Ways to Use Affirmations to Help You Find Your Place in Life

I'm going to share with you some affirmations you can use to find your passion and what you do in life. First, let me share what happened with an acquaintance. I was doing a Body Talk session with her and boredom and came up. Unfortunately, boredom is a common experience of people in their job. Many people feel stuck because they aren't happy with what they're doing or they feel that something is lacking, but they don't know how to find that sweet spot of life.

How You Block Your Inner Knowing

Within you, what I call your inner knowing, is the answer to what it is you would like to do with your life. It isn't often in the form of a bill board. The answer is rarely delivered in a letter. Usually, you come to know where you belong in the work world by paying attention to the excitement or tingling sensation which comes when you think about a particular opportunity.

Many people try too hard to figure out what they want to do. Often, they completely forget to notice what they already enjoy. The key to your passion is what you love to do. There can be a wide variety of activities or occupations in what you most enjoy. For instance, if you enjoy working with children, and have the necessary education, you could be a teacher, adoption worker, foster care worker, own a day care, work with the Special Olympics, be a foster or adoptive parent, run or work in a camp, or multitudes of other possibilities.

Others cut off the knowledge that comes from deep within because they're afraid of making a mistake with their choice. If you have an idea of what you would like to do, and it involves a great deal of education, volunteer or apprentice in that particular area if at all possible. I have a cousin who wanted to be a nurse. That is an intense educational process. She decided to see if she would like that vocation by becoming educated at the lowest level of caretaking in the nursing field. After discovering she did, indeed, enjoy the nursing field, she became a nurse and worked in it for a number of years.

If you only work in your chosen field for a few years, you've gained invaluable experience. My personal belief is that every job or profession you undertake, as well as every experience in life, brings you to whatever is next. There are no mistakes in this area. There is only a gathering of experience and learning. Go ahead and take a risk and try doing something you have in mind.

Affirmations to Clear the Subconscious Mind

Now let's give your subconscious mind some instructions. These instructions are very important. They tell your subconscious mind what it is you actually want to happen in your life. Whatever is there on the deepest levels of yourself, that is what your subconscious mind works to make happen. We want to give this very powerful and often forgotten aspect of yourself some clear instructions about what you want. Remember, we want them to be positive.

Before I give you these affirmations, I want to impress upon you the importance of engaging the feeling level of yourself in this process. Don't just repeat the statements to yourself like the multiplication tables. Feel them. See yourself engaged and happy in whatever it is you're doing. Use all of your senses as you repeat these affirmations to yourself.

  1. It is easy for me to know what I want to do with my life.
  2. I pay attention to the quiet whispers of my inner knowing.
  3. Every day my passion in life becomes clearer and clearer.
  4. I am excited, delighted and fulfilled by what I have chosen to do.
  5. I am filled with a sense of purpose.
Get started with these affirmations, now. Search the Internet for others which ring true to you. Take a risk and have fun.


How Gratitude Can Revolutionise Your Life

Trauma and Distressing Situations Can Offer Opportunities for Change 
A lot of times when a young person is asked what they are going to do when they leave high school, they can have a lot of grand plans. A young person can be optimistic, have hopes and dreams, and for a lot of people, life is fairly straightforward and is deeply satisfying. There are however, the odd few people where life throws out a curveball and a negative or traumatic life changing event can re-order that person's life completely. If that person is helped through the situation, and once a reasonable amount of stability has returned to life, a person who has gone through a great difficulty can turn an adverse situation into a blessing and a great opportunity. Gratitude can be a tremendous tool in a person's life who is recovering from adversity to help quicken the process towards a healthy and optimistic eventuality.

Gratitude Can Turn A Mediocre Life into an Extraordinary Life 
When your circumstances are seemingly ho-hum, and you feel that you are living in the mundane of things, that life has become repetitive, it may be time for a lifestyle evaluation, and part of that process uses gratitude towards helping to redesign or reestablish different perceptions of an otherwise awry type of existence.

Gratitude Works For Everyone 
Whether a person has had a straightforward start, and is now looking for more, or a person has had an extremely difficult setback, gratitude is a powerful weapon for life transformation and revolution. Gratitude works, because it begins to remove a person's perceived limitations.

Fear Brought About Because of Negativity 
If life has been seemingly unproductive, and you believe that you have not "done anything with your life" it only takes a quick look around in your circumstances to begin to evaluate what you truly do have. You are not a sum product of your achievements, you are a valued and wonderful individual who brings much needed joy and friendship to those around you. If you have friends and family who depend on you, and who enjoy your company, to them you are completely irreplaceable. Be grateful first for yourself as a person, and what you contribute to the lives of the people around you by your very presence. Don't be negative about yourself, start listing your positive qualities, and your talents, and invest time in yourself. Start to begin to say what you appreciate about yourself, and then extend this into your environment. Change begins with yourself, before it becomes externalized. Being positive will eventuate with a change in your external environment. When you begin to eliminate negativity, and replace it with affirmations about thankfulness regarding yourself and your wonderful individuality, you begin to lose fear, and develop more confidence and a calm demeanor.

Start Believing In Positive Outcomes 
Negative events don't have to lead to negative eventualities. Many people experience traumatic circumstances, but look to what they still have around them, and start being grateful for those being present through their circumstances, aren't afraid to reach out to others for help, and are appreciative of the little things. When negative events occur, it is important to retain a hopefulness for the future, and use the previous negative events as a template for being able to help others, and to empathize with others who have gone through a similar circumstance.

Gratitude Will Draw Positive Experiences
Sometimes life can begin to feel very mundane, and familiarity with a particular environment can lead to a lack of appreciation. Relationships, especially with significant others can start to wax and wane if they are neglected. If a person takes a fresh perspective on their situation, and becomes genuinely reflective of what gifts they have around them, like clean drinking water, a good steady paycheck, and friends and be grateful for the little simple things, like friends dropping by to say hello, life can start to be seen with new eyes. Little children look to everything with a sense of wonder, and they can teach us to renew our sense of joy and gratitude.


