
Why the World Needs Empaths, and How Empaths Can Survive the World

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In her New York Times bestseller, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (2011), Dr. Judith Orloff defines empaths as "highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments... that feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings."

There is no doubt that empaths are special, sensitive, and beautiful people. Without them, the world would be one without passion, love, understanding, and support.

All people need empaths in their lives.

The sad fact is that many empaths suffer from constant fears, stress, anxiety, or a lack of meaning in their lives. Empaths are heroes, because, unlike many of us, they choose not to keep their souls and their compassion hidden from others. They make themselves available without question-whenever needed-and surround those who need them in a beautiful circle of love.

Our planet needs empaths.

They have the power to make other people great; unfortunately, they don't know how to make themselves great, and that's really unfortunate.

To enable themselves to be great, empaths should take care not to give themselves to others unconditionally. They need to keep some of their energy for themselves: To add more stress to their already existing anxiety would be unhealthy. It's important for empaths to learn how to make peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable lives for themselves-first. They have to believe that everything starts with them. If they don't have enough energy or love for themselves, how can they give love and energy to others? No individual can give away something that he or she doesn't have.

Therefore, empaths must make a place in their lives where they can relax. This place needs to be separate from the rest of world-that part of their world which causes them stress. This is the place where empaths can refuel their energy and return to whenever life gets too busy, too hectic, or too demanding. And when they're in that special place, their only purpose should be to relax, meditate, visualise, sit down and listen to their favorite music... or to just be silent and feel their feelings, think their thoughts, or read a book that will teach them-assure them-that they're not alone on this Earth. These are easy and effective ways through which empaths can de-stress and recharge themselves.

Empaths are a precious gift to the world.

They therefore shouldn't constantly worry about their health or about how to save the world.

Yes, empaths need to realize that the world would survive even without them and that their lives don't have to be so difficult. They need to connect to their own beliefs and spirituality. This will make the difference, make them stronger and allow them to be kinder to themselves so that they can live lives that are healthier and more enjoyable.

Empaths require a balance between helping others and helping themselves. They feel more than they need to, and this is a problem that modern medicine can't help them with. There is no cure for an empath's love. Western medicine treats symptoms-not the soul or the spirit. So empaths need to be their own health-care providers-and as it turns out, they are their own best possible healers.

When a person's emotional life is healthy, his or her physical health will improve immediately. This is called the mind-body connection-and it works!

When feeling overwhelmed, or when things seem to be falling apart, empaths need to go inside themselves, inside their spirit, and find their cure: their place of comfort. It's a sacred place, and they deserve to have it.

And as long as they have it, they'll have enough passion, love, understanding, and support to give to the rest of the world.,-and-How-Empaths-Can-Survive-the-World&id=9644706

Message From the Universe: Facing Your Fears

"Should you ever find yourself on your path, moving along in spite of fear, wondering if you're ready or not to rise to the next level, chances are great that you will not be ready.

Rise anyway.

The Universe"

There will NEVER be the right time for anything in life. There is never a right time to get married, to have a kid, or right time to go on vacation, or right time to start a business, or right time for anything. If you wait for one thing to do another, you will be waiting a long time. The key is to do it anyways. If you truly believe in your heart that this is what you need to do, regardless of the present situation you are facing, I will say JUST DO IT. Sometimes, by doing it, all the pieces will come together where you originally thought it can never happen. Circumstances in life are somewhat prone to stop you on your track, even though you do everything in your power to be organized, to work hard, to put your all in everything you accomplish. Planning is great but unfortunately, even with the best planning in the world, you can't be on top of everything in your life. Something's gotta give.

We all have faced turmoil in our lives, distress, challenges, obstacles and whatever else you want to throw in this equation we call life. There is never really a perfect moment to do anything. Sometimes, the key is to throw yourself in it and work around its outcome. You will then figure out the best way to optimize every situation you put yourself in. There is always a solution to every problem. We all wonder what came first: The problem OR the solution, just like the chicken or the egg dilemma.

When Forever Is Always Lost

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Forever... endless, always, these are words filled with hope; is it really possible to believe in forever? Most people want to believe forever is a part of their life story but for some, forever is always lost. How is it possible that endless and always could escape from our reality; if it does, is it possible to halt this progression of lost opportunities?

Some behavior patterns create a rendezvous with a destiny we might rather avoid. Some are learned; others adopted as a defense to some perceived loss or deeply embedded pain in our life. The most typical of these habits are far more common than you might imagine. When we recognize the losses they guarantee it is far easier to break the habits.

1) Harboring anger and resentment allows bitterness to command our life. Once this pattern has set in it requires us to refuse contact with the person these emotions are directed at. This kind of deep-seated anger often rears its ugly head in families with sibling rivalry the leading cause. The smallest slights become unforgivable sins. Every emotion is amplified requiring any comment to be dissected and discussed endlessly with anyone who will listen and commiserate. Forgiveness is essential to heal this rift, requiring absolute honesty and a willingness to change the behavior patterns that caused the emotions behind the rift. In the absence of a real healing experience forever is lost as over and over again there are missed opportunities to build a lifetime relationship and memories you should have been able to depend on.

2) Becoming a zealot to any person or cause ensures that you have willfully given up your ability to see clearly, to be discerning and to act or react appropriately about any situation that revolves around the person or cause. You are blind-sighted and determined to remain so. Zealots are extremists who proselytize their beliefs while ignoring others right to hold a different opinion or position. They refuse to listen to and many times even associate with those who are not in agreement with them. Forever is always lost to them as they close one door after another to anyone who disagrees with them. They have lost the opportunity to have meaningful friendships or relationships that might have been very fulfilling.

3) Perhaps the most serious and crippling of all of these behavior patterns is the willingness to subjugate your own personal self-worth and foundation of your beliefs to any other person. This is typically a part of an abusive relationship with a partner, parents, a sibling or a friendship that becomes so important you lose yourself in the pursuit to become acceptable to another. The real horror in this habit is how little time it takes for the idea that you are unacceptable to become your new reality. You have lost you; sadly your forever's are always lost and may never be recovered. 
These are the most common causes, well worth recognizing and eliminating from our lives.

3 Important Powerful Principles That Will Improve Your Success

What does it take to be successful?

