
How to Keep Yourself Together

There are both good times and rough times along the way of living. Sometimes, we get confused all over the small pieces of distractions and fall on our knees whenever obstacles get in the way. The pathway to heaven isn't as delightful as those depicted in fantasies or fairy tales. Life can be confusing to the least, and very complicated for many. It is possible and common for all of us to go through the hard times, face the challenges, and ride along the bumpy roads. Whenever that happens, stress strikes us hard and killed us mentally from the inside. Feeling weary, down, and blue, these emotions affect our physical well-being and therefore lead to illnesses.

Unaware of the lack of inner calmness, we seem to find it hard to keep ourselves together. Inner calmness is crucial for true happiness and satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to keep your mind unoccupied. The best way to make that happen is to stop over-thinking about small matters and try to eliminate negative thoughts as much as possible. It is also best to keep your thoughts light and more to the positive, brighter side. As mood swings, excessive ego, and emotional breakdown adds up fire to problem you're facing, it is best to keep everything simple. If there are complications, take a deep breath and slowly manage the problems one by one. Like using bullet points to separate topics into smaller sub topics, do the same way with life's matters. Whenever you feel like exploding or bursting into tears of varying emotions like confusion, anger, and frustration, remember to keep things simple and eliminate the problem-triggering points as much as possible.

Stress-Relief Breathing Exercises

Breathing is generally an involuntary activity the body does automatically to keep us alive, which is probably why many still don't get it why breathing can make a difference in managing emotions. Learning, practicing, and managing your breaths can keep your mind occupied with the act of breathing itself, which lowers the possibilities of drawing in distractions and the unpleasant, negative thoughts like those of stress. Managing your breathing posture will also aid in an improved attitude and stance. Just fifteen to thirty minutes of correcting your breathing posture will help enhance and clear your thoughts as the brain mainly focuses on the breaths. Breathing deeply without your chest moving, inhaling while the stomach moves away from the body, and exhaling when the stomach moves towards the body will keep your busy minds occupied and at the same instance, improve your breathing posture as a whole.

Stop Telling Yourself to Stop Thinking

If you'd ever find yourself telling yourself to stop thinking about a matter or go nuts over it, know that the more you will 'think' and 'go crazy' about it over and over again like a repeating mix-tape. If you don't want to think about a matter and just waiting for it to go, it is best to just ignore and make yourself busy with other things. Grab a ticket to a movie theatre, listen to Eminem, or call a friend to your house. As long as you keep yourself cheerful and happy, the unwanted thoughts will gradually go away though it might take you some time. For instance, if you are worried about your acne breakouts, you will tend to look out for it more. You might see a few yesterday and see much more today, because the body focuses only on acne production. This not only causes the body to trigger oil production and acne formation possibilities, it also leads to an unhealthy state of mind and the lack of self-esteem.

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