the most important is what he is she illusioned by.

Money, cars, houses, traveling around the world, being famous, a great leader, a great entrepreneur e.t.c. are luxuries everyone longs for at a certain point or all the time. Its an illusion of each individual to have a life of comfortable affluence but the illusion doesn't show you how to achieve them.

Illusions are not realities but a link between what you are presently and what you can achieve. Illusion is explained by our expectations, what life is and what life could be.

Humility - Where's the Good in It?

Woman And Child Sitting On Fur Covered Bed

People often equate humility with submissiveness, low self-esteem and low confidence. Not qualities suited to say being a leader or entertainer.

However, Jim Kong Kim (President of the World Bank) is a leader who recognises the value of humility. He says it allows him to ask for coaching of new personal skills and request feedback on his performance from his subordinates.

Sure, cockiness and arrogance can lead us into trouble. An inflated ego, showing off and seeking admiration can create high expectations that one cannot fulfil. But is a positive sense of self-respect, confidence and assertiveness that are not taken too far, actually compatible with humility? Can humility be a good thing?

Features of humility
So what do we mean by humility? You may associate humility with shameful experiences. I can recall many years ago on holiday waking up in my tent alone. My two sleeping companions were elsewhere. We had been drinking vodka the evening before and I couldn't remember going to bed. But I was shocked to see I must have thrown up in the tent. I had to eat humble pie when I met up with my mates.

There seems to be several key features of humility according to June Tangney, professor of psychology, George Mason University

An accurate sense of one's skills
The willingness to acknowledge mistakes, and gaps in one's knowledge
An openness to advice and new ideas, even if they contradict one's assumptions.
A capacity to 'forget' the self.
An appreciation of the value of all things.
Humility and inferiority
It can't be a bad thing to be able to take an honest and even-handed look at oneself - warts and all. Seems like this doesn't require a sense of inferiority to others. The truth about oneself is solid rock - rather than shifting sand - on which one can start to build one's character.
In fact a sense of inferiority may hinder humility. Psychologist Dr. Julie Exline points out:

"People may need a secure sense of personal worth before they can tolerate an honest assessment of their strengths and weaknesses."

You don't need to feel inferior to others in order to humbly see yourself as a relatively small part in the larger scheme of things perhaps in comparison to the universe.

Are you willing to learn from others - your friends, work-mates, family members? And can you give credit where it is due? Those who are humble will not need to put others down to feel better about themselves. Also can you admit it when you need help?

Humility and pride
If you are an unassuming soul you probably may not impress people on first meeting. But they will probably take to you more than to the proud overbearing type of individual who doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong about something or whose boasting and showing off will eventually lose him friends.

Such an individual:

"places merit in good deeds.. and believes that all good originates in himself." (Emanuel Swedenborg, spiritual philosopher)

People like this tend to think they deserve rewards on the basis of what they see as their own worth. Yet doesn't true happiness come from wanting to do what is good and useful without having any concern with being well thought of by others or remunerated?

Swedenborg reports on a vision he experienced. He saw people cutting wood. They carried on doing this without tiring. This was their delusion.

"They seem to themselves to be cutting wood. This is exactly how it appears to them. I have spoken to them. When they are doing their work and are asked whether they are not tired out, they reply that they have not yet done enough work to be able to merit heaven." (Emanuel Swedenborg)

He says that these people had confirmed themselves in the idea that they deserved credit for the good things they had done in life. Consequently, they believed they could save themselves from unhappiness and suffering by their own efforts alone. We are told that because they had led a conscientious life this mistaken belief would eventually start to fade and they would stop the wood cutting and be taken care of.

Humility and awareness of one's limitations
Clearly we are all obliged to deal with the problems of living by making our own choices and trying to make the best of things. People who are aware of their own limitations soon realise that, of themselves, they can achieve very little. They are the first to put their hands up into the air and say - sorry I can't do this without assistance. I need ideas and support from colleagues, family, friends. Even help from a force for good that is beyond my own limitations.

Have you ever had a feeling of surprise and admiration, evoked by an experience that is in some way inexplicable or that surpasses expectation? Perhaps it was something of the mystery of life or a fresh insight into familiar thing. By reminding us of our own limitations, a sense of wonder may lead to humility, reverence, and an appreciation of things that are greater than ourselves.

Humility of a tree branch
If you know anything about orchards you will know that one needs to cut off any withering branch of a tree not producing fruit. Might as well throw away and burn it for all the good it does. Also one should prune those branches that are okay so that they will produce more fruit. The obvious point is that no branch can bear fruit by itself. It must remain attached to the trunk.

Isn't it the same with each of us? I would like to make the suggestion that it's no use trying to live life as if we are unattached to the source of life. No good trying to go it alone. The branch needs to remain connected so that the tree's energy and nourishment is working in the branch.

Isn't the tree of life the source of our deeper motives and ideas? Some would say this spiritual source can be recognised as a cosmic love and wisdom that pervades the universe, if only we would acknowledge and receive its inflow.

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With a Single Step

The adventure of a thousand miles starts with one step. We need to do the troublesome things while they are simple and do the extraordinary things while they are little. But we often make thing complicated. We will never make an adventure of a thousand miles by fussing about to what extent it will take or how hard it will be. We make the adventure by making every day stride by step and afterward rehashing it and again until we achieve our goal.

Appreciate the journey towards a thousand miles and attempt to improve each day. Never lose the enthusiasm and the passion for what you do. Ignite the flame within yourself to make things happen. Believe that you can reach whatever you dare to dream. Never allow negativity to dominate you.

You need to visualize your dreams to turn them into a reality. One reason why dreams never go anyplace is on the grounds that the visionary remains quiet about everything. It is a calm dream that just lives within his brain. The person who needs to accomplish their dreams must share it to numerous individuals. As we consistently state it, we start to trust it to an ever-increasing extent.When we tell our aspirations in life to other people, it becomes conceivable. Moreover, it make us accountable of what we told others. It actually goads us on to really do it so we don't look silly.

