Message From the Universe: Here Is the Good and the Bad News


"I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is that you've passed the audition! Yee-haa! You've earned your wings! You're a certified, bona fide Being of Light, capable of transcending all fears and manifesting all dreams. From here on out, you have but to dwell upon what you want, and I must bring it forth.

The bad news... is that this message was supposed to have reached you eons and eons ago.

The Universe"

Nothing is ever too late in life when it comes to reaching your ultimate happiness. There are many inventors that became worldly recognized by the time they were 60, and actors/actresses as well. Top fashion designer Vera Wang got her designer dress in all the stores by the time she was 40. Many others haven't seen hope in their career up to the age of 50. Warren Buffet himself reached the remainder 90% of his total wealth by the time he hit 50 years of age. Now, I must admit that when you calculate 10% of 56 billion dollars, I would be OK living with that 10%. The Universe knows when it is your time. Despite the amount of hard work you put into your venture, if the power from above feels it is NOT your time yet to get to where you need to be, it will keep you in the shadows, keep you hidden, until it determines to be the right time for the world to know who you are. The key is patience, and to never give up. Yes, I agree that it can be disappointing at times, especially when you work non stop at what you love and see no results. What you need to understand is that the RESULTS are there, and miracles are happening in the background, a place where your eyes can't see any progress but it is still there and present. Just like the double-slit experiment, which displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and it is based on the observer to determine the behavior of how the particles react when passing through the shield. Without the observer, it becomes a simple theory.

It is crucial to understand how the whole process functions when you are working on accomplishing your goals and dreams. It is not about how fast you run, but more about how much you can endure during that run. Slow and steady pace runs the race as most of them say. You need to take calculated risks when you explore the unknown, especially if it's a new uncharted territory. Many feel like if I don't get there fast enough, someone else will take my spot. Just remember that the spot your are thinking about, there isn't ONLY one available, there are plenty more out there. Also, that person that you fear taking your spot probably worked on that spot for over 10 years, and you just started. So it is ONLY fair that they deserve that spot. Not to worry though as you can create your own opportunities in life and if you miss that one, there are plenty others you can create on your own. By running to fast to your destination, you may fall hard and hurt yourself badly. The end result is limping to the destination, with pain and disappointment. So why bother running right? Take it slow and steady.

If You Can't Help Others At Least Don't Hurt Them (By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales)

People no longer appreciate the good deeds we do to them. Sometimes giving too much can make us feel taken advantage of. They longer respect us because they expect us to help them immediately especially in times of their needs. But why don't they give a shit of our needs too.

Though, it is not about how much we give, but how much love we put into the act of giving. We may not have the same status in life, but we can all spare time to help others. Helping here doesn't mean monetary values but our willingness to help. If we can't, we can simply give our emphatic understanding and sympathy.

Give and help without expecting any return. If we give only to get something back, then, it's better not to give anymore. But sometimes we are guilt-tripped into giving because some people use emotional blackmail just to get what they want. I just dunno why are there people in the habit of imposing too much to the point of abusing my kindness. They want me to also suffer the consequence of their foolish actions.

I don't want to hurt especially if it already involves my family. But in doing so, I am the one hurt because I am always the one who will give up and sacrifice everything for the sake of my family. Why can't they appreciate my worth to them. Why they want me to do all the works for them? Even in simply going to the barangay hall to have our land assessed, they cannot do it. My uncle often says that it won't take too much of my time if I'll be the one to go there and process what's needed to be done. But why can't they do it themselves?

I am really upset with my uncles. They depend too much on me that I feel abused. If I say NO, they usually accuse me of being disobedient where in fact I am the only one they can rely on but I only have one body. I cannot do all the things they want me to do. I also need to earn to support the needs of my kids which is my utmost priority. Why can't they understand that I already have a family of my own?

I am always willing to help them. But why are they hurt when I can't prioritize them? I love them all but they are hurting me emotionally because they are not satisfied with what I can only offer. They want to have everything from me. But I also have kids to consider.

I know the importance of helping them but they need to respect my decisions as well.

Our greatest joys in life are rarely found in the pursuit of selfish ambition but more on the joy of simply being there when you are needed.

Why Making Others Happy Can Make You Happy

When people feel happy, they experience positive feelings which they attribute as being something good.

But when people make someone other than themselves happy, it amplifies those positive feelings even bigger, more and further.

That's why people feel great about themselves and are inherently fulfilled when they know they have made a positive difference to someone's lives.

In fact, if you are ever feeling down yourself, one way to bring yourself up is to find ways to make others happy. This will give you an emotional boost you need.

When you strive to make others happy, they notice. They will have a boost in their mood which you will see that reaction in their face immediately. Sometimes, this random act of kindness may somehow return to you immediately or sometime in the future.

The great part about making others happy is it is relatively easy to do.

It can be as simple as giving someone a genuine compliment. Or it can be volunteering to help out your colleague whose workload is overextended. Sometimes, simply expressing your appreciation to someone can uplift their spirits no matter how small the task that you are thanking them for is.

One really easy way to make people happy is to smile.

Smiling is a warm and friendly act that most people will respond to positively by smiling back. A smile is a form of welcoming and shows that you are opening yourself up to those people. It gives people an invitation to approach you.

Another way to make someone happy is to actively listen to them. You would be amazed at how effective this is.

Most people aren't good listeners because they tend to wait for the silent moment so that they themselves can talk and express their opinions. However, if you can stand out from the crowd and be a fantastic listener, they will fall in love with spending time with you as hanging out with you makes them feel happy.

If you want to go a step further in making others happy, try to learn more deeply about the people whom you want to make happy.

Be curious and interested in what they do. Then, if you see something related to their interests, either bring it to their attention or relate to them with your experience about that thing so that both of you are connecting in an emotional expressive level.

Of course, you should never use these skills to manipulate, trick or deceive people in order to make them happy. This type of malicious intention will be caught (especially by the intuitive sociable people) and hurt you and your reputation very quickly.

People will appreciate you much more and will respond positively to your efforts to make them happy instead of trying to get something out of it for yourself. And when you do it in a value-giving, non-needy, generous way, they will more likely to reciprocate and do awesome things for you to make you happy.

How To Become Motivated When You Want To Stay In Bed

Woman Lying on Bed

If you'd rather stay in bed when your alarm goes off and you have little or no motivation to get up, the first thing to realise is how common this feeling actually is. You are not on your own. Everyone goes through periods in their life where they feel like this. You may feel like you are lost, unsure of what to do next and embarrassed because you feel like you are falling behind.

Here are my 3 steps to getting your motivation back and waking up happy.

