
Message From the Universe: The ONE Success After the MANY Failures

Low Angle Photography of Man Jumping

"It won't matter that 10,000 doors might be slammed in your face, because when door number 10,001 flies open, revealing pathways of jade and gardens of love, with flowers dancing, fountains sparkling, friends blushing, moonbeams glowing, and abundance abounding, you'll completely forget about all the other doors.

Happens every day,
The Universe"

Just like Thomas Edison with the light bulb, it worked only after the 1001th try. His response was: "I didn't fail 1000 times, I found 1000 different ways to create a light bulb before finding the right way to do it!". This is how life is all about. Nothing will work the first time around, but every time you try different strategies, you are on your way closer to getting the right one to work. It will take a lot of learning, and NOT failing, before you get it right. Do not despair as it can ONLY stop you from moving forward. Life will try to stop you on your track, just to see how much you want it. You will need to do anything and everything in your power to make things right until you get to where you need to be. Focus on your accomplishments and not on what is left out there for you to reach success. Sometimes, the path to success can be overwhelming, to say the least, and many abandon their journey way too early. They feel it can be too much of a burden or effort to follow their dreams. No one will take your hand to guide you to where you need to be. Everyone have their own struggles, and your success is definitely the last thing in their mind, which I don't blame them.

If you really want something that badly, then don't expect anyone to do things for you. Do not think that anyone will bent over backwards to do the work for you. Sometimes, you will need to do things that you dislike a lot, but this is the best way to pave your way to success. I know it will be a difficult journey, I know it will require you to work day in and day out, and not have any fun at all. Sacrifice will be required but as long as it will allow you to reach your goals, then so be it. Just make sure to not spread yourself too thin as you may end up not accomplishing anything. Just remember that NOT everyone is looking to succeed the way you are, or gain the amount of money you want, so the path you are in has NO competition whatsoever. There is so much abundance out there anyways, and even if the whole 7.1 billion people on planet earth had your same ambitions, there will still be enough for everyone to get their share of the pie. So isn't that enough to make you smile and prepare your next plan of attack? It would for me.

Is It Possible To Control Anger?

Man in Black Hoodie

Anger is the negative emotion a person gets in reaction to the frustration or displeasure experienced. Usually, it happens when events go against one's expectations. A family planned for a movie show, but the same was canceled as the father came late. The children got agitated over the disappointment. A General Manager incurred wrath of the boss for the delay in implementing the plan. Even the failure in the interview was taken casually when a person was in a good mood. A sad mind considers the casual remark of a colleague as an insult. It's customary for the angry person to blame others in the majority of the cases. A normal person can fume for any mistakes, but not a scholar.

Types of Anger: Based on the time taken for its expression, the anger can be instantaneous or postponed for an appropriate time. Depending on the target, it takes three forms as attacking the opponent, a third person or any object, and blaming the self. Anger consists of two varieties as good and bad. The good one is a win-win situation yielding constructive results to all those involved. The bad type not only demoralize the counter party but damages the self-esteem.

Methods to overcome anger: The anger is the only emotion that affects both the parties connected with the tense situation. It becomes a disorder harming the health and progress in life when an individual succumbs to it. In fact, anger is a sort of temporary madness. It leaves scars in the receiver's heart, despite any number of sincere apologies tendered by the impulsive person. So, one need to seek the ways of averting this awkward emotion. The vital five methods are listed here towards this end.

1. Discard high expectations, but keep faith in others.

2. Believe in time and patience. Listen to what others say before jumping to a decision. Adopt the time-tested measures like meditation and yoga to restore the calmness and self-confidence.

3. Accept everything as good for some reason.

4. A positive approach infuses goodwill in the opposite party. Convey any message in a constructive manner to highlight the significance of even the negative actions.

5. If the anger still persists, move away from the scene. Remain in solitude or go to a serene place of nature or worship till it dissipates. Seek guidance from the learned people.

One that controls anger is greater than a King. Giving advice is easier than practicing it. We cannot exclude the anger completely as our life rests on faith and favorable expectations. There is no end, but chaos prevails, if everyone gets angry at the same time. It's akin to the spread of fire everywhere with no water in sight to douse.

Tips To Increase Your Brain Powers

Photo of Woman Raising Dumbbells

The brain is a small but most powerful organ of the body that controls all our thinking, feelings, actions, emotions and much more. This small organ is made up of billions of neurons that grow with proper diet and exercise. Your success very much depends on the sharpness of your mind, improved memory and thinking skills. Take care of your brain and enjoy a successful life.

I am giving below some tips that will help you to substantially increase your brain powers:

1. Eat Brain Healthy Foods

Some foods are particularly good for the brain which you must include in your diet such as fish, eggs, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, blueberries, whole grains, almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks instead drink plain water and green tea.

2. Take Care of Your Overall Fitness

The health of our brain is very much related to our overall fitness. The brain remains healthy in a healthy body. Physical exercise is not only good for your body but also for your brain. Do whatever exercise you like such as, walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, yoga etc., but do it regularly.

3. Meditation and Deep Breathing

Meditation is a great way of relaxing your body and mind thus increasing your brain powers. Some people do meditation for seeking spiritual enlightenment while others do for inner peace and calmness. Always do meditation in a calm and quiet place. However, you can do deep breathing any time and at any place. Apart from the numerous health benefits of deep breathing, it is also helpful for the growth of brain cells.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Most people ignore the importance of a good night's sleep. The lack of sleep can badly harm the functioning of the brain. If you feel that your mind is blank or sleepy then it means that you need rest. Go to bed and sleep. Take enough sleep daily and see your brain functioning much better because sleep helps your brain consolidate and organize information. Also taking a 15-20 minutes nap during the day can sharpen your mind and enhance your decision making powers.

5. Read and Write

Reading and writing are good habits and quite helpful in increasing the brain powers. Keep some good books in your bed room and read a few pages before going to sleep. Also practice writing, at least a few sentences, on a new topic every day.

6. Think Positively

Stress, anxiety, depression and negative thinking are the main culprits of destroying the brain nerve cells. Get rid of all kind of negativity from your mind, as far as possible. Develop the habit of seeing the bright side of things. Positive thinking is a way of living a happy life.

7. Give Task To Your Brain

Give your brain the task of solving simple problems, puzzles and crosswords etc. The more you use your brain the more the brain cells will grow. However, avoid over thinking and multi-tasking. Do one thing at a time and do not over burden your mind with multiple tasks.

8. Love Nature

It is always helpful to spend some time in a natural environment. Go to the mountains, walk in the jungle, do boating in the rivers, sit by the side of the lake and appreciate the surrounding natural beauty. Nature refreshes your mind and heart. Sitting in a natural surrounding and breathing deeply takes away all your depression and strengthens your brain muscles.

A Trip Down Memory Lane As A Child (By Sergei VanBellinghen)

Woman Sitting on Rock Near Body of Water

A trip down to memory lane is a story about when I slowly reflect on a time years ago before I left to the former Soviet Union. It was a cold day in November and I was eight years old. That early morning, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, as I stood alone on the summit of a Swiss mountain peak.
Alone would you say... but what is a boy of that age doing alone on a mountain?