We need to make a plan to reach our dreams. In fact, what we get is what we plan for. Our fantasy won't simply happen. We need to outline every step we make for accomplishing that fantasy. Thoroughly consider the majority of the subtleties. Separate the whole plan into little, useful tasks. At that point, we need to set a time frame for achieving each undertaking.

Most of the successful individuals we see are generally the hardest workers. While others are perched on their couches watching achievers dealing with their objective to accomplish their dreams. When we take a shot at it every day, in the end we will accomplish our goal.

Humility is the genuine key to progress. Sometimes successful individuals are eaten by too much success. They frequently overwhelmed by the outcome of their hardwork. Humility ends this pomposity and self-reveling trap. Humble individuals share the credit and riches, while staying engaged and hungry to proceed with the adventure of progress.

When you have achieved your objective and experienced your dreams, appreciate it. Give yourself an enormous reward. Help other people appreciate it. Be benevolent and liberal. Utilize your dreams to help others. Again, you can aspire for greater dreams and turn them into reality.

Trust me, my journey has never been easy; but I made it. There have been many good and bad times; but the decisions I made at every one of those occasions have helped shape what I have accomplished today.

Live Your Current Life With Purpose - Yesterday Is Gone, Listen to Your Internal Guidance

woman wearing red and white polka-dot sleeveless collared tops and brown sun hat, HD wallpaper


Life is uncomplicated, it's humanity and the ingrained drama that diverts the energy away from the business of purposeful communication. Make a conscious choice to engage and experience expansion in your scope of thought in lieu of responding to triggers that ignite happiness, pain, bias or fear. Once I realized that in order to feel humble, I had to be humble and compassionate with myself first. In order to fully nurture another; I had to nurture myself, first, to be giving and selfless. I am in the process of learning how to give, forgive, and love myself more unconditionally; in order to be able to do the same thing for another. Otherwise, I will keep reacting instead of engaging with myself and my network of family, friends and business associates. I can speak candidly from a female perspective, we are ingrained at childhood to be humble, nurturing, giving and selfless, and that has not always worked out very well for me. I overcompensated, too humble, too kind, too trusting, too giving and almost completely selfless... I prefer balance in my giving/receiving- an energy exchange- if you want something for free, then you don't have respect or value an honest energy exchange.

Your self-loving characteristic will not delude you, if balanced, respected, filtered and if congruent with other ideologies, will formulate accuracy in your perception of truth and how it will lead you to open many doors for,that were once closed.

The uplifting spirit divinely designed us, enabling us to facilitate our own ability to express self-worth to oneself first, and then to ALL OTHERS... It's our responsibility to give FIRST to self, the proper respect, compassion and encouragement that we freely release to others.

Once we release all of the indoctrination, cultural fallacies, and pent-up frustration of hearing the words reverberate in our ears from family members, care takers and friends, then we can get on with the business of living a healthy, self-loving, autonomous life with less drama and more acts of healthier, organic thought processes. Our internal thoughts will evolve and enable conducive inner wisdom and spiritual growth to dominate our reality from deep within our subconscious mind, resonating into manifestations and outcomes that we choose to direct.

You are better equipped now, than you were last year, to block the words, songs or untruths, based on ego, that are dancing around in you head.

You should block these triggers with powerful truth,by focusing your attention on the reality of past victories, encourage self-love, let it guide you and sail you through the seas of life's oceans of emotion, that comes in waves of truth,untruths, perceptions and complications and finally victory!

Each individual must resonate with his or her own truth, showing respect and love for self first. Live your current life with focus meaningful intention and purpose; yesterday is gone, listen to your internal guidance and continue to the next phase of your life.

I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!,-Listen-to-Your-Internal-Guidance&id=9497584

Understanding Grounded Cognition

Graphics of question everything symbol

Grounded cognition a fairly new theory in cognitive psychology that has been the subject of much research and discussion just these past 10-15 years. Grounded cognition is the understanding that that cognition is not merely a computational process in the brain in a central module separate from the parts the parts of the brain used for perception, action and emotion, but is, in fact, grounded in those systems and grows out of them. We understand and think not with discrete mental abstracts, but with imagery and modal schemas formed from experiences we have had through our bodies and senses. Underlying our advanced thought and calculations is this grounding of experiences, perceptions, senses, environment and past actions. It removes the separation between thinking and doing; perception-action and brain-body-environment links are the underpinnings of thought. Our brain is not the only means by which we process and understand.

We can see the effects of these experiential and sensory-motor underpinnings in how we use language and metaphor. Recent studies have found out things like we respond faster to embodied insults (ugly, blockhead) than to less bodily specific ones (nitwit, stingy), and that when we hear motion language, we imagine seeing motion and mentally prepare for it. The way we use language shows this, as we use concrete metaphors to describe abstract concepts - sad is "feeling down", excitement is a "high", a baby is so cute we "could just eat him up!"

Grounded cognition explains how cognition/thinking continues whether the body is doing anything at that time or not by using mental imagery, modal systems and neurological connections formed from sensory-motor experiences. It describes the way that cognition expresses itself from these experiences several ways, including simulation, situated action, and sometimes bodily states.

Criticism often come from the mistaken belief that grounded cognition mean we must constantly be doing something bodily in order to think. While a bodily state in an environment can be a means of processing, current physical engagement is not necessary. Simulation is reenactment of states captured while doing - we have tied many pairs of shoes, and we use those past experiences to relate to new shoes. This relates to how people can understand things from books, for instance; we relate the information in them to past perceptions, experiences, sensations and actions. Situated action is the belief that cognition developed to support action in specific situations from the interaction between multiple subsystems. All the different means of experience and perception that have been experienced in the past can combine to help one figure out what to do in a new situation.

While much prescientific writing about thought included the idea that knowledge comes from mental images grown from experiences (similar to the simulation view), in the early 20th century these beliefs were attacked by behaviorists for not being scientific enough. When cognitive psychology rose in the mid 20th century to address weaknesses in pure behaviorism, those theorists avoided or derided the idea that imagery was important in cognition. However, there has been enough evidence in recent research across disciplines from cognition and neuroscience to linguistics, that it now must be taken seriously.