1. Be honest - It's OK to feel like this. You don't need to ignore how you feel or lie about it. It's better to speak up and talk about how you are feeling. Don't keep it bottled up. You don't need to tell everyone, but acknowledge how you are feeling and be honest with yourself and those closest to you.

2. Make a date with someone - It's so tempting at a time like this to hide away. To cancel plans or not make any new plans. You may not feel like meeting up with people at all, you will probably prefer to avoid the questions and having to explain what you are doing and how you are feeling. But hiding away isn't going to do you any good. Just because you are feeling like this, doesn't mean you are not good company. You need to get out and see new places, meet friends, be in inspiring surroundings. By doing this, you will find that your enthusiasm comes back and you may even have moments of inspiration which will put you right back on track.

3. Take action - By doing nothing, by going back to bed or avoiding people, you are being a victim and are allowing defeat to take over you. Don't let how you are feeling stop you from taking even a small step of action. Do something that makes you feel good. Clean out drawers, give unwanted items to charity and de clutter your life. Sign up to a personal development course. Arrange a coffee with your best friend. Book a yoga workshop. Do whatever it is that will lift your mood.

It is important to realise that these periods in our lives where we feel lost, lacking motivation and even feel like we are falling behind, can actually be good times. They can give us the space, the time and the opportunity we need to grow.

Free Yourself From Toxic People - 'Create Your Own Reality'

Fed up of living for others? Fed up of pleasing others? Life is too short to make it miserable by living in others footsteps. Time to free yourself from those dominating and toxic people, which do nothing less than dragging you to hell. You don't owe your life to them or they don't own your life. It is time to take a step away from them. They harm your mental health and cognitive thinking leaving you worthless and with low self-esteem.

Toxic people cast a shadow on you covering you from your surroundings leaving you suffocating. These people first isolate you from your social life. They treat you like you are their very own personal property. They suck your positivity as predators. They prove you wrong in every aspect. They judge you as well as other people in their surroundings; Don't worry! it is their own way of hiding their complexes. They lack empathy for others and you will rarely find good words in their vocabulary. They are highly selfish; they will only focus on their benefit and will easily crush you down for their benefit without any remorse. They do not admit their mistakes when they are wrong, they lie twisting the whole scenario holding you responsible for every mistake they made. They do not appreciate your work, every time you do something for yourself they envy, and try their level best to pick and point the flaws and let you down.

They damage you, they damage your confidence, control you as if they have every right to you. They have a great audacity to sabotage people around them. They are always the victim they always hold you responsible for the situations they faced. You keep expecting them to change and they keep on letting you down. Lastly, when you speak for yourself and tell them they are disturbing you, and are interfering in your life. They play victims again here as if they haven't done anything wrong and put you responsible for the whole matter. When they are done destroying you, making you a dead wood, they leave you for no good reason. So, before they leave you, just decide for yourself and leave them before they do, they are not the only pebble on the beach.

Confused? Where to start from and how to start? Are you Afraid? Afraid of making decisions others will laugh at you for your opinions and suggestions saying they are not worth it, huh there only way to drag you back to the misery. Some people are never going to speak in favor of you, so forget it. Step out and cut all ties with the toxic group of fellows, so-called close friend, or dominating relation. Do what satisfies the inner you. If you are satisfied with your work, then all is good. You were not born to please everybody. Be independent forget depending on others stop living in others dreams stop being someone's pawn. This is your life, get on with it. Own it, speak up for yourself. You have every right to your life. Make decisions for yourself. If someone is stopping you from achieving your dreams, that's nobody else but you. You have the control of every situation and you can direct your destiny the way you want no one else would do that for you. The more you come under the shadow of destructive critics the more you are heading back.

In case there is a situation where you have to deal with these kinds of toxic people and have to work in an environment where there is no way out, then there might be some ways you can apply in order to minimize their effect on you.

- Firstly, minimize your time of interaction with them.

- Know your boundaries which you would not cross at any matter especially not for these destructive people.

- Learn to say 'NO', if you are uncomfortable doing something then just simply say 'No'. you don't have to go out of your comfort zone just to please such people.

- Make sure you do not go out of your standards because of these people; be kind, sincere, and caring the way you are.

- Avoid listening to them when they are victimizing themselves, as negativity is contagious it would surround you and you won't even realize it.

- They are in constant need of attention so they'll do anything to create a drama so that they can be the center of everyone's attention. What you can do is run a mile from them at that time.

- Do not take their critics seriously as they will always give you destructive ones, and deflate you.

- Never trust them on anything as they are barefaced liars.

The only revenge you can take from them is to move forward that will burn them into ashes. You don't need any one's validation to move ahead. Fling yourself to work, because that is only going to take you far ahead of where you want to see yourself. Be an eager beaver. It is time to create your own reality and go the extra mile. Challenge yourself with new tasks on daily basis. Consistency is the key to success so make sure you are working day to day for what you desire. Create your own goals, be a go-getter, find out your own paths to success, and live for yourself. Remember, not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, so you have to work for yourself and Leave no stone unturned. Work on your strengths. Surround yourself with the positive people, people that motivate you, that inspire you and appreciate you. The people that know you are worth everything and would like to see you flourish.

Find out your way; find out your very own passion. Uplift your life, and double your working hours. Find out what is the main cause of distraction to work, as understanding the problem is 80% of the solution.The more you rely on others for their opinions you lose the opportunities and self-worth. Nobody will take you seriously. Have a firm belief that you can and you will. Make a decision. At first, there will be a ton of difficulties and ton of inner voices holding you back from positivity, but with time you will adjust and thank yourself for making the right decision that steered you to the pinnacles of success.

Message From the Universe: Changing Your Thoughts, Changing the World!

"It's not possible to significantly change your life, for better or for worse, by manipulating the material world. Not by working harder, not by studying longer, not by schmoozing, not by sweating, not by fasting, not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

But great change is inescapable when you first begin manipulating the world of your thoughts.

Thinking of you, 
The Universe"

If you don't start changing from within, don't expect to be successful to change from without. How can you expect others to change when you haven't really invested in yourself and start tweaking things a little. There is less risk for yourself when expecting others to change and you stay the same. It's even easier to give advice to others about their behavior and never suffer the consequences from your advice. If you want to see changes, start looking at yourself. Learn to know what kind of person you are from within, and if you don't like what you see or feel, make the appropriate changes. Many might say: "I love myself, there is nothing wrong with me, I am perfect". Yeah, well, look again and look deeper. I am sure you can find something that you desperately want to change but just delayed it or procrastinated on these needed changes. Life will always keep us busy and because of this, we tend to put the desire to change on the back-burner. We feel we can tackle this problem at a later time and we then forget about it. This can be problematic. Wherever you go, your desire to change will always linger in your mind and because of a negative attribute about yourself that you feel requires immediate attention, you will need to address it, pronto. If you keep ignoring it, this attribute can create more problems in the long run. You need to tackle it quickly and efficiently. If you get hurt and bleed from your leg, will you just go and say: "Screw that, I don't have time to bleed". Will you ignore the wound? You will need to address it quickly or you won't be walking to far. The same for the changes you need to make from within.

