
You Are Needed More Than You Know

Do you know that you have something inside of you that can make a huge difference in the lives of others? Sometimes we don't realize that there are people who desperately need what we have to offer. We often underestimate our gifting and purpose, not truly being aware that God has uniquely made us to be a blessing in a powerful way to the life of someone else.

One of the best things you may do for yourself and for others is pursue your purpose as a life coach. As a life coach you can have many opportunities to share your gifts and talents with others and with the world. You can do private coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, lead seminars and workshops, and even write articles or e-books. Coaching is a broad profession with broad opportunities. But you will never have a chance to experience those opportunities if you never pursue your purpose as a coach.

If you feel like coaching is the next best move for you, then what needs to happen for you to move forward? What is stopping you from taking the next step to become a coach? Regardless of what obstacles you feel like you are facing, you can't allow anything to stop you from being all that you were born to be. You must be unstoppable in your quest for success. That is truly something that you deserve.

Just one decision to move forward can shift your life in a more positive and financially rewarding direction. Sometimes our blessings are hidden in unique opportunities, and that can be the case as it relates to you becoming a Certified Life Coach.

Positive Affirmations to Use When You Are Feeling Lazy

Has anyone told you you are lazy? Perhaps you've told yourself that many times. You can use positive affirmations to move yourself past your reluctance or inability to take action. But first, let's look at what might be behind the supposedly laziness.

How Fear Impedes Action

Most people others call lazy actually have deep-seated fears. Some of the most common ones are fear of:

  • responsibility
  • failure
  • success (which often is related to responsibility)
  • being different
  • being separated from friends and family

Any fear you have is based upon the belief that what you are contemplating doing is unsafe. You acquired these beliefs when you were very young. Almost all of them originated before you were the age of five.

How Not Knowing Impedes Action

Many people appear to have a lack of ambition simply because they don't know what they would like to do with their life. They haven't found their passion yet. They haven't discovered what it is that will motivate them to do something more than they are doing now.

If someone appears to be a dedicated couch potato, you can be sure that if there is a fire they will get moving. Having passion calls for having an activity which ignites the fire within to find a goal and follow through with it.

Usually fear of making the wrong choice interferes with discovering something the person is passionate about. Those who have always been excited about something in life or who have always known what they wanted to do when they were adults have a difficult time understanding anyone who can't find themselves.

How Affirmations Help

People who appear lazy often repeat the same statements, "I don't want to," "I can't," "I'm not interested," or other self-limiting beliefs. Each time a limiting belief is repeated, it reinforces the limitation. When you use positive affirmations, positive statements, you are counteracting the limiting belief. You are also beginning to construct a new pathway in your brain which will open you to different possibilities.

Suggestions to Move You Forward

If you want to change, you have to take action. This begins by changing the messages you give yourself.

Change the "I can't" to "I can." Follow that up with doing something different that you know you can do. It can be as simple as walking around the block.

You might want to replace "I don't want to" with "I want to find out what I enjoy." Follow that with the action of listing three things you enjoy doing. Then repeat to yourself, "I am discovering what I truly want to do with my life."

If the difficulty is that you are afraid, take a deep breath, hold it for a count of four, and then exhale as much as you can. Follow that with the positive affirmation, "I have the necessary courage to overcome my fears."

Jumped Starting the Subconscious

Every time you use a positive statement rather than a limiting one, you are opening your subconscious mind to a different possibility in life. When you use limiting words, your subconscious mind wants to support those words. When you use words opening you to possibility, your subconscious mind wants to support you in that area.

3 Clues to Your "Why"

If you want to make a difference and live a life of significance, you find your why. You need to tap into your purpose. Everybody has one. Your why is the life's blood of your ability to achieve significance.

If you know your why and focus on going there with fierce determination, you can make sense of everything on your journey because you see it through the lens of "Why". Once you find your "Why", you will be able to find your "Way". How do those things differ? "Why" is your purpose. "Way" is your path. When you find your "Why", your path automatically has purpose. And life becomes much more meaningful and complete because you have context to understand the reason you are on the journey the first place.

Does the "Why" always comes first? Can you find your way and then find your "Why"? You may be wondering. What has to come first? The good news is that either can come first. But if the "Why" comes before the way, your ability to tap into power of significance will come more quickly and immediately be more effective.

Think of it like this. Have you ever wondered why people often find great joy in packing for a vacation? They spend weeks building up great anticipation, looking forward to those warm days on a tropical beach or trips down the slopes of their favorite ski resort. So they pick out each item that goes into the suitcase with great care.

When you get ready for a great trip, almost all your effort is focused on your purpose of the trip. That's why it's a lot more fun to pack for a trip than it is to unpack afterward. This concept applies more broadly to our lives. Whatever path you travel, you are going to be able to do things more significantly because you understand your purpose for being there.

When you start your day with your "Why", you will find yourself continually doing things that inspire you. Finding your "Why" gives you the focused and driven energy.

If you tap into your "Why", your life will open up to significance. It will be within your reach every day because you will be able to do simple things that matter. Significance is usually not a result of anything spectacular. It is based on small steps in line with purpose. Knowing your "Why" helps you to know what to do and to follow through.

Know yourself and settle your "Why", and you will have the capacity to focus on others.

Knowing your "Why" gives you great security and comfort in everything you attempt to do That confidence and self assuredness is usually appealing and reassuring to others because most people long for it.

The first question you must ask yourself is this: How can I add value to others? If you can quiet yourself enough to listen for that answer from within yourself, you will begin to understand your why.

I have to tell you that this question has been the foundation and driver of every significant act in my life. Did you get that? Having a life that matters comes from the ability to add value to others. This is where significance starts. Let that idea stir within you.

So here are three questions you can ask yourself and which will help you to find your "Why".

Here we go. Here is question number 1.

Question number 2 and 3, I will share with you in the following weeks.

Question 1:

What do you cry about?

This first question asks you to look inside yourself and think about what breaks your heart. What disturbs you? What inflicts emotional pain? What causes you so much discomfort that you are motivated to take action and do something to bring healing to that situation?