Although some sources describe grounded and embodied cognition as synonyms, very recent papers on the two are working to clarify how they are distinctive from each other. According to Dr. Andrew Wilson, grounded cognition is still about mental representations, just ones that are shaped by the body. The key move is the grounding, shaping internal content with external, modality specific factors. Embodied cognition replaces representations with our activity in a richly perceived world. The key move is the embodiment, emphasizing the role of the body and it's place in the environment in creating cognition.

So far, much of the research on grounded cognition has been concrete in nature. Researchers are being challenged to explain how mental imagery grounded in experiences can explain abstract ideas. There is ongoing debate of how grounded cognition can account for ideas that do not have a sensory-motor context. There is much ongoing research and discussion between theorists in this new, active and increasingly influential branch of cognitive theory.

Building Up Your Self-Esteem by Investing in Your Abilities and Self-Worth

Some are so confident about themselves that they can do anything they set their minds to. Others are less confident and require lessons in order to perform. There is, however, many who have no ability to see themselves as anything but a hanger-on. The latter will stride behind any good idea if it delivers a benefit. The former creates the ideas and the one in the middle learns to carry it out.

Shy people are not always good at pushing themselves forward, but that doesn't mean they are not confident in themselves. Some just hate to be noticed, others stumble over words, and still others think they are not good enough. Making a person who has these types of attitudes feel good about themselves is important.

How does one invest, then, in their own abilities if they have any of these drawbacks? Building up their self-esteem is the best place to start. Seeing oneself as successful will often open the way to better things. Ensuring yourself that you are as good as the next person and becoming positive about who you are will help.

The last thing one should so is beat yourself up over mistakes. Stop seeing yourself in this negative way. Everyone makes mistakes and some are a lot worse than yours. Put it into the past and look forward to the next step.

The next most important thing is to remove yourself from negative influences. If you don't feel comfortable in someone's presence, then don't go there. Do the things that make you happy and try always to smile, especially when in public.

Another major point is to help others. One of the great things for me is to give someone a lift from the bus-stop to the shopping centre if I am going that way. Making others happy and feeding them good cheer and laughter will come back in positive ways. But don't overdo it.

Make sure you surround yourself with positive people who can understand your ways, your moods, and who are supportive no matter what happens. Friends make your life worthwhile and good companions stand by you. Do these things and the investment in yourself will pay off and before long one is flying through the tough patches with ease.

Have a Little Faith in Yourself - Transforming "I Can't" Into "I CAN" (By Maryanne Pope)

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Have you ever actually heard yourself complaining about how you can't do something?

I have... and it wasn't pretty. But it certainly made for a funny story!

In fact, I created a presentation based on said funny story and delivered it recently at a women's networking event. The talk was well-received (and everybody laughed at the funny part) but I rather surprised myself in the question and answer period afterwards.

My presentation was called, "The Electric Jello Story - Turning I Can't Into I Can... and I Will."

The first part of my talk was a rather sordid tale from my party days about a bachelorette gone awry. I had overindulged in some electric jello shooters and had been sent home from the bar early. But when the girls tried to awaken me from my drunken slumber in the wee hours of the morning (so that I could buzz them up to the apartment) I wanted no part of being woken up, thank you very much.

Nor could I seem to figure out which button to push on the silly intercom to let them in the foyer.

Unfortunately, my repeated wails of "I can't" (in the most whining and pathetic tone imaginable) was recorded on the answering machine. Much to my chagrin, the girls played the tape back to me the next morning.

It was awful. But to this day, I can still hear how dreadful I sounded!

Anyway, in the second part of my presentation, I told the story of the conversation I'd had with my husband the day before he died. I'd said to him: "I am so scared I am going to wake up 20 years from now and still not have finished writing a book."

To which he'd responded: "You're probably right about that... just as long as you know that will have been your choice."

Tough words, yes. But in all fairness, after 12 years of being together, I think the poor guy had run out of patience listening to me whine and complain about not having the time or money to write. For more than a decade, I'd used every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't make my writing a priority.

"I'll show him!" I'd said to myself, after dropping him off at work that night. I promised myself I would wake up early the next morning and do an hour of writing before going into work at my clerical job.

But when the alarm clock went off the next morning, what did I do? I pushed snooze. "I can't get up," I told myself (in a whiny, pathetic voice). "I'm too tired to write."

When I finally hauled my butt out of bed, after pushing the snooze button multiple times, there wasn't any time to write. In fact, there was barely time for me to get to work.

And when I did arrive at work, my whole life changed in an instant. John died that day. And I got the wake-up call of all wake-up calls about the danger of waiting for a tragedy to awaken us to the importance of achieving our dreams.

Two weeks after his death, I started writing what would become my book, A Widow's Awakening. It took me 8 years to get it - and me - where it needed to be. But I did it.

After I finished my presentation at the women's networking event, we had an impromptu Q&A, and the host asked me this question:

"If there was just one word to describe what you think is THE most important thing in terms of transforming "I can't" into "I can," what would it be?"

I thought about this for a moment and then a single word popped into my mind.

"Faith," I heard myself say to the group. "But not faith in the traditional way we often think of faith, as in having faith in some sort of divine guidance or a religious belief."

"I'm talking about faith in one's self." I continued. "I think it is absolutely imperative that we have faith in ourselves and our ability to achieve what it is we really want to achieve. Because if we don't have that, then all the divine help and spiritual guidance in the world can't help us."

Likewise with our mortal supporters.

John believed in my potential as a writer and did everything he could to encourage me to take concrete action towards meeting my goals i.e. get my butt in the chair and WRITE.

But at the end of the day, taking action was my responsibility. That was a very difficult life lesson to learn in the wake of such an immense loss.

If we don't have faith in ourselves that we can - and will - step up to the plate, each and every day, and do the work that needs to be done, then the support and encouragement of our loved ones, as well as any sort of divine guidance we may believe is available to us, won't be of much use.

And for the record, I DO believe there is a tremendous amount of spiritual assistance just waiting in the wings to help guide us... sending us all sorts of signs and signals. We just need to a) pay attention and b) take action. I suspect, however, that those other forces don't require our faith.