I am certain that we are all embarking in a journey filled with unknowns, risks, challenges, disappointments, sadness but you can also find joy, happiness, success, abundance and so much more. The choice is yours as to what will you do to achieve greatness. If there is something that bothers you about yourself, go ahead and fix it. Nobody else will ever take this responsibility, nor will ever want it. You are the one responsible for yourself. Either you succeed or fail in life, it will all depend on you as to what will be your next step to change things around. If you want to keep failing, do the same wrong things over and over again and expect different results. But as we all know, that is the definition of insanity, and we are not insane, well, at least most of us. So what is your next step in this journey? The choice will always remain yours. Make it a good one.,-Changing-the-World!&id=9477131

4 Ways The Law of Attraction Changes Your Life

It's not just the new age thinkers that have found a way to live in a positive manner. Psychologists today are starting to showcase improvements in a lot of different ways. Recently, the Law of Attraction has started to permeate the medical world, and it's not just because of the success of certain books or programs. People are finding out that this is a path to great success, and glory. It's because people are seeing changes in life due to the elements that come within the attraction law. There are several ways that this can improve your life, and it starts with a few elements overall.

Attracting Good Tidings

The biggest thing that you are going to see overall is that you'll be attracting joy from the world around you. You're going to take bad experiences and flip them upside down, looking for silver linings. The silver linings that you will start to permeate will change your perspective. Your friends, family, and even coworkers will see that your disposition lends to greater things. They'll see it, and will want to know your secret, which will then give you a leg up in terms of positive thinking.

Inviting Positive Things

As mentioned above, you will start to attract good tidings, and as people see you, you'll start to get positive elements in your life. You'll have people smiling at you, you'll smile back, and you'll have a good outlook into the world around you. This is a powerful thing that gets to the basics of the Law of Attraction. When focusing on negativity, you are going to invite bad things into your life. This changes that, this helps you seek out better things.

You Will Grow More Confident

When things change for the better, you will start to feel confident. Confidence is an interesting thing, in that you will find positivity manifests over time. Change is good, but you may not immediately see it. However, as you make simple movements forward, you will see beautiful tidings come through. Confidence is a major factor in how you are going to live your life, especially when others see that you're enjoying greatness.

Disappointment Won't Knock You Down

People find disappointment can wreck them. You don't have to allow this to happen. When something goes awry for you, you will be able to tackle it. The biggest thing about attraction is that you can take on the worst of life and turn it inside out. You can get hit hard with what life throws at you, and you can change things for the better. You don't have to dwell on the bad things, you can start to rise above things and enjoy all new things. Life has a way of changing for the better, when you do it first. Focusing on positivity will not let you fall short of what you want, because you'll chase the good instead of hanging onto the bad. Simply put, this is one of the biggest things that comes through the Law of Attraction.

How to Enjoy Simple Things in Life

What does it mean to Love like You Only Live Once and subsequently to Live like You Only Love Once? Well the thoughts and approaches to answering this set of questions is endless, to say the least. However, I am going to try and take bit of a personal approach and share my thoughts.

Life is so very precious for so many reasons. Regardless of our belief system, we tend to place a high value on life itself and are often challenged with the balance between living and existing. The anagram YOLO (You Only Live/Love Once) has become the battle cry of both baby-boomers and Millennials alike as we seek to get the most out of lives and our experiences. Yet when it comes to Love, we seem to hover somewhere between feeling our way around in darkness or just waiting and hoping that the love of a lifetime will just fall in our laps. (Remember, first-hand experience is my primary reference... ) So the challenge is to break the cycle, but at the same time not feel like the "Charge of the Light Brigade"... Well, good luck with that! The hard truth is there are no guarantees in life. There is no secret formula that will insure success and the proverbial - happy ever after.

What we do have is attitude and choice. We have the ability to choose not to be a victim of our condition and therefore adapt an attitude of optimistic confidence in the life we live and the choices we make. I know, this sounds real nice when we read it or we hear some "other person" tell us how it has worked for them. Trust me, I know. Yet, I think this is the moment that we have to challenge ourselves to break the cycle, turn the corner, come out of the dark, or get a move on. However you want to think about it but we have to recognize our moments of truth... and be true to them!

In closing, I will offer my own process for consideration. I consider myself to be a bit of a optimist at heart, as well as, a bit of a romantic in my ideas. Therefore, I will offer up some of my favorite poetry as my mantras in this process. The first is my "attitude" mantra. This is captured in the poem "Invictus": "I am the Captain of my ship... the master of my Soul". When it comes to my "choice/decision" mantra. I look to the "Serenity Prayer": "the Wisdom to know the Difference". Lastly, I have a poem that really does tie it all together for me. This is the poem "If": "to fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds of distance run... Yours is the Earth and everything in it"... That is my approach to life and my attempt to... "Love like You Only Live Once" - "Live like You Only Love Once!"

Get Out Of Neutral Because Life Is Too Short to Live In Neutral

It is your time to go to the next level of success but that takes action. And it might even take radical action. But one thing for sure is it can be extremely difficult for you to go to the next level if you are not moving forward.

That is just like if you are in a car and the car is in neutral. As long as the car is in neutral nothing happens. You can hit the accelerator and it might even sound like movement is going to take place but as long as that car stays in neutral absolutely nothing happens. You stay in the same spot. No matter how much you want to get to your destination nothing happens.

So think of your dreams in that way. As long as you stay in neutral your dreams are not happening. How do you stay in neutral? By letting fear hold you back. By letting the opinions of others hold you back. By letting your wrong way of thinking hold you back. By allowing anything that is not going to propel you forward to hold you back. 
It is time for you to shift into the life that you desire and deserve. You can't afford to let another second go by where you are not moving forward. That is time lost that you can never get back. It is time for you to stop dreaming about the life you could be living.

You are amazing, creative, and powerful, and you were born to achieve your dreams and not just dream about them. And you know what? You already have everything you need inside to be successful at what you want to accomplish. And that is regardless of how big your dreams seem to you. Because God would never put a dream in your heart that is impossible for you to achieve. He knew that you could do it that's why he gave it to you. But you have to also believe that you can do it!

So make today the day that you shift. Get moving forward and refuse to look back. Take one step at a time, integrate faith with your action, expect big things to manifest in your life, and don't give up. The next level of excellence has space for you, so be determined to occupy the space that you were born to occupy!

