
Transforming Negative Emotions Into Positive Feelings and Actions Part 2

Techniques to Release, Overcome and Transform

1.) Observe yourself having the emotion. Just become aware and watch yourself in the process. This de-fuses it and frees you from an emotional strangle-hold and escalation. It takes will and strong desire to do this and becomes easier with practice.

2.) Choose an image, a personal symbol, to place in your mind to stop self as soon as you recognize a negative emotion happening. For example, a stop sign, 10 deep breaths, a Danger sign or whatever means 'stop" to you.

3.) Consciously lift and move your energy from your solar plexus (stomach) area to your heart. The emotional charge is in the stomach and when you relocate your focus to the heart, you calm down and can see what is best. You'll become harmless to yourself and others as your center of love is activated and replaces the negative feeling. A better decision can then be made.

Release the Emotion (A present Feeling or one from the past):

1.) Stomp, pound a pillow, yell, run, cry; release the emotion from the body.

2.) Image a shower of light pouring down on you and washing the painful emotion away.

3.) Pull the plug on the emotion. Image it as a color going down a drain.

4.) Journal, write your feelings down.

5.) Art Therapy. Do a simple technique that releases the emotion by taking a sheet of paper and using crayons, markers or pastels to draw/scribble your feelings on the paper. Get them out on the paper; release them. Turn the paper and see this situation differently. Now, draw. A new perspective can harmonize the emotion you're releasing.

6.) We release emotions with intention to be rid of them, not to fuel the fire for more. Be sure to release with the desire to be free of them.

Transforming Negative Emotions:

1.) Change your energy field. Close your eyes and imagine the emotion as energy around you. What does it look like, what color, shape, form etc. does it take? Now allow it to change and smooth out, becoming transformed, harmonized, peaceful. What does it look and feel like now?

2.) Change your perspective on the situation. Re-frame it in a way that's positive/productive for you. Ask yourself, how this situation can help you. What is good about it? How are you growing from it? A positive attitude about something can help resolve it for you, even if it's a difficult situation. A new mindset can change everything.

3.) Ask self what the lesson you are learning from this situation is. Knowing the lesson helps transform the negative feeling and take on the mastery of the lesson you are in the process of learning.

4.) Put a new and positive picture in your mind about the situation that is causing the hurtful emotion. Instead of dwelling on the painful scenario or the trauma incident or being yelled at or treated disrespectfully, replace it with one of yourself healed, happy, successful, determined to move on etc. Whatever feels great and counters the old feeling. Keep the new picture in place whenever the old feeling comes up. The mind and body respond quickly to pictures, so this will shift you fast.

5.) Inner Listening. Get very quiet and go into the silence within. Allow your inner guide to bring you new insights, wisdom and solutions for healing and transformation.

6.) Forgiveness means letting go. It doesn't condone bad behavior, but lets the pain go. You and others have the right to make mistakes and grow. Forgive self if needed and forgive others. This doesn't mean that you will choose to stay connected with anyone who harms you. It means you let go of the painful movie, get the lesson and move forward. You stop the images and negative emotions from their endless control over you. Restore your self- esteem if you've acted poorly and wish the other person well if they have. To clean yourself completely, do a systematic of forgiveness for everyone in your life. You will be rejuvenated. Forgive; let go and say goodbye to these emotions.

7.) Change a gripe to a goal. If you regularly complain and feel negatively about something or someone, set a goal for yourself and be determined to accomplish it. For example, if you are jealous of someone who has a degree in art; stop it and find a way to get one for yourself. If you are short of money and angry at others who have it, stop it and chart your path, make a plan to increase your income. Things happen first in the mind, so begin to visualize yourself having what you want already now. Feel the joy of it and for 5 minutes several times a day, sit quietly and feel the emotions you would have if it were yours now. Soon you begin to believe you have it. In the Biology of belief, Bruce Lipton offers scientific proof that we get what we believe.

8.) Thoughts and emotions are intimately connected in fact, inseparable. One leads to the other. What repetitive thoughts do you have that are hurting you? Are you taking charge of your negative thoughts and transforming them? Think the opposite of your negative thought as soon as you catch yourself having it. Correct yourself on a daily basis; over and over. Repetition of the new corrected thought forges a new brain pathway and pattern. Strong intention and follow through is necessary.

Don't let your mind wander all day without direction or self-monitoring. You can change your mind at any moment into a more positive state. Letting your thoughts run wild will take away your peace. Take charge of yourself and choose thoughts that will help you.

9.) What belief about yourself do you want to change? Finances, relationships, self-concept, accomplishment of a specific goal; health, personal qualities etc. Beliefs that limit and cause pain keep your emotions at a painful level, and only you can change that.

Taking Positive New Action

1) Set clear boundaries. You decide what you will and won't accept from people and act on it.

2) Practice assertive communication with others. Tell them how you feel without blame or judgment; just how you feel. Stand up for self if needed.

3) Be creative. Create something positive from your experience.

For example, women who have been abused have set up women's shelters around the country. People who grew up hungry have started programs to feed poor children.

All of these techniques work. Practice and practice and you will see yourself and your life become fulfilled and beautiful. Be very patient with yourself, as this is hard work and takes a lot of self- control, intention and discipline. It's a progressive unfolding of the highest part of self. Over time we blossom!

Steps in Review:

1.) Stop and control self.

2.) Release the emotion

3.) Transform the emotion

4.) Take positive new action

5.) Replace negative emotional reactions with spiritual actions and personal spiritual qualities.

Change your life by taking control of your emotions instead of being taken over by them and held in their grip.

Just Get Over Yourself

                      Man and Woman Dancing

Here they are again! Our self limiting beliefs. For some reason, they show up every day. Even though we made pretty clear, we've been there, done that (too many times) and are ready to move on to the next stage of evolution.

Why is there still this voice inside, whispering how small we are, how insignificant, how ridiculous.

The provocative statement is ruling our life: 'Why would we think we can, if the truth is we can't?'

We might stop right here. How about rewriting our truth? How about creating a new mantra?

Empowering instead of defeating. 
Comforting instead of depressing. 
Valuable instead of unworthy.

Let's unplug from the old belief system and set a new daily intention: 
We can because we think we can!

"You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious."

Don't let your own expectations hold you back. We've been told to dream big. But sometimes we just THINK way to big and get overwhelmed before we even start. We overestimate what we should be doing in the beginning and underestimate the power which resides within each of us.