Ask all the self-help Gurus, Life Relationship Career Coaches, and anyone who promotes personal growth and self-development, and you will most definitely get different answers as to their formula for success.

The truth is success does leave clues. You can achieve the success you desire by observing some basic principles, paying attention to them and putting them into practice.

One of my favourite quotes about success is from Colin Powell. Here is what he has to say about success:

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure."

These principles are actually quite simple; in fact they are considered to be common sense, but most people do not take the time to follow them.

Let's take a look in more detail at what Powell is actually saying.

1. Preparation

Do you know where you are going, what you are doing and why you are doing it?

People who are prepared do.

Preparation means having a vision, a destination, a purpose, a goal and putting a clear action plan in place to move you in the right direction.

You don't have to be rigid about your action plan; some flexibility is often required. Regardless, however, to achieve the success you desire, you must focus and put positive energy into what you want to achieve and then, through your action steps, work towards preparing for the moment when the opportunity knocks on your door.

You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect. But you do have to move and take that first action step and then just keep going.

"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail."

Famous words from Benjamin Franklin.

· Reading, attending workshops webinars conferences, acquiring new knowledge and skill

· Connecting to a mentor or coach to improve accountability, learn new skills

· Joining a Master Mind Group to integrate learning and to gain ongoing support.

You can prepare for success or you can prepare for failure, but those most likely to succeed are the ones who invest their time and energy in doing what it takes to succeed - and this includes preparation.

2. Hard Work

Success needs hard work. Hard work means taking bold actions, working smarter and going the extra mile. It is about working on the right things and doing them in the right order. Another Colin Powell quote:

"A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

In the final instance, nothing worth having comes easy; if it does, you will not value it as you will not see it as being important.

Having a powerful vision is crucial to focus your energies and inspire and motivate you; however, it is "hard work," a willingness to learn and go the extra mile, and a dedication and commitment to working on yourself and your goals that will lead to successful achievement, as well as building your character.

3. Learning from Failure

Successful people do not shy away from failure, they do not see it as such. Failure to them is just information - important information on what is not working.

Thomas Edison found 10,000 different ways of how a light bulb doesn't work before he successfully found the right way. Had he not continued on with his experiments the world might still be in darkness.

Failure provides us with lessons, it gives us insight into what we need to do differently. The failure comes from when we do not heed the lessons; this is when we fail to learn, fail to change and fail to grow. Failure is thus success, if we take the time to learn from it.

By adopting this mindset, by turning each failure into a learning lesson or opportunity, we will always succeed.

There is no failure unless we actually give up.

"Your dream does not have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again."

Preparation, hard work and learning from failure are the fundamentals to building a successful, bright future. Armed with these three powerful principles identified by Colin Powell, you now have a potent formula for success. Use it and you will be well on your way to achieving the success you desire.

Proven Strategies That Decrease Distraction and Increase Self-Motivation

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We live in a busy world with so many distractions, making it easier for us to get sidelined and lose track of what is important to us. We lose sight of what we want and what we should be doing. If there are a lot of distractions that keep you from doing what you need to be doing, then you need to make some changes.


Remez Sasson, founder and owner of Success Consciousness: Mental Tools for a Great Life, says the following about motivation:

"Motivation is the inner power that pushes you toward taking action toward achievement. Motivation is powered by desire and ambition; if these two principles are absent then motivation is absent too. You may want something or feel that you want to achieve a certain goal; however if the desire and ambition are not strong enough, you lack the push, the initiative, and the willingness to take the necessary action, your chances of success are limited because your motivation is weak. When there is motivation, there is initiative, direction, courage, energy, and the persistence to follow your goals."


Being motivated means that you are aligned with your goals and values so that you are clear on what is important to you and why it is important to you. This helps in maintaining discipline and focus. In order to do this successfully, take the time to determine those values and prioritize the ones that are most important to you.

Keeping yourself motivated means that you have a clear vision of how you and your life will be different once you achieve your goals. More importantly, you use the visualization to generate the powerful feelings associated with successfully achieving the goal. Developing this important skill will allow you to see yourself implementing those important action steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goal.

Rehearsing, preparation, breaking things down into smaller more manageable steps; becoming more organized, determining what is urgent and non-urgent, and what will become urgent if not addressed, will go a long way towards reducing distraction and embracing the hard work that is needed to get you where you want to go. Using the power of visualization with any one of these steps will keep you focused and enhance your self- motivation.

Keeping yourself motivated requires a high level of self-discipline, self-honesty and self-monitoring to deal with the distractions that can get in your way. In monitoring your thoughts, actions and behaviors you accept the fact that you alone are accountable and responsible for the outcome of your success.

Motivated people are able to do what needs to be done, without influence from other situations or people. They do not give up when challenged, as they are able to rely on their own strength, reason and resilience. Although you can certainly benefit from encouragement and support, at the end of the day your achievement of success will come down to your inner abilities. To be self-motivated means that there is no outside force or person pushing you to become what you want to. The locus of control is within you and not based on others.


Take the effort to make sure that you are completely absorbed and laser-focused in what you are doing by following these important principles:

  • Take care of your distractions - pay attention to what trips you up and gets in the way of you achieving success
  • Take the time to find ways to quiet the mind; slowing down and listening to the voice within goes a long way to helping you to know what is important
  • Mirror and copy role models. The fact is that success leaves clues and guidelines for you to follow. Implement and do what successful people do.


Here are a few tips to aid you in staying motivated:

1. Fill your mind with positive information, visual aids, pictures, words of encouragement and quotes; read, listen and view information that feeds your mind and helps you to stay focused on what you want to achieve.

2. Surround yourself with positive people and protect your vibrational energy. Stay away from energy vampires - those negative people who pull you down, drain your energy and deflate your spirit.

3. Pay attention to your self-talk. Ensure that your inner dialogue is positive, supportive, encouraging and stays connected to your wise mind

4. Cultivate laughter and play in your life. What you do with your down-time (scheduling down-time) is just as important as what you do when you are working towards your goals.

5. Hire a Coach or connect to a Mentor - someone who has achieved what you aspire to who can show you the steps to get what you want and where you want to go, as well as hold you accountable.

