
The Divine Connection Between Spirituality and Money

It is important to remain aware of the fact that you can still be spiritual and make more money. Simply because you want to manifest more money doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice yourself spiritually. Matter of fact it should be the opposite. Manifesting more money should only enhance the amazing qualities you have as a spiritual individual. And what I am referring to when I write a spiritual individual is someone who states that spirituality is a very important part of his or her life.

Those of us who are spiritually enlightened should see money as more than something that is related to material riches because we are already spiritually rich, and therefore we understand that money can never buy true happiness and neither is money the sole source of true wealth. We understand that money is needed to buy essentials for life, but we know that more money means we can help more people, charities, and causes that we care about. We understand that we can buy necessities and help more people with money, but we also know that our happiness is not connected to anything monetary. Our happiness and fulfillment comes from the things that money can't buy. But yet we understand that it is not wrong to want to live a more abundant life financially.

There is a divine connection between spirituality and money but many people never make the connection so they continue to believe that spirituality and money are separate. They go through life day after day, month after month, and year after year believing that financial prosperity and spirituality are working against one another when in actuality they are working together. Once we understand how spirituality and money are connected we can begin to see major shifts happen in our life. I believe that we all deserve to live a more prosperous life.

I don't know if you have ever been in a position where you had to struggle financially. I mean REALLY struggle financially. Well I have, and it is not a good feeling at all. It not just affects you financially, but it affects you physically, emotionally, and mentally. And it can also affect you spiritually. I believe that there are many of us who desire to go to the next level financially, and I also believe that going to the next level financially is actually a part of the divine design for our life. What you believe you will receive. But you must also take action. It is what you do in the middle of believing and receiving that manifests results.

Message From the Universe: Life in the Eyes of the Beholder

"What if the word "work" was changed to "dance-with-life"? And instead of it being viewed as an alternative to fishing or a way of "paying your dues," it was seen as a chance to meet a parade of new friends, discover your own untested potentials and unpolished gifts, and open avenues for abundance to come pouring into your life?

Yeah, I bet lottery sales would plummet.

Start the parade, 
The Universe"

I personally haven't worked a day in my life and that is because I love what I am doing. When someone asked what are your hobbies? You usually mention activities that you love doing and that you would to do everyday of your life. They are activities that you wouldn't consider it work at all, because you love your hobbies and wouldn't mind participating every day and night. Same should go for your work. Many are miserable working at their jobs and that is because they feel they need to satisfy someone else's happiness over their own. They need to follow a norm so they avoid doing things that will satisfy them emotionally and spiritually. Paying bills is what everyone is obligated to do and because of that, choosing your career will not always be the ultimate choice that will make you happy. You tend to look at different options to keep yourself motivated and this is why hobbies are here to fill that void. Looking forward to doing the things you love doing is what keeps you going and moving forward. Here is a shocker! It doesn't need to be this way. It is all based in your attitude and your approach to life. When you start looking at your work and start focusing on the fun part of your job, you might forget the difficult challenges of your work, hence, allowing yourself to enjoy your career. Start "dancing with life" and enjoy every moment you have in this life. If you hate your job, start appreciating that you have a job, that you can actually pay your bills and afford paying for hobbies. When waking up in the morning and able to suit up, appreciate that you have limbs and are able to get out of bed, drive to work and interact with others. Taking things for granted will ONLY grow your feelings of entitlement and give you that attitude that life owes you something.

Being grateful should be a priority and what you have today, you can lose it all tomorrow. Start looking at things differently and appreciate life. There will always be people in worst situation than you, people who are unable to take care of themselves physically, people who can barely feed their families. I am not saying that you shouldn't look at people who have succeeded to inspire yourself with their success, but never forget who you have become and what you've accomplished. You are the captain of your own ship and life is not a race. You have different goals and dreams and NO one will see life the same way you do. It might be similar in nature but not exactly the same. You are YOU, you are the one deciding the path you want to take in this vast ocean. So start being appreciative for a working vessel and stop looking to get a bigger boat. Unless you are fishing for JAWS ("I think we are going to need a bigger boat"), your vessel will bring you to that destination in due time. Enjoy your journey.

Your Money Story Is About to Change!


Did you know that you have the power to change your money story? You have the power to decide that you are going to live a more prosperous life financially. And you have the power to go to the next level of financial success. That means different things to different people. But regardless of what you want to shift in your financial life it is possible.

We all have been given the opportunity to transform our money mindset. We all have been given the ability to transform our passion into profit, and we all have been given the opportunity to convert our desires into dollars. As a spiritual entrepreneur you have been given a wonderful opportunity to generate income doing what you love to do. And if you want your money story to become more empowering then it can become more empowering!

Too many spiritual entrepreneurs feel uncomfortable talking about money. And there is a reason for that. But there is no reason that we should feel uncomfortable talking about money, there is no reason that we should feel fearful about asking our clients for the fee we desire, and there is no reason that we should not be charging what we deserve. But unfortunately those things apply to many spiritual entrepreneurs, and they might even apply to you. And if those things apply to you it comes down to your money mindset.

If your money story is one of guilt, fear, low money self-esteem, lack, and money pain, then it is imperative that you change your money story. You can transform your money story into one that includes prosperity and abundance. And it all starts with how you think about money. And that trickles down to what you are saying about money, and what divinely inspired actions you are taking to manifest more money. Just thinking about money and it automatically showing up in your bank account is probably not realistic. I am not saying that it could never happen, but it usually there is a divine instruction that accompanies money manifestation.

I could go on and on about your money story and how you can change it. But essentially you have to decide and do. That is mindset plus action. Never feel like you have to settle for where you are at financially. You can have more and do more. That is your divine right.!&id=9554371

How To Enjoy Peace Of Mind And Get Over Depression And Anxiety

Undoubtedly, the person on the other side of the door is angry and wants to some have peace of mind and quiet. This kind of way to find peace of mind is superficial, one that is unreal and obvious.

There's another way to have peace of mind the majority of people aspire for. It's a calm conscious mind.

Being angry and disturbed and unable to have peace of mind will keep you awake night after night.

The longer this persists, the more comprehensive the damages will end up being.

It can lead to searching how to get over depression and other anxiety related issues.

To Have Peace of Mind

All of this unfavorable thinking pollutes the mind needlessly. Empty your mind of all these unfavorable habits and begin to have peace of mind in daily life.

Don't leave your mind vacant for long to avoid it from leaning back to the unfavorable side.

The Course in Miracles states, "Hear not its madness, and believe not the impossible is true."

Keep on letting go of all unfavorable thoughts by emptying them from your mind, and have peace of mind with favorable and motivating ideas.

By repeating this procedure, you are practicing excellent habits aimed at keeping your mind devoid of unfavorable thoughts and full of positive vibrations to have and accomplish peace of mind.

