The Path to Peace, Happiness, and a Sense of Purpose Through the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path

Sweet Medicine SunDance Path: What Programs does DTMMS Offer?

The Sweet Medicine Sundance Path offers an approach to modern life that helps people live with greater integrity, maturity and individuality. Their worldwide programs address the crucial need of humans to move knowledge beyond mental facts and into lived experiences. This experiential approach to learning provides a creative space for each person to gain spiritual transformation. DTMMS is the parent organization of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. Their vision is to inspire beauty, excellence, and knowledge so that all people gain direct access to peace, happiness and a higher sense of purpose.

Longhouse Program: Why is it Important?

Students and teachers meet in community settings called Longhouses where specific teachings are provided. Once the concepts and ideas have been discussed, students leave the classroom and spend time in nature to absorb what they learned on a deeper level.

Being in nature allows people to experience the elements and "worlds" of Grandmother Earth. The earth is home to 5 elements (water, earth, air, fire and the void) and 5 worlds (plants, minerals, animals, humans and the spirit realm). Nature becomes a teacher that helps each individual test knowledge for themselves. In this way, knowledge becomes wisdom.

Red Lodge

Red Lodge is a Longhouse program for people dedicated to reaching their highest potential. It celebrates community by bringing together people who desire to learn about their connection with all forms of life. Red Lodge students gain tools and experiences that help them create greater life balance, health, and spiritual connection. The teachings are designed to enhance each person's individual spiritual understanding and therefore people of all spiritual traditions and religions can find incredible benefit and growth. Red Lodge Longhouses are currently offered in Arizona, Italy, Canada and Australia.

What is Ceremony?

Ceremony is one of the foundational features of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and is included in all programs and events. Through ceremony, people create a deep connection with Spirit, one of the names for the mysterious, all-encompassing, divine energy of the universe. Ceremonies are done in both individual and group settings, and each ceremony has a purpose and intent for creating a desired change in reality.

Life Transitions: Who needs Rites of Passage Ceremonies?

Rites of Passage ceremonies support and facilitate a person's maturation and growth throughout their life. They occur at specific life transitions and honorably mark the movement into the next phase of the person's development. These ceremonies are said to be essential for human growth. Without them, humans can mature at a much slower speed and experience unnecessary challenges in relating to their world.

A Rites of Passage ceremony marks the transition from one phase of life to another; life, marriage and death to name a few. This can include Baptisms, Naming Ceremonies, Debutante balls and the Quinceanera as well as the Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah in the Jewish traditions. The Sweet Medicine SunDance Path offers Rites of Passage ceremonies at several key places throughout a person's life. There are ceremonies for the parents before a child is born, after the child is born, naming ceremonies and various phases of the child's life into their adulthood. There are adult Rites of Passage ceremonies as well.

The Sweet Medicine SunDance Path supports the availability of spiritual knowledge for all humans. Spiritual knowledge is a roadmap for how to live with integrity and place attention on what actually works. Many people who attend programs and ceremonies in this tradition learn how to overcome personal challenges and access their individual excellence.,-Happiness,-and-a-Sense-of-Purpose-Through-the-Sweet-Medicine-SunDance-Path&id=10067309

The 3 Requirements to Level Up Your Success

For the majority of us, success doesn't come by accident. Success happens because of a chain of events. Though the word success may be a subjective thing, the words achievement and progress are not. In order to reach success, whatever it means to you, you must achieve and progress. It's easy to lose focus and motivation especially in the down times so I want to give you my trick that has helped me stay focused on my success over the years. I learned these through my martial arts training and have been applying them to my health, businesses, and relationships. I call them my 3 requirements to level up and reach success.

Motivation, drive and focus crumble when the greater vision is lost or doubt or something negative grabs your attention pulling you away from your goals. I've found this happens because the connection to your purpose was broken. The first step here is to refurbish your purpose. What are you thriving for? Be specific.

For example, this article has two main purposes. Number one, I really hope these three tips help people to get back on track toward reaching their goals and success. Secondly, it helps to get my name out there. Why is this important to me? So perhaps I could help as many people as possible in achieving their successes.

Define what your purpose is. Write it down and know it's okay if it evolves over time. As you reach levels of success, you want to adjust your purpose accordingly but, by stating your purpose and knowing it gives you a direction where to put your focus and apply your effort.

Once you have your purpose you need to get obsessed with it. Obsession is a powerful tool to keep the fuel in the tank, foot on the gas and do what you have to keep pushing through. Obsession glues you to your daily tasks.

What are you doing every day? Why is what you're doing important? Re-confirm your goals daily until you become obsessed with your goals.

Finally, you have to get committed. As a teacher of the martial arts for over 10 years I've found people have to become obsessed in order to truly get committed.

Knowing your purpose comes first. You have to know what you're committing yourself to. I hear personal development experts all the time saying you have to commit. Commit, commit, commit! Commit to your goals! But, they miss the purpose thing. How do you know if you're setting the right goals for yourself if you don't have your purpose down? Which means you may be committing to the wrong thing, that you're not obsessed about and you can't get obsessed about because you know in the back of your mind that it's not what you want to achieve.

Leveling up your game and your success isn't about creating habits. It isn't about creating goals to check off the list. It's about making success a daily requirement and knowing exactly where to aim your efforts. Know your purpose, get obsessed with your purpose and now you're going to get committed to your purpose. Now you have a real foundation to build real ideal goals for yourself.

It's easier to read the map when you already know where you're going and where you're starting from.

If you can't get obsessed with a purpose you gave yourself then it's probably not your purpose. Don't take what somebody else is doing and confuse yourself about having to or wanting to do the same thing the exact same way. Here's an exercise I do and I have my students do to find what your true purpose is.

Turn off the videos, close the books and block out any outside influences for about 2 weeks. Go somewhere secluded in a natural environment and spend 2 weeks with just yourself and your thoughts. To locate your purpose you need to break off outside influences.

Anytime you're falling off track just go reconnect with your purpose. Leveling up is not about what motivates you. Motivation wears off. Drive and obsession don't wear off. What you're obsessed with you'll be committed to.

The Truth About Beliefs - How The Masses Get Programmed

Success - "Ignore Everything"

Without sounding egotistical, one of the "core" tricks to massive success I have found is to "ignore everything else". What does this mean and why it is important?

Success is a huge word, and can mean anything from recovering from a terminal disease to being able to walk again after a horrific crash. Most people attribute it to the accumulation of wealth, which is fine.

The point is that if you want to be "successful", the BIGGEST problem will likely be *you*. You'll either talk your way out of actually stepping up and doing - what ends up being quite mundane / simple - things.

Becoming "successful" basically means being able to follow through on a specific goal no matter what else might be distracting you. Everyone has distractions - from your kids to bills. The best people are absolutely and completely focused on the fulfilment of the various goals they may have.

