It’s Never Too Late To PURSUE YOUR DREAMS | Marisa Peer

Does Success Require Humility?

Are all successful people humble? Are all humble people successful? Ever even thought about this idea?

Before I share with you what I think are the important points regarding this concept;

Humility (Dictionary) - a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. Or - modesty, weakness, humbleness or Unpretentiousness.

Agree with any or all of these?

I don't always agree with the general dictionary definitions of words for a variety of reasons but let's just say that these regarding humility tend to imply weakness and I have never viewed humility as a weakness but a strength. How about you?

Since this definition and your definition are a foundation for what follows we don't have to be on the same page, but we do need to be open and receptive for a different viewpoint.

For me, humility is a sign of strength simply because it takes courage to demonstrate it in times of outside pressure from others, inside pressure for the need to fit in and belong and social pressure to not show weakness.

Keep in mind I am not referring to humility here as backing down, giving in, or any other form of consolation or concession when what you are standing for is right, noble or grounded in truth and or principle. I am not saying we should all give in no matter the circumstances. What I am suggesting is that the ability to stand strong without letting your ego, arrogance, supposed intelligence take over for whatever reason that demonstrates that we have the ability to accept failure, adversity or trials with patience, wisdom, and common sense. We have the ability to know when to fight back and when to let go of the need to stand strong.

OK, now that I hope I have that out of the way back to the title.

Is humility a part of or necessary for real success? Noticed I added the word "real" to the question.

Success - (Dictionary) the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. O.K. how about the self-help industry's definition - it's the journey, not the destination. O.K. here's mine -

The direction (outcomes) in life you want to achieve and as the journey progresses you are accomplishing the desired and established benchmarks along the way.

Yes, there is more to success than my above definition but for the sake of brevity, I kept it short.

So, given the two definitions what is your answer to the above questions - Are all successful people humble? Are all humble people successful?

Let's take the first one first.

During my global speaking career, I have known hundreds of successful people in a variety of industries and positions who were all extremely successful when it came to finance, reputation, power, and influence but lacked any degree of humility for any number of reasons.

And yes, I have also met many who had all of the above outcomes and traits and yes also had humility as a major portion of their personality and style.

So, from personal experience, the answer to the first question is - no.

What about the second question.

If I used the same criteria as above I get the same outcome. Some humble people are successful while some are not.

"So, Tim, what's the point of this article. It would appear that humility is not a trait that needs to be considered to achieve success."

Yes, you are right if you only consider the above traits I mentioned. But, what if we added; happiness, inner peace, contentment, a lifelong legacy and a few others - would the outcomes change dramatically.

Just because you have fame, power, influence and wealth can't and should not (in my opinion) be the only factors when considering and defining success.

What about ethics and integrity? What about charity and generosity? What about spiritual values?

Want proof - hundreds of very successful people over the years according to the first set of criteria have - committed suicide, ended up in prison, spent years in mental institutions and ended their lives in pain, sadness, loss, and mockery.

Were they a success - sure. Was it worth it - who knows, or only time will tell.

Let me end this diatribe with a simple idea - as your life progresses would you rather have it end with fun, happy and wonderful memories or ones that caused you stress, pain, uncertainty and a loss of connection to those you loved or knew?

I'm not suggesting by any means that it isn't possible to have all of the positives. So, decide - what do you want your path to be like - filled with all of the positives and negatives or just all of the positives?

Picture What You Want In Your Mind

For nearly anything in life, you need to picture what you want in your mind first while taking the necessary steps to create it into your reality. It is not enough to just imagine the things you desire, sit on a couch and eat a sandwich. Dreams never literally take physical form unless you put in the work.

But where do you even begin? How can you go about realizing what you want? What can you do to change your current circumstances? Why is the mind so powerful?

Well, if you can picture what you want in your mind, believe it in your heart, and have the desire and the courage to work for it, you can bring it into your reality. You have to see it happening. There is nothing off limits. And there are no limitations to those who believe and those who are willing to work for their dream. So, you have to see it in your mind before you can see it in your reality.

You need to visualize what you want. Picture everything you want so clearly in your mind until you can see it right in front of you. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Create a vision board. Then you will have evidence of the incredible influence of your mind, and the remarkable power you have.

Nothing good ever comes from living by what is in front of you, and by only reacting to the circumstances of life. In that way, you never move beyond the life that is staring at you right now. So, you have to be able to see outside of your current situation.

What You Want Has to Be a Pulling Vision

There is a big difference between pushing and pulling yourself. Pushing yourself is not something you desire but rather something you have to do to get something. While pulling yourself is the vision you have, which draws, excites and compels you to achieve what you want.

You must be able to acknowledge where you are in life. But know that you are capable of creating so much more. You have to understand that where you are right now is not your life. It is where you are at the moment only because of your previous decisions and past beliefs.

Now, it is time, to sum up, the courage to ask for better, to believe things could be better, and to believe magic is on the way. The time has come to get what you want and deserve. Know that in life, we do not get what we ask for, but we get what we ask and work for.

What You Want Is Putting in the Work

Nothing in your existence will happen without putting in the work. No matter the books, seminars, audio tapes, gurus, or mentors you get; nothing will work if you do not put effort into what you want. I am not talking about doing work you hate; there is no need for that.

I am speaking about doing work you love. Passion is not working. Yes, you have to do something, but you should do it because you love doing it, and not because you have to. And that is where the magic is created. You add value to others by doing what you want to do, and you get rewarded for it. What you want is not going to come to you by just dreaming about it.

When you get in your car to go somewhere, you would never expect to arrive at the destination by just closing your eyes and picturing about it. And you know you cannot get there instantly. You must know where you are going, but you also understand that right now you are here. Therefore, to get to your objective, there is going to be a journey.

What You Want Is Often a Difficult Path

There might be roadblocks, detours, curves, stop signs, barriers, flat tires, and even breakdowns on the way. But if you really must get to that destination and have what you want, you can and will find a way. On a car trip, you would never stop half way and turn around because of a detour, a setback or an obstacle.

You just take whatever path that leads to your destination, even if it is or was not the road you planned on taking, or the easiest one.

Life is no different! If you want something; anything in your life, you must first know where you are. And then you have to know what it is going to take to get there. So, you have to commit that no matter what happens, you will reach that destination.

What You Want Is Achievable

When you have to go the long way to get what you want, so be it, follow the long road. If you have to learn a new way, then learn this new approach. And when there are detours, roadblocks, curves, or you get flat tires and breakdowns, you have to keep going.

Find a way to fix the issue. Get patched up. But you need never to quit. If you just know deep inside of you and if you believe you will get there, you will. And when you dare to see it through, there is nothing you cannot achieve or have.

"The man who has no imagination has no wings." - Muhammad Ali

There is nowhere you cannot go, and no one you cannot become. If you cannot envision what you want, if you cannot believe it, then you will never see it through and never become that person.