The whole concept of self-motivation and success lies within you. There is no external force and power that can MAKE you stay motivated. Motivation comes from within you and no one else. We all lose our ability to concentrate and focus from time to time; address those motivational slumps and eliminate the things that distract and take away your focus by making your self-motivation a priority. When your self-motivation is a priority you enhance your overall state of mental health and general sense of well-being. You become more self-sufficient and self-reliant, both of which go a long way to boost your confidence and enhance your self-esteem.

You Are the Pilot Making All the Course Corrections in Your Life

Close-up Of A Man Wearing A Headphone And Sunglasses Inside An Aircraft Cockpit

In this Whisper I would like to share 4 of my favorite self-talk affirmations I use all day, ever day, that never fail to work for me.

If you memorize them, use them daily when you need them, they will quickly become a part of your mindset and bring you much more control of your thoughts, then your emotions, then your actions.

The effects of these self-talk affirmations are immediate and powerful, as you will see if you CHOOSE to make them a habit of your personality and USE THEM.

This is one of the most powerful things you can do right away to make positive changes in your life and it is FREE and it is mostly EFFORTLESS on your part.

The FIRST affirmation... "Am I Present Now?"

If you use these 4 magical words as soon as you notice yourself being depressed, anxious, angry, cruel, annoyed, insensitive, lonely, shy, possessive, or any other of the many negative emotions that pop up during our daily activities you will find they quickly disappear from your mindset.

When you snap yourself back to your Present Moment with the 4 words none of these emotions can exist for long. They automatically disappear because there is no room for them when you are in your Present.

If you make this a daily habit you will see exactly what I am talking about and experience the powerful results quickly.

And when you use these 4 words during anything enjoyable or fun you will intensify the pleasure you receive and become more aware of the joy.

(This 4 word sentence has had the largest effect on my life changing for the better. If nothing else from my Whispers stays in your mind... this is the one mindset secret you need to keep.)

The SECOND affirmation... "I'm Not In A Race!"

In today's world we seem to be constantly rushing here, rushing there, and being short on time much of the day.

When you find yourself hurrying to do anything or be anywhere use this short affirmation to remind yourself life is not a race.

These words will slow your mindset down right away. They will clear your mind, calm you, and allow you to get done what you need to do on time and be where you want to be on time.

They will show you how to live without a rushed mindset.

(I use this one a lot when I'm stuck in traffic or following a slow driver or late for something and it helps.)

The THIRD affirmation... "Accept What IS!"

One of the greatest sources of unhappiness in life is our difficulty in accepting things as they are.

Whether it be our family life, our work, other people, the state of politics in whatever country we live in, negative media, or anything else in life that we normally are quick to JUDGE whether it is good or bad.

Rather than JUDGE something we are much better off ACCEPTING WHAT IS. Especially when it is beyond our control.

Now if you can change some negative things in your immediate life and make them positive, by all means do so. As soon as possible. At least begin to work on changing them.

But what you cannot change do not let those things depress you or stress you. Realize it is simply the state of the world, of life, and it simply IS WHAT IT IS.

When you do something wrong, something you didn't want to do, or you make mistakes, do not JUDGE yourself as being a bad person. Do not beat yourself up about it.

Simply accept what IS, make what changes you can to correct the behavior or situation, and move on with your life.

(This one helps when I get depressed with the state of our politics, or the negative news on TV, or unconscious negative people I encounter, or even crappy weather.)

The FOURTH affirmation... "I Will Be Making Course Corrections All Through Life."

If you've ever flown on an airliner, or watched one land, you can see and feel the constant course corrections the pilots make every few seconds.

This is to ensure the exact position and course the plane needs to be on, no matter what the conditions, to land safely at its destination.

You are similar to a pilot of an airliner making a landing when you make adjustments in your life.

You can be assured that during your lifetime you will be required to consistently make 'course corrections' along the way. Life is never static, it always changes.

Most people do not like change. They don't accept it well. This can cause a stagnation of life and result in staying in the same old same old place yet hoping for good things to happen anyway.

That mindset will not work if you want to enjoy life to its fullest.

When you accept that change will be a large part of your life every day, week, month and year, and all throughout your life, and that you need to consistently make 'course corrections,' your life will begin to take shape based on your 'piloting skills' and choosing to embrace change and use it to your advantage.

You are the 'pilot' of your life and do not hesitate to make your course corrections as you see fit and you will safely arrive at your destination.

Take these few seeds of wisdom I have given you, plant them firmly into your mind, begin watering them with practice, and watch them bloom into beautiful flowers in your expanded mindset.

... LIVE the Whisper

Why You Have Everything You Need To Thrive

Being Grateful For What Is

While I know it may not seem apparent at times, you have everything you need to thrive.

It is a mistaken belief that having more will help you advance in life when you meaninglessly want more.

People think that if they had more money, better looks, a better job or lived in a better area of town, they would be happy.

I wish to remind you that everything comes with a price and having more money means being responsible for managing large sums. If you do not have the emotional intelligence to manage money, having lots of it can pose problems.

Thriving then is a state of mind.

"You have everything you need to thrive; you just have to plan for the race of your life. Each person's journey and process is unique," states author Jay Samit in Disrupt Yourself.

Appreciate what is in your life right now by recognising your gifts, talents and genius. It means knowing your life is bountiful as it is.

Though you have wants and needs, do not allow them to overshadow what is present.

This is the basis of this entire piece; being grateful for your goodness instead of focusing on what is lacking.

Why Sometimes It Isn't Enough

I realise it is easy to focus on what is missing when your basic needs are met. For example, if you have a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food on the table, your basic survival needs are catered for. However, millions of people do without these luxuries.

One of the world's leading business thinkers, Daniel H. Pink, states in his book Drive, "I don't think it's a Western thing to really talk about intrinsic motivation and the drive for autonomy, mastery and purpose. You have to not be struggling for survival. For people who don't know where their next meal is coming, notions of finding inner motivation are comical."

Perhaps necessities are not enough because you want more: money, fame, better relationships or a successful career.

History has shown people succeeded with the bare necessities. Several prominent companies nowadays began operations in less than desirable conditions in the garage of their parents' house.

You have all you need to thrive, but you believe it isn't enough compared to those with plentiful.

But if you look behind the scenes of those you consider rich, you will find emptiness and a longing for something deeper than material luxuries.

Whatever is plentiful in one area, will be lacking in other areas of your life.

The root cause of suffering is not appreciating what is apparent in our lives and striving to fill the void.