So, what makes you cry? What makes your heart break? What touches you at the depth of your soul? Do you already know the answer? Or is it something you need to start exploring and thinking about?

When trying to figure out what makes you cry, you can look at your personal history. You can think back to your childhood. You can tap into social justice issues that get you angry. You can think about the last thing you got highly emotional about - or the thing that you always get emotional about. Any of these things can be clues to what makes you tick. And they will help identify your "Why".

Question 2:

What do you sing about?

What always makes you happy? What puts a bounce in your step? What makes you jump for joy or spontaneously break into song? Emerson said: "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well".

Doing acts of significance brings you more deep satisfaction than any other work. It fires you up and keeps you going. As the saying goes, work is not work unless you would rather by doing something else.

What do you sing about? What gives you great joy? What feeds your passion? What feeds your soul? What gets you excited?

When you ask other people "What do you sing about?" many people respond by thinking about what entertains them. There is certainly nothing wrong with being entertained or having fun. But what we really talk about is something that makes contented joy spontaneously rise up within you. It's the kind of thing you would do for free, just because. Once again, these are clues that help you to understand your purpose and know your "Why".

How to Eliminate Self-Sabotage for Good!

As we become more self-aware we start noticing patterns of self-sabotage in our lives. Self-sabotage occurs when we find ourselves getting very close to reaching a goal, finding happiness in a relationship, success in our careers, or even becoming debt free, and then just when we are on the right path right where we want to be, BOOM! Something bad happens to stop us dead in our tracks forcing us to detour without the opportunity to reach success, fulfill an accomplishment, experience deep love, or become financially free. Examples could be that we suddenly become very ill right when we are about to reach an important goal or even right after we have reached an important goal, or right before we go on a vacation a million issues come up that keep us from fully enjoying our away time, or perhaps you are just dollars away from eliminating that credit card debt and then all of a sudden an unexpected bill is received that requires you to place another charge on your card... Some may say that these are just bad coincidences that keep happening over and over, but I don't believe in coincidences. {"In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly. The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes. It describes that which fits together perfectly." - from the book Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer} In essence, these coincidences, these 'happenings', are matching our exact vibrational alignment. Remember, we create our realities and the Universe is responding to the way we 'feel', our personal vibrational signature. If there is any un-healed areas of your life, and most likely there is, your sub-conscious mind is likely harboring your day to day experience while attempting to deal with un-dealt matters. In order to eliminate the counterproductive sabotage behavior, you must correct the issues at their root while taking a pro-active and positive approach.

Here's how you can eliminate Self-sabotage for good:

1. Become aware of the sabotage pattern. Voice this in some way either verbal or written. Ask yourself (and answer): In a perfect life, would I do this thing at all? If so, what would I change to make it more enjoyable? If not, what would I rather do?

2. Take ownership and stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems. Then forgive yourself and really mean it.

3. Hire a good Therapist or Shadow Coach to help heal experiences from your childhood and past.

4. Remember, it doesn't matter if you fall off the horse. All that matters is how long you take before jumping back on. #neverstop

5. Keep your main focus on moving forward and envision your ideal scenario (this is key!)

In many cases people sabotage their selves over their entire life without consciously realizing that they are running in circles. In other cases we come to our senses and realize that we are sabotaging ourselves, but we don't do anything about it - we don't know what needs to be done and we remain stuck weaving in and out of bad habits. Now that you know what to do, print this article and cut out the five steps above. Keep them in a journal, planner, bulletin board or somewhere you will be reminded from time to time.!&id=9029590

Message From the Universe: Your Journey in Life

"You know how everyone is always talking about life being a journey, not a destination? And that it's the journey that really counts? That from it, you'll find your purpose, meaning, and true happiness?

Well, this is it.

Soak it in,
The Universe"

This quote is obvious to many who understand the principle of life being a journey. The destination is actually death. Many might disagree as saying that destination is when you have lived a fulfilled life and taking advantage of your hard work to appreciate the finest thing. Just like education or learning should have no end to it, life has really no destination. When one goal is fulfilled, another one should appear in the horizon for you to accomplish it. Destination is where you need to go to complete your voyage but is it really completed? When you travel to a destination, either for pleasure or business, arriving there doesn't mean the end. You head there to either have a vacation or for business deal or whatever else responsibilities. Once completed, you head back for another journey to finally arrive to that new or old previous destination. So what is more exciting? The journey to get to vacation or arriving at that destination? For many, they feel that the plane ride or driving to destination is exciting, fulfilling because of anticipation. That doesn't mean that when they do arrive, they get depressed. The endorphins kicks in because of the anticipation, which renders lots more excitement than actually arriving there.

Since consciousness remains AFTER death of the physical body, we all wonder if our journey to the unknown continues because of this theory. Once we die, does our mind feels that excitement of the many journeys ahead of us? Is there a final journey or a final destination? Since our consciousness can travel at the speed of light and visit billions of galaxies in our vast universe, can we approach this theory as allowing us to see above and beyond what theoretical physicist have been trying to prove, for many years, the string theory and parallel universes? Because of the complex nature of this subject, it is evident to say that no one in the medical industry have been able to literally separate consciousness from the actual brain, which in return, allows the medical field to say that both are intrinsically related and when one dies, the other does as well (means when physical brain dies, consciousness will follow). Despite the many research to prove the doctors wrong, including NDE (Near Death Experience), OBE (Out of Body experience), and the many other spiritual experiences that humans have shared, we can admittedly and with confidence say that consciousness remains and journeys are what makes life worth living. Happiness is found from within, and not from without. You dictate how you want to live your life and whatever journey you come across, make sure it is traveled with a purpose, a meaning and lots of excitement.

3 Keys to Create a Life That You Love

We all deserve to live a life that we absolutely LOVE! And it is possible! Too many people feel like they are stuck in a life that is not fulfilling. I have been there. And that can cause feelings of unhappiness and discouragement. But I have good news for you. You can create a life that you love, whatever that means for you. The three keys that are discussed in this article are definitely not the only three things you can do to create a life that you love, but they are three keys that can help you to jump-start the process!

