
How Is Your Relationship With Money As a Spiritual Entrepreneur? (By Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez, Ph.D)


In life we tend to focus on how our relationship is with God, with our family, with our friends, and even with those who aren't really that relevant in our lives. But how many times do we actually take the time to think about how our relationship is with money? Is it a healthy relationship or is it an unhealthy relationship? Or do we even really know? And why should we even care?

Having a healthy relationship with money is important because it puts us in a powerful position to attract an abundance of it. Having an unhealthy relationship with money is a block to manifesting prosperity and living an abundant life. There are many reasons why we develop a unhealthy relationship with money, and many of the reasons are buried deep down in our subconscious which means sadly we are not even aware that they are there... driving our money mindset and blocking our divine inheritance.

I know not everyone wants to be a 6-figure earner or become a millionaire. But I believe that each one of us deserves to live a life that does not mainly consist of money stress. Money stress is one of the worst types of stress to have. I have been there and it is no fun.

Years and years ago I used to be a single mother of 5 children living on welfare. I struggled and was barely making it. I stayed in survival mode. I had to have a mindset shift or else I was not going to make it emotionally or mentally. I had a burning desire to live a better life financially and to be a better provider for my children. I learned the divine principles of prosperity and everything in my life shifted in a more prosperous direction.

Now, I am a firm believer that true prosperity is not just financial prosperity. It is prosperity in every area... emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually as well. But for this article I am referring to financial prosperity. And prosperity is not a bad word. Prosperity is something that we all deserve. I have lived at the bottom of the barrel and now I am blessed to live a much higher quality of life, and I can honestly say that I feel much better and I am much happier. But that is because I have received abundance in all areas of my life, so I am blessed to experience total life fulfillment, which is the true definition of wealth.

Understanding your relationship with money is important if you want to prosper financially, because what goes on in your mind shows up in your money. If you want to manifest more money then you have to develop the right mindset to support your desires. Many spiritual entrepreneurs can't manifest their financial desires because there is an ingrained way of thinking that is acting as repellant to money manifestation.

I understand personally how our money mindset can make or break our ability to attract and manifest money. From my religious upbringing, to feeling guilty about wanting a better life financially, to having a poverty consciousness... I understand it all. But you have what it takes to break through the wrong money mindset and unleash an abundant and empowering mindset that can take you to the next level financially.

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