
Are Charisma And The Law Of Attraction The Same?

Many people talk about the Law of Attraction (LOA) nowadays because it's a concept where people tune into the universe using their thoughts to realize their dreams.

They create a thought process that is positive and then send that out (just by thinking about it) to the universal forces. Many believe when you do this, you will receive what you think about. If you want a promotion at work, you will get it. If you need money to pay bills, this will happen too.

When looking at this concept, it doesn't seem like it's that much different from the concept of charisma.

After all, people who are charismatic seem to be able to get whatever they want. While similarities exist, the one crucial distinguishing factor with charisma is you use others to get what you want. With the LOA, for the most part you accomplish this alone.

This presents a darker side to charisma.

There are evil people who are considered charismatic. Dictators tend to start early on as being charismatic leaders. This is how they can gain their power. If you take a look at many of the infamous dictators of the 20th century - Hitler, Stalin and many Chinese war lords - these are the people who can always charm people into doing irrational things for them.

People tend to associate the word charisma in a positive light. It's much like Time Magazine's Man of the Year, or Woman of the Year. It's not necessarily about likeable people. It's about people who are the most newsworthy that year.

Charisma can certainly be used in a positive manner and many people do. However, it's easy to abuse the power of charisma when it leads to getting your way. A power such as this can be intoxicating for the charismatic person which means they continue to use it no matter the cost. After a while, they stop using their power for good and it becomes detrimental to themselves and society at large.

This concept doesn't apply to the LOA.

When you apply the LOA in your life, if you are using it to be self-serving, it simply won't work. You'll be "flagged" as someone trying to game the system, and you will be caught in the negative energy. And because it's a thought process, it is completely personal and contained within yourself.

This brings up an interesting point: can someone be charismatic and use the LOA together?

As long as they are using their charisma in a selfless manner, there should be no problem when using both. However, the minute they cross the line, the negative side of the LOA may start to accumulate and believe it or not, they will pay for the heavy price somehow, somewhere and someday.

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