Do you know that stress is sometimes helpful especially in getting things done? But when it is already high it can have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health.
Don't plan out everything you need to do to finish a project, just focus on the very next thing you need to do to move forward. Usually doing the next, little thing will lead to another, and another, until you're done. Be as concrete and discrete as possible. You cannot possibly do all the tasks that need completing.
Don't set things aside and deal them later. Do It Now You have to fight procrastination before it becomes a habit. When making a decision, decide what you're going to do with every circumstance that you encounter in life. Learn to make bold decisions even when you're not really sure if it would be productive or not. Keep moving forward.
The hardest part when to start especially when a task is difficult or complex. However, if I can just get moving on it, even for a few minutes, it tends to get easier. Because I know this about myself, rather than setting the intention to finish something, it's better to condition myself to start. The more often I start, the easier things get finished. Overcoming that first bit of inertia is the biggest challenge (just like getting started on a run, or the first push of getting a car moving).
Once things are moving, just the way you want them and the momentum is on your side, make sure you get done. Make a system and schedule in every activity that you have in life. Now you don't have to worry about it anymore. You will be free of worries for a lot of productive time you spend on repetitiveness and inefficiency.
You need to know what needs to be done, right now. Whatever it is, you need to define it and then get started. Every now and then take drastic measures to ensure that you stay focused. Care about what you are doing because there is a likelihood that it will never happen again.
As much as possible try to spend the first few minutes of your day thinking about the life that you are creating, the people you care about and about what you do. Keeping those things in the front of your mind to help you stay focus. A schedule is very crucial in getting things done. Have a scheduled sequence of tasks before you get down to work. It will save you a decent amount of time during the working process, because you will not need to decide what to do next, but rather merely follow the plan.
Therefore, you cannot get faster at doing things unless you are focused and able to channel all your energy and attention towards some particular task. One thing at a time. That`s the rule that allows you to get the things done faster.
Indeed, planning ahead of time makes your work easier and worry-free.
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