How To Use Nature To Inspire You To Live More Positively

Did you know that you can be inspired by nature to make your live more positive? Which lessons have you learned from nature about how to live more positively? Do you appreciate the simplicity of the birds that fly around and seem to always have their food provided for them by nature? You can begin with the lesson of simplicity.

Apart from simplicity, two other lessons, you could learn from the birds would include beauty and patience. Birds are beautiful and colorful. They have an amazing range of colors, sizes, and species. Each type is equally beautiful and presents that beauty uniquely and unconditionally. One way to build your self-confidence would to be to patiently watch birds, then draw them and write a journal about which aspects of their behavior, you would like to emulate.

Take time to enjoy nature. Don't restrict yourself to the birds and butterflies, you see around your home, in your garden and in your city. Pay attention to the sunset too. It too can be serene and beautiful. Being in tune with nature can help stay more focused in the moments that make up your day! The more focused you can stay in the moments that make up your day, the more positive will be your interactions with others!

How often do you take time to observe the behavior of those around you? Do you do that once a day, once week or not all? When I consider that birds remain as beautiful and cheery on rainy days as they are on sunny days, I am humbled. I ask myself how come the birds appear not to be bothered by the changing circumstances around them? During this COVID-19, pandemic, I have watched the birds and insect that visit our gardens go about their business. The bees are still pollinating the flowers. Looking at them has inspired me to focus on what I can control instead of worrying about what I cannot control.

What about you? How does nature inspire you? Please could you share an example of how nature has inspired you to become positive. Are there lessons you have learned about contentment and survival? You have to remember that if you do not give up and continue to focus and seek options that work best for you, you will find ways to thrive through your greatest challenges. This is part of the process of self-mastery and consistent success.

Now that you have found out some of the ways you can be inspired by nature, please get the Dala Compass Report to discover many more self-mastery strategies and tips, you can use to improve your health, easily manage stress and become much more consistently successful today!

Practice an Attitude of Gratitude (By Kristen Wint)

While standing in the kitchen this morning, I randomly blurted out how grateful I was for our warm home and the awesome family within it. It came out of nowhere for my husband and kids, but I'd been thinking about gratitude recently and couldn't help noticing all the goodness in my life. I also noticed how great it felt to start off the day thinking about what I am most thankful for. It was like a shot of dopamine with my morning coffee.

I've always been a firm believer in the power of positivity, and expressing gratitude seems to fit in nicely with this theory. What if, instead of sinking into dysphoria over long and cold winter days or feeling completely helpless about the current state of world affairs, we focus instead on things in our lives that we have control over? Things such as our home life, work life, family and friends.

I once wrote a letter to my husband to express my gratitude for all of the things he does for me and our family every day. I shared it online and it sparked a whole lot of love and positive comments from many people and demonstrated that openly showing and sharing gratitude is a really good thing.

An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike.

Begin cultivating an attitude of gratitude by keeping a short, daily list of things you are grateful for. Share your thoughts with your family and friends, and take time out of your day to think about gratitude. Have your kids practice too, because grateful families talk about what they are thankful for and practice gratitude daily.

Make a habit of expressing gratitude year-round as opposed to seasonally because studies show that consistent positive interactions, particularly ones that involve gratitude, increase happiness and decrease levels of depression. That shot of dopamine I mentioned? Some say that expressing gratitude can indeed create a surge of "feel good" brain chemicals like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, so for generally happy people, that's a great thing, but for clinically depressed people, it's a game changer.

Developing an attitude of gratitude is healthy for you and your family, so make it a part of your family's daily life and watch as everyone adopts more grateful behaviours and transitions away from cynicism and negativity.

Improve Your Life Today By Learning How To Apply The Power Of Attraction

Living the power of attraction and how to apply the law of manifestation is an important concept in physics and science.

It describes the force that one object utilizes to attract another, like the method a magnet attracts a metal.

In this article let's look at how does the law of attraction work in a few different aspects of your life, like, good health and family, perhaps your social life, too, and keep you attention as you read on as to other areas you may apply this.

Keep in the back of your mind as you absorb this article that the Course in Miracles states, "The miracle does not awaken you, but merely shows you who the dreamer is."

If you think the only magnetic object at work in your life is the one that's keeping your grocery list on the front of your fridge, you need to look at how the principle operates in a new manner.

When something draws another to itself it draws in something.

Much like when an individual tends to attract a specific type of individual, whether bad or good, that's a kind of magnetic force.

When a person tends to draw in unfavorable individuals and circumstances, it becomes an outcome of the same concept, even where the law of abundance is concerned.

How does the law of attraction work for you?

By understanding the law of attraction and what it can imply in your life. The principles of this power of the subconscious mind are that you initially decide exactly what you desire, then you put out an invitation for the cosmos to give you what you want.

Some people specify this as wishing the important things; some people ask the universe for it.

The point is to invite exactly what you desire in the manner in which is most comfortable for you. You must think that you will get it.

By doing these things, you utilize magnetic attraction to attract the thing to you.

Previously I discussed free power of manifestation material available on the web that on how to also be aligned in the right direction for attracting the life you want.

You've developed a force through your thoughts and beliefs that will pull the important things you want in your direction.

It can assist to comprehend the principles behind favorable thinking and intentional development when you start utilizing the concepts of the power of the subconscious mind in your life.

Favorable right-minded thinking and deliberate projection have you concentrate on what you wish to do or to achieve, believe it's possible and even picture it in your mind.

You would relax and practically meditate on doing so if you want to be able to run a mile in record time.

You would see yourself running, see the end of the mile approaching and see yourself cross the mile mark while picturing a timer at a time less than ever before.

This exact same technique can be utilized in other areas of your life, like financial freedom and other monetary areas.

You need to know what you desire, believe that you can have it and see yourself getting it.

This favorable idea and belief will then put out a magnetic pull to the things you wish to pull to yourself, like financial success.

If you steep yourself in unfavorable beliefs, you may draw negative wrong-mindedness to yourself due to the fact that like draws in like.

If you surround yourself with favorable belief and positive thought, nevertheless, you will bring in those things to you in the very same way.

When you think of individuals and whom they attract, - You can see the fact of the principle.

Favorable people living the law of attraction have the tendency to bring in positive partners and relationships, while unfavorable individuals appear to always have one relationship crisis after another.

Living the law of attraction can work in your relationships, your finances and in every part of your life.

How to apply the law of attraction is a crucial manifestation idea in quantum physics and science.

Just like when an individual tends to draw in a specific type of person, whether for the best or for the worst, it's still a power of the subconscious mind.

This power of the universe within you can work in your relationships, your financial resources and in every part of your life.

(I also suggest seeking the net for more helpful material on topics like, attracting optimum health into your life by more clearly understanding this power of manifestation principle.)