Be Thankful

The things I have learned to be thankful for:

If you have a car... be thankful

If you have a roof... be thankful

If you have any money in a savings account... be thankful

If you have more than just condiments in your refrigerator... be thankful

If you have supportive friends... be thankful

If you have an actual bed to sleep on... be thankful

If you have a supportive family... be thankful

If you have a job... be thankful

If you have enough strength to get through your daily REQUIREMENTS... be thankful

If you had enough to eat today... be thankful

If you have electricity... be thankful

If you have a safe neighborhood... be thankful

If you are not in fear of losing your roof... be thankful

If you've ever had enough to be able to bless another... be thankful

If you've never had a Christmas without presents... be thankful

If you've never had a Christmas without a tree... be thankful

If you've never had to pray your child will heal on their own because you couldn't afford a doctor... be thankful

If you have ever been able to take anything you have for granted... be thankful

There are so many more things we could add to this list - every day common things we just skip right past but that really affect people all around us:

If you've never been abused... be thankful

If you have more than dirt floors... be thankful

If you're children didn't have to be sold as slaves... be thankful

If you've never experienced addiction or incarceration... be thankful

If you've never known unexpected job loss or eviction... be thankful

We want to believe that somehow it is because of our own wonderfulness and intelligence and hard work that we've been able to avoid these things. But the truth is - it's by GRACE.

There is no way for us to protect ourselves from the pitfalls and tragedies of life and to think we somehow did and that those 'less fortunate' simply need to be 'more like us' - is presumptuous and rude.

Be thankful - and discover a different level of content and joy. None of us makes it entirely on our own. And recognising all the ways we've been blessed or helped along the way - recognizing how little control we really have, makes us appreciate all that we have just that little bit more.

And it allows us to have more acceptance and generosity towards those around us that are still learning the life lessons we have mastered. For only our assistance will help them reach new levels - not our rejection or judgementalism or declarations of how we got it all figured out.


You Can Change Your Life For The Better And Experience Thrilling Personal Transformation

Woman Throwing Pink Petals

How to begin making positive change in your life is in both your willingness and readiness to do so. You can end up begin changing your life for the better if you are not as productive as you 'd tend or you like to procrastinate.

Positive change in your life lies in making the activities you put off more intriguing, simpler, and less unpleasant.

One way to make a task simpler for how to begin making life changes is to break it into smaller tasks. If your task for today is to submit your tax return, you might view it as being time consuming and laborious.

If you break it into smaller sized categories such as collect records, download tax software application, and prepare a rough draft, the tasks don't seem as difficult and you are likely to finish them in considerably less time.

Some other methods to make those unwanted jobs appear more manageable are to prioritize, use self-discipline, and reward yourself for little achievements...

Try to do the least desirable jobs early in the day so you'll anticipate having the rest of the day to concentrate on more enjoyable tasks.

Bear in mind that self-discipline for how to begin making life changes is something you do for yourself, not to penalize yourself.

Do not forget to reward yourself for each step you take in overcoming procrastination.

If you get low on yourself or lack encouragement try positive affirmations.

Always keep in mind that your true free will has Spirit behind you and is an inner Guidance system you may call your own.

The Course in Miracles states, "The journey that we undertake together is the exchange of dark for light, of ignorance for understanding."

When you say, I want to change my life, realize that favorable positive outlook goes a long way in changing negative behaviors.

Course in Miracles often reminds us that, "the quiet Light within you is perfect Oneness showing you the way."

Here are a few more ideas regarding how to begin making positive change in your life and quit procrastinating:

1. If you break them into a number of steps over a few days or weeks, tasks will seem less daunting. Don't anticipate yourself to do whatever simultaneously.

2. As soon as you give up putting things off, you'll have more time to return to each specific task. Enabling yourself sufficient time to finish a job will offer you more time for corrections later on.

3. Find a helpful co-worker or friend to help inspire you to get moving.

4. When your energy is low, don't set up too many essential tasks at a particular time.

5. Reward yourself for reaching critical points in your least favorite tasks. Having something to eagerly anticipate is a fantastic incentive.

6. Put the most uphill struggles at the top of your list and work from there.

7. All times of day are not equal.

When you are at your finest previously in the day if you are a morning person, Deal with the most challenging jobs.

When you a change in life be sure to take care of the most necessary activities for the time when your energy is at its highest.

When you are at your least energetic performance level, conserve the little tasks that require little brain activity for the time of day.

You can change your life by being upbeat and geared toward success even in the little things you must do, you will see an enhancement in your time management and motivational skills.

How to begin making life changes means addressing objectives and goals into smaller pieces so they will seem more easily reachable.

Get organized and prioritize your activities from most crucial to least crucial.

Getting rid of the harder tasks will leave you feeling good about your work and encourage you to continue.

Keep focused on finishing a project or attaining a goal rather of focusing on how difficult it will be to break your old habits.

Having a light at the end of the tunnel will make your efforts appear rewarding and the reward waiting on you will keep you motivated to attain your objectives.

Procrastination is ineffective and can even be hazardous to your objective of positive change in your life if you allow it to control you.

How to begin making life changes means stop placing blame or making excuses making reasons, and arrange your goals and objectives, seeing your dreams as achievable.

This is how to begin making life changes and being thrilled with your personal transformation!

Try to keep in mind as you move along to change your life for the better, that goals and objectives still needing to reached will seem less daunting if you break them into several steps over a time frame comfortable for you.

To your personal transformation!


Thou Shall Not Steal - How Are You Stealing From Yourself?

Last week at the end of one of my yoga classes, we had an unusually invigorating conversation about the Ten Commandments, focusing mostly on "thou shalt not steal." Webster's defines the word "steal" as to take the property of another without right or permission. The word "another" is defined as one of an undetermined number of the group. Using the Webster's definitions allows you to take this commandment much further than stealing the property of others.

Most people in a civilized society are morally opposed to taking the property of others without expressed permission. We have even gone as far as to put hundreds of ordinances and laws on the books of our justice system in order to protect our society from this activity. But what have we done to stop us from stealing from the most important person in our lives, ourselves?

