
Lack Is an Aberration in an Abundant Universe

The truth is that the universe naturally radiates abundance. Lack is an aberration. Specifically, what really explains lack in an abundant universe?

The answer to all the anomalies is to heal that appearance and belief in separation such that the natural abundance of the universe radiates to all its members. This allows us to live peacefully in a world that works for everyone. This vision is what God provides

Suppose I looked at my bank account and became disappointed. This was often my experience in the past when I relied principally on myself for my livelihood. This "myself" was my belief in my human separated self. This separated self had periods of abundance and other periods of lack.

Seeking to heal this untruth of separation, I sought to grow consistently in my understanding of spiritual truth. Each is part of a divine being and the study of that being is a study of the unlimited power of the divine self. Studying the divine self allows one to learn of their power and the limitless ways that power can be of benefit. Diving deeply into soul forces allows one to see their connection to the all.

The alternative is to work hard with much focus on making money and keeping that human self comfortable. There are possibilities with such a focus, but this is how the world maintains its separated selfhood and the aberrations of truthful living. These aberrations can produce poor health, unnecessary stress, lack, and many other side poor side effects. There is no money conflict here. If I simply begin to chase money I have not appropriately squared myself with the totality of truth. Chasing the effects of the world is a limited focus.

That divine self is really heavenly. Its effects are joy, abundance, a peace of mind that is indescribable, and real satisfaction. There is no alternative to the real beauty of a God centered life. One great teacher called it living in the Kingdom of Heaven. This teacher stated that one only need seek the kingdom to realize its benefits. Of course this seeking need be sincere such that the kingdom is not merely sought for its believed benefits. It is sought as it is the natural home of all God's children. One need not die to get there.

The necessity is to "touch" the reality of the kingdom consistently to enjoy its benefits. The seeking of earthly pleasures or the pleasures in the temporal is building on sinking sand. Eternal values are intangible. Such things as peace, joy, beauty, and love are eternal values. They really cannot be seen, but their experiences are absolutely heavenly.

Jesus, Buddha, Mother Teresa and many others are what are termed awakened or enlightened beings who take on the additional task of assisting others in their spiritual growth work. This is the natural profession of many children of God who seek to bring heaven to earth.

Another term for awakening is a healed mind that sees things differently. Vision is the result of having a healed mind. Living is truth is naturally abundant and wholly joyous.

First one must become a believer that the mind itself is a very powerful force that must be dealt with. This term "mind" is one of my spiritual gifts. By changing my mind, I can more appropriately change my life.

God is the being who is most aware of my deepest thoughts. God is also most aware of where I can be most helpful to myself and others that may be most useful to me and them.

A suggestion is to look at the terms surrender and devotion. I have decided to surrender my life to God and become a devoted servant to my God. This allows me to be less concerned with my mistakes of past or future. Another reason for devotion is that there will be many circumstances that seek to tell me something other than that God is sufficient. Devotion allows me to turn away from untruths.

Being a questioner is good. Practicing leaning on a question such that I do not seek to figure out answers is a practice. Deep thinking to figure things out is avoided.

Thoughts are first in the creative chain. Devotion keeps me leaning toward the part of me that is perfect. That within me that is perfect can only cause me to think from truth. Truth is naturally abundant. I need not debate what is true. A now focus assist in staying within myself and not using my past experiences to teach me. The divine who is believed to be invisible is becoming visible by my changed situations and circumstances. I am very happy.

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