
Message From the Universe: Life in the Eyes of the Beholder

"What if the word "work" was changed to "dance-with-life"? And instead of it being viewed as an alternative to fishing or a way of "paying your dues," it was seen as a chance to meet a parade of new friends, discover your own untested potentials and unpolished gifts, and open avenues for abundance to come pouring into your life?

Yeah, I bet lottery sales would plummet.

Start the parade, 
The Universe"

I personally haven't worked a day in my life and that is because I love what I am doing. When someone asked what are your hobbies? You usually mention activities that you love doing and that you would to do everyday of your life. They are activities that you wouldn't consider it work at all, because you love your hobbies and wouldn't mind participating every day and night. Same should go for your work. Many are miserable working at their jobs and that is because they feel they need to satisfy someone else's happiness over their own. They need to follow a norm so they avoid doing things that will satisfy them emotionally and spiritually. Paying bills is what everyone is obligated to do and because of that, choosing your career will not always be the ultimate choice that will make you happy. You tend to look at different options to keep yourself motivated and this is why hobbies are here to fill that void. Looking forward to doing the things you love doing is what keeps you going and moving forward. Here is a shocker! It doesn't need to be this way. It is all based in your attitude and your approach to life. When you start looking at your work and start focusing on the fun part of your job, you might forget the difficult challenges of your work, hence, allowing yourself to enjoy your career. Start "dancing with life" and enjoy every moment you have in this life. If you hate your job, start appreciating that you have a job, that you can actually pay your bills and afford paying for hobbies. When waking up in the morning and able to suit up, appreciate that you have limbs and are able to get out of bed, drive to work and interact with others. Taking things for granted will ONLY grow your feelings of entitlement and give you that attitude that life owes you something.

Being grateful should be a priority and what you have today, you can lose it all tomorrow. Start looking at things differently and appreciate life. There will always be people in worst situation than you, people who are unable to take care of themselves physically, people who can barely feed their families. I am not saying that you shouldn't look at people who have succeeded to inspire yourself with their success, but never forget who you have become and what you've accomplished. You are the captain of your own ship and life is not a race. You have different goals and dreams and NO one will see life the same way you do. It might be similar in nature but not exactly the same. You are YOU, you are the one deciding the path you want to take in this vast ocean. So start being appreciative for a working vessel and stop looking to get a bigger boat. Unless you are fishing for JAWS ("I think we are going to need a bigger boat"), your vessel will bring you to that destination in due time. Enjoy your journey.

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