These "goals" differ - but the process remains the same. They are absolutely committed to their fulfilment. The level at which you're able to do this typically determines the level of success you'll be able to achieve in the wider world.

Take "making money" - what most people would attribute to "success".

The earning of money doesn't differ between people. You exchange a service for a token of value - which in our society is money. The money you earn - or at least what other people attribute to you - is based primarily on the level of service you provide. Effective services typically equal higher paying buyers.

If you're looking to embark on a journey of successful money-making, you basically need to identify your ability to create an effective service. This can be anything. But - most importantly - you need to stick to that level of service no matter what.

This BIGGEST MISTAKE people make (and I've made it countless times) is to become distracted - either by shiny objects, other people... or the voice that lives in your head. The latter option here (the voice) is actually the biggest reason why most people never really do very much; they give in too easily.

If you wish to overcome your current standing in life - the big thing you need to do is to essentially "train" yourself to focus on one goal at a time, and pursue it with all vigor. Those who do this actually end up being successful in other areas of life, too.

The trick to doing this is actually quite simple - create a "reward" system which gives you little bits of respite in the pursuit of the goal.

For example, say you're looking to "start an online business" - and say you're looking to create $100,000 turnover in the first year (which won't happen)... the "reward system" you create needs to be tied to you building a simple mechanism through which you're able to sequentially work your way up to the $100,000.

To do it, you'd basically break the goal down into "two" parts - "long term" and "short term" revenue projects.

  • Short term revenue is basically where you'll go out and look for paying work - either online or offline. There are many "freelancing" websites such as Fiverr and Upwork which can do this. You'll use this as your "food money" budget - allowing you to create services or provide value in order to feed and house yourself.
  • Long term revenue is somewhat different, and where most people become disjointed. Creating $100,000 income is not really that difficult if you appreciate what goes into doing it. However, the issue for most is they will try and pursue it immediately. This doesn't work; you need to invest into more rigid products & projects in order to bring in that sort of money consistently.

To get to the $100,000 revenue target, you will need to essentially feed your momentum with many smaller goals - short term revenue - which you can then use to fuel the higher level projects that can be used to create the $100k income.

You'll note that ALL of this is absent of "competition" and "market conditions" - it's entirely based on YOUR output. Quality output towards your goal equals success. This is what you have to do - blind yourself to the various "problems" which may stand in your imagination - but not real life.

Life Is Like A Game Of Chess

I'm not a chess player but over the years I have watched many of my friends play the game. But I can play checkers - not that it matters. Recently as I was watching a couple of friends play the thought occurred to me that chess is a lot like life - it's uncertainty, it's adventure, it's exhilaration and yes, it's a disappointment. Watching caused me to consider three life areas;

-Why do we make the moves we do?

Every day we all make decisions - some small ones, some insignificant ones and often some major ones. Do we take this move now or wait? Do we let go of this or hold on?

Do we say yes or no to this opportunity? Do I take a new route or play it safe and take the one I always do? Do I share these thoughts or keep them to myself? Hundreds of not thousands of routine choices and decisions every day. Some easy and some more difficult but in the end, we have a choice - do it or don't, make it or don't, try it or don't, say it or don't.

Every choice, action, and decision we make has a consequence - some are potentially positive and some negative, some are short term and some may take a while to come to fruition and often a few can be either a disaster or amazing.

I'm not going to dig into the weeds in this article about the best decision approaches to take as I have written several articles dedicated to this topic - all I want to do with this one is to make sure that you grasp the concept of reality and relationship between what you want, what is and how the relationship between these two approaches ultimately determines the outcomes you end up with.

In chess, every move matters, and yes some can be more crucial than others depending on how your opponent (life) reacts or responds to your moves. We can't control how our opponent chooses to pay their next move, all we can do is try and react as best we can given our options based on their (life's - starting to see the relationship here) previous move.

If their (life's) move puts us in a corner limiting our options, well, do we cave in and just let them (life) win and just quit or do we keep looking for a different or better strategy or approach to try and regain our control of the game and its potential ending?

Life will never stop sending us challenges, opportunities, options, dead ends, problems and chances and for us to - change, grow, improve or mature or to default back to what is comfortable regardless of whether it works or not or improves things or not. Life is relentless and no matter what choices we make or challenges we overcome, there are always others waiting just around the corner to keep us focused on improving vs. settling or quitting.

-In hindsight do we wish we had made different movers?

Regardless of your knowledge, experience, education, and wisdom, you can never know what is waiting in the wings that will cross your path tomorrow whether you are ready or not or how the decisions, choices, and options you have today will turn out tomorrow. I can move my chess piece, but I have no idea how you will respond, I just have to wait and see and them move accordingly.

Trying to outsmart life is stupid - what it wants us to learn to do is make the best moves possible given our resources, faith, courage, and wisdom. Plans are great if you could control life. Knowing is great if things never changed. The future is within your understanding if it always performed according to history and rules. Your life would be easy if you always made the right decisions - the problem is that the right decision or choice made today could in the future turn out to have been a wrong decision in the past and why? It's called "life" folks.

-What do we learn regardless of whether we win or lose?

Learning is an interesting concept when you think about it.

You learn a new skill, hobby or process after spending time evaluating, practicing and repeating the tactics until they are mastered. A question - have you ever learned anything in your life in the past from (parents, schools, seminars, books or just plain experience) that for any reason is not still true or relevant today? If your answer is no - it's for one of two reasons - 1) you have been living in a cabin in the mountains with no human contact of any kind for your entire life or 2) you are the smartest person who has ever lived in the history of humanity.

So, the rest of us are given new learning options every day of our lives and we can choose to embrace these opportunities or resist or reject them. But, one thing life has taught me over the years is that when I refuse to learn a lesson it wants to teach me and it believes I need to learn, it will keep coming back again and again from - a different person, different source or different situation. It will be relentless.

In the end, learning is not the end of anything it is simply the willingness and ability to let go of conventional wisdom, existing attitudes or opinions and skills or approaches that are just no longer working, effective or useful.

Think about it - do you still sell, market, read, cook, travel, garden, communicate exercise etc. today the way you did last week, last year, ten years ago or even fifty years ago? If you are - Checkmate!

Am I Afraid of Success

Many times we want to become successful in the areas of our lives that are important to us. From our family to career to investments we all want to know the pleasures of success. Yet if we are honest there are times we are very close to achieving success and we do things to sabotage our future. Why is that?

John Maxwell has been teaching leadership for many years. One of the principles he shares on leadership is called 'The Law of the Lid". This law states that each of us has a ceiling on how high we can rise up the success ladder. When we get to the top of our ladder anything that would cause us to go higher is sabotaged by our own thinking. People are not able to rise above the lids they have erected for their lives unless they learn how to raise the lid.