What You Want Is Feeling It

And if you want to live an average life, that is fine. Keep your feet on the ground. But if what you want is to soar, if you want to achieve great things, you must not only think crazy thoughts but feel and visualize them.

Picture and experience what it would feel like to be doing what you dream of and want to do. Sense what it feels like to have all the things you want. Feel what it is to be the person that has achieved the things you want to accomplish.

The very process of you feeling like you already have it will send vibrational signals to your brain. And if you are willing to work for it, it will be in your life earlier than you think.

"Your imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein

Picturing What You Want

Only those who believe anything is possible can achieve the things most would consider impossible. So you must know who you are going to be before you become that person. You have to picture what you want to achieve and feel like you already have it before you can bring it into your reality.

In the great book "Think and Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill states: "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." He then says: "You are the master of your destiny; you can influence, direct and control your environment. And you can make your life what you want it to be."

Therefore, to have what you want, there is no magic trick. It is not a new philosophy. Most of you know about it, and if you do not, you should start paying attention. The reason is that just about anyone who is successful knows.

"Everything is created twice; first in the mind and then in reality." - Robin Sharma

The Power behind What You Want

There are energy and power far greater than we can comprehend which is at play here. And you can either, use it, live in harmony with it, create with it, or run in fear from it and ignore it.

You cannot focus on where you are right now and expect to get what you want or where you want to be. If you want to change your life, you need to get your mind off all your problems. You need to release your mind from all limitations and focus on the outcome you want in your life.

Think of What You Want

Think exactly where you want to be and what you want. Make a very detailed list of all the things you want. Then write down what it is going to take to get there. Whatever do you need to do? What do you need to learn? Who do you need to connect with to get there?

Do not focus on your limitations or the things that are holding you back, but rather focus on what you need to get there. Believe you will get where you want to be. If you have a money challenge, focus on how you can get the money you need and not on your lack of money.

Tips to Achieve What You Want

  • To get what you want; focus on what can you do and what you must do. Then do that.
  • Be unrealistic. Nothing great was ever achieved by a realist.
  • Set audacious goals that even intimidate you.
  • Stretch yourself to your limits as you are capable of much more than you give yourself credit for.
  • Having a plan B only distracts you from plan A.
  • Focus on your goal to the exclusion of everything else.
  • Give your efforts toward your greatest strengths to experience success.
  • To be great, you must strive for greatness.
  • Picture what you want in your mind first, before it ever becomes a reality.
  • Be convinced of your success.
  • In your imagination, live in your new home, drive the new car, and see your marvelous spouse, before it ever becomes a reality.
  • Believe in your ability before anyone else will. Have faith in your capacity to succeed.
  • Ask yourself: "Why not me, why not now?" So, never underestimate yourself.
  • Keep moving forward.

So, in summary, remember that to get where you want to be, you have to see it. You have to be unrealistic while striving and putting in the work. But you have to see, live, feel and experience what you want in your mind first. All of it while you believe, know, act to then move forward.

Abraham Hicks ~ Do this before any action and everything will unfold

Understanding Substance Abuse in Women

Substance abuse affects men and women differently. Though men are more likely to get addicted to drugs or alcohol, women are more susceptible to suffering from its medical, social and legal consequences. Compared to men, women use these substances for different reasons and respond differently to them. Simply put, when it comes to abusing harmful substances and understanding their effects, gender does play an important role.

Many women also start abusing substances after being introduced to them via a partner or a friend. In addition to citing socio-economic pressures like gender bias in terms of salary and familial responsibilities, some women turn to substances for weight management issues as well. For instance, there are more women who smoke nicotine to keep their weight under control.

In addition to using addictive substances differently, their response is peculiar too. For example, as women are more likely to suffer from chronic pain and be prescribed more painkillers, they can quickly become dependent on prescription drugs than men with increased chances of doctor shopping, overdose and suicide. As per national statistics, overdose from prescription painkillers continues to be the most under-recognized and growing problem among women.

Women exposed to higher risks

Some of the issues that may lead to women abusing drugs or alcohol may include physical/sexual abuse, childhood trauma, stress and the inability to cope, socio-economic concerns and mental health issues. As a result, substance use disorders (SUD) may manifest differently in women. For instance, in addition to causing an addiction and painful withdrawal symptoms, it can impact a woman's reproductive cycle, create complications during pregnancy and even lead to an early onset of menopause. There's also a greater risk of an infant being born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), a condition characterized by a set of problems when babies are exposed to drugs in the womb. While men can externalize their stress in the form of aggression and anger, women are more likely to internalize it leading to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Women also tend to be more sensitive to the effects of drugs or alcohol for biological reasons. For instance, as compared to men, women achieve higher concentration of alcohol in their blood and become impaired quickly. They are also vulnerable to alcohol-related organ damage and trauma resulting from alcohol-related violence than their counterparts. Heavy drinking by females exposes them to the risk of breast cancer as well besides leading to other complications like heart disease and brain damage.

Need-specific diagnosis and treatment

Since there are many differences between men and women in terms of cause and effect, substance abuse treatment for women should address their unique needs, incorporate approaches that recognize the gender differences, provide additional support to mothers and use effective, evidence-based treatment for pregnant women. Stigma surrounding drug and alcohol addiction causes a significant barrier in seeking treatment, which should be taken into account as well. Women's role as mothers, caregivers and family role models add to their burden that can dissuade many from seeking professional help and improving their health.

One of the effective ways to deal with SUDs is to understand the reasons and the risk factors involved. Research indicates that as compared to men, women are less likely to get treatment due to the fear of losing friends or family, fear of embarrassment or shame or the fear of being punished by the authorities. There also needs to be ample community support to help them access health care services as early as possible. In addition to providing child care, family services and good prenatal care, there should also be an increased focus on increasing women's engagement in care. The treatment programs should incorporate one-to-one counseling or therapy, access to support groups as well as aftercare programs to help them achieve sobriety and avoid relapse.

Get Rid Of This Stress-Causing Syndrome And Be Free To Choose Your Goals

No one can deny the fact that scientific and technological advancements have made our lives easier. But the question is whether we are leading a peaceful life or a life full of stress. Obviously, most of us will answer that we face a lot of stress in our day-to-day life. But what is the main reason for this stress?

The main reason, according to experts, is that we continuously keep chasing our dreams. It is not that we must not have dreams. In fact, only if we have dreams and nurture them suitably, we will be able to accomplish big feats. But unfortunately, we compare ourselves with our co-workers, friends, relatives and neighbors and strongly believe that the life of all these people is better than our life. Due to this "comparison syndrome," we keep shifting our goal-posts. That is why we face stress and we are unhappy.

For example, a person with a small car compares himself with a person who owns a bigger vehicle and wants to buy a car that is bigger than the vehicle of the other person. A person who earns $5,000 a month wants to earn $7,500 like his friend or a relative.

Thanks to our relentless chase of our dreams, we end up working longer hours and sacrificing our peace of mind. We face stress that takes a toll on our health. But is there a remedy to this endless chase?