Perhaps, my mind simply wondered about, lazed, dreamed, or maybe I felt like being alone. The wind was blowing. Yet that day, melancholy reached the heart of my young head as it was an integral part of my youth. And right then, I knew I wanted to get away from the pain.

In fact, memory lane pops up. I look down at the valley below. I distinctly see some human silhouettes but they have the size of ants. They seem to be busy like as if they were in some kind of frenzy. Yet, in observing them attentively, I realize that they are merely climbing abruptly towards my location.

Down Memory Lane
This all situation gives the impression to be in a frantic state. And in seeing this, I think to myself: "Only nature is in a complete harmony." Meanwhile, the chaotic and hectic figures move over and around on the white blanket that laid immaculate a moment ago.

And under the heaviness of people's feet, the untouched winter layer drops deep, leaving tracks that look like an army is going through. From where I am, the little dots are running about in all directions as if they are searching for something or someone. But why was I sent on this trip anyway?

My father, who was a dark figure of what needed to be a parent, did not want to have me home. So a few days before, he decided without the consent of my mother to send me away on a trip. So, he threw me in a train to Switzerland along with some other boys and girls my age.

My Trip to Switzerland
Going back down memory lane, I remember sitting there, in a wagon, not knowing anyone, yet rejoicing somehow. I thanked the heavens above me for the means of transportation I was in. And I felt relief as I was getting far away from the beating my dad was giving me each day.

Yes, it took only the slightest thing for my father to lose his temper. So that next, I would be covered with bruises for days on end. My childhood was unpredictable. Before departing at age nine to the former Soviet Union with my mother, I lived each day afraid of what might happen.

So, almost every day, I trembled because my father could stick me, at any time, one of his fists right in the stomach. At those times, the pain was so unbearable that I could not breathe for some long seconds. Sometime, he would punch my face, or kick me anywhere on my body.

And sadly, over time, I developed such a natural instinct in living that way as it became a daily routine. I should precise, as life went on, that it is these entire awful and terrible childhood experiences that would precisely lead me towards the love of animals.

Escaping the Ordinary
Because of the kind of father I had, I learned one important thing: What kind of person not to be. It suffices for me to think about my father and do exactly the opposite of what he would do. I knew that I would follow a path where animals and I would never have to get a minuscule glimpse of those unpleasant experiences again.

But let us go back down memory lane to the rest of the trip and our story in Switzerland. While hiking, at the end of a group of young children led by a guide, I fled in another direction. The urge to be alone called on to me. So making a decision, I let myself gently fall further and further behind.

In that way, I ended at the tail of the group, letting the other boys keep on singing without me: "We get off the mountain on a bicycle... cle... cle... we get off the mount... " As they were all going straight following the guide, I took a quick turn to the right in a moment where no one looked back.

Memory Lane Can Be Contemplation
I, then and there, found a path between some rocks and went up a steep slope. The snow was deep as it reached over my knees but I did not care. I sought to climb high, to the summit, to finally feel some freedom. As far as I can recall, all of my life is an outside the box adventure.

As I waited for a peace to invade my soul, I felt capable to brush against god, out of my fingertips. And I tried to imagine my pain vanishing at that precise instant. I made a halt and looked around at the White Mountains extending themselves as far as the eye could see.

So, pausing a minute, I sat on a sunny dry rock and contemplated down memory lane. To be alone sometimes has some good. But the dilemma is when I stay too often on the outer circle while looking towards the inside. I do everything to be solitary and then I still amazed why I have no friends.

The Need for Understanding
It was a problem I had as a child. As I stood back up and continued on my path, I turned around to see where I was. I found myself already very far away from the group of children I was with. Having somewhat reached a peak, I sat down on top, in the snow with my legs crossed.

The wind was blowing leisurely, and the sun was superb in the morning sky, as it gently warmed my face. In sitting there, I felt suddenly a serenity invade me, like some kind of liberation. I then sensed the bluish sky take me in a scarf of white cotton while I shut my eyes.

As I relaxed completely, only a few fractions of seconds passed. But to me, these bits appeared like an eternity. It was my very first experience with meditation. I was in a state of mind where I felt the need to wonder about some philosophic questions that had gotten into my young assiduous mind.

A Trip to Bliss
So I looked at the sky above and asked mentally "When dead, are we going to a spirit realm? Is it Nirvana, described as a blissful state of being free of all pain and desire? Do we pass through a doorway to immortal life in paradise? And does God exist?"

When I look at the firmament on a clear night, I am astonished to see so many stars. What about all the living things on earth? We are taking so much but giving too little back. It might be strange but from the moment I got the age to be able to think on my own, I always asked myself such questions.

As I opened my eyes, not fully understanding what I felt, I sensed a feeling invade me. In the space of that moment, I thought to myself "This is so wonderful!"

My Solitude is Over
While on my ascension, I did in no case imagined that I acceded to such a high altitude. It is only when a helicopter suddenly passed by, on my right, at the same height than I was, that I understood. It cut me short of my solitude, as the pilot, by seeing me, made a sign of the thumb up.

I then saw clearly the man take his radio and speak to someone. And so, I waited, knowing that soon my tranquility would be over. I kept on sitting peacefully taking advantage of the short time that was left.

Then I observed a rescue team on the side of the mountain coming in the direction of where I sat.

At that point in time, I felt kind of cold, while the night lessened and the sky got unexpectedly darker. I realized then and there that perseverance is not a long race. It is many short races one after another until you win. And down memory lane is sometimes of great satisfaction.

Celebration on Memory Lane
I will always, until my last days, remember that trip in Switzerland. From that little train on chains that climbed back up the steep mountains to get to the village where I stayed.

Even now, my mind evokes it as I smell the odor of a black tea. I loved the buttered slices of bread with the chocolate eaten each day around four o'clock in the afternoon.

I can recall my 100-meter races in the snow, as well as playing hide and seek the night between the trees with the rest of my comrades. The jokes we did. A sled race I won with a friend made there. These things were overall my happiest memories from that trip down memory lane.

Message From the Universe: Thinking Ahead!

Person in Yellow and Black Backpack Walking on Green Grass Field Under Cloudy Blue Sky during Daytime

"Ohhhhhhh! Have I ever told you that your ancestors were actually Beings of Light, not amphibians?

And that these Beings had quite the reputation for singing, dancing, and counting to very high numbers?

But that they were most famous for daring to think what others had not yet thought.

And this is why you remind me of them,
The Universe"

Thanks for keeping up counting high numbers in your thoughts! Continuing what your ancestors did will guide you to a path of success, wealth and happiness. You need to dream big, but yet, do not be afraid of not reaching these heights. It is OK for your dreams to scare you, because if they do not, you are not giving yourself enough credit. Big dreams are what will keep your life challenging, but yet, very exciting. Expect lots of failure along the way, but this is a part of the game. Your only opponent in this race is yourself. Not all humans will have the exact same direction in life like you will, so everyone is utilizing a different path. Some will use the easy one and others will look for the most challenging one. The easy path will offer a life of mediocrity and depression but the challenging one will offer a life of potential success and personal satisfaction. I did say potential, because it will NOT always bring you to guaranteed success. Challenging path in life doesn't mean the horizon will be filled with green dollar bills, it might take you to a more difficult path that you will need to overcome before you see wealth, health and happiness.