We compare ourselves with the shining stars out there. We put them up on a pedestal and don't look close enough. Otherwise we might discover, that every shining star started out very small. They all failed at some point in their lives. They just didn't care. They didn't care about other opinions. They didn't care getting ridiculed from naysayers. They didn't care about the negative head shakers, telling them they should give up and go home. Or even better, not to start at all.

What I love about life is the simplicity of it. 
Following just simple rules can have a huge impact on our evolutionary process. 
The importance is, WE NEED TO FOLLOW THESE RULES. 
We need to commit and show up. We need to get started.

"Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure." George Edward Woodberry

Life is short. Too short to sit and wait. Too short to keep playing small. 
Let's start traveling lighter and empty our pockets filled with pity.

If we feel we don't belong, we wouldn't be here. 
If we feel we are not important, we wouldn't be here.

Instead, just get over yourself in a loving way and show up. The world is not watching you at every given moment. If you fail, nobody might care, because we are all focused on our own concerns. If you succeed, the world might applaud you for your courage. Your courage to show up and do it anyways.

How To Embrace An Attitude Of 'Hell Yeah' With Everything You Do

How To Navigate Life

Given the many distractions that compete for our attention these days, it's not surprising people don't devote more time to what truly inspires them.

We have a habit of tuning out anything that is not urgent.

There was a time when a person was only contactable via a phone landline, with no answering machine.

Nowadays, I can reach you through email, text messaging, instant messaging, social media, and dare I say, call you on your mobile device. Yet, this has not improved our lives other than make us more available.

Being more available equates to having less time to focus on your priorities.

As a consequence, we say 'yes' to things that don't inspire us, but provide a sense of satisfaction of having undertaken the task.

What I'm proposing is that you adopt a hell yeah attitude towards tasks instead of, it will do for now.

The idea was first discussed by the American entrepreneur Derek Sivers. He outlined how he prefers to engage in pursuits he is passionate about, instead of those he's obligated to do.

"As we become more mature and enlightened adults, we come to realize that if an opportunity is presented to us and it does not gain a near 100-percent enthusiasm and commitment from us, then the reply must be a 100-percent no," affirms motivational author Brendon Burchard in his book The Motivation Manifesto.

What if you were to adopt a similar approach?

You may avoid doing so because saying 'no' to good enough projects, goals or relationships suffices to keep you motivated for the time being.

When you settle, you compromise your self-worth because you accept less than meaningful conditions. The basis is to move from being Parked to an mindset of hell yeah in everything you do.

Consider author Larry Weidel's perspective in Serial Winner: 5 Actions to Create Your Cycle of Success: "Winners know that if you don't figure out what you want, you'll get whatever life hands you."

Time Is A Precious Commodity

When you say 'no' to requests that are low priorities, you free up time to say 'yes' to areas that serve your highest good.

By embracing a hell yeah attitude, you focus attention on what really matters.

It's vital to explore your full potential because in those moments you experience deep flow states and awaken your greatest ability.

You may undertake meaningless tasks or commit to relationships that don't inspire you because you're fearful more opportunities will not show up later. So, you take what is available now, hoping it will occupy your time until something better comes along.

It's what you devote your time and attention to, that matters.

Time is a precious commodity which many people squander. Guard it with your life and choose opportunities that inspire you, rather than just being task-orientated.

"Position your daily actions so time is working for you instead of against you. Because time will either promote you or expose you," writes author Jeff Olson in The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life.

Don't think you can get everything done because it's impossible. You are likely to wash over the activities without fully committing to the task.

The question arises, how will you know whether to undertake a project or say 'no'?

It's as simple as this: if you don't feel a spark of enthusiasm, it's unlikely you'll see it through to completion.

It is my experience, if something is difficult at the start and I'm lacking motivation, the idea will not succeed because I'm not bringing my whole self to it.

If you cannot say hell yeah, it's best say 'no'.

I assure you, adopting this frame of mind will yield success and you needn't buy into the fear more opportunities won't become available. In fact, more quality prospects will emerge since you are careful what you give your attention to.

You should say 'yes' to tasks that excite you, that you are passionate about and to which you're likely to bring your best work.

Manage Your Time

"Pareto points us in a very clear direction: the majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do. Extraordinary results are disproportionately created by fewer actions than most realize," affirm authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan in The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.

There is little room for negotiation and no grey area when you pursue a hell yeah way of life. You commit to the task or relationship or not at all, in which case you walk away.

Similarly, it pays to know which areas you are saying hell yeah to. It may pose a challenge to apply this approach to every facet of life because of competing interests.

For example, your partner may want to visit his/her favourite restaurant and you don't feel the same way. In this scenario, diplomacy prevails to maintain a healthy relationship.

Embracing a hell yeah outlook will change your approach to life, in so far as developing a laser-like focus while managing your time. You concentrate your attention on high value areas that lead to happiness and fulfilment, with a better chance of success.

Authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan remind us once again to choose what you give your attention to: "To achieve an extraordinary result you must choose what matters most and give it all the time it demands. This requires getting extremely out of balance in relation to all other work issues... "

Given the many events that compete for your attention, it's important to be discerning with your time.

You become inspired by your goals and projects, instead of expecting a situation will improve as you go along - it seldom does.

Larry Weidel reminds us to maintain our enthusiasm or risk it burning out: "When it comes to most of our ideas, our enthusiasm has a shelf life. We won't be inspired to go for it forever. If you can't decide what you're going to do with your energy and drive, it will peter out. Doubt will grow and overwhelm you."

Commit to life with passion and fervour, otherwise you will be pulled along by secondary tasks that are less desirable.

Life is too short and valuable to be pursuing goals that are not consistent with your greater self.

Message of the Universe: The Smart Soul

Woman Wearing Blue Jacket

"The wiser the soul, the greater the simplicity.

In everything,
The Universe"

Ignorant souls tend to complicate things because that is what they know best. You see, it is much easier to think negative thoughts than positive. Many will think that it's probably to good to be true so this is how they get accustomed to thinking this way. They refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, it is really simple. Take time to really work on taking all this hard thinking and give place to a simple way to live life. We may think that complex negotiation will render great outcome because of the type of project you are working on. This is far from the truth as simplicity will always figure out a way to beat complexity. So when you face very difficult situation, just know that there is definitely an easier way to figure this out. Bill Gates once said: " I always give hard problems for lazy people to figure out, because they will always find an easy way to get it done". He is right as even the most complex situation can be resolved by the simple mind. So why not make everything just as simple as it can get.