Message From the Universe: Looking at Life With a Different Lens


"I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows. But, perhaps most of all, I wish for you the glorious breadth of experiences you are now poised to receive, so that these tidbits are mere icing on the cake of a life that's rich in adventure.

Huge hug,
The Universe"

Stop focusing the on bad things that happens to you and look at the big picture. To make an omelet, you will need to break some eggs. You can't really expect to be successful in life if you do not take any risks. When venturing into something new, we fear that the business wouldn't succeed, or wouldn't make enough money, or whatever other negative thoughts our mind can create. Why not do the opposite? It's not that hard at all. Just a little bit of effort and focus, the rest will come easily. Do not worry about the amount of hours you need to put into work to make it successful as all ventures requires different level of investment on your side. Quality is crucial, even though we focus too much on the quantity of hours we invest and forget what's really important. Work smart, not hard. Be open minded when it comes to different opportunities and see how you can make things better by changing things around. Sometimes all you need is a small tiny change that can make a huge difference in your business. Invest the time to know what that might be and the rest will come easy. Do not despair, the solution to all your problems is right around the corner.

After the rain and storm comes the sunshine and rainbows. We need to live through some storms to enjoy the good times coming into our lives. This is how the concept of appreciation is purposely integrated in our mind. IF all was great all the time, how can you appreciate anything? Same goes for entitlement and how people can feel like they are owed everything because of who they are. Sorry to disappoint you but life doesn't owe anyone anything. By eliminating this concept from your mind, you can start by looking at things differently, with a more positive outlook and be more appreciative to the good things that happens randomly in your life. Remember that everything that happens TODAY is based on thoughts that you had created 6 months ago. Unless you write down every thoughts you have on a daily basis, it can be hard to remember your thoughts from the past. So just make it a habit to eliminate the bad and allow the good thoughts to fill your subconscious mind and eradicate fear at all costs. You want to focus on what you can do today to guarantee your immediate future, either it be for your financial security, or adopting a new exercise regimen to get healthier so you can live a longer and happier life

A Kick From Inside And The Wake Up Call From Outside

Sometimes you get kicked from outside and awakened from inside. With that said, here this article comes at you. Think about life and existence when conditions become stagnant and even stalled for a moment. Our wake up call will happen in a way you do not expect from outside and in a way you have been subconsciously expecting from inside. For those of you who have been awakened from this sort of sleep you know what I mean, for those of you who have not, you will know what I mean when the stall in growth and change has been reached.

Sure, my first paragraph was somewhat cryptic and can easily be misunderstood, so let me make it plain in this next sentence: We all get irresponsible sometimes, and we need to awaken from that irresponsibility. Whether it is dealing with problems at home, problems in our mind, or wherever they may immediately be for us. We need (and ultimately want) to get moving on them, or they will become worse and worse, not better by themselves. You know, like an untamed forest needs to be manicured and pruned to be controlled, so our lives need the same thing to not be uncontrolled and untamed.

Responsibility at a basic level is the beginning of control, consistent action is what makes responsibility work though. Consistency and responsibility are the conscious core of our humanity. Without them, we would be nothing but automatic chaos without consciousness. What I mean is where there is weakness there is unconsciousness.

Look, life can be what we believe it is, but first we have to take responsibility, and create what we want through consistent action. These are both a kick from inside of us. Outer conditions are really controlled by this shake up and consistent action with this shake up that introduces us to reality once or again.

To end: This article is under the heading of "anger management" because this wake up call is not always desired, in fact it makes us angry and indignant if taken the wrong way either from inside of us or outside of us. "Waking up is the hardest thing to do in the morning" the old saying goes, but waking up is really hard when it comes to all growing pains of life and existence. This responsibility may be a hard pill to sometimes swallow, but we must take it if we want to grow better for and to ourselves.

Where Does The Fast Lane Go?

"I am a marketing executive working for a company. We are authorized channel partner of a big concern. I have huge targets to be accomplished each and every month but due to the present market conditions I am not able to achieve them. The job is a great pressure and the stress level is much too high for me to cope up with. How can I come to terms with it?"

This person is one of millions trying to live in the fast lane and keep their nerves intact. He is young, educated, dynamic and... disintegrating! The pace of modern life seems so hasty - just a whirl of minutes, hours, and days.

Living in the fast lane is heady. The mind is fully charged and the body keeps on pumping more adrenaline into the blood stream. People are momentarily on a high, but the high is shadowed by the low which comes in its wake.

In metro-cities, commuting to work for an hour each way is normal. Has anybody thought what effect it has on the nervous system and the physique?

Joyce Walsleben, director of New York University's Sleep Disorders Center, says about her research: "We found that people on a long commute, separate from their weight or obesity or age or any other factor, tended to have higher blood pressure and many of them had hypertension."

Walsleben conducted a study of 21,000 Long Island Railroad commuters who travelled more than an hour and fifteen minutes between work and home. "Half of them couldn't stay awake when they had to or they couldn't fall asleep when they wanted to," she says.

Teens today have adapted to busy schedules like they would a second skin. They compromise - on sleep, on homework, on social lives. They learn to get by. Whatever it takes to balance school, sports activities, part-time jobs and family obligations, t complete for a place in college, to have spending money...

Fast food, fast relationships, fast success... people need everything fast. Eating on the run is the most popular mode of eating. Seventy per cent of people in America prefer eating in a drive-through restaurant. "The fat-paced, time-constrained lifestyle that we as a society have developed over the past decade is driving the demand for drive-thrus," says Stephen Spence, served as vice president with Southwest Securities in Dallas. "It's an integral part of the way we eat today."

However, it's not just in America that the fast food craze has taken off. Eateries and fast parlors have mushroomed all over the world and never lack customers.

Life is more exciting but also more tiring. The signs of fast lane fatigue are in evidence. It is clear that the fascination with speed and efficiency has taken a more serious turn. So many people are living in the fast lane, with or without the knowledge that the road ends on a cliff.