The Course in Miracles further teaches that,"Inner peace is the Will of God."

Try imagining peaceful scenes in your mind. You can initially visualize in your mind a beach being battered by tropical stormy weather conditions.

Everything seems to be disorderly, similar to a distressed mind.

A troubled mind resembles a storm in your mind. Aim to construct a strong structure of positive attitudes so that when another storm hits your mind, you're prepared to face it.

This is how your state of mind should be, peaceful so that it can be used to have peace of mind in daily life.

You can likewise join group talks where the discussion is centered on how to find peace of mind in harmony with love, peace, and joy.

When you say, "I Want Peace of Mind."

If you prefer to be on your own, moments of silence can help you have peace of mind.

Pick up books on finding peace of mind that recommend comfort and you may have the ability to discover other means to acquire your objective.

By repeating this process, you are practicing the habits of successful people, and keeping your mind totally free of unfavorable ideas and full of positive vibrations to attain peace of mind.

Remember a struggling mind is like a storm in your mind.

To peace of mind in daily life!

Lack Is an Aberration in an Abundant Universe

The truth is that the universe naturally radiates abundance. Lack is an aberration. Specifically, what really explains lack in an abundant universe?

The answer to all the anomalies is to heal that appearance and belief in separation such that the natural abundance of the universe radiates to all its members. This allows us to live peacefully in a world that works for everyone. This vision is what God provides

Suppose I looked at my bank account and became disappointed. This was often my experience in the past when I relied principally on myself for my livelihood. This "myself" was my belief in my human separated self. This separated self had periods of abundance and other periods of lack.

Seeking to heal this untruth of separation, I sought to grow consistently in my understanding of spiritual truth. Each is part of a divine being and the study of that being is a study of the unlimited power of the divine self. Studying the divine self allows one to learn of their power and the limitless ways that power can be of benefit. Diving deeply into soul forces allows one to see their connection to the all.

The alternative is to work hard with much focus on making money and keeping that human self comfortable. There are possibilities with such a focus, but this is how the world maintains its separated selfhood and the aberrations of truthful living. These aberrations can produce poor health, unnecessary stress, lack, and many other side poor side effects. There is no money conflict here. If I simply begin to chase money I have not appropriately squared myself with the totality of truth. Chasing the effects of the world is a limited focus.

That divine self is really heavenly. Its effects are joy, abundance, a peace of mind that is indescribable, and real satisfaction. There is no alternative to the real beauty of a God centered life. One great teacher called it living in the Kingdom of Heaven. This teacher stated that one only need seek the kingdom to realize its benefits. Of course this seeking need be sincere such that the kingdom is not merely sought for its believed benefits. It is sought as it is the natural home of all God's children. One need not die to get there.

The necessity is to "touch" the reality of the kingdom consistently to enjoy its benefits. The seeking of earthly pleasures or the pleasures in the temporal is building on sinking sand. Eternal values are intangible. Such things as peace, joy, beauty, and love are eternal values. They really cannot be seen, but their experiences are absolutely heavenly.

Jesus, Buddha, Mother Teresa and many others are what are termed awakened or enlightened beings who take on the additional task of assisting others in their spiritual growth work. This is the natural profession of many children of God who seek to bring heaven to earth.

Another term for awakening is a healed mind that sees things differently. Vision is the result of having a healed mind. Living is truth is naturally abundant and wholly joyous.

First one must become a believer that the mind itself is a very powerful force that must be dealt with. This term "mind" is one of my spiritual gifts. By changing my mind, I can more appropriately change my life.

God is the being who is most aware of my deepest thoughts. God is also most aware of where I can be most helpful to myself and others that may be most useful to me and them.

A suggestion is to look at the terms surrender and devotion. I have decided to surrender my life to God and become a devoted servant to my God. This allows me to be less concerned with my mistakes of past or future. Another reason for devotion is that there will be many circumstances that seek to tell me something other than that God is sufficient. Devotion allows me to turn away from untruths.

Being a questioner is good. Practicing leaning on a question such that I do not seek to figure out answers is a practice. Deep thinking to figure things out is avoided.

Thoughts are first in the creative chain. Devotion keeps me leaning toward the part of me that is perfect. That within me that is perfect can only cause me to think from truth. Truth is naturally abundant. I need not debate what is true. A now focus assist in staying within myself and not using my past experiences to teach me. The divine who is believed to be invisible is becoming visible by my changed situations and circumstances. I am very happy.

5 Reasons Why It's Difficult To Give Up On Material Things

No one said it would be easy to simplify. Ask anyone who has moved to a more minimalist lifestyle, and they'll tell you that there can be a lot of resistance comes up. But it's only stuff.

Why do we have such a tough time finding a new home (including the trashcan) for items we no longer need or use? It's all about the emotions surrounding the items that cause us to hold on tightly. Below are the top 5 reasons on why such a move to simplicity is a challenge to most of us.

#1 Stuff makes us feel secure 
We buy with our emotions, not logic, which means we invest emotionally in our possessions. Having a lot of stuff makes us feel safe and secure. How many things do you keep around "just in case"?

Having a lot of stuff or expensive items gives us status in our society, which also makes us feel important and secure in our place in the world.

#2 We spent our hard-earned cash on it 
Many people feel wasteful and guilty when they start de-cluttering their things. They think about how much they senselessly spent on items that are now simply cluttering up their homes, garages, basements, and sometimes even storage space they are paying a monthly fee on.

#3 We know we should use it 
Guilt also comes in the form of "should's." We should use our treadmill. We should wear that expensive suit. A lot of times we buy special or nice things and then only use them for good, which is usually very rare or we forget about them when we are preparing for a special occasion.

#4 It was a gift 
Even if our least favorite aunt gives us a hideous lamp for the holidays, something we would never put out, we keep it in a closet, basement or storage unit. We feel it's mean to donate something that someone put thought and money into, even though we hate it. So the guilt keeps us hanging onto it.

#5 It reminds us of better times 
We hold onto stuff from our past, most of which has no monetary, but a sentimental value. Keeping a few small items isn't a big deal, but when we feel we need to keep everything from our carefree college days or all the love letters we've ever received, it can take up a lot of space and emotional energy.

Being unwilling to part with things that remind us of happier times can be a red flag that we aren't happy with our current situation.

Everyone feels emotional when going through their stuff to de-clutter. It's natural, so when you experience this, don't beat yourself up. Just be aware that even though they are just things, we are typically connected to them in various ways because of the emotions that we have attached to them.

Prepare for Your Windfall

I know a person who was interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show many years ago. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to leverage the publicity from the show because he wasn't prepared for the windfall of attention.

He didn't have enough of his books printed (on the topic he spoke about on the show) to keep up with the sales demand generated from his guest appearance. So he learned an expensive lesson in more ways than one.