I agree that not all situation can be handled the same way or we won't ever be able to find answers about the Universe. It is known that what we see in outer space requires great minds with the ability to deal with very complex mathematical equations and theories to figure out why things happens the way they do in our galaxy. There are so many mysteries out there waiting to be figured out. I am sure that not all simple minds can explain or decipher the codes of dark matter or dark energy. However, for everything else in life, simplicity should always take over complexity, but the question is: "Can we allow our brains to think this way and let go of what we are very familiar with: COMPLEX PROBLEMS"

The Better It Gets, The Stronger I Get (By Joshua Clayton)

"This means nothing!" That is when we have to give things our own meaning instead of accepting "this is what it comes down to". I remember when I was in a tail spin after the death of my Dad in 1991, and life lost all meaning. What kept me going was that I had to slowly create my own meaning for it all again, even if I suffered setbacks that seemed to mean nothing but misery and trouble. Indeed, when I say "the better it gets, the stronger I get" as the title, that means instead of giving up or committing suicide, I pursue with even more resolve that the universe knows what it is doing. Also, I create my own happiness, meaning and all of that great stuff instead of depending on good fortune or "providence".

Sometimes, with so many of you, I would like to "cop out" of it and quit, but then, I seriously remember the advice I just gave here, and realize that it is genuinely up to me if it is to genuinely be.

I think of Phineas Taylor Barnum when I think of my philosophy, failure after failure, and loss after loss seemingly, but then, that is what made Phineas Taylor Barnum one of the greatest showmen in the world. He could fail and come back and win again with even more experience, which is a genuine asset in reality. I mean think about it, feeling sorry for ourselves is just an alibi really.

I woke up this morning feeling bad about life, wishing I got a better hand in it than "the joker" I feel like most of the time. You know, the universal wild card that you think has no value until the end of the game in most poker tournaments, that wins it all when you get it, especially in wild handed games and seven card variations. So, when I say, "the better it gets, the stronger I get" I am writing about those crappy moments in life where we wish for the "ace of spades" or a "royal face card" and then get "the ten of diamonds" or even "the joker" instead. I say bluff and win with that ten of diamonds, and use the joker as the wild card it is instead of giving up. After all, it does not matter what you win with, it matters how well you play the hand in all things. No matter what it looks like now, there is always a chance to succeed if you genuinely do not give up and use experience in the next play in cards and in life. On this, I quote a famous Neville Brothers song, sung and written by Art Neville and his son Ian about card dealers, "Listen to me, hear what I say.",-The-Stronger-I-Get&id=9848107

Passion Is the Glue That Stimulates Commitment

Woman Doing Leg Stretching

Do you commit whole heartedly to a new project or venture. Do you see it through to completion and commit to whatever it takes or abandon your project half way through? To increase your stick-ability increase your passion. If you are only mildly interested you are not going to feel the enthusiasm to continue when the going gets tough, you are likely to flounder at the first hurdle.

So before you start, is the project something you want to do or is it something someone else wants you to tackle? How strong is your desire, why do you want to do it? How will the finished result make you feel? Do you feel the commitment required warrants the effort necessary to complete it. How passionate do you feel about the project, is it a burning desire?

So if you score well on all these points, dwelling on the end result and how much it will mean to you will help you to increase your commitment. Visualise the end result, set a date for its completion and a plan to execute it in the time-scale. The more you dwell on the end result the more excitement you will feel for the tasks required. It will become a labour of love. You will enjoy the hours you commit to your project. The drive and passion will grow and help keep you on track to achieve your dream.

Think of all the people who set out to build their houses and execute it to the end despite set backs and running out of money, they find a way despite challenges. Did you see on the news the group of elderly ladies that 20 years ago set out to build a community housing project so that they could all live in close proximity and help each other. Their dream finally came to fruition, the oldest lady was in her eighties. They are now advising a couple of other groups to do the same. Take heed if they can do something as large as that, you can achieve a simple project.

Believe in yourself and your abilities, each project you complete will help you grow. You will gains stick-ability and belief that will be better than will-power alone. Do something every day to advance your project so that your desire doesn't grow cold. This will enable you to see progress and of course never give up.

So what is your new venture or project? What are you going to see through to the end and enjoy the result of? Could it be you want to work at home like 2,000,000,000 others that are searching Google to find ways to do just that.

Affiliate marketing is a simple way to begin online, and with the guidance of a coach who provides excellent products and good training you can start earning commissions whilst you are learning the necessary skills.

So whatever your new project or venture follow it through to the end and you will feel the satisfaction and achievement. You don't want to leave a trail of half completed projects behind you any more, become dynamic and confident in your ability to achieve. Not only that but you will achieve your dreams.

Have you ever asked yourself why is it that some people seem to have massive success with Internet marketing whilst others don't. Have you ever tried to make money online and failed? Don't worry it's not your fault. Most people are using completely the wrong affiliate marketing strategies.

Is Your Life Complete? Have You Regrets? Are There Still Things in Life You'd Like to Accomplish?

A new study just published, led by scientists from Imperial College London in collaboration with the World Health Organization, states that average life expectancy is set to increase in many countries by 2030 - and will exceed 90 years in South Korea.

Many countries - including Japan as well as many European countries - struggle with issues related to life-expectancy and the increasing number of the elderly.

Both the elderly as well as the societal-political elements of each country deal with health and financial concerns. At the same time, a serious question to be dealt with is: how can each one of us maintain our own quality of life throughout the years.

Numerous articles have recently been published about euthanasia - about taking one's own life. Not only the very old contemplate it, but also the not-so-old who feel their life is "complete", or who wonder "what sense does it make to keep on living?" or believe that they can't change things in their life and (therefore) there is no reason to keep living.

But is it possible for them to understand that they can still continue living with the feeling that their life is worthwhile, that they are doing their best to live life to the fullest, and even - and this is the hard question - that no matter how "old" or "young" they are they can still embark on a quality of life they might not have the knowledge and/or the courage to embark on previously?

It is never too late to reflect and contemplate your life experiences, failures and accomplishments, and do the best you can to live your life to the fullest.

Regardless of whether you are "young" or "old" - which is often a matter not only of chronological age but also of inner feeling! - you can (and should) continue to actualize yourself as much as you can for as long as you can.

What does "actualize" yourself mean?

The "secret" to fulfil yourself throughout your life is to understand and realize how to live your life to its fullest; how to be aware of the ways in which you might have sabotaged yourself; and to learn how you can still, regardless of your age, learn from past mistakes, become aware of what you would still wish to experience. Whether it is intimacy, travels, writing, companionships, and more, the main issue is how to live to the fullest and accomplish what you desire.