Yes. There is. The remedy is you must own your life and must not allow your comparison syndrome to take control of your life. Unfortunately, the media, the celebrities who often appear on the television shows and our society ensure that we get trapped deeply into this "comparison quagmire." We tend to believe that the artificial happiness we derive when we surpass someone is real. Remember that this artificial happiness can be addictive and hence, we should not become a victim to it.

If you belong to the group of reactive people, you may find it difficult to get out of your comparison mode. On the other hand, if you are proactive, you will be able to stop comparing yourself with others. This may also be a steep road to climb but it is not impossible.

You can desire to have whatever you want in life but this desire should not be the result of comparisons. Of course, there are philosophers who say "contentment consists not in great wealth but in few wants." You may say that this is an audacious suggestion. That is the reason we are just suggesting that you should not allow your comparison syndrome to decide your desires. Once you unshackle yourself from this syndrome, you will have the freedom to set your own goals in life.

Are You Choosing Happiness So You're Able To Achieve Smart Goals Quickly?

Today let's discuss achieving your goals and objectives quickly.

It is important to do exactly what you can to further better yourself and your life when it comes to personal transformation and turning your life around for the better if that's your goal.

That is where knowing self-help strategies can be found in handy.

They can help you enhance your life and yourself. Follow these suggestions to turn your life around and how to feel happy always.

Improving your social abilities will help you pave your path to self-improvement goals and improving your life situation.

The Course in Miracles states, "Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal."

When you have strong relationships that are strong and reputable, you will be able to have access to more support.

Your good friends will exist to help your discover more about yourself from a viewpoint that you just do not have.

An excellent improve your life idea is to make sure your diet isn't making you depressed.

A Well Balanced Diet Goes a Long Way

Eating healthier as I 'd already mentioned above, but in a different way, certainly will make you feel much better.

A terrific personal development tip is to make room for respect and regard for other individuals.

You can do this by constantly being the person that provides responses to problems instead of the one that contributes to these problems.

By providing options for others, more people will gravitate towards you as an individual to trust.

When you set personal development objectives, set them slightly above where you feel comfortable.

It's that additional small percentage of effort on top of what you feel you can currently achieve that will make you the better individual.

When you finally reach this seemingly difficult path, you'll recognize how deep the well of capability is inside of you.

Being Happy and Living your Dreams

In a previous session I discussed free available information on the web about manifestation and for making your dreams a reality you may call your own.

By volunteering to help those less fortunate, you have the opportunity to establish your own thankfulness which uncovers happiness.

You may also discover yourself motivated to find other means to reach out and assist others.

Avoid abusing alcohol and drugs in order to stay on top of your self-improvement goals.

You have probably heard that alcohol is a depressant. This is true. It can likewise hinder any medications you may be taking.

It can cause you to feel even worse, become ill, or perhaps even overdose. It is constantly best to stay away from alcoholic beverages if you are feeling unhappy.

When you are ready to make your dream a reality is a great motivator, writing smart goals about. Put in words exactly what you want to attain and in what time-frame.

Be very particular with your goals.

Documenting your dreams and objectives will assist to hold you responsible and is proven to assist those who really do achieve what they set out to attain.

When it concerns self-improvement goals make sure that you not only discuss things in your head and check in with yourself, but that you also pay attention to your thoughts and assess them.

Due to the fact that you need to follow your thought patterns and utilize them to grow even more, this is important.

As you can see from the previous list of suggestions, helping yourself can truly make a distinction in the general quality of your life.

It takes a lot of fun and good work, a lot of fighting individual bad habits, and tons of perseverance, and, it is all wonderful in the end to live a better, healthier life.

It is crucial to do exactly what you can to better yourself and your life when it comes to your personal growth plan.

Thereby, keep in mind to set these self-improvement goals as somewhat an important aspect of your everyday actions toward a rewarding and happy life.

(Please note I also suggest seeking the web for further helpful content on topics like, "Why manifesting love always with a life of purpose and passion gets you the life you want.")

To achieving your goals with happiness!

Abraham Hicks 2021 | Stop Torturing Yourself, Start Doing this Instead🙏|...

Law of Attraction & Turning Thoughts Into Things

Have you ever wondered about the Law Of Attraction and if it really works?

Would you like to know how to apply it and try it out for yourself?

Let me share with you why you might want to take notice of the Law of Attraction and change your thoughts so that you can make positive changes in your life, starting today.

First off, I'd like you to think about all the things that have been created in the world in general e.g houses, businesses, the billions of products we have, things in your home, appliances, food etc. Now, I'd like you to think back to a time before these things were here in our experience. Good. And now I'd like you to think about where the ideas for these things to be created/produced started? Stop for a moment and ponder... Everything that is known to you as a physical tangible thing in our world, was first born inside someone's head. Everything that has come into existence ie known to our senses, started as an idea or inspired thought/desire to create. Can you agree with this? Good.

Now, think about the things that you have in your home today. Take a good look around the room you are in right now, if you are at home reading this,and if not, do it later. Before you got the things you have, you had a desire for these things or you thought about these things, right? So, do you see that they were all your ideas and thoughts before you had them manifest in your experience? The home you are living in. At some point in the past, you had an 'idea' or 'desire' to move home. Or, you had a desire for a type of car. You took some action and then you got the car. There, I've just proven to you that your thoughts create your reality!

Everything is FIRST an idea or thought before it comes into creation. Now, you don't even have to believe in a higher power to get to grasps with the nature of how creation works. It IS IN YOUR EXPERIENCE, as fact. Whether you admit it or not, whether it can be proven or not, which it can now, anyway. Look into quantum physics and you will find that scientists are discovering that consciousness creates matter/ideas etc. Consciousness is the source of it all, meaning that your mind and thinking are the fuel for creating matter ie the physical appearance and experiences that show up in your life.

This is the basic of the Law of Attraction teachings. They teach you to understand that you are the creator and that you have the power to shape your life with your thoughts and emotions. So, what are you thinking/feeling today? What signal are you emitting to the universe? You will get back what you give out.

It is an energetic/vibrational universe. Things begin in the non physical realms first, then they are transferred into the physical. Much like one of those coffee dispensing machines. Everything is silent, only the idea of coffee exists. You press the button to select the coffee and then a cup is dispensed and filled with water, milk and coffee. Et voila, coffee! First there is the space for desire to be born, then comes the means for the tangible expression of the realised desire.

Thought is a intangible form of energy. It has the ability to shape matter, literally around you and before your very eyes. It happens quicker if you believe that all this is possible or make it conscious, as you will otherwise continue to create unconsciously with your inner most held beliefs and assumptions. Why not awaken to the fact that you have this ability to create your hearts desires instead?

To put this creation process into practice,you can start thinking in ways that will support the manifestation of a life that is in alignment with your highest desires and wellbeing for the good of all. Seems too good to be true? Yes, it can seem that way at first, until you start delving into it and begin to experience it for yourself.