"Fear causes you to contract rather than open, to protect rather than connect, to resist rather than respond, to survive rather than thrive," affirms author Mary O'Malley in What's in the Way Is the Way: A Practical Guide for Waking Up to Life.

Abundance and Prosperity

Underlying this want for more is the fear that someday your needs will no longer be met. Your partner will fall out of love, you will run out of money and be homeless or forced out of your job or worse still, death.

However, this is an illusion because your thoughts are turned towards fear instead of towards abundance and prosperity.

Abundance and prosperity does not mean being filthy rich, but recognising the abundant nature of your life. Having your basic needs met is abundance. Half the world's population are without access to these luxuries and make do with less than optimal conditions.

One need only look to the current refugee crisis and see people's homes and basic needs taken from them.

For many refugees, not having food, water and shelter constitutes a significant change in circumstances. Yet, for someone living in the United States, this is a basic necessity often overlooked.

Author Linda Graham MFT states in her book Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being: "Survive first, thrive later: that's the motto of the lower brain. The well-documented tendency of our lower brain to encode negative, fear-based memories more readily into our unconscious memory than positive ones is referred to as negativity bias."

You will continue to suffer if you believe the source of your happiness is outside of you.

If you hang your hopes on someone or something to provide for your happiness, you will always long for more.

The moment you move your awareness to what is bountiful, you shift to gratitude to what is available.

This doesn't mean you should not have better things to enjoy. However, if your attention is fixed on what is lacking, you neglect to value if the goodness in your life.

The Source of Your Joy

Happiness must not be subject to constantly having your needs met. I assure you, not everything will go to plan and occasionally you will be disappointed.

This is no less true when a partner leaves a relationship and the other person is left to contemplate why it dissolved.

However, in time, their broken heart heals and they soon find love again. This time, they recognise their partner is not the only source of their happiness, but someone who compliments them.

To appreciate what you have, focus on the source of your joy. Write down or recite what you are grateful for upon waking up or retiring to bed each night.

A warm cup of coffee, shower, bed, family and friends to share a home with, living in a safe neighbourhood, a job that pays well and an employer that appreciates you are the unlikeliest sources of happiness.

These are basic essentials, which when magnified add to your sense of appreciation. From this place of awareness you'll create better circumstances in which to thrive.

The German born spiritual author Eckhart Tolle states: "Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance."

Appreciation enriches your life as abundance and prosperity, as long as you recognise it is always enough.

Psychology Of Fear and How To Deal With It

Many of us fear different things in life. Some are minor and fade away with time while a few of them are deep-rooted and accompany us for the rest of our lives. Human beings are an amalgamation of emotions and fear comes with the entire package. No two people will have the same kind of phobia and no one can say for sure if they learn to battle it out and overcome it, or choose to live with it for as long as they live. Fear is real and everybody experiences it at some point in his or her life. With that being said, let's get to know what fear is and what does it do to people.

Defining Fear And The Psychology Behind It!

"Fear is normal, but a very powerful human emotion. It cautions us about danger that we perceive can harm us." It's basically 'fight or flight syndrome'. In simple words, when you're scared, your body reacts as if you're in a middle of a massive physical trauma or threat. You experience increased heart rate, profuse sweating, irregular bowel movements and higher adrenalin levels. Basically, your body is telling you to either deal with the situation and 'fight' or if things are getting out of hand then choose 'flight' and get yourself out of that spot to a place you feel safe.

Fear has many forms. It's an unpleasant feeling that ranges from mild to severe reactions and responses - hearing about a natural catastrophe, awaiting school, college or health results or losing a close friend, parent or spouse. Sudden incidents and events scar and entangle you in fear that numb you down or make you freeze in your tracks. Other types of fears or phobias are due to extreme stress. The ones that individuals deal almost every day like perpetual worry, ruminating thoughts, hyper-sensitivity etc. which can seriously affect their mental and physical health in due course.

We humans are not born with fears and worries. It's partly instinctive and partly taught to us by the world around us. For instance, you may get scared of taking a vaccine shot in a doctor's clinic. That's your fear due to the pain or prick you'll receive while the shot is being administered. Other phobias or fears are learnt by our external factors. We may fear situations, people, events and places that might have given us bitter experiences in the past. For example, you may have been involved in a car accident on the highway with a speeding truck. So now you think twice before driving on the same road after a few weeks.

You'll be surprised to know that some fears are imaginary. The human brain is an absolute masterpiece and sometimes it can work overtime. People tend to fear certain stimuli that aren't very scary or roughly that's not even real. Individuals assume that something bad 'may' happen and that sort of makes them take a step back and get into the whirlwind of 'what-ifs'. This diminishes their ability to think rationally and they become victims to anxiety and depression that started with something as small as just a thought.

Ways To Deal With Fear!

1) Feel the fear and do it anyway~

There's a famous book that's written by late author Susan Jeffers, 'Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway'. It's highly recommended that you read this book. It has valuable insights about feeling any kind of fear and continuing with one's task, whatever it may be. It makes you realize an extremely valuable lesson and i.e. as long as you continue to grow as a person, you will experience various kinds of fears and apprehensions. And that shouldn't deter you in accomplishing what you ought to do. The only way to combat fear is to face it head-on. As scary as it may sound, but that's the truth. You're blessed with this life and that cannot be spent by being caged in your fears. If you want to explore the nook and crannies of this world, then you've got to take appropriate steps and that begins by facing what scares you.

2) Systematic Desensitization~ 
This method is used by many psychologists in their therapy sessions and it works wonders for many. Systematic desensitization is exposing a person gradually to things, situations or events that seem to trigger fear. If a person is terrified of spiders, then the first session is spent by talking about various spiders and bugs. The next session is concentrated on watching YouTube videos or a documentary about them. And then few weeks later, eventually holding a live spider. These little steps are effective in making a person realize that the fear that's harbouring inside isn't that bad and can be managed effectively.

3) Correct Thinking Mistakes~ 
Try and change your perspective about fear. Instead of looking at it as something dreadful and unpleasant, approach it with the intent of learning something out of it. Experience is the best teacher one can find. So dive in and see what life has to offer. It can be anything under the sun. If you're scared of water, take beginners lessons in swimming with an instructor. In case speaking in public gives you jitters, attend a public speaking program and learn the nuances of facing a crowd. Once you get into the habit of changing the way you think and looking at fears positively, there's nothing that can scare you from then on.