One of the best means to actualize yourself and live to the fullest is by developing Self-Awareness: realizing how you might have previously shot yourself in the foot, and acknowledge the changes you need to make in order to stay away from your past mistakes, and direct your attention to the here and now, hoping for a good living for as long as you can.

What does "becoming aware" entail?

It is quite likely that throughout your life you have never taken the time to really look inward; understand what might have stood in your way from achieving whatever you might have desired, be it a successful intimate relationship, be it writing a book, be it developing a meaningful friendship, and so on.

It might well be that - as an example - you have had a satisfying relationship in the past, but for the last several years, since your separation, or having your spouse passed away, you were not successful - for some reason unknown to you - in finding and developing another intimate relationship with which you would have been satisfied. Maybe you have dated many others but with no success; maybe you didn't date because you weren't sure of yourself; or maybe you did date but "somehow" never found another person to whom you felt close enough.

Becoming self-aware means: Becoming aware of what this "maybe" might mean; realizing what you might have done or thought that didn't land you the relationship you desired.

Becoming self-aware means: taking responsibility for your attitudes and behaviors; understanding how you might have sabotaged yourself and your potential relationships; realizing how you might have used one thousand and one excuses to justify your failure in pursuing a truly new intimacy.

Regardless of your age and past experiences, it is never too late to develop Self-Awareness and learn how to improve and enhance your quality of life and relationships. And the sooner you begin with the process of awareness the better it is for your well-being.

Need to Bring Some Sunshine Into Your Life?

 Sunray Through Trees
Winter can be quite tough, especially if we see all our friends jetting off to warmer climes. But every season has its charm and there are ways we can bring some sunshine and warmth into our lives during the colder months.

- Home is an important place to start. Good lighting can make such a difference and lamps, wall lights and candles can bring a cosy, muted comfort to any room. Why not light those lovely scented candles you've been saving; then you get the double benefits of both candlelight and fragrance. A diffuser or bowls of pot pourri can add welcome scent to your rooms too.

- Warmth matters in winter and whilst central heating can lift the chill and be good first thing in the morning, having a focal point like a fire can really make a room feel much cosier. Some people like to have a coal fire or they burn pine cones and benefit from the lingering fragrance, but for those of us who prefer not to have to clean out a grate, coal-effect fires are a great compromise. They add to the atmosphere of a room and cast subdued light.

- Use bright colours in your decor if you want to bring some sunshine into your home. Shades of red, gold, silver and bronze are a great choice for cushions, curtains, wall prints and hangings and can lift a room. Have fun hunting through local markets and craft shops for unusual, inexpensive items with which to brighten up your home.

- Warm fabrics add a luxurious feel. Velvet, wool, corduroy, mohair can move your home from the lighter touch of spring and summer and allow you to enjoy your home all the more. A well-chosen vase of flowers and foliage can add both colour and texture. I like to place flowers somewhere unexpected like the bathroom or hallway so that they're a treat whenever you see them.

- There are plenty of ways to entertain yourself and friends over the winter months. It's not uncommon for people to rediscover their board games and then continue with a regular games night throughout the summer months. They've had lots of fun as well as enhancing their relationships through chatting and friendly competition and it's good to maintain that momentum.

- Another option is to invite friends round and ask everyone to bring a dish. That way the evening is relatively low-cost, low effort and people can contribute and reciprocate quite easily. Or start a book club and meet once a month to discuss the nominated book at each other's houses, or a music evening where you take it in turns to nominate an artiste or genre.

- Our wardrobes can change significantly during the winter months, with heavy dark clothing often the order of the day. Add a bright scarf, jaunty hat or distinctive accessories to bring a touch of sunshine and colour to your outfit. You can really let your personality shine through.

- Food often becomes more comforting during the cold winter months. So whilst we might opt for soups, stews and casseroles we can still appreciate the varied, seasonal colours of root vegetables, beets and accompaniments that make for a tasty, visually appealing meal.

Once we adapt to the nuances of the seasons we can start to appreciate the many opportunities to bring colour, sunshine and variety into our lives every day.

What Are Two Most Important Days in Your Life?

Woman Walking On Concrete Walkway

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you realize why. Discovering our purpose in life is elusive for many. In my coaching practice, I find that a majority of my clients are living lives disconnected from their purpose and passion. They may be trying to fit in and in doing so, they accept mediocrity. Having become accustomed to conformity has destroyed their enthusiasm for life. That may help to explain why there are so many unmotivated, dissatisfied, unhappy and unsuccessful people. Is it any wonder that there are far too many organizations with cultures best described as apathetic, discouraged, negative and often rude?

I work with executives who realize they need to make positive behavioral change in themselves, their teams and their organizations. Most of my clients are successful in their field, but know there is more. They know that if nothing changes, there are the implications. I help them to imagine it is a year later and nothing has changed. Together, we explore what is likely to happen.

Here is an interesting observation... most people who are disconnected exhibit the tendency of blaming their existing statuses for their unhappiness. They may blame others, like a boss, their co-workers, their spouse, or their children. I find that the problem is rarely external and lies within. What I point out to my executive coaching clients is that they have allowed outside influences and circumstances to crush their enthusiasm and motivation.

Want to become more of who you are? In order to grow and achieve, you must follow your passion, chart your own course, set your own goals and determine your own actions.

Whether you call it having an epiphany, a slap upside the head or an unexpected life event causes you to re-think your reason for being, this is the truth... you are responsible for your own success. When you are doing something that helps others, that you are passionate about and can be paid to do it, you've hit the sweet spot!

Discovering your purpose and passion is the second most important day in your life. While some conformity is desirable, it's not necessary for survival. Accept the truth that you will experience faster personal growth when you ignore prior conditioning. Remember, it's hardly ever external. You have a choice to accept or reject the values that you have developed due to early conditioning. Early conditioning conflicts in many cases with the demands we have placed upon us in later life.

It isn't hopeless. You can change early conditioning and discover your purpose and passion. Your personal and professional lives can improve. Relationships can get better, income can increase, your business can improve and you can attract more of what you want. Take the action to allow executive coaching to be a part of your development in 2016. Find a coach that you can work with and get started on the path to discovering why you are here.