You see, the world of things around you exists in vibrational essence first, ie as an idea/desire. And you have the ability to create through the conscious application of intentional thought/desire. Think about how creative our civilisation is? From the first beginnings of creating tools to make fire, to the more advanced technologies of today. We created it! Isn't it amazing that we have the power to basically create anything we can imagine? Anything that improves our experience in this physical world or provides comfort and convenience e.g cars

So now you know that it's actually possible to literally shape matter or create your world with your thoughts, desires and imagination, you can use it wisely for the highest good of all.

There is only one rule, and that is, only create with good intentions that does not infringe on another's freewill. Remember you will always reap what you sow! That is another way LoA works. We are all one in this world together. Always be aware of what you are thinking and never think ill of another. We all came from one source but each of us is here to create something wonderful for our lives and ideally for the benefit of all. And remember to share!

Initially, we are service to self oriented and so we want to accumulate, but through maturity, we can create in ways that benefit all, whilst at the same time sharing our passions/vision for the highest good of all. We can be the change we wish to see in the world, be of service to our fellow beings.

So, if you want to change your life, start by changing your thoughts. Notice where you assume lack in your life? Where do you judge yourself or others? What parts of yourself require forgiveness and love? Know that you are worthy to receive your good and true hearts desire.

Yes, there will be challenges, but you can make small changes in the way you perceive/think about what shows up, and this will greatly change what you attract into your experience, and more importantly, how you react to what is happening in your life now. Be kind to yourself, love yourself unconditionally, just as the Universe does by having created you! Know that you are deserving and worthy of a wonderful life with the highest of what you can imagine for yourself. Having this mindset will also inspire and help all of us to remember that we also are worthy, and start to create positive change in the world for everyone. Become the best version of you, believing abundance is possible for all.

We humans all basically want the same things;- love, warmth, companionship, a comfortable home, people we love and care about, purpose in our work/contribution, wellbeing, financial abundance. We are all deserving of achieving our goals/dreams and contributing something of value and benefit for all. We are one. But, we are presently still in a society where we use money as an exchange for the goods and services we need to live/thrive. This is how it is for now but our economy and how we sustain ourselves in the future will change as new systems replace the old.

Money is just a symbol we use to exchange energy ie to swap it for something someone has created or someone offering a service. It is an exchange for goods/services. It is a cyclic system to represent a flow of energy given or received. That's all money is. Learn to appreciate what money represents and be grateful for its flow in and out of your experience.

If you wish to start putting LoA to work for you, start by changing or at least catching yourself when you think or believe in lack. Start replacing lack thoughts with thoughts of abundance and all being well. It doesn't happen overnight, and you will basically have to work at it a bit before you see results. Start with worthiness and know that you deserve to be the person you wish to be and to enjoy experiences that resonate with you and help you expand. You are unique and everyone has different desires and requirements depending on their purpose in being here. Tune in and ask yourself what you wish to create and experience that is for your highest good?

Since everything is energy, I recommend you 'feed' your mind (or replace the lack programming) with thoughts of abundance on a daily basis. Nourish your mind with inspiring material that affirms ideas of abundance and confidence. Get to know yourself and undo the social conditioning of lack assumptions that may have come from your parents, teachers etc.

It is always helpful and supportive to find inspiration that is in tune with your goals and visions. Make a detailed list of what you wish to create for yourself in your life. Is there a calling you wish to unveil or become more aligned with? What is it? Who are you? And what did you come here to do and create? You might want to get a notebook and write daily activities/ideas and quotes that are inspiring and will support this new attitude of abundance and purposeful living.

Gratitude for what you have now will attract more to be grateful for!

What are you grateful for? Gratitude generates amazing 'feel good' energy that increases your vibration/energy, and will make you glow when you take it on board to practise everyday.

Start to notice the things or people around you that you are grateful for or appreciate e.g pets, spouse, the tree in your garden, your car, the food on your table tonight. The more you notice abundance in your life, the more it will increase. Feel it! Visualise it!

You get more of what you focus on! Use your energy of attention wisely. Attention gives more energy to what it is paying attention to! And remember to love yourself throughout! Be grateful for your body, your smile, your teeth etc. Increasing the 'noticing' of abundance in all areas of your life, multiplies the supply! Keep smiling, keep thanking, enjoy your life and what is given to you. Don't get complacent, keep gratitude alive! It's a feeling of abundance and the more you feel it everyday, the more it shall bring to you. In love and light!

Fat, Dumb, and Happy (By G W Bill Elliott Jr, MDiv)

Typically, the term "Fat, Dumb, and Happy" is often used to describe someone who is plodding through life without much of a care-in-the-world attitude... oblivious to pending doom... even ambivalent to even caring about not caring! Just smelling the flowers... enjoying life... resolved to not fret, worry, stress over 'things you cannot control'.

For me, this term conjures up a simpler life... a not-as-worried approach to the buzz of the world around us... even a complacency, disconnect, and even that whole 'devil may care' or innocent (ignorant?) way we choose to face life. For SO many people, it is en-grained... it is part of who they are... it is a built-in trait or 'habit' they have settled into and just don't even care to care to care... or care!

Personally, I 'get it'. I mean... living a simpler and much more casual life can be utter bliss. Something like when we were children... when we were too young to have brokenness merged so viciously with the maturity of our lives. As we get older, we just seem to collect more baggage... more anguish... more angst, frustration, and even deep, utter disappointments. Oh, to actually be back at the Fat, Dumb, and Happy stage in our lives! Innocence Lost, some will say.

Being an inquisitive and 'curious little boy' at times, I kind of broke this phrase apart a bit 'cause the Lord was showing me that we all so easily get into a Fat, Dumb, and Happy place with our emotional and spiritual lives with Him and our lives with those around us.

  • Fat: plump; well-fed; like a good, fat chicken.
  • Dumb: lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted. Even lacking the power of speech.
  • Happy: delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.

So many of us 'church goers' or 'waiting on God' or even just 'following the Lord' people seem to give more time and attention to getting, than doing... to being a consumer and not a producer... to absorbing... gleaning... even just 'soaking up His goodness' in our lives.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22

There is a point in our lives when we have to 'push away from the table' as it were, and be busy doing the Lord's work... actively putting His leading of our lives to work for those around us. Faith is a wonderful, wonderful attribute to have in your life... a deeply settling aspect of our spiritual, emotional, and even physical portions of our lives... but, oddly enough... Faith on its own is dead... Faith on its own is useless... Faith on its own means you are obese, actually (the Fat part). See... James 2:14 states, "What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?"

Put your faith into action... get a work-out going... burn that fat... lose the flabby, the weakness, even the unsightly bloat of an over-stuff being (not physically, silly!). Otherwise, as Proverbs 1:31 confirms, "Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices." Sure... the King James Version is a little awkward and tough to read, but essentially that is confirming that doing what you want, the way you want, how you want, when you want will leave you wanting!