Are you ready and prepared for your business to grow as fast as you'd like?

Preparing for your desired manifestation is powerful for several reasons.

1. You are giving your goal energy, which creates a magnetic pull between you and the goal. 
2. It makes your life easier once the goal has manifested. 
3. It sets a joyful mood so that you are aligning with all of your goals. A good mood attracts good stuff.

Preparing for your windfall of success means you have to be clear about what you want, always seeing the end in mind. And you have to keep it in the front of your mind and adding to it and building in the vibration that you want to feel as a result.

Then you have to imagine what you want after that. If your goal is to double your income in the next six months, imagine having the money pouring into your bank account.

  • How will you spend it?
  • Do you have a spending plan?
  • Do you need to open additional savings accounts?
  • Will you be investing money back into your business?
  • Will you need more support?
  • Are you going to give your website a makeover?
  • Do you know who will do the work and what you want it to look like?
  • Do you have systems in place to handle the new volume of business?
  • Do you plan on vacationing? Do you know where, with who and when?
  • Do you need to make arrangements for your home, pets and business when you leave?

Act as if it is so, and you'll make choices along the way to support a constant flow of abundance. Make your present-moment decisions based on your future success.

The planning will end up being as exciting as the actual manifestation! And, of course, the manifestation will come faster as a result of you having fun on the journey!

What are the first 3 things you want to have ready when your windfall arrives on your doorstep?

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here:

How Your Mindset Is Holding Your Money Hostage As a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Did you know that there is a connection between your mindset and your money? What goes on in your head can show up in your financial life. And it can be difficult for your income level to rise higher than your level of thinking. If you think abundant thoughts you can manifest financial abundance, but if you think consistent thoughts of scarcity it can affect your ability to attract and manifest money.

For many spiritual entrepreneurs it is challenging to get past the subconscious and often hidden beliefs that are driving their money behaviors. Those subconscious and often hidden beliefs show up as being afraid to ask for the desired fees, feeling guilty about charging for services, attracting the wrong type of clients, working with clients who don't value your services or your time, feeling discouraged, and even sadly business failure. But that doesn't have to be your story.

Unleashing the right mindset can be extremely beneficial for you. When you have the right mindset you are confident, you are unstoppable, you are growing financially, and your business is prospering. If you don't have the right mindset it can literally keep your money trapped in the unseen realm. But when you have the right mindset it can connect the physical realm to the unseen realm and cause money to show up in an amazing way.

Having the right mindset also means that you are willing to do what needs to be done so that you can attract and manifest your financial desires. This could be creating profit pulling programs, overcoming the fear of speaking in front of groups, unleashing courageous confidence when it comes to the money conversation with your clients, breaking through money pain, and more. When you think on a higher level you can live on a higher level.

For many years I struggled with having the right mindset for many reasons. But once I began to think differently and believe differently I felt phenomenal on the inside and I saw changes in my life and business on the outside. I have studied the mind for many years in academic settings, but nothing prepared me for mindset success like my life experiences. Our minds are critical when it comes to success. And what we continue to think eventually shows up in our lives, our businesses, and our bank accounts.

As a spiritual entrepreneur it is important for you to replace any way of thinking that is not supporting your money goals with the right way of thinking. Aligning your mindset with your money goals can save your business. If you are feeling frustrated in your business and ready to give up, don't. There is a great chance that transforming your mindset can be the thing that propels your business in the right direction. You were called to be a business owner and your services are valuable. So up-level your mindset and up-level your money. It's time!

Message From the Universe: Abundance Is Right Around the Corner!

"The funny thing is that once you know you're actually "good to financially coast" for the rest of your days, as if on one very long vacation, coasting becomes the last thing you'd ever want to do.

And happily, of all the new things you'd get busy doing with your newfound abundance, there's not a one of them you can't at least begin or prepare to begin, right now.

See you at the bank, 
The Universe"

Abundance is ONLY available in the eye of the beholder. Abundance can mean anything and everything. We all see things differently, so abundance for you can be health while for someone else it can be money. Whatever it is for you, look at it and feel that you are already experiencing this wealth. Even if you are not drowning in a mountain of money, feel like you are and you will believe that it is happening. I am not saying to be delusional at all, but take actions towards your visual abundance. Look into the Universe and be clear to what you want. You have to be concise, direct and explain with your thoughts the different ways that you will use to reach your dream. The Universe will listen, do not worry about that at all. Be patient and everything will come to fruition.

There is so much out in the Universe to explore and so many other adventures are waiting on you to experience. Learn to go with the flow, do not expect perfection with everything you do. Keep moving forward, no matter what happens. You don't need to have the planets align the right way for you to take action. We always go with the mantra: "I will do this ONLY when I have this", "Or will get a new job when I finish school" and so on and so forth. Just do it like Microsoft. Do you think they wait for their OS to work glitch free before they launch it out to the public? Guess what? You are their testers. That is what their benefit. Why will they pay testers high money when they have YOU, their customers. You buy the product and experience tons of glitches to finally report it to the Microsoft team. It's free labor to them. Best deal on Earth. So when you have something in mind, just go for it and deal with the obstacles, or you will end up accomplishing absolutely nothing in life.!&id=9523077

Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be (By Sergei VanBellinghen)

When you want to be somebody nobody thought you could be, you should feel inspired by other's successes. But numerous people feel envious or jealous, even becoming bitter towards successful individuals. However, through sheer determination, you can create a life full of achievements.
Would you choose to create success for yourself or let envy define it for you? How can you push forward to become a successful you? Is someone else's success making you envious? Are you ready to make things happen in your life?

We all feel the need to prove to the world that we could become the person we want to be and realize our dreams. But first, to do this, you have to believe you can be somebody at any time. You just have to decide to make it so through hard work, persistence, determination, and conviction.

Age is and can never be a barrier! When other people think that you could not be somebody, you have to make their perception wrong. You need to push yourself to the limits, proving you have what it takes to make whatever you choose to do.

So, when someone achieves a goal, becomes successful, gets praised or makes a lot of money, you have a choice to be bitter, or you to feel inspired by their accomplishments.

Get Inspired Instead of Jealous
While growing up, in the former Soviet Union, I was an athlete who participated in competitions like horse vaulting and horse racing. You have to learn swiftly, that to be somebody, you have to copy, study and acquire the skills to beat the best.

You have to practice, train and push yourself to surmount the barriers in your way, keep going after failures arise and resist the fears and doubts you might have. It is hard when you always compare yourself to others, but even harder when your coach compares you to someone else and criticizes all you do.

Yet, when you look at it, it is how life is. No matter the world you live in! You are always in competition with other people because you are relating to someone else and what they have achieved.

However, to be somebody nobody thought you could be, you need to look in the mirror and see that your only competition is you. Therefore, you have to learn to turn other's successes to your advantage and let it be an inspiration instead of some threat and intimidation.