The Choices You Make, Make You

Woman Lying on Green Grass While Holding Pencil

This certainly seems rather obvious and hard to argue with. So why do a majority of people prefer to play the blame game for their lot in life? If I had a dollar for every time I have talked to an athlete or an athlete's parent who told me they could have been a professional athlete but, 'their coach didn't promote them,' or 'screwed them over,' I'd be retired already. Other often repeated 'reasons' people fail to achieve their goals include: "The timing was not right," "I didn't have enough time," "My circumstances changed," and "I just lost interest."

I often tell my clients that it is a lot quicker to go from failure to success than it is to go from excuses to success. You only have a limited amount of time and energy so how you choose to use both will determine who you become and where you end up. Making mistakes and failing are an inevitable part of life for all of us (except Kim Jong-un). Perfection is an attractive concept but it does not exist in reality.

If you are able to view mistakes and failure as simply part of the process, you won't feel the need to make excuses when they occur. Learning to accept this fact and take responsibility for all of your choices and actions leads to a secure feeling inside of you and eliminates the need for blame and excuses.

I also tell my clients that, 'Blame is just a way to temporarily discharge your own pain and discomfort in situations.' I suppose it is part of human nature to go for the easy short-term relief provided by blame and excuses, but the truth is it does not take as much work as you may think to create a new habit of taking responsibility. Best of all the pay-off will include relief of substantial pain and discomfort for the rest of your life as well as increased performance and success in all of your endeavors.

Creating a habit of taking responsibility will not assure your success in any of your endeavors. However, I can guarantee that until you do create this habit you will never perform anywhere near your peak levels. Think of excuses and blame the same way you (hopefully) think of heroin. It may make you feel better initially, but it won't be worth the damage it does to you over time. When was the last time you (or anyone you know) used heroin to enable themselves to perform at the highest level?

The Dalia Lama said it best: "When you think everything is someone else's fault, YOU will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, YOU will learn both peace and joy.,-Make-You&id=9550780

Message From the Universe: The Best and Worst Case Scenarios

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Standing Near White and Gray House during Daytime

"Best case scenario, you really are a magnificent, powerful, divine Being of Light; your thoughts really do become things; nothing is impossible; your dreams are meant to be; and these Notes really are from an ancient, wise, all-loving, all-knowing best friend.

Worst case scenario, you're just dreaming you're a magnificent, powerful, divine Being of Light; your thoughts really do become things; nothing is impossible; your dreams are meant to be; and these Notes really are from an ancient, wise, all-loving, all-knowing best friend.

And the difference would be?
The Universe"

Either situations would occur throughout your life, you are still a winner. Everything starts with a thought and it's all based on you creating that thought. You are magnificent, powerful, divine, nothing for you is impossible and that all your dreams are meant to be. The difference between the best and worst case scenario is mostly just the dreaming part. For the first case, all of what you are experiencing today is lived by you, in real time. It's not just a feeling or a sense, it's happening now, as we speak. For the second case, you are dreaming of what will eventually become, just like the laws of attractions, where thoughts become things. So, if you truly believe in these laws, your thoughts, that are controlled by you, relies on how you feel on that specific day, which will directly create a possible future that has not yet happened, but based on how positive or negative you may be. If this is the case, why not choose being positive?

I agree that we can't all live in a dream world and not face challenges and hurdles, either financial, health, relationship or whatever else. It will come and hit us like a ton of bricks, regardless of how you are thinking. You may think that all of what you see today is a result of your past thoughts, which can be close to the truth, depending on your belief. I can't say that it applies in every scenario as many may throw me the September 11th terrorist attack as being one hell of a coincidence that all the 2996 that perished that morning all dealt with negative thoughts, hence suffered from this terrible predicament. How can that be possible? All 2996 victims had past thoughts that were negative in nature which unequivocally brought them to their demise on that same day? This statement can be hard to swallow as many may say that it was just a case where they were all in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Whichever the case may be, this terrible incident makes you wonder how these laws really works, and what can you do that get the most out of these laws. I guess it is based on meditation and perceiving life differently and not let everything around you bother you in any shape or form. This approach may allow you to live with less stress and appreciate it a bit more.

Rationalizing Anger and the Question That Defuses It

Woman And Man Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench

STRESS evokes anger when hope is lost in the moment. It is not usually one issue in isolation that turns us inside out in anger.

Most anger I suggest is a chaotic accumulation of issues, not one single issue that sends us over the edge into the abyss of ludicrousness. The issue that apparently breaches the cusp is the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back - the dromedary is already maximally burdened.

Angry outbursts must be about a profusion of issues conspiring against our peace.

We would be better to stop and ask the simple question, "What could this be?"

Is it that we are upset with our partner or our co-worker or our boss or our child or our mother or father? Or, is it that we're frustrated because of the traffic, or being let down by others, or that we are tired, or disappointed that our favourite team lost? Could it be the weight of a conflict that can't be reconciled, or perhaps there is a different weight we're carrying, like a grief or a haunting disappointment? Maybe we are anxious or nervous for something ahead. Or, is it a combination of these? The latter is likelier, an amalgamation of concerns is bothering us.

The question is, could it be something else? Just the fact that that is a possibility makes the question pressing. Why would we upset someone else if we weren't sure they were completely to blame? Yet, we upset others without even knowing what it is at core that is perplexing us. Could it be something else? Of course, it could be.

Simply to stop, to pause, and to think, "What could this be?" is empowering and protective. "What could be behind what I'm feeling here?" In these moments we realize the power of self-awareness.

It's wise when anger rises to take a step back. The time we take to explore honestly and humbly what's driving our anger is the time we can take to seize control of our emotions to protect ourselves and everyone else.

The most empowering thing we can do with our anger is to ask why. It always hides sadness or fear, fatigue or frustration. The soul seeks to be heard, and if we won't pay attention to what our soul is saying, our soul will let everyone else know. And great harm can be done.

Intention/Manifestation - Personal Development Power

You are about to learn the power of Intention and what you can make it do for you in your life!

In all areas of your life, whether it be personal development, career, relationships or finances the experiences you have are a direct result of what you have intended for yourself!

Have you ever expected something to go terribly wrong and it did? "Oh I just knew that was going to happen!" This simple statement is probably one you have used countless times throughout your life and I am going to show you just how and why you were right every time you used it!

Now expectation and intention are very similar in nature and you cannot have one without the other. Let me explain.