In order to answer this question, we must first list the ways in which we steal or deprive ourselves. We steal our health by refusing to eat healthy well-balanced meals, not drinking enough water, overindulging in alcohol or other stimulants, ignoring our body's requirement for sufficient rest and not exercising our bodies daily. We constantly allow our words to damage our health by having "organ recitals" with our friends and neighbors testifying to our failing health and aching muscles. With zeal, we declare the poor condition of our health by repeating over and over, "I do not feel well or I feel like I am catching something."

We steal our peace of mind by not meditating or relaxing daily or more often if your mind requires it, believing that it is our responsibility to solve the problems of our love ones and participating in gossip.

We steal our prosperity by continually speaking untrue statements such as I am broke, I do not have any money, I cannot afford it, some people have all the luck, other folks have all the fun. Our spoken word is one of the most powerful creative tools we have. Every time we consistently make statements regarding our wealth or lack of, we are sending commands into the Universe that have no choice but to create the very thing we spoke of. The Law of Attraction and the Cause and Effect guarantee that what we send out will return to us. Genesis states that our word will not return to us void. Our actions also determine our experiences. When we neglect to do our very best, we send a message to the universe that we expect in return less than the best.

In what ways are you stealing from yourself? What messages are you sending?

This week spend some time thinking about the instances you steal from yourself. List them and start to eliminate them one at a time. I have recommitted myself to watching my words and guarding my though
ts. I was surprised at the number of time I could see myself in the examples.

Dream Big. Life the life you've imagined.


How To Have A Winning Mentality

Very few people have a winning mentality, yet the world is filled with lots of individuals that are so talented at different things but never achieve anything. Our body has limitations that our mind does not. We focus so much on what goes on from the neck down that we forget that it all starts in our mind.
Why most people never achieve their goals while two or three percent actually reach a high level of success? What stops them from accomplishment? And how can you have such a winner mindset?

The crucial point to become a person who is a winner in any course of action is to have a winning mentality. We all have the potential to achieve greatness. And yes, you can be that champion who excels by always pushing his boundaries of performance.

But if you are not mentally ready, you are never really physically prepared. The people who take this one action every single day are the ones who achieve their goals and dreams. And they do it more often than anybody else.

To get a winning mentality, it is not giving up at the first sign of a setback. You just got to try everything. And then, you need to try it again. That is the thing; you have to be motivated to at least try. I firmly believe that everyone on this planet has a gift. But it is your job to figure out what that gift is.

A Winning Mentality is Taking Action
Then it becomes your job to decide if you are going to act on it or not. There is nothing you cannot do. It is a matter of setting a focused goal because, without one, you will miss it every time. When you get a winning mentality, you have to pick a target.

And then get the steps along the way and realize that all the resources and all the experts are there at your disposal. But ultimately, it is only going to be tapped if that target is in your heart and soul.

Action is what gives you a winning mentality and changes your all life. But why most people do not take action? The answer is fear. So what do you have to do to get yourself to do it? You got to make sure that you push yourself through by making a decision. The point in which change happens is in the choices you make.

A Winning Mentality is Making Decisions
Every change that you want in your life comes from something simple: a decision. See, a real choice is not like when you say "I will try it and see" because that is not a decision. But rather when you cut off any possibility except the thing you are committed to. Such a winning mentality is like "That is it!"

A decision is the first step. It becomes a war within you because you give yourself no other choice than to do it. Commitment is what comes after you decided and it is to commit for the long term. No matter if it is hard or easy, you are doing it. So it takes you from this moment, and it carries you into the future, even when things are difficult.

When you have a winning mentality, you decide, commit, and resolve to see your dreams and goals through.

A Winning Mentality is Self-Discipline
You should not wait too long; you have to start to build that discipline right now to get what you want. Remember that there are seven billion other people on this planet trying to get this thing called success. Most people think that success is a straight line. They believe that they are going to get out of high-school, get a job, and everything is going to be okay.

It is not how it plays out. Instead, at the moment you decide to be successful, the line begins to get all squiggly. That is what success looks really like. Discipline comes with a winning mentality. It means taking the hard road, the uphill path to do what is right.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." - Jim Rohn
Most people stop at failure. But we all failed at things. To have a winning mentality is to continue to fail at stuff because it is the most powerful tool you can use. Of course, it all depends on how you use it. And many people are just satisfied with where they are.

A Winning Mentality is Believing
But there is always the next level. Your definition of greatness and what you want to achieve can be entirely different than someone else's. No one intends to be the first because people are afraid of the consequences that come with doing something first.

You cannot be listed as a failure if you are fighting for what you desire. There are two types of people: individuals with a winning mentality that are going to get what they want and the life they dream of, and the people that do not. In which category are you?

There are a lot of people out there that are always trying to improve themselves. They look for the one change that can make all the difference. Yes, they are searching for the one change that will make their dreams come true. But there is not one thing or neither ten things since there is no quick path and no shortcuts.

A Winning Mentality is Being a Warrior

Getting better is not a hack or a trick, or a 'one' change that you need to make. To get better and have a winning mentality is a campaign. It is an hourly, daily and weekly battle. And it is an incessant fight that does not stop against weakness, temptation, and laziness. It is a battle of discipline, hard work, and dedication.

It is waking up early and going to bed late and grinding out every second in between, and every single day. So you have just to start doing it. Take that first step and make it happen. Get out and get after it here and now.

Every one of us is a goals achiever, but very few people think about the obstacles that are there, and them overcoming these barriers. But to have a winning mentality and become an incredible achiever, you have to accept the fact that there will be walls. You also have to teach yourself that you can overcome them.

A Winning Mentality is Improving Oneself
So, you have to do that in your mind first, and then you back it up with a plan. And guess what, you will start to have a winning mentality and become a goal achiever instead of someone who just sets a goal.

If you do not like the way, your life, career or business is, change it. Or if you do not like your body, work on it. If you want to change anything in your life, you have to change first. The choice is yours; there is no right or wrong, it is only when you make the firm decision to take action that things are happening.

People often ask me how to stop the laziness or get rid of the procrastination. I tell them that it all begins in their mind. You might want to have a winning mentality or have a beautiful idea in your head, a vision you hold, but yet you do not know where to start.