Push Yourself to Be Somebody
In school, I never was the smartest one in the room, unless it was biology class. I was pretty quiet and bright, but never the most intelligent one. I quit standard schooling at the age of fourteen because I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I was going to be a sports athlete since I began riding horses at the tender age of three.

Therefore, many people were against my decision, and some of them even hoped I would fail. So I let that hatred motivate me to be somebody. I was going to push myself and fight for what I wanted. And that is the way I succeeded in most of the things I undertook over the years.

So, you have to put yourself out there and take a chance. Your dreams can come true if you believe beyond the shadow of doubt and work without ever giving up. It does not matter if it is something you want for years; it can finally become yours, even when others try to knock you down.

Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be
I was often told that I would amount to a significant zero because I quit formal education and began to travel. I still had some schooling in between competitions, and I read a lot. What hurt me the most is when I discovered that most of the people I called relatives and friends laughed and doubted my success.

I even questioned myself. Could I ever be somebody? Maybe I am not as smart as I think I am. Doubt and fear had entered my mind, and I did not like the feeling. So, I decided to change the odds in my favor.

You have to make it clear in your mind that your success is being negatively judged and predicted by other people, and that is only their opinion of you, not yours.

Prove People Wrong
So, to prove people wrong and to be somebody, you need to work hard and show yourself you are good enough. You could arrive early at work for example. In all the jobs I had, I always came 1 hour before my shift started, often before any supervisors would get in.

I came in just to get better ready, memorize or learn things, read what I missed on the days I was not present and make sure to have the advantage over the best ones. You have to believe and want to be the best at what you are doing.

To be somebody, you need to want to succeed at one hundred percent.

The Journey to Be Somebody
My journey in life led me to become an entrepreneur. It changed my outlook regarding which path I should consider taking. Success is never an easy path because you always face obstacles and failures.

You will face countless losses on the road but the thought of, being somebody nobody thought you could be, acts as a fuel lighting the fire.

Another valuable advice I could give you is to surround yourself with confident and ambitious people, and you will become just like them. When you want to be somebody, you have to work hard and be persistent, day-in and day-out. You might call it crazy or obsessed, but I call it determination.

You only fail when you quit! You may consider that there is no way around an obstacle, barrier or wall during your journey to be somebody but all things in life are a risk. Without action, there is no change and always seems impossible until it is done by someone else. Wouldn't you instead think it could be you?

Be Somebody's Final Word
So yes, just like me, you may not be the smartest of the bunch, but you can make sure you are the one working the hardest in the room. If you want to be somebody, success should be something you take seriously. And do not let anyone's pessimistic point of view on your future success bring you down.

As a result, to be as successful as any other entrepreneur out there, you have to get motivated by their successes. You need to challenge those who oppose you or believe what you can and cannot do. Be somebody nobody thought you could be. And the next time you see someone succeeding, let them inspire you to do the same.

What Questions Are You Asking Yourself? Are Your Questions Present? Pleasant? Possibility?

Imagine, you are in a meeting with a couple of your colleagues and upper management, you are feeling confident about your expertise and knowledge and you chime in.

Right as you land, your colleague whom you deem a 'friend' blurts out "no, that's not going to work! This is a better idea."

How dare her? How could she 'betray' you this way? She really must not be a friend, she's trying to sabotage me. Why didn't I just wait? Why does this always happen to me? - You find yourself barraged with questions, thoughts, feelings.

Within a few short minutes, you leave the room - not physically but mentally. The meeting is still happening in the room yet you are in another meeting going on in your head. This is common and natural.

A part of your brain has signaled there's a threat around (threat of feeling unaccepted/unapproved) and the more you stay in your head, the more your memory system begins to kick in and dig up similar but not same situations and with it comes the uncomfortable, defeated feelings. So, you begin questioning yourself and making up stories in "your head."

Furthermore, there's a chance that the relationship between you and your colleague that spoke up in the meeting is threatened not because of her speaking up yet because of the stories and the questions that are conjuring up in your head.

How do you get out of your head? And return to the room, mentally? There are a couple of steps you can take in the moment.

For starters, you want to notice that all the stories and questions going on in your head is simply fear trying to protect you and keep you safe. You are separate for it. Knowing that alone will make you feel better.

Then, let's move to questions - If you are going to ask yourself questions, make them empowering questions as opposed to dis empowering questions because your brain cannot leave a question unanswered and in that moment of feeling unsafe, the answers it gives you are not necessarily empowering.

Think about Questions for a minute?

What did you have for dinner last night?

How did you feel in that meeting before you shared your idea?

What happened after you shared your idea?

What do you think will happen with your relationship with your colleague?

How are you feeling now?

Notice that with each question, you are taken into different times, different moments, almost a journey of sort. Essentially, questions are like a guidance system - they direct you. They drive the focus.

So when you dwell in why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong? How could she do this to me? That is where your focus will live and as I said, your brain will give you answers from a dis-empowering standpoint because you are 'feeling' unsafe and threatened.

Colin Hiles, founder of The Mindset Coach talks about how you can shift your focus by keeping your questions, Present, Pleasant, Possible. If you applied this model to the situation above, you get something like this:


What am I feeling right now? What's happening right now?

This brings you into the very present and gets you back to your body, brings you back to the room.


What could be good about this?

In the moment, the brain might answer you with 'Nothing' - Then ask it again and again. Essentially, you want to find gratitude in the situation and believe me there is always something to be thankful for. Perhaps, it could be the new idea your colleague just offered up after yours sparked up another idea. However, spending your time in your head and not in the meeting, there's a great chance you will miss it and not to mention be clouded by the noise in your head as well. Find the Gratitude.


What would happen if... my idea were accepted? What could happen if my colleague... and I could brainstorm some more together?

You want to keep your questions expansive, i.e. questions that will challenge you to expand and grow. According to Colin, A good method is to take the question "What would happen if... " and include the opposite of what you are upset about.

This opens you up, shifts your focus to even finding more solutions to whatever is happening in the moment and It helps you expand.

So next time you are getting all bent out of shape and upset, ask yourself "

'What questions are you asking yourself?'

And apply this method of asking questions.

Are your questions Present? Pleasant? Possibility?

Money And Power: Master The Games

Start with the smallest unit of power and end with the largest units of power. Work with everything from atoms, groups of atoms, energy and money to understand all of power for, indeed, life and existence are mentally controlled, not mentally created. When you seriously consider things, a primacy of competitive consciousness does not work, but the primacy of creative reality does work. The primacy of creative reality is what this article will be about.

Sure, I can say the standard, you have to work hard, get lucky and all else will be added argument, but, that would not go with the primacy of reality argument I have in any way.