Conscious intention is when you not only desire something to occur but you also expect it to occur. Let us say you want to go to the shop for a new pair of shoes for a social occasion that is imminent. You set your intention that on Saturday you will head to your favourite shopping mall, browse a few shops and purchase a pair of shoes that are suitable. Because this intention fits into your view of what is normal and easy for you to achieve you release it and give it very little additional thought. You fully expect your intention to be fulfilled. You know that on Saturday you will go to the mall and buy a pair of shoes! There are little or no opposing thoughts.

So how does this relate to manifestation and intention in other areas of your life?

Well I am sure you have heard a lot recently about the Law of Attraction and how it works in your life. The basic premise of this great law states that you get more of what you focus on in life. Your very thoughts are attracting to you their physical equivalent and the amount of emotional energy you generate from these thoughts determines the speed at which they manifest in your life.

Many people find this concept very easy to accept. Yet, the great majority of people cannot effectively utilize it in their lives to create and attract those things, situations and people that they feel would make them happy. Are you one of them? Why is this?

The only reason you are currently lacking the ability to consistently manifest your desires consciously is because you are harbouring conscious and unconscious intentions that oppose your desires. The Universe and your subconscious do not know, nor do they care, whether a manifestation of thought is consciously wanted or unwanted. When your subconscious mind is feed a thought by your conscious mind, by the power of belief and emotion, it takes the thought as an intention and the law of attraction immediately begins its manifestation. The Universe itself starts to attract the physical equivalent of that thought to you! Some of your thoughts are stronger than others. Many of your thoughts attract similar thoughts to them depending on their strength. Other thoughts are loners and die quickly. Every thought that you think is sending out a request to the universe for its manifestation. However, many of your thoughts are opposing in nature and will therefore cancel each other out.

Therefore when you intend to attract something into your life it is natural and normal for it to come to you. You only run into trouble when your intentions become confused, cancelled or reversed because of your other thoughts. For example, you may set an intention to attract the ideal life partner. You create your internal vision of what that means to you. You generate the necessary positive emotions that such a relationship will evoke in you and you send out your request by focusing on those feelings and vision everyday in the belief that you are attracting it to you. This becomes your clear intention! You intend to have such a relationship in your life.

Unfortunately many problems can arise from the unmonitored thoughts you think as you go about your daily activities. You think thoughts like "how will this manifest", "this will never work", "I'm too ugly to find a person like that", "No-one like that would ever be interested in me", etc. These are taken by your subconscious mind and the Universe as intentions and are treated in the same way as your consciously directed intention. Therefore you will neutralize the effect that focusing on your vision had and stop its manifestation. In fact, if you remain in this negative frame of mind and allow these destructive thoughts to wander through your mind for the greater part of your day you will probably find that the exact opposite of what you consciously intended appears in your life!

Now such thoughts are easy to identify and reality easy to eliminate if you stay true to your inner vision and remain focused on your intention. When you have such negative thoughts it is merely a matter of recalling your vision and the positive feelings it generates in you and dwelling on that scene for a few moments. Within, anywhere from, a few days to a few weeks you will eliminate most if not all of these negative thought patterns and beliefs. However, there is another major damaging phenomenon at work in your life which you must learn to eradicate. You have very subtle and almost imperceptible unconscious thoughts that, unless removed, will stop your vision from ever being manifest!

Identifying thoughts that are in direct opposition to your intention is relatively easy - they stick out like a sore thumb. However, developing the skill to identify the more subtle, yet just as damaging, opposing thoughts is essential. Let us return to our example of intending to create a new loving relationship. You focus on your vision and dwell in the positive feelings for several minutes each day. All is good, you have set your intention and clearly signalled the Universe what you want and expect to get it. Now you go through your day as normal and every now and then you identify the thoughts that are in opposition to your intention, you quickly reverse those thoughts and feelings by re-focusing on your vision - all is well.

However, what are you doing when you cook and eat your diner? Do you give a sigh that you are eating alone again? Do you get despondent when you come home to an empty house or sleep alone in bed? Do you think thoughts like "I wish I had this relationship now"? Do you begin to wander how this relationship will manifest? Do you allow your mind to dwell on worries about your age or the length of time you have aleady spent alone? When you think about your holiday for next year are you mentally structuring your journey as a single person? Basically you need to identify if your everyday thoughts are reinforcing or opposing your intention. We have on average 50,000 thoughts everyday. Are your thoughts reflecting that of a single person?

Always keep in your mind that every thought you think is an intention! Every thought backed by expectation becomes a Universal request for its manifestation and every thought backed by strong emotion manifests quickly!

If you are diligent and look at, what until now were, your unconscious thoughts and begin to re-align them with your intentions you will be surprised and probably shocked at the effect it has on your life and your ability to consciously manifest.

The truth is this, when all your conscious and unconcious thoughts are in alignment on any one subject your intention will manifest instantly! The reason why it seems that time is needed to create and attract what you want is because you still harbour some opposing thoughts, beliefs and feelings. But this is fantastic news! You do not need to be 100% positive, clear and free from negativity to attract your intention. You just need to ensure that the majority of your thoughts are aligned with it! How fantastic is that?

Begin today to build one clear intention for yourself and your life. Create a clear precise vision of how your life will be when that vision is reality. Mentally step into your vision and evoke strong positive emotions around it. Expect to have it!

Then throughout your day ensure your thoughts are in alignment with your intention. Prepare yourself to have that vision. You will be surprised and empowered by the speed at which your vision becomes manifest.

How to Keep Yourself Together

There are both good times and rough times along the way of living. Sometimes, we get confused all over the small pieces of distractions and fall on our knees whenever obstacles get in the way. The pathway to heaven isn't as delightful as those depicted in fantasies or fairy tales. Life can be confusing to the least, and very complicated for many. It is possible and common for all of us to go through the hard times, face the challenges, and ride along the bumpy roads. Whenever that happens, stress strikes us hard and killed us mentally from the inside. Feeling weary, down, and blue, these emotions affect our physical well-being and therefore lead to illnesses.

Unaware of the lack of inner calmness, we seem to find it hard to keep ourselves together. Inner calmness is crucial for true happiness and satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to keep your mind unoccupied. The best way to make that happen is to stop over-thinking about small matters and try to eliminate negative thoughts as much as possible. It is also best to keep your thoughts light and more to the positive, brighter side. As mood swings, excessive ego, and emotional breakdown adds up fire to problem you're facing, it is best to keep everything simple. If there are complications, take a deep breath and slowly manage the problems one by one. Like using bullet points to separate topics into smaller sub topics, do the same way with life's matters. Whenever you feel like exploding or bursting into tears of varying emotions like confusion, anger, and frustration, remember to keep things simple and eliminate the problem-triggering points as much as possible.

