
What Are Two Most Important Days in Your Life?

Woman Walking On Concrete Walkway

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you realize why. Discovering our purpose in life is elusive for many. In my coaching practice, I find that a majority of my clients are living lives disconnected from their purpose and passion. They may be trying to fit in and in doing so, they accept mediocrity. Having become accustomed to conformity has destroyed their enthusiasm for life. That may help to explain why there are so many unmotivated, dissatisfied, unhappy and unsuccessful people. Is it any wonder that there are far too many organizations with cultures best described as apathetic, discouraged, negative and often rude?

I work with executives who realize they need to make positive behavioral change in themselves, their teams and their organizations. Most of my clients are successful in their field, but know there is more. They know that if nothing changes, there are the implications. I help them to imagine it is a year later and nothing has changed. Together, we explore what is likely to happen.

Here is an interesting observation... most people who are disconnected exhibit the tendency of blaming their existing statuses for their unhappiness. They may blame others, like a boss, their co-workers, their spouse, or their children. I find that the problem is rarely external and lies within. What I point out to my executive coaching clients is that they have allowed outside influences and circumstances to crush their enthusiasm and motivation.

Want to become more of who you are? In order to grow and achieve, you must follow your passion, chart your own course, set your own goals and determine your own actions.

Whether you call it having an epiphany, a slap upside the head or an unexpected life event causes you to re-think your reason for being, this is the truth... you are responsible for your own success. When you are doing something that helps others, that you are passionate about and can be paid to do it, you've hit the sweet spot!

Discovering your purpose and passion is the second most important day in your life. While some conformity is desirable, it's not necessary for survival. Accept the truth that you will experience faster personal growth when you ignore prior conditioning. Remember, it's hardly ever external. You have a choice to accept or reject the values that you have developed due to early conditioning. Early conditioning conflicts in many cases with the demands we have placed upon us in later life.

It isn't hopeless. You can change early conditioning and discover your purpose and passion. Your personal and professional lives can improve. Relationships can get better, income can increase, your business can improve and you can attract more of what you want. Take the action to allow executive coaching to be a part of your development in 2016. Find a coach that you can work with and get started on the path to discovering why you are here.

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