
Need to Bring Some Sunshine Into Your Life?

 Sunray Through Trees
Winter can be quite tough, especially if we see all our friends jetting off to warmer climes. But every season has its charm and there are ways we can bring some sunshine and warmth into our lives during the colder months.

- Home is an important place to start. Good lighting can make such a difference and lamps, wall lights and candles can bring a cosy, muted comfort to any room. Why not light those lovely scented candles you've been saving; then you get the double benefits of both candlelight and fragrance. A diffuser or bowls of pot pourri can add welcome scent to your rooms too.

- Warmth matters in winter and whilst central heating can lift the chill and be good first thing in the morning, having a focal point like a fire can really make a room feel much cosier. Some people like to have a coal fire or they burn pine cones and benefit from the lingering fragrance, but for those of us who prefer not to have to clean out a grate, coal-effect fires are a great compromise. They add to the atmosphere of a room and cast subdued light.

- Use bright colours in your decor if you want to bring some sunshine into your home. Shades of red, gold, silver and bronze are a great choice for cushions, curtains, wall prints and hangings and can lift a room. Have fun hunting through local markets and craft shops for unusual, inexpensive items with which to brighten up your home.

- Warm fabrics add a luxurious feel. Velvet, wool, corduroy, mohair can move your home from the lighter touch of spring and summer and allow you to enjoy your home all the more. A well-chosen vase of flowers and foliage can add both colour and texture. I like to place flowers somewhere unexpected like the bathroom or hallway so that they're a treat whenever you see them.

- There are plenty of ways to entertain yourself and friends over the winter months. It's not uncommon for people to rediscover their board games and then continue with a regular games night throughout the summer months. They've had lots of fun as well as enhancing their relationships through chatting and friendly competition and it's good to maintain that momentum.

- Another option is to invite friends round and ask everyone to bring a dish. That way the evening is relatively low-cost, low effort and people can contribute and reciprocate quite easily. Or start a book club and meet once a month to discuss the nominated book at each other's houses, or a music evening where you take it in turns to nominate an artiste or genre.

- Our wardrobes can change significantly during the winter months, with heavy dark clothing often the order of the day. Add a bright scarf, jaunty hat or distinctive accessories to bring a touch of sunshine and colour to your outfit. You can really let your personality shine through.

- Food often becomes more comforting during the cold winter months. So whilst we might opt for soups, stews and casseroles we can still appreciate the varied, seasonal colours of root vegetables, beets and accompaniments that make for a tasty, visually appealing meal.

Once we adapt to the nuances of the seasons we can start to appreciate the many opportunities to bring colour, sunshine and variety into our lives every day.

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