Stress-Relief Breathing Exercises

Breathing is generally an involuntary activity the body does automatically to keep us alive, which is probably why many still don't get it why breathing can make a difference in managing emotions. Learning, practicing, and managing your breaths can keep your mind occupied with the act of breathing itself, which lowers the possibilities of drawing in distractions and the unpleasant, negative thoughts like those of stress. Managing your breathing posture will also aid in an improved attitude and stance. Just fifteen to thirty minutes of correcting your breathing posture will help enhance and clear your thoughts as the brain mainly focuses on the breaths. Breathing deeply without your chest moving, inhaling while the stomach moves away from the body, and exhaling when the stomach moves towards the body will keep your busy minds occupied and at the same instance, improve your breathing posture as a whole.

Stop Telling Yourself to Stop Thinking

If you'd ever find yourself telling yourself to stop thinking about a matter or go nuts over it, know that the more you will 'think' and 'go crazy' about it over and over again like a repeating mix-tape. If you don't want to think about a matter and just waiting for it to go, it is best to just ignore and make yourself busy with other things. Grab a ticket to a movie theatre, listen to Eminem, or call a friend to your house. As long as you keep yourself cheerful and happy, the unwanted thoughts will gradually go away though it might take you some time. For instance, if you are worried about your acne breakouts, you will tend to look out for it more. You might see a few yesterday and see much more today, because the body focuses only on acne production. This not only causes the body to trigger oil production and acne formation possibilities, it also leads to an unhealthy state of mind and the lack of self-esteem.

Are You Sitting On Your Coaching Gift?

God wants to do amazing things through you. You have divine gifts that can help others achieve their goals and dreams. You have what it takes to make a huge difference in the world as a coach. Even if you don't know where to start, what area to coach clients in, or how to attract clients, you can't let that stop you. If you feel like you are called to be a coach you must get on that path. It can mean fulfillment and happiness for you. How? Because when we are doing what God has purposed us to do it is a great feeling beyond what words can describe.

Coaching is a thriving industry that has space for you. Nobody can do what you are called to do. You have your own uniqueness, your own divine assignment, and your own level of passion and creativity. And all of those things can help you to stand out in the coaching industry in a powerful way.

Understanding your purpose as a coach may seem complicated or frustrating but it doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be that way because there is a strategy and a system for you to turn your dream of becoming a Certified Life Coach into a reality. Not only can you become a phenomenal life coach but you can also launch your own business. A business that is built around your purpose, your vision, and those you are called to serve.

If you are at a place in your life where you are ready for change, ready to feel more fulfilled, ready to do something that elevates you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, and ready to get in alignment with your divine purpose, then coaching might be the key ingredient to your future success recipe. You don't have to walk around from day-to- day feeling like something is missing in your personal or professional life. Unleash what God has instilled in you. He didn't give you gifts and talents for you to sit on them. Who is that helping? Not you or your future clients.

And even if you have some fear about doing something new, that's okay. But you can't let fear paralyze you from moving forward. Even if you are fearful move forward, fear can be a block to success. So you always have to let your faith rise above your fear. Faith empowers you to believe in yourself, your vision, and your possibilities. And faith can be stronger than fear if you allow it to be.

Remember that God has already equipped you with everything you need to be an amazing, life transforming coach. But you have to take the steps to allow what is shining on the inside of you, to shine on the outside of you. And once you decide to break through any self-limiting beliefs, pursue your purpose, and to be a great life coach, I believe that not even the sky is the limit. I believe your opportunities are limitless. Why? Because "with God all things are possible!"

Managing Anger and Aggression

Side View Photo of Woman Standing by a Tree Holding Her Temple

Anger is a normal emotion and can be helpful in some situations, such as those related to survival and self-protection. We have also seen that resorting to aggression is often a strong temptation when you feel angry. Aggression might be appropriate to ensure your safety but in most situations is not necessary and just inflames the situation.

Steven Laurent presents a series of tips on reducing anger and therefore limiting the possibility of reacting to anger with unneeded aggression. I will list a few of his suggestions and my comments about them:

  • Understand that anger is a problem. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that anger is sometimes a problem. We have seen that anger is a normal human emotion. As long as it is limited to a brief emotional response, does not take over your life and does not remain for a long time, it is nothing to worry about. If your anger quickly escalates into rage, it is a problem. If you continue to brood about what angers you, it can affect your body systems as we have seen and create lack of emotional equilibrium in your life.

  • Monitor your anger. It is useful to be mindful of many things in your life including your emotions. The more aware you are, the better chance you have of changing patterns which make life more difficult for you and for those around you. You might have a feeling that your anger is a problem, or you might hear it from others who are affected by your anger. Laurent suggests keeping a log of upsetting events, the anger they cause and how you react. It sounds a bit tedious but might be a good way to track how well you manage your anger. It is easier to see patterns when you write them down in an anger journal. Writing also gives you a chance to think about what you are doing rather than reacting automatically.

  • Feel the anger and don't do it anyway. Laurent suggests here that you be aware of your anger but don't rush into a response. He prefers thinking about how you feel and why that feeling arose. Waiting to react until after you have had a chance to consider the situation helps you see what alternatives you have available. Writing down what you think in your anger journal would also help keep you aware of the process of your thinking.

  • Look after yourself. Several things can make it more difficult for you to manage your anger constructively. One is your health. When you feel run down physically, you will have less ability to think clearly about how to react. The same is true if you are in a bad emotional state or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

  • Understand the ultimate source of your anger: "shoulding." Here you tell yourself how things should be, especially other people and how they interact with you. Most people have fairly clear expectations of how they would like others to treat them, which is fine. When you set yourself up as the judge of how people should react, you are more prone to react with anger and see it as your job to correct or even punish them. Along with that goes the suggestion to be less judgmental of others.

  • Empathize. You most likely have a good idea of how you would like to react in any given situation, at least one you have faced before. Yet surprises wait along the way to throw you off balance. If someone asked you why you reacted a certain way, you could probably tell them why. Instead of judging people who act in a different way, consider that they might view things differently from you. You would find it easier to be less judgmental if you took the time to understand why others feel and act the way they do.

  • Get your facts straight. One of the main contributors to anger at others is faulty assumptions you make about them. You might assume that have hostile intentions toward you, are aware of what your needs and desires are or know what is likely to arouse your anger. In reality, none of these assumptions may be true.

The better you are able to use suggestions such as these, the less likely you are to let your anger get the best of you. In addition, your chances of moving toward aggressive behavior are also lessened.