Think about professional athletes. Most come from poor or middle income families and have never had real wealth before. They sign contracts worth millions and now they have access to huge amounts of cash. Most of these athletes squander their new found wealth and after their career is over they are back to being poor. Some discover how to use wealth to their advantage and make more money retired than they did as an athlete (look at Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jordan who both became extremely wealthy after their basketball careers were over.

It is common to hear about people who cannot seem to do better. The problem may come from the fact that these people have never seen themselves doing better and are afraid if they do too good it may alienate them from their friends and family. Misery loves company. Poor people are not rooting for their friends to become rich. Middle class people don't push others to do better than they are doing. Sadly the only person you should know for sure is pushing you to succeed is you. No one wants you to do better than you

It's possible to be afraid of becoming wealthy or having real success. The status quo is where our greatest comfort level exists but you cannot become successful settling for status quo. It requires taking risks and looking outside the traditional box to find the dream you are looking for. Leaving what is to go to what can be is the key to finding lasting success. Don't let fear or lack of experience keep you from reaching for your dreams.

The Recipe for Unequalled Success

If you want to make a certain food (like a cake) and you want it to taste the same way each time you make it, the best way to do that is to write down the recipe. How much flour and sugar do you need? How many eggs? What kind of milk works best? This and other ingredients help you to make the same cake over and over again.

In the same way people who want to be successful typically look at successful people in the hopes of become a success as well. The main problem success cannot be replicated is the person who has arrived at success does not reveal what they did to get there. For example sales companies hire people and entice them with the thought of them becoming a success by having their top agents share their success stories. The problem is top agents never tell you exactly how they got to where they are. For example new sales people are given a bunch of names and a script and told "call these people on this list, use this script and you will get appointments which will turn to sales." It sounds great. Does it actually work? No.

Why? Because tactics like this are similar to tasting a good cake and asking how to make it yourself only to discover you can taste the cake, see the cake, enjoy the cake but not get the recipe. So you hit and miss, trying frantically to recreate a cake you are not able to know what combinations of ingredients makes it take so good.

The concept of franchising in business is the best recipe for success. Here a company will outline all the things they do to create a successful business. Then they share this information step by step to franchise owners. When you buy a franchise you know that they system you have purchased really works. It's not about activity; it's about being productive in your activity. To become successful you need (1) a recipe that lists all the ingredients necessary to recreate the success you desire and (2) someone to help you stay on the right path. Mentoring is a big thing now but it's not very effective unless you have a recipe to follow and someone who has actually followed the same recipe with success.

Don't believe you can be successful just by wishing or wanting. It requires a plan that follows a recipe known to work. Then and only then can you hope to find the success you are looking for.

Have You Ever Felt Judged?

I'm sure there have been times when you've been walking towards someone and you've felt their eyes quickly scanning you up and down. It's disconcerting, isn't it! Are they checking out your clothes, your dress sense, your size; what's going on? And if you thought you were walking into a pleasant relaxed environment, perhaps meeting a friend, it makes for an even more disappointing scenario. What's going on! Why are they doing this!

- Superficial judgements and assessments happen all the time though. We've no doubt expressed a, 'whatever were they thinking!' on occasion when we've seen someone wearing an outrageous outfit or struggled to conceal an amused, 'did they think it was fancy dress!' at times!

And yet don't we love to see someone who has their own distinctive style carrying it off with panache? Outrageous touches often make someone an unforgettable centre of attention. And we ourselves may even seek out that rare and unusual look at times, trawl markets and charity shops for a special, unique piece of jewellery or an accessory that gives our look an exciting flourish. We may want to be different, stylish, original and yet do we sometimes experience negativity from others when we try?

Are they jealous, do they want to be The fashion guru, the one with the quirky touch in our social group? Certainly, giving someone who's trying to be different a withering look can bring them, especially if they're a little nervous, back into line and potentially shake their confidence in trying again.

- And what about us? Are there times when we feel intimidated as a consequence of second-guessing or judging someone else's status? Do we find ourselves feeling that someone who's better educated, prettier, slimmer, more senior or affluent is automatically a superior, more important person, someone to be in awe of? Or that someone who's perceived to be less attractive or of lower status is less entitled to respect or consideration? Sometimes bias can be an almost unconscious response, but it can affect how we behave, how comfortable and at ease we are in the company of others.

- Enquiring what someone does for a living is a fairly standard opening question when meeting them for the first time, yet the reply can prompt quick judgements to be made. Whether or not they work, have a part-time or full-time job and what that is can result in us being impressed or dismissive, all based on the short reply to that question. And yet so many factors influence someone's choice of employment, from their opportunities for an education through to support received in establishing a career. Then there are those who thrive on stress and challenges, whilst others prefer an easier life. Each role has its place in a thriving society. Who are we to judge someone's choice?

- Similarly, finding our voice can be a tough ask, especially if we're new to a group or have perhaps never spoken before and fear that other members will be judgemental as they appear to be super-confident. All it takes is a barely suppressed giggle, snigger or faint 'are you serious?' to ensure that we return to our corner, tail between our legs, hardly daring to speak again. It's not uncommon though, for several minutes later for someone else to say exactly what we were trying to say, and then receive loud applause!

- Or those times when we've invested lots of effort into something important. It can be tough when people who are unaware of the background to our story dismiss our success as a fluke, trivial or say it happened because of someone else. If you feel compelled to explain, justify yourself or remonstrate, just pause and ask why should you allow yourself to be pressured like that?

Do you really owe these people an explanation, does their judgement make a difference to your life, do you, on reflection, actually care what they think so much? No, no, no! Breathe, let it go and smile to yourself about what you've done, the efforts you've made, the lessons you've learned along this journey. And smile too at what they've Not been doing whilst you were working to improve yourself.

- Judgemental people seem to feel that confidence comes from running others down, belittling their efforts and generally using the piles of defeated bodies as stepping-stones over which they intend to climb. They may come across as knowledgeable, strong, forceful characters, full of confidence, driven and motivated.

But gradually others start to see through their shallow veneer, realising how unnecessary and unpleasant it is to share the same orbit as those who continually rubbish other people, even when it's simply by raising an eyebrow or delivering an incredulous sigh.

There's no joy in being around people who are always on the lookout for negatives in others, who are quick to judge and who choose to form inflexible opinions, thus seeing faults and imperfections in any situation. Most of us don't mind and are even a little relieved if a keynote speaker appears human and occasionally stumbles over a few words, we're tolerant if a new member of staff makes a small mistake in a restaurant. We don't need to rant, complain or make loud demands.

Rather than find fault and reasons to criticise it makes for a far more pleasant and positive experience when we encourage, appreciate the good, celebrate each other's successes and offer ways to raise each other up. It's far more satisfying and less stressful to enjoy finding the positives rather than the negatives.