4) Failure Is Good~ 
In reality, there are umpteen people who are fearful only because they fear failure. We're a generation that was brought up with the ideology that failure is bad. But in reality, it's the best thing that can happen to anybody. Success is sweet, no doubt. But failure teaches you something that success doesn't and i.e. perseverance. People tend to get complacent with success, but failure gives you that drive to move on, work hard and achieve your dreams. Quit fearing roadblocks, detours and disappointments. They have the ability to direct you to something truly astounding that you'll cherish for the rest of your life.

So next time if a friend or an acquaintance tells you to 'snap-out' of your fears, smile and tell him or her that you're working on them and you will overcome them no matter what.

Trouble, the Transportation to Transformation

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Just in the midst of our gentle walk through life along comes trouble, trouble everywhere; the shortest walk we ever take in life is the walk towards trouble. The one constant is that it never arrives alone. Everyone gets their turn at meeting this undesirable companion; it happens when we are being remodeled to become something more. Trouble is the method of transportation.

Many times trouble is accompanied by losses, one right after the other. It is a shedding of the old that will no longer be needed as we become the new. What is without dispute is that a multitude of methods may be employed to take what you have but no one can take what you are destined to become. This is the joker in the deck that can trump every other card! By whatever method Is available, we all become what we are being reshaped to be.

Being forced to travel a road that is particularly difficult signifies the depth of the change we are being prepared for. It is also an indicator of how far off our chosen path we may have strayed. There are very definitive steps in the process. Just as a package is dropped into the mailbox, picked up, dropped at the post office, sorted and transported to the next facility and then on and on until it arrives at the desired destination, there are short, temporary stays on the way for humans. There will be times when the package will be temporarily out of place until it is delivered. So too is the human who is becoming; the life path will make short stops to readjust and be rerouted in order to be successfully delivered. This may leave one feeling like they are totally out of place. It is a part of the plan on the way to being delivered to the destination. Setbacks are set ups for success!

Take heart if you are in this process. Trouble prods you on down the road and forces turns that you may not have dared in the past. Those uncomfortable places where you feel stalled and stuck are the times to pay close attention. Even though you are certain you have no need to learn the lesson before you rest assured that just down the path you will need everything you have learned there to successfully navigate to your destination. You are on the way to a successful delivery to your highest and best good!

Perhaps the best part of this transformation in knowing that once you have learned these lessons and become balanced and confident in the 'new you' life will have prepared you and made you strong enough to charge the gates of hell with a water pistol... and win!,-the-Transportation-to-Transformation&id=9680436

Defeat Your Fears, Not Your Enemies

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Miracles happen when a person conquers his dread. It is the time when he finally surrenders to his worst nightmares, gives them a thumbs-down, and starts a new beginning. It usually happens with a sportsperson. For them, resolution, fervour, and allegiance are necessary in life. Without these capabilities, it is almost impossible for them to conquer the world. A sportsman has to fight his weakest points and his real battle starts with his self. When he defends his own power, he becomes the real super-hero.

A man poses several threats from inside and out. The world will pressurize and challenge his power and make him feel worthless. There are people who will get jealous even if a person performs a bit better than they do. They just cannot accept their defeat or their under-performance and will try hard to bring their opponent down. We are not talking about a healthy competition but a bitter rivalry that can cost lives. It does happen in sports and in the field of academics. People cannot tolerate their competitors' success and will challenge them in all ways. This is a harsh fact and we all are aware of it. We humans are made with flaws but it is our responsibility that we curb down the negative and empower a positive attitude. Some do that and they succeed, while some live their lives destroying others.

Fighting our fears and fighting others' threats is a part of life and we must accept that. There would be times where we would just sit down and give up. Not being able to face the world, we just think that it is time to give up on our dreams. Those are the times when we need to stand up take a deep breath inhaling courage. That is the time when we need to close our eyes and think of all the beautiful things that made us reach to this point Even an animal living in a wasteland or a dense forest falls and breaks his leg. However, it does not stop him to catch his prey and by sheer strength, he runs again and jots down on his feast. If he can do it then why can't we?

We are human beings and we have to live our life accepting and winning challenges. Nothing is handed on a plate even if we are born with a silver spoon. We have to struggle on every phase and that is why God has given us the power of prayer and faith. Whenever we feel down or disappointed we take refuge in God's abode. He shows us the way and tells us to move ahead with a fearless mind. It may take some time but we get over it and start our fights again. From the moment we are born until we reach our graves, we have to fight. There are no second thoughts on it and we cannot escape.

Enthusiasm comes from words, from a strong pat on the back or from someone’s life. It comes from the strangest things and we have to find and imbibe it in us. This world needs courageous hearts and it cannot accept destruction. So take an oath to make yourself better, stronger, and smarter in your next move. Learn to defeat your own self instead of your enemies.

it's just the matter of time and you will get back on track. Always remember your fear is an elf and you are the giant!!,-Not-Your-Enemies&id=9664431

How Your Thoughts Really Become Reality

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Often, people ask me where does the term 'gut feeling' come from, and this is a very interesting question. We tend to forget that actually we have three minds. Yes three. We have our conscious mind, then we have our subconscious mind, and then, we have our abdominal mind.

What is our abdominal mind? 
Better known as the solar plexus, this the point on your body where your nerve system is complex. In Hindu texts, this is the point of your body where your spirituality and self-power is generated. It is the most sensitive part of your chest. It sits within the area of your stomach (at the back) and your just before your diaphragm. It is where the celiac trunk, renal arteries and superior mesenteric artery is split away from the abdominal aorta. Of course, once we start to think about this area, we get an immediate understanding about the feelings of 'butterflies' we get in anticipation of something and other similar sensations experienced in the gut area.

It is an intricate web of nerves, tissue and blood vessels. It is where we get our instinctive drive from. When we fear something, we experience a shift in emotion in this area. It is also the area of the body where we feel anxiety, excitement, apprehension and stress. Actors feel stage fright here. Athletes feel their power surge here before the start of a race. It is the place in our spiritual body where we experience will, self-development and action.

In Chakra, this is the most important area in meditation. We associate it with the colour yellow and the stone, Amber. Our feelings of self-belief come from here.