Being dumb on the other hand sounds harsh... seems derogatory... almost insulting. So... get over yourself for a little bit here and think about how else this word can represent us as Christians. See... even back while Jesus was on the earth and healing people, a man brought his son to Jesus, and proclaimed, "... Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit" (Mark 9:17). The boy he brought couldn't speak... or maybe wouldn't... as it may be in our case. WAY too many times we are either unsure of what to say to others, afraid to say anything to others, and even worse, unaware that we even SHOULD say something to others... dumb, huh!

I was dumb with silence, I held my peace, even from good; and my sorrow was stirred. Psalms 39:2

As this passage from Psalms identifies... we can get ourselves in a place where we are 'dumb with silence'... not being willing, able, or ready to 'give account of the hope that is within us'... or, just simply too simple and shallow to care.

Happiness tends to drive that problem!

Wait... WHAT??

Yes... enjoying the happiness you currently have... or... maybe not wanting to be sadder... we resist jeopardizing what level of happiness we may already have. Some time ago, I wrote a story here on my VocalBillity website titled, The Pursuit of Sadlessness wherein we work and work to be less sad... a funky form of happiness (not as sad). But, Proverbs 14:14 actually states, "The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself."

Now... I didn't just call you a backslider... not me! Nope... rather, I am working to show you how being settled with being Fat, Dumb and Happy is not God's way for our lives. Sure, you may look around your life and feel complete... appear to be well-rounded in your spiritual life (you give willingly, you attend church, you are empathetic, etc)... I just want you to be careful for the half-truth of your life. See... Proverbs 27:20 claims, "Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied." It is that 'pursuit of sadlessness', I mentioned earlier... we strive to survive and forget to be alive!

Putting any of this into action is never easy. Otherwise, SO many people would already be doing it instead of just settling for that Fat, Dumb and Happy approach to their lives in the Lord, let alone in the world. All the 'fatness' of the world can never satisfy you for more than short-term spurts... resting on the surges that give us the impression we are spiritual... that we are connected to the Lord... that those 'chills' we get up our spine are really more than just some emotional appreciation.

Nope! Unless you hunger and thirst for His leading in your life... for His will... for the things that please the Lord... you're going to end up going back for more (things of the world). And, those things leave you 'fat' in so many wrong ways. Now, Matthew 5:6 tells us; "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.", which is a perfect example of consuming the right things... wanting the proper pieces of God, the proper way.

Hunger and thirsting after righteousness is WAY more than 'want'... much more than desire... so much deeper than being a consumer at church, or reading spiritual guides, or even just praying over it all. Hunger and thirst AFTER righteousness... not FOR it... AFTER it! It is a matter of producing 'fruits of the Spirit'. Growth in your life will produce fruit!

Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:11

Beware though, being filled with His Spirit... having great fruits in the Lord... that warm, deep feeling of being in His will and all that... is useless if you are Dumb! No... not the 'dumb' we use as slang or some derogatory label... dumb as in not speaking... dumb as in being silent... dumb as in selfishly keeping all His grace in your life to yourself.

Now it may be that you are scared to share... a little intimidated to expose such a personal and private part of your life... you may not have enough of a grasp on it all to even feel confident to interject in a conversation, or have anything to offer those around you. Take courage and listen to what the Lord had done while he was here on the earth... Luke 11:14 states, "And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered."

That is to say that you can ask the Lord to strengthen your life... to remove that 'dumb' spirit within you... to free up your inner-being to proclaim the joy within. Well... unless you do not HAVE any joy within! But, way back in Ezekiel, God was letting him know that there was coming a day when God 'would' free-up Ezekiel to speak... to utter God's grace to the people 'once they have repented from their ways'. God is ready to prepare you to share... to be ready to give account of the hope that is within you... no longer dumb.

In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel 24:27

Happiness in Godly things, however is a happiness that is deep, wide, and never ending. Now... I am not oblivious to the many, many things on this earth that do provide happiness... do provide such a rich sense of satisfaction... such an awesome inner glow in our spirits, even. Too very bad it is not lasting... not able to be sustained... to endure the 'hell' we encounter soon thereafter.

Those 'godly things' are tough to follow, though... I mean, the bible 'does' tell us to 'seek after these things'. Too often though, we want the "what do I need to do" list of items, when all along the Lord has been showing and telling us what NOT to do! 1 Timothy 4:1-11 is a bit too long to include here in this writing, but get over there and read that, please. Especially that last verse, which states;

These things command and teach. 1 Timothy 4:11

Granted... not much of an exhortation or 'threat' of pending doom if you don't do all those things. But, I needed you see that verse 11 is directing us to 'command and teach'.


As in 'order people around'?

No... read that 'command' as "have these things under your command"... be exercised in these things... be in control of these things in your life.

Then teach them to others! See... we are instructed to 'rightly divide the word of God', which is to say we grasp it's meaning, it's intent, and learn to pass it on to others, too... not just sit there all 'fat, dumb, and happy' in the knowledge we gained. Then, back over in John 13:17, Jesus tells us, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." Now THAT is the right kind of happiness... the everlasting kind of happiness.

Maybe you have tried... maybe you have waited and wanted 'this' so badly... so deep in your soul... but, this happiness eludes you. Not to worry... well.. much longer, hopefully!

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24

See?? You have not been asking "in His Name"... asking Jesus to get into your heart and life, and surrender your 'will' to His leading. But, it clearly states there, "ask and you WILL receive"... that your joy may be full!

How? We all serve the same one Lord... we all follow Him identically different, though! I mean, my path and your path are different. We lead different lives to this point, and now we are getting 'back on track' to His world... to His place... to His righteousness for us. Psalms 16:11 reminds us, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

  • You will be His happy.
  • You will no longer be dumb, but speak.
  • You will be lean in Him.
No longer simply Fat, Dumb, and Happy.,-Dumb,-and-Happy&id=10214647

The Hardest Question to Ask - What If I Had Nothing to Be Thankful For? (By Virginia Adams)

As I sat making a mental list of gratitude containing all that I have to be Thankful for this year, I dared to peer down a different side of that mental list. For me the most frightening question to consider is what could be taken away from me before I lose faith in my divine connection to my higher source? A tad bit "Jobish" I know!

Do you dare to ask yourself, when it is all said and done what ties you to this life or your current reality? What is sooooo connected to you that it may blind your Holy Vision, muffle your Divine Hearing, and taint your Perfect Knowing. There is always someone or something that you feel as if you could not continue on without. What if tomorrow it was all taken away? Would your holiness be diminished, would your connection to the divine be cut, would you be less than who you are right now in this moment? Or would the loss of everything that has you tightly anchored in this reality actually free you?

Rock bottom for an addict is actually the catalyst for discovering that when all else is torn away the one perfect Knowing is that your higher power has got your back. It is by turning it ALL over and discovering that we are powerless without a divine connection or divine oneness that the soul sicknesses begin to heal.