How much risk are you willing to take? In this journey we call life, you will come across a lot of people (it is known that you can meet around 10 000 people in your lifetime, not that you will be friends with all of them, but cross the same path) and some might end up sharing a life with you, either professional or personal. As we grow at a different rate, both spiritually and personally, these energy signatures we share with people we come across with will change from year to year. In the case of personal relationships, that same positive energy signature you had with your significant other a while back may no longer be positive because both of you grew at a different rate, in different direction. Result (separation or divorce) may be detrimental to your family. However, if you keep communicating properly, you share your dreams and hopes, that you both focus on the path ahead, there is no reason why you couldn't share your life with that person for as long as you both live. The key to happiness is to share your life with the person you commit yourself to, for richer or for poor, for sickness or in health, until death do you part. So get out there, meet people, be open minded and find the person of your dreams. You'll be glad you did!!&id=9644475

Starting Over - It Only Gets Better! (By David T Lang)

Man in Purple Blazer Wearing Sunglasses

At the age of 38 I left the only career I had ever known to start over. Like many people I was looking for a better standard of living for both myself and my family. I had invested over 20 years in a military career and was at the top of my chosen field -- for which I received about $40,000 a year. Although the thought of starting over when I was almost 40 was daunting, I set a goal to make $100,000 a year within five years, hung up my guns, and ventured into civilian life. That was 20 years ago. I hit my goal of $100,000 a year in less than three years and went on to become a corporate director with a salary of over $200,000 a year in just over 10 years. But that's a story for another time. This article is about starting over.

In the past 20 years I have learned that there really is no starting over in life. We torture ourselves with self-depreciating thoughts that we have failed, wasted x number of years, or squandered our youth climbing the wrong mountain. When, in reality, we have gained new viewpoints, new skills, and new energetic patterns. You see, you can't start over because every day when the sun rises, you start from where you are and where you are changes with every life experience. I'm sure you've heard people say "if I could only go back to when I was 17 and do it again, things would be different!" But, as we know, we can't! It's the same with thinking you have to start over; it's not only a misperception, it's impossible! There is no regression - life moves forward!

If you have saved your money for the past 20 years to buy a house and then you change your mind and decide to buy a boat, do you tell yourself that you are starting over? No! You are simply redirecting your investment toward a new goal. It's the same with life. If you have invested the past 20 years running a log mill and now you want to sell real estate, do you tell yourself that you are starting over? Yes, most people do, and that's the flawed premise! The energetic truth is that you are simply redirecting your investment toward a new goal. In those 20 years running the log mill you learned supply & demand, interpersonal communications, finance, planning, and a host of other things. You also developed your intuition, learned the value of integrity, made friends, fell in love, walked your dog, and marveled at nature. All of those things changed who you are both intellectually and spiritually. Given all those millions of events, experiences, and feelings, you could not go back to who you were 20 years ago and start over if your life depended on it! As Dr. Wayne Dyer was famous for saying "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." You did not spend 20 years, you invested 20 years. You are not starting over, you are redirecting your investment toward a new goal.

And one more thing (my tribute to Steve Jobs), you are never too old to redirect your investment toward a new goal. I'm 58 and planning to redirect my investments from the past 40 years into a new goal. I'll check back in with you in 2038 and let you know how it went!!&id=10004984

How to Get Inspired Online When Everybody Is Criticizing You

Man in Red Long-sleeved Shirt

In a world full of bashers and trolls, it's quite easy to succumb to negativity. The internet is creative for people who seek a thriving environment but it can also be destructive to those who are subjected to public shaming.

Staying positive online can be challenging but here are a few thoughts to inspire you:

  • Everyone has imperfections.

The term "Facebook envy" is true for the majority who think highly of others because of what they see and read on social media like Facebook. Some individuals belittle themselves because their lives are not as good as what others portray online.

However, according to experts, people tend to always show their best side, so whatever posts or pictures we see is only the nice aspects of their lives. Everybody has deep dark secrets too so when someone criticizes you online, just remember that they also have unpleasant realities.

  • Most have fake identities.

A lot of those who are online are crass because they can easily hide their identity. They aren't worried about real-life repercussions so they can be rude to their heart's content. When someone online confronts you, remember that these are mere virtual components who only muster courage from word war. Maintain your decorum and ignore them.

  • You are worth the attention.

Negative criticism stems from the personal emotions of the person giving it. Bullies hate being topped by others that's why they bring people down. When you are criticized, just remember that these people are interested about your life or personality and bullying is a means to get close to you. They won't waste their time on someone not worth it.

  • People criticize because they don't understand.

Closed-minded people cannot accept changes, thus they tend to oppose people who are open to it. When you receive criticism from them, just think that they are only manifesting their fears and it has nothing to do with your actions.

  • You are better than them.

Most of those who criticize people online are bored individuals with no accomplishments so they get envious of those who are much better than them. Look at the bright side and tell yourself that they hate you because they hate themselves.

  • Staying Positive

There are simple ways to boost your enthusiasm and optimism despite being surrounded by negative energy so read on.

  • Do what makes you happy.

Keep doing the things you love and feed your passion. Inspiration comes from personal fulfillment.

  • Think of inner kindness.

Think that everyone possesses innate kindness. Despite their insensitivity, people are always receptive of goodness.

  • Be grateful.

Always express your gratitude for the little things. Be thankful for even the bad experiences because these teach you valuable life lessons.

  • Rewards Yourself.

Give yourself a good massage or buy something you like. An incentive for working hard makes you feel valued.

  • Spend time outdoors.

The influx of technology declined people's longing for soulful connection. Break the habit and take a vacation to rest your mind. Go on a short trip to rejuvenate and disconnect from your gadgets. Regular breaks prevent burnouts and improve mental health.

The online world can be cruel and overwhelming at times and it can be hard to manage your emotions if you tend to dwell on them. Success online can be achieved by detaching yourself from feelings and expressing your individuality.

Delving Deep for Inner Insights

Man in Red Polo Shirt Thought a Good Idea

If you've done something you're embarrassed or ashamed, unhappy or guilty about avoid just coming away from the situation and feeling bad. The following is a process you can follow that can take you from feeling bad to feeling good about yourself and the situation in a matter of minutes.

Consider a recent occurrence that gives you that sinking feeling and observe the emotions and physical sensations that come to the fore. Try not to judge the emotions and sensations or try to suppress them. Just allow them to be for a moment, and tell yourself that with or without these feelings and bodily sensations you are OK.

Ask yourself what happened, what was the outcome of that occurrence? Then ask yourself what were the thoughts, feelings, habits and behaviours that led to that outcome? A useful technique to use here is the 'Ask Why Five Times' technique. This involves asking yourself why you thought or felt what you did, and why you behaved the way you did. The idea is that you keep asking the question 'why' in different ways to get to the answers.

Some of the variations of the 'why' question may be:

· What's the reason behind me doing, thinking, feeling this way?

· What is it about this thought, feeling or behaviour (T, F or B) that appeals to me?

· What benefit am I getting from this T, F or B?

· What does this mean to me?

Avoid 'I don't know' answers as this lets you off the hook. Ask yourself 'If I were to guess what would I say?' Your best guess is based on your gut reaction and is usually right.

Don't stop until you start to delve into territory that is new for you. Then continue to ask questions. When you start to repeat the same answers you can be pretty sure you've got to the end of the questioning process.