Achieving Happiness in the Face of Misfortune

In the words of Dr. Robert Ford, played by Anthony Hopkins from the up and coming American thriller series, 'Westworld', we hear Ford give an accurate explanation for humanity: "Evolution forged the entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one tool, the mistake". No one is born perfect, we all come into this world with different sets of skills, some make use of those skills and some don't. Some of us were gifted with good health, others not. Some of us must navigate severe learning disabilities, and others not. At the end of the day, happiness is something that can be achieved by anyone as long as we embrace authenticity.

Life is a struggle; it is filled with extreme highs and incredible lows, but the sum total of these emotions defines the state of our happiness. As I've come to understand over the course of my lifetime, it is hard to accept who we are sometimes. It is hard to accept the level of our intelligence; it is hard to acknowledge that we may suffer from severely impairing learning disabilities, hard to accept the fact that we may struggle with depression or anxiety. Yet how are we supposed to find joy in life when everything seems to be going against us? We only get once chance at life, and yes some of us are more fortunate than others in this regard, but for those who aren't as fortunate? Embrace who you are. Everyone serves a purpose; find your purpose.

Joy and happiness comes from the small victories in life. As I've also come to understand, everything takes time. We didn't get to where we are in a split second, although for some that may be the case. For most of us, success and fulfillment comes with time and appreciation. It is difficult to speak for everyone as we all come from a different set of circumstances and we all experience life a different way. But for those who struggle to see the meaning in life and for those who are stuck in the throes of despair, we simply cannot abandon life as we know it. The first step comes with acknowledgment, because wishing you were someone else will take you nowhere. It will do nothing for you, and it will simply break down your already low sense of self-esteem.

The moment we are born on this earth, we are given the unique opportunity to make something of our lives. It is easy to give up, but with hard work and the mentality of acceptance, we can make big strides in life. We can become who we never thought we'd become. In the words of Thucydides, the great Athenian historian and general: "The secret to happiness is freedom... and the secret to freedom is courage".

A Positive Attitude Is So Important

Our culture of criticism and cynicism in which we live seems to be very destructive to our self-esteem and self-confidence. But what is more, it can cause a lot of us to develop a negative view of ourselves.

The cynicism that we experience is everywhere around us in the political arenas that we inhabit, in our world of competitive marketing and even in our homes because of all the distractedness that we constantly feel as human beings.

Despite our negative culture however, we can cultivate a positive mindset. Here are a few concrete tips to help you out:

1. Trust yourself. Don't keep second-guessing what you are doing all the time. This can be hard to do initially. But you should trust that whatever you're doing is the best you can at this moment.

2. Enjoy every moment of your life. If it is to be enjoyed and cherished, you will be much more positive than if you don't enjoy your life. Your life can be so much fun! It can give you a chance to realms that you normally wouldn't if you allow yourself to be authentic.

3. Try to be as positive as possible when you wake up in the morning. If you are negative, take the time to silence these negative voices inside of you. When start your day, and during the day try to keep those negative statements. Set up a ritual to do so.

4. Know and plan what you will do each day ahead of time, preferably the day before. This will take the guess work out of what you should do and if you are having a bad day, you will be all ready to work.

5. Create a list of long and short-term life goals and follow-through on them as much as possible. We all need to have goals to measure that we are moving forward every day or just going through the same motions every day.

6. Keep that negative voice inside of you at bay as much as possible. If you catch yourself saying negative things, say STOP! You can say that out loud if you are in a private place or say it silently to yourself. Keep saying STOP until you stop saying negative things to yourself over and over.

7. Celebrate your accomplishments no matter how small. This will help you realize your abilities. I will say more about this below.

By taking these steps, you'll become much more positive and this will help you to feel better about yourself. Cultivate a positive mindset. This will remove self-doubt.

By removing self-doubt, you will not only be developing a positive mindset but self-confidence too. This will help you to become a happier and fulfilled person.

When Things Go Wrong In Life, Don't Follow Your Problems

Don't Go With The Problem

Many people are experiencing difficulties in their lives than ever before, given the Coronavirus pandemic and economic uncertainty surrounding it. Problems are inevitable and hoping they go away is only wishful thinking. Challenges are sewn into the fabric of life and there are two ways to view them. We can see them as serving no point in our life, or conversely, that they contain the seeds of opportunities for our personal growth. How about you? What do you believe is the reason for problems in your life? What is your mindset when things go wrong? Do you stay stuck in your difficulties or do you try to find a solution?

I admit, when problems arise in my life, my initial reaction was one of anxiety and worry. I felt I had little control over the situation and found it difficult to deal with. However, I've come to distance myself from the drama nowadays, instead of overreacting. By distancing ourselves from a situation, we create a space between the problem, so we don't ruminate on it. We must also allow the passage of time to reveal more information about what we're experiencing. When I encounter a major problem, it seems that weeks and months later, it has evolved to something completely differently. I had this conversation with a coaching client recently, who experienced the same negative emotions. I invited her to mentally distance herself from the drama, otherwise she was likely to stay stuck in her negative emotions without finding a solution.

Are you happy with the idea that we needn't bring negative emotions to the table each time life doesn't go according to plan? Sometimes, what appears as a problem can be a stroke of luck, if we withhold our beliefs about it. Our problems are similar to horses tethered to a chariot. Given the opportunity, they will run wild and we're unable to keep them from taking off. Things will always go wrong in life and our task is to overcome it as best we can. The key message here is that when things go wrong, don't go with your problems; focus on the solution. We must become solution orientated instead of allowing problems to pull us into a pit of despair.

Problems Are Nourishment For Your Soul

When difficulties emerge, we are inclined to believe life is unfair. I've met many resilient leaders over the years who don't allow their problems to overwhelm them but seek to understand the lessons contained within them. These people have experienced many challenges throughout their life without getting caught up in the drama. You've heard it said that problems are opportunities for growth, but that means minor comfort when we face challenges bigger than us.

For example, think of a recent challenge you overcame? What lessons did you learn from it? What actions did you take to deal with the problem? If we believe difficulties are bigger than us, we remain helpless and stuck, instead of trying to overcome it. I assure you; the most trying experiences contain a solution and sometimes it requires digging deep within ourselves to find it. We may encounter frustration, anger and disappointment, but don't despair when you experience these emotions. It's means you are toiling away in the trenches to find a way out.

What I'm suggesting is; the more problems you face, the better you become at dealing with them. The bigger the problem, the greater your level of growth. Our personal growth is associated with our self-esteem and character, which are indicative of living intentionally and purposefully. We cannot avoid problems because there is always one waiting on the next corner. The problems that frustrate me most are ones that emerge when I least expect it. But I've learned that the universe will test my resolve to see whether I am growing to deal with the challenges.