Some people choose to embrace rock bottom, they take it on as a cloak of religious vows in the hopes of progressing their spiritual connectedness to their higher power. Vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Nothing truly can prepare us, or can give us a glimpse of how we would respond if it "all" was taken away. I'm not just speaking of today or the future you. What if your past was taken away? What if everything that you held to be true and dear to your heart regarding the memories of your past was altered, changed and/or made into a nightmare. I know you are thinking how in the world can the past change? Your past is just your minds record of how things, relationships, events, etc. played out. What happens to a person who discovers they have repressed memories that change EVERYTHING they thought they knew to be true. What then?

Then there are the people who are being challenged right now with devastating illness, loss of a loved one, of their jobs, their homes. The pain of this world, this illusion can at times be crushing. Ah thinking and feeling about all of the possibilities hurts my heart. I even had to re-read The Book of Job. Poor Job! What a mournfully sad human story. But a beautiful story of the steadfastness of blind faith. Job knew that the one and only thing that mattered was his divine connection to his creator.

The question I ask myself today is Who Am I if all is swept away? The only thing that I know cannot be changed, altered and/or diminished in any way is my connectedness to my source. I can cover it with a multitude of veils; I can pretend that it does not exist even to the point of forgetting. But when it is all stripped away, when we are at the bottom of the pit, when darkness has swallowed us whole there will always be the Knowing that my God has me in palm of his hands.

In the end, when we are ending this life, the ONLY thing we have, the ONLY thing that will matter is that connection to divine Love. This takes me to the last scene in one of my favorite movies, "The Never Ending Story". Here is the dialogue.

Bastian: Why is it so dark?

Empress Moonchild: In the beginning, it is always dark.

Bastian: What is that?

Empress Moonchild: One grain of sand. It is all that remains of my vast empire.

Bastian: Fantasia has totally disappeared?

Empress Moonchild: Yes.

Bastian: Then everything has been in vain.

Empress Moonchild: No, it hasn't. Fantasia can arise in you. In your dreams and wishes Bastian.

Bastian: How?

Empress Moonchild: Open your hand.

Empress Moonchild: What are you going to wish for?

Bastian: I don't know.

Empress Moonchild: Then there will be no Fantasia any more.

Bastian: How many wishes do I get?

Empress Moonchild: As many as you want. And the more wishes you make, the more magnificent Fantasia will become.

Bastian: Really?

Empress Moonchild: Try it

Money Will Attract to You Faster Than You Think! - Louise Hay

Feeling Stressed? Ways to Jazz Up Your Life

Ever had a feeling of taking a break from everything and staying in isolation? The hectic work schedule and too predictable life pave the path for boredom. This boredom is accompanied by and monotony and stress. It happens when we fail to keep a track of personal and professional life. It won't be wrong to state that no person in this planet is satisfied with whatever he/she has. The famous movie Harry Potter featured a very beautiful scene where young Harry is standing in front of the mirror of erised and Dumbledore says, "The happiest person in the world will look into the mirror and will see nothing". Let's face the truth, such a person do not exist. It is practically impossible to stay happy all the time, but at least you can keep the stress away from your life.

The write-up is a compilation some of the ways that can effortlessly jazz up your life. Check them out and add a bit of excitement in your everyday life.

1. Make a wish list
Turn up to the things that you love or the things that you always wanted to do. Make a bucket list should be light and comforting. List out the places that you want to visit or the hobbies that you want to pursue. You won't be able to do everything that you list out. However, reflecting on the past and triggering the deep rooted desires will definitely act as a stress reliever. You can even sort out the name of the person you want to meet yet again, may an old friend or ex-girlfriend. There is nothing as relaxing as catching up with old friends.

2. Challenge yourself
Monotony comes into play when you stop challenging yourself. This ultimately leads to stress. There is always a room for improvement. However, you will never get over the tedium if you will stay in your comfort zone. Don't let the work pressure take a toll on your head. Instead, take it as an opportunity to brush up your skills and bring some adventures to your life.

3. Travel
Staying focused at your goal is a good thing, but pushing yourself too much sometimes reduces your efficiency. So, take a break and explore new places. The world we live in is definitely beautiful. Spend some time in the beauty of the nature and evaluate the reasons for the stress. You need not go for long vacation, but spending a couple of day at the nearest hill station will be equally fun and relaxing.

4. Share it with someone
Men are generally in a habit of keeping everything to themselves. However, sharing your feeling always helps. The stress can be at the work front or in your personal life. So, discuss what's going on in your life with someone who you think is worth-trusting. The person can be your close friend or your partner. This will ease your tension a bit and together you may come up with a solution for the problem.

5. Spruce up your wardrobe
Studies have shown that small changes in lifestyle have a big impact in the emotional state of a person. Getting some trendy update for your wardrobe and your everyday style can spice up your life, yet again. Get yourself a new haircut and spruce up your closet with dress shirts, stylish shirts and bright footwear. A sexy style of men's underwear can boost your intimate affairs. This will definitely help you in dealing with your stress.

It is not the stress that affects your health, it is our reaction to it. So, let the work pressure take a toll on your mind. Give yourself some space and deal with the problems one-by-one.

How to Achieve Success in Less Than 1 Year - Stop Self Sabotage (7 Tips)

As you have seen, self-sabotaging behavior can impact your ability to succeed. The negative self-talk and behavior easily forms a habit that keeps you stuck and unable to move beyond your comfort zone. Even so, there is hope. This article offers seven tip on how to stop self-sabotage - you can turn it around and achieve success in less than one year.

7 Tips

  • Investigate where the self-sabotage is coming from.

Is it from having low self-esteem or some type of anxiety? Are you needy or have unreasonable expectations? Does your self-sabotaging behavior come from a lack of assertiveness? You will need to be honest.

  • Watch your words.

When you catch yourself saying or doing something negative, turn it around. Keep repeating the positive talk. Develop a list of affirmations and post them nearby. Read them throughout the day.

  • Address your fears.

Use your fear to come up with a message that inspires you to face them. For example, say something like, "Even though I do not have the skills to complete the project on time, I know I can learn or find the resources I need to finish it.

  • Examine the behavior you want to change first.

Look at that behavior and notice what the story is that generates that behavior. Is the story true? If so, how can you let it go or change the behavior?

Self-sabotaging behavior often pops up from something we've previously experienced or been told. Learning to recognize when you are doing it and what is causing you to do is the first step to changing it.

  • Do not wait until things are perfect.

We often want to be 100% certain of an answer before we speak or put an idea into practice. Strive for excellence but put it out there anyway.

  • Get out of your comfort zone.

Take a few steps every day away from what feels comfortable. Learn a new skill. Build your confidence by learning a new skill. Just the act of trying to achieve the new skill will boost your confidence and get you out of your comfort zone.

  • Shift your belief by visualizing a positive outcome.

Start slowly and make small changes. Do not try to sprint ahead and make drastic changes. Changing your self-sabotaging behavior will take time, work, and consistent effort. But the end results can be amazing. You will be able to go for your dream and express yourself in a positive way.