Your aim is to uncover some of your automatic ways of being that are the deep-rooted, underlying, real reasons for your behaviour. It is also about uncovering the true reasons for any lack of fulfilment or satisfaction you may feel in life.

At that point it's about asking questions such as:

· How can I think, feel or behave differently to start to change these habits?

· What actions can I take to bring about a different result effortlessly and easily?

This exercise if carried out correctly can give you some significant insights into your motivations for doing what you do, and puts you in a position of control. When you uncover the real reasons behind your behaviour, thoughts and feelings you start to understand who you truly are. And this is the beginning of you taking control of your life.

Creativity As a Key to Success: Cultivating and Tapping Into the Spirit Within

Girl in Yellow Long Sleeve Sitting On Brown Rock

I believe that creativity is an attribute that many leaders desire, fewer leaders believe they have, and in reality, even fewer leaders exercise in practice. Creativity, as an intentional process that can lead to doing or producing new things and current things differently in the future, is a key ingredient to success. Moreover, I believe that each of us has an outlet for creativity to come to life, kindle, and burn.

The brilliance in the documented history of society's geniuses is found at the crossroads of the art and science of the phenomenon in which they are studying. The fact that the boundary pushers and creative destroyers of our past and present have been equally concerned with the art and science of the problem they are addressing demonstrates their seemingly innate appreciation and comfort with the unknown.

For example, on their pursuit of man-powered flight, the Wright brothers spent as much time studying books on ornithology (the scientific and empirical study of birds) and observing soaring birds as they did studying texts on aviation, mechanical engineering, and man-powered flight. Moreover, it was their obsession with and courage to invest their time observing soaring birds in flight that inspired them to develop the core element associated with their 1903 flier's success - the patented hip cradle system. Simply stated, the hip cradle system provided the opportunity for the pilot to literally roll left and right and by doing so flexing the tips of the left and right (top and bottom) wings of the flier in order to respond to the ever-changing winds and unpredictable drafts (McCullough, 2015).

This changed the game of man-powered flight and was directly inspired by their observation of soaring birds (e.g., eagles, buzzards, falcons, sea gulls, etc.). In turn, this informed the way they designed their flier and reframed their appreciation for flexibility in their approach and in their actual design (McCullough, 2015). Finally, it was their commitment to respecting and taking pause at the crossroads between the art and science of their field that led to their world changing ideas. To think that the key to understanding a fundamental aspect of man-powered flight had always been there for all aviators and innovators to observe and re-engineer is both confounding and inspiring.

As we begin to think practically about what this means to us as creators, innovators, and ideators it is important to consider where we might start. For me, the creative process follows these five practical, applicable, and transferable steps:

1. Stop and observe the world within your immediate surroundings around you with a heightened sense of awareness. This can include asking questions, making observations, and reviewing artifacts in order to inform, complement, or contrast with what you think about the world. Lead with the question: what do I care enough about to do something about in this world?
2. Intentionally decide to find comfort in and understand the borders and ambiguity of a blank canvas. Lead with the question: how have my observations shaped or framed the way I view this particular challenge or topic?
3. Adopting and applying divergent thought practices to generate ideas by exploring various explanations and opportunities in a free-flowing, deviating manner (e.g., list concepts, ideas, and responses). Lead with the question: in what theoretical ways can we address this topic?
4. Adopting and applying convergent thought practices to refine ideas from a free-flowing divergent exploratory process into the criteria-driven narrowing and joining of ideas to address a challenge or topic. Lead with the question: of the ideas or responses generated, which seem to fit and directly support the challenge or topic being addressed?
5. Post-convergence, develop a plan that includes a simple project statement, which includes scope, schedule, and resources needed. Lead with the question: now that I have an idea how will I pursue and achieve it?

Perhaps most important is that each of us, as leaders - not as human beings - realize that we have access to reservoirs of creativity and innovation. It is up to us to find ways to tap into that creativity and convert it into transformational initiatives. Go for it, find yourself, tap into your creativity, and transform the world you live in for the better!

Slave Mentality

Man in Blue Crew Neck Shirt

When a person thinks and lives their life with the intent of being a slave or working for someone throughout their entire life and never being free from that is slave mentality. Most of us were subconsciously trained and taught to think this way because of the actions of our ancestors. And not only do many of us think this way but have accepted it as a way of life. After all, it's crazy to think that you will ever be free, right? Most people don't plan on living long lives, so they don't plan on not working to survive, so essentially they plan to work their entire lives.

Most people don't save their money. Most people don't have the discipline to save their money. For some crazy reason, people think about dying when they get a little bit of money and start to think that they may die before they get to spend that money. They win the lottery, they get an inheritance, a bonus and they go on a shopping spree. A common saying/thought process is that you can't take the money with you when you die. That's what rich people want you to think. But... who cares about that, most people just feel better spending their hard-earned money. Don't get me wrong, saving money doesn't really make money, but at least the money is not being wasted and it's there when there is a real need for it or a real investment opportunity shall arise. It's OK to have money in the bank.

Most people don't invest their money. Material items, such as; electronics, clothing, furniture, appliances, cars, car accessories, etc... are not investments, but worthless merchandise once purchased. The longer these products are possessed, the more worthless they get. Many people tend to purchase products that are more expensive, because they believe that they are better products, and sometimes that is true, but most of the time, it is not true. With all the different name brands to choose from, most people have convinced themselves that the more expensive the better it is, which is simply, not true. Besides that, even if it is a better working product, it may not even pertain to your particular need(s) and at the end of the day, it is still just as worthless as the less expensive product. A house is an investment. Not only can it be worth more in the future, but it can also provide housing in the meantime. Many people won't even consider it, because of many personal reasons, but as long as we pay rent we are making someone else rich and paying their mortgage/investment. Stocks and 401k plans are a good investment, but many people choose not to participate in planning for the future. Many companies are even willing to match a percentage of contributions made.

Many people live check to check, but that should be a temporary thing. If a person is spending/wasting most of their daily income, then it's slave mentality, because they are living above their means. People should not have to live check-to-check for years, but many people get accustomed to this life-style and they accept it as a way of life. So, even when they do get a little extra money they go out and blow it on something worthless. A person can actually survive making minimum wage, but they would have to cut a lot of corners, skip a few meals, and buy the least expensive everything, but that should be a temporary thing. There is no way a person should work for minimum wage for over a year working in the same industry. As a matter of fact, a person should not work for the same wage for over a year, because experience is gained every day, every month, every year, which means a person should be worth more every single year. Most of the time, nowadays, the cost of living goes up every year, so if you're not getting a raise to accommodate basic economic needs then you're actually making less.

Bad habits are the worst for most people, because no matter what else happens, the bad habit addiction has to happen. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, eating or whatever it may be, it costs money and time, yet it's going to happen. While the bad habit is being performed no income is being generated. The whole thing with bad habits is to waste time, until it's time to go back to that horrible job that you love and cherish, where you have to work and be a slave and do things that you don't want to do. It's really the main reason for the bad habit. So instead of trying to make life better for themselves they find a better way to deal with or justify continuing their misery, because I guess... they believe they can't do any better.

Just for the record, no matter how old a person is, schooling is always an option. Learn a new trade. Obtain a personal computer. It never ceases to amaze me at how many people don't own a personal computer.