Staying Motivated on the Job

From time to time, any worker can lose motivation on the job. It doesn't matter whether you work at a fast food restaurant or in one of the best law firms, a lack of motivation can happen any time and at any place. When you notice that you are lacking the motivation that you once had about your work, it is time to reflect and then take some actions to restore motivation and stay motivated.

Take Control Over What You Can

Take control over what you can in your work environment. Having a sense of control helps you to stay accountable and motivated. Even if you only have control over the most basic of things, take heart in it. Stop worrying about what you cannot control and focus on the positives. Seeing the good in your work environment will help you to stay motivated to come in and do your best.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

No matter how small it is, celebrating an accomplishment is another excellent way to stay motivated. Did you get to work early every day for the past 30 days? Celebrate by stopping at your favorite coffee shop on your next day off. Did a customer tell your manager that you provided excellent service? Write down what the customer said and refer to it when you are feeling down. Even the smallest successes in the workplace will inspire you to achieve bigger ones.

Remind Yourself of Your Strengths

If you sense a loss of motivation, take a moment and reflect on your strengths. While most people are aware of their own weaknesses, it is better to think positively and focus on your strengths. Think of how to use your strengths to boost your motivation at work. Writing down a list of your strengths is helpful. From your ability to speak two languages fluently to your supreme organizational skills, write it all down. Then consider how you can use those strengths in the workplace.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. When you realize that you have erred, consider how you reached your conclusion. Think back to every decision and what you could have done differently. Don't dwell on the error. Learn from it. This will help you stay motivated to make better decisions in the future.

Consider Your Career Goals

Think of the work you are doing in your current job and how it will help you to achieve your career goals. Perhaps you are a cashier in a grocery store and your goal is to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. The skills that you are currently developing will help you to get there. For example, great people skills are always a plus. As a cashier, you interact with people all day. You assist customers with their purchases. Answer their questions. Explain store rules. All the while managing money and staying up-to-date with technology. Consider how those skills can be utilized as you advance to shift supervisor, department head, store manager and beyond.

Top Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating (By Lisa Hartley)

Here are my top tips to help you stop procrastinating:

Tip #1 Small Chunks

Just divide all the things you have to do into small chunks. It doesn't matter if you only have a little time and think it's not worth starting anything now. Honestly IT IS! If I'd have done lots of little bits daily in my business (when I thought I didn't have enough time) I'd be much further ahead than I am now!

There are many times I can think of now where I wasted 30 mins at least thinking about pointless things when I could have listened to half an hour of audio training, written a blog, filmed a video or done some internet research etc! So YES these snippets of time are so valuable for doing SOMETHING! Perhaps you're a mum like me who is always busy, looking after children, doing housework, working part time and also building a business from home. You may also have pets and other commitments which keep you constantly tied up! So therefore any snippet of time is valuable! So use them wisely!

Tip #2 Brainstorm & Write A Weekly Plan

Firstly do a brainstorm or brain splurge on paper where you literally write out all of the things you need to do. That will instantly make you feel better! I used to find that I had so much to do I was scared to think about everything so it was easier to block it out and just do nothing! Very productive!!

So if you just get every single thing out on paper that you need to do, then prioritise each task and make a weekly plan. Then you can see clearly what you need to do and when. Give realistic time scales as otherwise you'll put too much in one day, not get it done and feel bad! So write down what you think you'll achieve per day. Even if you don't get around to doing everything that day, just be gentle with yourself knowing that you've been productive and forward those things on to the following day.

Tip #3 Change your environment

If you're finding that you're not getting much inspiration to do any work then try changing your location/environment. You may normally work in a particular room but perhaps you're not feeling motivated. Whether you change rooms or even go out and find a coffee shop or go for a walk, changing your environment can really help you get back on track and help stop you procrastinating.

Tip #4 Listen to Music

Try listening to music, something that gets you really revved up and in the mood for working. Some people have running music to help them run faster, such as 'eye of the tiger'. I love a song by Enigma and even though it's not a fast song, I feel energised when I listen to it and it makes me want to get on and work my business. It also makes me feel happy and empowered. So try it for yourself and have fun choosing a song or songs to give you momentum!

Tip #5 Have a buddy

Either have one person, like a buddy or tell various friends and family what you're doing. Then you're holding yourself accountable for getting things done. If someone is expecting to receive a blog or report etc from you at a certain time or day then you're more likely to get it done on time rather than if you're just going to put it out there for anyone to see. If you're advertising something or are broadcasting material to nobody in particular then it's easy to procrastinate and let other more pressing things come first. So always believe there is someone waiting for you to deliver.

Tip #6 Just Do It!

Often we want things to be done perfectly and if they're not, we don't finish what we're doing, and therefore end up procrastinating! You may have to be a bit harsh with yourself, like a personal trainer can be, and just get on with it! Rather than making excuses and trying to make something so perfect that you end up procrastinating, just take control and TAKE ACTION! I promise you will feel so much better afterwards!

Working on my business from home has helped me learn a lot about myself and how easily I can procrastinate! But the reason WHY I'm working for myself from home is so important that it makes me have lots of 'Get Up & Go' and want to work hard! My WHY is my children who I want to spend as much time as possible with. And I want to give them the best life possible.

I wish you luck in your journey to stop procrastinating!

You Cannot Fully Understand A Person's Need Until You Have Endured The Same Need

As hard as you may try to understand other people's situation and suffering, you'll fall short unless you go through the same circumstance. You will find it hard to understand their needs but if you are sensitive enough to feel what they feel, I am sure there is no problem expressing your empathy rather than your sympathy.

When you put yourself on other people's shoes, you also feel their emotions like being angry, sad, hurt and excluded. Being able to predict how other people might feel is a part of emotional intelligence (EQ ), a skill we can all develop with practice. When we understand how other people are likely to feel, it can guide our interactions and dealings with them.

By nature, people are extremely self-centered. Everyone tries to look at a situation from their own perspective hardly empathizing any situation and try to look at it from the other side. Sometimes we just fail to comprehend the situation because we make decisions quicker than we thought. Our peripheral vision is blurred due to our easy to 
judge behavior.

When we understand other people's feelings, it actually requires a threshold level of empathy to even be aware of what others feel. Most of us are not able to understand other people's feelings. We are too preoccupied with our own shortcomings that we failed to notice that there are still other beings out there who suffered more than we've been through.

Though life is a matter of choice; our willingness to listen and understand other's predicament can help boost their morale. This is easier said than done. In reality, we are quick to make assumptions without digging deeper what makes them act or do such foolish actions that made them suffer than satisfied.