Here and Now is a Winning Mentality
The questions flow in your mind: "Where do I start? When is the best time to begin?"

My answer is always the same as I tell people: "Here and now."

Maybe you want to get in a workout program, start a business, write a book, build a house or make a movie. Then you start right here, and when you begin, you have to start right now because the idea is not going to execute itself. The book will not write itself. The weights in the gym are not going to move unless you do.

You want a winning mentality, improve and get better, then stop looking for a shortcut. Rather find your discipline. Find it in your guts, passion, and drive. Finding it, you can. And then you will find your freedom.

The Impact Theory of a Winning Mentality
Here is a hard truth. People do not necessarily want you to succeed. And the bigger your dream, the more people are going to come out of the Woodward to try to stop you. So if you are striving for something important, if you are trying to make real change. Or if there is something in your life that you are absolutely hell-bent to create, you need to understand that you are going to be fighting against something.

Most people are going to be pushing back against you, and it is going to be your winning mentality and ability to hold true to your vision that is going to determine whether you can pull it off.

"You have enemies. Good. It means that you stood up for something at some point in your life." - Victor Hugo
The Winning Mentality and its Opposing Force
That is what people often miss. They somehow want to get through the journey unhurt and somehow hope that with the great change they want to make, others see their vision. You should understand that people will not fall in line behind you and follow you. It is not the way people work.

Having a winning mentality and a vision already puts you in an incredibly rare group of individuals. Being able to see something that other people cannot see, that is the role of a visionary and winner. That is literally interpreting a world that others do not even know exists.

You must understand that when you build something for yourself, you will always have an opposing force. Stay away from those who try to put down your ambitions. Small people always do that. But the really great ones, they make you believe that you too can become great.

A Final Conclusion
So, that is the kind of person you want to surround yourself with, people that believe in you. The kind of people that is willing to stand by you, even if they do not fully understand your dream, yet remain at your side.

You have to be willing to fight because if you are not prepared to do so, you might as well sit down now. Having a winning mentality is standing up and be ready for war. Winners are not people who never fail, but rather people who never quit. So, your level of success is determined by your level of discipline and perseverance. And all achievements begin with you.


Begin Conquering Anxiety And Overcome Your Fears For A Better Life

The majority of us are filled with fear, anxiety, and worry of one kind or another: fear and anxiety of change, fear and anxiety of success, or worry and fear of failure.

How to overcome fear and anxiety, being alone, ending relationships or starting new ones can be achieved.

How to overcome fear and anxiety is in planning for reaching our goals and objectives and living our dreams.

The concern is, if we all feel fear when entering into the unknown, why is it that some individuals are able to move forward in their lives, in spite of their fear, while other people become incapacitated?

How to overcome fear and anxiety is holding your life from a place of power or choice, where you will take action on love, instead of fear.

There are many books, CD's, video programs, and other material teaching how to reflect what you want in life from within yourself to your exterior world.

First, let's consider this statement from the Course in Miracles: "I have said you have but two emotions. One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal."

These reflection principles, or, what some may call, the power of attraction, divide worries into two classifications:

1) Fear of things that can take place to us, and

2) Fear around acting.

At the bottom of all our fears is the standard anxiety and worry, "I can't manage it", or, "I won't be able to manage it if I lose my job." And more, "If my boyfriend leaves me, I will not be able to handle it," or, "If I return to school, what if I fail?"

What if we believed that whatever happens in life to us, or whatever we did, we would be able to handle it?

We 'd be realizing how to overcome fear and anxiety. Yes?

The Course in Miracles again teaches that, "You have but two emotions, and one you made and one was given to you."

Treatment for conquering anxiety and to overcome your fears can help people to face fears, and come out on the other side of them.

It is in going out and doing what we are afraid of, that we overcome our worry of what may never happen, and as a result, feel better about ourselves in the process!

Psychiatric therapy can offer the encouragement and assistance that individuals require to overcome their fears and to change their lives.

Most of us are filled with worry and fear of one kind or another: fear of change, worry of success, or worry of failure.

The question is, if we all feel fear when entering into unfamiliar territory, why is it that some individuals are able to move forward in their lives, in spite of their worry, while other individuals become paralyzed?

To living a fulfilled life!


The Real Goose That Laid The Golden Egg (Based On A Zen Koan I Once Read And Heard Well)

Once I read a Zen story about a goose in a bottle that got fed until it could not get out except by breaking the whole bottle open including the neck of the bottle. The import of that story is that limitations are what we make them, and when the goose is fed enough to be out, it will be out. The bottle is our circumstances, and the goose represents the consciousness in those circumstances. Before I internalized and understood fully the story, I heard or read it three times: Once from a good friend of mine, hypnotist and author Richard "Dick" Sutphen, another time in a book of Zen stories I took out of the Masao W. Satow Public Library a long time ago which was taken off the active shelves and put into the book sale, which I bought, and the third time before I fully internalized it, I just thought of it the other two times I read and heard it.

When you understand that circumstances and limitations are what you make them, reality becomes fully a game and not a battle, and you do understand how to live sanely without destroying yourself doing it.

What do I mean by destroying yourself living sanely? You see all the "realities" and "facts" of all the suffering, fear, greed, avarice and loneliness in the world, and realize the bizarre and insane game being played by most people, especially the supposed "masters" and "leaders", then realize that it is all nothing really except what we make it within ourselves. What do you think I mean by mentioning that story about the goose breaking the bottle when it is fed too much anyway?

We have a choice. We either outgrow our circumstances genuinely, or we "explode in all the craziness". In short, we either get saner, or go in the opposite direction when we realize what it is all about. I chose to get saner, live in reality, and work smarter, which is a bit of a rarity when you think about all the people who do "go by appearances" weakly instead of genuinely and consciously responding strongly. For, indeed, appearances are just that, appearances. Nothing more, nothing less. So, think of it this way, the reality is within us and not appearances outside of us. Another way to put it: You put yourself in the situation anyway, and with honesty and work, you can get yourself out.