Our thoughts about our image, confidence and ability also derive from here. This is why when this Chakra isn't in balance, we feel anxiety, depression and guilt. When it is fully active and balanced, we are more likely to make powerful decisions, take risks, step out into the unknown. When we do this, we experience growth both spiritually and emotionally.

So how does this fit into turning things into reality? 
First, we generate an idea in our conscious mind. This might be an idea that's given to us from an external source or it might be one that appears when we are given some information to think about. Ideas are vibrations that are all around us. When we expand our knowledge of a subject, we expand our awareness, thus attracting ideas into our conscious mind.

Next, this idea now in our conscious mind shifts vibration. For an idea to 'stick' the vibration of the idea needs to be IN EXACT FREQUENCY as our paradigm (the selection of thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves and about the world around us.) If the idea is NOT, then we reject the idea and shift our conscious thought onto something else. Don't forget, the conscious mind has the ability to accept or reject ANYTHING. This is why it is highly important to change your belief system first if you want to change your thoughts and change your results.

So what happens if we want to hold onto this new idea? 
This new idea you want to accept, you need to impress onto your subconscious mind for it to stick. Of course, this doesn't come naturally to you. It shifts your thinking onto a new vibration.

One you might not have felt before and the result of this new vibration is a sensation of worry, doubt, fear and anxiety. You feel uncomfortable. You toy with this new idea and worry about it. This fear comes from your paradigm because your conscious mind WANTS you to throw out the idea. It simply doesn't fit in with your existing belief system.

What happens next to make the idea stick? 
This is the hard part. You want this new vibration to stick. So, you ignore your worries and your doubts and you go for it. It will make you feel uneasy but once you have turned that idea into action, your behaviour will shift and the idea will become reality. You probably won't know how you're going to get to your goal, but don't worry. (This is the point where 95% of the population with back away and go back to their old ways again) Go for the desire, reach the goal.

Your subconscious mind will guide you there. Your subconscious mind controls your actions and your physiology. It will show you the way. All you have to do is trust the infinite knowledge you have in your solar plexus. Trusting this is the second hard part. It feels unnatural to you and your immediate feeling is to turn back. Fight through the barrier of beliefs that always stop you in your tracks.

That is how your thought becomes a thing.

Your Purpose Is All That Matters (By Destiny R)

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As I go throughout life, I sometimes have the reoccurring thought of "you will never be good enough." This is a common thought some people have, and I am one of them. It is a thought that sprung into existence out of constant irrational (lectures) conversations with people, views of outsiders, and I can also say that these type of thoughts are sprung up through cultural standards. However, throughout this constant battle of these thoughts, I came across the rational idea through self-discovery and awareness that "if you (they) continue to hold a person up to your (their) own expectations you (they) will always be disappointed." I get it, but sometimes others won't, you may have people in life that seem to always know whats best for you, or feel as though you should be doing something other than what you are doing in life or even giving off the vibe that what you are doing is inadequate but today I say to myself and to others who can relate, "you must follow your own path and purpose, you are enough, and that is all that matters."

Now, true enough there are days where thoughts will continue to cross my mind like "What can I do to be better for them or to seem OK to them in their eyes." but to shift this thinking pattern I continue to remind myself that as long as I am on my path to my purpose and life goals that are all that matters and this is what makes me happy.

It's OK to be upset, frustrated, angry, sad from it but you must not let it consume you.

I struggle with this, but every day when you fight your irrational thoughts you win, yes some days may be worse than others but never stop fighting, right now and for this moment take a deep breath, in and out and say to yourself, "I am enough; I am worthy and as long as I am on a positive path towards my purpose and authentic self then nothing else matters." Then those days of anger, frustration, sadness can become and have become(for me) shorter and shorter and replaced with tunnel vision and more focus on my personal journey of purpose and passion.

This is a work in progress especially if one is constantly surrounded by this, but that doesn't mean that one cannot overcome it.

Be Happy For This Moment For This Is Your Life

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The only time you can really be happy is right now. It is easy to remember all these things when they are being said; it is much harder to remember them when you are stuck in traffic or lying in bed worrying about the next day. If you want to move people, simply tell them the truth.

Today, it is rarer than it's ever been. It's easy to get caught up in life-what is happening, what isn't, what we wish was happening- and forget what we do have. The moments of nonstop laughter, the smile on someone else's face, when someone shows you a kindness you know you'll never be able to return, or when you help someone out that will never be able to repay you.

We spend a lot of time looking forward to the next thing, the next event, or the next step that we forget to live the life we have right now, in this moment. The people around me, my kids and family and the friends I've made have all reminded me of the importance of just being human. Some people would call it fate, karma, etc. but whatever we label it, it transcends us.

Seeing ourselves and the things around us-and I mean really seeing them with all their flaws, beauty, and potential-is living and once we step out of the fog, we can find happiness. Happiness doesn't come from the best job title or biggest paycheck. Peace of mind doesn't come from an easy lifestyle. Change doesn't happen overnight.

We are able to create change by living it.The beauty of living in these moments is celebrating the small accomplishments-watching someone graduate from CRP court, helping a client complete a step on their treatment plan, or observing their ability to grow and change as their work through their treatment plan.

Take life and split it into days. Make every day your memorable moment in your life. Our only existence that matters is always at the moment you are in. So wasting it in negative thoughts or ingratitude ruins the moment. live and focus in the moment" and happiness will reflect in a different perception. Be conscious of where you are in life and appreciate your connection to now, appreciate it for what it is rather than what it isn't.

It takes practice to do living at the moment because the negative mind distracts you. We hurry through life, not thinking about little moments. Moments where we can be distracted by little things that can make us smile, or laugh. And from these moments, feel happy about that moment. Life is full of small and simple moments.

Life can hit you between the eyes, or pass by you in the space of a heartbeat. The special moments go uncounted all our lives. And only a few will stand out when we are old and have the time to sit and reflect back. Or will they have drifted out of our minds, as they did soon after the experience?

I am taking the time now, to not regret paying attention to the simple moments that are given to me, to enjoy in life especially with my wonderful and adorable kids.

Just to take more notice of what life had to offer. Appreciate what we have right now. Be happy because we are blessed be it small or big.