Growing up, many of us were taught that life is what you make it to be. Only you have the power to change your life. I like to believe that we work to live, and not live to work. We were not put on this earth to work for others or be someone's slave, by no means. RIGHT?

Principles of Performance

Woman in Yellow Long sleeve Standing Under the Sunlight

I have written several articles that cover the principles of self-development. I am a true believer that self-development is the key to success. Much of success is about taking action. In many cases, principles of performance have a lot to do with what you do and what you are able to encourage others to do. There are many principles that I use on a constant basis and will continue to use them until they are no longer effective. The number one principle that should be addressed if you are wanting to be successful would be to focus, focus, focus. Most people lose their focus and that is why they are not able to complete anything they pursue.

I am a true believer that for anyone to be successful they need to have the right attitude. A negative attitude has never gotten anyone anywhere but rejected and left out. Expect positive things to happen in your life when your attitude is positive. What you put out is what you get back in most cases. It's like looking in a mirror. Your attitude determines your altitude.

Now, the attitude I am writing about is not falsely manufactured to impress or manipulate others. The attitude that I am addressing would be a true positive attitude that resides deep down inside your soul. The positive attitude I am talking about would be the attitude that oozes from your pores when you wake-up in the morning and stays with you all day long. You know the attitude I am talking about; the attitude that is part of who you are at your core.

If you have a bad attitude, this would be a reflection of who you are inside your soul. If you want to change your attitude, you would first have to change what resides deep down in your soul. If your soul is battered, tattered, and torn, you may want to ask the Lord for His assistance. He can heal a broken soul only if you allow Him to. You will want to ask for an Attitude that can support love, kindness, joy, goodness, and corrective discipline. When you are truly thankful and grateful you will find that a positive attitude will flow from you. And I promise you that it will be noticed by everyone you encounter.

Here is a pet-peeve that drives me nuts. People that make promises and don't keep them. Far too many people make promises they can't keep. They may have good intentions when making a promise, but they don't realize by making a promise that they don't keep taints who they are. No matter what happens in your life your words will stand the test of time. People can take all physical possessions from you, but they can't take your knowledge or your word from you. If your word means nothing, you are nothing. No one will take you seriously. If you do make a promise, you will want to make a plan to fulfill it. If you make a future commitment, you must grasp how important it is to follow through with your promise. You should be willing to do whatever it takes to complete your obligation. The reason why so many relationships fail would be due to all parties involved not understanding what it takes to have a wonderful relationship. They do not plan for or understand the sacrifices each must make for the relationship to flourish and work.

Let me bring up something positive to share with you. In general, we usually get from others and ourselves what we expect. The law of expectancy is very powerful. If you don't know what you want, 99.9% of the time you will never obtain it. You must take aim at what you want if you expect to hit your target. Blind men and women don't make good knife throwers. I'm sure you would agree. A very successful friend of mine shared this with me; "you will either live up to your expectations or fall short of them. If you expect nothing, you usually end up with nothing. You should know that something from nothing leaves nothing. If you expect to be mediocre then don't expect anything more than average. If you expect to feel bad, you will feel bad. It is a fact that you are what you think about all the time. So, with that being said, if you expect to feel wonderful there will be nothing standing in your way of feeling that way. And always know that if it is possible for you to feel that way, it is also possible for others to feel that way.

The difference between mediocre employees and exceptional employees would be the training they receive. The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not train them and keep them. That sounds like an axiom I heard many years ago; "what is worse than a person that can't read, that would be a person that can read and won't." When you think of training as practice and preparation, it makes you wonder how people survive that do not practice and prepare. It is a must that people invest in themselves. In essence, people that do not prepare and invest in their ability don't make the grade. If you want to improve and move from good to excellent, you will want to adopt a rigorous training program and stick to it.

Finally, you will want to seek out what you want in life. If you look for the good things in life, you will find them. If you look for opportunities to prosper and grow from, you will find them. If you look for positive and insightful people that will support you and push you to be your best, you will find them. Then again, if you look for ways to swindle and cheat, you will end up doing just that. If you look for ways to justify leaving your spouse, you will find them. If you look for reasons to hate another, you will find them. It is natural for us to justify what we need or want. If you are not living by lawful standards of integrity, honesty, loyalty, love, and faith, you will be drawn to selfish indulgence, and that leads to misery and unfulfilled dreams. Whatever you have will never be enough. Always look for the good and for ways to help others and you will see that positive things will come from such acts.

Why Most People Rarely Learn Anything New

Person Behind Books

The human brain has an enormous capacity to learn. The paradox is it is filled with blind spots that limit learning capacity. For the most part, you only think the way you were taught to think. In effect, the way you do things is the way you do everything. The way you do things is shaped by the way you see things. The way you see things is shaped by the way you think or your thought process. Your thought process is an amalgamation of your brain's syntax. Your environment shapes your syntax. And your environment gives you the facts of life. Unlearning the learned facts is one of the biggest hurdles people face. And that interferes with personal and professional growth.

People make sense of new information by using existing knowledge and experience. If new information invalidates existing information, the person will defend what they already know, unless there is incontestable proof. In other words, people think the way they think because of the way they already think. Asking people to look at any situation from a new perspective is asking them to alter their brain's syntax. If that syntax is disrupted they will most likely resist. Hence, the incessant desire to disagree. That slows learning of breakthrough information. It is easier for people to add improvements to existing knowledge.

The topic of what we learn is inconsequential. Jean Paul Sartre talks about how people process information or incidents that occur in their lives. If, for example, a five year old is punished for speaking up, they will fear speaking up or resent not being able to speak up. Therefore, as a five year old, they will make a decision based on that one incident to keep their thoughts to themselves or be a rebel and speak up regardless of the consequences.

Irrespective of the choice made at five his or her life will be shaped by it throughout their life. In fact, they will believe it is inappropriate to speak up, if they chose that path. Sartre says once a person believes something is true, they will always seek evidence that their point of view is right. Being right is more important than learning something new. If you try to convince them otherwise, they will recall the countless times they paid a price for speaking up.

In some cases, because they remained silent so often, they may not have developed effective communication skills. As a result, when they speak up, it will be done clumsily and not embraced by others. It will be nearly impossible for them to see they are creating adverse situations by not being able to communicate effectively. If you attempt to teach them to communicate effectively, you will be teaching them on top of the mindset that speaking up has consequences. That is like putting icing on a mud pie.

This example highlights how everyone learns. We make decisions to avoid consequences. While it appears the decision kept us safe, we are stuck with it for the rest of our lives, unless we go through a significant transformation. And sometimes the catalyst for transformation can be temporary.

For example, Meyer Briggs personality assessment was administered to many companies in the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The assessment was administered before the events of 9/11. Shortly after the 9/11 incident the Meyer Briggs assessment was administered again to many of the same people.

In almost every case, their results changed. The catastrophic event had changed personalities and individual outlooks on life. Therefore, it appeared as though they learned to be different people. To see if those changes were sustainable, the companies administered the assessments five years after the incident on 9/11. And the results were amazing. Nearly every person went back to the same personality they had before September 11, 2001. That means their mindset remained the same. The severity of the event temporarily disrupted people's thought processes. However, when things returned to normal, so did their mindset.

