
How to Eliminate Self-Sabotage for Good!

As we become more self-aware we start noticing patterns of self-sabotage in our lives. Self-sabotage occurs when we find ourselves getting very close to reaching a goal, finding happiness in a relationship, success in our careers, or even becoming debt free, and then just when we are on the right path right where we want to be, BOOM! Something bad happens to stop us dead in our tracks forcing us to detour without the opportunity to reach success, fulfill an accomplishment, experience deep love, or become financially free. Examples could be that we suddenly become very ill right when we are about to reach an important goal or even right after we have reached an important goal, or right before we go on a vacation a million issues come up that keep us from fully enjoying our away time, or perhaps you are just dollars away from eliminating that credit card debt and then all of a sudden an unexpected bill is received that requires you to place another charge on your card... Some may say that these are just bad coincidences that keep happening over and over, but I don't believe in coincidences. {"In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly. The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes. It describes that which fits together perfectly." - from the book Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer} In essence, these coincidences, these 'happenings', are matching our exact vibrational alignment. Remember, we create our realities and the Universe is responding to the way we 'feel', our personal vibrational signature. If there is any un-healed areas of your life, and most likely there is, your sub-conscious mind is likely harboring your day to day experience while attempting to deal with un-dealt matters. In order to eliminate the counterproductive sabotage behavior, you must correct the issues at their root while taking a pro-active and positive approach.

Here's how you can eliminate Self-sabotage for good:

1. Become aware of the sabotage pattern. Voice this in some way either verbal or written. Ask yourself (and answer): In a perfect life, would I do this thing at all? If so, what would I change to make it more enjoyable? If not, what would I rather do?

2. Take ownership and stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems. Then forgive yourself and really mean it.

3. Hire a good Therapist or Shadow Coach to help heal experiences from your childhood and past.

4. Remember, it doesn't matter if you fall off the horse. All that matters is how long you take before jumping back on. #neverstop

5. Keep your main focus on moving forward and envision your ideal scenario (this is key!)

In many cases people sabotage their selves over their entire life without consciously realizing that they are running in circles. In other cases we come to our senses and realize that we are sabotaging ourselves, but we don't do anything about it - we don't know what needs to be done and we remain stuck weaving in and out of bad habits. Now that you know what to do, print this article and cut out the five steps above. Keep them in a journal, planner, bulletin board or somewhere you will be reminded from time to time.!&id=9029590

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