What If It Goes Right?

Why not play the "What If" game for your benefit instead of your detriment?

How many of us ask: -

"What if it goes wrong? What if I don't get the job? What if she/he/they say no?"

Let's just take this simple concept and turn it on its head.

Most of us use the power of creation and attraction to make our lives appear random and powerless.

In reality we are vibrating at certain frequencies and sending out these electromagnetic signals into our physical world.

These signals will only ever vibrate with similar frequencies... you will NEVER see red in the rainbow next to violet, because they vibrate at opposite ends of the colour spectrum.

In order to experience anything in your life, you will first have to BE the frequency at which your experiences vibrate.

So any lack or limitation that you perceive in your life is only in your experience because that is where you are vibrating. You ARE the frequency at which lack and limitation manifest and therefore that is what you project out into your world.

Playing the "what if" game can change your frequencies without you being sceptical of your positive affirmations. We have been taught to say things like: -

"I am healthy, wealthy, strong and powerful"!

This could get your conscious mind up in arms and resisting your affirmation, because you can clearly see that this is NOT the case in your experience.

So let's change that slightly to: -

"What if I was healthy, wealthy, strong and powerful?"

Instantly you are shifting the vibration, slipping through the conscious barriers and getting through to the sub-conscious with very little effort!

When you ask positive "what if" questions you can feel your vibration shift, your emotions start to move up the scale and you feel lighter, happier and more positive.

So just play the game, it won't make you appear ridiculous, no one need ever know... it can be totally silent within your own mind. But just start to ask these questions: -

"What if I get the job?"

"What if he/she/they say yes?"

"What if I could become successful?"

"What if my business succeeds?"

"What if I really am the creator of my own destiny?"

"What if I have a really good day today?"

Can you feel the power in these questions?

Can you feel the emotional intensity change within your heart?

These are the empowering questions that will help you to shift up a gear or two and bring your vibrations into alignment with the things you want to experience in your life.

And it ALL starts with a decision to just give it a go!

Just have a try.

What harm can it do?

"What if it actually works?"


Wisdom Is Synthesized Positivism and Skills Summed Up

Wisdom is a term not understood in all the seriousness and comprehensiveness it involves and deserves. Rather in a loose manner, many a time and by many an individual, wisdom is treated as something equivalent to smartness. Being smart is only a small part of wisdom. Wisdom encompasses every aspect of our whole life. It reflects and manifests through every pore of the entire life we live from the time we cross childhood. Our eating, our dating, our affluence, our idiocy - practically every filament of our being has something to do with the wisdom we acquire and cultivate.

Wisdom is the sum total of one's intelligence, knowledge, experience, logic, and sense of proportion. This list of ingredients is not final! Surely, there is the spice of what is known as lateral thinking that adds to the recipe called wisdom.

Knowledge is basically information we gather through education, observation and experience. Intelligence is the fruit of knowledge. Intelligence makes us discrete, selective and cautious. Through intelligence, we arrive at solutions to complications we confront in personal and professional spheres.

Experience is the byproduct of a transaction we handle. Deft management of matters is skill. Skilful control of life's transactions with experience as the background is maturity. If a tube light in our bedroom is not glowing, checking up what is wrong - whether the fault lies with the starter or the tube or the supply switch - is knowledge. Setting right is skill before applying the commonsense of reassuring supply. And doing the whole job using proper gloves and tester is maturity!

Knowledge need not end after the education curriculum is completed. What remains after completion of study is education. Acquiring knowledge traverses essentially through the labyrinthine channels of:

i) Agreeing with what is taught
ii) Being neutral
iii) Opposing what is being imparted &
iv) Getting changed with what is taught and learnt.

Seeing beyond the opaque and visible can be termed as logic. Logical thinking and behavior lead us to safe and comfortable destinations in life. Logic functions as a speed breaker in our tumultuous and speedy journey of life. 'How can it be like this?' is the fundamental query in bringing in logic into life.

The other important component of wisdom is lateral thinking. Lateral thinking is extending thought and planning with a bit of unconventionality. At times lateral thinking could appear as being over smart.

Nevertheless, a pinch of lateral thinking certainly adds to the flavor of life. Trying it in recommended doses need not be shunned.

To sum up, wisdom is the total of lateral thinking, logic, presence of mind, experience, intelligence and knowledge. The sequence of these components could be however shuffled depending upon the situation


No Matter What, Keep Growing (By Esther R. Kane)

On a sunny spring day recently, I was lost in sea of dark thoughts and feeling stuck emotionally and thought that a nice walk around my neighbourhood would help shift things. As soon as I got out my front door, I was met with the magnificent sight of cherry blossoms from all the gorgeous blooming trees. The petals were gently falling to the ground, creating the effect of a sweet smelling pink snow all around me. Then came the flowers. Since it's my first spring living in Victoria, I cannot possibly describe in words how magnificent the flowers here are. Suffice it to say, it's like living in a children's wonderland full of bright, happy colours sprinkled all over the place smiling at everyone who passes by. I was struck by the fact that perennial flowers continue to grow, spring after spring, year after year, regardless of how tough the winter which proceeded them happened to be. And then...

I saw this single word painted on a flower box -GROW- reminding all of us- flowers, trees, animals and humans- to GROW. I knew in that moment that I had the fodder for an article to share with you, my lovely readers. This bright and uplifting flower box so graciously shared with passers-by reminded me to remind you of this one important thing:


In my therapy practice, I'm blessed and honoured to witness many women's stories; many of them filled with extreme pain and suffering. Many come to therapy because they want to grow from their suffering and view their challenging circumstances as a very difficult, yet important, growth opportunity. The best way of describing this process I've ever found is in Elizabeth Lesser's book, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow. I wrote an in-depth article about this fabulous book a few years ago.

Resisting the Urge To Bolt

One of my favourite quotes of all time is from the brilliant Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron who tells us:

Never underestimate the urge to bolt.