1. The first thing you need to do is believe that you can create a life that you love:

If you don't believe it then the chance of it happening is going to be very slim. That is because what you believe in you are more likely to take action toward. And that is also because you are in a better position to manifest your desires when your belief system is in alignment with your desires. It is extremely hard to manifest the life you desire when there is doubt blocking the pathway. So when you believe that you can create the life you love that "gets the ball rolling!"

2. Describe what "a life that you love" looks like for you:

Picture the life that you dream about. Not the one that you currently see with your eyes, but the one that you see with your heart. Create a picture in your mind and don't leave anything out. Make sure that your picture is your picture and not the one you have created because that is what other people want your life to be. Use your own inspiration and your own power to create a life picture that resonates with you. And once you get the picture of your dream life you can write the details down in a notebook or on a piece of paper. And just don't toss the information to the side, put it somewhere that you are going to look at it often so that you can stay inspired and motivated.

3. Make it happen!

Now it is time to make it happen. That means it is action time! Your goal is to get the picture out of your head and into reality. What steps do you need to take? Do it one step at a time, keep moving, and don't stop until you are living the life you love. Is it that simple? Well yes and no. Yes, because it is not as difficult as you may think it is, and no because sometimes when we are on the road to up-leveling our life obstacles and struggles arise, but obstacles can be transformed into opportunities and struggle into success, so it is all about your mindset and your dedication. But creating a life that you love is totally possible for you!

Are Charisma And The Law Of Attraction The Same?

Many people talk about the Law of Attraction (LOA) nowadays because it's a concept where people tune into the universe using their thoughts to realize their dreams.

They create a thought process that is positive and then send that out (just by thinking about it) to the universal forces. Many believe when you do this, you will receive what you think about. If you want a promotion at work, you will get it. If you need money to pay bills, this will happen too.

When looking at this concept, it doesn't seem like it's that much different from the concept of charisma.

After all, people who are charismatic seem to be able to get whatever they want. While similarities exist, the one crucial distinguishing factor with charisma is you use others to get what you want. With the LOA, for the most part you accomplish this alone.

This presents a darker side to charisma.

There are evil people who are considered charismatic. Dictators tend to start early on as being charismatic leaders. This is how they can gain their power. If you take a look at many of the infamous dictators of the 20th century - Hitler, Stalin and many Chinese war lords - these are the people who can always charm people into doing irrational things for them.

People tend to associate the word charisma in a positive light. It's much like Time Magazine's Man of the Year, or Woman of the Year. It's not necessarily about likeable people. It's about people who are the most newsworthy that year.

Charisma can certainly be used in a positive manner and many people do. However, it's easy to abuse the power of charisma when it leads to getting your way. A power such as this can be intoxicating for the charismatic person which means they continue to use it no matter the cost. After a while, they stop using their power for good and it becomes detrimental to themselves and society at large.

This concept doesn't apply to the LOA.

When you apply the LOA in your life, if you are using it to be self-serving, it simply won't work. You'll be "flagged" as someone trying to game the system, and you will be caught in the negative energy. And because it's a thought process, it is completely personal and contained within yourself.

This brings up an interesting point: can someone be charismatic and use the LOA together?

As long as they are using their charisma in a selfless manner, there should be no problem when using both. However, the minute they cross the line, the negative side of the LOA may start to accumulate and believe it or not, they will pay for the heavy price somehow, somewhere and someday.

I Have 10 Life Secrets: Let Me Share 1

Most people don't get what they want or deserve because of silly mistakes. I have met a number of talented college graduates who struggle economically because of the bridges they've burned along the way, experienced professionals who get stuck mid-career because of pride, and near retirement employees who are anxious to retire so that their fear of unemployment stops consuming them. Clearly, nobody told these folks that jobs are now partnerships and that burning bridges, pride and fear are only going to slowly transform their true talent into perishable mediocrity. You don't want to fall under these categories. What you do need is to control your life by maneuvering the game of life in ways that makes you totally unpredictable. By the way, how are you positioning yourself these days? Are you engaging in careful planning?

Undeniably, everybody loves doing the kind of work that they have a talent for. Based on this logic, the million dollar question then becomes, "What do I need to do in order to work on my talent?" Ladies and gentleman, I am going to reveal to you one of the ten life secrets I've learned right now. The secret actually comes from Napoleon Hill, one of my "deceased mentors" and author of the book "Think and Grow Rich." Just realize that his secret has seven steps. Are you ready for this?

First: Decide exactly what kind of job you want. If this job doesn't already exist, perhaps you can create it.

Second: Choose the company or individual from whom you wish to work for.

Third: Study your prospective employer, as to policies, personnel, and chances for advancement.

Fourth: By analysis of yourself, your talents and capabilities, figure what you can offer, and plan ways and means of giving advantages, services, developments, and ideas that you believe you can successfully deliver.

Fifth: Forget about a "job." Forget whether or not there is an opening. Forget the usual routine of "have you got a job for me?" Concentrate on what you can give.

Sixth: Once you have your plan in mind, arrange with an experienced writer to put it on paper in neat form and in full detail.

Seventh: Present it to the proper person with authority and he will do the rest. Every company is looking for men who can give something of value, whether it be ideas, services, or "connections." Every company has room for the man who has a definite plan of action which is to the advantage of that company.

Careful planning is at the core of this secret. Failing to influence others is a capital mistake. Never, under any circumstances, criticize others because the moment you do you lose them. Who knows if you are going to need them in the future or not? Don't burn bridges! Control your pride. Life is about God, not you or me. Why are you so afraid? Life is full of surprises. You might as well join the team and make yourself indispensable to whoever you work for. Your anxieties will decrease... trust me.

It is all about careful planning, dude. By the way, what are you doing about that? Don't let others choose what you should do. You should take ownership of your destiny perhaps with the consultation of a close ally. The former can help you tremendously, that is for sure.