We all have temporary setbacks or failures until we do genuinely succeed succinctly and fully with full understanding of what we are doing and why. Why is that? It is because of the primacy of creative reality I am writing about. Let me explain:

Life is like a combination lock, if you do not put in the right combination numbers into the lock, you cannot open the lock with the tumbler in the lock whatever you try. Sure you can break the lock, but the lock is still not legitimately opened. Indeed, when you understand the combination, it is genuinely time to open the lock and succeed. When you do not know the combination, it is not time. Sure, this sounds like a bit of Oriental philosophy and "belly button contemplation", but this is how the primacy of reality really does work. Without that understanding, nothing is done, nothing is created, and all reality will not work as desired or needed.

So, let me explain something here: I am seemingly being vague to make you think about reality in a different creative way and I am explaining this fact here after I wrote the bulk of the article to give you that "Oh, I get it!" feeling that makes you put together the pieces of the puzzle coherently and consciously. Sure, I could be less vague, more "organized" and more obvious. Indeed, I would be depriving you of finding your own answers and genuinely appreciating them genuinely.

To win the games, you must play yourself, and blaze a trail of your own with help that is genuinely understood, appreciated and consciously accepted. Otherwise, all you can say is "What is this?" without getting the clue at all. After all, applied knowledge consciously used is power. Knowledge without consciousness is just a useless dusty encyclopedia that never gets used.

Letting Go Of Self-Limiting Beliefs - Things Will Be Okay

Self-limiting beliefs are the untruths many of us use to give us direction in life. Until you begin changing core beliefs, finding happiness and being successful certainly will be limited.

Belief may release you from self-imprisonment, like the belief from the heart you are protected by your true free will.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, "It's the plan of the Universe."

In previous articles I told you about my feeling of being trapped and how to escape the darkness I was in while waiting to be arrested for felony charges.

It was over a foolish securities violation, a line I crossed in my practice as a financial advisor of 25 years. I 'd be sentenced to a 10 year prison term.

How to Just Let Go

After sitting there a while, watching the sun reflect on the water, I realized that I had been my own prisoner and that I needed to changing core beliefs that were self-limiting.

I saw that changing core beliefs was necessary, because it was as though I had believed all along I was sentenced to my body, as if it were a prison cell.

The only thing that had bound me was my self-limiting beliefs that the prison door was locked, and that a frightening guard was stationed there, making sure I didn't rise up and leave-- and that I must remain this way until I died.

I thought to myself, Man, all I need to do is begin changing core beliefs in these things, and the door swings open.

I have never really been under guard and bound at all.

I couldn't believe that all my life I 'd been allowing my body to be a self-imposed limitation that kept me from who I am truly meant to be-- more so, who I need to be.

Before I opened the door to go inside the house, I looked back over my shoulder for another glance at the beautiful lake.

By changing core beliefs things and events were going to happen that simply had to be, but you will be OK, the voice within assured me.

I went into the house, put on some clothes, made a pot of coffee, and sat for a few minutes while contemplating changing core beliefs, and then decided to take a walk around the lake.

I admired the gracefulness of the deer as they leaped into the wooded acreage adjacent to the lake.

I believe because I decided to begin changing core beliefs I found this awe of nature to be an excitement on that particular morning, I guess because of my lifelong fondness for these creations of God.

Now about forty or fifty yards or so from my house, I noticed a county sheriff squad car sitting at the end of my driveway.

He gently and politely handcuffed me, guided me into the back seat. This was the last time I would ever see my home on the lake.

To letting go of false beliefs!

How Is Your Relationship With Money As a Spiritual Entrepreneur? (By Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez, Ph.D)


In life we tend to focus on how our relationship is with God, with our family, with our friends, and even with those who aren't really that relevant in our lives. But how many times do we actually take the time to think about how our relationship is with money? Is it a healthy relationship or is it an unhealthy relationship? Or do we even really know? And why should we even care?

Having a healthy relationship with money is important because it puts us in a powerful position to attract an abundance of it. Having an unhealthy relationship with money is a block to manifesting prosperity and living an abundant life. There are many reasons why we develop a unhealthy relationship with money, and many of the reasons are buried deep down in our subconscious which means sadly we are not even aware that they are there... driving our money mindset and blocking our divine inheritance.

I know not everyone wants to be a 6-figure earner or become a millionaire. But I believe that each one of us deserves to live a life that does not mainly consist of money stress. Money stress is one of the worst types of stress to have. I have been there and it is no fun.

Years and years ago I used to be a single mother of 5 children living on welfare. I struggled and was barely making it. I stayed in survival mode. I had to have a mindset shift or else I was not going to make it emotionally or mentally. I had a burning desire to live a better life financially and to be a better provider for my children. I learned the divine principles of prosperity and everything in my life shifted in a more prosperous direction.

Now, I am a firm believer that true prosperity is not just financial prosperity. It is prosperity in every area... emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually as well. But for this article I am referring to financial prosperity. And prosperity is not a bad word. Prosperity is something that we all deserve. I have lived at the bottom of the barrel and now I am blessed to live a much higher quality of life, and I can honestly say that I feel much better and I am much happier. But that is because I have received abundance in all areas of my life, so I am blessed to experience total life fulfillment, which is the true definition of wealth.

Understanding your relationship with money is important if you want to prosper financially, because what goes on in your mind shows up in your money. If you want to manifest more money then you have to develop the right mindset to support your desires. Many spiritual entrepreneurs can't manifest their financial desires because there is an ingrained way of thinking that is acting as repellant to money manifestation.

I understand personally how our money mindset can make or break our ability to attract and manifest money. From my religious upbringing, to feeling guilty about wanting a better life financially, to having a poverty consciousness... I understand it all. But you have what it takes to break through the wrong money mindset and unleash an abundant and empowering mindset that can take you to the next level financially.

How The Law of Attraction Can Improve Your Life

In life, there are a lot of different things that can positively affect your life. You may not immediately think of certain things, but it's true. For instance, you're not going to find many people scoff at the notion of eating right and exercising. In fact, this is the premier thing that you can do for your body. It helps with weight loss, management, and can even stabilize mood. It's something that can absolutely pay off in a lot of different ways. The body can be mended and helped with exercise, but what about the mind? People may find that the mind is a difficult thing to really work on, especially when it comes to getting a handle of anxiety, and more. To elevate the mood, you may want to look at why and how the Law of Attraction can help.

The Problem With Negativity

The first thing that you are going to find to be true is that millions of people are negative. Just turn on a television and you will be hit with a lot of news and updates that are absolutely problematic. There's nothing good that can come from manifesting this into your life. Millions of people are dwelling on the wrong things, and they are starting to see themselves get sick as a result. If you don't cast aside the elements that are anything but positive, you will start to slowly weigh yourself down. When you're dwelling on things that are outside of your control, you will no longer have positivity in your life, and that can be problematic. The law focuses on removing these issues and building up your self-esteem, confidence and more.