So, going back to the problem you experienced recently, what is the lesson you're invited to learn from it? What qualities is the universe trying to develop within you? When we resist an experience, we resist the growth associated with it. It is like receiving a present on your birthday, but refusing to open it. You've no doubt experienced enough birthdays to know that a present is a gift to cherish. And so of our problems. The universe rarely gives us an experience packaged beautifully, with a bow on it. They are clothed in pain, disappointment and difficulties. So, when things go wrong, don't follow your problems and create greater worries for yourself. Instead, see the lessons as a gift and your problems will become nourishment for your soul.,-Dont-Follow-Your-Problems&id=10330399

Louise Hay and Esther Hicks The amazing Rolls Royce Experience Abraham Hicks

13 Golden Pearls of Wisdom to Help You Live Better Lives (By Douglas Cobb)

The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life
by Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka is a very inspirational and thought-provoking book written by two people who lived through extremely traumatic and trying experiences. The authors learned from those experiences and grew to understand that they did not have to allow what happened to them to influence the rest of their lives negatively. Instead, they both chose to move on and have successful careers and happy lives, and decided to collaborate and write a book to help others also live "fantastic lives."

The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life is subtitled "Two Survivors Reveal the 13 Golden Pearls They've Discovered." Those "golden pearls," or life lessons, aided them to get past the traumatic events in their lives and to move on. The self-help book that they wrote, detailing what those 13 golden pearls are, is full of revelations that the authors hope will inspire readers of the book. The negative things that everybody experiences in their lives, to one extent or the other, do not have to define who we are as people.

I really liked it that Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka opened up in The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life and revealed the nature of the traumatic experiences they went through. Dr. Lycka was diagnosed as having Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and he was told he only had six months to live. Harriet Tinka was a fashion model and a Woman of Distinction who lived through the terror of being kidnapped by someone she knew, stabbed by the man, and left for dead. Dr. Lycka and Harriet Tinka could have let these things embitter them and alter the course of their lives and careers for the worse. Instead, they moved on, grew, and didn't let the negative things they went through define them.

What are the 13 golden pearls that the authors discovered and relate to their readers in The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life? Being an author myself, I don't want to reveal too many "spoilers." I'd rather that potential readers of the book get the pleasure of checking out what the pearls are on their own, by reading Dr. Lycka and Harriet Tinka's book. They reveal what the pearls are in a captivating and entertaining manner by both telling stories from their own lives and also by utilizing a myriad of quotes from famous authors like Ralph Waldo Emerson and celebrities like Sir Paul McCartney, Christopher Reeve, and Bruce Lee.

I will mention a couple of the pearls that I loved reading about the most, though, and those are the importance of forgiveness and laughter. I will talk more about a few of the other pearls with Dr. Lycka and Harriet Tinka in an interview that they graciously agreed to do with me, which can be read elsewhere at this same site.

The ability to forgive somebody who has hurt and wronged you can be very difficult to do, but doing so is an important step if one wants to live what the authors refer to as "a fantastic life." The authors write about this in the book's seventh chapter, "Forgiveness." They relate a story called "My Uncle" told by a contributor to the book, Lauren Magliaro. Lauren begins the chapter by telling about the reconciliation that took place between her uncle and her father, when her father was in the hospital due to suffering a brain aneurysm. Her uncle was there with Lauren and the rest of her family there at the hospital by their side, supporting them and his brother during a time Harriet describes as "the hardest days of our lives."

After Lauren's dad recovered, whatever the rift was between him and his brother was like a "slate - wiped clean." From then on, both sides of Lauren's family were back together, and she writes that "Family gatherings no longer had a dividing line." Forgiveness is definitely a very powerful pearl we should all treasure in our hearts. Indeed, Lauren describes forgiveness as being "the essence of love."

Laughter is such an important part of our lives that it has been sometimes called "the best medicine." In the eleventh chapter of The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life, aptly titled "Laughter," Dr. Lycka begins the chapter writing about a run-in he had with an obstinate camel he was trying to ride in Egypt. The camel driver, playing a joke on Dr. Lycka, tells him the camel he's picked out is his "gentlest" one, but the stubborn animal refuses to obey the camel driver's commands and cajoling.

The camel repeatedly attempts to throw Dr. Lycka, who by now regrets his decision to try riding the animal, off his back. It is only after the ordeal is over, and the camel driver buys a Coke for Dr. Lycka, that the author can see the humor in the situation and have a laugh about it. Both authors relate various ways that laughter, including being able to laugh at oneself, is important. Dr. Lycka writes that: "Laughter, especially at oneself, tempers ego, interrupts narcissism and improves your happiness in the moment." It is one of the thirteen pearls the two authors write about that can really make a big difference in our lives, make the problems and worries we all have seem a bit less significant, and help people achieve a "fantastic life."

The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life is a book I thoroughly enjoyed reading. It is a valuable sand appealing self-help book that will have readers engrossed and entertained while also informing and teaching them about the thirteen secrets, or "pearls," that authors Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka discovered. The knowledge about these pearls might not make us have fantastic lives overnight, but when put into practice on a daily basis, the nuggets of wisdom that the authors write about will definitely improve readers' overall outlooks on life and will put them on the road to becoming better versions of themselves. This is a book I highly recommend you check out and add to your reading lists!

Joe Dispenza - Meditation Will Help You Manifest Anything | Good Vibez

Subtraction Is Greater Than Addition ( By Alexandria Joy)

I just came out of a mentoring session with my mentor Linda Hutchings what a great reminder it was to take my own medicine and keep it clean by making things simple.

Perhaps like me you're a multi-passionate entrepreneur or leader who has 50 business ideas a day and struggles to decide which one to implement first. As I talked to Linda about some of my latest ideas of launching a new podcast, relaunching a group coaching program, beginning writing another book (I have two underway already), I began to hear the folly of my thoughts.

Yep that's right, I was eating my own vomit.

I'd just spent the morning supporting a CEO at a mining engineering company to reduce the friction in his business and find more flow. We've been looking at where he can strategically narrow his focus and do what is most important. And here I was stacking my plate full.

As the minimalist leader I teach others that:

Doing everything = frustration and friction

Doing few things well = flow and fulfilment

Linda kindly reminded me that we often teach what we need to practice.

Like anything in life and business everything can be improved by adding, or by subtracting. Typically adding is associated positively with enhancing something and subtracting is associated negatively with detracting from something.

The race is always for bigger, better, more. Do more, teach more, share more. We are told to keep adding - be on more committees, say yes to more experiences, strive for more money and definitely aim for more friends and likes. My kick in the pants reminder today is that more doesn't always deliver more, in fact all it often gives us less clarity and more stress.

I have a theory:

Business is pretty simple.

Humans make it complicated.

What if instead we started to focus more on subtracting?

We think the key to productivity is to find ways to get more done. We multitask, we attend productivity workshops and how to manage your email better webinars.