To a life of success and happiness!

Abraham Hicks ~ Do Only What You Really Want To Do

Abraham Hicks 2022 ~ πŸ’œ This Talk Will Brighten Up Your Day By 100% 😊

The Four-Letter Word That Kills

We all know that just as there are words which uplift and enthrall us, there are words which can hurt and demean us. But did you know that there is one four-letter word that actually kills?!

No, it's not that four-letter word, it's the word "can't." The word "can't" kills dreams, hopes, aspirations, opportunities, love - the list goes on. "Can't" puts a stop, a halt, an immediate end to all effort, to all forward movement. "I can't do that." "I can't go there." "I can't attract a mate/make friends." "I can't get a job/promotion/raise/better position." "I can't act/sing/dance/run/play the guitar." You fill in the blank. We all have or have had "can'ts" in our lives, always to our detriment.

What would have happened to Jennifer Bricker if she'd bought into the word "can't"? At all of 11 years of age, Jennifer placed fourth in power tumbling in the AAU Junior Olympics, and at 22, was a featured performer on "Britney Spears' Circus Tour." Before you shake your head and say "What's the big deal about that," let me add that Jennifer was born without legs. You read that correctly. No legs. Zip. Nada. Jennifer became an award-winning gymnast using her buttocks, hips and arms. She also played baseball and basketball in high school without the benefit of prosthetics or a wheelchair, and was the first handicapped high school tumbling champion in the entire state of Illinois.

What led to these remarkable feats? Adoptive parents who simply did not allow Jennifer to use the word "can't." Ever. Nor did they. Her adoptive parents supported and encouraged Jennifer in whatever she decided to pursue. Her mantra, learned early on, was "I can."

Try it. Eliminate the word "can't" from your vocabulary and watch what happens. You can substitute the word "won't" or the phrase "don't want to." Both "won't" or "don't want to" imply that you've made a conscious choice about the matter. That it's a matter of personal preference, not a factual impossibility. Which opens up all sorts of new possibilities. If you say, for example, "I won't get a job/promotion/raise/better position," it invariably begs the question "Well, why not?" Which now obliges you to take a closer look at why you think you won't - whatever it is. Which can more easily lead to reasons why you could get the job/promotion/raise/better position.

Don't kill your dreams. You deserve better than that. Eliminate the killer word "can't" from your mind and heart, and watch your life soar with the power of "I can!"

Who Is Your Master?

You're a slave and don't even know it.

According to Websters dictionary a slave has two prominent definitions. The first states the following: "A person held in servitude as the chattel of another. The second definitions goes even deeper. It states the following: " One that is completely subservient to a dominating influence."

Addiction does just that. It becomes your task master and you become its slave. Addiction requires that. Complete unadulterated devotion, worship, and servitude. It requires great sacrifice and even then it is not satisfied. It says that you must do everything and anything to feed its appetite. It's cravings are more fierce than the largest grizzly bear, or the mighty lion. Because of our servitude we abide by whatever addiction asks.

We never count the cost. We never think of what we are losing in order to feed this domineering force. I have seen mothers forsake their children and sacrifice that righteous bond for a needle in their arm. I have seen fathers sell everything they own including their very soul to keep the high for just a little longer. Addiction does not care. It says that there is nothing above it. It is no respecter of person. It wants to kill everyone the same. It holds you in its clutches until it takes your life. Even then it wants more. It will carry on to someone else seeking their souls as well.

Wow we are slaves and don't even know it! We don't see the condition that we are truly in. We have become N.U.M.B. This acronym stands for Not Understanding My Behavior. When we are locked into the grips of addiction we become desensitized by it. We don't understand what our behavior is doing to ourselves, or those around us. The drugs create a box that keeps just it and ourselves locked in and chained together. To begin the process of healing we need to come to terms with our condition. We need to own it. "Look at what my life has become, look at what I have done." When we recognize it, and own it, we can begin to change it.

Yet how do we get to that point of cognitively recognizing our condition? When do we become aware or awake. I have seen parents lose their children to the system. Even that would not trigger that light bulb of self-realization. That look at my world. Look at the reality I have created. I have made a mess of things. That didn't do it. I have seen several people overdose and thanks to the life saving Narcan administered by a police officer lived to see another day. Even then that would not do it. So what does? What brings a person to that point of self realization and the yearning to change? It takes brokenness.

Brokenness comes when you become sick and tired of being sick and tired. The unfortunate reality is that some never get that opportunity. My own uncle died from a drug overdose in 2015. He was only 39 at the time. According to toxicology he had tried Fentanyl for the first time that night he died. It was determined that he died from a toxic mixture of Morphin and Fentanyl. Since that time there has been thousands who have died nation wide from drug overdoses. Thousands who never found the victory that comes in brokenness. See when we are broken, it does not show that we are defeated. It shows that we are set for a comeback.

Everyone loves a good comeback story. A tale of someone beating the odds. Someone who has overcome adversity to find victory just on the other side. That can happen even when your locked in the bonds of slavery to addiction.

In 1831 there was the Nat Turner Rebellion. It was a slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia. During this revolt the slaves led by Nat Turner turned on their masters and eventually killed from 55 to 65 people. The slaves had become tired of their condition and treatment and rose up against their masters. We must come to that point as well. See there is a righteous anger to be found within the arena of brokenness. It is that anger that motivates us to make the necessary changes to begin recovery. We can't just recognize the problem and leave it to sit and become like cancer. Malignant and continuing to spread. We must become equally as aggressive to beat our master as we were to serve him. It is important for us to remember to use our anger in positive and creative ways to overcome the task master of addiction. It is not an easy path to take but it is one that leads to absolute victory.

When we realize that our life has become unmanageable we have taken the great first step to lasting recovery and complete healing. Now you have called out your enemy. You see him for the first time clearly. Now it is time to break free, and say I'm not going back. Addiction though does not let go quietly. It puts up a fight. It runs after you. It stalks you around every corner waiting for just one moment of weakness. It is important to find those you can lean on while on the path to recovery.

Symptoms Of Stress And How To Mitigate And Manage Stress Motivators


Stress manifests in individuals in different ways. Stress affects Physical and Mental Health and in extreme cases can lead to death. Stressful conditions cause the body response system to go into a response mode of high alert due to the secretion of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. When this situation manifests continually, it could lead to system damage in the body. This could predispose the body to disease or injury due to loss or lack of concentration.

Symptoms and Diseases Associated With Stress

Symptoms and Diseases associated with Stress can manifest in the following forms:

Insomnia: This is a form of sleep deprivation. The individual cannot sleep for long periods and in extreme cases, may not be able to sleep at all.

Headache: Intermittent headaches could be a sign of Stress.