But does that mean we should reverse the gear and go back to the good old days? Certainly not. There is no rewinding in the time track. What is more intelligent and creative is to turn the situation into a blessing. Create new devices to relax in the fast lane. Let life run full speed while you sit back and relax in the whirlpool of activity.

It is said that the contemporary man has everything but time. Absolutely true. But what about one-minute meditations? Why not make the most of every minute?

This is what this post is about. There are many fast lane relaxation techniques for you. It's fun, not a serious affair. Life is so short, who has time for lengthy, serious meditations? Let the turmoil be on the surface. Think of the ocean where in the depth there are no waves, no turbulence. It is simply a question of turning in.

If you have a long commute every day, use that time for talking gibberish to relieve tension. Or, sit back and watch the mind. Let the vehicle whir at the top speed, you can slow down within. Be aware of the gaps in thoughts, in feelings, in breaths, between two gears or two cars... Look for the gaps, and your energy will fall into a relaxed space.

Life is full of competition. You can compete with yourself.

Who doesn't get the blues? But you can dance them away.

Especially in these times of panic and fear, it is imperative to hold onto our sanity. If the future seems to be increasingly bleak, start living in the present. Go deeper and deeper into very moment and life in the fast lane will be transformed. Then you will actually start enjoying it without having to suffer from its side effects.

We are really at the crossroad in the world's history. It is absolutely up to us which fork we take - either down towards fear, anxiety, and finally global suicide; or up towards responsibility, consciousness and love - the golden future.

There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health, cardiac fitness, cancer, yoga, how to overcome certain ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stoke, and tips on weight loss and how to grow taller, with many other ideas getting honorable mention. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: Balanced Lifestyle Wikipedia.

Parents And Children's Behavior - Points to Ponder

Learning To Read With Mom Photo, Children, Boys, Family, Books

At home little things are even more important. The behaviors of parents and children have its profound effect. It makes huge difference in parents and children's personality and psychology. Scholar's view in the following paragraph is self-explanatory:

"The beginning of both spouse and child abuse can be found in seemingly insignificant things, such as belittling the abilities and competency of another, constantly criticizing, being insulting or calling names, refusing to communicate, manipulating, causing guilt fleeing, repeatedly making and breaking promises, intimidating, threatening physical harm, making unfolded accusations, or destroying property."

It is a two-way traffic and has its impact evidently in their respective lives both positively and negatively. The point to ponder is to understand individual's rights and responsibilities. They both need to execute it emphatically and judiciously. Any deviation and distortion from the right path at the behest of materialistic gain will deeply affect them alike. A word of caution, they must think out of the box to comprehend the reality of life and its meaning the context of creation.

It is a fact that people learn from their mistakes and failures rather from their success. This particular experience becomes a tool to shape up own house and impart rich culture to younger generations. The transformation of constructive attributes will positively show improvement in personality. It then teaches them that respect is earned through command and not by demand. Here, it is important to emphasize that The Holy Quran highlights 'Dignity' apart from respect. This is the crucial and cardinal intersection that catapults the youth into the orbit of knowledge and wisdom. It gives parents a sense of pride to see their offspring achieve success and fame.

The youth will then be exposed to new vistas of behavior, which follows the foot-steps of wise people and becomes the beacon of light to others. This is the after-effects of adopting and molding individual's personality into meaningful ways. He not only improves upon self but also gathers others into the umbrella of sense and sensibility. At this point, the youth takes over the mantle and starts learning advancement of knowledge and its application. The self-confidence makes him strong and determined in self-improvement and also contributing to the society. It ultimately leads to development of the mind, which synchronizes with self-improvement and personality development.

There are many tools available to achieve success affecting different people in varying circumstances. Steve Tobak says that it is not intrinsic characteristic or personal habits that determine success or failure. It is your behavior. It means; it is an individual's discipline both in home and in working environments. It reflects your attitude, commitments and flexibility to understand and execute the values.

Analyzing the above scenario objectively will focus our mind on the existing circumstances in our society. The life is progressing with an accelerating pace forcing parents and children a daunting task to meet both the ends. It develops cracks in the delicate fabric of family relationship. Both expect more commitments from each other. Hence strained relationship, and families started to drift and seek solace somewhere else. This is the focal point where parents need to inculcate values in children and make them realize where to draw the line. The children need to understand their position and avoid excesses thereby losing their balance in life.

Parents should also realize that children during this era are exposed to more avenues to learn and understand ethical values. Parents who are ignorant of new vistas of knowledge expose lack experience. Their stagnant intelligence and rigidity in life are depriving their appreciation to gauge the situation. It then, denies the necessity to listen and understand to their children's mind. Of-course, their rich experience can be shared with children who in turn analyze it and adopt those values. Healthy interaction and critical discussion with each other objectively can be of great value to both.

The Basics of Self-Esteem

Talking 2

Our self esteem is something that we can control and change at any time. It is based upon our beliefs and attitudes that we have about ourselves. For example, "I AM GOOD ENOUGH despite my faults, insecurities and imperfections. Who I am is not defined by what I do, what I look like, how much I weigh, or how smart I am." It is about loving who we are and accepting ourselves unconditionally. It is allowing ourselves to be imperfect, to accept ourselves as we are, to take risks, to try new things and to "LET GO" of negative thinking, judgments and self-criticism. It is about facing our fears and knowing that regardless of the outcome we took a risk and faced a fear.

Improving our self-worth is about making our own decisions about how we want to use our free time, setting our own goals and making choices for ourselves. It is about knowing what we like and do not like and feeling comfortable saying it out loud to others without fear of rejection, ridicule or laughter. It is about knowing our strengths and weaknesses and being willing to work on areas that need improving, such as attitudes, friendships, school, or getting along with others better. It is having the COURAGE to be honest with ourselves and being open and willing to change in a positive direction.

Being around friends and people who love and appreciate us is another way to feel good about ourselves, which will raise our self-esteem. People who know our faults and like us just the same are good friends. It is also important to not take ourselves so seriously and to be able to laugh at ourselves. Good self-esteem is from knowing that we have succeeded at things in our life that we once thought were difficult and being able to empower ourselves to try new things.