So you know what you know because what you know has helped you survive and avoid consequences. Other times what you know gives you access to pleasure. Once you know what you know works, you stick with it. Anything that challenges what you know is difficult to accept because you already have proof that what you know works, even if it is not giving you what you really want. If you want to teach people something new, you first have to disrupt their existing thought processes and help them see themselves and the world from an entirely new perspective. That is where coaching plays a significant role. It is critical to stick with the person to help them make a smooth transition to live in a new paradigm.

Gaining Back Someone's Trust When You've Really Messed Up

Woman in Green Top Lying on a Man's Chest in Bed

Trust is the belief that someone is reliable, good, honest, effective and so on. Gaining someone's trust is precious. It deepens relationships and nurtures respect. But it is very easy to lose that trust especially if you betray it. And it is so difficult to earn that trust back.

The only way to prove that you've changed is by behaving in a trustworthy way, consistently. It's easy to say I'm sorry but actually changing your behavior is where your challenge is. If you have the opportunity to apologize, take it.As long as you consistently refrain from doing such. As long as the person you've hurt is willing to let go, forgive and move on, then your relationship has a good chance of getting back on track and become stronger. Eventually, you'll both become more resilient because of this challenge.

Punishing yourself because you did something unintended isn't the answer. You need to forgive yourself first for messing up before you can treat yourself and others with the care and respect they deserve because trust is like a savings account. When a person shows reliability and dependability over a period of time, it replicates and the trust account gets full and allows a real and rewarding return of investment.

Convincing someone to trust you can be difficult, but even more so after you broke their trust. The best thing that you can do is to apologize sincerely and accept responsibility. If you have wronged someone, the appropriate thing to do is apologize sincerely. Whatever you say, make sure that you mean it because if might only further damage your relationship if you are not serious about your apologies. Accept that consequence of your actions and demonstrate that you know what you did was wrong.

Be dependable. Your words are very important when trying to reestablish trust as well as your actions. You can show that you are trustworthy enough by being dependable. Do what you say you will do. If you promise, fulfill it.Remember, when you're trying to rebuild trust, make sure that you stick to everything that you say you will do, even if it's just making a phone call. Show that you can be counted on.

Another way to show that you are trustworthy is by going the extra mile either in a personal or professional relationship. Taking an extra responsibility shows you are willing to work hard. Maybe you are trying to convince your boss to trust you again.

Be yourself when you are working to regain trust. It is important to demonstrate that you are willing to make changes without trying to completely change your personality.
Don't attempt to change your personality because you lose the trust of someone.Just be you!

Be patient. Remember that the other person might need time to start trusting you again.Do not dwell on the situation. Just move on once you have apologized and started taking steps to repair the trust.

Patience Is Like A River

Close-up Photo of Woman Tying Her white Sneakers on Running Track

When living life, there is nothing to be but patient, understanding and tolerant, because life is up moments and down moments you have to flow with even when you are not in the mood to flow with them. Think about it, then act rationally on the ideas you get. However, the worst thing you can do is to give up on it all like a river unnaturally stopping its flow. Giving up is the worst thing you can do especially when it seems the worst. When it seems the worst, you can change directions like a real river does when boulders fall into it or whatever obstacles to it come up. The best thing you can do is what you need, even when you do not feel like working or whatever, because failure is the ultimate trickster, especially the temporary kind that is permanent seeming. Some of the best successes have come after this "reality" because a person decided not to quit because of the seeming disaster. They somehow saw the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

So, when living life and existing through everything, there is nothing else to be other than patient, understanding, tolerant and reasonably open minded about all things. Open mindedness of the sort I am talking about is the key to the door and the light at the end of the tunnel I speak of. Because some of the most closed minded people quit after that first try if they do not get "lucky" or have good fortune with that great idea at that first try.

If you really want it, you can have it. But first, you must be patient, tolerant and open minded like a flowing river that flows even with obstacles and barriers in it. If one way does not work, try another. If another way does not work, go on. For, the natural river is saner than the unnatural person trying to force something to work that does not work instead of changing course and idea to work with a situation until genuine success is garnered or gained.

I was repetitive in this article, not to "just be repetitive", but to teach an important anger and impatience management skill I have learned over the years and all I have lived. I mean, real success after all is patience, understanding, tolerance and open mindedness as I describe it. Sure, there are other definitions, but for me, that is as naturally beneficial and realistic as it all gets.
"A winner never quits and a quitter never wins."
Napoleon Hill, "Think and Grow Rich"

Goal Setting Tips: The Importance of Personal Goals

Scenic Photo Of Pathway During Daytime

Setting your new goals for a fantastic new year.
Surprisingly Many business owners do not review the success of their year or even set goals to succeed in the new year. Do not let this be you and it is nt too late to not only set some goals for a fabulous period, but have some tips on how others are doing this more successfully.

Here are some excellent ideas on the topic of how to establish goals for any upcoming period or annual goal setting:

  • It is important to actually write them down with a pen or pencil rather than record them in electronic format.
  • Use a pretty and special book. Small enough and easy enough to carry with you on the journey of the year ahead.
  • Tick off what you have achieved as you go through the year
  • Keep a little list of things to do under each of your goals. Having a list makes you more productive and you do not waste time thinking about what you have to do next.
  • Pick a theme for success for the year such as "the year of making it as a $1M turnover business" or a non business goal such as "the year of returning to my ideal weight".
  • Do not set too many goals, keep it to just what you really want.
  • Sharpen the saw before you start cutting. So get strategic on a goal rather than rushing in without a plan.
  • Clarify and crystalise what you really want to achieve and how you want to do it. Have the specific ways you are going to achieve all your goals. Put more time into the weakest areas, but exploit your strengths as well.
  • Create a board with images of where you dream to be.
  • Have immediate as well and long term goals.
  • Make it a plan to spend more time on areas of your life that are getting less results. But at the same time do not weaken your strengths as well.
  • Use a weekly to do list with specific actions that you believe will take you towards yours overall goals.
  • Keep your goals and dreams to yourself or at least only share with someone you know well that will not deter you or distract you.

Balance you life between relationships, work, health, wealth, friends
Use you own words for your goals and dreams not someone else's and set your own standards.

How To Be Open-Minded

deep blue eyes

I showed you that you don't think logically most of the time and you don't observe your reality with objectivity. You have to be open-minded and reasonable.

However, you have inherited many negative tendencies and you cannot simply decide to be open-minded. Your negative tendencies don't let you have a positive attitude.

You tend to be stubborn and think based on subjective arguments.

When you are stubborn you are absurd because you follow the logic of your anti-conscience, which has a logical appearance but is illogical because it is disorganized, misleading, and cruel.

Your anti-conscience justifies the absurd thoughts it sends you based on selfish concepts. Therefore, when you follow these thoughts you disregard your objective reality as it really is. You live in an imaginary world.

Your anti-conscience is a primitive conscience that can understand only what is bad. It doesn't understand the meaning of goodness and it doesn't believe in happiness. By following its thoughts you will end up in terror and despair, but you believe that your evil self is smart. You don't understand that it is idiotic and self-destructive.

You have to stop following the absurd thoughts sent by your satanic anti-conscience in order to be able to think logically. You cannot accept having a stubborn attitude.

Your anti-conscience doesn't need to justify your stubbornness, since it makes you like to be evil. It makes you like to make everyone suffer because of your negative attitude, without a reason.