How To Transform Your Life And Get Started On A Personal Growth Plan (By James Nussbaumer)

Ever feel like you need to figure a way for how you can change your life? It wasn't that long ago when my entire life crashed to a wrecking ball, and then a miraculous personal growth plan had started.

I'd known deep within there was a burning need to change my life and to make a much needed career change, but I'd put off on taking any sort of action.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "There is no substitute for truth. And truth will make this plain to you as you are brought into the place where you must meet with truth."

I was nervously treading water, watching my boat sinking fast, and without a life preserver. I was turning fifty, and felt anchored to the bottom of the lake, lost for air.

The Confused Mind

For many years a voice within would tell me, "you can change your life," a transformation had been urging a shift in me, but out of fear I resisted. I would hear the voice, but just wouldn't listen.

I felt as though I couldn't find my inner peace, so I tried on the weird belief that I could make something of myself that I was not meant to be.

As I see it now, when I wouldn't take action when the voice urged "you can change your life," this was the beginning of an undoing process that would eventually set me free.

The Course in Miracles states, "The Holy Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world you see to something else; a basis not insane, on which sane perception can be base, another world perceived."

Listening to the Voice

This undoing entailed the gradual, ongoing obliteration of a manmade thought system I had been buying into for most of my adult life.

At the time, while continuing to feel that urging in me saying, you can change your life, I felt myself drowning in a sea of disbelief, a confused mind, and terror.

An indictment had been issued by the grand jury of the State of Ohio, and I was soon to be arrested for a selfish mistake I made through my business practice as a financial advisor.

My actions were not a part of a Ponzi scheme, but more a brash mishandling of the money of three clients totaling approximately 100,000 dollars.

And then, from prison, is when I began writing, and finally started following the guidance of my inner Teacher telling me, you can change your life.

To a life of peace and success!

Have You Been Missing Out?

Have you been missing out on living the life you dream about? Do you wish that you could wake up every day to do what you love to do? Do you secretly desire to start your own business but you are not sure how to begin? If you answered yes to any of those questions then you have landed on the right article.

Life coaching is a phenomenal career that could give you an opportunity to achieve all of the above things that you answered yes to. By becoming a life coach you could start a new career as a coach, integrate your coaching certification into your current career, or start a coaching ministry.

As a coach you could also specialize in additional areas such as Christian life coaching, Christian marriage coaching, girl's self-esteem coaching, lifestyle wellness coaching, and youth life coaching. You could add any of those advanced certifications to your life coaching certification and enhance your opportunities, client base, and calling. So if you are passionate about other areas of coaching you can specialize.

If you feel like you have been missing out on anything in your life, you don't have to continue to live that way. Missed opportunities can be transformed into seized opportunities. Missed opportunities are only missed opportunities if you continue to miss out on them (I hope that made sense). But the moment you seize opportunities they are no longer missed opportunities, they are opportunities that can propel you into greater dimensions of success.

When You Are Consumed By Anger And Chaos, You Have Lost Your Way

Don't Stow Away The Anger

Anger and chaos cannot live in a peaceful mind because they oppose one another.

We believe anger is a toxic emotion because of the destruction it brings to people's lives. To the emotionally intelligent however, anger is just an emotion which does not dominate their mental landscape.

I used anger and chaos together in the title since they can leave you feeling lost in your thoughts and emotions.

Linda Graham MFT explains in Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being: "Our response to feelings of anger, for example, can be positive or negative. We can learn to channel anger into effective action for a good cause, or we can shoot ourselves in the foot when our anger habitually causes us to act abusively toward other people."

If we understand the mechanism behind anger, we can deal with it better so it doesn't flood our bodies with toxic chemicals. The problem is, many people stow their anger because it is considered to be an unhealthy emotion. Therefore, anger is likely to be expressed at an inopportune time if repressed.

Have you noticed how anger makes itself known when you least expect it? You could be in your car driving and suddenly you are cut off in traffic. Soon enough you are trading blows with another motorist over something insignificant such as failing to indicate when changing lanes.

Todd Kashdan and Robert Biswas-Diener write in The Upside of Your Dark Side: "When you're angry, pausing, deep breaths, and moments of reflection more effectively exercise power and control than rapid-fire responses. If you feel less angry when you slow down, that's great, but that's not the goal. This is about giving yourself a wider range of options to choose from in an emotionally charged situation."

Repressed Anger Stored In The Body

My client Susan experienced anger recently while driving to work. An inconsiderate motorist cut her off in traffic and being socially conscious, she beeped her horn to advise him of her presence, so as to avoid an accident. The motorist took offence and gestured to her with a hand signal that was not the international sign of peace.

This took place early morning while she was driving to work. By the time I saw her later that morning she was still ruminating on what transpired, only now the anger had manifested as lower back pain due to the stored emotion.

Emotions are energy in motion and if not expressed, they become stored in the body via organs, cells, muscles and tissues. If the emotion is ignored or stowed away, its presence is known via pain or illness to get your attention.

The late Candace Pert, an American neuroscientist and pharmacologist who discovered the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain, wrote an article titled: Where Do You Store Your Emotions? She outlines how emotions get lodged in the mind body until they are integrated.

She states: "The emotional memory is stored in many places in the body, not just or even primarily, in the brain... The real true emotions that need to be expressed are in the body, trying to move up and be expressed and thereby integrated, made whole, and healed."

Her work into opiate receptors showed how emotions like anger can lead to disease if we are not mindful of them. With Susan, she repressed her anger towards the motorist because he mistook her car horn as a sign of aggression.

She ruminated on the incident, recalling the anger, so it expressed itself in her lower back, a weak spot for her given a car accident decades ago.

After our discussion, I mentioned something that helped her to reframe the experience. I pointed out how she has a way of being righteous, especially as someone who is socially conscious. She let the motorist know he was in the wrong and felt victimized when he gestured to her inappropriately.

I asked her to reconsider the situation, since other motorists can sometimes misjudge our intentions because we cannot communicate with them vocally.