I can understand that it is really difficult to feel what other people feels because some people are not willing to listen. We just need to regard people not on what they do but what their situation is because when it comes to understanding others, we seldom use our heart. Most often than not, we use our mouth to speak harsh words to others rather than let our emotions speak the truth.

We are more considerate when we listen with our hearts than our ears. We need to learn how to accept our mistakes before we can understand the mistakes of others. Most sensible people understand. But it does not mean that they are mean. It just happened that they focused mostly on themselves rather than on other people.

People who regularly have outbursts of anger, depression or flamboyant enthusiasm are generally frowned upon in their childhood experience. There are some children who suffered emotional trauma in their formative years because of parents' neglect. True, we have to be patient in understanding their situation but it doesn't mean that we are going to tolerate such display of inappropriate behavior. If they are not corrected right now, then they will become liabilities of the society than assets.

But never ever assume everything is fine just because someone isn't having a nervous breakdown. We all have our individual problems, angst and upsets in life. We just have to be sensitive with the underlying currents that made them who they are. It gives us an advantage in trying to help.

Emphatic understanding is very important especially if we want to know what others have been through.

Why an Indomitable Will Is the Key to Success

The Power of Resilience

A young man asked Socrates what the key to success was. So he invited him to meet at the river the following morning.

There, he asked the young man to walk into the river with him.

As the water made its way up to their necks, Socrates suddenly ducked him into the water. He struggled furiously, but Socrates kept him under until he turned blue in the face.

The young man struggled to free himself but finally came up, gasping for air.

"What did you want most when you were under water?" asked Socrates.

"Air," the man replied.

"That's the most important key to success. Wanting it as much as you want air. For only then will it be yours."

This delightful tale underscores the message that success emanates from strong desire and inspired action.

Success is a tough game because we assume it is linear. However, in real life it involves setbacks, failures, detours and minor victories.

But the failures and setbacks deter people from realising their dreams.

Mental and emotional resilience is essential to overcome these obstacles.

"Resilience and Motivation are two of the critical abilities for which Winner's Brains are wired," state authors Jeff Brown and Mark Fenske in The Winner's Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success.

Resilience is associated with the Navy Seals who undergo rigorous training known as BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) during their initiation. The training eliminates a large portion of candidates due to the mental, emotional and physical demands placed on new recruits.

It is this same resilience that must be summoned to chase your dreams.

You must develop an unquestionable will to succeed, no matter the setbacks that will arise.

A strong determination is fuelled by a powerful force encouraging you to endure in the face of setbacks.

I call it having a compelling Why?

Your Why is your motivation to succeed. It is the reason you rise above your challenges when it matters most.

I don't believe life tests us so much as it prepares us for what is to come.

"If you rise from a fall once, you become that much more confident you can rise again," affirms author Sam Weinman in Win at Losing: How Our Biggest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains.

Obstacles force us to take massive action or regrettably, concede defeat.

It the same process the Navy Seals undergo. The commanding officers test their resolve to decide if the men can deal with dire conditions.

Life prepares you for success by forcing you to reach beyond your comfort zone.

It poses challenges to nurture your resilience, though you may realise at some point that the goal or dream is not what you really want.

Most people have dreams they aspire to, but few have the indomitable will to succeed in the face of obstacles.

Success Shapes Character

As the saying goes: to the victor go the spoils.

The human will compels you to persevere in the face of adversity.

It lights up the flame of your spirit and sends you forth to meet challenges armed with courage, strength and resilience.

Without these powers, you are at the mercy of conceding defeat because of weak motivation.

With a powerful will, there is determination and decisiveness to your actions. You are resolute, firm and compelled to overcome life's obstacles, knowing they are placed in your path to nourish you.

"It's not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us," avows the late author Stephen R. Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

You should avoid short term disappointments and smaller prizes to achieve your long-term goals.

It is said success is a journey not a destination. Whilst an overused cliché, there is merit to its meaning.

Without setbacks and failures, you are unable to develop the fortitude and strength to meet your dreams when they arrive.

Success shapes a person's character. It sharpens the saw as Stephen R. Covey states.

Therefore, connect with a powerful Why and nurture it if you wish to succeed. I assure you, when the time is right you will be greeted with the finest victory imaginable.

Remember: what you seek is seeking you, as long as you stay committed to the path.

The will to succeed is apparent when you face your challenges and setbacks. No one grows in perfect conditions. In moments of darkness, you either rise above your impediments or cower in defeat.

The American New Thought author, Napoleon Hill, writes in The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons: "Until a man selects a definite purpose in life he dissipates his energies and spreads his thoughts over so many subjects and in so many different directions that they lead not to power, but to indecision and weakness."

An Optimistic Outlook

Success coaches refer to will as grit: the inner resolve, courage and strength of character to persist through adversity.

To develop an indomitable will and harness an optimistic outlook, irrespective of what transpires. Optimism is an inner knowing that conditions will turn out for the best regardless of what lays ahead.

Similarly, develop a powerful will through your accomplishments and seeing the process through to completion.

I'm reminded of the story author Napoleon Hill tells of a prospector who spent months digging for gold, before giving up and selling his equipment to a junk man. The junk man made millions soon after discovering a trace of gold less than a metre from where the prospector had stopped digging.

An indomitable will is essential for success otherwise you succumb to the pressures of life. The will lights the flame of hope and courage and encourages progress.

It is the American author and speaker John C. Maxwell who captured it perfectly in his book The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset: "Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves."

So, do not wish for better conditions or an easier path because you will become listless and discouraged.

Persevere and endure your challenges.

It would be remiss of me to come this far and not mention Professor of Psychology Carol Dweck who states in Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential: "The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset."

An indomitable will to succeed will lead you far in your journey of self-discovery.

The desire must emerge from within and be matched with the same need for air, as told in the opening tale.

Only then will you realise the narrative of your success story is far greater than you ever imagined.

The Procrastination Cure You Can't Put Off Any Longer


There are certain bad habits that get all the attention. Look around, and you'll see many warnings against smoking, overeating, binge watching TV, or drinking to excess. But there is one particularly nasty tendency millions of us share that doesn't get a fraction of the attention it deserves - the habit of procrastinating on our most important tasks.

It's easy to put off until tomorrow what we need to finish today. Unfortunately, that tends to leave you farther and farther behind on your work, and paints you as either inconsiderate of other people's time, or unable to manage your own life.

Study the people who have the most success in this world, and you'll find that they inevitably tend to be very punctual. They finish their work ahead of time, and never put off important tasks. And when it comes to being where they're supposed to be, they know that keeping to routines and schedules is important for maintaining control over their time, and will go out of their way to stick to their plans.