Whenever you are stubborn you are controlled by your evil nature. The demon you have inherited in your brain replaces your ego.

Instead of accepting the demon's absurdity, you have to tame this monster and transform it into a human being.

When you examine your reality you believe that you are in an unfair situation.

Why should a poor human being like you have to tame a terrible demon?

I told you many times that it is not your fault if you have inherited a terrible demon in your brain, but the truth is that you are a demon who received a human conscience from God in order to be transformed into a human being.

This means that you originally were only a terrible demon, but God gave you the chance to become a human being by giving you a conscience that thinks based on human standards. So, you are not in an unfair situation. You have the obligation to use your conscience in order to transform your personality.

You have to recognize that you have to learn how to think logically and you have to respect your moral principles.

If you will be stubborn and refuse to evolve you will face the tragic consequences of this mistake in the future. So, it will be your fault if you will let the demon that lives in your brain destroy your conscience and you will never become really human.

You will have many mental health problems, and a tragic destiny. You won't use God's gift in order to evolve and become a saint.

You will never be able to abandon the vicious circle of hatred and revenge and live in a hell.

You must be afraid to be stubborn because stubbornness is a satanic attitude that destroys your conscience and your life.

When you are stubborn you have an illogical attitude that is justified by erroneous concepts and is imposed by your evil nature.

You must learn how to avoid being stubborn through dream analysis, even though you have the absurd tendency to be unreasonably obstinate.

God helps you understand the importance of flexibility thanks to the messages He sends you in your dreams.

You must avoid having the negative reactions imposed by your evil self. You must have human reactions based on goodness and compassion in order to become more intelligent and evolve.

You are used to think based on your anti-conscience's rational level, but you must think based on a higher level of consciousness in order to find peace and happiness.

The Strongest Amongst Us Are Not Applauded For Their Growth, Yet Bloom In Silence


Grappling With The Dark Night Of The Soul

Who are you in your quietest moments when no one is looking? How do you feed your soul when you experience pain and heartache? A wildflower by the side of the road endures the elements and yet blooms in silence. Therefore, strength is gained when others are oblivious to our struggles because we choose to feed our soul with nourishment. During such a moment we experience a shift in awareness that marks the mental landscape of who we will become. I'm reminded of the passage by the Zimbabwean author and poet, Billy Chapata who wrote: "The strongest ones bleed in silence. Have no one applauding their growth. Have no one watching their healing process. They bloom in silence."

Take a moment to reflect upon the growth taken place in your own life. What events or circumstances have shaped your development? Did you resist it at first, yet realise it was exactly what was needed for your personal growth? As you may know, growth is never linear, we may experience one step forward and two steps back. However, if we dwell upon our setbacks, we are not seeing the entire picture, but judging the fragmented pieces of a puzzle that will eventually come together.

Personal growth is an arduous journey lined with moments of despair, interspersed with joyous ones. This journey called life is a voyage of highs and lows. There is never a time when everything is smooth sailing because that would mean remaining idle and not developing our greatest strength. Perhaps we shouldn't cling to the good times but appreciate them when they arrive. I believe life is not meant to be a sea of happiness nor the depths of despair. Our journey is a transient tale of dualities, so we can experience our true nature amongst the peaks and valleys.

For example, has life been a series of good and bad times or is it smooth sailing? I'm yet to meet anyone who claims life has been easy-going. Even the wealthy with their material riches encounter problems. No one is immune to the ravages of life. Though, how we respond to our circumstances determines our level of growth or whether we remain mired in our problems. The strongest amongst us wrestle and toil with the fabric of their existence in silence, some of them grappling with the dark night of the soul. They bleed in silence. They bloom in silence and emerge stronger than before, for their wounds are sacred gifts to themselves and others. It is what spiritual author Matt Kahn means when he writes in Everything Is Here to Help You: A Loving Guide to Your Soul's Evolution: "To alter someone's experience is much like continually moving the seeds planted, hoping to find a more ideal spot for growth. Each time a seed is moved, the growing process is interrupted and disturbs the roots that are meant to sprout along their own rhythm of time."

Meet Others With Kind-Heartedness

We all have our cross to bear. Some of us carry heavier burdens than others but this does not diminish their self-worth. In fact, their spiritual path may be greater than others because of the challenges they face. So if we stumble across those experiencing hardship, instead of judging them, we may like to send them a quiet blessing. Because in the solitude of their existence they endure pain and suffering we take for granted. They do not need our sympathy nor do they need our judgement. Their pain and suffering is more than enough. What they need is thoughts of love and compassion. A Buddhist saying I often recite when I learn of someone's pain is: "May you be safe. May you be peaceful. May you be healthy. May you live with ease." Through this simple declaration I send them loving thoughts because what I wish for them, I wish for myself. I meet them from a place of kind-heartedness because I recognise their humanity, knowing our souls walk different paths. I remind myself they are not less worthy but they have chosen earthly experiences that demand greater growth.

It's no secret: how we treat others reflects in how we treat ourselves. The greatest gift I can offer myself is to treat others with compassion even if I can't do anything for them. It was the Dalai Lama who once said: "If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them." If they need to suffer in silence, we ought to allow them the space to find their strength and courage. It is their path, and ours is not to judge nor castigate them but greet them with kindness and humility. The strongest amongst us suffer in silence because in those moments when they are grappling with their inner demons, they are close to awakening their inner power.,-Yet-Bloom-In-Silence&id=9988360

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success

Boy Rising Up His Hand Wearing Black Cape

How would you describe visualization and more importantly how can it be used? There is a lot of information about visualization these days and to many it may seem confusing. It's more than concentration, different than meditation and not a belief connected to religion. Here is a brief explanation of visualization and how it can be used.

What Is It?

Visualization involves seeing yourself in certain situations with the expectation that the final result will happen in reality. When you engage in visualization, you concentrate on something you want to achieve and imagine yourself achieving it. Many say this process heightens your awareness to the things around you that describe and pertain to your visions. This is said to make you more open in order to recognize opportunities and receive them into your life.

Sources say that the brain is wired so that you become what you focus on. This explains, in part, why people are so focused on what they don't want to do and end up doing them anyway. What you think about is usually what you become, whether positive or negative. Students of visualization resist the negative slant of this mental process and turn it into a more positive outlook to life.

How Is Visualization Used?

Visualization can be used to achieve anything you like. However, it is generally applied to gain an end result for personal circumstances and situations.

* Relationships - It is said that visualization can help relationships. Perhaps you could see yourself in a happy marriage and start a family with your ideal soul mate. Maybe you can visualize improving an existing relationship that has hit a rocky patch. Maybe you have visions of your dream home and can see you and your family living in idyllic harmony by just knowing what your clear vision portrays.

* Business - A lot of successful businessmen and women attribute their success to visualization, by setting out their vision without doubt and knowing what the end result would be long before they achieve it. Visualizing business success has been credited with increased income, more clients, and a strong sense of self-belief and confidence. The latter, being the most important part of knowing your own destiny.

* Self-Image - Visualization can be used in improving your self-image. Using visualization techniques, you can imagine what you will become and how you will achieve it by seeing yourself as a confident, competent, popular person that people warm to. Hopefully, these visions will then begin to play out in real life, starting a cycle of building self-confidence and turbo boosting your self-esteem.