What if the real secret to optimum productivity is to do less while achieving more.

Here are four ideas for how you can implement this:

  1. Subtract Low Value Tasks - Linda and I worked through all the ideas I had one by one and identified which ones on my list which were the most commercially viable, would have the greatest impact in helping my clients and were in alignment with my big WHY and goals. It became pretty obvious, pretty quick which low value tasks didn't deserve my attention right now (sorry I won't be launching the Minimalist Leader podcast for a while).
  2. Subtract Distractions - simple really but how many of us can truly say that when we work on one task we remain focused on that task? Why not try my 45:15 batching rule? That is work solid on one thing for 45 minutes - turning off and eliminating all distractions such as email and social media alerts, move to a quiet space, wear noise cancelling headphones, leave your phone in your bag, remove all other folder and work from your desk until the 45 minutes of focused work is done. Then spend the next 15 allowing in all the distractions in, checking messages, making coffee, talking to colleagues etc.
  3. Subtract Head Over Body - too often in corporate world we are in our heads and not present in our body. In fact one of the smartest ways to get more done in less time is to batch your important tasks for when you're most alert and effective. Generally speaking our brain capacity and decision making ability is highest before lunch so batch the meatier work then. Leave meetings and other less critical items to the afternoon when your physiology is lower in energy.
  4. Subtract Heavy Tasks - review your list of tasks and consider are there any tasks that really weigh me down and drain me? As a practicing minimalist towing and living in a tiny house, every item I bring into my house has to be weighed up - literally. Whenever I see an item I want to buy or bring into my life I have to consider will this make my 4 tonne home too heavy? How heavy is each task you have on your list? Is it possible to delegate, dump or deal on any of the weighty ones? Maybe you can exchange an hour of work with someone who's pleasure is your poison? Which tasks that are more aligned with your strengths and talents? What 10 degree shift could you make to make each task lighter and more palatable?

The most successful people I know are focused, have boundaries against time vampires, say no to everything not in their top priorities and travel light in flow. If they add something to their life, their business, their commitments it's done so in a mindful, considered way. And they're always subtracting, reducing and eliminating things that no longer support them.

What are you prepared to let go of and subtract from your world?

Words You Can Never Ever Use Again (If You Want to Be Successful)

The other night, I was watching the news on television. There was an expert panel discussing some critical issue, and the group was made up of three men and one woman. When the woman wanted to make a point, she would ask,"Can I interrupt?" and wait to see if she could interject and share her thoughts. Sometimes the men would let her and sometimes not.

I watched this and wanted to say to her "Go for it! Don't wait for permission". I was quite stunned that this woman, who has been around for a while was playing it small. And, then I was disappointed in her for being a poor role model for women watching her on television.

Being successful (and the word I prefer to use is "brilliant") requires you to have lots of parts and pieces in place. One essential and easy way to start to shift into your brilliance is to think about the words you use.

How often do you use the word "just"? As in, "just a quick email" or "just a quick call" or "just a quick question"? The word "just" is implying that it's not essential... and connecting the dots, that your message isn't important and one step further, that you're not important.

One phrase that I used to be guilty of (until I became part of this transformational world) was to say "Can I ask you a question?". I was looking for permission to ask my question. My brother helped me stop doing that by saying "You just did." And that was that. I couldn't ask my real question because I had been shut down. Or in other words, you snooze, you lose!

Now, when one of my clients says "Can I ask you a question?" to me, I give her the same response my brother did by telling her "You just did", and pretty soon, my client stops asking for permission to ask.

In closing, think about the words and phrases you choose. Do they help you show up in your brilliance or are they keeping you small?

Words for you to think about.

What can you change?

What can you start doing differently?

I'm challenging you to start today. Not tomorrow or next week or next month. Start today. Not in an hour, start this very minute.

Every word will make a difference in how you show up and the abundance you receive back in your life.

Ready... set... Go!

Be Brilliant.

Abraham Hicks ~ Don't Worry About 'What - Is'

What Drives Happiness?

It is often said that satisfaction and contentedness lead to lasting happiness.

I disagree.

If anything, the opposite is necessary to be happy in life. The want - the drive - to be more, do more, facilitates the actualization of an exquisite state of passion.

The 'state of passion' defined as happiness.

Happiness isn't in having more, rather is a by-product of the process, the effort, the work that one puts in to make oneself better. Happiness that comes from the realisation of a goal is short-lived, followed by an emptiness, a hunger, only to be satiated by the gratification of the self with the realisation of a new goal. An unstable loop that we often get stuck in.

Happiness isn't in the realisation of the goal it's in the pursuit.

Happiness doesn't come from owning things, it comes from the experiences they enable us to have.

Those who base their happiness on having more than others will never be happy because there will always be someone who will have something more than you. That something is often defined as money. The conundrum isn't whether this hypothesis is right or wrong - for some, it is, for some it isn't.

The conundrum is how that 'something' ended up being money in the universally accepted social framework.

Of all the things you can pay for happiness, money is by far the cheapest.

Probably, because as humans we tend to define everything in the lowest possible denominator and in this case (happiness) - it was money. It's evident, easy to measure, compare, etc. But juxtaposing amplitude of wealth with well being is a very trivial/crude approach to decoding the human nature.

A deeper probe would reveal, however, that we human beings have complete control over defining this MacGuffin. Each person has the ability to define and pursue their own objective - one that will to a certain degree affect the perception of happiness they have erected around themselves.

So now the question is

How do we define the prime directive for our own happiness?

How do we assign values to the variables in our lives?

Chasing which goals will make us the happiest?

I believe there is no universal answer. Each of us has to define their own and then derive happiness from its pursuit.

Deriving this goal and defining the pursuit is something that will come from looking inward, empathising with the self and separating that one voice from the noise that is the humdrum of everyday life.

Living The Law Of Attraction For Connecting Closer To Family And Friends

With the power of attraction, you will discover that you can do anything.

You can work the family aspect, you can deal with yourself, you can deal with the career, however you can likewise work on anything that you would like to enhance or change.

With living the law of attraction, you can do anything.

The Course in Miracles further states, "And where the little gap was seen to stand between you and your brother, join him there."

You will want to deal with yourself and work on ways that you can bring yourself closer to feeling total and happiness.

The first step of attraction principles is to identify exactly what it is that you want. You may want to bring your household closer together where problems have come up, but be more particular.

You will discover that there is a lot of things can be worked on when it concerns the household or your social life, but you have to get particular.

You will have to think of exactly what part of the household relationship, for example, that you have to deal with and what it will consider you to bring the family more together.

The 2nd part of living the law of attraction is discovery.

Yes, I mean to truly discover the best ways to release the negative energy and change it with favorable energy.

When you are considering the household, it is a lot harder to do this.