It's High Time

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One day, some day; everyone says those words; not typically filled with anticipation but more like a long sigh and then those familiar words; one day, maybe. This is the result of becoming dazed and confused in life. We miss the opportunities when they come, relegating hopes and dreams to one day or someday; but not now. You've fallen asleep in life when you become enmeshed in the 'say nots,' violating every rule in the success book.

The words' say not' may have first been written in the Bible. It is filled with the words 'say not' in its directions to us, lest we chase away our good by proclaiming what is not possible in our lives. The words have emerged in a multitude of places when others want to remind us to get into a 'can do' state of mind. These words violate the foundation of possibility thinking. Saying we can't or maybe one day or someday is a reflection of the low times in life. There is little expectation for today.

Isn't it high time that you woke up to find that a problem that seemed impossible to surmount has been resolved? High times in life are when things suddenly and inexplicably change in life, when life changes on a dime. That's your high time. What changed? You woke up to what can be or might be, today. It is an attitude of expectation. When you grasp the high time mentality you are standing closer to your victory. You're expecting it to arrive!

If it doesn't arrive today, don't go back to sleep. This happens when you surround yourself with people who share the same dysfunction as you. A misery loves company mentality erases your opportunity. Look for people who are what you want to become, who are doing what you want to do and make a habit of being around them in some fashion. What you seek is lurking in the energy of that crowd. Ditto for the ones who share what you are trying to combat. Energy sticks like Velcro, all energy. Make it a point to surround yourself with people who are what you see yourself becoming. Look around you, you already have done this. If you are not seeing what you want to become, get into a different energy zone.

High time is the promise of life. Consciously move into the energy field of what you want in life; of where some day or one day has already happened. Success begets success because it is enveloped in the energy of success. It's high time for you when you leave the company of 'say not' hopelessness, of maybe, someday and one day and join the is mentality where now resides.

Message From the Universe: Stay Real

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"It's good to be King, better to be Queen, but best to be yourself.

Because to be yourself, you, just as you are, without any upgrades, required the passage of every second of time in the un-foldment of the entire cosmos... as warm-up.

And you keep getting better.

Plus, this just happens to be the year you'll get all the money, fame, success and health. Hubba, hubba...

You have my smile, 
The Universe"

Don't be someone you are not just because you admire this specific kind of behavior. There are plenty of people out there acting out naturally and their behavior is not something you want to mimic. Learn to love yourself and be who you want to be, not what others want you to become. You are your own identity, so you choose who you want to be.

Humans have the tendency to wanting to be liked, wanting to be loved, wanting to be accepted. Because of our human nature, there are predators lurking in our waters taking advantage of that. They prey on the weak, on the one that will do anything to make others happy. They tend to forget who they are to make that person like them, or in some cases, love them. They create a co-dependent relationship and provides ammunition to the predator. Once that is done, guilt becomes a part of their strategies and they will use it regularly. They will come up with the typical: "you don't love me anymore because you don't do this for me, or I thought we had something special but I guess I was wrong, or you were so sweet before but now you changed for the worst". Beware of all these techniques as they can consume you and drain your energy trying to make others happy.

The key is to make yourself happy. What that other person think of you is really NONE of your business. If you feel your self-worth, your self-esteem is in jeopardy, take a stand. They need to know that you are strong person with values and can't be walk on like a door mat. Focus on yourself and learn to be happy on your own first. This is NOT being selfish at all, it is being human.

Making a Decision - Sometimes Waffling Back & Forth Is Part of the Process (By Maryanne Pope)

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"We don't know if a choice is wise or wrong until we've lived it. We can't ever really know where a choice will take us, though we may sense its direction."

- Sarah Ban Breathach, Something More; Excavating Your Authentic Self

When it comes to making big life decisions, I tend to waffle back and forth.

I'm the type of person who tries to look at ALL the angles. I write out all the pros and cons I can think of. I ask people for their advice. I do the research. I wrack my brain trying to think of all the things that could go wrong. But, of course, trying to determine all the possible things that could go wrong - or right - is technically impossible... because we don't know what we don't know yet!

Sure, we can anticipate the obvious likely outcomes, if we chose a certain course of action. But there is simply no way we can anticipate all outcomes because there are, whether we like it or not, other variables that likely aren't even on our radar yet.

In other words, we don't live in a vacuum.

I've been waffling over a major life decision for quite some time now, so when I was reading the February 2017 edition of O Magazine, an article caught my eye. It was about the different types of decision makers there are. So I did the little quiz and it turned out I am "The Waffler." I laughed out loud... yup!

Here is the description of The Waffler:

"You're a thoughtful person who considers all the angles... but now you're overanalyzing, so busy looking you can't leap. The more time you spend thinking about what you should do, the less able you are to do anything at all."


Sometimes I think so much, I think myself right into a big fat corner, immobilized by indecision and terrified of making the WRONG decision. So I put off making ANY decision... which, of course, is still a decision - just not a particularly proactive one.

In terms of advising us Wafflers on how to flip ourselves out of the pan of indecision, the article had this to suggest: "Do a gut check. Write your choices on a separate piece of paper and fold them into squares, then throw them in the air and pick up the one that lands closest. When you read what's inside, check your physical reaction. Are you holding your breath or sighing in relief? Do you feel lighter or heavier? Let your response be your guide."

So that's exactly what I did - and you know what? It kinda helped! And I think I know why.

This strategy is similar to a cute little coffee-table book I have, called The Book of Answers by Carol Bolt. It was given to me by a dear friend years ago. It is, literally, a book of answers, in that each page has a single "answer" on it.

So what you do is hold the book, close your eyes, ask yourself a close-ended question (e.g. "Is the job I am applying for the right one?"), then open the book up to whatever feels like the right page, open your eyes and ta da... there's your answer!

Here are a few sample answers:

"That's out of your control"

"Don't ignore the obvious"

"Make a list of why not"

"You are too close to see"

"You will find out everything you need to know"

Kids love it!

Now, of course, the book doesn't really have THE answer to our questions. It just has an answer - and it is up to us to see how that answer makes us feel. And that, I have found, can actually be very helpful - similar to the idea of tossing the pieces of paper in the air and randomly choosing one.

If I ask the book a question and I rather like the answer I get, then that tells me I might be on the right track. If I DON'T like the answer I get and am, in fact, a little miffed at the audacity of the Universe to suggest such a thing, then that is also revealing in terms of helping me figure out what I don't want.

