
Principles of Performance

Woman in Yellow Long sleeve Standing Under the Sunlight

I have written several articles that cover the principles of self-development. I am a true believer that self-development is the key to success. Much of success is about taking action. In many cases, principles of performance have a lot to do with what you do and what you are able to encourage others to do. There are many principles that I use on a constant basis and will continue to use them until they are no longer effective. The number one principle that should be addressed if you are wanting to be successful would be to focus, focus, focus. Most people lose their focus and that is why they are not able to complete anything they pursue.

I am a true believer that for anyone to be successful they need to have the right attitude. A negative attitude has never gotten anyone anywhere but rejected and left out. Expect positive things to happen in your life when your attitude is positive. What you put out is what you get back in most cases. It's like looking in a mirror. Your attitude determines your altitude.

Now, the attitude I am writing about is not falsely manufactured to impress or manipulate others. The attitude that I am addressing would be a true positive attitude that resides deep down inside your soul. The positive attitude I am talking about would be the attitude that oozes from your pores when you wake-up in the morning and stays with you all day long. You know the attitude I am talking about; the attitude that is part of who you are at your core.

If you have a bad attitude, this would be a reflection of who you are inside your soul. If you want to change your attitude, you would first have to change what resides deep down in your soul. If your soul is battered, tattered, and torn, you may want to ask the Lord for His assistance. He can heal a broken soul only if you allow Him to. You will want to ask for an Attitude that can support love, kindness, joy, goodness, and corrective discipline. When you are truly thankful and grateful you will find that a positive attitude will flow from you. And I promise you that it will be noticed by everyone you encounter.

Here is a pet-peeve that drives me nuts. People that make promises and don't keep them. Far too many people make promises they can't keep. They may have good intentions when making a promise, but they don't realize by making a promise that they don't keep taints who they are. No matter what happens in your life your words will stand the test of time. People can take all physical possessions from you, but they can't take your knowledge or your word from you. If your word means nothing, you are nothing. No one will take you seriously. If you do make a promise, you will want to make a plan to fulfill it. If you make a future commitment, you must grasp how important it is to follow through with your promise. You should be willing to do whatever it takes to complete your obligation. The reason why so many relationships fail would be due to all parties involved not understanding what it takes to have a wonderful relationship. They do not plan for or understand the sacrifices each must make for the relationship to flourish and work.

Let me bring up something positive to share with you. In general, we usually get from others and ourselves what we expect. The law of expectancy is very powerful. If you don't know what you want, 99.9% of the time you will never obtain it. You must take aim at what you want if you expect to hit your target. Blind men and women don't make good knife throwers. I'm sure you would agree. A very successful friend of mine shared this with me; "you will either live up to your expectations or fall short of them. If you expect nothing, you usually end up with nothing. You should know that something from nothing leaves nothing. If you expect to be mediocre then don't expect anything more than average. If you expect to feel bad, you will feel bad. It is a fact that you are what you think about all the time. So, with that being said, if you expect to feel wonderful there will be nothing standing in your way of feeling that way. And always know that if it is possible for you to feel that way, it is also possible for others to feel that way.

The difference between mediocre employees and exceptional employees would be the training they receive. The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not train them and keep them. That sounds like an axiom I heard many years ago; "what is worse than a person that can't read, that would be a person that can read and won't." When you think of training as practice and preparation, it makes you wonder how people survive that do not practice and prepare. It is a must that people invest in themselves. In essence, people that do not prepare and invest in their ability don't make the grade. If you want to improve and move from good to excellent, you will want to adopt a rigorous training program and stick to it.

Finally, you will want to seek out what you want in life. If you look for the good things in life, you will find them. If you look for opportunities to prosper and grow from, you will find them. If you look for positive and insightful people that will support you and push you to be your best, you will find them. Then again, if you look for ways to swindle and cheat, you will end up doing just that. If you look for ways to justify leaving your spouse, you will find them. If you look for reasons to hate another, you will find them. It is natural for us to justify what we need or want. If you are not living by lawful standards of integrity, honesty, loyalty, love, and faith, you will be drawn to selfish indulgence, and that leads to misery and unfulfilled dreams. Whatever you have will never be enough. Always look for the good and for ways to help others and you will see that positive things will come from such acts.

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