Another important factor in improving our self-esteem is taking care of our bodies. When we feel good physically, we feel energetic and full of life. It is important to eat well, exercise regularly and dress neatly. It is also essential to get enough rest/sleep. When we are tired, hungry and restless we are more than likely to make mistakes and react in ways that are counterproductive for us. Thus not feel good about ourselves. In conclusion be open, willing and honest to see ourselves in a positive and loving manner. Make today the day to say "I matter and I am worth it."

What Burns Our Thirsty Souls

The soul is the place where the life force resides, from the first life breath that began our lifetime to the moment our last and final breath is expelled. This is the most sacred place in the human body; yet all too easily its existence is ignored as it thirsts for the best we can become to materialize. A thirsty soul is the result of ignoring and failing to cultivate the traits that set us apart from other life forms. Compassion, empathy, kindness, sympathy and even remorse for wrong actions all provide the nourishment that refreshes our soul. Our highest consciousness exists within our soul. Ignoring these traits effectively burns our soul, leaving a seared consciousness that has no conscience. No integrity, morality, principles or ethics exist in the person with a seared conscience; the very best any person could be becomes buried in the rubble of resistance to those higher traits.

It is against human nature to violate the behaviors that set us above the animal kingdom. Our instincts are to first survive and then to thrive in our environment. We were all born with the ability to dream bigger dreams, to believe in things we could not see and to achieve what appeared to be an impossible dream. Only when we have lost our way do we reach a state of seared conscience. If you think all is lost, take counsel; your cries are heard, passing through the darkness, filtered by the clouds they mingle with starlight and find their way to the touch of the Master's hand. Be at peace; be calm.

Though you have no memory of the hand that was placed on your soft brow as you inhaled your first breath of life, know that dreams and seeds of great hope accompanied that first breath. The child who was you was uncorrupted by failure and knew it was all possible. It was this which inspired you to lay your head on a soft field of grass, look into the fluffy clouds above you and see what no one else could. This was dreaming, the earliest from of seeing what could be.

Where did it all go, the grace that was your style, the agile figure, the precision of your movement, the clarity of your mind, the brilliance of your words? It was not a thief who stole these treasures from you but you and you alone who bartered them for something far less than you ever dreamed of. Doubt, fear anxiety and hate fill a life corrupted by failure; one that is filled with quick fixes, an easier path, greed and a thirst for power become the foundation for these losses that result in a thirsty soul. There is no room for those joyful memories where these emotions reside. This is a dark path filled with sorrow. The path back to your own personal greatness requires new choices.

Only when you are willing to relinquish these human traits of failure can you return to the dreams and promise that was instilled in your first breath. These learned habits, like every human habit, must be replaced with a healthy and joyful one to release the control they hold over you. It is a return to the light of your existence. Is it possible? Light always overcomes darkness. It is the reason a single candle light can be seen on the darkest night up to three miles away. We were created to see the light!

Total Confidence - Myth or Reality

Self-Confidence Is The Best Outfit - Stefan James - Medium

So you want to be totally confident do you? You want to be 100% confident 100% of the time?

This is a great aim, but my question to you is:

Is Total Confidence a myth or reality?

Can you really be 100% confident 100% of the time? Is such a goal realistic?

It would be wonderful to be totally confident wouldn't it? What sort of things would you do? Where would you go? Who would you go with? What would you possess? If only you felt that strong.

I've read an awful lot on confidence and practiced countless techniques, and do so every day. I've seen my confidence grow and grow. I've written articles and books on the subject and talked with people and coached people with regard to confidence, and my answer is...

Yes - it is possible.

I've now got a confession to make. Despite all the above and all my years studying and practicing confidence, I still don't have and have never had Total Confidence. It has eluded me so far, and I think it will take me a life time to achieve it. If you want Total Confidence it will take you a lifetime too.

Sorry about the bad news.

But I've also got good news for you.

It really doesn't matter that it will take you a lifetime of work, studying and practicing confidence to achieve it. The key words here are - it doesn't matter.

Why doesn't it matter?

It's because you don't need Total Confidence to

- feel better about your life,

- enjoy life more, or

- achieve what you want.

All you need is more confidence. And that's exactly what you will get the moment you start out on your journey to Total Confidence.

How do you start out on this journey? You simply decide that you'll commit to:

- being a lifelong student of confidence.

Having confidence does not come about by using a quick fix, though there are many tips and techniques that will give you a short-term boost. Having Total Confidence comes from using techniques that build a:

- Solid,

- Deep seated,

- Strong and

- Unbreakable confidence.

And using these techniques over - a period of years. Yes I said, years.

Don't despair at this, because as soon as you start studying confidence and putting the lessons you learn into practice - as soon as you start this, your confidence will increase.

Then with each subsequent bit of research you do, and each time you do a technique - your confidence will get stronger and stronger. The more you do and the longer you do it the stronger your confidence will get.

There is no short cut. It will take hard work. It will take a long time. But as any increase in confidence will benefit - every area of your life, and I mean every area. It is well worth it.

How confident you will be in five years' time is down to you. Five years' time will definitely come around, and how strong you feel, and how much Total Confidence you have will be up to you. How much studying and practicing of confidence techniques will you have done over the next five years?

So start right now. Just do a web search on confidence tips. Read the article. Take one of the tips - and do it! It's as easy as that to get started.

So to conclude - Total Confidence - myth or reality?

It's a reality and well worth pursuing, but while it will take you a lifetime of work to get Total Confidence, you'll get the benefits straight away, as soon as you start out on your journey to Total Confidence.

And the biggest single step you can take to ensure you eventually get Total Confidence?

Commit today, right now, to being a lifelong student of confidence.

Using Personal Development To Discover The Source Of Your Anger

Angry,upset,pout,face,dissatisfied - free image from

There is an entire industry that focuses on people's inability to control their anger. Some people do need therapy to deal with these issues and that cannot be ignored. However for most of us simply finding the source of that anger and then choosing to take action on dealing with the source will be enough to make a difference in our life.

I am confident in saying that the source of your anger is usually not the external factors you believe it is but you. You are the source. That is what we are going to explore today - how you are creating your own anger.