That's a big contrast to the way most people manage their schedules, of course, but it doesn't have to be. Here are three steps you can take today to break your procrastination habit...

Step #1: Recognize the Psychological Causes of Procrastination

Psychologically speaking, there are a lot of reasons people procrastinate. But a few stand out as being the most prominent.

First, it's easier for your subconscious mind to relax than it is to actively chase your conscious goals. Staying still or goofing off feels pleasurable and rewarding right now, whereas putting yourself through the mental effort of an uncomfortable activity doesn't provide an instant payoff. So certain parts of your brain are always going to want to pull you back to bed, onto the couch, or over to Facebook if you don't have good habits.

Another reason people tend to procrastinate so much is that they simply aren't motivated by the goals in front of them. When you aren't personally excited to achieve something, your subconscious will stop you from acting upon it. Your rational brain may know that your boss wants that report by the end of the day, but it doesn't feel urgent to you, which means it will take a lot of willpower to get moving.

And finally, people with low self-esteem tend to be the biggest procrastinators of all. They may feel afraid of success, or as if they don't deserve it. And so they self-sabotage their own efforts by putting things off until the last minute, missing deadlines, and making it impossible to do their best work.

Step #2: Face the Problem Head On

Regardless of which of these issues stops you from showing up on time or handling important tasks when you should, the best way to beat procrastination is to tackle the problem head-on with a few clear strategies.

The first is to simply make it harder to put things off. A classic example of this would be the person who puts their alarm clock in another room. In order to turn it off, they have to get out of bed, walk somewhere else, and press a button. By that time, they are far less inclined to hit the snooze button and do it all over again. That's a simple illustration, but there are probably dozens of ways you can remove distractions in your life and get things done faster.

You could also let others know that you're trying to beat the procrastination habit. Encourage them to acknowledge it when you're late, or make a pact with them that you'll set aside a few dollars every time you miss a deadline or put something off. That kind of simple punishment is enough to create a sense of accountability and get you thinking about your habits.

Step #3: Let the New Habit Take Hold

Don't expect you'll make the decision to stop procrastinating and be able to change your behavior in an instant. As with all habits, procrastination is something that is deeply ingrained at a personal and emotional level. You may have a few slip-ups, but if you are willing to acknowledge the problem and take steps to fix it, rest assured that you'll adjust over time.

Procrastination harms your productivity, your self-esteem, and your standing with others. But once you get in the habit of being proactive, showing up on time, and refusing to put things off when you could finish them right away, you'll start to feel more effective and empowered. Then the thought of not getting things done will start to feel strange to you.

You might be the kind of person who has put things off until the last minute your whole life, constantly running late from one task, meeting, or appointment to the next. Now is the perfect time to make a change. Don't put this improvement off until later - you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel, and how much more seriously others will take you once you become the kind of person who doesn't procrastinate.

Why An Attitude Of Gratitude Can Free Yourself

If there is one place where we should be completely free, then it is in our own mind.

We might have limitations in terms of what our bodies are capable of and what we're allowed to do - but our minds should be free to roam wherever we want, whenever we want.

Unfortunately, this is not the reality most of us live in. Very often, our thoughts are dictated by our circumstances and those circumstances are largely out of our control.

This is why we usually find ourselves feeling dissatisfied and constantly wanting to push forward and look at the jackpot in the future, rather than taking time to enjoy the process and smelling the roses along the journey.

And without being too political or philosophical, our capitalist lifestyles, the Hollywood portrayed false sense of reality, and the consumerism culture sometimes reinforce this materialistic nature that can push us further down the rabbit hole.

The simple question to get a reality check is to ask yourself, "Are you happy right now?"

Most of us are constantly in a position of slight dissatisfaction.

We feel as though there's 'one more thing' that could make our lives better and help us to be happier.

Maybe we said we just needed another one million dollar to feel secure.

Maybe we said we just needed to build a bigger better house to be satisfied.

Maybe we said we just needed a better higher-paid job to start loving to work.

Of course, we do want certain things and there's nothing wrong with enjoying material goods for pleasure.

But often, we have been conditioned (or even brainwashed) by the manipulated images from the media or advertising industry that told us what we "NEED" to have in order to be happy.

More money. More games. More clothes. More drinks. More sex. More friends. More holidays. More this and more that.

So most of us work harder to keep up the buying pace, which eventually stressed the crap out of us to accomplish the next thing in order to keep the economical machine spinning.

Let's do a quick exercise together.

Now, take a think about a game you find yourself (or your kids) wanting.

Aren't there Xbox, PlayStation or computer games on your shelf right now that you haven't played yet?

Aren't there free games you could download or free activities you can engage in and have just as much fun with?

Isn't it just marketing messages that are pushing you towards that next game and that next expense?

Likewise, ask yourself if having a billion more would really make you happier.

You can travel very cheaply right now - the problem is probably more with leaving work. More responsibility isn't going to help that!

So how do you make a change and start to be freer and happier right now?

The answer is that you change your focus.

Instead of fixating on what you don't have and on what you want, instead start to fixate on what you already have and what you're grateful for.

This is called a 'gratitude attitude' and it's the fastest route to having a satisfying and happy life.

People often aren't happy not because they want another thing or they lack certain things, it's just because they FORGOT they already have so many things.

Just make a reminder every night to jot down the top 3-5 things you can be grateful for in your journal.

When you start to collecting these little things of the day, you will open yourself up to see an entire new world of abundance.

Try that tonight, and make it a habit for the rest of your life.

Stop Is One of the Most Underutilized Four Letter Words in the English Language

Have you ever found yourself on the receiving end of someone's tirade while sitting in your living room, the board room, or at a family gathering? Have you found yourself screaming in your mind, "stop", yet the word is stuck in your throat and you cannot even imagine saying it out loud?

Well, guess what? This is just what I'm encouraging you to do. It really is okay, and actually emotionally healthy to say, "stop" if we are feeling that someone is speaking to us in a way that feels uncomfortable or is unacceptable.

Don't Only Yield to The Needs of Others

As an emotionally healthy adult, it is our responsibility to teach people how we want to be treated. We cannot assume that the other person knows how we are feeling, or if something is upsetting us. In part, this means if someone says or does something that is not okay with us, then we need and deserve to say, "stop."

This can be done in a non-aggressive and healthy manner.

• Don't shout, speak in a calm, yet firm voice.

• Be mindful of your tone of voice and body language.

• Use "I" instead of "You" statements.

• Your response may sound something like this, "Please stop. I need you to stop."