I have read this sentiment in a number of her books, my personal favourite being, The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness In Difficult Times. One of the greatest messages of this book is to not shut down when the going gets tough- to make a conscious and courageous choice when you feel like bolting (i.e., running away) from the pain/challenge/difficulty before you to STAY. This particular piece of wisdom also applies to working through anxiety and is the foundation of specific therapeutic modalities designed to help people rid themselves of various fears and phobias. It also happens to be the most difficult choice you can make. However, like most difficult tasks, it can also be one of the most rewarding and life changing.

I will illustrate what this looks like by giving you an example...

One of my clients (let's call her Liz), in her early thirties, really wanted a solid, long-term relationship, which included having children. She had been in multiple relationships over the years, never making it past the two-year mark. She told me that in the past three relationships, they all lasted just roughly under two years and that in each case, the man she was dating wanted to marry her. She sat in the seat across from me in tears as she told me that each of these men was decent, kind, and loving and would have made a great husband and father. In retrospect, she was certain that she would have had a really good life with any of the three. The problem was that in every relationship, when things started to get really serious and the man worked up the guts to ask her to marry him, she completely panicked and ended the relationship immediately. She felt awful for breaking three different men's hearts, while also ending up completely confused by her reaction in each case. When the crying subsided a bit, she looked me in the eye and asked:

Esther, why do I push what I really want away every time it comes to me? I really do want to be married and have children with a good man. I've had three separate chances at having that and I've blown each one. I'm not a stupid person so why would I do something that is the complete opposite of what I really want?

I responded with:

The choices you made in each of these situations has nothing to do with how intelligent you are. When you go into fight or flight mode (i.e., the urge to bolt), it's your primitive brain at work. Your nervous system senses some impending danger and reacts in that moment in an attempt to keep you safe. For some reason, when a man asks you to marry him and have a family together, your primitive brain registers this as dangerous...

This discussion led us to investigating the theme of marriage and family life in her family-of-origin and the leftover 'unfinished emotional business' she was carrying around as a result. When viewed at from this particular lens, her urge to bolt from the whole prospect made a lot of sense. In short, her father was a violent alcoholic who abused her mother and was an absent parent, leaving her mother on her own to raise four children. Her mother ended up in a deep depression when the kids were young and was in and out of the psych ward for years after. Liz was the eldest and became the 'mini mom' when their mother was unavailable due to her mental health issues and ended up missing out on a lot of a carefree childhood as a result.

The warrior-level work Liz then embarked upon focused on facing her childhood squarely, without blinders on and sitting with the emotions it brought up. This proved incredibly challenging for her because she considered herself a happy-go-lucky person who had 'nothing to complain about' when she saw people around her who had been through 'much worse things'. As it is with most of us, we're very good at showing compassion towards others who are suffering, but have a very difficult time doing the same for ourselves. I gently but firmly guided Liz to practice sitting with her inner little girl who was feeling really sad and scared and felt she had nowhere to turn with the pain she was experiencing.

She showed immense courage and even though it was extremely difficult, she sat in my office, week after week and practiced staying with that little girl even when she desperately wanted to run away. After a while, she got in touch with her pain and I gave her some tools to comfort herself when it came up and to remind herself that she was an adult now and that she was safe and had lots of places and people to turn to in times of great anguish.

She wrote a series of letters to her father (all unsent- read here for how to do this), expressing her anger towards how he treated her mother and her frustration at his addiction to alcohol. She wrote about what he had taught her about men and marriage and raising children and how this had become an impediment to her getting married and raising a family. She told him that she had learned to 'keep herself safe' from getting into the same situation as her mother by pushing any man away who wanted to marry her. She wrote it all out, felt many different feelings, all with courageous honesty. Then she let things sit for a while.

A couple of years later, she sent me an email to let me know that she had learned to stay and not bolt with good men and that she had recently got married to a fantastic guy and was pregnant with her first child. She was still fearful, but at the same time, optimistic about the possibility of having the partner and family she had always wanted.


Three Simple Techniques to Manifest Your Dreams (By Fria Grace Estrella)

Have you heard about law of attraction? Many people even well-known personalities such as Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale and Bob Proctor talked about this law in their movie "The Secret." The law of attraction tells us that the universe or "Infinite Intelligence" is helping us materialize what we wish for. Just like law of gravity, whenever an apple falls from the tree it will definitely go down on the earth because of an unseen force we call gravity. This law also supports that there is an unseen great force that's out there which conspire to make your dreams a reality.

In order to benefit from this, there are simple techniques that you can perform to help you realize your dreams in life.

1) Ask, Believe and Receive - You need to ask what your desires are. After asking, you need to believe that you can achieve these desires. You need to focus your thoughts and efforts on these beliefs. You may have it in no time or have it in a long time but the third step is to receive these desires.

The first technique supports the saying "what the mind of a man can conceive, the body can achieve".

2) Creative Visualization - Others call this technique "auto-suggestion". This technique is more effective when you perform in the morning and in the evening before you sleep. In your quite time, you vividly imagine that you have achieved the things that you desire. In your imagination, you feel the exact feelings of having these things in reality.

3) Having a vision board - In the movie, "The Secret", a man who transferred to their new house is unpacking his things, then, he realized that their new house was one of the pictures on his vision board (he made few years back) that he pulled out from a box. A vision board is a collection of pictures of the things you dream of. You may also put some inspiring and empowering quotes on it.

But I want to end this by sharing this saying," Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants". Remember that simplicity, generosity and frugality also good traits of oneself.

Disclaimer: I am a believer of this "Law of Attraction" and not an expert of this thing. Honestly, I haven't realized yet my own vision board but I strongly believe that dreaming, planning and taking action really works.


Attraction Is the Result of Planning and Action, Achieved in Passion - Fashion Your Passion Daily

*It seems that more and more these days we are hearing about attraction. Whether in a romantic sense or not, really makes no difference because the principles are the same...

A person is attracted by what sparks or energizes their passion through their sight and senses. The same concept holds true for attracting the life path meant for me and for you!