You see I believe that all emotions can be controlled. We choose what to laugh at, cry at and be inspired by. Anger is no different in the fact if we get angry it is because we consciously chose to be angry. In most cases no one forced us to yell, pound our fists, flip off the guy in traffic or storm out of the room.

Getting angry over things we cannot control or believe could happen but haven't is detrimental to our happiness. A lot of anger comes from a place of feeling like we should be able to control something we can't. This is such a waste of our time and energy. Try to let go of the things that make you angry that you have no control over.

This includes the traffic, the weather, the news, Bob at the office or the anger you feel anticipating that something might go wrong. Anger is usually something you are a manifesting inside long before anything actually happens. Let's use traffic as an example of an uncontrollable.

Before you even leave the house you are angry at how traffic is going to be. Why do we get angry at the traffic? How does it make sense to be in our car giving it to the traffic people whoever they are and wherever they are? They can't hear you! What a waste of precious energy. Why not look at traffic as the mini vacation it can be. Listen to a personal development audio CD, comedy or whatever but you have the choice to make it what it is.

You have the power to change how you look at life which in turns changes how you live that life.

All those little things that bug you at the end of the day are just all you. You cannot change those things in life but you can seek to improve your outlook on them. Do you know who is really bugging you? Yourself and that little voice inside you that is telling you to be angry.

The Little Voice

Let's quickly examine this little voice just to be clear on how it plays a part in our anger. Is your voice saying you should be mad because...

  • You don't make enough money
  • You don't have the career you deserve
  • You don't have the body you want
  • Your boss doesn't appreciate or understand you
  • People don't treat you right

The list can go on forever but I am here to let you know that you control what that voice is saying. The little voice wants to blame everyone else for why you feel angry and take no responsibility. Stop blaming everyone else for what you don't have and see if it shifts the way you look at things.

At the end of the day everything we have is a direct reflection of the effort we were willing to put into it. Maybe you are angry that you know you could try harder but just don't. I can't be angry at myself for not being a millionaire if I don't want to put in the time and effort to become one. Maybe I will just be mad at the universe for not handing me the money. Ya right!

Positive Anger

How can something as negative feeling as anger have any positive attributes? Well the fact is anger is not always a bad feeling to have if you use it to create a positive outcome. We assert ourselves better with a hint of anger but become aggressive when we let anger control us.

Turn your anger into something positive that helps other people. If you take a look at how a lot of change is created in the world it can usually be traced back to someone choosing to be upset by an event in their life. If it wasn't for those people feeling a need to take action on that anger vs. dwell on it we may not have people who work toward world peace, a green earth, join protective services or combat cruelty to animals.

Using your anger to take action in a positive way is the best method for dealing with that anger.

If you are not looking to change the world you can also exercise, exercise and then exercise some more to combat the effects of anger. Once you become fully self-aware as to why you are angry you will handle it better in the moment but until then you need an outlet for all that anger.

This is especially true if you used to be physically active all the time and are not as much anymore. People do not realize the benefit the regular exercise was giving them because they never attributed exercise to reducing their anger.

Find something you love like running, yoga, martial arts or whatever you find gives you that release. Your body will not only benefit physically but your emotional health will shoot through the roof. If you are going to choose to let things anger you then you might as well benefit from it.

Simply by adding back in the type of exercise you used to love to do you may find some of that anger disappears. Who knows you may discover that the reason you were angry with yourself is because you had given up a physical activity you loved in the first place. You most likely will discover what you are blaming for "making" you give it up.


First ask yourself are you angry at the fact you feel angry? The angrier you feel the angrier you get. This is like adding gas to a fire expecting it to go out. Now is the time to forgive yourself for feeling angry, for the outbursts and the needless hurt you have caused others. Holding onto this will not allow you to make progress.

Accept the fact you are angry and that you are responsible for your anger. That may make some of you defensive and it is not meant to. I want you to feel a surge of personal power instead now that you realize you are the master and commander of your anger.

By acknowledging that yes you are angry with yourself for something you wish you would have done or something you did that you wished you hadn't you can be at peace with it and start fresh. You will never deal with your anger by avoiding admitting you are angry.

Do not be ashamed that you are angry because out of that feeling you will become afraid to fully express your emotions in any way. Even when you have mastered your emotions you will still feel anger sometimes but it will come out as positive self-assertiveness not as a self-destructive behaviour like yelling or overeating.

Accept yourself for what you are right now and move forward.

The Internal Source of Your Anger

I will be so bold as to say almost all of our anger has nothing to do with what is going on around us and everything to do with what is going on inside of us. We are usually angry at ourselves for something. Blame your lack of money on your career all you want but realize that it is you who wakes up each day to go to that career. No one is forcing you but you.

But Darrin, what about the bills, my family and my obligations? Yes we all have those but that doesn't mean you have to be unhappy to fulfill them. If you are unhappy with an area of life get to changing it. This may involve you leaving your comfort zone, taking on new skills and becoming someone you don't believe you are capable of becoming. I believe you can.

It can be difficult to break out of being routinely angry but I want you to see it for the routine it is. If you wake up feeling angry before anything has even happened to you yet then you need to discover the internal source of that anger. You are preplanning being angry.

We all tend to apply all of our past feelings to situations and always want to believe we already know what will happen so we can justify your anger. Just because it happened yesterday doesn't mean it will happen today. Even if it does that doesn't mean you have to react the same.

You never give yourself the opportunity for those situations not to happen or to deal with them in a different way by starting your day angry. Even waking up tomorrow choosing to only plan on reacting to everything in a positive way is a good first step to take.

What you have is the responsibility to not let others anger you through their actions. You are most likely angrier at yourself for letting them make you feel that way vs. their actual act of angering, you intentional or not.

We are angry at ourselves for letting other people control how we feel.

Wake up each day and treat it exactly like it is - a new day. Free of the past and only full of the future you choose to create. What would a day without anger feel like to you?

Today we explored how the main sources of anger could be:

  • You have given up something you loved doing; you believe you should be something more than you are, you are trying to control the things in life you have no control over and you are letting others control your emotions.