Importance Of Failure

Failure is a word that no one wants to hear. It is the biggest fear of a human being yet it is faced by every human being on earth at least once in their life. We need to learn how to deal with this word 'failure'.

A lot of people in this world give up on their lives just because they couldn't achieve something they desire. People ignore the fact that failure helps the man to distinguish what he did wrong.

Here are some tips which can help you get into the positive side of life and change the failure into victory.


Before starting anything that you think will give you success, promise yourself that you will never give up if you failed at this particular task. This promise to self makes your mind ready for both failure and triumphs. But what if you didn't do that in the start? Then always remember that it is never too late. If you think that now you can do nothing or you are over, you are just making an excuse.


This is the opportunity that you should not let go of. Suppose you are in a football ground. You are playing alone and there is a goalkeeper. You make an aim and strike the football but the goalkeeper stops it. This goalkeeper is life. It is challenging you at every point and it will continue to do so till you take your last breathe. You strike the ball for 9 times in a row and fail. But in the tenth attempt, you strike it in such a manner that you retrieved those 9 'in a row failures'. That's how it works. You cannot quit till you leave the ground. And if you leave the ground, you gave up. Those 9 attempts proved that you somehow learnt from your mistakes.


The worst thing you can do after failing at some project is thinking that it was the only plan you could ever think of. Don't ever underestimate yourself. There is always another plan. If plan A fails Plan B and if plan B fails Plan C. If you are into achieving something, no one or nothing in this world can stop you rather all the world will conspire to make you achieve it.


This is the most important thing that you need to live a contented life. Always think positive. Spread positivity. Never let yourself down. If you bring negativity around you, it will not let you achieve your dreams. Positivity is all we need to grow and establish ourselves in this world.

People need to let go of the bad things or failures faced and should start prioritizing over positivity. By doing this particular act, they can achieve their life goals and master the game of life.

Never Be Tired (The Amazing Power Of Rejuvenating Yourself)

Before I begin, I put this article under the heading "Affirmations" because to genuinely rejuvenate yourself, you must realize that you are what you think you are. That is the deepest, most effective thought you can have in existence and life. I put the word existence before life, because the term existence is more totally encompassing than the word life. Also, consciousness is a power that can rejuvenate itself through the embracing of the genuine energies of existence.

Indeed, the most powerful affirmation you can make to yourself is that you are getting better and better or richer and richer in existence and not just in life. After all, the term "life" can be a very limiting thing, but the term "existence" is more universal and encompassing. Also, word pictures are very important in affirmations also, so it is genuinely important for the effect of the affirmations what terms you do use in the sense of words and pictures.

We all can tap the power of existence through the power of affirmation. I am not saying that a few minutes can cure everything horrible or be everything great, but I am saying that the cumulative effects of positive affirmations when used frequently and correctly in an overall good way can become a cure and be everything that is great. Indeed, I understand our conditions are our fault or our virtue at very deep levels.

In reality, positive thinking is just that, positive thinking. But a positive overall existence is the most powerful thing in the universe, especially where it concerns genuine goodness at deep levels. In other words, we must win from the core if we are going to totally win at all. Why are there not always the best results though. If you doubt at the core, how can you get the best results? You cannot, because you do not have that core faith and affirmation that you are genuinely going to succeed fully, succinctly and realistically.

So, you have to exist in a good way, not just "think positive for a while" until you make it and then "snap back". To genuinely succeed, you must be deeply motivated to succeed, whatever comes up or down. Reality must be dealt with, not "patched up" or avoided.

I remember something my Dad said: "You either do or you do not, you do not play with it." That does mean that you cannot dabble, if you want to achieve it, you must be fully motivated to do it. There is not a short cut, if, and or but about it. We must be relentless, that is the secret of genuine rejuvenation, doing what wants and needs to be done and all that does count for us.

The secret of the Masters is that they will do what it takes to become Masters. This is how it happens: They look at every way it cannot be done so that there are not any mistakes when they do what needs to be done and then they do it perfectly once all the flaws are found. That is the power of a Master. Once all the foolishness and folly is over, they proceed to perfectly succeed, and they look at all failure as temporary and of course, all success is looked at as permanent. That is the secret of the Masters in a nut shell right there. I hope you enjoyed this little tour of what it takes to live genuinely realistically and rejuvenate yourself.

Before You Try To Be A Friend To Anyone, Be A Friend To Yourself

Recently in my thinking and living, I made a few more positive changes, changes I feel and know will be permanent. I can honestly say from the vantage point I am at now, that a person who is truly and honestly friendly with themselves can and does create good and great habits in their lives. Bad habits, without matter to how enjoyable they can seem, are bad for you as they are for me and anyone. From smoking to spitting too much or lying, they are bad. Consequences of habits must be thought about and thought about deeply before they are embarked into. But, how many average people think in that manner?

That is how I start my article off, thinking about consequences and making you think about consequences from the first paragraph on. But, to use an old, overused saying: "Honesty is the best policy." I will change that slightly, honesty with yourself and full honesty is the best policy for genuinely getting rid of bad habits. This is where people become their own worst and most lazy, undermining enemy in every way.

To advance in any genuine way, we must all start by being honest with ourselves, and honest at all levels. (I am not an exception.) This is the rule of advancement. If you lie here, and avoid there, you also genuinely stagnate however it goes and it does not matter where else you advance in life and existence or how you "get better". Reality must be faced without flinching for one second, minute or years if you can. I did not say, "be perfect", I just am saying be honest to the best of your ability.

My Dad used to say "I do not play." The above second paragraph is what he meant in the ultimate way. We need to stop playing, be honest with ourselves, ultimately enjoyment will be possible in life. Note, I did not say "genuine play", but I said enjoyment, and I meant feelings of genuine enjoyment. There is a definite difference between playing with life and enjoying your life, if you get where I am coming from so far. So, I will say this breakthrough statement then go on with my article:

"People are as fearful as what they avoid."
That was a simple statement. But, what do I mean by that simple statement? Harold Geneen of ITT stated that facts do not lie, but I am taking that statement a few steps further with that one I said above about avoidance. The more you avoid life and existence, the more fear you have within you, that is what I mean. Your choice, built up courage to face the facts honestly knowing what they are or instant fear without even facing the facts. In so many words that I can say to end this, before you are a friend to anyone, face the facts squarely and honestly and be a friend to yourself.,-Be-A-Friend-To-Yourself&id=8417712