An Outward Change

One of the premier things that the Law of Attraction does is it makes you a bit more jovial. When you go into work, when you talk to others, and when you are just living your life, you're going to exhibit a great deal of outward happiness. This beautiful update will allow you to become more popular, and people gravitate towards that. You'll be surprised by how much a smile can change the way that people see you. Imagine walking into your work smiling, laughing, and enjoying the day. That's the kind of positivity that is infectious, and it's part of the notion of attraction overall.

The Big Question

The biggest question that you will no doubt ask is simple, does this work for everyone? The short answer is absolutely, yes. However, it doesn't happen overnight. If you're going to make a lifestyle change, you need to work on it slowly so that you can see a great amount of momentum come your way. If you expect changes to occur permanently, over 24 hours, you will not get moving forward. However, if you take your time, and you work through the positive elements that are necessary, you will end up in a whole new world of positivity. Test this out a bit and see why so many are seeking out attraction instead of dwelling on the negative elements that can manifest in life.

Manifestation Secrets

The power of the universe lies in your own mind

Manifestation might seem easy and natural for some but hard for many. Have you ever heard of the phrase "Baby Luck"? Yes, when you were young you may find yourself a lot luckier than you are now as an adult. It was like the universe responded more to you at a younger age than to your current age. The older we grow, the tougher life seems to be. That is natural as we have unknowingly developed negativities and ego along the way in every life experience. Those negative thoughts and ego you built up have blocked you from getting what you want. It gives you doubt in everything you plan to do, clouds your mind, and finally weakens your spirit.

Fear & Disbelief

Even for the people who seem most confident when talking or acting may hide their self-doubt, disbelief, and fear deep in their minds. Those feelings obstruct them from achieving their goals and be the best version of themselves. They become more worried about how they would feel if they fail instead of focusing on achieving their goals. And the universe responds to that fear and manifest it accordingly.

Ego & Arrogance

On the other hand, being arrogant and possess too big an ego would not help with successful manifestation either. People with big ego see nothing more than themselves. They miss all the needed details required for a successful manifestation. Manifesting what you desire requires sensory details. You need to visualize it, feel it, hear it. The clearer the image of what you desire, the faster it would manifest itself to you.

Insight meditation to increase awareness

Practicing your awareness can help you realize negativities before letting it consume you. We may find we screw things up for ourselves just because we let temper take the better of us. When angry, we can not think clearly and tend to say things we would regret later. Even when we don't say anything, negativities arising in our mind emit negative energy to the universe. That energy will attract the same back to us. That explains why we mostly have an unpleasant day when we start our day in a bad mood. Insight meditation helps us aware of any feeling that comes to mind. We can observe it without judging or labelling. No like or dislike. When we put no fuel, no emotion to it, we will see a strong feeling finally die down or dissolve itself after a while. That would leave your mind with the positive thought or at least the neutral feeling.

Stay positive!

All it takes for you to get what you want out of life is to learn to communicate with the universe, with your inner self, with you subconscious mind. Always stay pleasant and you will emit positive vibe around you that would send a signal to the universe and attract more good things into your life, like a magnet. You need to be crystal clear about what you want, able to visualize it, feel it, and commit to it to let the universe know that is what you want. You then vibrate the right energy to the universe, and the law of attraction will work the magic for you.

Message From the Universe: Do the Best With What You Have

"The reason trees are so good at time management is because they do one thing at a time to the very best of their ability.

Well, they do -
The Universe"

We are all masters of our own trade, either be doctors, lawyers, engineers, dentist, and so on and so forth. We focus our best to learn more about what we don't know to become better professionals. You will see a physician finishing his shift at the ER to catch a bus and attend to his brick laying job right? You wouldn't want that doctor treating you in case of emergency at any point in time? Practice makes perfect, and that applies with everything in life. Learn to be the best you can be, with everything you put your mind to. If you love music, just go and practice as much as you can until you become an expert at it and hopefully be a part of a band and tour the world.

Apply yourself in your career, your relationships, your family, friends, and everything else that requires your time and energy. Nothing in life will come easy, well, at least, the things are are worth it. Learn to be patient, and always be grateful of the outcome. Things may not always render the expected results but as long as you have given all you got to get to where you want to be, there is no reason to have any regrets. Love life as much as you can and appreciate the things that comes with it. Life is to short so make sure you enjoy every moments you have with yourself, your loved ones and everyone else you want to share it with. Be generous and spread the joy.

Money Doesn't Buy Happiness, Or Does It?

There are many lies in the world that are meant to keep you limited and destroy your ambition. One of the big ones is; 'money doesn't buy happiness.' The way this article turned out, I would like to ask you, if you do not like what you are reading, just read the last three paragraphs, and then you may see that this is not what it appears.

This is meant to make you feel that money is not worth striving for because money will not make you happy. But the whole truth, although that first sentence is true, the whole truth is that money does alleviate about 99.9% of your problems.

If you list all the problems you have in your life, and in the lives of almost everyone alive, try to find anything that having enough money would not fix.

If you eliminate your problems, you will be happier because happiness is a natural state, and problems disturb the natural state as wind disturbs a still lake. By eliminating the problems in your life, the natural state will return, which is peace and happiness.

Therefore, money does buy happiness by virtue of it buying the solution to your problems.

I know, many people are saying how rich people are still unhappy, or that you have some problems money cannot solve.

My response is that you just have not thought hard enough and with an open enough mind to see how money can solve just about anything. Rich people still suffer for a similar reason poor people suffer, because they create so many other problems for themselves, wanting more and more, never having enough. Wanting more does not change regardless of how much you have.

This is quite interesting because it shows how humans love to suffer. If you get one problem fixed, you find something else to worry about. For example, if you are in perfect health, you buy insurance and live in a country with good medical care just in case you get sick even if you can move somewhere you like better.

I am talking about someone smart enough to have enough money to solve their problems and wise enough to be satisfied with what they have.

If your problem is you are single and lonely, money can make you more physically attractive with a new wardrobe or other material ways. It allows you the freedom not to have to work so you can spend time taking care of your nutrition and exercise to be in better shape and more attractive. It allows you to travel and join events to meet more interesting people, or devote yourself to a charity where you can meet other people who are also more sincere than materialists in business.

But most importantly, it makes you feel free and confident so your whole energy and aura is more attractive rather than someone who is miserable because they have to slave at a job to pay the bills.

If everyone thought this way, we would all be striving much harder to achieve success and take that seriously, take our life seriously, so we could get that freedom. Thus we would not be able to be controlled and do the menial tasks that need to be done in this world, and that would be a problem for everyone.