How Do You Do It?

When you practice visualization, there is a lot more to it than just daydreaming. When you seriously visualize the idea of creating life changes, you need to be specific to your goals and future success path. Your visualizations need to be targeted toward those specific goals. Try writing them down or even drawing them, in order to bring clarity and focus, which will infuse more energy and vividness into your vision.

When you visualize reaching your goals and dreams, you are meant to imagine the very smells, sounds, and feelings that surround what they are. The brain is said to show no difference to the line between imagination and reality, believing that it is an actual event and so enhancing the possibility that your personal visual scenario will come true, when you decide to act upon it.

Why You Need to Forgive Even If It's Hard - Letting Go of Anger, Resentment and Grudges

Portrait 2

"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves." ~ Buddha

What if you found out that a trusted school teacher abused your child? How do you prevent anger from overtaking you and destroying everything beautiful in your life like weeds suffocating the flowers of our gardens?

In the post "How to Control Anger in Under One Minute" we looked at three simple steps to prevent ourselves from bursting into the incredible hulk when conflict arises. We examined everyday annoyances such as traffic and the weather.

But what about the deep seeded anger that courses through our veins for years locking us in an ugly prison of resentment, grudges and hate?

If we are honest don't we all have some deep seeded grudge towards someone or something? A heavy heart, lost loved one, or a belief that we have been treated unfairly? If you do, you need to hear this, your family needs you to hear this.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." ~ Buddha

There are a lot of quotes floating around such as this, but we rarely hear WHY anger isn't good for you, just that's its bad. Do you ever just want to say to whoever "they" are, "OK I get it, anger is like a poisonous snake, now tell my why it's bad for me and how I can fix it."


1. Health problems; anger can cause the following:
•Headaches and chronic pain
•Insomnia and a higher tendency for alcohol and drug abuse
•Stress, depression and anxiety
•High blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke
•Skin problems
•It also leads to diminished friendships

2. Unhealthy outbursts:

Anger can consume you to the point that you have explosive episodes. You may hurt your loved one with physical and verbal abuse and isolate yourself from friends and family. This can lead to low self esteem and manipulation in our relationships.

3. Bottled Repression:

Bottled anger turns to depression and anxiety. It can also lead to venting at innocent parties such as your children, spouse or pet.

There is no question anger is only harming you and your family. Dwelling on past injustices have no effect on the present other than causing you pain. Being angry will not bring back a lost loved one or mend your broken heart. If you can't let it go you might face these undesirable consequences for the rest of your life.

Meet Jane Doe. She is a friend of mine who recently discovered her husband had been cheating, in an instant her dreams were snatched from her.

On the outside she seemed to be coping but on the inside she was consumed with fury and rage. At the age of 36 she was nearing the end of her fertile window and she blamed her husband for her broken life, she was now alone and childless. This blame kept her locked in her present misery. Her negative thoughts crowded out any positive ones until she was swallowed up by bitterness. She was left an empty shell.

Jane was consumed with thoughts of revenge, resentment and hurt which seeped into her new relationships. She didn't take the time to ask her mind what is the real problem here? Why am I really angry? What am I afraid of?

Jane had the mistaken notion that happiness was dependent upon her husband loving her. Once he was gone Jane didn't think there was anything left, her entire self identity was wrapped around him.

Attachment will only bring us suffering because all things we are attached to we can and will eventually lose.

My Buddhist teacher is always saying: "May you be happy." If you truly love someone you will recognize they aren't your property, one day you will have to leave them. If they choose to leave you before death arrives, you can feel saddened by the loss but you won't crumble because you know that happiness comes from yourself.

This may be difficult but you can still wish someone happiness, even if they hurt you.

Some of you may be ready to debate that some forms of anger are healthy. So a valid question to ask: Is Anger Healthy? Pop psychology suggests bashing your fists into pillows may be beneficial but Buddhist teachings consider that even that is feeding your emotion of anger. I can hear you saying c'mon; I can't even take my frustrations out on a pillow?

Don't Feed Anger

The only neutralizer for anger is compassion; verbal or physical violence only feeds the seeds of anger, it doesn't get it out of your system it creates a stronger emotion.

Wouldn't it be a relief to break out of stressful prison anger keeps us bound to?

Do you sometimes feel like you're on a revolving wheel repeating the same habits, thinking one day you will change? The truth is that we all have the ability to experience inner peace; with psychological counselling on mindfulness, meditation and reflection we will learn valuable skills of mindful awareness.

I read this quote, and my apologizes but I don't have the source. I still want to share it because it really stuck with me. "The recognition that a person can choose emotional well being - even when things don't turn out the way we want it - is the cornerstone of mental heath."

Forgiving is hard but it can be done. Identity your feelings, what you were attached to and what you lost.

Peaceful mind, peaceful life. Anger will stomp all over you if you let it. Life doesn't always turn out the way we want, it can be really tough, but we must choose acceptance. In a small ship rolling across a violent storm, anger will make you seasick. Accept the storm and you will find peace amidst even the strongest waves.


Forgiveness can change your life. It doesn't mean you have forgotten the past. It doesn't mean you have to keep someone in your life. It just means that you have decided to move on that you are ready to be happy.

1. Explore your emotions of hurt and the underlying fear attached to them. Anger stems from a sense of helplessness. Commit to change

2. Seek professional help - You don't have to do this alone. There are many professionals who are trained to help you overcome these difficult emotions.

3. Develop empathy - if someone you love was abused or hurt can you try to put yourself in the violator's shoes?

4. Forgiving is not forgetting - remember it and then let it go. Its about acceptance of what is.

5. Think about your family. Consider the negative effects anger is having on your loved ones.

6. Rely on facts. - The fact is that being angry cannot change the present situation.

7. Write down three good things that came from the negative situation. From every situation you can find some positive outcomes. Whether it be you made a new friend or learned something new about yourself.

8. Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance. Let it go

9. Live in the moment. Practice mindfulness - be continually present with whatever experience you are having. Mindfulness will bring you into the present moment and away from the mind's incessant chatter. Don't give yourself an opportunity to dwell and exaggerate.

10. Take up a meditation practice; visualize anger leaving your body and being replaced with a peaceful white light; imagine the healthy effects this will have on your health and relationships.

Please read this excerpt fully, it is one of the most empowering things I have ever read: This is from the Bill Clinton story about Nelson Mandela:

"Mandela made a grand, elegant, dignified exit from prison and it was very, very powerful for the world to see. But as I watched him walking down that dusty road, I wondered whether he was thinking about the last 27 years, whether he was angry all over again. Later, many years later, I had a chance to ask him. I said, 'Come on, you were a great man, you invited your jailers to your inauguration, you put your pressures on the government. But tell me the truth. Weren't you really angry all over again?' And he said, 'Yes, I was angry. And I was a little afraid. After all I've not been free in so long. But,' he said, 'when I felt that anger well up inside of me I realized that if I hated them after I got outside that gate then they would still have me.' And he smiled and said, 'I wanted to be free so I let it go.' It was an astonishing moment in my life. It changed me."

If Nelson Mandela can let go of years of unjust imprisonment, we can all work towards living a more peaceful life.,-Resentment-and-Grudges&id=7930342