Migraine: This is a sustained pain or discomfort in the head for extended periods of time. This could affect the forehead or one side of the head.

High Blood Pressure: This condition manifests when a person's blood pressure reading is above 135/85. It can lead to heart attack if not well treated.

Depression: This is a state of very low esteem and despair in an individual and has led to suicide in some cases.

Erectile Dysfunction: This is Impotence in a man and Stress is one of the known causal factors

Drug/Alcohol addiction: Some people use drugs and alcohol to alleviate their Stress. Sometimes this gets out of hand and may lead to drug or alcohol dependency.

Mental Burnout: An individual could become irritable and a nervous wreck due to Stress.

Procrastination/ Inability to Take Decisions: This is also a sign of Stress. An irritable, stressed out person cannot go through the mental process necessary for making good decisions.

How To Mitigate and Manage Stress Motivators By Home Based Entrepreneurs

Overwork is a major cause of Stress for Home Based Business Owners.

Working late and extra hard could be an acceptable price to pay for the initial development of the business. But prolonged Stress can have adverse effects on Physical and Mental Health. There are many inexpensive ways to mitigate and manage Stress inducing factors.

These include the following:

Don't be over ambitious. Start small and grow, gradually.
Network with fellow industry players or join forum where you can discuss your problems and get relief.
Ensure that you take more regular short breaks throughout the day
Engage in regular daily exercise
Learn relaxation techniques, practice Yoga.
Decide to start eating Healthy.
Acquire financial management skills to enable you overcome the new irregular Income Cycle.
Always plan the next day in advance.


With this, I've come to the end of our discussion on STRESS. I'm very sure that if you endeavor to imbibe some of the advice given above, you'll be able to overcome stressful situations or reduce their effect to the barest minimum.

BrenΓ© Brown's Life Advice on Emotions Will Leave You Speechless

Putting Together The Puzzle of Life

There are many challenges which come to each person in the game of life. While it is true that life is a puzzle which needs to be figured out, we can make a success of it. We need to take each piece at a time and put it in the proper place. In order to improve one's self and find happiness in life, the puzzle pieces need to fit.

When we start out in life, we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle. Sometimes we get puzzle pieces which are difficult to figure out where they go. New pieces might not fit into the puzzle, but eventually it may all come together to create the answers.

Memories and love are pieces of the puzzle. Love brings happiness. When we do things that have meaning in our life, we can place them into our memory. These memories help to bring joy in remembering the good times which happened. They help to make a good puzzle picture and create happiness.

When Americans of Japanese heritage were placed into the American concentration camps of World War II, their experiences of incarceration created some bad memories. Although the camps did not contain the horror of the concentration camps where Jewish people were held, tortured, or even killed, these American camps were places where innocent individuals were imprisoned for no reason except their ethnicity because of racism. The Constitution did not protect these American citizens who were unjustly persecuted.

The memories of those years spent in captivity brought unpleasant pieces into the puzzle of their lives. They were often challenged beyond imagination as they languished in unsavory conditions of living for years. Some of the people could not endure the trials they faced in being suddenly removed from the normal society and losing nearly all their earthly possessions as well as their freedom. Their lives had little meaning at that time.

It is up to us to put together the picture of our lives. We need to look upon each puzzle piece as a part of the whole. Life can be meaningful and beautiful, but sometimes it seems that the pieces of the puzzle will never fit. The hardships and trials which come into every person's life can be overwhelming. The puzzle seems unlikely to ever come together in a satisfactory manner.

Hard work and perseverance are required to make the pieces of the puzzle of life fit together. The Japanese Americans who endured the pain and suffering of the egregious incarceration of World War II were required to work hard after their release from the camps in order to try and recover the losses of those years. They needed to start over to try and piece together the puzzle of their lives. It was not easy, but most of them did not give up when the going was rough. They persevered and kept working on the puzzle.

The puzzle of life can become a beautiful picture, but it takes a lot of effort to bring the pieces together properly in order to create a good life. We must not give up when challenges come, and we need to have faith that things will work out to put together the puzzle.

Feeling Stuck? Raise Your Vibration Step Two-Finding Joyful Flow

This article is part two of a three-part series on raising your vibration, so you can live with more energy, health, love, joy, wisdom, and abundance-so you can be a powerful, positive, transforming presence in our world. In part one, we explored Step One, increasing your energetic charge, increasing the amount of energy you have. If you are tired and depleted, you have little energy to give and no energy to cultivate a higher frequency of being in this world.

Step Two is to recognize and release the tensions which interfere with the smooth and joyful flow of this energy.

Life is Movement, Renewal, and Change

Life is movement, renewal, and change. Nothing stays the same. All things arise, grow, linger, and fade. When we stop moving, renewing, and changing, our bodies die. Each moment is new and you are new each moment. Every cell in your body replaces itself every 7-10 year-and some renew much faster than this.

Yet, when events happen that scare us, we want to stop the flow of life. We want to shut things down. We freeze or retreat. We seek refuge from the storm of emotions and try to stop them from flowing.

We try to define things in ways that make them less scary, such as "Life is safe if I just stick to what I know, who I know, and the places I know, instead of venturing beyond." We try to define ourselves in ways that keep us safe, such as "I am just not good at that, so I won't try." We define comfort zones of thinking, acting, and relating-and defend them against change. We try to keep things just the way they are.

Then, we attach to these tightly defined boundaries of self, relationships, and events as if our lives depend upon them. This creates tension in our bodies and minds. These tensions harden-and we harden to life. We lose our receptivity to change and diversity, in ourselves and others, and our capacities for growth, healing, and renewal. We lose our capacity to "go with the flow."

Let's explore how to recognize and release these tensions, so we can regain our ability to gracefully and compassionately flow with life. This is the second step to raising our vibration.

The Primary Flows in Your Body

To better understand the importance of flow, let's use the analogy of blood flow. The flow of blood through our bodies is essential to life. Blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to all our cells and clears toxins away from our cells. Without blood flow our bodies die within minutes.

Yet, there are several events which inhibit blood flow. These include stress and trauma which restricts natural full breathing leading to the constriction of blood vessels. Chronic stress, as well as toxins and certain foods and drinks, increase inflammation which damages the walls of blood vessels leading them to scar, build up plaque, and become less flexible. Emotions such as fear, worry, and anxiety create muscular and connective tissue tension which inhibits blood flow to muscles and internal organs. When this happens, they don't receive oxygen and nutrients and can't release toxins. These cells starve and become toxic. They are no longer able to renew and begin a slow death.

So, life in our bodies requires the free flow of blood, as well as the free flow of lymph fluid, nerve signals, and physical movement. Smooth flow is the essence of life-and tension restricts this flow. To improve flow, it's necessary to recognize and release tension, so these natural flows return. Our bodies signal us when and where there is tension, so, if we're paying attention, we can take action to recognize and release these tensions.

