
Your Purpose Is All That Matters (By Destiny R)

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As I go throughout life, I sometimes have the reoccurring thought of "you will never be good enough." This is a common thought some people have, and I am one of them. It is a thought that sprung into existence out of constant irrational (lectures) conversations with people, views of outsiders, and I can also say that these type of thoughts are sprung up through cultural standards. However, throughout this constant battle of these thoughts, I came across the rational idea through self-discovery and awareness that "if you (they) continue to hold a person up to your (their) own expectations you (they) will always be disappointed." I get it, but sometimes others won't, you may have people in life that seem to always know whats best for you, or feel as though you should be doing something other than what you are doing in life or even giving off the vibe that what you are doing is inadequate but today I say to myself and to others who can relate, "you must follow your own path and purpose, you are enough, and that is all that matters."

Now, true enough there are days where thoughts will continue to cross my mind like "What can I do to be better for them or to seem OK to them in their eyes." but to shift this thinking pattern I continue to remind myself that as long as I am on my path to my purpose and life goals that are all that matters and this is what makes me happy.

It's OK to be upset, frustrated, angry, sad from it but you must not let it consume you.

I struggle with this, but every day when you fight your irrational thoughts you win, yes some days may be worse than others but never stop fighting, right now and for this moment take a deep breath, in and out and say to yourself, "I am enough; I am worthy and as long as I am on a positive path towards my purpose and authentic self then nothing else matters." Then those days of anger, frustration, sadness can become and have become(for me) shorter and shorter and replaced with tunnel vision and more focus on my personal journey of purpose and passion.

This is a work in progress especially if one is constantly surrounded by this, but that doesn't mean that one cannot overcome it.

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