You will have to get everyone on board with the idea and you are going to need to get on board with the concept.

If you learn the best ways to get everyone included with the idea, you will find that this will only work.

You will want to sit down and have a couple of household discussions so that you can bring the family closer to one another.

Have every member of your household use the law of attraction in a method to accompany the family's main goal.

You will desire to make sure that you stop and think about how the household reacts to the theory and you might desire to get family therapy included.

Moving on to the 3rd step of applying attraction principles is taking action.

Previously I discussed free e-books and other material on the net about the law of attraction and your personal transformation for a successful life.

You will need to act like a close-knit household, and if it is your social life with friends you need to actually care for them and be sincere.

This implies that you will require to put your family nights together and learn how to share time with each other.

You will need to put yourself through the reality that the household needs to begin acting like a household.

You will wish to consider that there is a lot to do when it comes to working as a family and it is a long way down the road before you have the best household image.

You may even want to consider how you can find success in the family, and with close friends, instead of working towards the perfect image.

The ideal household image is always flawed anyway, but working towards family togetherness and happiness is the important thing.

There is a lot to acquire from the personal strength that you will obtain from the laws of the universe, but you will likewise discover that this is something that the whole household can gain from.

You and Your Relationships

You will want to make certain that you offer yourself a long time to think about your energy and the energy of the relationship.

You will need to believe about what part of the household relationship that you require to work on and what it will take for you to bring the family closer in mind to one another.

You will want to make sure that you be patient and think about the way the family responds to these power of manifestation ideas, and you might want to see that family therapy might be a good idea.

You will want to consider that there is a lot to do when it comes to working as a household and it is a long way down the path prior to you creating the best family image.

You might even desire to believe about how you can discover success in the household, rather of working towards the perfect household image.

Remember, the ideal family image is always going to have some flaws, but working to family togetherness and joy should be your main goal.

(I also suggest seeking the web for more material on topics like, how to change my life and my lifestyle for the better.)

To happiness and success in life!

Why Someone's Opinion Of You Doesn't Determine Who You Are

Everyone Is Painting Their Own Masterpiece

What other people think of you needn't determine who you are because your sense of self shouldn't be affected by their opinion of you. From an impressionable age, we regard the opinions of others because we want to be accepted and fit in. But as we mature and develop self-esteem, it shouldn't matter what others think of us. Let me be clear by saying it is important for our peers to accept us, but we mustn't place our self-esteem in their hands. Acceptance of oneself helps to connect with our core-self and gives us feedback on who we are as individuals. But it needn't dictate our self-worth because who we are is far greater than the opinions of others.

What are your impressions? Do you agree, what others think of you doesn't determine your reality, unless you allow it? Regrettably, many people are influenced by the opinions of those closest to them, such as family, friends and work colleagues. Most notably, family has the greatest influence in our lives and may undermine our self-worth. I know people from diverse cultures where the parents play a significant role in deciding the career path of their children. Whilst their intentions are honourable, it is shameful to the family name if the child doesn't pursue a noble profession such as a doctor, a lawyer. Is this something you can relate to in your family or culture? If so, how did you deal with it and did it impact your self-worth?

Nowadays, everyone has an opinion on how others should live their life, but rarely do these people examine their own lives. In my work as a speaker and coach, I'm yet to come across someone who has all their affairs in order. I mean that in the best way, insofar as our life is a work in progress and we may never reach our full potential. It is why we mustn't judge others because everyone is painting their own masterpiece as best they can. During my early adulthood, I would worry about the opinions of others, which impacted my self-worth and self-confidence. Who they thought I should be was not something I could live up to, and it hurt me trying to be that person.

Eventually, these relationships dissolved because I wasn't willing to minimise my self-worth to appease them. I lived according to my core values, even if it meant making my own mistakes. It was important I find my way, instead of living up to someone's opinion of me. Regrettably, not many people know how you should live your life. They may claim to know what's best for you, but mostly it's an impression of what is good for you. We must walk our own path since that is how we learn and grow as individuals. And yes, it is difficult to see a loved one make unnecessary mistakes, but they might be necessary for their personal evolution.

We Discover Our True Potential In Our Darkest Moments

Our task is not to remove their difficulties but to empower them with support and encouragement to get through it. This can be hard, especially if the individual is addicted to alcohol or experimenting with drugs and we may not want to see them suffer this way. I'm not claiming to have the answers, but I know emotional support is the best way we help people work through their difficulties. How are you feeling about this so far? I'm sure you have lots of questions and opinions on what you've read so far. I encourage you to journal your thoughts and sit with them for a few days, to see what surfaces.

We mustn't allow other people's opinions of us to determine who we are because their opinion is not fact. Naturally, our life path will evolve as we mature, and we will experience many highs and lows where it might seem our life is spinning out of control. But this is part of the journey to discover our authentic self, buried amongst the ruins of failure, dead-ends and despair. It is part of becoming lost and experiencing desperation throughout of our circumstances. I know, because I've been there and know how uncomfortable it is to be an outsider in your own life. However, in the months that followed, I experienced an expansion of consciousness that led to breakthroughs in my life. I experienced new insights about my life during those moments of despair. Sometimes, pain and suffering will force us to evolve, so life can take us where it needs to.

We mustn't resist these moments but lean in to our problems with full conviction. We alone determine our sense of self. It may require going in one direction and hitting bottom ground, so we discover our true potential in those darkest moments. So, whether you are experiencing difficulties and challenges or guiding loved ones through their problems, note where they are leading you. Don't get caught up in the suffering because it is temporary and will eventually recede, as long as you continue in genuine faith. If we believe the opinions of others determine who we are, we are less likely to live an authentic life. Ultimately, the greatest tragedy is to follow in the footsteps of someone whose opinion of us matters little.

Hope Is In The Air

Addiction has been termed a "soul sickness." Doctors deal with the physical symptoms and ease the turmoil of withdrawal. Some insist the drinker go through it without helpful meds to "teach the alcoholic a lesson."

With alcohol, withdrawal can be fatal and should only be done under medical care. Alcohol cannot erase negative emotions, it suppresses them. When liquor is removed, all those feelings rise to the surface. One drinker described stopping as "slamming the breaks on a car full of emotional baggage."

With one in ten at risk and 88,000 Americans dying each year from "alcohol use disorder," doctors are finally looking at new ways to treat the addict while the government approves new forms of therapies. Trauma, auto accidents and organ failure are claiming so many lives. Relapse rates and multiple trips to rehabilitation clinics show that current methods need to be re-invented.

Ten percent of the population is too many to write off as "morally weak." As an alcoholic who couldn't stop, I didn't want to stay here any longer. I found life harsh and unrelenting. The greed, selfishness and indifference I found in some people took the wind out of my sails. A drinking lifestyle became an irritant to my soul.