However, for most of us, these tensions become so normal we don't even realize they are there. Fortunately, we can learn to recognize them by their symptoms.

Recognizing Tension

You can recognize inner tension by these symptoms:

• Muscle pain and stiffness

• Restricted movement

• Difficulty breathing

• Chronic Fatigue

• Headache

• Congestion

• Indigestion

• Chronic illness

• Emotional overwhelm

• Brain fog and confusion

• Anxiety and worry

• Angry outbursts, agitation, irritation

• Harsh judgments of self and others

• Depression

• Feeling stuck

• Addictions

• Repeated poor results in your life, finances, and relationships...

You might look at this list and say, "That covers just about every problem I could have. Can these all be related to tension?"

The answer is "Yes."

Tensions in your body, mind, and emotions inhibit the smooth flow of blood, lymph, nerve signals, and life energy through your system and this contributes to all the above.

So, how do you recognize and release tension?

Here is a simple but powerful process you can use.

Steps to Recognize and Release Inner Tensions

1. Pause when you notice any of the above, any sign of tension, distress, irritation, or discomfort.

For a moment, let go of fear surrounding this. For a moment, see if you can let go of catastrophizing it and making it bigger. For a moment, let go of any stories your mind wants to tell about where these symptoms will lead.

2. Mindfully pay attention to the sensations inside your body, with curiosity and non-judgement. Notice the felt qualities. Is the discomfort located anywhere specific in your body? Does this area have a size, shape, color, texture, intensity?...

3. Allow a sense of space to surround the area. Allow this space to expand in all directions, so the space feels large and the area of tension feels small. Imagine this space radiates compassion.

4. From your point of view within the spacious area, ask the tense area if it has anything to tell you.

See if you can just float this question, listen, and feel without rushing to have an answer. Notice anything that arises, whether it's a thought, feeling, image, sensation...

5. Gently allow the compassionate spaciousness surrounding the tense area to embrace, infuse, and soothe the tense area. As you inhale, imagine and feel as if you are breathing love and compassion into the tense area. As you exhale, imagine and feel you are releasing the tension out of your body.

Continue breathing in this way until you have insight, feel relaxation, and/or notice a shift in what is happening.

--- --- ---

These steps initiate a healing process that works over time. You may need to repeat this process many times with the same area or issue, especially if the tension is longstanding or relates to a dominant thought/feeling/belief that you've held for a long time.

Consider implementing this practice as part of your daily routine, so you gradually release layers of tension that have stored up over the course of your life. This way of checking in with your body fits well with a morning or evening prayer/meditation practice, as well as being effective as a time-out in the midst of challenging moments during the day.

As you use these steps consistently over time, your body will begin to feel looser, lighter, and freer. You'll feel more joyful, inspired, and alive! Your energy and awareness will rise. You'll find yourself flowing with life, supported and guided by the current, and able to adapt to changes fluidly and gracefully. You will begin to live from a higher frequency of presence, love, and wisdom for the benefit of all beings and our whole planet.

Good Vs Evil - What Makes a Person Good or Bad?

The world is about people. How you connect to all the good people around is solely your responsibility. How then do you identify the good people? This article focuses on this aspect. Read on to find out.

Here are a few pointers to identify good people:

  1. Good people are always ready to lend a helping hand to others. Although they may not lend money easily, they will help you to establish yourself for instance, introduction to influencers, news of job fairs, offers of good jobs in your area in your field of interest etc. On the other hand, evil people will always make you suffer, belittle you and reject you.
  2. The benign individuals like to donate to charity or to a cause such as flood, cyclone or a massive earth quake. They will do their best to support the victims of these disasters. They are very human. Evil people, on the other hand, have no worries about helping victims of disaster events, rather they will take advantage to swindle money from the funds of these causes.
  3. Good people are committed to their families. They will cater to their needs and spend quality time with them. They are honest about all matters and hold frequent family meetings to discuss problems and solve them. Evil people, in contrast, manipulate evil deeds. They are detached from their families and have no concerns about them whatsoever
  4. Good personalities are not worried about changing the world or their families. They are more intent on growing and changing themselves and becoming the best versions of themselves. In order for that to happen, they follow some good habits such as quitting smoking, exercising and meditating in the morning and investing themselves in self-improvement books and programs. They become role models for their families and community and soon enough, they have people following them including their families, all intent on becoming like their role models.
  5. The role models are good people who change themselves first in order to see the change they want to see in their world. Actually they are wise in doing so and they are also happy people. Evil people are always doing wrong things such as drug trafficking, money laundering, cheating people, fake man power business involvement and helpless women and children trafficking and the list goes on.They are never happy or contented. They want more and more deceitful money until they are caught red-handed by the police and they end up in prison cells.
So summing up, the above pointers show how I would differentiate good and bad people. It always feels good to be a good person, rising up to the challenges of life, helping people and families and improving ourselves to be much better versions. You too can follow this trail and gain BIG because this is the real way to happiness and glory, contributing positively to the world. Gotcha?

ARE YOU CHASING THEM WITH YOUR ENERGY!? Accidental sabotage / Manifest a Specific Person

Persistence Is Taking Rest and Taking the Plunge All Over Again

It has been a year hiatus and here I am again, have newfound courage and kindness to myself to endure toward a new journey to a writing, solitary world. Yes, coaxing myself to get busy again and share the wisdom gained from "adulting", and making time believing--- in the goodness of the universe to those who have the courage to persist, despite limitations and all. This, I guess, can make a lot of difference to this mundane existence.

When I stopped writing articles, I had this notion that I have been repeating myself. It seemed that I have reached the peak of my creativity and had to go slow, down to the valley, where crest of inactivity buried the passion to the center of the earth--and, hoping that one day, such would be reborn, like a phoenix from ashes. So, here I am--vibrant and vigor-laden, ready to gamble again, against the discriminating eyes of the editors, and whims of those who are fond of reading articles with sense.

From the different situations I have been in to the new relationships sought and cherished to the lessons learned from relating to the love and hatred formed along the way to the endless attempts to become a better version of myself to the long and winding road to contenment..whew!

Such a journey made me more loving to myself, more understanding of other persons around, kinder to those who needed the most kindness and all.

Still, the incompetence of becoming like "human king,"hinders sanity to become saner, and the humanity to become more humane.

Each one deserves the chance to fully develop into a magnificent creature of the ONE who chose all of us co-existing and learning along the way toward maturity and all.

When one reaches the belief that everyone is valuable, liken to a kitten to its cat and a child to his mother, only then could our existence be meaningful and uplifting. Nobody deserves to experience pain from immaturity of some, cruelty of few, and insanity of one.