If we want to attract a lean, clean and healthy mate, then by all means, we must emulate what we want to attract or reap back to ourselves..Attraction is a concept that can be applied to most anything you want to bring back into your field of energy. The energy you release into the universe has a mirror-effect- Do you like what you see?~

***A powerful, positive, outstanding individual wants the same kind of rewarding energy that they send out into the world. Do you agree? If someone works hard at excelling in everything similar to where they send their intentions and energy- to plan, work, and finally to complete. Obviously they care about what they put into the universe. With that being said, an effective, hard- working person is going to want another judicious, hard- working person to live with, work with,or to a part of their bandwagon too! A resourceful person will do daily deeds to arrive to their chosen desired destiny by planting seeds of effort in the scope of their daily living. Planning and planting seeds, in our daily habits and accomplishments will grow future outcomes of desired success. IN remarkable passion, fashion your actions daily- climb the steps of ascension allow yourself to go or be led to the road of action or opportunity to where your heart feels the most liberating peace and happiness will surely follow you...

*So the point being made here is if you are ready to commit to doing the toil, work and effort to attract what you want into your life, you gotta be prepared to flow in the same field of effort and energy. Our desired person or outcomes do not wait for us to feel better- NO- Your desired outcome or person is first placed as a thought by your higher consciousness, to compel you and me to want to excel at something. To want to be better or live better is innate. We want enhancement to broaden our scope of life knowledge. Also, let it be noted that as we evolve mentally and spiritually, we crave to be around more and more people and situations of like mind. The higher your ways of thinking the more you and me are going to get fed-up or even frustrated by old ways of doing things. Or else totally lose appeal or interest in what no longer resonates with the new more powerful way that we are expanding our intuition. Our intuition has grown wings and in the discovery of our new thoughts we feel more awesome about our choices! We can all achieve this more by allowing ourselves to crave higher awareness and to put ourselves in an environment that is conducive to what acts and people have already achieved success in their chosen field of effort. Our very souls are craving new ways of dealing with old stories more than staying still and complacent. Have you started a business plan? Or, have you added an action plan for what you want to achieve before the years' end? With focus, effort, and determination, we can all attract anyone or anything into our field of energy and live more joyfully in the process of following the rules for the law of attraction..

Attraction is the result of planning and action, achieved in passion-Fashion your passion daily!The law of attraction works with intention, purpose, effort and action- attracting the attention of a person, many people or the profession that we feel brings us peace, comfort, ease and lastly enjoyment is a calculated risk. A chance that can invigorate your life, finances or renew your mindset is a good risk investment. Are you ready to attract more joy and abundance into your life?

The Block Roller Coaster

I hate the word "blocks" 
Would you like to know why?

Mostly because the word itself is a block. Just the mere fact that you are telling me you are blocked is a block!

I am blocked...

Possibly the strongest affirmation in the world, guaranteed to make you stay right where you are. It stops all forward motion because you start to obsess about it. It's all you can think and talk about! You live it and breathe it in every day searching for that one piece of magical information that will get rid of it.

So you stay blocked because you THINK you are blocked!

I just hate that word.

Plus, even if you do figure out what it is, you still have that small voice in the back of your mind that wonders if you really did find out what it was because a few months from now you'll find yourself in another dark place and the "block" roller coaster starts all over again!

So here's what I do...

I replace the word "block" with "distractions"

What is distracting you from attaining your dreams?

Let's start by writing down what is distracting you right now.

  • You have work to do for your boss?
  • Your dysfunctional childhood memories can't get out of your head?
  • Your friends told you that you can't?
  • Bad relationship?
  • No money in the bank?
  • You are sick?


Let's take a look at that last one... you're sick. You are too sick to start moving towards your dream.

OK, I respect that. Being sick is a HUGE distraction! I am a breast cancer survivor and chemotherapy, radiation and operations were a HUGE distraction. Being sick for two years was horrible! However, I never let my illness prevent me from writing my blog, talking with friends, or consulting with clients... all of which brings me incredible joy. Life is just too damn short to not live in your joy.

So what is distracting you?

Lack of money?

There's a good one!

"I don't have enough money to start"

OK... fine... your bank account has a $1.50 in it. I get that.

I also understand that the internet is free and you can do some research on your dream (or your current distraction) without spending a dime. TONS of information there on every topic you can possibly imagine.

What is your HEART telling you to do? Your gut? Your inner voice?

What was your knee jerk reaction when I asked what is distracting you? What was the first thing that popped into your mind?

Start there.

Choose to move forward through your distractions.

Choose to feel the sun on your face, have more than enough money in your bank account, a healthy body and a happy relationship. Choose this in your mind and then feel the results. Smile about it. Daydream about it. Where would you go if your dream was given to you RIGHT NOW? Daydream about that.

Do that every day.

Think POSITIVE forward-moving thoughts that include loving words such as certain, capable and happy!

Eventually, people will magically float into your life that will help you get where you want to go, and the negative ones who are holding you back will float out.

You will stumble across websites and articles that will give you an idea. You'll see something on television or hear it in a song on the radio. Distractions that took over your life yesterday will disappear today and you'll be walking in a new direction.

Then you'll be on your way!

So stop saying that you are blocked!!!!! Your are NOT blocked, you are just temporarily distracted!

Your life might look gloomy and miserable now, but remember that the sun always comes out after a rain storm so hang in there.

Do what I do... when I get into that dark place and random negative situations hit me, I look at the situation as my launching pad to something even greater! Sure I was sick for two years recovering from breast cancer, but if I hadn't gone through it... I wouldn't be here with you right now!


Is It Ever Too Late To Make A Second Impression? (By Tim Connor)

Trust me, standing in front of 1000 people I can assume (I hate assumptions) that at least 10% of the audience doesn't like me before I open my mouth. Never had that experience? Well, how about meeting a blind date for the first time hoping that you don't do or say something stupid? Never had that experience either? OK, how about waiting for an interview for a job you need to get for any number of reasons and you just hope they will approve of you and your resume, experience and yes, the color of your hair, the shoes you are wearing and how tall or short you are?

I know you might think I'm being a bit silly or even paranoid but believe me these and many more experience like this happen every day. Want proof? If you have never read any of my articles or books and are reading this one, I'll guarantee you have already made a judgement - to keep reading or click on something else. Am I right? Well, if you are in the second group you haven't even made it this far.