Developing Acceptable Signals & Healthy Boundaries

I encourage the individuals and couples that we work with in our psychotherapy practice to establish guidelines around how they want to be treated by the people in their life. The time to have this discussion is when both individuals are in "neutral". When there is no emerging issue, or current conflict for either person. This is a healthy way of discussing how each person wants to be treated. When both people agree to this, healthier interactions tend to take place.

The focus of the discussion is utilizing a very specific and individualized method of setting emotional boundaries. What works for one person, may not be satisfactory for the other. Therefore, it's important to determine what each person is comfortable with in their communication with each other.

"Boundaries serve as a reminder that there are two distinct people in the relationship with their own perspectives, needs, feelings, and interests." ~ Toni Coleman, LCSW, CMC and relationship expert

Many may prefer that the other not put their hand up, or use assertive body language, to interrupt while communicating. Hence why it's important to come up with the words, and acceptable signals, beforehand. This way both people are comfortable with what's established so that's part of the agreement. This discussion, and new communication method, is planned and processed in advance, so this becomes the new normal.

Self Sabotage and How to Overcome It (By Gemma Garbett)

Self sabotage is one of the biggest ways that we don't achieve everything that we want from life. Have you ever been at a point in your life where everything is going great and then all of a sudden BANG! you have all of these fearful thoughts about not being good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, etc.

This is the Ego's way of protecting you. The Ego has a pretty amazing role. It's the Ego's job to keep you safe, especially if you are in a life or death situation. However, it also tries to keep you safe from everything. Now I know that a lot of people view the Ego as bad, but I don't. It just has a job to do and gets overactive and takes on all of those fearful comments that we have hidden in the back of our psyche.

Take today for instance, I got up and meditated as usual, I got the kids ready for school. But I couldn't shift this blah feeling. I walked around feeling pretty heavy. A client cancelled, so that added to how I was feeling. But then I had a thought that stopped me in my tracks. What am I doing?! This isn't me!

I've been making some pretty big changes to do with my work lately and allowing myself to become vulnerable and I know that this feeling was my way of sabotaging what I was doing. All morning I've had the thoughts in my head of 'who are you to be doing this work?' 'Who are you to be a medium?' 'Go and get yourself another job.'

So here I was sitting here and I thought 'Right, I have all of these tools, how am I going to use them?'

So the first thing I did, was take out my journal and write out everything that I am grateful for in my life. I then looked at each item one by one and sent love to them. I send love by visualising each item on the list in a big pink bubble, but you should do what works for you.

Secondly, I looked at my why. Why am I making these changes? Is it for me? Is it for others? Is it to help people. I just let the words flow and didn't censor any of them.

Thirdly, I sat in meditation and visualised how I would feel when all of the things that I am hoping for come to pass. I created the feelings that I wanted to feel, the sounds I wanted to hear and I let my intuition guide me. If you are not someone that has meditated before, you can start by concentrating on your breath. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. At this time the Universe (or God, divine spirit, etc) will give you a few more signs or steps and you will go back to that place of certainty.

These steps can help you make subtle changes and keep self sabotage at bay. When you practice them daily you will see big changes in your perceptions and in your daily life.

The Motivation Pill

Circumstances are a hell of a mentor. Testing you at the most vulnerable moments, trying to knock you out at the most fragile links. The crowd you are surrounded by most of the time is nothing but a horde of opportunists looking for that perfect imperfect moment when you're at the weakest and easy to step upon and go ahead. No one is here to make you succeed. All of them are looking for your use in their lives and how you can add value to their dreams and goals. No one except your parents is going to be glad when you achieve. You're an exceptional being in yourself. Ignore the naysayers, turn a deaf ear to those who preach like they know a lot. No one knows a damn thing and those who say they do, they are just trying to scare you. You have a great gift, the gift of a dream. You have a dream and now is the time to start working on it. Now, this very moment, guide each of your action towards the accomplishment of your dream. Those who mock you, try to make you feel inferior at your every step, are really scared of you. Scared for you have something they can never really achieve in their life. Something that is not easy for them to even think about it. They try to intimidate you by saying harsh words. Words that they say with a smile but in reality, they are just trying to weaken your roots like a parasite.

But what to do? Well, the fact is the whole of your life you're going to encounter such people who would do their best to make sure you fall. They are always hitting at your ladder of success trying to imbalance your dream and make you drop to the floor. They are looking for the opportunities to see you fail, to mock you, to laugh at you and shout at you. Don't let them send out any negative vibes or hurl any downers in the direction of your success. Success is a great thing, those who have achieved it, know how it tastes. Don't let anyone direct the story of your life. Success is contagious, but it comes to those who believe in themselves. Be humble, be silent but not when a blow is thrown at your self-respect. People may call it your wrong attitude, but you know that who you really are. Believing is doing. Don't listen to failures who rely on meagre dreams. Dream big, if you can dream it you can achieve it.

Want to know how to do it? Let me tell you, that you suck, you are not worth a penny. But can you let me drive the boat of your life? NO! Not me not your friends, not your well-wishers, no one shall have the right to pull you down. Stand guard at the gates of your dreams, make it strong like an impregnable fort. Make your mind a safe, the password to which only you know. Let them say what they think is right. Remember, being right is a myth, no one can ever be completely right about anything. If they say they are, just grin and say yeah sure. Remember, no words, no thoughts, no power in the universe can break you down unless you let it. Want friends? Make books your friends. Need someone expert to guide you? Walk to the mirror and you'll find the perfect guide who can help you get out of literally anything. All that you need, all the forces that will guide you in achieving your dream are right within you. Summon the universe, call upon the forces with complete dedication and child-like faith to work for you, in the direction of your dreams. And believe me, they will. But the requisite is you have to believe, you have to trust, like a child. Have you ever seen a child? Do you ever see them doubt that they can't walk? They try to walk but fall. Do they give up? HELL NO!!! So why do you give up? Be like a mirror, no amount of dust can make mirror leave its lustre, its ability to reflect. Be bold, be brave and be confident. Have faith, you are destined to do great, but to be great you have to start acting like you really are great. Take charge of your life and believe me, your life is going to be the way it should be. Tell yourself, "I am the greatest."

Motivational Rules To Apply To Life & Business

Many people see motivation as something you have or you don't have, often depending on your specific situation. In fact, motivation is a choice that everyone makes. You can find ways to be positive and to strive to improve a situation or you can choose to complain and stay stuck where you are.

This is not always easy to see, so using specific motivational rules can help to create a positive mental space and framework in any situation. To help you to get started, here are some basic motivational rules that can be easily implemented in any situation and for any individual.