All we need is love. Just like my passion to writing, has been invigorated and all when kindred soul coaxed me to take up my parked pen again, and let the words find their own glory, when they have fallen to the right places-- worthy to be heard and taken as wisdom to everyday living, loving and learning journeys.

So, take a rest if you may, but please don't stop pressing on after... with your passion, whatever it is.

Is Your Subconscious Set For Success?

Today you see a lot of people promoting the "Right mindset," and it's so saturated that you might be thinking "Oh not this crap again" I know I have gone through periods of those thoughts. But there is a reason you are being asked: "Is Your Subconscious Set For Success?"

Something happened to me this month of November 2017 that made me think. All the times I have received large sums of money... the money evaporates faster than a cheetah in pursuit!!

This got me thinking...

You hear so many stories of lotto winners who faster then flint use up their money after winning a huge lotto ticket, why is this, well I do believe most of us do have a set of unconscious thoughts about money (among other things) that hold us back from achieving the life we dream of.

I do believe many peoples internal belief system in regards to money and success is out of line with the external reality! Once they (Lotto winners or anyone coming into large sums of money) become a millionaire they blow their money to become aligned with their inner belief system, you see your subconscious mind is way more powerful than our conscious mind.

And although I have always believed that I should be making money, after many years of wondering why I have not come to the point, where I always thought I should be at this point in life, I have come to realize it's because of my inner belief system... which is hard to change!

Most of us have been raised to believe in the employee system, that you should work hard in school so that you can get a good job, be safe and be happy!

This type of work where you barely make ends meet to survive makes it hard for the average joe to go against this system and pursue your dreams and what you want out of life.

You have to re-condition your mind to think like a Leader.

It's not skill set holding you back; It's not information holding you back- just do a Google search or a YouTube search, and you will find practically anything you are looking for.

No, the most significant difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is their inner belief system and their mindset!

If you want to be an entrepreneur and you want to keep your money, you have to change your inner belief system.

Success Lessons: What Greek Tycoon Aristotle Onassis's Life Reveals

Aristotle Onassis was born in 1906 in the Greek town of Smyrna (later occupied by Turkey). The few facts available regarding his childhood suggest that those years were rather difficult: he lost his mother when he was still a baby, and his father remarried a year and a half later. His relationship with his stepmother was extremely bad: they were in a state of continuous warfare, he regarded her as a usurper, and refused to obey her. Also, his relationship with his father was not much better. A wealthy wholesale merchant in Smyrna, he was a strict father who was feared by his son.

As a result of these problems, Onassis did poorly in school. He did not like studying and constantly skipped class. He was also extremely disruptive and annoyed his classmates. As a result, he was expelled from all the schools he attended. Under those circumstances, it was not surprising that Onassis never finished his studies. When he took the final exams required for a high school diploma in 1922, he failed -and he never tried again.

The same year, the situation became even more difficult for him: the Turks invaded Onassis's town of Smyrna after defeating the Greek Army. Young Onassis -then 16- was caught up, as he would often recall later, in the disaster that followed. The Turkish Army swept the town from one side to the other for many days, killing, looting, and burning. Smyrna was entirely destroyed.

Onassis's father gathered his family inside their home when the Turks entered the town and closed the doors and windows. Terrified, they watched the destruction through cracks in the walls. On the fifth day, the Turks entered the house and arrested the father, leaving young Onassis as the only male there. The next day, Onassis took on the responsibility of rescuing his family. He went out into the chaotic streets of Smyrna, and there by chance he met the American vice-consul. With his intervention, the Onassis family was transferred immediately on a small boat to the nearby Greek island of Lesbos. Three weeks later, the Onassis family arrived at the Greek port of Piraeus -as war refugees- in a miserable condition.

In desperation, Onassis got there the idea to immigrate to the United States. But he could not obtain a visa, so as a second choice he decided on Argentina. Unfortunately his father was vehemently opposed, so much so that he refused to even give him the money for the tickets. Onassis was forced to ask some of his friends for a loan. He obtained an insignificant amount, and with it embarked on a risky venture. In August 1923, he departed from the Greek port of Piraeus, arriving a month later in Buenos Aires. He was only 17, clutched a torn suitcase, and was penniless.

His first priority was of course to find a job. He soon realized that wouldn't be easy. To keep himself alive, he had to wash dishes in restaurants and haul bricks on construction sites. Finally, in March 1924 he found a job at the Telephone Company of Buenos Aires as an electrician. This was not the Argentina Onassis had dreamed of.

But in 1925, Onassis's fate changed. As soon as he found a decent job, his next step was to work out a deal with his father so that he could start selling Greek tobacco in Argentina. Early in 1925 he began corresponding with his father and before long, he convinced his father to send him samples of high-quality Greek tobacco. With the samples in hand, Onassis started visiting the cigarette manufacturers of Argentina to try to sell them tobacco. He quickly received his first order, for $10,000. Since the quality of the tobacco was excellent, a second order followed soon, for $50,000. The orders came faster and faster. By May 1925 he had managed to put $25,000 in the bank -not bad for someone who had recently been penniless. And between 1930 and 1931 he expanded the business to Cuba and Brazil.

In the fall of 1932, Onassis assembled all of his savings -around $600,000- and sailed to London, the maritime world's capital, to buy ships. Because of the economic crash of 1929-1932, the ships' prices had declined precipitously. A ten year-old freighter, which had cost $1 million to build in 1920, could now be obtained for $20,000. Onassis didn't take long to find what he was looking for: a whole fleet of ten such ships were for sale in Saint Lawrence in Canada. In the winter of the same year, he was found in Saint Lawrence. After brief negotiations, he bought six of those ships in 1933 - for $20,000 each.

Onassis's career as a ship owner had begun.

Brian Tracy - 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

True Success Can Be Duplicated (By Jeffery Davis)

I have spent many years of my career in the sales industry (Real Estate and Insurance) and when you find people doing extremely well the tendency is to want to experience the same level of success. The good news is that desire is not only appropriate but reasonable. The bad news is when you want to follow in another person's footsteps the path is not clearly outlined. This makes it very hard to obtain.

Think about things we love to duplicate; a recipe for example. KFC chicken does not taste like Popeyes or El Pollo Loco because the recipes used vary in their ingredients. It's all chicken but the taste is different. Success is the same way. Many people experience success but the recipe they use is not the same.

The reason true success must be duplicated is if you are successful today but cannot repeat the process tomorrow then your success ends. No one wants that. Winners like winning and want to win over and over and over again. To do that you must have a way to duplicate yesterday's success so you can repeat it over and over again. If not you will become known as a "one hit wonder" who actually experienced success by luck not skill.