I then asked her to close her eyes and visualise the emotion of anger. Where was it stored in her body? What did it look like? I invited her to let it be there, lean into it and take deep breaths while directing her awareness to the area of the pain.

The good news is, the pain cleared in two days following more contemplative work by Susan. The point is, anger like other emotions will find its way to the weakest point in your body. Sadly, for many this means it gets stored away for years, if not decades until the person goes into therapy and experiences spontaneous healing.

In fact, there's nothing spontaneous about the healing other than the individual has dealt with the emotion after all this time.

Love Is The Only Way

It was the Canadian singer Leonard Cohen who wrote in the song Anthem: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

The purpose of anger is to draw your awareness to the light, or in this case the love within you.

In most cases, love and peace of mind is the answer, not anger and chaos.

How can I be sure you ask?

Look to your body since it knows the truth. If you think this is just wishy-washy self-help advice, I urge you to hold onto anger and fear for as long as you can and see if it doesn't manifest itself as pain or disease.

In contrast, The Healing Power Of Love overcomes fear, anger, anxiety and other lower emotional states. Love is a healing agent, but first you must release the anger because the two cannot co-exist, as alluded to earlier.

When you are consumed by anger and chaos, you have lost your way. However, what if the presence of anger was leading you back to love?

What I'm proposing is, anger is a call for love, in most cases self-love. You are no more an angry person than a tree believes itself to be a bird.

Whilst on the topic, let's not confuse evil and anger for that is another article saved for a later time.

Anger is an emotional state a person can become stuck in if they do not attend to their pain.

Love is the way. Moreover, love is the only way back to your core self.

So, if you believe the narrative anger preaches, it is because you are consumed by the emotion and have lost your way.

Allow love to open your heart again. Otherwise your authentic self becomes muddied by the mirage of shameless emotions not symbolic of your true self.,-You-Have-Lost-Your-Way&id=9828735

When Bad Behaviour Is A Call For Help

We often think of bad behaviour as a great inconvenience, whether it is from our teenager, our family member, our colleague or friend. It causes us great inconvenience because it just means we have to clean up their mess, and right the wrong.

Sometimes these bad behaviours even cause us great embarrassment and we just want them to pay for it. Or sometimes, their bad behaviour just hurts other people with rippling repercussions.

It is "almost natural" for us to feel victimised by other people's bad behaviour, we feel as if we are at their mercy (yes even our teenagers) because we feel helpless and we are not able to control them.

But what if, their bad behaviour is a call for help?

What if, your adult friends or colleagues have huge insecurity issues, power struggles, a need to be in control, are simply unhappy with themselves because they do not have inner peace, and they lash out and start behaving like rebellious teens? What can we do for these overgrown teens? What is it that they want?

Bear in mind that their mindset and psychology is still like a teen, so it is challenging to speak to them like equal adults because firstly they do not wish to be treated like one. Secondly, they are asking for attention and throwing a temper tantrum.

How would you care for a teen who is asking for help via bad behaviour? They want attention, they want love, they want to be listened to. So this is exactly what you can do for your overgrown teenager friends/colleagues until such time when you realize that they have much deeper issues and a professional therapist is needed.

What you can do:

  • Give them time to talk
  • Guide the conversation to make sure it is a productive conversation and not one for ranting
  • Assure them that you care and that their views are taken into consideration
  • Crack them with lots of love and attention (not romantic love, obviously)
  • If needed, send them to a professional

How would you know if they have much deeper issues?
Just look at what is going on in their lives. Do they have an addiction/bad habit that is consuming them? Do they have a happy family life? Are they facing tremendous pressure in the workplace to keep up? These are some telltale signs that their bad behaviour actually stems from a self-destructive mode. It goes way deeper.

I've witnessed enough of my clients, friends, family, colleagues who under such deep inner pressure just want to destroy themselves from the inside because they cannot take it anymore. And this, of course, impacts all of us around them. And I've sent countless people to therapists whom I work with to make sure they get back on track.

As a life coach, I coach people towards various life goals, but sometimes, these bad behaviours get in the way, and we have to make adjustments accordingly. The goal they want may not be what they need.

Not all goals we want in life should be achieved. Not especially if they are at the expense of our inner peace, inner love, inner power and inner wisdom.

Judge not those around you who are behaving badly, they may be choking in their call for help.

Happiness: The Goal

Money can buy happiness in a sense, but only for a limited time! Let me explain. You see, money must be combined with the consciousness that knows how to use the money to benefit the person with the money. Money or anything else, just possessed for its own sake does not work, and even creates sadness by not being used productively. Indeed, real winning comes from using things right and being genuinely productive in every way that genuinely counts.

When I think of happiness and productivity, there is a shocker: I think of Ebenezer Scrooge, before and after the ghosts visited him in Charles Dickens story "A Christmas Carol". Sure, we can all hoard up wealth, but if we do not ultimately enjoy it or use it productively, what is it worth really? Nothing. This is why I always like to say that we must come to the realization that wealth for the sake of "just having wealth" is not wealth. Using it productively, realistically and with expansion qualities is close to genuine wealth, but still not quite there. Being of genuine service and enjoying what you do genuinely in every way and creating a great living at it is there. That is where genuine wealth and happiness is. Sure, you can argue that "Are not lottery winnings without work except buying a ticket real wealth, too?" I would say, unless they are productively used right, they are not wealth. It is also rare that those lottery winners know what to do genuinely with a lot of money also. In fact, that is another case of wealth for the sake of wealth without consciousness in the cases where people end up poorer than before because they do not know what to do.

I am not against wealth, but, I am all for happiness and productivity combined with wealth.

Sure, I could say the standard, "get all you can" type article. Here, though, I want to get into the deeper aspects of wealth and happiness that actually work to make better lives and existences. Ebenezer Scrooge got his wake up call and this could be yours if you let it be. So, I will say that this a "get all you can and use it rightly as you can and must" article. That is what I mean. After all, in my humble opinion and my reality, genuine wealth is combined with happiness and productivity or it is the most abject and objective of poverty.

