
Patience Is Like A River

Close-up Photo of Woman Tying Her white Sneakers on Running Track

When living life, there is nothing to be but patient, understanding and tolerant, because life is up moments and down moments you have to flow with even when you are not in the mood to flow with them. Think about it, then act rationally on the ideas you get. However, the worst thing you can do is to give up on it all like a river unnaturally stopping its flow. Giving up is the worst thing you can do especially when it seems the worst. When it seems the worst, you can change directions like a real river does when boulders fall into it or whatever obstacles to it come up. The best thing you can do is what you need, even when you do not feel like working or whatever, because failure is the ultimate trickster, especially the temporary kind that is permanent seeming. Some of the best successes have come after this "reality" because a person decided not to quit because of the seeming disaster. They somehow saw the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

So, when living life and existing through everything, there is nothing else to be other than patient, understanding, tolerant and reasonably open minded about all things. Open mindedness of the sort I am talking about is the key to the door and the light at the end of the tunnel I speak of. Because some of the most closed minded people quit after that first try if they do not get "lucky" or have good fortune with that great idea at that first try.

If you really want it, you can have it. But first, you must be patient, tolerant and open minded like a flowing river that flows even with obstacles and barriers in it. If one way does not work, try another. If another way does not work, go on. For, the natural river is saner than the unnatural person trying to force something to work that does not work instead of changing course and idea to work with a situation until genuine success is garnered or gained.

I was repetitive in this article, not to "just be repetitive", but to teach an important anger and impatience management skill I have learned over the years and all I have lived. I mean, real success after all is patience, understanding, tolerance and open mindedness as I describe it. Sure, there are other definitions, but for me, that is as naturally beneficial and realistic as it all gets.
"A winner never quits and a quitter never wins."
Napoleon Hill, "Think and Grow Rich"

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