Your Inner Being Is Your Protector | Abraham Hicks 2021 [NEW]

Just Because It Feels Right Doesn't Make It Right (By Tim Connor)

You would be amazed at how many people let their feelings rather than common sense or reality determine their attitudes, behavior, and decisions. Now, I'm not implying that all feelings are not appropriate or don't have value when it comes to life and career choices and actions but in a world driven today by so many emotional circumstances you might just want to pause or even check your feelings at the door before you make serious decisions or react or respond to various situations.

Let me give you a couple of real examples that I have witnessed in the past several days while on the road speaking in several states.

Flying back from Oklahoma a few weeks ago, the gate agent seemed to be in a depressed mood. They just weren't very friendly, accommodating or interested in my question. So, being who I am I tried to make them laugh with a simple and straight-forward comment (innocent and non-threatening in any way). Well - they jumped all over me with "Who do you think you are talking to me that way? I don't have to put up with your crap. I can't believe anyone could be that insensitive." Etc. Etc.

Needless to say, I ended the conversation and headed back to my seat and opened my book and started reading.

While eating lunch at a restaurant I overheard the couple behind me give the server the "you better or else" treatment because they didn't bring the bread to the table fast enough. They then complained to the manager (where everyone within earshot could hear) about the experience and saying the person should be fired.

Ever had anyone blow up at you when what you said or didn't say or did or didn't do that was as kind, compassionate, simple etc. that even someone from another planet would not interpret incorrectly but they did?

Folks, just because you are in a hurry and behind me in line doesn't mean I have to rush the person in front of me.

Just because it's raining, and you don't like rain doesn't mean I have to listen to your ranting and raving about rain. Just because I am an insensitive idiot doesn't mean you have to put up with me and don't have the right to walk away or leave the room.

But, it doesn't help when we "lose it" regardless of the importance or lack of it in any situation. And believe me, we are living at a time when a lot of folks have really thin skin or any number of rules, expectations or guidelines as to what is acceptable or even allowed currently in today's world according to their values, beliefs etc. no matter how far out of reality they might be.

Don't believe me? I have over 3000+ articles on a variety of various global websites and add several new ones each week and believe me - I get at least ten emails a day from someone around the world who takes issue with what I have said or how I have said it. Get over it...

Trust me - I'm not implying that I am right, the smartest person in the Universe, the most experienced, the best at anything or even smarter than you - but I do have the right to share my opinion, idea, comment - whatever - and yes you have the right to comment back to me about it - but let me ask you - do you really think you help your cause by making it (your disagreement with me) public to everyone - everywhere?

When we let our feelings - which are nothing more than internal emotional expressions of beliefs, values, attitudes, expectations, rules etc. shared in an external way - we might want to consider that the person in front of us, behind us or even next to us, just is not interested in our ranting, raving or our opinion.

I have seen more people on social media sites share personal stuff that I just can't believe that they would want out there in public. Do you really think most people care that you were dumped? Do you think most people care that I am lonely, angry, frustrated - whatever? Yes, maybe a few close friends, relatives or maybe even co-workers or clients might care or have an interest - but the whole world?

Do you really need that much attention? Are you really that insecure? Are you really that needy? Are you really that narcissistic?

We all have life issues, challenges, problems, disappointments, failures, losses, frustrations etc. But do you really think the entire world gives a crap about all of your stuff?

Again, it's simple - if you don't like my article - stop reading. Throw it away. Delete it - whatever. If you don't like the movie - leave. If you don't like the TV show - use the remote. If you don't like the noise in the restaurant - leave. If you disagree with someone on a social media site - delete them, unfriend them, unfollow them.

It's not that complicated.

If I care, I care and if I don't I don't. If I do it's because you and I are emotionally connected in some way. If I don't that doesn't make me disrespectful, uncompassionate or any other negative emotional response.

There is an incredible amount of pain and suffering everywhere in the world today. I've seen it in every one of the 45 counties I have spoken in or visited. Hunger, death, pain, loss, suffering etc. is rampant everywhere in the world and even in our country. I can't be there for everyone, but I can be there for the people that matter in my life or I know personally. This doesn't mean I am not aware or sensitive to all of the global, national or community pain and wrongdoing but none of us have the capacity to spend our time and life just feeling for what everyone around us is feeling or experiencing while disregarding our own lives.

I don't care if it's the ASPA, St. Jude, Shriners or I can't be there for everyone and everyone can't be there for me.

I don't know about you but the continuous expression on social media by people who feel they are experiencing unique life challenges that the rest of us have never had to deal with - well, trust me - I've been there and so have you.

Get Real and Recognize When You Want the Impossible

By now, everyone has at least heard about the law of attraction. Simplistically, the law states that you get, by and large, what you think about.

Since "the secret" got out, many have tried to think about all the things they want through the application of various techniques - guided meditations, vision boards, positive thinking, positive feeling, and so on. Some swear it works, others wonder what they are missing and how come they still haven't got what their mind is focused on.

So what is missing? Is thinking about something, wanting it and feeling positively about the outcome enough to actually materialize the object of your desires? Of course not! Thinking about what you want by itself won't get you anything. You have to ACT on your thoughts and desires.

You want a new car (or some other life style improvement)? Increase your savings and reduce your expenses! You want a better job? Start treating with respect and integrity the one you have now! You want more money? Start paying off your debts diligently! You want the perfect husband? Become the perfect wife (don't just lie there wasting time in wishful thinking). Yes, the universe responds in kind but ONLY when you show that you are ready to take personal responsibility. And the only way to show you are responsible is by taking IMMEDIATE action.

Remember the old tale about the person who was constantly begging God to help him win the lottery? One day God got fed up and said "At least buy a lottery ticket".

Another legend tells the story of a tribe that prayed for rain. God promised rain but rain never came. Of course the tribe complained to which God replied "I could have sent you rain, as promised, but you didn't dig any ditches"

So it is all good to want and visualize something. But you are not ready to receive it until you start acting on it. How should you act? Do anything and everything. Acting randomly will lead you onto the right track just as surely as acting methodically and deliberately. The point is you need to be doing something, to start somewhere, anywhere. Don't just sit there staring mindlessly at your vision boards. Get real! Instead of constantly talking about your dreams, act on them. Start "digging the ditches" and you will get rain, if rain is what you want. If you don't dig the ditches, rain becomes impossible to obtain (no matter how much you pray for it).

Uncertainty The Choices And Consequences (By Tim Connor)

Oswald Chambers once said, "The only thing that is certain is uncertainty."

Uncertainty definition - "the state of being uncertain - times of uncertainty and danger." Well, that was really helpful.

Here's mine - When we don't know what the future, whether the next minute or the next year, has in store for us, will challenge us, help us, support us or cause chaos for us or is either positive, neutral or negative.

A little better, but definitions can often be challenging since words can be interpreted differently by everyone. For example - how would you define; challenge, the future, problems, success, failure, or uncertainty? OK on with the details (if you are still with me).

