
Before You Try To Be A Friend To Anyone, Be A Friend To Yourself

Recently in my thinking and living, I made a few more positive changes, changes I feel and know will be permanent. I can honestly say from the vantage point I am at now, that a person who is truly and honestly friendly with themselves can and does create good and great habits in their lives. Bad habits, without matter to how enjoyable they can seem, are bad for you as they are for me and anyone. From smoking to spitting too much or lying, they are bad. Consequences of habits must be thought about and thought about deeply before they are embarked into. But, how many average people think in that manner?

That is how I start my article off, thinking about consequences and making you think about consequences from the first paragraph on. But, to use an old, overused saying: "Honesty is the best policy." I will change that slightly, honesty with yourself and full honesty is the best policy for genuinely getting rid of bad habits. This is where people become their own worst and most lazy, undermining enemy in every way.

To advance in any genuine way, we must all start by being honest with ourselves, and honest at all levels. (I am not an exception.) This is the rule of advancement. If you lie here, and avoid there, you also genuinely stagnate however it goes and it does not matter where else you advance in life and existence or how you "get better". Reality must be faced without flinching for one second, minute or years if you can. I did not say, "be perfect", I just am saying be honest to the best of your ability.

My Dad used to say "I do not play." The above second paragraph is what he meant in the ultimate way. We need to stop playing, be honest with ourselves, ultimately enjoyment will be possible in life. Note, I did not say "genuine play", but I said enjoyment, and I meant feelings of genuine enjoyment. There is a definite difference between playing with life and enjoying your life, if you get where I am coming from so far. So, I will say this breakthrough statement then go on with my article:

"People are as fearful as what they avoid."
That was a simple statement. But, what do I mean by that simple statement? Harold Geneen of ITT stated that facts do not lie, but I am taking that statement a few steps further with that one I said above about avoidance. The more you avoid life and existence, the more fear you have within you, that is what I mean. Your choice, built up courage to face the facts honestly knowing what they are or instant fear without even facing the facts. In so many words that I can say to end this, before you are a friend to anyone, face the facts squarely and honestly and be a friend to yourself.,-Be-A-Friend-To-Yourself&id=8417712

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