
How To Transform Your Life And Get Started On A Personal Growth Plan (By James Nussbaumer)

Ever feel like you need to figure a way for how you can change your life? It wasn't that long ago when my entire life crashed to a wrecking ball, and then a miraculous personal growth plan had started.

I'd known deep within there was a burning need to change my life and to make a much needed career change, but I'd put off on taking any sort of action.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "There is no substitute for truth. And truth will make this plain to you as you are brought into the place where you must meet with truth."

I was nervously treading water, watching my boat sinking fast, and without a life preserver. I was turning fifty, and felt anchored to the bottom of the lake, lost for air.

The Confused Mind

For many years a voice within would tell me, "you can change your life," a transformation had been urging a shift in me, but out of fear I resisted. I would hear the voice, but just wouldn't listen.

I felt as though I couldn't find my inner peace, so I tried on the weird belief that I could make something of myself that I was not meant to be.

As I see it now, when I wouldn't take action when the voice urged "you can change your life," this was the beginning of an undoing process that would eventually set me free.

The Course in Miracles states, "The Holy Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world you see to something else; a basis not insane, on which sane perception can be base, another world perceived."

Listening to the Voice

This undoing entailed the gradual, ongoing obliteration of a manmade thought system I had been buying into for most of my adult life.

At the time, while continuing to feel that urging in me saying, you can change your life, I felt myself drowning in a sea of disbelief, a confused mind, and terror.

An indictment had been issued by the grand jury of the State of Ohio, and I was soon to be arrested for a selfish mistake I made through my business practice as a financial advisor.

My actions were not a part of a Ponzi scheme, but more a brash mishandling of the money of three clients totaling approximately 100,000 dollars.

And then, from prison, is when I began writing, and finally started following the guidance of my inner Teacher telling me, you can change your life.

To a life of peace and success!

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