'Money can't buy happiness' is a very common saying that shows us how there is so much subtle manipulation in so many thoughts and beliefs in our world which control us. This, as I often say, happens through our religious and cultural beliefs, concepts which are long outdated and created for our manipulation rather than our benefit. Which is of course another lie, telling you that it is for your own good.

Be humble, the meek shall inherit the earth, it's easier to pass a rope through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting into heaven, on and on it goes. Be poor, be simple, and just do your menial job and collect the rubbish, sweep the floors, be a servant to the rich.

Imagine a world in which no one would work in garbage collection? That one simple job is the most vital task for our cities being able to function and not become a stinking, dirty, disease breeding ground. Who would serve the clients in the restaurant, or wash the dishes?

I have chosen this one saying as the example, but please do consider everything, every saying that is so called, in your best interest. Basically I am telling you to doubt and examine objectively every single thing your parents, society and especially religions have taught. Especially the ones that they say are for your own good because they love you so much.

You must examine every single opinion and belief you have in such a thorough manner that you find the truth about it instead of leaving it as a half truth and not seeing the other half which is the lie. Only this way can you find true freedom.

The end result is that you will discover the whole truth, which does not mean you will find everything to be a lie, although you may, but you will find the second half of the saying, and then the puzzle becomes complete, and that puzzle is actually a road map to freedom, success, happiness, love, spirituality and, emotional freedom.

"Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly can alleviate almost every problem you have."

That is the whole truth, and with that in mind, may your life take a turn for the better with both your eyes open, and bring a fire of hope of a bright and happy future to every moment of your life.,-Or-Does-It?&id=9543043

The Peaceful Path to Abundance

Shall we discover our purpose and share our talents with the world? Shall we find joy? Know love? And be rewarded with all the fruits that come from our efforts?

It is a richness of abundance that is not for the precious few, but the birthright for all who dare to claim it. And it's closer than we think. All we need to do is welcome this abundance into our lives. And it begins with peace.

Fortunately, peace lives within each of us. It is a tiny seed ready to sprout for those willing to recognize that we are each 100% responsible for the realities we create, and that no matter what happens in our surrounding world, we should always begin each day with the simple truth that "peace begins with me."

We call this the peaceful path to abundance. And it's waiting for you.

It is a perfect path where we can all love what we do, and do what brings us joy and meaning. And on this perfect path, life is easy because we're using our unique talents and following our individual truths. It is a path where we can attract all the money and resources we need, but without hurting or taking advantage of others. Instead, we shall choose love and acceptance, both for others and ourselves. It is a boundless road where we have the freedom to think and perceive in different ways-and to create the life we imagine.

We must simply turn on the light and let go and let God, instead of reacting, engaging and repeating the destructive memories and patterns that lead to spiritual bankruptcy.

Turning on the light is what we do when we practice the Ho'oponopono "cleaning." Ho'oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Applying very easy and effective tools, we can all let go and allow Love (God) to erase those unwanted memories-the beliefs, opinions, and judgments that keep us from an abundant life. As this clear inspiration flows into our lives, we are gifted with the right ideas and perfect solutions to create the abundance we desire. The beautiful thing is, this works for everyone. What's more, whatever gets erased from us will get erased from our families, relatives, and ancestors.

After all, the Peaceful Path to Abundance is meant for everybody.

Join us as we each work toward our own personal transformation, as we each plant the seeds for more happiness, peace and abundance in our lives, so we can collectively create a happier and more peaceful world.

Let us each remember that Peace Begins With ME. Peace within is world Peace.

Do You Confuse Motion With Progress?

Why is it when you go to put stuff away the item never seems to end up, or stay, where it belongs? You definitely remember you had that item in your arms, piled high with other stuff, and yet, where-oh-where did it go?

The towels for the bathroom are nowhere near the shower when you step out. The linen cupboard crammed full of everything BUT towels. You shake your dripping wet head in amazement -- How did the pile of bills and magazines end up in there?

And, where did the fresh, new bottle of cleaning spray go? It's certainly not under the sink where it was supposed to be. Oh, but I did find the shampoo and nail polish I bought weeks ago and couldn't find.

You know how it goes -- you begin in one room, closet, or drawer, and before you know it, you've got the entire house in an uproar of clutter and piles. Nothing is where it is supposed to be, and every room you enter, you find more things that need to go elsewhere.

Like that junk drawer in the kitchen which has everything in it you didn't know what to do with so you stuffed it in there. Batteries, rubber bands, pencils, hair clips, light bulbs, nail clippers, toothpicks, scotch tape, tools, recipes, warranties, and the list goes on. A mind numbing jumble of unrelated stuff.

Then you realize, as you spin round and round that every room is much like the junk drawer -- a mind numbing jumble of unrelated stuff. And, nothing seems to be where it is supposed to be.

In fact, you don't have a clue, any longer, what things need to go where. Your mind races with the craziness of how hard you work to keep up with it -- and, the hours and hours you have already spent organizing, storing, tossing, or hiding it.

How did it get so out of control and unorganized so quickly? I'm pretty sure, you say to yourself, that I have been constantly putting things away or tossing them.

All that busyness and yet, so little to show for it.

Is it possible that you may have confused constant motion and busyness with true progress? Maybe you have made the same mistake many of us have, which is to assume that motion is equal to productive action.

It really is a common mistake and so easy to kid ourselves into believing we really are making progress.

How can you tell if you are? Ask yourself this one simple question -- And, be honest, this isn't a test -- Is my destination getting any closer?

You might have to redefine what being productive really is and what it means to you. And, in doing so, consider doing only those things that have more of an impact on your predetermined outcome.

Which assumes you have decided, planned, and are clear on your outcome. But, what if you aren't clear on that? Well, then, begin there. That would be your first productive action. To get crystal clear on what it is you want it to be or desire it to look like.

Beware... the minute you decide to focus and take productive action, you'll most likely trip upon and experience these five saboteurs. They will definitely throw you off track.

Saboteur #1. Sedatives. Those things that numb you out. I'm not talking about what might be your favorite drug of choice here, but all the other things that sedate. Activities like social media, television watching, talking on the telephone, playing games, or even reading a book. Notice which ones are your favorites and be alert when they crop up and steal your progress.

Saboteur #2. Bright Shiny Objects. Or, as my friend used to say, "Look, there's a chicken!" In other words, anything that distracts and catches your attention which seems far more enlightening than what you are currently working upon. An example of this, when it comes to tidying up, is seeking out and buying that perfect container to help you organize. You haven't even gotten clear on the outcome or begun to purge, and yet, off and running you go to the container store.

Saboteur #3. Dreamland. You spend hours and hours dreaming of what it will look like and never actually take productive action steps to get it. There hangs the vision board you created and yet, you are no closer to the vision upon it. Don't get me wrong, dreaming and planning (and a vision board) is a necessary and most critical first step. However, at some point you need to take an action step to achieve it.

