
Money And Power: Master The Games

Start with the smallest unit of power and end with the largest units of power. Work with everything from atoms, groups of atoms, energy and money to understand all of power for, indeed, life and existence are mentally controlled, not mentally created. When you seriously consider things, a primacy of competitive consciousness does not work, but the primacy of creative reality does work. The primacy of creative reality is what this article will be about.

Sure, I can say the standard, you have to work hard, get lucky and all else will be added argument, but, that would not go with the primacy of reality argument I have in any way.

We all have temporary setbacks or failures until we do genuinely succeed succinctly and fully with full understanding of what we are doing and why. Why is that? It is because of the primacy of creative reality I am writing about. Let me explain:

Life is like a combination lock, if you do not put in the right combination numbers into the lock, you cannot open the lock with the tumbler in the lock whatever you try. Sure you can break the lock, but the lock is still not legitimately opened. Indeed, when you understand the combination, it is genuinely time to open the lock and succeed. When you do not know the combination, it is not time. Sure, this sounds like a bit of Oriental philosophy and "belly button contemplation", but this is how the primacy of reality really does work. Without that understanding, nothing is done, nothing is created, and all reality will not work as desired or needed.

So, let me explain something here: I am seemingly being vague to make you think about reality in a different creative way and I am explaining this fact here after I wrote the bulk of the article to give you that "Oh, I get it!" feeling that makes you put together the pieces of the puzzle coherently and consciously. Sure, I could be less vague, more "organized" and more obvious. Indeed, I would be depriving you of finding your own answers and genuinely appreciating them genuinely.

To win the games, you must play yourself, and blaze a trail of your own with help that is genuinely understood, appreciated and consciously accepted. Otherwise, all you can say is "What is this?" without getting the clue at all. After all, applied knowledge consciously used is power. Knowledge without consciousness is just a useless dusty encyclopedia that never gets used.

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