
Message From the Universe: Stay Real

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"It's good to be King, better to be Queen, but best to be yourself.

Because to be yourself, you, just as you are, without any upgrades, required the passage of every second of time in the un-foldment of the entire cosmos... as warm-up.

And you keep getting better.

Plus, this just happens to be the year you'll get all the money, fame, success and health. Hubba, hubba...

You have my smile, 
The Universe"

Don't be someone you are not just because you admire this specific kind of behavior. There are plenty of people out there acting out naturally and their behavior is not something you want to mimic. Learn to love yourself and be who you want to be, not what others want you to become. You are your own identity, so you choose who you want to be.

Humans have the tendency to wanting to be liked, wanting to be loved, wanting to be accepted. Because of our human nature, there are predators lurking in our waters taking advantage of that. They prey on the weak, on the one that will do anything to make others happy. They tend to forget who they are to make that person like them, or in some cases, love them. They create a co-dependent relationship and provides ammunition to the predator. Once that is done, guilt becomes a part of their strategies and they will use it regularly. They will come up with the typical: "you don't love me anymore because you don't do this for me, or I thought we had something special but I guess I was wrong, or you were so sweet before but now you changed for the worst". Beware of all these techniques as they can consume you and drain your energy trying to make others happy.

The key is to make yourself happy. What that other person think of you is really NONE of your business. If you feel your self-worth, your self-esteem is in jeopardy, take a stand. They need to know that you are strong person with values and can't be walk on like a door mat. Focus on yourself and learn to be happy on your own first. This is NOT being selfish at all, it is being human.

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