There are many programs on the market that claim to offer a system for success. These systems are marketed by very smart guys who focus on the process and the steps. Many time their credibility can be summed up in "I was very successful in this process and I have developed this system to help you enjoy the same success." The only problem is most people who develop systems designed to educate do not have an idea of how people learn differently and very few people have ever found success by reading a program filled with forms.

To duplicate success a system is needed. But the one to develop that system must not only be the one who has experienced success but the one who has analyzed the steps necessary to become a success, knows the mentality associated with obtaining that success and can lead others to follow the exact footsteps they took to get there. It is not possible to create the success of others when you leave out vital steps in the learning process. However when there is a real observation of the principles that cause any of us to become successful the steps are clearer and can be imitated by others.

The Beauty of Your Scars

When you have a learning experience, at some point you will be complete with it. It is then that detachment occurs. Once the learning is complete there is no longer any need for the factors that were used to create it. And so, release or detachment is desirable and necessary.

The scar that is left from the detachment is a reminder of the experience and its resultant knowledge and wisdom that was gained as you moved through the experience.Your scars hold the energy of the detachment and represent the knowledge you gained during the experience. Each scar represents the beauty of the wisdom you received as a result of going through the pain of learning.

You will forevermore carry your scars of learning within you. They beautify you and make you unique amongst all others. Each person has their own beauty which was created by their scars of learning experiences. Without them, you would be bland, indistinguishable from others, morphogenic, homogenized humans.

Those who seek the beauty of their scars will stand out, as they shine their light on others. Radiating it outward, they draw to them those who wish to also have such inner beauty.

Shine the beauty of your scars with those who come to you, for that is the purpose of the scars. Keeping your inner beauty, your scars of wisdom, to yourself does no one any good. The purpose of having experiences is to learn from them and to then share that knowledge and wisdom with others.

Consider all the experiences you've had and especially notice those who helped you have each of your experiences, for they were sharing with you the beauty of their scars in order to aid you in creating your own beautiful scars. Be grateful to them for helping you, as those whom you help will be grateful to you for your assistance in teaching them how to create their own beautiful scars.

And on it goes, each one sharing the beauty of their scars with others, and each one becoming more and more beautiful as they gather their learning experiences and create their own scars of wisdom.

Muse upon your scars. Take them one at a time and explore them until you find the beauty within them. Then when the opportunities present themselves - and they will - share the beauty of your scars with others who may benefit from your story of your learning experience and how you acquired such beautiful scars.

You all need more scars and the appreciation of the beauty of each one of them.

Happiness Quotient (By Vivek Bansal)

Recently we organized a group discussion in our Yoga Philosophy class at Rishikesh and the topic of discussion was, "how do you define happiness?"

When I saw the zeal and enthusiasm on their faces while discussing this topic, at that moment itself I realized, how important happiness is, to all of us. And also I could see, the process of expressing and sharing was making them so happy.

Then I asked them, which is that one topic, they would just like to talk again and again. Again interestingly, such amazing answers started coming - Food, Health, Music, Yoga, Travel, Adventure, Fun, Family, Relationships, Politics, Science, Statistics, Love, Life, God.

In other words, these are some of the things which we really enjoy in life and give us happiness. We all have different needs in our lives and most of those needs fall mainly into four categories - sensual, mental, intellectual and spiritual. When we meet those needs of ours, we find joy in life.

Meeting sensual needs mean, satisfying our tongue with delicious food, eyes with beautiful sights, ears with melodious music, nose with fragrant articles and skin with a special touch.

We all are looking for very satisfying relationships in which we want to love and trust and at the same want to be loved and trusted. Emotional fulfillment is one of the most important aspects of our mental needs.

Most of us are too absorbed in our own self and often this self-absorption leads to depression. Psychologically, most depressions are a result of thinking too much about one's own needs, interests, and concerns. When we start focusing on what will really make others happy, we are left with no time to think about our own happiness.

We need to learn giving happiness to others, when we contemplate on the needs, interests, and concerns of others, we come out of our self-absorption. Psychologically, most depressions are a result of thinking too much about one's own needs, interests, and concerns. In fact, those who live thinking about the needs, interests, and concerns of others become icons for the world.

Our small efforts in giving happiness to others, come flooding into our lives in the form of happiness that others try to give us. It's exactly like a small tidal wave of the ocean becomes a tsunami outside the ocean.

When we focus on others' happiness, people get helplessly drawn toward us and what we get is a lifetime of an exponential growth of mutual happiness.

This is Happiness Quotient - HQ, it is about how much happiness we give to others. The more the HQ, happier we will be.

What Other's Don't Know About You - Yet!

You are a beautiful and amazing person and you have value!

Do you know what that means? That means that you yourself have a unique ability to impact the world in a way that no one else can. There is something about you that no one else has and I want to talk to you about that for just for a minute okay.You need to understand that you yourself - you alone possess what is uniquely you. There is nobody else that can be you no matter how hard they try. It is impossible for them to be you!

In the same regard, it's impossible for you to be somebody else. So don't try to compare yourself to another person. Don't compare yourself to their results, to their path, to their journey... it's irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant is "What is your journey? How are you going to take the steps necessary on a consistent regular basis to get you where you need to go?"

Your outcomes are your outcomes alone your no one else's. No one else can achieve them. No one else can appreciate them and no one else will value them the way that you value them.So go after them 100% with your whole heart. Take hold of them ahead of time. What I mean by that is you to reach out into your future and grab hold of the emotional state that you're going to enjoy when you have attained your outcomes. Hold that feeling on the inside because when it becomes real - it becomes attainable, and if it's attainable it's yours so today!

Remember that you have immense value.

There is unlimited potential within you.

There is nothing outside of you that can hold you back once you set your course to your outcome.!&id=10537491

How to Make an Impact | A Monk's Perspective

Message From the Universe: When Bad Things Happens to Good People

"When "bad" things happen to "good" people, it's often because they want to become even better teachers, guides, and helpers to those precious souls who will one day need them to be their rock.

Plus, today's bad is always tomorrow's boon, no matter who you are, no matter what has happened, and no matter how weak the coffee was.


The Universe"

What a clichΓ©, isn't? No matter how good of a person you are, hell will come and pay you a visit. On the other hand, regardless of how many people you cheated or scammed, you may live your life in abundance and prosperity. No one ever told you that life is fair right? When you face difficult choices in life when it comes to the path you want to take, it may be more alluring to opt for going rogue. However, it is also important to determine how you want to live your life. Do you want to sleep at night in peace and not feel like someone is after you or always stress and worry about being a target for the people you have done wrong? It is important for you to figure out the best way to make your life a success while still be able to be helpful to others, be kind and honest. It may be taking a long time to get to destination, but when you do, life will feel so much more of a blessing.