"There comes a time when we aren't allowed to know."

- Judith Viorst

In the end, a decision needs to be made - even if it is the decision to do nothing at all. But what I've also come to realize over the years is that, for me, waffling may actually be an important part of the decision-making process.

Maybe we waffle when we know we have to make a change - but aren't quite sure what or when... possibly because there are other factors and forces at play that we have no control over?

Perhaps other things have to line up first and then when everything else is in place, the time comes for us to make our move - and, low and behold, we DO know what to do and when.

In other words, maybe the process of waffling has helped prepare us to be able to make the right decision when the right time comes to make it?

Food for thought.

No Regrets - Only Lessons

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We have all been there. We have looked back in the past and said, "wow, what was I thinking? Biggest mistake of my life."

Can you really tell me that you haven't done that? All I have to say to that is, it was a biggest lesson learned in life. Most of us are looking in the rear view mirror while trying to drive ahead. See I could look back and say that I made the biggest mistake by having a kid with such a deceiving person but that doesn't change anything nor do I feel that way. You have to be able to forgive not just yourself but also the other person. Free yourself from the hatred you carry around in your heart because that burden is only drowning you. Not being able to forgive puts you in a victim mentality and you sit there drinking poison while wishing the other person would die.

Guess what?

The other person is living with no concern about you. The only person you are hurting is yourself.

My son is the biggest blessing in my life and without him I wouldn't have half of the motivation that I have to keep going. My passion wakes me up everyday feeling blessed that God has given me another day to work towards my dream. I have a purpose in life and no one or nothing will stop me from getting it. I can't stress enough about how important it is to move on from the past life lessons, put it behind you and grow from it.

I'm not asking you to forget your past completely because it has taught you so much but I'm asking you to let it go, put the burdens down of the past and keep moving forward. It's not about who you were. It's not about who you are. It's not about what choices you adapted to and the decisions you made. It's about whom you are deciding to become; the choices and habits you're adapting to on a daily basis. It's about you doing it faithfully and consciously.

That's what moving ahead looks like. I don't need to tell you who you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how incredibly amazing you are and how far you have come. Look ahead and rise up. This is your time; don't allow anyone to interfere in it. Drop the baggage from the past and live a little.

Message From the Universe: Make Your Dreams Come True

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"Q: What would you call a world where each challenge bears gifts, your enemies are ancient friends in disguise, and by simply pretending your dreams have already come true, mountains are moved?

A: Earth.

Too easy? 
The Universe"

Even though you do not see great things happening in your life just yet, it is important that you are feeling the excitement that it will happen soon. You need to look at everything you always wished and know for certainty that it will happen in your lifetime. You want to believe that all will happen, and with the strong sentiment that your success is very close by, anything great can happen in your day. You will start perceiving life with a more upbeat attitude. Your attitude will change as you start feeling the chills in your body when you go visit your exotic car dealer. You start looking at homes and which one you feel like purchasing in the next coming 6 months. Everything around you seems to be changing for the best because your approach to life has changed. No more negativity is entering your mind as it did before and you are enjoying this new side of you. You want to enjoy every single moment of this process as the reality will soon start to kick in. The famous adage: "Be careful what you wish for" will be in full motion as you will start experiencing what the rich and famous deals with every single day of their lives. Be ready for an exciting adventure.

It is not THAT difficult to think of success in your life. You simply need to have your thoughts aligned with your beliefs, put actions into your thoughts and allow the Universe to clearly understand what you are looking for. Patience is a must during this phase because even though you may believe that you deserve success today, the Universe might feel differently about the timing. However, by seeing how persistent you are and the level of determination you possess, there is no reason why you can't expedite the process and send a clear and concise message to the Universe that you are ready for the Big Bang of your success. It has no other choice to oblige to your demands. Allow the Universe to work with you when it comes to aligning everything the right way for you to experience greatness. There is no rule of thumbs that all positive people will experience positive things and negative people will experience negative. However, why not put the odds in your favor and focus on the positive and let the rest unravel in front of you. I am sure that you will see changes that will happen either sooner or later, but they will happen. Don't abandon the ship without having the certainty that it will sink. Sometimes, your success is so close by that your continuous pursue it essential to experience it. Keep on digging until you reach the gold, as long as you've done your research that gold is actually there.

The Great Deceiver of Fulfilment

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What percentage of your energy do you commit to happiness or fulfillment of your personal dreams and goals in life? If you imagined it to be somewhere in the 60% range you have joined that wonderful category of 'average.' How does anyone arrive at the correct answer to this question, how does one assess the percentages? It's not as difficult as you think.

What percentage of your life energy is committed to fear or anger at another person or situation that causes you to feel helpless? Eighteen present is the typical answer! How much of your energy is allocated to envy or resentment? Twelve is the average number. How much energy is expended in your efforts to fit in or be accepted by a partner, friend or co-workers? Eight percent is the average number. All the other things like worry and everyday stressors fall into the two percent range.

Why does it even matter; why spend valuable time determining where your energy is committed? Your physical body, the container that encompasses all that is you in this lifetime is capable of holding 100 percent of your life energy. This includes all the possibilities and probabilities of who you can become and what you are capable of achieving. If being average is good with you, it may not matter. You can simply go along to get along and coast through life, taking detours at will and attracting drama for entertainment. If you expect far more, this is important.

Whatever your personal percentages are, you are committing that percentage of your best efforts to things that can never help you be the best you can become. Your efforts to hold onto painful memories and seek revenge behave like an infection in the physical body. It drains your physical energy and redirects all your creativity to ideas intended to repay those who have hurt you. It only makes you sicker and sicker until your own hopes and dreams are buried under the debris of your life plans. Feeling guilty has the same effect on the human body. There are no winners, but you are the loser.

When you are caught in these emotional traps you are far better served to treat your life energy like a budget. Look closely at the numbers and the costs of every emotional drain. Make a clear and conscious decision about the benefits and the costs before you commit any of your personal energy to a cause that cannot benefit you. Then take the time to empty your life of all the negative things you do have control of; dump them; never again allow them to command your life or your potential.

You are the only captain on board; the decision about how you command your ship is reflected in your choices. You become the great deceiver of your life when you ignore the costs and continue on a course that can never take you to your highest and best good.