
Manifestation Secrets

The power of the universe lies in your own mind

Manifestation might seem easy and natural for some but hard for many. Have you ever heard of the phrase "Baby Luck"? Yes, when you were young you may find yourself a lot luckier than you are now as an adult. It was like the universe responded more to you at a younger age than to your current age. The older we grow, the tougher life seems to be. That is natural as we have unknowingly developed negativities and ego along the way in every life experience. Those negative thoughts and ego you built up have blocked you from getting what you want. It gives you doubt in everything you plan to do, clouds your mind, and finally weakens your spirit.

Fear & Disbelief

Even for the people who seem most confident when talking or acting may hide their self-doubt, disbelief, and fear deep in their minds. Those feelings obstruct them from achieving their goals and be the best version of themselves. They become more worried about how they would feel if they fail instead of focusing on achieving their goals. And the universe responds to that fear and manifest it accordingly.

Ego & Arrogance

On the other hand, being arrogant and possess too big an ego would not help with successful manifestation either. People with big ego see nothing more than themselves. They miss all the needed details required for a successful manifestation. Manifesting what you desire requires sensory details. You need to visualize it, feel it, hear it. The clearer the image of what you desire, the faster it would manifest itself to you.

Insight meditation to increase awareness

Practicing your awareness can help you realize negativities before letting it consume you. We may find we screw things up for ourselves just because we let temper take the better of us. When angry, we can not think clearly and tend to say things we would regret later. Even when we don't say anything, negativities arising in our mind emit negative energy to the universe. That energy will attract the same back to us. That explains why we mostly have an unpleasant day when we start our day in a bad mood. Insight meditation helps us aware of any feeling that comes to mind. We can observe it without judging or labelling. No like or dislike. When we put no fuel, no emotion to it, we will see a strong feeling finally die down or dissolve itself after a while. That would leave your mind with the positive thought or at least the neutral feeling.

Stay positive!

All it takes for you to get what you want out of life is to learn to communicate with the universe, with your inner self, with you subconscious mind. Always stay pleasant and you will emit positive vibe around you that would send a signal to the universe and attract more good things into your life, like a magnet. You need to be crystal clear about what you want, able to visualize it, feel it, and commit to it to let the universe know that is what you want. You then vibrate the right energy to the universe, and the law of attraction will work the magic for you.

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