New treatment options saved me. Eight years in AA provided some sobriety and a wonderful support system but I was an alcoholic that needed more. MAT-medication assisted therapy-allowed me to overcome the cravings and maintain long-term success.

Carl Jung said "Spiritum Contra Spiritus," which translates to "fight fire with fire." I begged God over and over to remove my desire to drink, all the cravings and any residual feeling of "turning to the bottle" to cope.

Up until recently, the first line of treatment for an addict seeking help was a list of nearby 12-step meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous had the corner on the recovery market because it was the only option offered. Today, some physicians understand the need for unique programs that directly meet the needs of the user.

No one woke up and decided to become addicted. Until the chemical hooks are deeply embedded, most don't know that they are hooked until stopping is attempted. Multiple 'serious' tries to get and remain clean are usually part of every addict's path.

Drugs, alcohol, illness, stress: all distort vision like a bad pair of glasses so one can't "see" what the right thing to do is. New ways are on the horizon and some are just beginning to enter the treatment world. Attitudes are shifting and fewer people damn the addict for self-medicating. Life itself brings the hope to heal.

Alternative Medicine and Self Improvement With Technical Resources

Alternative medicine is essentially under the auspices of World Health Organization, and is a preferred treatment modality that supports the healthcare needs of 65% of the world. It is also known as CAM, or Complementary and Alternative medicine. It is based on clinical process similar to mainstream medicine that uses drugs and surgery.

World Health Organization is arranged to several departments concerning preventive medicine, public health, vaccinations to eradicate serious epidemics, and drugless therapies based on ancient traditions, as with acupuncture, tuina, shiatsu, herbalism, massage, aromatherapy, laser therapy, sports massage, neuromuscular massage and related.

The scientific nature, origin and background of each drugless therapy may be differentiated by its boards, regulators, clinical researchers, competency requirements, SOAP and plan of care. Low level laser is used and managed by mainstream practitioners, dermatologists, lymphologists, physical therapists, dentists and related.

Shiatsu, tuina, acupuncture and zen range in industry value from different levels, spas, clinics, yoga centers, hospitals or traditional practitioners. They are all based on sacred scriptures that have been monitored by WHO into practical technical documentation.

The spa industry is relatively recent, but applications based on massage may used the most in aesthetic environments, landscapes and luxurious rituals. These are very inviting but may cost a fortune. In healthcare centers, costs are high and insurance is not available.

The need arises for technical training or self improvement through courses and books. These courses and certificates must be affordable, well recognized in their brand and regulated. They must conform to international guidelines of understanding, of safety, of description, of competency listings, of consultation or checklisting, of monitoring progress, and of comfortable, convenient usage.

Such books for the layman have been relatively simple so far. The Standards boards cost high sums to exhibit their core work and process, at ministry level.

They are compatible with legal systems, technical systems, competency systems, audit systems, learner support systems and so on. The qualifications are understood globally and practitioners worldwide speak with the same understanding.

These processes have been somewhat converted for individuals to update their skills and knowledge quotient. Awareness is always useful. A reader with a severe back pain may prefer to buy his own laser and threat himself, rather than spend a fortune on a single session or a series of them. The reader must know the most suitable laser and technical process for his injury. In case he is not able to find adequate support in a book, he can enroll for a certified course.

With so much handy reading available, readers can change their lives, health and self improvement with compliance to technical process and quality training that is available. Now this brings in Zen for self discovery and internal balance, acupuncture or shiatsu for energy and equilibrium in core health, yoga for physical and spiritual exercise, sports massage and professional quality stretches for muscle balancing or lengthening, and fast recovery in the sports arena. Laser brings in scope for pain management, lymphatic drainage, acupuncture and more.

The Alternative medicine books are presentable with technical support to manage compliance based form filling, check points, after treatment evaluations, and recommendations for progress.

Joe Dispenza - "𝟓 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 Never be Poor Again" | Good Vibez

Set Your Intention for A Great First Impression (By Madeline Frank)

When is the last time you consciously set out to make a fantastic first impression? We often think of first impressions as something we deploy for job interviews and first dates, however, your road to excellence and success (no matter how you define success) is paved with the conscious efforts of making a series of great impressions.

Recently, I was invited to speak to one of the largest and top performing real estate companies in Virginia. The audience was a mixture of seasoned pros and eager new representatives.

One exercise I frequently do with most audiences is I ask them to imagine they are about to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. They are some of the top musicians in the world, and are about to perform a symphony to a sold-out audience.

What do you think would happen if they took the stage wearing workout clothes instead of formal wear? Would that affect the audience's perception of them?

For tonight's performance, we are summoning the legendary Frank Sinatra. I have had the honor of personally playing with Frank Sinatra, and one element that the entire orchestra agreed upon was that he intentionally set out to make a staggeringly awesome first impression.

Frank Sinatra walked out on stage with a big smile on his face, standing tall and fit, wearing a black tuxedo that fit him to perfection. He made eye contact with his audience, making them feel as if he were singing to them in his living room and they were honored guests. The audience were mesmerized by Sinatra.

One success example that everyone could use in their world today is to simply smile and dress in clothes that fit you. Also, stand or sit tall, don't slouch.

Tap into your Internal "Wow"

I asked my audience to imagine that they had just sold a half million-dollar property. (and earned a nice commission since they are Realtors).

Every one of them stood with their shoulders back, they made direct eye contact, and they spoke with clear enthusiasm.

The way you carry yourself creates a picture in people's mind. Your prospects don't know if you have sold everything you've touched in the past 72 hours or if you feel like you couldn't close a ziplock bag at this moment... other than the way you present yourself.

Takeaway from this example: Practice carrying yourself in a confident manner.

Becoming a conscious complimenter.

One of the best illustrations of the power of compliments came from Dr. George W. Crane's psychology class at Northwestern University. Dr. Crane believed in the application of his teachings, not just in the memorization of his lessons.

He created the Compliment Club. Every day his students were to pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons... for 30 consecutive days. He also had the students journal the experiences.

Dr. Crane required the students write a theme paper about their experiences. He wanted them to note the changes they noted in the people around them, as well as how this experience altered their own outlook.

The students realized that by consciously complimenting others, they were motivated, encouraged, and inspired as well. Dr. Crane believed that appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth.

Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help them grow, inspire and motivate them to succeed.

Take away: compliment 3 people every day for the next week and notice how your life improves.

You will also notice that the more you compliment, the better you will connect with others.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Asking the right questions of the people you encounter on a daily basis will deepen your relationship with them and will also help uncover a few "undercover customers".

No matter what your job, maintain a positive attitude, think taller, dress well, compliment someone every day, and journal what happens each day!

Training yourself to give honest compliments to others is a fabulous door opener for your success. By talking to people, you otherwise would not talk to, you will be expanding your circle and building new and stronger relationships.