
Message From the Universe: The Best and Worst Case Scenarios

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Standing Near White and Gray House during Daytime

"Best case scenario, you really are a magnificent, powerful, divine Being of Light; your thoughts really do become things; nothing is impossible; your dreams are meant to be; and these Notes really are from an ancient, wise, all-loving, all-knowing best friend.

Worst case scenario, you're just dreaming you're a magnificent, powerful, divine Being of Light; your thoughts really do become things; nothing is impossible; your dreams are meant to be; and these Notes really are from an ancient, wise, all-loving, all-knowing best friend.

And the difference would be?
The Universe"

Either situations would occur throughout your life, you are still a winner. Everything starts with a thought and it's all based on you creating that thought. You are magnificent, powerful, divine, nothing for you is impossible and that all your dreams are meant to be. The difference between the best and worst case scenario is mostly just the dreaming part. For the first case, all of what you are experiencing today is lived by you, in real time. It's not just a feeling or a sense, it's happening now, as we speak. For the second case, you are dreaming of what will eventually become, just like the laws of attractions, where thoughts become things. So, if you truly believe in these laws, your thoughts, that are controlled by you, relies on how you feel on that specific day, which will directly create a possible future that has not yet happened, but based on how positive or negative you may be. If this is the case, why not choose being positive?

I agree that we can't all live in a dream world and not face challenges and hurdles, either financial, health, relationship or whatever else. It will come and hit us like a ton of bricks, regardless of how you are thinking. You may think that all of what you see today is a result of your past thoughts, which can be close to the truth, depending on your belief. I can't say that it applies in every scenario as many may throw me the September 11th terrorist attack as being one hell of a coincidence that all the 2996 that perished that morning all dealt with negative thoughts, hence suffered from this terrible predicament. How can that be possible? All 2996 victims had past thoughts that were negative in nature which unequivocally brought them to their demise on that same day? This statement can be hard to swallow as many may say that it was just a case where they were all in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Whichever the case may be, this terrible incident makes you wonder how these laws really works, and what can you do that get the most out of these laws. I guess it is based on meditation and perceiving life differently and not let everything around you bother you in any shape or form. This approach may allow you to live with less stress and appreciate it a bit more.

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