
Message From the Universe: The Power of Your Thoughts and Actions

"What if suddenly, in a flash of fire and light, you got "it"! And among other things, you suddenly understood, without a doubt, the creative power of your word. Do you think you'd ever again utter, "it's hard," "it's not working," "something's wrong with me," or "I don't know"?

You got "it"! 
The Universe"

These flashes of intelligence are sometimes rare so when they do come, you will notice them. Suddenly, everything around you will become clear and make more sense. The power of your thoughts and actions can move mountain so never underestimate either one of them. The words "hard", or "it's not working" or "I am not worth it" shouldn't be crossing your mind at any time. You are better than that. By changing a few things around with your actions, you will start seeing the results you been wishing for. Stop trying to fix things that couldn't be fixed and focus on what can work for you. The brain is also a muscle, so train it like you would with your biceps or chest or another other parts of your body. You need to train it to accept only the positive thoughts and reject the negative. It doesn't happen overnight, especially if you polluted your mind with thoughts such as "it's hard," "it's not working," "something's wrong with me," or "I don't know".

Your mind needs to be fed only positive words so it can talk to the Universe and transmit the important message of health, wealth, fortune and glory. I agree that in the process, you will have lots of ups and downs, which is perfectly normal. If you would only see the summit, everyone would do it. You need to also have luck, as not many is born son or daughter of the King of Saoudi Arabia, or another other country. We do not choose where we are from but as long as you make the best of what you have, this is already the beginning of reaching the ultimate supremacy. You will need lots of work and determination to overcome the challenges of life and this is why you need to start training your brain TODAY to allow easy travel throughout these difficult hurdles. If you are not trained, you will abandon ship quickly and not give yourself another chance at success. Try to stay away from the 97% of the population who gave up too quickly on their dreams to end up working for the 3% of the people who pushed through the difficult times and succeeded far beyond everyone's imagination.

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