In times of uncertainty we have three options; wait, quit, or act. Let's first look at each from a short perspective. Waiting in some situations is stupid and in others a wise choice - what's the difference? If you are waiting to act for something you can't control, want to improve or disappear it's wise. If you are waiting for outcomes for something you can have influence or creative responses over - stupid. How about quitting? Quitting can be either wise or stupid. Quitting is stupid if you have failed to evaluate, consider, or effectively interpret circumstances. It is wise if you have exhausted all your options, resources, approaches, and energy, and you just can't change or improve the future outcomes no matter what. And finally, you can act.

Acting when you have limited experience, resources, energy, time, skills, desire, clear direction, goals, etc. is stupid. If you have all of these and are filled with confidence and resilience acting is wise. So regardless of whether a situation requires quitting, acting, or waiting the common thread is wisdom's ingredients. And what are these - when in doubt listen to your gut, inner voice, heart, and consciousness.

Let's take a more in-depth look at your three options and their benefits and consequences.

There are five concepts however that you need to consider before we dig into the details.

1) The number one contributor to death is stress. The number one contributor to stress is impatience. The number one contributor to impatience is the need for control. And the number one contributor to the need for control is fear of the unknown.

2) Doing anything - driving, eating, exercising, working, etc. faster does not give you one more minute of life.

3) Everything changes evolves, ends, grows, or dies sooner or later.

4) Letting uncertainty in the future have a negative impact on your present will contribute to a life-time negative impact on your past.

5) Everything in life has consequences; some are positive and some are negative. Some are short-term while others can take years or even a lifetime to materialize.

OK, let's take a more detailed look at; quitting, acting, and waiting.

Quitting - Ever quit anything too soon - a relationship, a project a hobby? Quitting is only easy when you have given up - emotionally, financially, physically, etc. The problem is that most people don't want to quit, they just want to want to quit. See the difference? We want the option to bail when we feel circumstances, results or expectations don't equal our goals or actions.

To be honest, I have quit a few times when in hindsight years later looked back I realized I should have hung in there just a bit longer with more energy, more patience, more resolve, or more tolerance. Been there?

Uncertainty can create a great deal of emotional tension that many feel the need to manage or fix with action now, decisions now, something now, anything now. Sometimes immediate action vs. quitting can be beneficial but far too often quick or knee-jerk responses to challenges or unknowns can lead to disaster, unnecessary failure, or costs emotionally, financially, or physically that could have been avoided.

So, how do we know when not quitting is the right or best option to uncertainty or unknowns. You are not going to like my answer but here it is anyway - it depends. Depends on what Tim? It depends on your degree of commitment, investment, patience, a willingness to let go or surrender, your ability to learn before you quit, and your desire to ensure that whatever the outcome - it will be better than giving up or throwing in the towel.

No one knows what lies around the next corner in life. Oh sure you can try and predict, hope, dream, work like crazy and pray but in the end, life is uncertain every single day of your life. After over forty years of speaking around the world, I have learned a great deal but one thing stands out - if you can control it - do something - if you can't control it - chill, relax, breathe and use the time to learn, grow and get wiser. But quitting is far too often pre-mature and stupid without adequate evaluation, consideration, research, etc. I hope you notice the connection between these three options - quitting, waiting, and action. If not you have missed the central message in this article. They are all connected in one way or another. The secret is to learn to make the best use of the combination of the three options. Keep reading and it will come to you.

Waiting - Ever had to wait for a call from your Doctor with the results of a biopsy?

How about a decision from a potential new employer where you have applied for the job of a lifetime? Or a client who is considering making the biggest purchase of one of your products in your career history? Or how about little ones - a retuned call from a potential new date candidate for a possible relationship? Or, just an email or text response from one of your kids? This list of things we wait for is endless and I will guarantee as you are reading this article you are waiting for something from someone or something.

A basic fundamental of the character of uncertainty is - no one knows; when where, how, if, whether, etc. All we can do is hope, dream, pray, and yes wait. But there are two kinds of waiting. One is with wisdom, intelligence, and maturity and the other is with pride, arrogance, ego, or impatience. Which tends to be your approach?

The outcomes to both are significantly different.

Waiting with wisdom or intelligence is grounded in knowledge, experience, accurate information, and common sense. Waiting with the other approach leads to stress, resentment, blame, anger, regret, and disappointment. Yes, sometimes there are actions we can take while we wait and other times - all we can do is just wait.

Trust me I understand the concept of waiting. After speaking in 25 countries and I only speak English - trust me - I have had to wait a lot for a lot of things and didn't even know what I was waiting for or why.

Been there?

Keep in mind - you can't control the weather, the stock market, others' behavior, the traffic behind you, or in front of you, need I go on? One thing I have noticed about mature people is their ability to wait when they can't control stuff. One of my life mantras is simply - 'I will not let your behavior determine my behavior'. Is this always easy - no way. When I am traveling the speed limit and an idiot is behind me on my tail beeping at me and flashing their lights for me to go faster, it's not always easy to just ignore these idiots.

Waiting style demonstrates a person's maturity, common sense, wisdom, and intelligence.

Acting - And the last action - acting.

There are four elements involved in acting and they are - the how, the when, the who, and the where. For example, let's say you were just laid off from your position. Your spouse doesn't work, you have three kids and a lot of bills and the economy is sucking wind. I know I have been there - twice.

No one is hiring, you have limited special skills and limited cash to self-promote yourself. So, the four elements mentioned above.

How - You have to earn some cash so the kids don't starve. Part-time job, two part-time jobs, reach out to family or friends, file bankruptcy, sell your house, take a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant, live on unemployment as long as it lasts - the options are limited or unlimited depending on your definition of your circumstances. And your definition will determine how you respond. The answer - spend a few hours every month reading, learning, growing in important life areas and I'm not talking here about survival tactics but just "life stuff" like improving skills in communication, emotional maturity, negotiation, money management, etc.

The when - do you have time to wait, reflect, consider, etc. or do you need to do something now? The when will determine how you handle the "how". The answer - Read the book "The Power of Patience" by Ryan.

The where - This one can vary depending on the circumstances - where you live, where you work, where you play, where you do anything or everything. The answer - if you live in the city, now and then take road trips into the suburbs or the country to get familiar with different areas. Once a year I take a week road trip to a new area within 500 miles of where I live. If you live in the country, now and then spend a weekend in the city. And why - to get rid of any fears about areas you are unfamiliar with.

The who - This one depends on your relationships with; family, friends, neighbors, fellow workers, customers, employees, etc. If you have people you can count on or ask for help, guidance, etc. consider yourself fortunate as many people lack these resources and have to go through uncertainty and challenges alone - again I'm not preaching to the choir - I've been there. Sometimes, even if you have these resources you might be unable to ask for help for any number of reasons. The answer - spend time developing relationships with people you can count on if you ever need help, support, or guidance in the future. And, find ways to be of value and service to others who may some day come to you for help.

Well, that's it - during uncertain times, and I am familiar with them having been through four recessions during my speaking career, you can; give in, point the finger, whine, blame, or learn, grow, change, adapt and win. It's a choice.