Message From the Universe: Always Remember to Visualize!

"Nothing is left to chance. The choreography of players and circumstances in your world are plotted with mind-numbing precision. Gigantic forces of attraction are activated and engaged. The odds for your inevitable success begin skyrocketing. And every second of every day is calibrated and recalibrated... whenever you remember to visualize.

Who loves you, baby? 
The Universe"

Everything that is happening, day after day is because the Universe has something to do with it. Now, the ONLY reason why the Universe is involved is because of how your structured your thoughts to make things happen the way they did. Just like the beginning of the Universe, after the Big Bang, all of the elements that were needed to create dark matter and energy was based on precision of temperature and angle of explosion. If anything was off from 1/10 of a degree would have change everything we see today. Probably nothing you see today would have ever existed. Everything was plotted with mind-blowing precision. The famous scientist, Stephen Hawking, admitted that without divine intervention, nothing you see today would have ever existed, which is pretty impressive when it came from someone who originally said that God had nothing to do with creation. As he slowly realized that what we see around us, especially in outer space, can be difficult to explain the origins of the Universe and how everything exist the way it does. This is why we have quantum theory, or String Theory (Multiverse) where no one can prove what was before the Big Bang and if other Universe actually exists, besides ours.

Can we say that God had the thoughts and intent to create all of what we see today? Now, I am not saying that we have that same power of thoughts over that supreme being, but our thoughts have power in itself, without us even realizing it. If you start visualizing how things are meant to happen and leave the Universe to take care of the rest, you will look at things differently and changes will occur, to your benefit. Do not let any doubts enter your mind at any time as it confuses the Universe from doing what it does best... making things happen. So as you are working towards your goals, start thinking right and focusing more on the positive and the belief that you are capable of accomplishing big things in life. Do not focus on the "How" it will happen, but primarily on what you want to happen. Do not worry about the "If" it (your dream) will ever happen, but always wonder as to the "When" it should happen. Always learn to predict the good and act like it already happened.!&id=9405116

The Secret Ingredient Successful People Use!

Have you ever wondered what the secret ingredient used by successful people is? How do successful people stay accountable and focused? How do they recognize and overcome obstacles and get outside their comfort zones to excel beyond their wildest dreams?

A successful person may have one, two or several! In fact, I listened to a speech given by a wealthy entrepreneur and he said he makes use of eight of them! Successful people may make time for this secret once a week, once a month, in person, on the phone, on Skype or in a group. Do you have an inkling of what I'm referring to? Yes, no, maybe? I'm referring to having a coach to help you stay on track to accomplish your goals.

Having a coach can be a powerful tool in becoming successful. Do you need a coach, or do you already have one? Have you ever considered becoming a coach yourself? Which type of coach would you be?

There are several different types of coaching. To name a few: life coaching, executive coaching, business coaching, and fitness coaching.

As a brief overview, a life coach generally has a focus on life-style issues and life decisions. An executive coach is paid by an organization and frequently offers a service to an executive's employer. Executive coaching fees usually are higher than those for life coaching.

Business coaching can refer to a type of life coaching or to the coaching of business skills within an organization. Fitness coaching focuses on physical fitness, but it may encompass issues such as diet and lifestyle.

Now that I've piqued your interest, how do you choose a coaching school that suits you and offers the best qualifications?

Isn't it always a good idea to go to the experts? The International Coaching Federation is the place to go to find expert advice about coaching. This organization is dedicated to raising the standard of excellence within the coaching industry. They have a list of numerous coaching schools to choose from, that have met their strict accreditation requirements. Everything that you could possibly think to ask about coaching is on this website.

If you are undecided and you would prefer to be coached instead there is no problem. They have a list of the benefits of using a coach, tips for hiring a coach, a referral service and more.

Wishing you great success in all your endeavors.!&id=9306837

Building an Energising Personal Vision - See Your Dream Come True

Contrary to the enormous significance that was earlier attached to personal and organisational vision, creating a vision in today's context is considered more of a liability than a chance to chalk out the future path. Asking the employees to set up their images is now a standard practice among most Companies and is done to make sure that individual ideas align with the overall goals of the enterprise.

What is a personal vision?

Simply defined, a personal view is your idea of success in the future. As easy as it may sound, setting up a personal opinion, especially for the leaders, isn't a walk in the park. Personal vision is what inspires people to come to work every day. For leaders, it is a platform to introduce big ideas which would excite them as well as their team members. What separates great leaders from others; it is their ability to paint the future with precision. It requires some skills including articulation and self-awareness.

How executive coach can help you frame & achieve your vision

Leaders need to spend a considerable amount of time and effort to formulate their ideas. It is because it must include the welfare of their Company and employees since their success is interdependent. Most of the leaders end up applying a one-dimensional approach while formulating their visions. This result in the end view being short sighted and sometimes biased. Thus leaders need a confidant who has been with them through their leadership journey and can point out the red flag when he sees one. An executive coach can come in handy in such situations. As a person who knows your strengths and weaknesses inside out and understands the way you work, an executive coach would be a right partner any leader needs while coming up with a personal vision.

The role of an executive coach does not end with the formulation of your vision. In fact, it just begins here. An executive coach is a partner in your journey towards the realisation of your vision. He can help you break it down into smaller units. It is important since an understanding of small targets would keep the executives invested in the bigger idea of achieving the vision they had set. There would always be some dull and dark moments between today and your vision. In those moments, it is the executive coach who would show you light on the path leading towards your vision.

How to Build Confidence (By Christina Jay)

Confidence, easier said than done. You would be surprised how many successful individuals cannot make the leap to becoming an entrepreneurs due to confidence and self esteem. I recently read an article in the New Yorker stating,"The fundamental characteristics of entrepreneurs isn't risk taking; its self confidence." But not just any self confidence: an over the top, unreasonable, unrealistic, belief in your ability to prevail. It's interesting to note that many start ups and high growth entrepreneurship is mostly male. Women tend to be more realistic, more grounded, and more cautious.

