
Be Happy For This Moment For This Is Your Life

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The only time you can really be happy is right now. It is easy to remember all these things when they are being said; it is much harder to remember them when you are stuck in traffic or lying in bed worrying about the next day. If you want to move people, simply tell them the truth.

Today, it is rarer than it's ever been. It's easy to get caught up in life-what is happening, what isn't, what we wish was happening- and forget what we do have. The moments of nonstop laughter, the smile on someone else's face, when someone shows you a kindness you know you'll never be able to return, or when you help someone out that will never be able to repay you.

We spend a lot of time looking forward to the next thing, the next event, or the next step that we forget to live the life we have right now, in this moment. The people around me, my kids and family and the friends I've made have all reminded me of the importance of just being human. Some people would call it fate, karma, etc. but whatever we label it, it transcends us.

Seeing ourselves and the things around us-and I mean really seeing them with all their flaws, beauty, and potential-is living and once we step out of the fog, we can find happiness. Happiness doesn't come from the best job title or biggest paycheck. Peace of mind doesn't come from an easy lifestyle. Change doesn't happen overnight.

We are able to create change by living it.The beauty of living in these moments is celebrating the small accomplishments-watching someone graduate from CRP court, helping a client complete a step on their treatment plan, or observing their ability to grow and change as their work through their treatment plan.

Take life and split it into days. Make every day your memorable moment in your life. Our only existence that matters is always at the moment you are in. So wasting it in negative thoughts or ingratitude ruins the moment. live and focus in the moment" and happiness will reflect in a different perception. Be conscious of where you are in life and appreciate your connection to now, appreciate it for what it is rather than what it isn't.

It takes practice to do living at the moment because the negative mind distracts you. We hurry through life, not thinking about little moments. Moments where we can be distracted by little things that can make us smile, or laugh. And from these moments, feel happy about that moment. Life is full of small and simple moments.

Life can hit you between the eyes, or pass by you in the space of a heartbeat. The special moments go uncounted all our lives. And only a few will stand out when we are old and have the time to sit and reflect back. Or will they have drifted out of our minds, as they did soon after the experience?

I am taking the time now, to not regret paying attention to the simple moments that are given to me, to enjoy in life especially with my wonderful and adorable kids.

Just to take more notice of what life had to offer. Appreciate what we have right now. Be happy because we are blessed be it small or big.

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