Motivation Rules To Help You Stay Motivated

  • Find Your Passion! What do you really love to do? What really matters in the world around you? What do you see as your purpose or your cause? This is an important part of motivation and having a reason to do what you are doing. Find your passion and then choose activities that help you to achieve that passion or interest. Ask yourself this question, if you could do whatever you wanted and you were guaranteed success, what would you do?
  • Get Rid of Negativity - negative thoughts and negative people are like kryptonite to motivation. It is important to get rid of them in your life or at least limit the time they occupy. When you find yourself thinking you can't accomplish something, look for ways to break it down and then accomplish those smaller components, soon you will find the obstacle is no longer there. For negative people, limit contact or try to avoid topics that escalate their negativity.
  • Be Self-Competitive - set goals for yourself that are daily, weekly, monthly and longer term. Write them down and use them to chart your accomplishments. By competing with yourself to achieve your goals, you will gain self-confidence and trust in your abilities.

Finally, don't just go after small goals and daily challenges. Set long term goals and dream big as well. Having long term goals and dreams to work towards can be some of the most motivational aspects of life for personal or professional growth and change. They can also make your short term goals more effective by creating goals short term goals that ultimately help you achieve your long-term goals.

Continue working on the activities that help you stay motivated, they will become habits and that is when you will achieve true long-term motivation.

Infuse Life With Action And Make It Happen

Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. You have to make it happen. Never let life impede on your ability to manifest your dreams. Don't just stand there, make it happen. That's what at the end of the day defines us.

Some people hope that tomorrow would be a better day. Well, why will it be a better day? Well, instead of hoping that something will happen, why don't we just make it happen? Remember that we live to thrive not just to survive. So, why do we wait for tomorrow to happen when we can make it today? Act right NOW. Take actions to accomplish them.

Instead of hoping we should be acting. Unfortunately, in our world, nothing is handed to you for free. You have to put to work to get some results. And the harder you work the better the results will be.The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the little extra.

Talents and potential enable you to achieve great things - but for most of us, these fail because of laziness or lack of perseverance. Although, hope is a choice and can change your life but you need to act to make change happen.

Lao Tzu cited that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This leads to steady progress and improvement over the course of a week, month and year, up until the point they achieve their desired outcomes. Without urgency, there is no motivation - there is nothing forcing you to get up early in the morning to pursue your goals, and there is certainly nothing enticing you to stay up late when tasks haven't yet been completed.

You have so much to live up to and so much to achieve. However, things aren't that bad. This might not be ideal, but it's fine and acceptable. Understanding on how to make things happen how it originates and manifests in people's lives are important. It doesn't really matter how you end up convincing yourself to take urgent action in the pursuit of your goals, as long as it creates within you a strong desire to attack your goals with purpose and get things done intelligently and quickly.

Taking future deadlines into consideration is very important when it comes to creating a sense of urgency, however, what's important is that you don't obsess over your future, but instead stay present in order to make things happen at the moment. It also requires a proactive approach to accomplishing your tasks and projects.

Discipline is also required to create a sense of urgency. Living with a sense of urgency does mean that you will be working at a far more rapid pace than you're probably used to because this can lead to higher levels of stress and tension.

Experiencing these emotions is inevitable. So, even though there are drawbacks to making things happen, there are plenty of advantages as well that can help you create the momentum you need to attain your goals and objectives by infusing action to your goals.

It absolutely paramount that you break your goal down into small parts and assign at the very least weekly deadlines that will help you to stay focused on achieving them.

Boundaries: Can Someone Find It Hard To Say No When They Feel Worthless?

If one doesn't want to do something, they might listen to what is taking place with them and speak up. However, there is also the chance that they will ignore what is taking place within them and simply go along with what someone else wants.

A Different Experience

When it relates to the former, one is going to have a good connection with what is taking place within them. In addition to this, they will also feel safe enough to listen to what is taking place there.

Yet, when it comes to the latter, they might not even be aware of what is taking place within them. But even if they are aware, they are not going to feel safe enough to pay attention to what is going on there.

Point of Focus

When one is in touch with themselves and they feel safe enough to listen to the information that is within them, they are not going to be completely focused on what is taking place externally. One will be able to pay attention to their inner world and their outer world.

On the other hand, when one doesn't feel safe enough to listen to the information that is within them, they can end up being completely consumed by what is taking place externally. It can then be normal for them to only pay attention to what is taking place in their outer world.


What is clear is that they are the only person who will know what is right for them; the people around them are not going to know. Even so, this is not to say that other people will always realise this.

There are plenty of people in the world who are only too happy to tell other people what to do. Therefore, when one goes along with what other people want, they are going to miss out on the guidance that is within them.


When this happens, one will be behaving as though they are simply an extension of other people. Their actions will be the result for what other people want them to do, or what they think they want them to do.

This is likely to be what feels comfortable and so there will be no reason for them to change their behaviour. But if they were able to get in touch with how they feel, they might soon come into contact with a lot of pain.

An Act

If the people around them were to find out about how they feel, they could be in for a shock. This is because one could come across as happy and easy going, and this is going stop how they feel from coming to the surface when they are around others.

Or, if they were to get worked up and to express how they really feel, they could end up feeling bad. Through feeling this way, they will soon go back to how they were before, and it might be little while before they lose it again.

A Number of Outcomes

When one has the tendency to do what other people want, there may be moments when this doesn't cause them to be walked over. Yet, as this is likely to be something that rarely takes place, it might not matter.

The moments when they have been taken advantage of are going to be the moments that fill their mind. This may mean that there have been times when they have been physically harmed and/or they may have been verbally abused on a number of occasions.

Right Now

If one was to think about what their life is like at this point in time, they may find that they are in a relationship with someone who walks over them. Along with this, they might work with people who also behave in the same way.

It might not stop there though, as one could find that their family treat them in the same way. One is then going to be surrounded by people who don't respect their boundaries, and this is going to make it hard for them to feel good about themselves.

A Victim

One way of looking at this would be to say that one has gradually be worn down by the people in their life, and this is why they are unable to say no and to stand their ground. Based on this, the only way their life is going to change is if the people in their life start to respect their boundaries.

Another way of looking at this would be you say that they already felt worthless, and this is why they ended up coming into contact with these kinds of people. What will also support this outlook is if they are treated badly by their family.

Where it All Began

What took place when they were younger may have set them up to feel comfortable with being walked over. During this time, they may have been abused and/or neglected, and this would have caused them to feel worthless.

And through being treated in this way, it may have caused them to disconnect from their aggression. So not only will they feel as though they deserve to be walked over; they won't have the energy they need to do anything about it.


In order for one to change their life, they will need to get in touch with their inherent value and to embrace their aggression. Once this has taken place, they won't feel comfortable being walked over and, if someone tries to do so, they will have the strength that they need to do something about it.

This is something that can take place with the assistance of a therapist or a healer.