In the business world, that can be a drawback. Women also tend to not have as much support in mentoring in business, there just doesn't seem to be as much camaraderie. We gals should stick together instead of hating! I personally go through the values an individual (male or female) believes they possess and make them more self aware and confident in their abilities. Also, if your familiar with coaching we go through "gremlins" they are made up of limiting beliefs, when we allow ourselves to disbelieve that we are capable of doing something.

Generally these thoughts are built up from years of experiences where we might have thought that we are not good enough at something, or that other people led us to believe that we are not living up to their expectations (parents, bosses, partners etc). This eventually leads us to actually believing that this is true, even when we know intellectually that it is not the case. Limiting beliefs eventually become nagging voices in our heads that stop us from achieving great things. I work with clients to manage their existence (limiting beliefs) and minimize their impact on one's success in life and business.

A coach will give you exercises (or "homework") to complete that will get to the root cause as to why one does not feel so confident in their endeavours. Usually, the exercise entails listing ones own values and core beliefs. Also, journaling can help to better understand our emotions and why one feels less confident in certain circumstances. By writing routinely you will get to know what makes you feel happy and confident. You will also become clear about situations and people who are toxic for you - important information for your emotional well-being. Keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends and behaviours and will help improve confidence over time.

Indecision Is Death (By Ellie Rome-Reed)

I have had a lot happen on my path and sometimes I have had to make difficult decisions. Regardless of what you're going through, you have to make a decision. Because doing the indecision limbo is going to kill you.

I read Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil" and really resonated with the story. I have a lot to say about the book, but I will stick to the singular point: Indecision is death.

Napoleon Hill was struggling. He didn't know what to do or what his next step would be. On a walk one night, he received information about what he should do next, from his other self (or his higher-self). He made a decision to follow the guidance of his higher-self and it led to amazing things happening in his life!

Back to my decision: I was on the fence about leaving my 9-5 job. I was dealing with non-stop migraines since November 2016 and I had been on short term disability. During that time, our nanny quit and my autistic son started acting worse than ever before. I knew the doctor would not sign any more paperwork unless I agreed to Botox, which intuitively I knew was not a healthy option for me.

So I spoke to coaches and mentors, all of whom encouraged me to make a decision either way and stick with it. I even had a conversation with an amazing person who said, "Logic and responsibility can trick us sometimes." He told me not to go backwards. So I made the decision to quit.

For the next couple weeks, I started to wonder if I was making the right decision (you know, ego tries to keep you safe with the known instead of the grander possibility of the unknown). So I did what anyone who had made a decision and didn't want to waffle back and forth about it would do: I hit send on my resignation letter.

I felt an immediate relief. The stomach ache that had plagued me for weeks was gone. I was able to sleep through the night again. I even stopped grinding my teeth.

It didn't matter if I had enough money in the bank, if everything was lined up, I had to make a decision and commit to it. Because when you commit, the Universe shows up to support you. Or rather, "Leap and the net will appear."

Don't get stuck in the cycle of, "Let me think about it a little longer." You will never stop thinking! Make a decision, get out of that discomfort! Then you can step back and ask, "Does this decision serve me?" When asking that question, you haven't let the opportunity pass you by. You can always change your mind later, if things no longer serve you.

Here's another piece of advice I learned: Define failure for yourself.

What is failure to you? Now don't give up on that thing you said yes to until you actually "fail" at it. And I guarantee, you won't fail. But until you've reached the point of failure, you don't know if you don't try AND you will regret 100% of the shots you don't take!

Make a decision. Try something new. Give yourself a chance at success.

Everyone has a story, but sometimes we allow fear to prevent us from sharing it with the people it could most inspire. Everything you want is right outside of your comfort zone. Allow yourself to dream big and know that it is possible to achieve every one of your dreams. They're all on the other side of fear.

Message From the Universe: The Power of Your Thoughts and Actions

"What if suddenly, in a flash of fire and light, you got "it"! And among other things, you suddenly understood, without a doubt, the creative power of your word. Do you think you'd ever again utter, "it's hard," "it's not working," "something's wrong with me," or "I don't know"?

You got "it"! 
The Universe"

These flashes of intelligence are sometimes rare so when they do come, you will notice them. Suddenly, everything around you will become clear and make more sense. The power of your thoughts and actions can move mountain so never underestimate either one of them. The words "hard", or "it's not working" or "I am not worth it" shouldn't be crossing your mind at any time. You are better than that. By changing a few things around with your actions, you will start seeing the results you been wishing for. Stop trying to fix things that couldn't be fixed and focus on what can work for you. The brain is also a muscle, so train it like you would with your biceps or chest or another other parts of your body. You need to train it to accept only the positive thoughts and reject the negative. It doesn't happen overnight, especially if you polluted your mind with thoughts such as "it's hard," "it's not working," "something's wrong with me," or "I don't know".

Your mind needs to be fed only positive words so it can talk to the Universe and transmit the important message of health, wealth, fortune and glory. I agree that in the process, you will have lots of ups and downs, which is perfectly normal. If you would only see the summit, everyone would do it. You need to also have luck, as not many is born son or daughter of the King of Saoudi Arabia, or another other country. We do not choose where we are from but as long as you make the best of what you have, this is already the beginning of reaching the ultimate supremacy. You will need lots of work and determination to overcome the challenges of life and this is why you need to start training your brain TODAY to allow easy travel throughout these difficult hurdles. If you are not trained, you will abandon ship quickly and not give yourself another chance at success. Try to stay away from the 97% of the population who gave up too quickly on their dreams to end up working for the 3% of the people who pushed through the difficult times and succeeded far beyond everyone's imagination.

THE POWER OF BELIEF - All Realities Are Not Invented Equally!