Every hardship we deal with will provide you with the tools needed to become a better person. It is sad that it takes difficult challenges, even illnesses for humans to learn about the value of life. We aim too much for excellence and worry too much about the future and forget about the present. Nothing in life is guaranteed so the key to a happy life is to live it today. Forget about what will happen tomorrow or next week, pay attention to what is going on and what lessons you can learn from today. There is so much more to learn in life and it is really up to you to take that step forward to making yourself great again.

Top Tips For Managing Feelings of Intense Anger

Anger is a natural reaction to a specific situation. We are all instinctively hardwired to respond aggressively to a perceived or real threat. Anger may be healthy or even crucial for an individual's well-being in some situations, yet it becomes detrimental if it grows into an unmanageable rage. It then takes control of our lives, hurting the people around us. According to research, one out of every five persons has anger management issues. These individuals struggle with abnormally repressed or expressed anger, leading to severe emotional and physical implications.

Anger causes us to act dangerously as we are likely to not think clearly as we speak or react. Most people later regret whatever they said or did while they were going through their feelings of intense anger. Anger can make you hurt others or even yourself emotionally or physically. People may start avoiding you or even feel fearful of you, leading to feelings of isolation, loneliness or even depression. Uncontrollable rage and anger cause poor decision-making and adds further complications to your life.

To start your anger management process, the best strategy is to start recognizing the early signs of anger within you. These signs could be physical or emotional changes that you might observe as you start feeling angry. You may feel your muscles tense up, such as a tightening sensation in your shoulders or instinctive fist or jaw clenching. Your face may start feeling flushed or hot and your heartbeat may start beating more rapidly. Some people feel knots in their stomach, while others get headaches or start pacing. There may be feelings of impatience, sadness, irritation or being weighed down.

Some people have innate patterns of thinking typical to their family, making them increasingly prone to anger. Several very angry people have the tendency to blame others for their troubles. Others take things very personally, believing that everyone else is after them. Another type becomes angry over mundane issues like being lost or the traffic.

Start by prioritizing the significant issues over the trivial ones and deal with them accordingly. To manage your feelings of intense anger, out of these very effective strategies, you need to find the ones that work for you.

The first step is to accept the fact that you have the strength to control your anger. This control is essentially a skill that improves with practice. Realizing that ups and downs are very normal will enable you to understand that it is acceptable to feel anger when something goes wrong. Focus on the positives in your life and do something that relaxes you. Breathing deeply and slowly works for almost everyone.

Stop yourself from saying or doing the first instinctive thing that comes to the mind and instead, count to ten. This brief wait will let you think about how others' feelings will be affected by your reaction. Think about leaving or at least taking a break and come back after you feel more in control of your anger. Make advance contingency plans for how you will react if you find yourself in irritating circumstances.

Listen to others with open-mindedness. Perhaps you have preconceived notions about what others say since you haven't been listening carefully. Try to explain your perspective very calmly, even if you find it tiresome. Develop your own constructive anger management methods, such as listening to music, a run, talking to a friend or perhaps writing a journal.

When you find yourself achieving even the slightest level of success at managing your intense anger, appreciate yourself. Move further ahead in the process and identify the circumstances where you are able to manage your emotions and the ones where your anger takes over. This will be your powerful tool that will grow as you achieve more and more success in your anger management.

How Alcohol Affects the Brain and Why It's Difficult to Quit Drinking

Compared to illicit drugs and other substances, the consumption of alcohol is generally not considered a taboo. It is customarily accepted in most social settings, be it parties, informal get-together, or any festival. Due to the legitimization of drinking, alcohol is available rather easily and at a cheaper cost than most drugs.

However, no one can deny the fact that alcohol is addictive and has the potential to alter a person's brain dramatically. The prolonged and excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to a multitude of physical and mental health complications and may increase the risk of developing an addiction.

Though alcohol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant, most people consume it for its stimulant effect to alleviate any kind of stress and tension. If alcohol is consumed in excess, an individual may succumb to its depressant effects. In addition, alcohol directly affects the neural and chemical activities in the brain, particularly those regions that control thought processes, behaviors and emotions.

Depressant and indirect stimulant effects of alcohol

Alcohol interacts with the brain where it affects both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in transmitting signals throughout the body and controlling emotions, thoughts and behaviors. When a person consumes alcohol, the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is significantly amplified.

As a result, the person's heart rate and respiratory function slow down, causing him or her to feel relaxed and sedated. This is also the reason why alcohol should never be mixed with benzodiazepine drugs, such as Xanax and Valium, which intensify the effects of GABA to the levels that can be detrimental to the person.

Alcohol also affects the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate that increases the energy level and speeds up neural activities. On consumption, alcohol represses the release of glutamate that reduces the function of neurotransmitters. Another neurotransmitter that alcohol directly affects is dopamine. Dopamine is considered both an excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter; however, it is popular because it stimulates the brain's reward center. When a large amount of dopamine is produced in the brain, it makes a person believe that he or she is experiencing euphoria and other ecstatic feelings.

Key brain regions affected by alcohol

Frequent consumption of alcohol for a long time can make a person's body dependent on alcohol for the daily dose of dopamine rush. This is because the brain reduces or stops the production of dopamine on being supplied and stimulated from an external source.

When a person has developed an addiction to alcohol, he or she is likely to experience a compulsive set of behaviors, such as indulgence in criminal activities, manipulative tendencies, aggressive and violent behavior, etc., that promote drinking. The onset of dependence and addiction is a gradual process that steadily affects the key regions of the brain. Here are some brain regions that are affected by alcohol:

  • Hypothalamus and pituitary: Alcohol has been regarded as a potent aphrodisiac because it interacts with the pituitary and hypothalamus. These regions control automatic brain functions and hormones that affect sexual arousal. Although alcohol has the ability to increase one's libido, its consumption for a prolonged period affects sexual performance.
  • Medulla: This brain region is responsible for regulating functions, such as breathing, body temperature and conscious activities. Alcohol reacts with the medulla and causes sleepiness, decreased rate of breathing and body temperature, etc. When a person drinks excessive alcohol, the functions of medulla are significantly diminished that can lead to life-threatening situations.
  • Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for regulating one's movement, coordination and balance. When alcohol interacts with this region of the brain, the individual is at risk of witnessing stumbling, falling and other clumsy mishaps.
  • Cerebral cortex: It is the region of the brain where consciousness and thought processing take place. However, when alcohol reaches this part of the brain, it allows a person to loosen up and become inhibited. It also lowers the efficacy of the brain in processing external information through the senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, which significantly affects the ability of a person to think clearly and make rational decisions.
Path to recovery

Because there are no safe limits to drinking, alcohol poses a serious risk to people indulging in it regularly. Alcohol has the ability to hijack and rewire the brain that influences a person to prioritize alcohol-seeking behavior. Therefore, it is essential to spread awareness about the risks associated with drinking. When addicted to a substance like alcohol, it becomes important to undergo an effective addiction treatment program to overcome all the hurdles and challenges.

