
Letting Go Of Self-Limiting Beliefs - Things Will Be Okay

Self-limiting beliefs are the untruths many of us use to give us direction in life. Until you begin changing core beliefs, finding happiness and being successful certainly will be limited.

Belief may release you from self-imprisonment, like the belief from the heart you are protected by your true free will.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, "It's the plan of the Universe."

In previous articles I told you about my feeling of being trapped and how to escape the darkness I was in while waiting to be arrested for felony charges.

It was over a foolish securities violation, a line I crossed in my practice as a financial advisor of 25 years. I 'd be sentenced to a 10 year prison term.

How to Just Let Go

After sitting there a while, watching the sun reflect on the water, I realized that I had been my own prisoner and that I needed to changing core beliefs that were self-limiting.

I saw that changing core beliefs was necessary, because it was as though I had believed all along I was sentenced to my body, as if it were a prison cell.

The only thing that had bound me was my self-limiting beliefs that the prison door was locked, and that a frightening guard was stationed there, making sure I didn't rise up and leave-- and that I must remain this way until I died.

I thought to myself, Man, all I need to do is begin changing core beliefs in these things, and the door swings open.

I have never really been under guard and bound at all.

I couldn't believe that all my life I 'd been allowing my body to be a self-imposed limitation that kept me from who I am truly meant to be-- more so, who I need to be.

Before I opened the door to go inside the house, I looked back over my shoulder for another glance at the beautiful lake.

By changing core beliefs things and events were going to happen that simply had to be, but you will be OK, the voice within assured me.

I went into the house, put on some clothes, made a pot of coffee, and sat for a few minutes while contemplating changing core beliefs, and then decided to take a walk around the lake.

I admired the gracefulness of the deer as they leaped into the wooded acreage adjacent to the lake.

I believe because I decided to begin changing core beliefs I found this awe of nature to be an excitement on that particular morning, I guess because of my lifelong fondness for these creations of God.

Now about forty or fifty yards or so from my house, I noticed a county sheriff squad car sitting at the end of my driveway.

He gently and politely handcuffed me, guided me into the back seat. This was the last time I would ever see my home on the lake.

To letting go of false beliefs!

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