We create our reality about ourselves and about others around us, and those realities will determine our relationships to ourselves as well as others, and who they are around us. Our responses to others, as well as others responses to us are linked to the belief and expectations we have for and about them as well as for ourselves. We create realities, then we forgot we have created them, and then we relate to them as something that someone else put upon us. Others responses to us is a reflection of the expectation we have for and about them. In the wise words of Albert Einstein; "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

You and I were born into a world of existing ideas, practices, beliefs, traditions and rules. Our ideas have been formed by our experiences with life, family, friends, society and media. I believe the future we have is shaped and limited by the conditions that our past determined upon that future. A changing world and realities require constant updating of personal practices as well as social practices. Those practices and ideas that fit an old rather than a new purpose.

You and I are accountable and responsible for our lives. How will we upgrade past thinking to serve our present and future life? By recognizing and distinguishing the source of our beliefs and expectations. By getting present to how much of what we believe to be reality is what we have made up! Yes, we have made it up... ! Making thing up, making realities (creating expectations) about ourselves and others can be negative and dis-empowering or it can be positive and powerful.

What have we done as a human race that has defied the common perspective? What have we created by empowering our own beliefs and our own realities? Here some examples; 
• Invention of flying Machines 
• Invention of the light bulb 
• Reading & writing as a blind & deaf person 
• Man's first step on the moon

We can go on, and on, and on about so many amazing discoveries and inventions that altered human lives forever... What do all of these events have in common? Someone's beliefs! but what kind of beliefs? Invented ones! Created realities. Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, US President John F. Kennedy, and anybody who achieved anything that inspired us, all believed that the impossible was possible.

Our expectations, or what I call "invented realities" have such a power over our performances, personality and professional life. Before we can harness the power of belief/expectations or help anyone else remove and replace limiting and destructive beliefs/expectations, we have to understand why beliefs/expectations have such force. Let us look back at history;

On the light side, the power of belief has: 
• Broken through the sound barrier 
• Pioneered in space 
• Created miracle cures for plagues 
• Upheld the spirit of a nation against a superior enemy

On the dark side, this same power has led to: 
• Wars 
• Genocides 
• The extermination of races 
• Blinded people to solutions to some of the most critical issues facing humankind.

Even more importantly for us, at one time or another, limiting and false beliefs have caused each one of us:

• To miss opportunities 
• To make costly errors in judgments 
• To fall far short on the potential we have to succeed 
• To fail to achieve and accomplish

That is why our ability to invent and create our own beliefs and realities is one of the most powerful skills we can acquire. We need to know where they get their power. I am convinced that past positive and negative experiences, direct plus or minus others' inputs about us, and societies influences are the three primary factors that contribute to the power that beliefs/expectations have over our productivity and our lives as whole. As we create our expectations we have to control what we pay attention to; "our beliefs control our expectations", this force from which belief draws its magic is the power of expectations. An expectation is simply what we expect to happen, see, feel or experience. And as simple as this sounds, expectations have an incredible effect on everything we see, feel, hear and experience. 
Simply put;

• We feel what we expect to feel. 
• We see what we expect to see. 
• We experience what we expect to experience.

Through working with over 50,000 participants, over two decades of coaching and consulting practice, I have seen these common themes in almost everyone, regardless of what they do;

• If we expect to be successful, we experience success. 
• If we expect to see results, we see results. 
• If we expect to feel fear, we feel fear. 
• If we expect a situation to be unpleasant and difficult... It is unpleasant and difficult.

What we believe about ourselves, how we conduct ourselves based on those beliefs, and how we promote our beliefs about ourselves will produce either empowering or destructive results on our experiences of living life. As I always said; "All realities are not invented equally!"!&id=9541252

What's the Difference Between Little Minds and Great Minds?

"Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them." Washington Irving

At first, it may appear that this is saying misfortune is a blessing in disguise. If you look closer, it seems this is saying that whatever occurs is in the eye of the beholder. What we call rising above may have everything to do with an individual's perspective.

In everyone's life, something occurs every second of the day. What you see as misfortune and what you see as a great opportunity may have more to do with how you view the world.

If you can understand that everything is an occurrence or something happening, you begin to get that what shows up is nothing, not misfortune or great. Therefore, it is what you say it is. Once you add your meaning to the occurring, the occurring is tainted by what you predetermine to be good or bad.

If, as a rule, you look for things to be wrong, eventually you will be tamed by your perspective alone. Why? You will always find misfortune, even when things are going well.

If you think I am exaggerating, look at your relationship with your significant other or with big opportunities. If you are unable to visualize either over a one-year period without predetermining something going wrong, you are the creator of your own misfortune.

At the same time, breakdowns or problems occur in life. Do you view them as opportunities to uncover what is missing? Or do you allow your mind to be subdued into giving up and saying 'it just wasn't meant to be'?

What some call misfortune opens the door for the possibility to uncover what's missing and allows one to be extraordinary. It is the opportunity to show your prowess, for the world to see what you are made of.

Don't Live Frustrated or Unfulfilled - Do Something About It!

If you don't like something about your life you have the power to change it. You can shift your life in the direction that you want it to go in. You don't have to live an unhappy unfulfilled life. That is not why you are here on earth.

If you have been feeling like there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing then you are right. None of us have reached our greatest potential regardless of what we have been blessed to accomplish. As long as we are breathing we should still be achieving.

You are still alive at this moment so you still have a chance to do the things you dream of doing. It is not too late, and that is regardless of your age. Too many people have died with their dreams and purpose still in them, don't let that be you. I understand that it takes time and energy to pursue our dreams, and sometimes even money, but the payoff is so much greater than the sacrifice. I am a witness to that.

You don't have to live frustrated, stuck or unsatisfied. You deserve to live a prosperous life mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. If you feel like you are lacking in any one of those areas it is time for you to do something about it. Even if it is simply deciding right now that you want to live your best life possible. Yes, even making a decision is taking action. Why? Because any transformation that happens in the life of an individual must begin with the choice to change.

Decide where you want to be 6 months from now, one year from now, and 5 years from now. How do you want your life to look? What do you want to be doing career wise? What kind of legacy do you want to leave for your family? What kind of difference do you want to be making in the lives of others? Remember you have the power to manifest your dreams into reality. It is possible. And it is not just possible for everyone else. It is possible for you!!&id=9512839