Saboteur #4. Information Seeker. You are driven to seek and gather more and more information or inspiration before you even begin. And, the gathering never ends. You take yet another class or workshop, read another 'how-to' book, or watch another video, AND you never take a single step closer to the outcome you desired.

Saboteur #5. Resistance. Every step of the way you encounter opposition, defiance, and roadblocks. That could be frustration, fatigue, anger, or other dramatic events that stop you. Most likely it will be your mind shouting at you, "This is taking way too long. I'll never get it done. This is hopeless! This is way too hard."

No matter which saboteur shows up -- most likely all five at some point or another -- recognize it for what it is. Discomfort. Or, maybe even fear.

Unfortunately, there are no magic answers to keep away discomfort and fear. However, the best and most valuable guidance that I can give you to overcome the saboteurs, is what I was given to guide me. Two, simple ideas.

First -- Get comfortable with uncomfortable. Anything worthwhile in life is going to press your comfort zone. Take a deep breath, acknowledge it feels downright awful, and keep on going.

Second -- Do it afraid. When fear rears its ugly head, face it, deny it, and keep on diving in. Just like the boogeyman under the bed, seldom is it real.

And, in turn, as you chase away those saboteurs, you will experience how purposeful action is the best way to get rid of clutter and stay tidy.

How Is Where You Have Been Contributing To Where You Are Going?

Let me be clear at the outset - I'm not referring here to your last and next vacation.

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Everyone knows what yesterday brought them. So, the real question of life is simply - how do we use what yesterday offered to help us get where life wants us to be tomorrow?

There are lots of ways to consider this topic - relationships, careers, businesses, health issues, financial concerns etc. I don't have the time or ability to talk about each of these in a meaningful way so let me stick with a few general concepts.

-Does the past pre-determine our future? 
-Can we change course after many years of charting the same direction? 
-Should we even consider a new course direction later in life? 
-What are the challenges if we do decide it's time for a new direction? 
-What are the benefits and finally what are the consequences?

Does the past pre-determine our future?

I don't care if you are in your twenties or eighties - previous actions, thoughts, decisions, outcomes, beliefs, prejudices etc. all contribute to tomorrow, next week, next year and the next decade. There is no way to prevent this. I could go into all the psychological and spiritual reasons for this but suffice it to say - history repeats itself unless we make dramatic changes to our thought patterns, mindsets and willingness to learn and change behaviors, decision process, habits, expectations and self-accountability.

There are three areas where the past dictates - often even control our future; 
The need for approval or validation from others.

Low self-esteem.

An out of control ego.

Got any of the three? I know during my life I have often struggled with repetitive life, career, business etc. mistakes and for the life of me couldn't figure out why. Wrong!!

I really wasn't ready to face up to my weaknesses for a variety of reasons. So, you ask, what gives you the right to write this article? Great question. Want an answer - nothing, but I'm writing it anyway because with time and effort I am figuring this stuff out.

The future is a blank slate but it also has embedded in it some rules, rituals, beliefs, desires and fears. When any of these dominate our behavior or actions we will tend to continue them but I'm sure you've heard that old phrase - "To continue doing the same stuff and expecting different outcomes is a sign of insanity".

Does that mean those of us who make repetitive bad decisions or choices - are insane - well - maybe not worthy of an being in an institution but we sure could use some human training.

So - to answer the question for this subtopic - it's yes and no and it depends. Helpful? Probably not - so keep reading, hopefully by the end of the article you will have figured all you need to in order to - change or stay the same or just chill out and not care.

Can we change course after many years of charting the same direction?

Life is a lot like sailing. Years ago, I spent a lot of time in my sailboat "Rainbows End" and it (she) taught me a great deal about the past, present and future.

1) As long as the rudder (your brain) is working you can change course at any time.

2) As long as you have a wheel to turn (a willingness to learn, grow and or change) you can change course.

3) As long as the sails are up (you have desire) you can change course.

4) As long as there is wind (action/movement) you can change course.

5) As long as you have a compass or GPS or Map (life direction) you can change course.

It doesn't matter how old or young you are. Your gender is not an issue. Your race, education or upbringing are not factors. None of these matter UNLESS you let them in some way manipulate you and/or your future.

Let me close this subtopic with two favorite quotes from some mentors during my life. "Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans." "We are here for a little while then we are somewhere else forever. So, decide how you want to spend them both and how they relate to each other before it's too late."

Should we even consider a new course direction later in life?

How does one decide if it's time for a new life direction? And if so, what should that be? What do I need to do? Where can I turn? Who or what can help or guide me? What if the new direction ends badly? Questions and more questions. Trust me - I've spent a great deal of time with these and many more but what are the answers to the most critical or demanding ones?

Is it time for a new direction? Feeling some inner stress, anxiety or emotions pulling at your heart, stomach or mind? Your inner voice screaming at you: "do something."

Your spiritual inner guide or your Spirit tugging at your life trying to get your attention? Believe me - there are always signs that it's time for a change and usually they are masked in pain, struggle, uncertainty, regret, challenges even failure. The key is to pay attention and listen. I know - your pain doesn't speak English but trust me if you will listen to your inner cravings, fears, dreams, emotions and yes, your pain - it will guide you without using language but the real question is - do you follow your instinct and heart or do you pay more attention to your brain? Here/s the key - follow your heart in all matters and then let your mind get in step.

We will tend to only change when the pain becomes unbearable or the emotional rationales no longer make sense. If we wait too long however, the consequences could be devastating.

What are the challenges if we do decide it's time for a new direction?

Just because you change or start moving in another direction is no guarantee that things will improve or change quickly or easily or even at all.

Any change requires faith, patience, trust, courage, planning, action and resolve and without any one of these we can get derailed in a heartbeat. There are hundreds if not thousands of books on these topics so let me just address three of the common challenges.

Resistance - We tend to resist that which we are either uncomfortable with or have little knowledge or information about. To better manage resistance requires more accurate information, truth and facts about something or anything. The problem is with change is - that we may have these about the past but there is no way to have them accurately about the future which is why so many people fail to change.

Impatience - The number one contributor (not cause) of death is stress. The number one contributor to stress is impatience or the need for control. I don't care how smart you are, how wealthy you are or how old you are etc., you can never know everything or often anything about the future so the need to control it is essentially stupid, a waste of time or any other word you would like to use. This doesn't mean we shouldn't plan, have goals or dream but it does mean that we shouldn't get too attached to these.

Fear - Fear, what can I say - the single biggest issue that gets in the way of any and or all change. Want to stay stuck - keep letting fear rule your life.

What are the benefits and finally what are the consequences?

I'm going to let you do some of the work here. I don't pretend to have all the answers nor do I have the right to tell you how to live your life or why. So, it's your turn...