There could be others so keep digging deeper until you find the source of your anger. It could end up being one main source that has controlled all of your anger. You never know until you take the time to do the work.

The only feelings we feel are the one's we allow others to make us feel. Realizing you have that type of control means you can consciously choose your life.

Take Action Request:

As you can see this is one of the more lengthy posts I have written and this take action request will be more in depth also. If you struggle with anger please take the time to do this.

Get out your journal and write down everything that makes you angry right from the career you hate down to the fact your wife puts her socks on left foot first. Every little thing you can imagine that you know rubs you the wrong way. Now with that do the following:

  • Ask yourself why that particular thing makes you angry
  • Then ask yourself why exactly that particular answer makes you angry
  • Then keep going until the last answer sounds like "The reason I am angry is because I... " this is where you find the source of your anger and can acknowledge and take responsibility for it.

What I hope you discover is how you are choosing to let those things anger you. This exercise should also help you come to the realization at how silly some of the things are that you get mad at and really is just a matter of letting go.

Your Life Your Choice Your Design

"Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him." - Louis L'Amour

Message From the Universe: Quantum Physics Lesson

Think Global Thinking about critical thinking | Think Global

"Quantum Physics 101:

The present is defined by a confluence of your thoughts, guided and restricted by your beliefs.

The future becomes the present when your beliefs change.

Time measures how much effort you require to change your thoughts.

And space shows exactly what you're now thinking about.

And therein you see that the one, universal, immovable, unifying equation that sums up all things physical and metaphysical is Thoughts Become Things, which is all you really need to know.

The Universe"

All your thoughts do become things, as long as you make sure to add belief and action to it. There is no secrets here ladies and gentlemen as to why people succeed greatly and others fail miserably. You see, the science is pretty obvious and clear to understand. The ones who are on their way to succeed feel it, and when you feel something is right, you push forward knowing that this is the ONLY way to go. By pushing hard enough, you reach your goals. This accomplishment make you feel better about yourself, which in return, make you believe more that this successful venture is just the beginning of your ultimate journey to abundance and fame. So you move on thinking more positive as you feel it more happening to you. You keep on feeling like more greatness is about to happen, and because the law of attraction still applies, your existing thoughts will become the things you highly desire.

Now, let's say your venture isn't as successful as you expected it to be. So what? Will that depress you for the next year? No, you learned a lesson and you move on. You keep on moving forward, no matter what and get excited for the next venture. You start preparing your thoughts to be positive in nature and start feeling the excitement all over again. Some bad memories may linger a bit longer, so until it does, do something different, something that you love doing to get your mind back on track. You can't be thinking positive until all negative feelings have disappeared. Go take a break and come back all refreshed. This is the only way you can allow great positive thoughts to enter your mind. Life is too short to reminisce of the past failures so you need to just let go and start fresh. If you want to succeed, you need to have your mind set for that, so dust off failure and focus on the future. There is so much out there for you to be grateful for.

A Few Meditative Techniques That Will Bring You Back Into This World (By Mohammed Iftekharuddin)

Benefits of Mindfulness -

In today's world, most of us would agree that meditation can contribute significantly to our mental and physical well-being. The act of listening, seeing, and touching can easily be transformed into very effective forms of meditation. The main focus of meditation is to be "in the present"; to be in the "here and now" - one denoting the place where someone presently is, while the other denoting the time in which someone is presently acting. Now, the question is: how is it possible to be "here and now".

One way is to use our hearing and transform it into the act of listening. We hear a jumble of different sounds around us, but we can choose to listen to the sound that we want to hear. Listening to chirp or the sound of flowing water (it could be a mountain river or a stream) in a quiet place (with your eyes closed) is an effective meditation technique that will instill in us the sense of the present and the feeling for this "here and now". This quiet place could be your bedroom or kitchen that offers a window with a view, large or small. Just by the side of the window, there could be a large, beautiful tree. At dawn, birds come to the tree (only God knows from where); and begins to sing their melodious songs. And you just keep on listening to their song, while sitting at your kitchen table or lying on your bed for as long as you are comfortable with it.

Another way is to use our vision and transform it from the 'act of looking' into the 'act of seeing'. We usually look around us, but we can choose to see. Seeing deep into the inner aspects of things in nature (mountain, tree, sky, Lake with placid water Etc.) in a quiet place is an effective meditation technique that will instill in us the sense of the present and the feeling for the "here and now". Seeing deep within the outer aspect of a tree for some time at dawn when everything is quite is an excellent instance of this sort of meditation. Bedroom or kitchen window with the view of a large, beautiful tree at some distance from the house is an ideal setting for meditation as such.

Feeling something on the skin is yet another meditation technique that we can easily make use of through our experience of taking a shower. Our conscious feeling of the coolness of water (with our eyes closed) as it flows down on our skin during a shower is an excellent instance of this sort of meditation that keeps us in the present, here and now.

Reciting Koran is one of the best forms of Concentration Meditation. The act of reciting Koran involves eyes, mouth, and ears. While reciting Koran, one must pay very close attention to and should and must be very mindful of what one sees. What one sees one recites, following the specific and specified rules of Koranic Arabic and Koranic recitation (Arabic that is used in Koran is somewhat different in comparison with the ordinary Arabic language. This makes reciting Koran considerably different from Spoken Arabic.). And one should and must listen to all that comes out of one's mouth (as one goes on reciting) without being unmindful for a moment; so that one doesn't fail to listen any word that comes out of one's mouth during the recitation.

During recitation of Holy Koran in this manner the focus changes as one's eyes move from word to word, involving multiple and continuous points without any break in between. And it's much easier than the conventional 'concentration meditation' where the focus is on a single point (This could entail watching the breath, repeating a single word or mantra, staring at a candle flame, listening to a repetitive gong or counting beads on a rosary). For, it's easier to focus longer when the 'object of focus' is changing than focusing on a single point. Perfect coordination between the three organs (eyes, mouth, and ears) ensures perfect concordance between our seeing, saying, and hearing; this ultimately makes us deeply mindful and attentive; and our 'wandering thoughts' goes away.