Self-Induced Stress

Do you create stress for yourself?

We stress ourselves with our thinking, our unexamined habits, and our denial. Self-defeating thinking includes assumptions we have made about ourselves and the world which we don't recognize. Do you find yourself resenting others? Does it seem life is easier for everyone else? Does anger pop up quickly? Do you speak when you wish you hadn't? Or don't speak and you wish you had? Do you feel like a Victim? Or a Bully?

You can change any scenario entirely on your own. Our consciousness is the basis for everything that happens in our lives. If you want to know what exists in your inner world, look around you. Is your mate abusive or insensitive? It's no coincidence.

Something in you refuses to acknowledge your own needs and worth. He's just a mirror. Is your boss critical and humiliating? What in you is she reflecting? An abusive inner Critic? The outside reflects the inside unerringly.

Having these mirrors makes our job of personal growth so much easier! We always assume that what is exists to help us. Nothing is a mistake. Circumstances seem to align to allow us the experience we need. "No," I can hear you protest, "I don't want to be humiliated and frustrated and disappointed." It's painful and maybe unfair, but for some reason you need that experience. We learn to focus on our personal experience and not on the objective facts.

An appropriate and growthful response no matter what occurs is "Thank you." Whether we like what happens or not is irrelevant. If we accept what is with gratitude and release our resistance, we learn. Life knows better than our minds what we need in order to heal and grow. When we say "Thank you" we cooperate with life. Stress results from resisting the lessons life presents to us.

Habits are behavioral indications of thinking stuck in the past. Habits are automatic, unconsidered responses. Unconsciously we are reacting from another time and place, presumably when we lacked power or insight or maturity. Why would we prefer that unawareness? Because something painful or problematic threatens to emerge and we fear we can't cope. But the truth is we can handle it. We've grown and we've matured and we're ready for more. We don't manage every situation gracefully but we always have another chance. We look, we consider, and we make another choice. And always we're on our own side. We're here to learn, not to be perfect, so no matter what happens we continue on our path.

Denial closes off learning. It's like pulling the shades down and saying "There's nothing to see so I won't look." We can't learn or grow or change if we won't see what is. We don't have to know how to handle it and we certainly don't have to understand it, we just have to see what is. And experience. We acknowledge the reality of our inner world and we allow our feelings. We notice the process involved in feeling - opening to the intensity of the emotion, feeling it fully, and watching the resolution which occurs naturally. We learn to know our inner world through having experiences. We watch the natural flow of our feelings and we learn not to recoil in fear but to allow. Allowing is the opposite of denial. When we practice non-resistance, allowing, and trust, we avoid stress.

Abraham Hicks 2022 ~ Start Your Morning This Way For Amazing Things To Unfold

Re-Invent Or Become Obsolete


Is it time to re-invent or transition your business?

The world is a different place than it was in 1980. If you have been in business for more than twenty years and are dong things they way you did when you started or even just five years ago - beware - times are changing faster than at any time in history and it's only going to get worse do you have a choice - circle the wagons and keep doing what you have been doing for years or let go of conventional wisdom, sacred cows and traditional thinking and reinvent - yourself, your business, your association, your church - everything - or accept being left behind and losing everything.

Over the years I have worked with many organizations who for whatever reasons, decided that they needed to re-invent itself in order to remain a competitive and profitable enterprise in the marketplace.

During the same period, I have also observed hundreds of organizations that obviously needed to re-invent themselves but for whatever reasons failed to do so. Let's take a brief look at five of the critical areas that will have an impact on this process and will determine whether your re-invention is an exercise in futility or a successful transition.

What do I mean when I use the term - re-invent/transition?

Re-invent, re-discover, re-new, start over, begin again - the terms do not matter, what does are the attitudes, values, prejudices, opinions, expectations, fears, needs, desires and values of the owner or senior management who will ultimately drive the process. Having said that, to me, when an organization needs to re-invent itself, for whatever reason, it implies that what was or used to be, is no longer working, effective, profitable or competitive. It is time for one or more new: policies, strategies, structures, methods, procedures, expectations, rules, behaviors, leadership, direction, focus and even employees - and probably all of them.

When is the right time to re-invent/transition your organization?

My experience tells me, that, the pain for management or the organization has to be significant enough, however this pain is manifested, before executives or management becomes willing to set a new course and transition its organization. Unfortunately, because of; arrogance, ignorance, ego or all of the three, many organizations either never do it or recognize the need far too late and become just another business statistic or illustration of a bad example in some author's book. The time to re-invent is before you need to. The time to do it is every year - at a minimum and maybe even every month. Better to regularly condition your employees for consistent constructive and positive change and growth than to try and turn a battleship (your organization) around in a small harbor in twenty minutes with a less than motivated staff because they are not ready, equipped, motivated or interested in doing so.

How do you re-invent/transition your organization?

Let's see if I can summarize one of my all-day seminars here in just a few sentences. If you are not willing to seriously embrace, at a minimum, each of these steps, I recommend you save your money and let the market place decide your ultimate fate.

1) You must be willing to let go of the day-to-day details that will drive this process.

2) You must lock your ego and your prejudices and expectations in the closet.

3) You must be committed to see the process through to its conclusion, no matter how long it takes or what it costs.

4) You must empower your management team to implement and inspect the transition process - you can't do it alone and still run the business. If you can you have bigger problems than this transition, believe me.

5) You don't lose your tradition or fundamental values.

6) You must trust your employees to pull the transition off.

7) You need to lead the process, not manage it.

8) You need to accurately assess your; willingness to change, let go, delegate, empower and live with the consequences.

9) You should hire an outside resource to ensure that the above items are adhered to. Your employees are not going to do it all without some impartial guidance and/or creativity.

10)You need to be an encourager and a champion of this process in both easy and hard times.

11) There's a lot more, trust me but you would be amazed at how few organizations can do most or even in some cases any of the above.

Who should be involved in the re-invention/transition process?

This one is easy - anyone who can contribute ideas, reality, information, inspiration, creativity, value, feedback, accountability, integrity or support to the process and I mean everyone.

What will the new organization look like after the re-invention/transition process is complete?

It's anyone's guess. In a rapidly changing world it is becoming increasingly difficult if not impossible to accurately forecast future outcomes. All you can do is remain flexible, open, receptive and willing to make change your partner and the partner of your organization.

So, it's a choice - stay stuck and hope you survive or reinvent and get ahead or at a minimum stay with the trends and the curves ahead.