The basis or foundation of all impressions is simply that a person sees something, meets someone, experiences anything and their first reaction is a - No, Yes or Maybe. In other words, whenever or whatever comes into our life from any source we will on first reactions - resist it, accept it or decide to consider it.

As a global speaker I have watched thousands of people in my audiences have one of these three reactions. Why? Why do we react the way we do? I'll keep it short and sweet. Let me explain.

There are over 300 billion brain cells/nerves in your head. Every one of them has 5000+ neural connections and as a result there are over three trillion chemical reactions/responses every second in your brain. And what are these? Well first do the math - a big number of stuff going on in your head while you jog, read, watch TV, attend a staff meeting etc.

In other words - every thought you have ever had, every experience you have ever had, every memory you have ever had - get it? It's all stored in that small device in your head - everything since your birth.

So, you meet someone new - during the first 10-30 seconds your brain is searching through literally quadrillions of facts and memories trying to decide how to react to this person. And guess what - even if you have never met them before, know nothing about them - whatever - within 20 seconds you will form an opinion and a reaction that is not grounded in the present reality but years of past experiences and memories.

So, your opinion of this new person has nothing to do with them but your interpretation of them based on similar historical events, people or situations.

I know you probably didn't want this much information and I'll bet that if you formed an opinion before you got this far you have no idea what I'm talking about now cause you stopped reading a few paragraphs up - deciding that you didn't like where I was going, you didn't agree with it or it was making you feel uncomfortable or it wasn't what you were expecting based on the title.

In other words, getting a second chance at a first impression is not you giving me another chance to be perceived better by you but you giving you a second chance to change your mind based on new information that is added to the mix of your history, therefore permitting you to see things differently, better or more relevant.

For those of you who want a simpler approach I offer the following.

There are ten primary areas that contribute to first impressions of others and often even lasting ones. They are; your words, your actions, your decisions, your attitudes, your example, your congruence, your consistency, your integrity, your values and your beliefs. I'm not going to delve into each of these - if you want to make better impressions on others - do the research, but I would like to cover briefly what I feel are the five most important ones.

Your congruence - Congruent is simply where two things mean the same thing or are consistent or in harmony with. For example - if you say you will meet me for lunch at noon and you show up at noon - you were being congruent. If you said you would and you got there a half hour late - you weren't congruent.

If you keep saying one thing and keep doing something else - well - sooner or later first impressions will plague you for a long, long time.

Your words - Words matter. When you say I will always and you deviate just once - always means nothing and so your words no longer have value.

Your attitudes - Attitudes are a reflection of beliefs, values and conditioned experiences. We feel and think what we do and then express these with a variety of - yes, no or maybes - attitudes. What's an attitude? It's simply a consistent way of thinking about something and then responding accordingly. For example, if you are a liberal - conservatives get on your nerves because they have bad attitudes and vice versa. If you are twenty and are having a serious discussion with someone in their eighties, I'll guarantee that before the conversation is over sooner or latter one of you will get on the other one's nerves and blame it on - you have an attitude issue dude!

Your consistency - I'm not going to explain this one as I'm sure you know what this word means. All I want to say is that when you lose consistency in serious matters you lose credibility and often respect which contributes to poor impressions. Don't believe me - look up the acceptance level of the average politician.

Your example - Notice how all four of the previous examples are related? Well, they are - deviate or swerve form any one of them and the other four are impacted - therefore your image and the impressions you make or continue to make.

Want to make better impressions - first of all you will never get the same reaction from different people on the same behavior because everyone's mental barometers or expectations are unique. So, stop trying to please everyone - it's a waste of energy, time and life.

The answer is - be who you are not who others want you to be, expect you to be, demand you to be. Period - stop working for other people's approval - again - a waste of time and energy. Yes, we all need to keep getting better, wiser and smarter but until we are perfect we just need to chill, be and let other's attitudes, expectations, rules, needs etc. be them and not us.

I was not put on this earth for your approval so get over it. If you don't like me or approve of me - OK, but I am not going to change me to satisfy your expectations of me and as a result, lose myself in the process.


Fear Doesn't Get to Win, and Pain Is Only Temporary (By Julie Martino)

Let me start by saying I've been called psycho or crazy for my radical beliefs all my life. So, if you feel you need to join the ranks of those who say such things, good for you - but they aren't going to upset or affect me. My words are for those who understand and need to hear what I'm saying.

I've lived through basically everything. In one form or another, I've experienced it all. I've been the misfit in the back of the room hoping no one notices me. I've been the popular leader feeling the pressure of everyone counting on me. I've led teams, and I've been the laborer.

I've endure abuse, verbal and emotional strain, loss, rejection, despair, depression, hope and fear.

I've experienced the loss of a child, through a still birth. Divorce through a broken alcoholic filled marriage. And raising numerous children through less than stellar circumstances.

I've known financial windfalls and deep down falls. I've carried my own house, paid for private schools, and also known the welfare line and food pantries.

And I'm here to tell you - it's ALL survivable!

Whatever you are going through today. Whatever wall seems to be looming in front of you. Whatever 'impossible' thing you feel you are enduring - you'll make it through!

Television, newspapers, people, politicians, every day people focus on fear and how hard things are - there's no way - it's impossible - it's gonna hurt - it's gonna be hard.

Yeah, it will be. And you'll sweat. And you'll cry. And you'll hurt.

But you WILL survive!!

And you will be STRONGER!

And you will LEARN!

You'll get past this and discover a strength in yourself you never knew you had, but better than that - you'll LEARN about yourself and life and choices so that you can do better from here on out.

This really will pass - and you will triumph in life! Keep going! Don't EVER give up on YOU!!!

Told you I was radical. But it's what you needed to hear. In the midst of all the daily stress and pressures of life, someone needs to be the voice in the crowd crying out - It'll be OK!

And that's me. Your personal cheerleader. I know you hurt. I know it feels too heavy. I know you've been here before and you hate it and you wish it would all just stop. You're gonna make it. You can do this. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! You're tougher than you think you are and you can endure.
