
You Are the Pilot Making All the Course Corrections in Your Life

Close-up Of A Man Wearing A Headphone And Sunglasses Inside An Aircraft Cockpit

In this Whisper I would like to share 4 of my favorite self-talk affirmations I use all day, ever day, that never fail to work for me.

If you memorize them, use them daily when you need them, they will quickly become a part of your mindset and bring you much more control of your thoughts, then your emotions, then your actions.

The effects of these self-talk affirmations are immediate and powerful, as you will see if you CHOOSE to make them a habit of your personality and USE THEM.

This is one of the most powerful things you can do right away to make positive changes in your life and it is FREE and it is mostly EFFORTLESS on your part.

The FIRST affirmation... "Am I Present Now?"

If you use these 4 magical words as soon as you notice yourself being depressed, anxious, angry, cruel, annoyed, insensitive, lonely, shy, possessive, or any other of the many negative emotions that pop up during our daily activities you will find they quickly disappear from your mindset.

When you snap yourself back to your Present Moment with the 4 words none of these emotions can exist for long. They automatically disappear because there is no room for them when you are in your Present.

If you make this a daily habit you will see exactly what I am talking about and experience the powerful results quickly.

And when you use these 4 words during anything enjoyable or fun you will intensify the pleasure you receive and become more aware of the joy.

(This 4 word sentence has had the largest effect on my life changing for the better. If nothing else from my Whispers stays in your mind... this is the one mindset secret you need to keep.)

The SECOND affirmation... "I'm Not In A Race!"

In today's world we seem to be constantly rushing here, rushing there, and being short on time much of the day.

When you find yourself hurrying to do anything or be anywhere use this short affirmation to remind yourself life is not a race.

These words will slow your mindset down right away. They will clear your mind, calm you, and allow you to get done what you need to do on time and be where you want to be on time.

They will show you how to live without a rushed mindset.

(I use this one a lot when I'm stuck in traffic or following a slow driver or late for something and it helps.)

The THIRD affirmation... "Accept What IS!"

One of the greatest sources of unhappiness in life is our difficulty in accepting things as they are.

Whether it be our family life, our work, other people, the state of politics in whatever country we live in, negative media, or anything else in life that we normally are quick to JUDGE whether it is good or bad.

Rather than JUDGE something we are much better off ACCEPTING WHAT IS. Especially when it is beyond our control.

Now if you can change some negative things in your immediate life and make them positive, by all means do so. As soon as possible. At least begin to work on changing them.

But what you cannot change do not let those things depress you or stress you. Realize it is simply the state of the world, of life, and it simply IS WHAT IT IS.

When you do something wrong, something you didn't want to do, or you make mistakes, do not JUDGE yourself as being a bad person. Do not beat yourself up about it.

Simply accept what IS, make what changes you can to correct the behavior or situation, and move on with your life.

(This one helps when I get depressed with the state of our politics, or the negative news on TV, or unconscious negative people I encounter, or even crappy weather.)

The FOURTH affirmation... "I Will Be Making Course Corrections All Through Life."

If you've ever flown on an airliner, or watched one land, you can see and feel the constant course corrections the pilots make every few seconds.

This is to ensure the exact position and course the plane needs to be on, no matter what the conditions, to land safely at its destination.

You are similar to a pilot of an airliner making a landing when you make adjustments in your life.

You can be assured that during your lifetime you will be required to consistently make 'course corrections' along the way. Life is never static, it always changes.

Most people do not like change. They don't accept it well. This can cause a stagnation of life and result in staying in the same old same old place yet hoping for good things to happen anyway.

That mindset will not work if you want to enjoy life to its fullest.

When you accept that change will be a large part of your life every day, week, month and year, and all throughout your life, and that you need to consistently make 'course corrections,' your life will begin to take shape based on your 'piloting skills' and choosing to embrace change and use it to your advantage.

You are the 'pilot' of your life and do not hesitate to make your course corrections as you see fit and you will safely arrive at your destination.

Take these few seeds of wisdom I have given you, plant them firmly into your mind, begin watering them with practice, and watch them bloom into beautiful flowers in your expanded mindset.

... LIVE the Whisper

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